A CHdnl& rewspanerPublished in the Interest jof JBJJeopie and or Honesty in Governmental Affairs. THE FtOWEKS COtUCTKBt 3: 4- VOL. VIII NO. 49 Salisbury, n. Omednesdayovember 20th. 1912, WM. H; STtWAtfEoiTOrr ... . . vlf "'" ' " V." IT . . fe-. . . KILLED AT KANNAPOUS Edwa.d L. Lino Met Instant Dea'h Noen Friday - Edward L. Linn, of Landi. a carpenter, about 60 yearsof age, was killed instantly at Kannapolfe Friday morning, a f eftr ipinutes before 12 o'clock. Mr. Linn was ftoing carpenter work at the mills at Kannapolis at the time., He was killed in the hlHflp.herv where some repair work was being done. A large wood beam was being hoisted in place by means of ropes when Mr. Linn walked under the beam and just as he was unier the big piece of timber the ropes broke and the beam fell striking, him on the head and fracturing al mrvaf fttfrtrV hone 1U it, CaUSS LUWW in instant death. Mr: Linn had been working at Kanna nolis for several months and was finishing up his work inrv to leaving that day. Bd was working jn an other part of the building and was not helping with the beam but for some reason .or other he had occasion to a&s under the beam just at the time the accident occured, causing his untimely death. The deceased was a citizeu of Landis and has many friends who will regret to learn of 11ID JjLWUV.. .. ' Hiking ArrangeiB'.Bts foe Big Meeting. -L B. Padgett is now in the city u'd has taken charge of the ar rangements for the big convention that will be held here December 8, 4 and 5 by the Laymen's mission ary committee of this. city , Mr. Padgerti came ffaoo DatBam where he has joitcksed:the bniiness of the first of five of these oouvan tious to be held in the State this year. The Salisbury convention will bs the second, and it is the intention of the Salisbury com mittee to make it the biggest of the five. The sessions aro to be held in the First Presbyterian church and a large number of del egatos are expected to be present. The convention c ffioors are : H. A Rouzer, chairman; B. F. Stev enson, vice chairman ; Cpt, Rich ard Henderson, secretary ; W. F. Snider, treasurer. The publicity committee oon ists of J. H. Warbarton, of Rock ingham, N, C, chairman; J. F. Hurley. P. H. Wiley, A. H. Snider. - Deputation committee: J ihn S. Henderson, chairman; P. S. Carlton, E. B. Neave, A. L. Smoot, A. B. Saleeby. Entertainment committee: M. C. Qiinn, chairman ; O. W. Spen cr, Geo. W. Wright, J. A. Jones, .Oe C. Fisher. Frank R. Brown. Statistics committee: Prof. T T. Allen, chairman; B B Miller, Walter Tatum . - ' H'inanc committee : Dr. John Whitehead, chairman;- T, B. B own, J. M. McC rkle, JaB. D. H ilig, R. B Bmtain, J. E. Hen lessee, CM. Hendeilit, N. W, C llett, O. D. Davis, S. F. Lord. H. N. Woodson, R Linn Bern hardt. Milk ice Blocks !o Cool Milk An unusual method cf preparing "tfor long distance shipping been adc ptetJ in the Broziiiai. vince Miuas Geraes, from ch Rio de Janeiro draws m?Bt ? milk supply. Part , of the sli pasteurized milk (m -fourth :e-third) is frozen into solid b s,we.ighing from 20 to 80 lb. m h P w o f t o eih,anda number of them are p is din cans, having insulated wi !- and holding about 300 qt The cans are then filed with m V hermetically closed, and tBe who U cooled to 89 deg F. It is sa hat milk shipped after snob t-- .neut will stand a journey of 15 t 20 days without injurious eff c.-From the December Popu lar Mechanics Magazine. Winter Press Aoclttioo. ' TXQcutive committee of the iHjar liCa; Trees Assdciaoa Met Wednesday An Saliabnry fef ?Tejt the date, fot the winter i . -a b that city, aodtcqaaka aV rst. lebts for it.-" were , present MessB. J. .HSJijae, of the ABheVillXfitj- zeafE, M Philips, of the Q'tmii borbNjws ; K . R Clark, of Satesville Daudmark, and. J'.B. Sherrpl, of 'theC)iicord Times It was decided to hold the meet iug on edudy and "ThnrscUy, Dcicember ;pdi42. J 'v B a s i n s s 's e s 8 i opu -i.w i 1 r ; 7 held eaoh msruiDgaod the aftsrnooDS and veni&gi wfbe givti over to local entertainment. A trip will l)e made by (jpgcial, train to tho great Whitney dam ou Wednes day aftruoouiaud on- Wednesday evening a smoker wQl be given. On Thursday afternoon the edi torial party will taken through he Spenoer railroad shops, and in the eveoirg a, banquet will be iveu at the Empire Hotel. The heaiqnarters of the Association vill be at. the Empire, where a rate ef $2.00 per day has beenl'se jared . Salisbury i3 "anxious to hve the edit rs and will do every. poBsibleifeo make the meet i ig one of the most delightful ver held Concord Times. California Still in Doubt. Los Angeles, Nov. 18. The first test in court of the presidential vote in Los Angeles County upon the outcome of which hangs the political complexion of Caii fornia's delegation' to the electoral college came - up here today in mandamus pro ceedings. v The issue was the vote in electors received a 'plurality of more than 1,000 votes which the Democrats declare should be thrown out be cause the board of supervisors opened the. sealed envelopes containing the tally sheets and corrected them prior to the day set by law for the of-J ficial canvass. The supervisors 1 do not deny that the envelopes were opened and corrections made but they assert that the re turns proper were not tam pered with. While the Democrats won one point, that of j urisdictiou, Justice Allen postponed the case until later. Business People Leave. Quite a number of business people and citizens of the county are leaving Salisbury and the county for som reason. Only last Saturday night E S. Sam pson, v sales manager of the Leland Com pany, the owners of the large granite finishing plant in this city, left for New York where he will in the future conduct the sales department of that company. He carried Lwith him the two assistants who were with him in the office here. It seems a pity our organized boosters ata powerless to prevent this exodus. The Meredith Hosier Mill. The Meredith Hosiery Manufac turing Company begn operation iset Tuesday. The ew plant will he uncer the management of Will U. Horah, a native of Salisbury, and will employ abmt fifteen hands to start with. It ib a small but new enterpriie for Salisbury, aud the prospects are that more machinery will be installed before many months. The company will make balf.hose, ladies and misses ribbed goods. The Watchman wishes the enterprise abundant success. mi 'iJDLMtarilLE AT WASHINSTO I Brpufilleii Jimk lor Sale. Nolle? of a Public Auction. March 5tb, 1913. Our lea?e with Uncle v Sam having practically expired, land having decided to retire to private life, wef the underx signed, will offer for sale, at oUr residence, National Capi tol, Washington, D. C, March 5th, 1913, the follow ing described property, to wit: . ;: - (a) One 'elephant, about 40 yearsld and has the foot rot. (b) Qneset of injunctions and high cost of living, old enough to' wean; sired by Goldbugs and . damned by everybody. (c) une Dig suck, some ¬ what worn from over use. (d) One Republican ma chine, somewhat out of re pair. ' - (e) One financial system well supplied with clearing house certificates and very little cash. (f) A large quantity of G. O. P. bric-a-brac, consisting of old dinner pails, grandpa hats, coon skins, Teddy bears, Taf t smiles, and other things to numerous to mention. This sale will positively take place on the above day and date, regardless of weather and everything will be closed out on that date. Toast Crow will be served by the Old Boys' Republican Club. Everybody, regardless of past political servitude is in vited. This stuff must be clearei away. -.-Terms- Cash before remov ing property. JOE CANNON. " Auctioneer. Col. Rockefeller, J P. Mor gan, Vanderbilt, managers. Tobascus Teddy Roosevelt, Clerk. N. B. The Chicago steam roller will be included in the above sale. The Winston-Salem Sen tinel seems to have received tne fee for publishing the abova notice of sale. A New Baptist Bible for The Baptists. Philadelphia, Nov. 18 jWhat is regarded as a mostfradical ver sion of the Holy Bible was placed on sale heretoda? at the Ameri can Baptist Publ:cation society roomi It is a Baptist Bible for Baptists only, aud muoh of the old text has been entirely changed. In that portion of the New Testa ment whore the conversation of the Savior is described in place of us ing the Greek "baptise" the liter al translation "immerse" is used, so as to conform with Baptist teachings that Christ went down into the water for the baptism. All the arohaio for us of the King James and Revis?d Vtrsions have been entirely eliminated. The new BiHe is called the "Im proved Version, and is distinctly diffareut from the old Scriptures. Practically no other church but the Baptist will be abU t) use it, because it interprets the Scrip tures to mean solely whit the Bap tist church teaohes Porto Rico's New Wonder. From far away Porto Rico come reports ot a wonderful new dis covery that is believed will vastly benefit thepeople. Ramon T. Marchan, of Barceloneta, writes Dr. King's New Discovery is do ing splendid work here. It cured me. about five times of terrible coughs and colds, also my brother of a severe cold in his chest and more than 20 others, who used it on my advice. We hope this great medicine will yet be sold in every drug store in Porto Rico." For throat apd lung troubles it has no equal. A trial will convince you of its merit, 50c and $1.00 Tri al bottle free. Guaranteed by All Druggists. WHALARE WE TO EXPECT? Unlrmlty is a RicU Man's; Collage and i fobs ibe Poor of Air Equal wanes. The election has come nd gone, the ballots have' beeti counted and the reports have, been made From these reports "we;,l8arnthat the Democrats take charge of the niticna'. as wellt as retain the Stat an an s. In tho State we expect no im prove men ts iu the) way " f legis lation. Our StatelawiTjare not re spected, in fact , we fthink they were not made to fee kept. If al of them were kept there weuld be much trouble, for. in many cases there are conflicting laws. The truth of the 'matter is, about every time a law ie tinkered with it is madi worse, Our public school law f :r instance is nothing but a bundle of contradictions. A concrete example of thifl it, where the 'aw says in regard to, the for mation of new school districts, no district shall be made with Jess than 65 soholan, npr another ieft with less than that number. Now in one county, we knowr of three instances where tne- law nag oeen vi )Utvd. i ne la v 8ipuiac9s tnai ail shall have equal advantages. There is not a citizen to be found w th a sane mind, who will de- ny t&3 iact mat were is qib- crimination in the disbursement of school funds. In the way of giving teachers certificates there is discrimination. In-1 paying of techerB salaries there is discrimi nation. For instance, a Soperin-t-adeut's or a sohool boardmau's daughter should not have better pa than the daughter .with equal or superior oaaiineatiouB ot tne numblescitueu of the county. The establishment of State high school, paying fancy amounts to certain, advanced com munities instead of Jgoine ' into . - . . . hose districts where he schools tire the p6orest,m belping them up, Is the order of tfie day. ThiB" is not "equal rights to all, and special privileg s to none, this not giving a "square deal" to every man. Tnis is net encourag ing universal popular education. Appropriating large sunos to the State Uuiversity, and maintain- ug there an ius itution at public expense, doing college worK, in direct opposition to the Oharch schools of the State is a menace to the denominational iLstitutions We are not opposed to the State maintaining a University in the sfcriot sense -of the term, to do University wort, nut we are un-x alterably opposed to taking th? children's money and giving $$00 per annum to one who can attend the University and only $1.50 to the child who must be satisfied with the very poor free school . Aain, ah extra tax is laid on the citizens of the rural districts to purchase an almost new set of bjoks selected by individuals whom we believe to be prompt ed in their choice of books not by tbe txsellent qualities of those selected, but for some other reas on. New books? Yes we believe that re must keep up with the t:mei in books, as well.as improv ed machit ery, but we want to get them as we get machinery, the very best for the least price. Now as to the books, we desire to say further, that while the State educational department has presumed to select the books, they have failed to make proper arrangements for the satisfactory distribution of them. Many peo pie think that tbe local booksel ler is making a big profit on the books. He makes 10 per cent,, on what money he takes in, nothing when he exchanges for the ex change. Now this 10 per cont. but little more than pays the freight or express. These books must be ordered from six or eight differ ent publishing houses. When one of the kiuds of books exhausts, there is nothing to do but' send in a rush order by express for the short, on this lot the. book man loses money. When the school season is over no more school books wanted until next season. The left over books represent PREACHER UMFROCKEO. Lexington Baptists Expel Former Pastor J T Jeokios Lexington, , Nov. "14. At the regular monthly business meeting of the, Lexington Baptist Church last night,- former Pastor John Thomas Jenkins Was expelled from church membership, after being denied a letter of dismissal, for which he had applied. The ac tion of thchurchbrings to light a sensational story that has been kept; pretty well under cover or the past three or four months. Mr. Jeukins resigned his pastor ae here very suddenly last July and has .since moved to Kansas City, Mo. Letters of dismissal had been granted to members of his family who had belouged to the local church, bus his!own re quest for a letter had been denied once or twice, owing to the fact that he was notconsidered iu go'C standing with this church. The cause of Mr. Jenkins' undo ing, it is alleged, was a lette. written by him to a young wo man in New York City. Thi etter was improperly addressed and could not be delivered Bari:;g no return card it was sent to'tbe:dead letter offhe. Exam ination there revealed no nn c r sender, but it happened that M: Jenkins had enclosed inthn letter to the woman a letter from one of the Baptist leaders of the State, commending bis work here The dead letter offiioe forwarded -the etter to this Baptist leader and in tnis way tne information reached the members of the local. church. He was summon'sd' be- ore a body of Baptist members iu Raleigh last June, charged with bis wrong-doing and rcqited hot only tolgive up his work bf but to quit. the Baptist ministry. This he agreed to do and his re iguation followed. At the tis?-3 comparatively few of bis members knew of w and all were asioB'oded when the revelation came. The vote last night on his ex- pulsion was five to one in favor of it and shows beyond doubt the fueling of tbe church toward their former leader. . B. Sberrill for Concord Postmastershlp. Concord, Nov. 15, Since the election of a Democratic President there has been much speculation here as to who would be a candidate for postmaster at the local postoffice. No announcement has been made by any candK date but for the past several days the triends of J. B. Slier rill, editor ot The Concord Daily Tribune and Concord Times, have been advocating his candidacy. Mr. Sherrill has made no announcement that he will make an effort to secure the plum but it is generally understood that he will be a candidate. Mr. Shirrill was postmaster here under Cleveland's second ad ministration. dead oapital. There is here a mat ter of several hundred dollars with no interest. Don't jump on your bookseller for any shortage or change of books there may be. He can't help it. The truth of the matter is he is simply keeping books for accommodation. Now all this should be different. The State should arrange with the sev eral publishers to have a deposi tory in each county in, the Statb, and it would not be too much to pay the man who will bother wif h the 10 per cent., the books left being the stcck or property of the publishers. What shalJ we expect with ref erence to taxs? Will they be re duoed or raised? Shall we expect better times or worse times than we have? These are questions of great. importance, and questions that interest every one. Let us not expect too much. Radical ohaLges would not be conducive to the. well being of the, people. But certain changes we do look for. Albemarle Ohonicle. Tbe Result lo Daridson For president Wilson's vote was 2,484, Taf t 1,509, Roose velt 1,143. For governor Craig's vote was 2,505, Settle 2,1J8, Meare8 567. For Con gress RfDon Laws, republi can, 55 more votes than Page, democrat. . For the state senate R. E. Little and Wade H. Phillips, democrats, were defeated. Ivey GL Thomas, democrat? was electe.d to the house of representatives" O. C. Shaw, of Dento&r demo crat, was elected eherifflftyl 52 votes; Walter S. Anderson, democrat, was elected Tgjf' of deeds; E. A. Rdtnrdck; democrat, was re-elected treasurer; John W. Ma democrat, was elected sur- veyor; Dr. J. W. Peacock republican, was;-" re-elected iorouei ; A. D Hiatt, D. S. Sicelofl aud A. d Smith. epublicans, were elected ounty commissioners. ill? Sonthxa ;ii&isfifi Apparalos. The shoo aiid vards of thp Southern Rii'way Company at Spencer have i been 'supplied' witb unampion-, ugimitm .ecgines . for fl rel'fec ip ih e:-engiu es are, m antii acturedithe1 ; Aaeifioan La Froice;Fije" ' EUe'Odpany and aheyXlyoh with bi- carboffat so4an'Bii)hunc acid. are monntsWSii ivnakTR-wA suited to the neipit!ie yards racks, hosei ? nOMtieawrftnftltsx. etc.. and will be a vaiuabie-aenm. siou o ne nre ngnung quio- 1. f A. l CS A. I A. I I iwjus I'nae oouinern were. i-'ts pccinn I U WOVVIVK Washington, Nov. 10. Both Champ Clark, speaker of the House and William J. Bryan' aj rove, of Governor Wilson's r,an- froimcemwt lhatihe iUc84 a special session of Congress. Mr. Bryan said that he thought the reasoning of Governor Wilson for an extra session sound, an4 Speaker Clark said, "the people will approve of Governor Wilson's action.'.' For rheumatic pains or neural gia rub the parts affected with DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. It penetrates the flesh and relieves pain. For sore throat gargle with the fluid diluted with water. For flesh wounds, burns scalds, or soresapply it direct t fch imnnd. Tt hfti. nnir.kiv ... - For a cramp, colic or dysentery take it internally in water. It quickly corrects the trouble. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by. all droggists . X Caibila Light Use on a Train. . D. R. Efird, an employe of the Norwood branch of the Southern Railway, has arranged a carbide headlight, which is being used on that branch of the road in backing the passenger train out of Whit ney at night. The light is simi lar to an automobile headlight, is mounted on a portable platform with generator attached, and makes a brilliant light. So far aB is known, it is the only carbide light used in such a manner, Mr. Efird has been oomplimented by the Southern officials on bis ar rangement. How's This? We 6ff er One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cases of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknnby & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J Cheney for the !aet 15 years, and believe him petleoc ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Nation al"Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Cattarrh Cure is taken internally acting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for j constipation. AN OLD LEDGER. Nswbern Mai Has Bosk Usei ay 6riat- - eranafitlier v Newborn,- 'Nov. )5;oigf) Green o bis city has ih his pot sss3ion seVeral old volumes thaft are very, valoable owing to their antiquity. Among these is aa an oient ledger which was owned by John Green, great-grandfath-61 -George Green. Th ook is more than 150 years old and iwS nsed by Mr. Green, who condacted a general merehandise stpre;ffNewbern in the year 1765. j Despite its great age, the en triesjmade in the book are per fectly legible and can be read ith ease. In looking over tha accounts cue finds that the ma j'ority .of the debts were paid with uegroes arxd turpentine, an able bodied negro -man commanding a price equivalent to $200, while some were sold as low as 150. A negro woman could be purchased as low , aa-f 25, while in so&e cases tjie price went as high as 900. ; Ol more than ordinary interest is the account of Governor Tryon, who resided in Newern at that Ttime. This consisted of snudrv purchases oi rum, snuff and gen eral mercharirdisa. Jadcirg from chelorg list of articles charged against him the Governor denied himself little. TLe jamea of sev eral ether' famous men also ap pear off .the book. The volume hia been mtuded down-fojm gen- j., a ' ai"i w Fiy prized by .ts-resent own- PUMPKIN CENTER. ov. 16. bout the ri,mflM r .vi are through sowing vhtat. W, C. Lipk has recently purchased a new mounted boiler and engine and U aow moving his saw mill on to O. Cf. Morgan's place. Misses EaRidjiat:gliter Arey, of Albemarle, are visiting home foiLs al this ilthjg. It sterns that moat all the girls of our comnutiity are leaving. Several have gone to Salisbury and Albemarle to work during the winter. John Stoker, of Albemarle, has movod into our comuiun ity. The public school at Pros lrity began last Monday 1 rcrif $- ft h: n with about for-y-five students. I. Leroy Siiaver, of Rutherford CoIIsje, is the teacuer. School also began at the Parker school Iiottto last Monday with, Eugene Reid teaching. "Wilson," moved into our community last nigh' from somewhere with his wife j.nd four children. We c'o not know whether he is elated to President Wocdru' Wil son or not, W. C. Lisk, who ha,3 been sick for the pafci wsUi s able to be out again. Chal Whitley won the prize, which was a ha . ibjme fountain pn, in the M'ssiom ary contest of Zion 'id. :;E. church. , Beginning with only five cents he macL $7.01. Miss Erm'e T. Shaver and Clarence Morgan wer- nappi- is -married Sunday morning at 7:30 by Kev. Romulu j HoflS man. They v;iil inak their future home at Mr. Moron's. . Bill. OnU K Fire Hero, but the crowd cheered, as, with burned hands, a held up a small ,'ound box. "Fellows!" he shout ed, "this Booklen's Arnica Salve I hold, tue everything beat for barns." Right 1 also for . boils, ulcers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains, biases. barest pile cure. Itp.abd.es infUmina Aon. kills paiu Only 25c ; at All Druggists. ! 1 J . . - k V

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