D 'If: NIGHT Oarattractionsare OUR LOW PRICES Advance Special Holiday Gut Price On MEN' AND BOYS' HEAVY J jj ' " . ... . . n We and that we are over-stocked in overcoats. We have placed on the Bargain Counter one Thousand overcoats which we will sell at ridiculous low prices. 200 overcoats, worth $10.00, reduced to $5.98. 300 overcoats, worth $7.00, reduced to $3.98. 350 overcoats, worth 12.50, reduced to S7.98. 150 overcoats, worth $18.00, reduced to 10.98. .. - i i 1 1 i - i - The Secretary of Slate for the State of North Carolina last Wed nesday issued a charter for the Salisbury Banking & Trust Com pany; authorized capital $100. 000, with $25,000 sub-cribed Among the incorporators are Thomas J Jftfom-, C. S. Reams and W E, MoWhirter. This is the new finaucial institution which is to have its home in the Grubb building aud which will hegiu operation within a short time Tt ia honed that this new enter prise will meet with abundant suc cess. Salisbury will now be pea tMT nrftnared to handle the finan cial affairs of her citisens than unv oitT of its size in the state. having five well-organiud and equipped banks. At the hom of L L. McCarn, in Spencer, Sunday evening, the marriagn of Miss Alice Hara Kirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Krk, of Chestnut Hill, and w. A Gore, also of Uhestnut in, took p'ace, Rev. J N. Stallinga officiating. Porto Ricoa New Wonder. From far away Porto Rioo come renorts ot a wonderful new dis- ooverv that is believed will vastly benefit the people. Kamon l . Marchan, of Baroeloneta, writes Dr King's New Discovery is do ing splendid work here. It cured me about five times of terrible oooghs and colds, also my brother of a severe cold in his chest and more than 20 others, who used it on my advice. We hope this great medicine will vet be sold in every drug store in Porfo Rico." For throat and lung troubles it has no t-qnal. A trial-will convince you of its merit. 50o and $1.00 Tri al bttle free. Guaranteed by All Druggists. WIIsob is Sams, Would Whip the Picture Mid. Hamilton, Bermuda, Nov. 22 President elect Woodrow Wilson today had a lively dispute with an American photographer, which al- most led to the exenaoge oi mows. The photographer took a snap shot at Mr. Wilson in spite of hit nmhibition. Mr. Wilson there upon angrily ezolaimed. 'You are no gentleman i n you want a good thrashing keep that up. I can take care of my self in these things I came here especially to avoid photograph Mr. Wilson passed the greater part of today in bicycling in the vioimty ot his rasiaence. Slim Allen 6its 15 Yiirs li Pin. Wjthevill, Nov. 28 At the ipeuing of oourt rnursaay .morn iug the jury in the case against didna Allen returned a verdict or second degree murder of Judge Thornton L. Ma me. Allen was nrom otlv sentenced to fifteen years at hard labor in the state peniten tiary at Riohmond, Waalev Edwards, a neDhew of Sidna Allen, is the only remain ing member of the Allen gang to be tried for participating in shooting up the court at Hillsvil'e last March when several oourt offi ers were killed and others wound - " it. IAS IN TKJ STOMACH comes from food which has fer mented. Get rid of this badly digested matter as quickly as possible if you would avoid a bilious attack. SIMMONS RED S UIVER REGULATOR (THX rOWDEB FORM) Is a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It is a liver tonic first of all and the liver is always affected when the stomach goes wrong It puts life in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of sallowness, relaxes the bowls and puts the body in fine, vigorous condition OL BY NUIM. NICK LAHO PAOKMS. 1.0. Aak for th. moln. with th. Sad Z on ke tabel. II too cmnno (ct tt. remit to bi. w will .en t It br Bu!d7Tsiinmoiii Llr.r SnlMor UpiUpilwli UH& form tor tkoM who pntw Frfca tU put botti. book hllhtbdZ Ub.1. H. ZCIUN A CO.. PBOP8., T. louis. mo. biitef f igfti is txpsetfi Wttshiunnn, Nov. 22. Bitter fights art hx oted iu the 8eu?H oyer Taft's appointments. Tbe&c include several hundred "recess appointmei ts A fight is ex pec t- d on R. E o oai.e as District JudgA of AriiMia, 0 V. Howard at District Judg of Western Washington, promotion Sof Mai. B. Ray, par corpVof the?army. Our Bdildiog Material pfcse you. Oor ceiling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet Wii tickle you. Qoud ncaii Imb Go. 'PMOSone L, C!1 SGHESTERS PILLS l ate oiip. Bn r year . UruwH, AsV fortius ?&&.YBri DIAMOND JiRAKD PIU8, for ! yean knmra as t est, SticU Aivtyz ReUabt. son. by oeynciSTs PiikrwiiRe jkAfiltG POWDEBI is tiie BEST, because, in addition to it3 unequaled leavening quality, it leases no bad taste or unwhole some substance in the food. 1 lb. 20c X lb. 10c Ib.5e. Insist on having it. All good Grocers sell it or will get it f cz yon. III SI 5000 OHJJEv MD)B HAFFlir rl 0 They Came! They Saw! They Bought! Give me this pair. Telephone sister, hello Drotner, etc. A sigh and scene you never saw oeior. It Looks Like a Circus They crowded and jammed the store from front to back, A shor time longer and the sale will be over. Harry! People, hurry. 1 norn rn nil Klio ftalft Sale now on. It crrai:;d a ti f rrf worth of Drv Cioods, Uoat ouiis, iviens, nomeus auu uuuuiwic ouuc3 iuiuu v f . 1 K flinn wo.rwi 01 ry. vjuuu, v;uot o , o, hardlv possible to wait on e ery- W JLV,XJX,x, selling sensation. Evervbodv satisfied and everybody com- Krlrr Mnvpr WAR fill ft h ft CrOWO. 15arffaill8 On every UUUlltCI. VOUU uxvaJiuuu.o j - v . tt back IZu That8 the good word that went from math to mouth, .. Sale is now going on. To be cntinn7efner- yU ing oacK gam. xmio & n jt Ana iori fiio nrinAfi hplow Come, see for yoursell. have not attended do not wait longer ior you iuhw mat uej0 ic Uf3. r ' SALE TO BE CONTIUED A FEW DAip iajjnk.. Friends and customers everywhere are asking us to continue the Sale. Saying that it is the biggest bargain feast that they have ever known on really seasonable high-grade merchan dise Therefore sale will be continued for a while longer for the benefit of the public. Those unable to attend before now have the opportunity. We promised to give bargains and we fulfilled the promise. Here are a few prices: The date you know, the place, A. W. WINECOFF, 126 S. Main St. Sale continues a little while longer. A. W. WINECOFF, 126 S. Main Street, j IB I ' :Z g ... . Gt od 89 inoh b-own domeatio 5o Big lot bejt apron Crtofham Oo Lndis vots and pants . 22o Elegant Una ladies onion sets 43c Qood line best calicoes 5o Good line best calicoes ..41 2o Moat beamtifal tab'e l:nen iu the city, worth $1 60 yard, special now at... $1.17 Napkins to match abovfe worth $5.00 d aan now .. . $3.90 Beautiful new and up-t--date ta ble linen worth $1.00 to $1 35 only 07o Napkins to match land worth $4 00 apeoial $298 60o table linen 39o S5o table linen 21o Men's oOo work shirts, apeoial 30O Bleffant union made overalls 09o Splendid line Dress shirts worth up to 75o now 39f) All $1 00 and $1 60 shirts now only..... OOo One lot men's hata worth $1 00 to 91 bu at Big lot men's and boy's caps new goods 21 Big lot men! best fOo underwear 30o Same in boy a' akwa at- 22 Ladiea'a cost euisa $10 00 blue or blaofc serge suits, new goods co.00 Good new suit Ladies', missa and long coats speoial $130 od up to. 4.07 children's from $15.00 Men's Heavy wool hose .... 22o Men's Extra heavy ootton fleece hose. 12o Men's good ootton hose 4o Ladies' good hose Oo Misses' good hose 7o Ladies' silk hese 22o Ladies good wool gloves .... 1 6w Children's gcod wool gloves.. 10e Elegant blaok Taffeta worth $r00 yard at OOo Men's 60o suspenders very speoial-........ lOo Same in stripea Good suspenders ......... Sxtxa heavy suspenders . . KID QLOVEO. Speoial all colors ....... 03o Ladite' sweaters, an immense line COo Children's and Misses SOo and up. Big line ladies', misses' and chil dren's aviation caps and toguea from 15c up. Good lice blankets beginning at 84 1 2 eaoh and up to the best Klkin make at $4,67 SHOES. Shoes of all kinds at lowsst prices in city. Big line of fine laoe ourtains from 19s up to ........ . .. v.i5807 Boys' pants ranging taprioe from 43o to itri'i'ii 07o All wool dress goo!s wdtth 50o now All wool dresa goods worth $100 now. 6S0 up to 03c I : si Gome! See! Buy! All Bizs, good styles, high grade merchandise. The best that money and experience can buy. This i sale of all sales. Now going on at this store. A. W. WDM FF, 126 South Main Street Gome! See! Buy.! Coat su'ts, coats, dress goods, all klnda ftaple shoes, bought right and are selling at prices never known before in Salisbury. (Jome as yon never came before.

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