i-J if ST-- iH j - . . ' THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. H Stewart, EDITOR AND O WNEB C ' ' v. 1 ' ' ' ' r" Published Every Wednesday, 120 West lanes Street. ' SUBSCRIPTION PBICE: Watchman .... 1 yr $ . 75 Record........ 1 yr....,$ .75 Both Papers. . 1 yr. ... .$1 00 Advertising rates reasonable. ' Entered as second-class matter Jan. 19th. 180i, at the post office at Salis biry, N. O., under the act of Congress of atarsbsm, 1878. Salisbury, February 26, 1913. A Hit Tin tor the Negro Craps Shooters Last Thursday night the sheriff and bie deputies became thirsty for Negro blood and proceeded to pick out a house where they had occasion to believe that a big "haul" oould be made and they proceeded at miduight to the home of Carrie Black well, colored, in one of the cottagf s opposite the Southern express office and neat (he passenger station. As a res oh of their raid nine people, eight men and one woman, Carrie, were taken. Wnen the place was entered there was a mighty scrambling of feet, but the officers saw Cenougb to oonv:nc3 them that the crowd were sitting in a cirole on the floor gambling, playing cards. When the place was searched 29 packs of o.oaioe were found hid among the bed clothes and in a rear room 26 half pints of whiskey were found. All of them were arrest ed and locked up for the night They were tried in the Rowan county court Friday morning, . All nine of the defendants were convicted and the men were sen tenced to 30 day each on the gang while the woman was given 60 days. Later it was agreed t let seven of the men pay a flae oi $10 each and costs. This five of . them did immediately. The other man, who had a pistol ou hi person, and the woman will pro bably serve their time. From the above it would appear that Rowan's sheriff evidently be lievei that he can make the Negroes believe that he is oue of those go-arter-'em-aud-get-'eQ sheriff and such is the case when he i after N gross. Nit Firs ti Btgii B&slntss Sow. : T. M. Keller, L. A. Raney and M. A. Lomax have purchased the stock of dry goods and fixtures, of W. A. Wiuec'ff, and these clever gentlemen will continae business at the same place. They are now busy re-arrangiug the stock at d will open the doors to the public toward the ratter part of the week, at which time they expect to close out the stock at ouqustionable bargaas. After which tl ey will put in a oomplele and up-to-date stock of the latest out in dry goods aid notions. Mr. Keslei was with the Empire store Com pany for a number of years and made many friends while with this firm who will, no d ubt, call upon him in his new position. Mr. Raney is a suco sefui ycuog man of the wholesale grocery firm of Snidei-Ran4y Co. ; and Mr. Lcmax is a successful merchant of Jubilee This firm is composed of a trio of most successful and trustworthy men and it is need lets to say that they will conduct a successful business. srcno of consinjjnoii What is "Durro?" "DUBRO" stamped on a violin, Bow or String baa the same equivalence as Sterling on Silver, or 22 karat on Gold. It means Honesty, Integrity, Value and Reliability, pins "your MONirrs worth." What more can yon expect from a violin? Other afuaical Merchandise of equally the same standard. Int. Urtaky. Salisbury Pawn Shop, SW (mux mark rnaiBio) GO The most remarkable remedy ever discovered for Indigestion, Dyspep sia, and all forms of Stomach Distress from any cause. "Invaluable for relieving depression, lack of appetite, vitality, etc. Greatest Tonic and Bracer known. Relieves immediately. Absolute ly no harmful ingredi ents. Guaranteed under Pure Food & Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents for 8 oz. bottle, or send ' 10 cents for trial bottle, direct to Tfca DIgestoneine Company, 103 Watt 42ntf street. lew Turk, H. T. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANX SALISBURY, N. C Doc a General Daw Mag Business. t Yield to Vinol. The medical profession do not be Here that consumption la Inherited but a person may inherit a weakness or tendency to that disease. , A prominent citizen of Evansrille, Ind., writes:- "I was ill for five months with pulmonary trouble, and had the beat of doctors; I had hemorr hages and was in a very bad way. Through the advice of a friend I tried Vinol, and I feel that ' It saved my life. It is all you recommend It' to be. I believe ft is the greatest medi cine on earth. I have advised others to try Vinol, and they have had the same results." (Name furnished on request.) Vinol soothes and heals the inflamed surfaces and allays the cough. Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs-ffid gives the patient strength to throw off incipient pulmo nary diseases. Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned if It does not help you. P.- S. Stop scratching, our Saxo Salve stops itching, 5Ve guarantee It Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, N, 0 An added pleasure smokers of We pay 4 pr cent on time de posits. Interest -payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. -Your business solicited. . -Peoples' National Bank. Johh 8. HnroaasoH, J. D. Nobwood, v tv president. . cashier. L. D. Gabxill, w. T. Busby, V.-president. asst. cashier I Osf BBlldiag tfitirlal will please you, Onr ceiling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet wiU tickle you. Good sun Lumber Oo. 'Ph405one L 1 i Here is a smoke with the real, genuine to bacco taste that beats all artificial tastes. Every grain of it is pure, clean tobacco. Tucked into a pipe, or rolled into a cigarette, it makes a delightful smoke. if you have not smoked Duke's Mixture, made by Liggett & Myers at Durham, N. C, try it now. In addition to one and a half ounces of fine Virginia and North Carolina leaf, with each 5c sack of Duke's ' Mixture you now get a book of cigarette papers free and A Free Present Coupon .. These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable presents. There are sharing sets, jewelry, cut glass, base balls, tennis racquets, talking machines, furniture, cam eras, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member of the family each of them well worth saving the coupons for. ' As a special offer, dur ing March and April only, we will send our new illustrated cata logue of these presents KRiLhi. Just send us your name and address postal. i iv1 i ri i MORTGAGE SALE- - Puruant to the provisions con tained in a Mortgage ;Truis Deed registered iu book No. 81, psgf" 78, made by Hondeison Lwis for t!ie prpteciion arid hpneftt of :the urdetsigned, on th) 25(h day of May, 1907j defautt haviDg been made in the'psymeot of this debt, whi'.h said-Murtgaga was given to secure, the undersigned will sell at public sale for cab, it the Court House do r in Salisbury, N. O., on the 1st dav of March, 1913, next, the folliviug prop- prty: Adjoining the lauds of A. S. Heilig, Mrs. Rosa Cczart, and Mrs. Bame in Ffui iu Township abotit 8 miles N VV. from Salis bury, bfteiuniitg at a stake in th road; theace N, 7 deg, W, 6,78 chaiu to the sprint,; theuce N 83dg. W. 1 chain down the spring branch ; thence N4 8 dg W. 19.50 chains (o a hickory J thence N. Hi deg. W 6 55chaii to a stake; theuce S. 61 deg. W 2.80 chains to a stake ; theuce ti. 4 deg. W. 3 2$ chains to an aeh on the old line ; theuce 8. 45 deg. E . 5 50 chains to a birch ; thence S. 8 deg. E. 29 50 chains to a stake; thence E- to the beginning, containing J6acrer, more or less, being Lot No. 2 on plat of said land. i Also another lot adjoining the above as follows: Beginning at a stake on creek ; thenee N 60 deg E1.30 chains to a whit oak thence N. deg. E. 80 links tc an oak, corner ef No. 2; thncp with line of No .2 S 45 deg. E 5 50 chains to a birch; thence 8 deg K. 28.50 chains to a stake; thenoe W. l chain to a stake; thence 85 deg. W 2 20 chains to a stone ; thenoH N. 8 deg. W. to a stake, Fishers corner; thence N 55 deg. VV. 1.90 chains with gully ; thf nee Is?. 85 deg. W 1.25 chains; thenc N. 75dg. W. 1 70chaiui; thence 37 deg. W. 5 85 chains; thence N. 62 deg. VV. 5.12 chains to an elm ; thence N. 7 80 chains to a stakf on creek, Fisher's cornnr; ther.ee up the creek to the beginning, containing 22 acres, m ire or leep, being Lot No. 3 ou plat of said lands. For back title see books 49 and 53, pages 424 and 44. Also deed from A. W. Lentz and V. P. Leutz, administrators, to T. H. Vander ford, registered in the efficeef the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, in book No. 106. page 69, conveyed by the said Henderson Lewis to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. T H. Vandebfoed, Mortgagee and trustee on a Coupons from Duke's Mixture may ie assorted with tars from HORSE SHOE. J. T., TWSLEY'S NA TURAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST, coupons from FOUR ROSES ( Wc-ttn double coupon), PICK PLUG CUT. PIED MONT CIGARETTES, CLIX CIGARETTES, and other fags or coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. ST. LOUIS, MO. 1 f!j-H,UPll IH0L3rltli2ni.e & Co Avoid Accidents Old worn harness is a con stant sourcee of trouble and f, may be the cause of a sen r ous accident. You can get New Harness for your carriage teams or working horses now at low pri ces. Collars, eadd 1 es et c . And all repairs neatly and skillfully made. TVlien yon "biay Harness you want the harness to fit the horse. We make a specialty of fitting harness and you will be pleased with any purchase you make here. The quality of the workmanship to each set is in keeping with the quality of the leather. Every stich is made with ma terial that will last. We haye three experienced workmen. All our work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Harness Oil and Dressing. All our Liniments and Powder are guaranteed. No good no pay. Make our place your headquarter while in the City.- We are always glad to see you whether you buy of us or not. We carry in stock tb Chicago Horse Clipping Machine, also a good stock of supplies, blades, chains, etc. Hartline & Go. Salisbury, O. 'Phone 431. 113 E. Innes St. (7 AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wool on Commission. Wrltfjor price list mentioning this ad. a. 1 mA m m 4haa JOHN WHITES CO. SXSum o- BARRED ROCKS, thoroughbre d, Dice lot of pullets and eggs tor sale. 15 eggs frr $1.00. Apply to 4 L. W. Safrit, CresceU, N. C Horlw Sale oi Real Estale Pursuant to the provisions contained in aMortgage Trust Deed Registered in book No. 19, pae 590 made James M, tfcott and wife, Margaret Scott, for the protection and benefit of the undersigned, on the 1st day of AugoM, 1902, default having been maae in the payment of this, debt, which Mid mortgage was given to secure, the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash, at the court house door in the city of Salis bury on the 7TH DAY OF APRIL, next, the following property: Beginning at a stone by a post oak by the side of the road, thence soirth 58 degrees east 26 poles to a stone by a larae cedar, thence nonth 2 degrees west 12 poles to a stone by a pine, thence north 56 degrees west 32 poles to a stone east of Eq. Cotton's two-acre tract, menoe norm 3U flegrees east 13 poles to the beginning, containing .2 acres in. Gold Hill township about one mile from (he town of Gold Hill, N. C, conveyed by Ihe said James M. Scott and , wife, Margaret Scott, to satisfy the debt- provided for jn said mortgage. . Z This land has a bouse thereon and s is otherwises desirable place to locate. .--JT This February 26th, 1913. - Johw J. Stewabt ... -, . "commissioner. rjachovia Bank and Trust Co. Ill 8 H P Uorellf euflrioe aud boiler, guaranteed in good condition, for sale cheap. Also a set of good two-horse wagon wheels and steel axles. Apply to J hu J. Stewait, Ss Hsburyj Ji. C. .. , . ! EggS for HafCblog Baff Plvmou-h Book:, aud Biff Leghorn Kgs for batohitg 50c for 15 ggs at" tb psrsDitatro, rr $1.00 delivered. Rev 0. A Bhown, China Grove, 2-20 6w. pd. Salisbury. N j C. JCXXT TO OOOKT EC CSS Will pay you 4 par cent on your deposits and compound the interest quarterly. ... This is a Big Bank, why u t open an account with us? CHICHESTER S PILLS W-v TU 1AMN1) BBAKD. Vht-ecs-taF via JUla la Ke4 aad boxes, sealed with Taker taer. Hi, . DIAMOND HRaNO PILLS. fL, fi- yean kaova as Best, Safest, Alnys RrtUL U: SWD 8Y tKJJfiGrsrS FVERVWH: m 1 M '-, ' IS "raa-a-trt Um . mom UraaeV j Bi-te Ribbon. V Tour IE8.TS-B1 1 Gubotituteo. Is your own child THB HE8T? Would you be satisfied with pomn other child recommended as "just as good Now, Your Child is Sick it has a Dangerous Cold. You KNOW G0WAN3 PflEPAIlATIOri is the OniQiflAL and BEST, Wculd Yoa Give Your BEST CHILD a Meiicine R c mmeiided as "JUST AS GOOD." Think it over. Price 25c bog. and SI oo All Druegists over. r$i5" NO MORE G.T. KLDTTZ TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, PLUMB1N3 AND REPAIRI NG Sbcp. 129 Soaln Ctmrch Strstt, TtlepDsne l. 282, SalisDury. I. G. PEOMFT ATTEMT10H 10 URDEBS. Metal Shingles Y-Crimped Roofing First Class Work Prices Reasonable SEE ME 2-26 WOOLELMILLS THE WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS $15 I H LESS Ml 0F1I 500 New Nobby Patterns Every one the same price. Union Made. Any Style Desired. Suits Tailored to your Measure Get That Easter Suit EARLY ! GRAND DISPLAY NOW ON. """ . 7 Green Woolen Mills, Grubb Building. Salisbury. lnJ. Innis St.. n. C. or iesuits mm .. REGISTERED MEM EsW885 FOR SALE BY M'CUBBINS & HARRISON CO. SALISBURY, N. C. THE JOHNSTON LINE NOW ON DISPLAY THE MACHINERY THAT APPEALS TO A GOOD FARRIER. Without a doubt the Johnston Line is not only as good as the others, but we believe superior. Are you going to give us a chance to prove it. We will see. Place your orders early and den't be disappointed in delivery 'Phone 158- Salisbury, N. O. II. A. Rouzer, Treas. &Gen. Managep ROWAN HARDWARE MACHINERY COMPANY i

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