Jo Atuxa Jo Lima Phospb&fco SALEM. Not. 6. Farmers are all through with their farmjwork and ra novr-bnsy getting their winter wcod. Boys are now enjoying themselves in hunting. C. W. Graham has a very sick b y at this time. Docke Linglp, M. F. Boat, Bob Webb, 0 W. Graham, D ok Gra ham, and Will Briggs have ' all killed hrgs in the last week. - The ex postmaster of Manning will kill hiB twc pigB about the 10th. He thiaks they will ti the soales at about. 100 each. ' i A few of the neigbb went to Auut Jane Menins last Tuesday aud got her som fixe wocd. Wasler Klattz killed a rabbiv the other day. He will have soma fresh meat. J. B. Lingle is kept busy every Wednesday grinding corn. Salem Church will soon be with out preaching. Jesse Safrit and wife moved to his fathers, Tom Safrit. White Elliott will move upon the Willie Barber place near Bar ber, N. 0. John Rex is -the only farmer in this community that did not raise any cottcn this year. The ex-postmaeter of Manning has a fine co.w. Since last March he sold 302 lbsv of. butter from her Leiidei what he usedi This but ter amounted to $69.75. Pretty good if we do have to tie her hind feet tor the joist to milk her. Two more weeks till Christmas. Boys get your wood up and be on hand. Dolph Cook witl soon move to town to make his future home.' Charles Wise, of Sumner, will move in the Cook house . Charles Rany has moved to town, Dos Cress has moved to town, and Henry Fraley will move in next week. t Friday is Carolina day at old - Salem. There were two days this week that the sun did not shine at all. Thursday night' it ! snowed Rather warm for snow. S. Who will ride the motor cycle home Monday? "Cardui Cured Me" For nearly tenlyears, t diffent times, Mrs. Mary Jlnki of Treadway, Tena, suffered with womanly troubles. She says: "At last, I took down and thought I would die. I could not sleeps I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The doctors gave me up. I read . that Cardul had helped so many, and I began to take and it cured me, Cardul saved my life! Now, I can do anything." CTAKE ARDOJ If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, dragging-down feelings, pains In arm, side, hip or limbs, and other symptoms of womanly trouble, you should try Cardul, the woman's tonic Prepared from per fectly harmless, vegetable Ingredients, Cardul Is the best remedy for you to use, as it can do you nothing but good. It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-elf ects. Ask your druggist He sells and recommends Cardut . Wrttt tot Ladles' Adviaonr Dot CuttuMsea Mwflcint C. ChaHaaoota. tm&fdul Infractions, lad 64-pags book. "HUTUALS." Yarning From Insorancs Coonisslooer. Cio't Collect Claims bj Ln. The State is now being flooded with circulars from ''mutuals' and 4interii)8ur9rs." They claim v furnish insurance at cost- aud in their circulars appeal to the draggi8tj, hardware, laundry, and other different c'assns of busine-a for stfpport, aud some of our citi zens ore being taken in. They do not give the security desired at d in case of an accident they have " assured at" their mercy. The -litract cannot be sued 'on or bveo enforc d bjr law. There is no daubt but that in a large number of esses the (fnoers of corporations m taking insur ance for tneir companies in unli censed oumptuies lay themselves liable p raonallv, not ouly for the taxs evaded ut for the perfor mance of the contracts, and be sides are indictable; as th y are by law the agent cf the unlicensed companies. x How can ourcitiiens afford to fntrust their imurance to those who are evading the payment of axes to their State? If they are defrauding your State, will they not rob y:a if aa opportunity presents itse'f? In case of mis fortune you will bejielpless Yon cannot enforce your claim, how ever just, bylaw. Jamss K. Yctjng, insurance commissioner. Insurance Department, Raleigh, N. C. Funbjo Student Fouad Dead la the Woods. Greeoville; S C, Nor 80. Af ter being missed from his room at F I'man College since yesterday morning the body of W. D. Wat son, aged 81, a studeut, was found today lu a patch of wocds two miles from the city by a. party cf studenti, who bad been scouring the territory since yesterdayafterr uoou. Watson who has had fre aent melancholy spells, is believ ed to have ccmmitted suicide, theory also is borne out by a note found in the dead man's clothes, tvhich reads: "No cne else did this bat me." Watson's home was at Nixon ville, in Horry c. Quty. He was a graduate o' tb.i Carolina military tcademy at Charleston aDd was r.ftkujg a special c jurse at Fnrmau The WomansTonic "Hoom Trwtmcatiof Women." aeal trtc 1 M fiut RoBnd for Rff W R Wars ;; Revf WR Ware presiding el der, has made dates for his first rou u d as f ol 1 c ws : . -r , - ' ' December. South Main street, til a m. :.,8-9 1 Spencer Station, night ....8 Albemarle. Ct.; Century .iv.. .14-16 Albemarjp, night.' . . . . . 15-16 Salisbury, Ct.Shiloh. . . . . ..21-22 Holmes Memorial uight. r , . 22 Woodleaf, Ct.; Wocdleaf. . fc . . . .28 Salisbury,- FirBt Church, 1 1 a. m. . i, ..;u; ..... . .... ..29 East Spencer and N. Main St . nisht. 29 v January. New London, New London. . . .4-5 Salem Ct , Salem....; 5 6 Cottonvillp, Cedar Grove ...11-12 Norwood, night 12-18 Kannapolis Ct., B thpage . . . 18-19 China Grov Landii. 19 20 Gold Hill, Go d Hill ....!,., 6 26 , - February. Mt. Peasant, Mt Pleaot. ... 1 2 Westford, night. 2 8 Concord Ct., OJivet 8-9 Epworth, night 9 10 Central ll.a.:m 16 ForeBt Hill, niaht. . . 16 Bethel and Big Lick, Bethel. 22-23 A MESSAGE To Feeble Old People. As one grows old the waste of the system becomes more rapid than re pair, the organs act more slowly ana less effectually than In youth, the cir culation is poor, the blood thin and digestion weak. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic, without oil. v is the ideal Btrengthener and body-builder for old folks, for It contains the very ele ments needed to rebuild wasting tisi- sues and replace weakness witr strength. Vinol also- fortifies the sys tem against colds and thus prevents pneumonia. ' . A grandneice of Alexander Hamil ton, over eighty years of age, once remarked: "Vinol is a godsend to old neoTjle. Thanks to Vinol, I have nearly appetite, sleep soundly, feel active and well. is the finest tonic mA fitreneth-creator I nave even used." If Vinol fails to build , up the feeble old people, and create strength, we will return your money. P. S. Our.Saxo Salve stops Itching and begins healing at once. smith Drag Co., Salisbury, N, C. Dr. J. Thomas ; WrigM Specialist. Offices: Grubb Skyscraper Nervous Diseases, Skin Diseases, Diseases of Women, Heart Dis eases, Kidney and Liver Diseases and all Chronic D sease. Com pleta X-ray and Electrical Lab ratory, etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR Onion Sets D M. MILLER & SON rjachovia Bank and Trust Go. Salisbury, N. C. NttXT TO 0)ffRrH)tT3B Will pay you 4 per cent on your deposits and compound the interest qnarterly. This is a Big Bank, why not open an account with us? PiOPcES NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N C. Does a General Rank lor Business. 41 JDEnr Djbb 0 We pay 4 per cent on time do posits, interest payable every three months. Prompt attention giveu to an business entrusted to as ;Yoor business solioited. Peoples National Bank. John S. ILbndkrson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier L. D. Ga skill, - W. T. BnsBT, V -prident. asst. cashier i - - MM OVER 65 YEARS' "V EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs 'ffTTI - Copyrights Ac. Anrone lending a ket-h and description may ' qolclclf ascertain our oiiuiou free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Commanlca ' tlonsntrictljrconfldentlaL HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest aeencr for securing patents. " Patents taken through Muim & Qo. reaelr wpccw wnvx, witnout cnarge, mios- Scientific jlmericatu A handsomely 11 hi strafed weekly. Tareest eSr CQlaUon or any scienttlle Journal. ' Terms. 93 a Tjuvert oil . Terms, 93 i 1 newsdealer! rear) ionr montns, su boh Dy au newsaeaiera. WevfYork nstoiwD.Q Iir & Braaob omee, 0K 9 8L. Waahlngtoo. D. : , Perfection ' tt i biscuits, cakes - and pastry ; enhances they- ' , ' v "r reputation of the hostess, .t - r V- while" costing about Aalfas much bb the so-called "best" Baking Powders, inakes lighter,' tweeter and : c more wholesome foods than any other; - t Sold by U ood Grocers. Insist on faring it, - INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS THE 20th CENTURY EGG IfACHIaES The Money Makers of the Poultry World, 1 Over 250 Eggs per year. Winter layers commencing in October Non-setters, light asters land docks no pond required. Young- stock now ready will lay this Fall. Fawn and white or penciled: $ 1.50 each. S or more $ 1 .25 each. ' Pore white-genuine stock 45 for females, $2 for drakes.- CeHTery guaranteed. PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO. 103 NORTH DELAWARE STREET Ask your Hardware Dealer for PETALUM Meet Candy and Fruits He has the Best Quality at Lowest Priees. tHe w 11 pave you money. Saleeby will be glad to see you Come or 'Phone 17. Being Given Away to those who act as the local representatives of Everybody's Magazine and The Delineator all in addition to liberal commissions. Let us show you how you can Secure a Sliare simply by forwarding the'iabscriptionp f yqjir friends and nfUL bors and collecting the renewals of oar present subscribers , Try for THIS month's prizes. There are lots of prizes that can be won only by persons living in towns same size as your own. Write fc once to the . Butterick !Publisliiiig Co., Butterick Building. New Yock City 13 4-6fe INSERTED TOOTH SAWS 42 to 54 inches - $40.00 to $75.00 Each saw is warranted to be free from Flaws and Heams, and to be as nearly true as it is pos sible to make it. James Ohlen & Sous inserted tooth saws are made of 'the finest polished cruci ble steel, ground and tninpered. Rea l this guar antee and see if anything cpuid be fairer: Guarantee: An j saw failing to run well will be REHAMM.ERED free op ciiarge, it immediately returned, or if saw is found to be defective in any way, metal or temper, 01 tension, within thirty days from delivery a new one jwill be giVen in exchange " Call and se-i oar stock of these saws. We carry all sizes from 42 inch to 54 inch - The saw is GOOD. The PRICE Is RIGHT. Salisbury Supply and Commission Company. Saw Mill Supplies 'Phone No. 8. - Near Passenger Depot. . - INDIANAPOLIS, IND. A INCUBATORS or write us about agency. me at n Ghristihas it- 1 Worth win 8TS Furniture Makes an The most appropriate Christmas gift, for grown, people s furniture. It; is a I gift that will be appreciated and will be use ful for many yearp. Our store is full of all kinds of house furnishings. Gome ti Geo. W. Wrigbt's Tor Ctiristmas Presents Worm Giving Furxu'cnre mm mm will soon be here and do you know that NO OTHER GIFT CARRIES SO MUCH SENTIMENT OR FEELING OF APPRECIA TION ASJEW.ELRY. There is satisfaction and real pride .to persons of distinctive taste, in having and wearing things different from the ordinary. Graceful and unusual jewelry in every different article that goes to make up our stock may be had here in Rngs, Pins, Brocks, - Lockets, Bracelets, Chains Watches, Fobs, Ladies Mesh Bags, Umbrellas. Etc' HZ V 7K Our line offers yon the widest range to select from of ny in this city. Our prices are in no higher than t se where, and in instances you will find '.hem much lower. Every article in our stock is abnt lntely guaranteed t be just as represented. - We can show you what we have oettei me. i cold typ can tell, it is a pleasure to us, and wi 1 be a pleasure to you to look. 7Wx vl i John R. UCVVCICI , 8 J. O. White & Co, , BniId- km :r:! See vthat the next one you Buy Has their name on it. f FACriY, 212 E. 'Phme 143. S. MoCcbbins, Pres. A. L. Shoot, Sec a Treas. SALISBURY REALTY & INSDRANCE. Cd 122 N. Main St. 'Phone 258. Salisoury N C. Reorganized and Consolidated The underiigned who wre o mnacted with two other firms have oow reorganised and oos ilidtted their basiaeRS latereata st as to offer ereater advantaee to their many customers. If you wnt to bay or sell RRA.L places that ws!l tnak y a a nice nmi or py you 10 ,j-ir c'it so l& per cent on investment: or wi wAl buy or sail for y m any bargains you i ave to offer. - ' , . - We Han MOSEY and if y iu hav ny that U n rt payirg you 6 pr cent or m re. We can loan it on ?oil Real Estate, n--tt ra irtyage and guarantee loan nd 6 per cent interest net We write all lines of insuriTice and rent houses. When interested in our Hne don't fil to see us. One of the boys will get the otorcv December 16th is the day Presents While Ideal Christmas Gift Undertaker Brown p China Grove, N. O. 'UkZ 7W. mil u cmDT?i?m M OlIiMil, S.ilisur, N.- G. W. O. Maopiw, Inurancf Dept. F N McOubbus, Real Estate. ES TATE we an how you d8i" 3oooooooia&(Mao Parget! ti ll M 11$ our. cle 0