tcs mm HA TOTOHD JUL WM. H. srJfiVfAET, Ed. and Prop Published erery Wednesday at ISO Wett Innea Street. Entered as leoond-olaii matter Jan. itth. lftOB, at theMt office at Salis Ivt, M. O., nnd the set of OonRresi el ukrehSrd, 1878. Sauibubt.N. O.Nov. 27th 1912 The Watchman respectfully uggesfcs that instead of a statnre of Justice to adorn our new oourt house, one of the Honorable Lord High Chancellor Peter Blue Beard with horns and tail, his foot on the neck of a prostrate form of Popular Bights, holding high a bag of filthy lucre and proclaim ing, "The People be Damned," be erected. It is strange but true that some people cannot appreci ate liberty until they get in jail. The oorner stone' laying of the new court house will take plaoe Thursday afternoon with Masonic honors. This will be quite a sur prise to a good many as so large a majority of our people are opposed to the ereotion of this building and regard it an ex ample of publio graft, disregard of popular rule and common jas tioe ; surprised that the noble or der of Masons would sanction in any manner and to any extent suon an outrageous and contempt table travenity on the rights of the people. Nothing oan giro this dastardly deed f the faintest color of dignity or right. It is like playing with a skunk, an of fense to every right thinking man in the oounty and a monument to the infamy of men who betrayed a eaored trust imposed in them by the citizens of the county and the Demooratio party . The people of the county are interested in this matter juit like they are in a mad dog. M0m BLOODS MADE. The liquids and the digested foods in the alimentary canal pass through the wall of the canal into the blood. This process is called absorption and takes place chiefly from the small intestine. After absorption the blood carries the food through the body, and each cell takes from the blood the food it needs. A pure glyceric extract made from bloodroot, mandrake, stone, queen s root and golden seal root, and sold by druggists for the past forty years under the name of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, gives uniformly excellent results as a "tonic to help in the assimilation of the food and in the absorption by the blood of the food it requires. Eradicate the poisons from the Diooa wun ims alterative ernci wuim does not shrink the white blood corpuscles, because contain ing no alcohol or other injurious ingredients. Thus tho body can. be builr up strong to resist disease. This is a tonic taken from Nature's garden that builds up those weak ened by disease. Sold by druggists everywhere. Addresa World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Chas. Faerber, Ja., of 832 Woodlawn Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. : writes: "I was troubled with my stomaeh for almost three years. Tried several doctors and most everything anybody .recommended to me, but kept getting worse and honestly did not care to live as iwm rever well even though, at times, I had no pain. My symptoms were ma fo'lows: Always tired,, my whole body in a throb, belching of gas. pain and soreness in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, couW nos tell what to eat or what would agree with me, and was melancholy. But pfter taking Dr. Pierce's Golrien Medical Discovery with the Pleasant CHAS. Fasbbkb, Jr. Pellets " i; ha3 made me a ,.! nu,n wtuctt u somnwiing w Miss Bailie Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Baker, Salis bury, and J. Mebane Beasley, of Grenyille, S. 0., were married at the Presbyterian manse Saturday afternoon, Key. Byron Clarke offi oiating. They will make their heme in Greenville. This afternoon at the home of the bride in Charlotte a marriage of interest to people in upper Row an was solemnized. The oon traoting parties were J, L Misen- heimer, of Mill Bridge, and Miss Molhe Holdbrooks. of Charlotte The couple came to Salisbury this evening on train No. 46 and were driven to the home of the groom at Mill Bridge where a reception will be tendered them tonight Mr. Misenheimer is above all i good farmer and a splendid citi zen, and he and his wife, who is a highly refined and estimable young woman, have the,best wish es of their friends in this and Mecklenburg counties. WIFE'S HEALTH RESTORED Husband Declared Lydia E. rinkhams Vegetable Compound Would Re store Her Health, And It Did. iyMB:ay.A. Ashland. Kv. "Fonr vekra utrn seemed to have everything the matter i with me. I had fe male and kidney trou ble and was so bad off I could hardly rest day or night. I doc tored with all the best doctors in town and took many kinds of medicine but noth ing did any good un til I tried your won derful remedy, Lydia E. Fmkham a Vece- table Compound. My husband said it would restore my health and it has." Mrs. May Wyatt, Ashland, Ky. There are probably hundreds of thou sands of women in the United States who have been benefitted by this famous oia remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read What Another Woman says': Camden, N. J. "I had female trou ble and a serious displacement and was tired and discouraged and unable to do my Work. My doctors told me I never could be cured without an operation, but thanks to Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am cured of thatjJuctioja and have recommended'irto more than i one off jny friends with the best results. " Mr. Ella Johnston, 324 Vine St If you want special advice write to Xydia R Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will he opened, read and answered by a -woman- and held in strict confidence. SHORT LOCAL ITEMS Tomorrow being Thanksgiving day, Mr. Turkey better roost high tonight and rise up early in the morning and Journey to a plaoe of 1 ihiokety denseness." The Rowan bird law will expire December 1st, this being Sundy, ' quail oaonot be k'llec oetore tn 2nd, whioh gives them one day of grace Th fl k raisinji and Bible pre. sentatiou aV Rockwell, unier the unnniflaa of Cresont Oo'ttlDCil. Nd. 184. Jr. O. U. A. M., will ae - i Dlace at 2 o'clock Saturday even ing. The public is cordially ia v ited to be present . A number of Salisburiaas will leave ou the Southern's special train tc-night for Riohmond to witness the game of toot bail be tween the university teams ot North Carolina and Virginia . The corner atone of the new oourt house is to be laid tomor row afternoon in the presence of a number of Masons. Bey. r J Maliett is to act as grand chap lain and Hon. TLeo. F. Kluttz will deliver an address. The rHlisbury band will ght entertai Qents in the graded school i? iditorium Thursday and Friday nights. The entertain aunts are being advertised as ''Kountry Kapers," and will no doubt be very enjoyable. W. J. Earnhardt, of southern Illinois, is visiting in the city af ter an abseucir cf ten years. Mr. Barnhatdt is a native of Rowan and left here in 1858. At that time ha says our court house stood on the wublio square. John H. Harkey. of the Salem church neighborhood, reoeutly killed a hoe thirteen months old whioh net d 805 pounds ; That's a fine record". Postmaster -J. .H- Ramsay has grantee the 'city carrier force at the salispnry pDitumoe a fall bol iday for next Thursday Thanks giving day and the carriers will be enabled to eui y the day along with the merchants -and clerks, bank folks and others who will be free from work. The rural carri ers will njt make a trip as Tnanksgiviug is one of their regu lar holidays. This will mean that most of our readers who have been getting their papar ou fhurs day will not gt it until Friday. Many of the Salisbury Mer chants have already received soma of their Christmas goods ad Santa Clans will nut in hiB appiara ce as ushal this year aB may be sen by watching tha win dows ot tnose stores naudling toys Watch the advancements in tbi3 paper for Christmas bar gaius Oar advertisers will be found to be the most reliable in the city. Fakers do not patron ize this paper. Ths following exp'anation is of fared by the water works people whiob explains itself : "The disa greeable' taste and odor iu the city water which has beeu noticed for the past; day or two is caused by the falling leaves iu the j-ond, and while it is very lj otionable is absotateiy harmless ai d will b abated very syou, Thf hm which is used iu mit.utt quantities in the filtering process acts on th leaves can-ing th vegetable am monia to be released, wh oh causer the tas'e and odo7'. . Sheriff McKenzie went after the cotton stealers last Wednes day and had a very successful dav, making six arrests of partial charged with stealing cotton from the fields of a number of farmers in Franklin township. The farm ers who missed their cotton bad left it in the field over night, and the. gang of thieves did their work under cover of darkness. -A committee of gentlemen visit ed the various churches of Salis bury and Spencer Pnnday during tbeservioes and urged the impor tance of every nitisen lending a hand in matins the oomins Lav men'a Missionary Convention, to be held here on the 8rd. 4th and 5th of next month, one long to be remembered for the good accom plished and the hospitality offered by our citizens. Active preparations for the forthcoming Christmas Bazaar are under way by the ladies of the two Guilds of St. Luke's Episoo pal church. The dtte is Wednes day and Thursday, December 4tb and 5h. To meet the growing tendency to purchase praotical" Christmas presents the ladies wilt have on sale such artioles aB oome under this head, also "knick- knacks" and beautiful need'ework and for everybody right good things to eat at all hours, for busy shoppers and business men. As. usual the ladies will make this an occasion to be enjoyed by all who atten d. The marriage of Miss Mamie Oddie and William F. Arey took plaoe at the reBidenoe of Mrs. C A Rice, on North Fulton Street, last Wednesday morning, Rev Byron Clark, of the Presbyterian church, officiating. After the ceremony the couple left for a short stay in F orida. They will make their heme in Salisbury. RESULTS THAT REMAIN. An Appreclited Bj Sillsbnrj Peopli. Thousands who - -suffer .from back ache, and kidoey complaint have tried one remedy after an other, finding -' only temporary benefit, This is discouraging rbu' there is one kidney medicine that has earned a reputation for last ing reeulta and there'is plenty of proof of hs merit right here m Salisbury. Here is the testimony of one who nsed Djan's . Kidney Pills yeMf 'igiahd nowmakes his tea timony even?strongr.: M. M. Witlitms 180 Chestnut 6t., Salisbury, : Oar., says4 ' The testimonial I gaye in 1008. recommending Doan's Kidney Pills still holda good. Taey are the finest remedy I ever used I suffered a great deal 'from back ache and pains aoross my kidneys Sometimes I had dull headaches and felt tired. I noticed that the kidney secretions were unnatural and I finally went to J. W. Mo Phrson & C Vs Drug Store and gotDoan.s Kidney Pills After taking the.; contents, of several boxes I felt better in every way. I hope other kidney sufferers will try this etdellent remedy." Mrs. J. H. Sharp, of East Spec oer. died at hSf ftnma laat Wedr . s 4ay afternofim alter an illness of everal ybaif-? For the past two weeks she had been desperately ill. She was about 50 years old and is nrviypd by a husband and oi e son. The funrl was held Ihut-' day afternoon from the rrsidencf. conducted by Ry. J. L Vippei- mau ot theapencer tfiptut cnurcn, and the interment was in the cemetery at Spencer. Hoi's This? We off ar One Hundred Dollars Reward for any oases of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J. Chbpni? & Co . , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly bonorahle in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O Hall's Cattarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the systenv Testimonials sent fre. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for col stipation. ; 6Q tiWUlBttZ'S For B'uistoue, r- and: ulphur by the 100, and pray your fruit trees. Full stock I- of good things to eat All kinds of horse, cow and chicken feeds, - i lowest caih prices. Nov. g; it. FRAIL, SICKLY CHILD Restor i to Health by Vinol -setter to Mothers. Anxious mothers often wonder why their children are so . pale, thin and nervous ana nave so little appetite. For the benefit of such mothers In this vicinity we publish the following letter. J. Edmund. Miller, New Haven, Conn., says: "My little daughter, ever since her birth, had been frail and eickly, and was a constant source of worriment. Several months ago we commenced to give her Vinol. I im mediately noted an -improvement In her hjalthi and-appearance. " I gave "hgfthree bottles of Vinol, and from, the good it has done her I can truly say. it will do all you claim." This child's recovery was due to the combined , action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers, combined with the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonic lion, which are contained In Vtaol. Vinol will build up and strengthen delicate children, old people and the weak, rnn-down and debilitated. We return .the money In every case where it fails. . P. S. For pimples and blotches try our Saxo Salve, 5Va guarantee it, Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, N, 0. Stubborn Case "I was under the treatment of two doctors, write MraTR. L Phillips, of Indian VaUey, V, wand the? pro nounced my case a very shibborh one, of womanly weak ness. I was not able to sit up' when I commenced to take CarduL I used it about one week, before T gaw much change. Now, the severe pain, that had been la toy side for years, has gone, and I dont suffer at all I amfeelina better than in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of CtrduL" TAKE TL WomTonic if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any of the troubles so common to women. Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulaflng the womanly system. Cardui has been in successful use for more than 50 years. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they received from it Try it for your troubles. Begin today. BIG OFFER FOR CONTESTANTS. Double Votes and 10,000 Extras on Big Mo torcycle Prize. Now is the time to GET BU8Y in all that these words imply. This refers alike to those who have been working and those who have not It is of especial advantage to the boy who has not many votes to his credit. He can now jump into thv game and make a showing that would have. other w'sh been impossible. i Our proposition is as follows: Beginning with Monday, December 2nd, .and including Saturday to .2 o!clockp. m.; December 7th, double votes will be gi ven on all a mou nl s paid on subscriptions to The Watchman and Record witn 10,000 extra votes to the one who brings iu the greatest amount on sub scriptions during the time named. Now is your chaucj, boys. Get busy, be busy, stay busy. Suppose we would offer a $200 motorcycle' for f 100, how quick would it go ? We are doin& better than this. This splendid $200 machine is offered for only a few weeks' work. Suppose you put in every day until the close of the contest, you could not earn more in the same time in any other way. Get out and be a WINNER. ! Like the Coffee of Paris You Can Drink It at Midnight $ - ... Try French Market Coffee on your own table just once. Note its delicious aroma and flavor its smoothness, its exhilaration. Drink several cups at midnight compare it with other coffees. The Original French Blend FRENCH Market Coffee is the identical old French blend, brought to New Orleans by immigrants from Paris over a hundred years ago. Tourists and travelers know it. They rarely fail to visit the old French Market, when in New Orleans, to drink cup after cup of the marvelous coffee that has made the French Market world-famous. Until the establishment of the French Market . Mills and the perfecting of. the new, air-tight, hermetically-sealed package, genuine French Market Coffee could be had nowhere else. But now we are able to place this historic blend this delicious French coffee, in your grocer's hands, ready for your instant call. Unlike Ordinary Coffees W E import direct in original bags the fa mous Pan-American coffees, including the famous Blue Mountain Coffee of Ja in a i c a, the choice of Gua temala, Caracas and Bogota. This comes in ships, through warm summer seas. No cold climates affect, injuriously, the delicate coffee beans. The very choicest product, the fine private-estate grown coffee, is bought by the French Market Mills. These fine coffees are correctly combined in exactly the right blend and proportion. It takes almost twice as long to roast French Market Coffee as it does ordinary coffee. Yet all the flavor and aroma all the refresh ing and stimulating qualities of the coffee are retained and intensified. Packed in Air-Tight Tins THUS we deliver to your grocer genuine French Market Coffee thiscoffee like you get inAParis or Vienna in all its fresh ness and uneqsaled flavor. Beware of Imitations YOU will be offered "French" coffee stated to be "The same as French Market Coffee." You must be careful to see that the pic ture of the old French Market, with the name "French Market Coffee," is on the label. This is the only genuine French Market Coffee. Try it once and you'll agree "There is only one real old French Market flavor." FRENCH MARKET MILLS (Now Orleans Coffee Company, Ltd-, Proprietor!) NEW ORLEANS . m is 0 ra Can Get Via Dnn W DD0 BELK --HARRY CO.'S arid the price is no more then you pay for shoes not near so good at some stores. Goodman's Shoes Goodman's all solid leather shoes for women and children are positively the very Best shoes sold in this section for the price. Goodman's shoes for child ren in kid gun-metal and royal calf . 5 to 8 for 70c, 75c, 85e and 98c. 8i to 11 for 98c, $115,1125 lHto2for$l.l5, $1.25 and $1. 48. Goodman shoes for womn in kid or Royal calf for eve ry day wear, cap or plain toe, also feet linel, price $1.50 Women's button shoes made on newest last $2.00, $2.K0, and $3.50 Hen's Shoes Men's $1.50 day oating shoes for $1.25 Men's heavy blucher alU solid work shoes, as good as any $2 50 shoes to be found anywhere, but our price only - $2.00 BeltHarrf Company SELL IT FOR LESS Men's rnal nice dress shoe, patent or gun metalv button and blucher at $2.00 & $2.50. Good solid leather shoes for boys that will give good wear at reasonable prices. Elkln Shoes Full stock of Elkin Shoes for men, women and children. Men's Elkin $2.00 Underwear. Extra good value in all kinds of underwear. Children's real good heavy fleeced union suits 25c Boy b' extra heavy under shirt and drawers for 25c Women's 50c union suits at 38c Women's grey wool vests and pants 75c Women' red wool vest and pants 98c Men's heavy 50c under shirts ar.d drapers for 9tz. Coats and coat Suits. Special bargains iu coat suits and long coats. Helk-lnlairir ompaimy Save Half Your Dental BiH f o o ooooooooopooooo yjr ooobooooooooo o o I 0 0 o o o o o o o o o Do With- It out oooooooooooooo PAIN ooooooooeooool Guaranteed lUwrs! Free Extraction with work. Laily ftftsndant Teeth without plates $5.00 " Seta of Teeth.., T. .. ..'$5,130 ' Crowns .:$4-0v Bridge work $3 to $5.00 0 0 0 The Greatest System off Dentistry known to the world and sclenoe today ia Painless Dentists, Inc. Philadelph 1261 North Bain Street 'Phone 763 Salisbury, . o. 5 0 0 o

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