.The Sale you Waited for.. Our" ? mm isis Clearance sales are always heralded with gladness by many who wait for this opportunity to buy merchandise at Many lines will be sacrificed tp "clean up" before Spring goods come in. Impossible to list them all, so we mention Be at the opening: Thursday, at (o'clock. Our store will be closed all day Wednesday, marking down goods. Prices on Cotton Groods Sounds more like eight cents cotton titan thirteen. Nice sea is' and sheeting, yard wide, per yard. Best heavy AAA sheeting worth 10s, tale price, lOo sea island, yard wide per yard, Yard wide madrat, decl cate lavender colors, per yard on'y ?et 7j aprcn gingham to be found, oar price per yard, 5c In 7c 5c 5c lOc Bress Gingham 5c. Opening morning we will sell 600 yards of dress gingham 82 in. wide, dark col- ore, per yard, 3Q Limit 10 yards to customer Coat Suits and Coats reduced tor this sale. Lot of coat suits worth Ap A A $10 to $20, sale price Jf $5 00 sirge dresses nioely A Oft made for sj All other coat salts at half price and some less than half. Big redaction on all coats for wo men, misses, and children. Buy now for next winter, it will pay. 10c Madras for 5c. Oq opening day at 9 o'clock will sell 500 yards white madras for waist, 26 inches wide and regular 10c goods J?o sale prioe 3 Lace Sale. Never before has lace been sold here so cheap. Just listen : Torchon Lace, the kind that lasts long time, at per yard 1o Val and round thread Lace worth 5c per yd, 12 yds to bolt, per bolt for 15o Better Torchon Lace worth 5o per yard, 8 yards for 5o Nice wide Torchon Lace per yard for 4o Fine real linen Torohon Laos worth 7o, and 10c 5o J' in- i i ! - i , , mm """" Remember the data. of this sale is February 6th at 9 o'clock and lasts till February 15th. If you can't come the first any day. We'll have bargains for you any day you come. Several Extra CLERKS Wanted Clearance Sale on all shoes to make room tor Spring stock. Lot of shoes on sample counter odd lots, etc., marked at half and some less than half prion both floe and ooarie for men, women, boys and g'rlp, price 60 75 98 SI.25 SI." and up Women's patent cloth top button or biucher (4 J ft $2 50 shoe sale price 01 Women's shoes, worth 12 50, high button or f Qft gun metal, sale price " Lot of women's $3 00 Selby's make, to be 4 OS closed out at a9W Lot of women's $1 50 coarse and fine shoes, AO sale price wUC Boy's medium coarse shoe, good and strong, 4 Jt 8 to 5, were 1200 for Men's , oos shoes made outing style, f 1 50 val- f 93 ue, for I' Lot of men's $3 00 patent 4 Qft blucher shoes for "w Lot of men's $4 00 Rals ton shoe, only few pair A Jft of kind, sale price , Other styles in Ralston A 10 shoes at sj" Fall stock of men's, women's and ohildren'i rubbers. Table oil cloth, sale price -lA. opening day per yard f)Q "If n $1.25 Colt Long Cloth 08o Extra nice quality long olotb, 12 yards to bolt, $1 25 value, prioe per bolt Q8o Extra fine quality long cloth 86 - inches wide, per yard 10o Fine soft nainsook worth 1.50 bolt of 12 yards, sale price pr bolt $1.39 Linen finish suiting, per yard 10, 12 1-2 and 162-3o Beautiful shear quality of 40 in. luna lawn for 15c. Lot of white waisting regular lOo ank 12e grade; sale price per yard 7 1-2o Pretty sheer 25s mercerized water ing for 19o. White redford oord' extra good quality for 22 1-2o 12io sheer waist goods for 10o February 6th, at 9 o'cloclx. and Gontinueo f or 9 Dayo, 3C Slaughter Sale ot Silk Japonika Silks. light and dark shades, regular 25s 1 JTA quality, sale price IOC Silk Crepe in evening shade to bine, pink, iftn whits, 85o goods for V 48o Crepede-chioe, in Aft light evening colors for fjUC Lot of yard wide Taffeta mostly brown, $100 ifA goods rednoed to 4110 ,91 00 Foalard Silk, yard wide, clearancs sale TfJJA price 3C 91 00 Qiality Messaline in nice range cf shades for 0 Yard wide black Taffeta Aft real 95o grade for UUC Underwear Se duced. All winter underwer reduced to close out . Good time to bay for next winter. Women's ribbed anion AP saits 50o value for vC Children's 25c vest and 4 A. pants for fC Children's 50o anion suits Aft for OUC IPettlcoats. Women's black pettiooats ,AA for .09 Women's blaok taffeta petticoats, 93 00 ralu(4 00 for only Q Women's 92 50 messaline JO pettiooats for only . All womn'i and children's knit undershirts to olean up at lees than cost. e Sale we will have Opening Sale of White and Wash Goods. Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clook will sell 500 yds ; "c more white madras per yd, J Limit 10 yds. to customer Table Linen. Bleaohed Table Damask worth 85c for 19c Mercerized bleached Demask. 64 in. wide, 48 in. grade for 33o 75o all Linen Damask, pretty pat tern 68 in. wide, rpeoial 49o Our special natural round thread, lilver-bleached all linen Damask $1.25 value tor 93o $1 25 full bleaohed German Dam ask 72 in. wide, beautiful pattern, sale prioe 98o Ootton napkins per doz. for 290 Mercerized cotton' napkins, worth 85o per dozen for 59o "SETLL, IT Elkin Blankets at clearance sale prices Most everybody knows that the Elkin blankets are the best te bay and cost no more than other blankets that will not laBt half as long as Elkin. 93 CO grey Elkin blankets A4 Oft size 60x80, sale price 93 50 gray Elkin blankets A Qft large size 6080 for 94 50 white Elkin blank. All ets, large size 70x80 for fj 95 00 white Elkin blank- A Oft ets, large size 70x80 for tj Fall sise Grey Cotton blankets, 91 25 value Qgg $1 25 large size comforts filled with white ootton Afl for yuc 91 08 cotton comforti $1 filled with cotton for Dress KooIs Cotton whip oord. grey . and tan s popular last season, 20a valae for 8So Whin Cord, navy and blaok for 50o Wool Serge, blaok, navy and other colors, 86-'nch wide Lot of 91 00 grade of mixed dress goods 56 in. wide sale price 42-inch Granite Cloth, all wool and will wear well, 91 00 value for 15c 25c 39c 59c 75c 10c Bleaching for 7 1-2o Poe mill bleaching, niae "f 1 0 soft quality sale prioe f 2 L'mit 10 yards to customer $1.25 all linen hemstiched napkins sale priofl per dozen 98o Counterpanes at Sale Prices. 98o counterpanes, good size for 79o $1 25 nice large counterpanes, pretty marseiiles patterns for 90o Regular Marseilles Coun terpane for si ogle beds 4 JO $2 00 value for Extra One cat corner Marseilles Counterpane (A 1ft $3 00 value for "w FOR LESS" Gent's JPurnish ings Men's "Bull Dog" work Shirts, anion made and fall size for Men's negligee Shirts ax tra good value fall size for Boys' oating night Shirts for Men's oating night Shirts woth 75o sale price Men's 98c extra nice oat ing night Shirts for 25c Foar in Hand Tie 50a Foar in Hind Tie Men's nice 10c Handker chiefs, white and hem stitched i Men's 10c Socks ,15c Garters for 25o Suspenders for 15o Suspenders for 45c 45c 39c 40c 75c 19c 38c 5c 5c 12c 15c 10c Children's Dresses. Nioe lot obildrea ging bam and paretic dren m 8 to 14 at .40 - .90 Women's percale dresses AA for 98o Long Kimonos for QdC 90c 91 25 Long Komonos for All Kinds of Towels. Huok, bath, etc , at prices that will pay anyone to get a supply. Barber ootton towels, 2 for 5o Bleached huok towels good medi um size worth 10c for 5o Larger hnok towels for Oo Extra large hack towels regular 2 for 25o kind foi 10o Nice large aoney oomb towels Oo Bleached and unbleached bath towels good size for only lOo 15o bath towels nioe sise 12o Extra nioe large 21x63 bleaohed bath towels worth 85 1 for 25o Sheets and Pillow Oases. 48o sheets 72x80 for 38o 75c sheets seamless 81x90 69o Pillow oases for Qq greatly reduced prices. only a few of the many. V Men and ISoys Clothing Be- dneede Youths blue ae?ge Suits 94 00 value 17 to 19. years, sale price Youths good heavy win ter Saits 900 valae for Lot Men's 97 50 8aits good winter saits f-r Lot Men's 910 00 912.50 and 915 00 Saits sale prioe $2-48 53- 98 54- 98 S7 Men's Mats Clearance sale prioe on all Men's Hats. Hats f worth 98o for Bfg Millinery All winter millinery to go at most any price. Bay a new hat now cheap. Miscellaneous Specials 1c 2 balls white ootton for 8 spools king's machine at- P" ton for fQ Coat spool ootton for 4c Ladies' hand kerchiefsf or C Ladies' 5 o handkerchiefs 2 for 5C lOo air fl at Talcum powder 5C White knitting cotton 4 A per pouad Blaok and Brown knitting AP ootton.' per pound tG Friday, 7th at 3 o'clock lOo DinagtyforSc. 500 yards of -nee sketr wfcit dimity, 10c aualitv on sale Friday 8 o'clock, per so i Limit 10 Yft'ds to custome New Colored Wash 8os. Zephyr Gingham, 12cj grad, 12 in. wide, also 82 Ronfrow Ginghams, sun a?)d tu' proof. regular lVij aud 15o Gin? hms for t9c Gotten Poplin mercerised iiaish 20o grade, black, white and nioe range. of colors 15o Ootton Begaline, beautiful mer perized finish, worth 85s., black, white and colors foi 25o and opening day, come Several Extra Check BOYS WANTED SI 371 Si