POT T r -1 flowers cous A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the .Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. li Vol. VIII No. 50 Salisbury, N, C, Wednesday, November 27th, 1912. Wm.h. Stewart, Editor TlB r St. PRAISE BE TO SHERIFF DEATON. Iredell's Popular Sheriff Battles for ' the Lord in Rowan. Iredell County has a cause for rejoicing in the person of Sheriff Deaton or "Jim" Deatou aa he is known bv his many friends in his home county who admire him for his fearlessness and faithful ness in executing and enforc ing the laws. Deaton is a man who WILL enforce the law or get out and give the job to somebody else. Being sheriff with him is being sheriff and not playing sheriff like some ten-year-old ooy. Deaton's chief delight is in "nabbing" those fellows who haven't due rnspect for the laws of the laud, especially thos) fellows known as blind tigers, probably called blind tigers because they seem to be blind to the fact that there is a law in North t Carolina prohibiting the sale of liquor, but if all our sheriffs were Deatons "and no MeKnnzies these blind tigera would soon become chained tigers, harm less fellows who would then for the only time in their lives render a real honest service in building up our county. But all are not Deatons and so j ustice mourns for lack of sheriffs who re gard their oath as sacred and their office as a trust entrust ed to them hj the honest voters of the4cfijhty. But what wb started put to say is that Deaton, not be ing satisfied with performing M&cTuty in hiV own county and helping give his county? eeat this state-wide reputa tion: 4 'States ville, the Best Town in North Carolina," which Is true as to law-abid ing citizenship, and that is all that is necessary to make a good town feels that it is his duty as a sheriff of backbone and courage to visit his neighboring counties where the law is violated openly and without restraint. -Yes, he believes it his duty as high sheriff of the land to place his heel on lawlessness any where and everywhere to the extent of his power, and show the "backbcoieless" sheriffs what it means to be sheriff and how to go about enforcing the law. So after being invited by several prominent ministers of the gospel, who feel that something must be done for the morals of the city or-their work here will all be in vain, Sheriff Deaton came down last week and took a look. No, he didn't emDloy Detective Burns to .help him, but he did beat Burns' record. Deaton dis covered sixteen tigers in our midst in a day or two, and Sheriff McKenzie "dis ben hunten 'em for fore 1-osu-n-g ywears but ner blind tiger cud he found " (as the negro would put it.) As a result of Deaton's work here the grand jury last week returned six teen truH bills against the social clubs or blind tigers. The Watchman hastens to to extend a vote of thanks to Sheriff Deaton for his ser vices in this connection and hopes he will come often as his visits will do far more good for the city than a half dozen boosting organ izations with the present "condition of affairs. The good deed started by him, if followed up, will eventually 'make it possible for us to say "Salisbury's the Place," for good rather than evil. These cases will come up at the February term of Rowan Superior fourt be- fore Judge Whedbee. It is to be hoped that the big solicitor, Wm. C. Hammer, will be thirsty for blood on this occasion and hammer down the pitiful entreaties for mercy which will male by certain noted blind tiger lawyers. Yes, it rests in the big solicitor's power to make the whole bunch "light a rag." Above all things we hope he won't play Mc Kenzie-like and say: "Yes, boys, I'll have to prosecute you but I won't do it very hard. " Those named in the bills of indictment are: Barney Shea Trading Club, Trading Club, Spencer Social Club, Southern Club, Yad kin Club, Westbrook Club, Kim Club, Southern Club, (another), Rose Club, ' Grubb Distilling Co., Commercial Club, J. J. Cuddihy, Outing Club, Salisbury Business Men's Association Club Co., Hunting Club Co., Theatrical Club. About forty men are in volved in these indictments. Just think how far Rowan could leave the other counties in good road builcting it ALL these fellows were given as fair a trial as the negro crap shooters get in the courts. Our N igfiDor Is Betting Right. The Mooresville Enterprise says that James M. Deaton, the sheriff of Iredell county, is the proper man to be made marshall for the Western dis trict. The JliUterprise says he 4s the-Tnan -for -the job. 1 he Post has no candidate for any office, but it does believe that Deaton is the best sheriff in the state, and this ought to qualify him for the mar shaishipif he wants it Ac cording to report the social (?) clubs , ot Salisbury are running on trouble largely on account of Deaton's activity. When it comes to enforcing the law aud putting a clear cut and uncompromising in terpretation on his duties, none of them have anything on Deaton. We need a few more like him. Salisbury Post. This is praise worthily be stowed on a man who would FILL the cjf&ce of marshal with great credit. Let the little tin sheriff of Rowan ponder over the above. There is some difference and a reason therefor. Here's hop ing James M. Deaton will be made marshal with head quarter in Salisbury. Tom Watson Indicted For Misuse of the Mails. Thomas E. Watson, editor, his torian, lawyer and bitter enemy of the Romau Catholic Church, mast face a jury ol bis peers in the Federal court at Augusta, Ga., for sending obscene through the mails, The matter formsr Populist candidate for President and ex-Conarrssman from the tenth district of Georgia was in dieted this week. Watson is publishing a seiies of articles in his monthly magazine entitled "1 he Roman Catholio Hierarchy, the Deadliest Menace to Oct Liberties and to Oar Civi izat on," aud in the July issue is e aid to have used language so vile that even the court itself would be mortified to hear it. Watson printed questions which he alleged greets ask women in the confes sional aud which are unspeakably vile, aud no doubt were true A Great Building; Falls when its foundation is undermin ed, and "if "" the foundation o health good digestion s at tacked, auick collapse follows On the tirt sieus of indigestion Dr. King's Niw Life Pills should he taken to tone the stomach and regulate liver, kidneys and bowels Pleasant, easy, Bafe and only 25o at All Druggists, METHODIST CONFERENCE ADJOURNED. Rev. Moue Returned fo Salisbury and Rev. Rows Goes fo Asheiille. High Point, Nov 25. Confer ence adj urned at 11 o'clook. The foil' wing are some of the ap pointments.: Sa'is'.urv District, W. R. Ware presidn g nlrtr . Alb marie, J. P. Rogers. Albemine Circuit, P. W. Tuck er. Bethel aud Big Liok, R K. Bra dey. China Grove, H. H. Robbing. Cone Td : C-utral, Harold, Turner. Fewest Hill, W. M. Robbins. Epwoctb, G. H. tfarley. West Couc rd, G. A. B. Holder by. -. Concord Circuit, W. T. Albright Westford, J M. Ridenhour. Cmuville, S.. S. Higgina. Gold Hill, R. L Forb:s. Kaunapolis, W. B, Shinn, Mount Pleasant, C. F. Sherrill. New London, S. L. Owen. Norwood, J. W. Clegg. Falem, T. 8. Ellington. Sali&burv: First Church, J. W. Moore. Holmes Memorial, J. P. Lan- mng. South Maiu, G. A. Stamper. -Sa'isbury, Circuit E. M. Avett. Spenoer, H. C. Sprinkle. East Spencer, C. E. Steadman. Wood eaf, Jamea V ilson. Asheville District, C. A. Wood, presiding eider. Asheville: Central, J. C. Rowe. Haywood Street, W.A. Nawe'l Headers mville, A. L Stanford. Brevard, L. T. . Thompson. Wast Asheville, Z E. Bamhardt Missionary Secretary, H. K Bover . Charlotte District, J. R. Scroggs presiding elder. Charlotte: Tryou Street, E. K. McLuiy Trinity. T. F. Marr. Chadwiok, aud Sverville, N. R. Richardson. Monroe, J. H. Weaver. Greensboro, District, J Gilbert Row?, pr8id'ug lder. UTenso iio: West Market, C. W. Byrd. High Poiut, J. H. B irnhardt. Asheboro, Circuit, J. E. Raw Is. Anheboro, J. E. Taompam. Morgauton District, J. E. Gay, presiding e'der. Morganton, D. Atkins. Thermal City, F, W. Dibble. Sunday School Seoretary, J. W. Loug. Lakiville, J. H. West. Gastooia, J. L. Abernethy. Stateavill District, L. T. Mann, presiding elder. -S'atesvilie, J b. Kirk. Hickory, D. M. Litaker. Hickory Circuit, J P. Hornbuok le Winston District, P. T. Durham presiding elder. Winston : Burkhefld, W L. Hutchini. Oeutenary, E. L Bain. Men of the Presbyterian Church have Sup per. Last Thursday night the men of the First Presbyterian church held their sixth annual dinner in the Arm)ry hall in the Washing ton building, and there were pres ent something like a hundred and fifty of the men of the city, Hon. Whitehead Kiuttz aoted aa toast master and a nuaner of short talks were made, they being saudwitched in between the two courses served by th ladies of the church. Dr. Byron Clark, the pastor made a few remarks large ly in ttie nature of a welcoming address aud stated the purpose of of these suppe-s aud what they should mean to the men, the great purpose being to give them an op oortunitv to get acquainted. A splendid supper was seived Short tales were made by Messrs. L., B Padgett, E. E. Barringer, E. B. Neavfc, Theo. F. Kiuttz and Jiidge C. M. Cook. Ail present enjoyed the occasion im.neasely aud were loui m their words of appreciation to the ladies of the church for the part they took in ! making the occasion such an en joyable affair, MOTORCYCLE CONTEST! $200 MOrORCYCLE FREEH - r- It is No,w Entering :Upon a Most Active Period and Hustle is . the Wateh-Word. As has been liberally acU vertised The Watchman and The Record is tryinsc to pre sent some wide awake young man with a high grade motor cycle, one of the very best, a Pope. This machine retails for $200 spot castt and is cert tainly worth an effort to ob tain. There is nearly 30 days yet in which to work for it If any of our contestants hope to win the road that leads to success isa short but ively one, h is called hustle, so if you do not get on this highway, and at once, your name is Denniss. The three leaders are at the head of the list in order as follows: Gr. N. Trexler, Napoleon Ti exler, J. B. Earnhardt, P. B. . Goble. ; Arthur Wyat,v C. E. Park, i C. Van Wyattr C.L. Webb, ' U. H. Leonard, Roberf S. Edmiston, Chas. Julian Albert M. Miller, Walter Silliman, Robert Eagle, Ben Garrett, . Frank Kirk, Paul Smith, r Wfatt Ai irfiei $1,253 After being shut up from Fri day at uoon to Saturday about no..n the jury in the case of Moses imitb. administrator of Eli Wy-....-.. an, who was killed by a street car m ar Spencer -on the night of Jan uary 21st, 1911, in which the plaintiff was suing for damages in the sum of $9,000, returned a erdict in favor of the plaintiff and awarded damages to the amount of $ 1,260. Notice of ap peal was given. This oase has bEen tried onoe before at which time it resulted in a mis-trial. The defense has announoed its in tention of testing the law on this oase, ana many people agree snat tliere are grounds for suoh a move when it is remembered that the deceased became helpless from taking on too much of Salisbury far-heralded mean liquor. The man that sold him the liqtnr, by all rights, ought, to pay the dam ages and not the street railway people. Ayesck Dai to be Obsanred Prof. R. G. Kizer, county su perintendent of publio instruction, is giving out to the teachers of the publio schools throughout Rowan, a booklet on Ayoock Day, which it to be observed ia all of the public sohools of the state on Friday, December 6. On this date every sohool ohild in the state in atten dance upon the public schoo's of the state will be asked to contri bute a -penny toward the Aycook monument fond. There are in round figures about 700,000 ohil dren in the publio schools of North Carolina ajid if eaoh of these should "ntribute even a penny it would net 17,000 toward the fund. A peuny is all that is asked of of any pupil, although any amount can be contributed. Fr rheumatic pains or neural gia rub the parts affected with DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. It penetrates the flesh and relieves pain. For sore throat gargle with the fluid diluted with water. For flash wounds, burns scalds, or sores apply it direct to the - wound. It heals quickly For a cramp, colic or dysentery take it internally in ater. It quickly corrects the trouble Price 50 ots. per bottle. Sold by all druggists . SGHR&NK SENT TO INSANE HOSPITAL Would 8e-Slaier ot Theodore Roosevelt Oeclared Unbalanced by Alienists. Milwiukee. Wis., Njv. 22 John Schrank, who shot Colonel Theodore Roosevelt on the night of October 14, in Milwaukee, as insane, and was this afternoon committed by Municipal Judge A. C Dackus to the Northern Hos pital for the insane near Conxoah until cured. Before being led back to jail to await preparations for the trip to the asylum, Schrank eaid; I had expected they would fit d me insane, beoause it was in the papers two days ago. I waoi to say now that I am sane and kuqw what I am doing all the time. 1 am not a lunatic and never was one. I was called upon to d) a duty and have done it. The com mission has sworu away my life. Each member wnt upon the stand and siid I was incurably in sane They oau bury me alive i' they see fit. I don't cate w. at happens now." Commitment was prou uucea following the presentation of an exhaustive report by a commissicii of five alienists in whioh the de- endint was unanimously adjudg ed insane and following the intro duction of prima facn evi 1 uce of several witnesses. Conclusions reached by the commission were as follows; First: John Schrank is seffer- ag from insane delusions, graudi- ose in character and cf a system atized variety. "Second: Io our opinion, he is insane at the present time. ' "Third: Oa account of the connection existsng between his delusions and the act with which he stands charged we aje of the jgpinib&he is unable to confer in teljegenily with counsel on the conduot of his defense. Failure in effecting a cure of Schrank's mental disorder means he will spend the rest of his life in the asylum to which he has been ordersd committed. Schrank probably will be taken to the asylum on Monday next, acoordmg to Sheriff William A. Arnold. Marian's Young Ladj Blind 29 Years but Now Sees. ABheville, Nov. 23. After groping ner way tnrouga darkness for 29 years, Miss Lelia Cameron, a young woman of Marion, is able to see for the first time in her life, thanks to an operation performed on her today by Dr. E. Reid Russell, a for- mer Charlotte physician. Miss Cameron came to Asheville yesterday, and the first operation, on her left eye was performed then. She was able to see at the con. elusion of that operation, and today she had the second operation on her right eye, completely giving her sight. The cause of Miss Camerons blindness was an opaque sub stance which filled the. pupils of her eyes and did not allow the transmission of light to the inner eye. The operation consisted in cutting through this substance, - making a "window" through which the rays of light could reach the inner eye, and virtually fur nishing an artificial pupil for the eye. For a few minutes after gaining her sight, it was again endangered by the emotions to which. Miss Cameron gave way when ..she found that she could really see. She is a very fine musis cian, and despite her troubles, had been teaching music at Marion. All her relatives, with the exception ot one,, were opposed to har consult ing a specialist and this one brought her to Asheville, where the operation was suc cessfully performed, LIQUOR REPORTS. Secretarv Davis of Anti-Saloon league Otters Plans. Raleigh, Nov. 22. In'his annu al report to the executive commit tee of -the North Carolina Anti Saloon League just made publio, Superintendent R L. Davis, in active charge of the league work in this Stats, urges that there be procured from the 1913 Legisla ture the enactment of a search and seizure law for this State to be operative under regulation re quiring proper affidavits of the need for resort to this course. 7 He also urges that there be -the strongest pi ssible support given tna Webb McComber interstate liquor bill pending in Cougrt-ss, by the league foroes and the Leg islature in this State. H also recommends a general itate aw that will require the ex iJiess c mpauiee sud other coni iou c mHrs to make -nonthly re--ort of .;i .iqura delivered in thf vut v !he- rep rts to be pub h?d i. the couuty papers at thf xpeusj.- of tnecMiufcy. He ap pals fr m et live'y iuterest t: be taken by pastors and Sunday chocl w , i-tiers is. the Liucola-Lee Le?i . d p irtmeut of the Anti- Saioou League. He reports the fiuances of the league in satisfactory condition with $5 238 m p eda? unpaid aud an ddb6Hcl;es8 of tl.227. Of ths latter $800 is due three employes of the league. The executive committee at its annual meeting held last evening elected Archibald Johnson of Thomasville chairman, to succeed R F. Beasley of Mojfroe, resign ed. Melnbtrs of Jfehe oommittee atteudiug the meeting were Archi bald Johnson of Thomasville, W. T..Shaw of Wrfldoo, J. E. Under- stoa John u. Kev. L. S. Mrhapv. N. B. Broughton, Clarence Poe, Josephus Daniels, J. Y. Joyner and R. L. Davis. Sixteen True Bills Returned bv Rowan Grand Jury Against Tigers. Before the grand jury adjourn ed for the November term of Su perior Court 16 true bills had been returned againt the liquor clubs of the county. Thess cases will come up at the February term of Rowan Superior Court before Judge Whedbee. Those named in the bills are Barney Shea Club, Trading Club, Spencer Social Club, Southern Club, Yadkin Club, Westbrook Club, Elm Club, Southern Ciub Rose Clad, Grubb Distilling Com pany, Commercial Club, J. J. Cudihy, OutiDg Club, Salisbury Business Men's Association Club Company, Hunting Club Compa ny and Tneatrioal Ciub. These iaclude most cf th9 clubs in Salisbury and some outside, among the number being several which now have cases in the Ratt an County Court set tor next Tuesday. Swift's Premium Calender For 1913. Swift s Premium Calender for 1918 is styled -The Elements." The sice of the calender is 8i s. 17 inches. On each of the four sheets is a beautiful picture in colors, lhese pictures are the work of Eleanor Colburn, a not painter. There is no ty pi mat ter on them, so they are suitable for framing. The subjects are "Earth," Air," "Fire," and "Water." The Calender is now ready for distribution and may be secured by sending the trade mark end from five Premium Oleomargar ine Io a r tons jo r tire "pa ro bmuiL ur cle from the top of a jar of Swift's Prsmium Sliced Bacon, or ten cents in stamps or coins to Swift & Company, Calender Depart ment, Union Stock Yardi, Chica go, 111. The Calender may also be se cured from the Hamilton Corpor ation, 2, 4,6, W. 45th 8t , Nsw York city, for 20 Hamilton Cou pons (new denomination 1 .) WHITNEY STILL COKING The Shut-Down Mains Greater Tnlngs Tin First Planned. V t A special from Albemarle to the Charlotte Chronicle says of . the work at the Southern Aluminum Company's at that place ; About three weeks ago the Southern Aluminum Company, whioh recently took charge of the old Whitney plant at Whitney near this place, shut down work with the announcement that the developement would be held up fox 90 days. The contractors left together with a great many of the laborers, and at that time it look ed like this great plmt was again shut down for an indefinate .peri od. At least a great many peo pie predicted another failure. ' It now appears, however, that the tatoporary holding up of work was only for the purpose of making plans for greater developement than was originally plauued by i'z9 old compM'iy. The Soatuern Alatainum Oompauy only pur chased -as wat3rpower, together with about one-fourth of the real dataie ovvcad by the old coucern. f hey are now taking up the other property of th- old company and are buying additional property around the falls and natiows sev eral milea bexow Whitnev While thaTb has been nothing dennate stated by the Southern iluuunum Company, rumor has it tb?,t they vill poiibly tear up the old daia and use the material elsewhsta srvi to mora" a?uatage tii3 new company thinks. The tremendous power of the narrows of the Yadkin and also tha falls may be utilized even b if or. 3 that purchased from the original Whitney Company, As an evidence that the South ern Aluminum 0ompau jaeans gseat .developement towel dgiwo sne river a ioroe ot nanus i now at work surveying and making a road for the immediate c-'i; ruc tion of a railway from the Whit ney station six or eight cuks be low the falls. It is sta.ed that the people who haV? Ciare of this V70M. intend to irte the great23t aluminum pl?,it u the world out of this andertrii?g and khd people of Albemari; would not be surprised shcaid t ars be a large French oolnj ai, Wii:tney and along ;Lo Yadkin rit vi in this county within a very short while. Salisbury Eatertaias Fhiiadelpii!: Boost ers tor Two Hoars, The Philadelphia B jc&r ca spent a busy two hours' hers last Thurs day afternoon. The tr; came in at 1:30 e rd leitatb:80. The bo cst. 3 were me at the station by r r;a number of - au touibbileB jrd wre c.nki over the city, ai'ti tha ride being ta ken to tht Grubb Tfce r, where a larg j crowd of Salisbury psople gathered ... The vrsitcre stated that it w& to dfst iimt? on- the trip that Jaoes ia?.d com: out to the meeting? io meet Sbum and hey wre highly plaa.f.;. A. K. Boj ien made au address of waicoma io which a reply, was msdeb: BirrdJ. Co- tail. Af wr Mr. Catiai, h?d flniti, Hon, John S- Henderson made a short addretB. After the meeting tun visitors vere takn abcut JverIU i city by a committee, some oaljug oa the stores ana seme goirg ur on the Grubb rf yd a. Taey; were accompanies bafe to tb- station bj the committ.ee, anu after the visitors had given thres cheers for SaLsbury the train palled out. Flagged Train WiJn .Shirt, Tearing his shirt. from his back an Ohio man flagged a train and saved-H fmm a wreck, but H. T. Alston, Rileigh, N. 0., uce prel vented a wreck with Eiectric Bit ters. ' I was in a terr: -Is ' plight when I began to use thwrnV1" he writes, "my stomaoh, htsd-,)9aok aud kidneys were all badly affect ed aud my liver was in bad oondi tion, but four bottles of Electrio Bitters made me feel like anew man. A trial will oonvince you of their matchless merit for any stomaoh, liver or kidney trouble Price 603 at All Druggiite. - 4 i a. i ii i '1 1 .:v".,-"?'.' :"?. -.yr