s .. -. . i.. . . . . V French Market Coffee IHas Never Been Successfully Imitated It Cannot Be COFFEE roasted the ordinary way is only partially roasted, according to French ideals. The French Market Coffee way is the scientific way, producing a perfect roast. Slowly carefully the roasting goes on until - exactly the right moment arrives. The slow roast reduces about 10 per cent more weight than the ordinary roast. All excess of oil vanishes. Yet the delicate - flavor and aroma is there, intensified and en i hanced. Chilled, Ground and " Hermetically Sealed DIRECT from the roasters, the coffee is chilled in a cold-air-blast: machine. This Chilling closes the pores of the bean, thus ; preventing a single breath -of ths entrancing j aroma to escape in the vaporsl Quickly by automatic machinery this freshly roasted, freshly ground, freshly chilled, delicious coffee is placed in tin cans, and hermetically sealed. So it comes to your table as perfect as when it left the roasters untouched by human hands. Famous for Over a Hundred Years EVEN when French Market Coffee could be had only in the old French Market at New Orleans, over a hundred years ago, it was celebrated all over the South. Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and other fa m.ous men of olden times visited the French Market to enjoy the rarely delicious beverage. But now you all may serve it. daily on your own table. For the rare old French blend has been per petuated by the French Market Mills, and the hermetically-sealed process places genuine French Market Coffee within the reach of all. For Sale at Your Grocer's Try it once and you'll agree "There is only . one real old French Market flavor." The coffee with a history. FRENCH MARKET MILLS (New Orleans Coffee Co., Ltd., Proprietors) NEW ORLEANS and railroad communication gen rally, is demoralised, making it difijoal to estimate the exact state of affairs in pacts of the island. Rsports filtering1 in today thrpvgh disorganised channels state thai a hurricane passed over the. northwest coast of Jamaioa in the direction of Coba. Eeary rains are still falling and indications are that the downfall will continue several day a. Store. Sweeps Jamaica Big Damage Estl- Dittf. Kingston. Jamaica, Nov. 17. The storm which struck S30tions of Jamaica Friday night continu ed without abatement today and meager reports indioate that great damage has been done. Sanana planters seem to be the heaviest losers, although railway and telegraph properties, also have suffered greatly. Telegraph Low Price BUT High-Grade Quality A combination that can't be beat and found only in 1 lb. 20c X lb. 10c X lb. 5c. All good Grocers sell it or will get it for yon. FAITH. Noy. 18. The little boy who has been making his home with Katie and Liz Fesperman for a number of years and who has been helpless ever since birth, died Sunday. The funeral was held Monday. Mr. and Mrs G. C, Miller spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Miller's father at Dunn's Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Peeler spent Saturday night aud Sunday in China Orove with Mrs. Peeler's brother, John R. Brown. J'hn Crosset had a big dinner today. Venus was there and en Joyed the occasion very much Mr. Orossett has a fioe 'pcesum dog. J. T. Wyatt shipped a pair of millstonee today. Vesub. Rii.Cr8ss.Carstnas Seals. - Do you know the history of the Red Cross Seal, what it is and why it is used? The seals are decorative stickers used in sealing Christmas pack ages and letters and money de rived from the sale will be us?d n anti'tuberoulosis work. Stamps or seals were first used iu N rwav and Swoeden in 1904. After be ing sold in the countries for three years, Jacob Kiis of New York, in duced ihe Delew.are Anti-Tu' ercu losie Society to combine with the State Red Cross in issuing a tu berculcsis stamp The campaign realised nearly $8,000 and in 190,8 the American Red Cross Society biought out the NatioLal Rod Cross Stamp. So far nearly a million dollars has been realized. The foLidamnntal principles upen which the seals are sold are two, first: that all Uioney derived from the sale, after expenses have ben paid, shall be devoted to anti-tu berculcsis work; aud second: tbat the mouey shall he spent in the locality where it is raised. The American Red Cross acts as a cen tral supply aud distribution agen cy, ine state and Jccal agents pay 10 per cent, of their receipts which covers cost of printiug and distribution of eeals. From 75 t 90 per cent., a cording to local expenses, of th9 money received from the ea!e is spent whore the g dais are gold Iu Wisconsin, the ent're support of the state aud local work, is de rivrd from the sale of the Red Cross Seals; iu Washington, a day csmp is supported ; in Stock ton, Calif , a small sanitorinm ; iu Pittsburg, a large dispeu9ry and in Buffalo, several vipiting uuraes. The B'jals will be placed on sale December 2nd., and may be plao ed on the back of packages and letters. , It is hoped that 800,000 eeale will he sold in North Carolina this year. Salisbury will join in with the many other cities iu the ccuutry in the sale of Red Cross Christmas seals, the proceeds of which go to hlp fight tuberculosis. Mrs. Charles Price has been asked to act as chairman of a committee which will look after haudlingtbe seals and sir; will havs associated with her a number of public epirited citizens. Eight hundred t h'usaud of these seals have bean shipped into the Stat? aud will be sent out by headquarters. TbiUlolUgirs io Court. The cares against Q. W. Stacey ai-d Rob6 Club, which have been postponed several times came up in the county court last week and the defendfnt, who is blit.d, through hia attorney, pleaded guilty.- The defendant threw himself on the mercy of the court and made an appeal for merey. The Judge placed upon the de fendant a fine of $25 and cnts iu one casf, the costs in another aud rrquired bend cf $500 that he would nit operitp, associate with or have any connection whatever with a whiskey club -for 12 mouths. There is sill another case against Stacy which had been appealed, and this will Qame up at the next term of Rowan Su perior Court. There was a, case against the Elm Club attache for sellirg whiskey, the enly witness beii g William Trex'er of the county, who when found guilty several weeks ago for being drunk, desig nated this party as having ao'd him the liquor. Judgment in this case was suspended until la ter, and when the liquor case was called Trexler said hia mind beiug in such condition when he bought it that te did uot remember where he got it. Judge Miller placed a fine of $100 abd 'c st ou Trexler f r being drunk and' oontempt of court. A number of the olua are cba; d now and Judge Mil'or has had warrants served on them. Tafi F ynrs Single Term of Six Years Washington, Nov. 17 Presi dent Taft's declaration in favor of a constitutional amendment to limit the presidentiil tenure of office to a siogle term of six years with ineligibility to either a suc ceeding cr non-censecutive term aud President lect Wilson's en dorsement cf the Democratic platform, favoring such a limita tion, are believed here to fore shadow strong pressure for legis laticu along (his line early in the ooming Congress. Numerous measures have bean introduced in both houses of Con rt?68 looking to a change in the presidential tenure. The Senate Judicary Committee wrestled with he problem iu the . last session and Senator Cummius proposes to present the measures when Col ress convenes. A similar amend ment is hanging fire in the Houtt Judiciary Committee. When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured many cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are five letters from southern women which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Elliston, Va. "I feel it my duty to express my thanks to you and your great medicine. I was a sufferer from female troubles and had been con fined in bed over one third of my time for ten months. I could not do my housework and had fainting- spells so that my husband could not leave me alone for five minutes at a time. "Now I owe my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier. Whenever I see a suffering woman I want to tell li6r what these medicines have don3 for me and I will always speak a good word for them." Mrs. Eobebt Bt.axkesship, Elliston, Montgomery Co., Va. LETTER FROM LOUISIANA. New Orleans. La. "I wa3 passing through the Change of Life and be fore 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was troubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy feelings, backache and irregularities. I would get up in the morning feeling tired out and not fit to do anything. '' Since I have been taking your Compound and Blood Purifier I feel all right. Your medicines are worth their weight in gold." Mrs. Gasto: Blonde A.U, 1541 Polymnia St., New Orleans, La. LETTER FROM FLORIDA. Wauchula, Fla. " Some time ago I wrote to you giving you my symp toms, headache, backache, bearing-Uown, and discomfort in walking, caused by female troubles. ''I got two bottles of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Sanative Wash and that was all I use J to make me a well woman. "I am satisfied that if I had done like a good many women, and had not taken your remedies, I would have been a great sufferer. But I started in time with the right medicine and got weiL It did not cost very much either. I feel that you are a friend to all women and I would rather use your remedies than have & doctor." Mrs. Mattie Hodnot, Box 406, Wau chula, Florida. LETTER FROM "WEST VIRGINIA. ' Martinsburg, W. Va. " I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done wonders for my mother, daughter and myself. " I have told dozens of people about it and my daughter says that When she hears a girl complaining with cramps, she tells her to take your Com pound." Mrs. Maey A. Hockenbekrt, 712 N. 3rd St., Martinsburg, W. Va. ANOTHER LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Newport News,Va. "About five years ago I was troubled with such pains and bloating every month that I would have to go to bed. "A friend told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I soon found relief. The medicine strengthened me in every way and my doctor approved of my taking it. " I will be glad if my testimony will help some one who is suffering from female weakness." Mrs. W. J. Blayton, J029 Hampton Ave., Newport News, Va. Why don't you try this reliable remedy? and will make a very interesting vpeeob to the Juniors and to all present oo this occasion. This speaking by these able and dis tiuguished gentlemea will rnsav: a treat to all preseut a'id no on" can afford to miss it, The public is cordially is vited to o.me out. Someone was e. quiring where Ricker of Rockwell -.as. W-- just wish to ey tbat i ace alive and still rejoicing over Wilson's landslide over Tft and Rjoaevplt. Rccker. ROCKWELL. Nov. 18 On Saturday evening November 30, 1912, 2 c'alck sharp, Crescent Council, No. 184, Javier Crder United America a Mechanics, wi'l have a flag ra - ing and Biole presents' Ion at t e Park scb hnse. Riv D. H,' Duttara, Stiifc ?,aap!ai:. of S's ;barv, w!1' present the Bible a' d Messrs, J W. Seihr6si, State V:oe Councilor, of High Point, w il present the flag, antC, B. WoLt, ! of Sfeatesviile. will also le pvese : t $1. - Jj : jj Wl" Jm$m The House of jgfe&V The place to do your holiday trading WALLACE is Always There "With the Goods" When And on Dollar Day, Monday, Wallace proposes to capture the prize for value giving. We believe that after you read the following list, and after you have examined the goods that you will come to the conclusion that this store Carries the Dollar Day Banner for Dollar Bargains. k thesj offerings comprises' new, clean and desirable goods, aDd not a thing has been "marki ed np" in order to be "marked down." The cut in prices is made good and deep eo as to make Salisbury's first dollar day a marvelous trade event. Don't fail to see Wallace's prize winning dollar day, Monday 25th $1.00 shirt and 2 silver brand collars price faA flfl 25c, all for J!!- 50 Faultless shirts for 50c ties, three for 25c ties, five ior $1 50 English hats for $1 50 boys' hats for 25 and $1 50 silk hose for SI.00 SI.00 St" 25e lisle hie, fivn pair for 25c silk hose, five pair lor 25 worth ot handkerchiefs for 25 and $1 50 caps, for Si 25 and SI 50 umbrellas for $1 25 and 50 suit cases for 25 and 50 hand bags for $1 50 Comet shaving set all for - with this shaving set we give you one half dozen blades, one brush, one soap case with stick Williams' shaving aoap one etropper for blades. . $1 25 and $1 50 work glovesor SI 25 overalls for $1 25 and 1 50 boys' pants for All of these are real bargains. Sl.oo $1.00 SI.00 SI.00 n X i M

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