HIE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. B Stewart, EDITOR AND OWNEB Published Every Wednesday, 120 West Innes Street. 8UB80EIPTION FRIGE: Watchman. . . . 1 yr $ .75 Record ..1 yr.....$ .75 Both Papers.. 1 yr $100 Advertising rates reasonable. Entered aeeoad-olaas matter Jan. 19th. 1805, at the post office at Salis bury, . 0., under the act of Congress of March 8id, 1878. Salisbury, April 30th, 1913. Ohai. A. Bland was nominated yesterday to succeed himself as mayor of Charlotte. The trouble with this bond busi ness is the people are not willing to build ten-year roads with fifty year bonds. The floods are now rasing in Mississippi and Louisiana. It ia stated that 25,000 people are be ing oared for by the army. Wm. J. Bryan seems to be meet ing with some sucoess in illimi nating the objectionable features in the Oalifornia alien land bill. A new bill has been drawn. Mecklenburg county has just of fered tome bonds for sale bearing 4 1-2 per cent, interest, but there were no bidders. Better learn now to pay as you go rather than have to learn later through necessity. In a farewell luncheon to Mr. Bryce, the British Ambassador, Mr. Bryan, Seoretary of State, served grape juice instead of wine, and from the howl they are putting up, . it would seem this was the only way some folks had to get a drink of wine and oonse quently were muoh disappointed. Mr. Bryan does well to cut out the Belshazzar business. ine Vxreensboro Kecord says that the search and seizure law is being used to good effeot in Salis Jmitj . This may be trae, but it it strange that those of us who. live here cannot corroborate the state ment. Once upon a time there was a man who was always seek ing a job and praying that he would never find it, and thus it is with our officials in regard to the tigers. In the fire which destroyed the News and Observer's plant, the mailing galleys went with the rest, consequently the Observer is being mailed to the postoffioes with the request that the postmaster hand them out to subscribers as correctly as possible. This suggests a valuable service the postmasters could render the Observer, which ii to take the name and address ol each one who calls for the piper and send the lists to the publisher. Some papers are expressing sur prise because new Chinese govern ment has called for the prayers of the Christians of the world. The reason for this surprise may come from the fact that it is not com- monly known the ranking, general of the successful army against the Manchus and the president of tbe new republio are earnest Protest ant converts and the very highest type of men in tbe oountry. This i3 the work of sixty short years of protestantism against three thou sand years of Confucianism and noestor worship, and threi bundrod years of Catholioism and Mohauimedism. If such men are elected to sucoeed the present of. floialp China will soon be one of the ctiost wide awake, earnest and strougest christian nations of the earth. QUININE AND IROII-THE MOST EFFECTUAL 6EHERAL TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Tasteless form. The Quinine drives v uj.t Malaria and the Iron builds up "the System. For Adults and Children. ttx- e itutmiz wnen take GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, recognized for 30 years through out the South as the standard Malaria, Chill and Fever Remedy and General Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the ingredients co not dissolve in the mouth but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stomach. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. 2ook foe aSnato of ORnivw ' Tha is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE ' locttoatureofRGROVBijon every box. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25e7 a, - - Did Mr. Parker break! up the red-light district crusade? ' Thb Watchman Glinka the city alderman will make a mistake by making another contract for street lighting, eta , at this time. The present contract runs for more thin two years and a portion of this time should be given to the consideration of the subject. No one knowB what may transpire within this time that will be of advantage to the oity and, the ery fact that a new ten year con tract is almost being thrust upon us before the expiration of the present arrangement, does not look well to say the least. We believe the city can make better arrange ments by further ooniideration and investigation. For instance, should it be necessary to go to the Yadkin for a oity water supply, the additional oost to equip a oity power plant there would be in significant in comparison with the benefits. The aldermen, we take it, or looking out for the general welfare of the oity and not the in teresfcs of stockholders of corpora tions. PRGEEDIN6S OF PRESBYTERY. Elect Infant Clinse. locreised Coolrlba tlODS, Evangelistic Campaign. At the meeting of Concord Pres bytery at Lenoir last week Rev. Bdgar Tufts, president of the Lees-McRae Institute at Banner Elk, reported that the school buildings, owned by the Presby tery, are valued at $85,000, but that funds aie badly needed to further equip the school for larger and better service, as the demands made upon it are increasing every year. A friend of tha sohool has offered to give $4,000 to establish the high school department, pro vided a similar amount can be raised from other Bonroes. A report of the executive oom mittee of the board of trustees of Statesville Female College showed that $3,900 of the $5,(00 promised by the Presbytery for the lifting of the $1U,UUU debt had been ran ed by 15 of the churches, leaving $1,100 to be seoured. Dr. J, A. Scott, president of the college, was heard in a brief address in the interest of the institution. The following were elected com missioners to the General Assem bly which meets in Atlanta the latter part of May: Ministers, Revs. C. E. Raynal and W . L. Lingle D. D. ; alternates, Revs. B. D. Brown and J. S. Summers; elders, Maj G. W. F. Harper of Lenoir and Dr. J. S. Lafferty of Concord ; alternates, W. C. Feims ter of Newton and L. K. Overcash of Stat6sville. Key. W. C. 0. Foster was re ceived as a member of this Pres bytery from the Presbytery at Tuscaloosa, Ala. The report of the home mission committee Bhowed one new church organized and two old churohes re-organized within the bounds o: the Presbytery, making the tota 82, which is the largest number in the history of this body. ine ioiiowing overture was adopted and ordered sent to the General Assembly. "In the ef fectual application of the redemp tion by Christ to infants and other persons who are inoapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the World, the use of the Word, or the other ordinances of the Churoh is not necessary ; but they are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit, who worketh when and where and how He pleassth." It is hoped that this will be substituted for the much-debated "elect infant clause." lhe statistical report shows largely increased contributions to all causes. Total for foreign mis sions $10,789, an increase of near $3,000; assembly's home missions $1,547, Christian education and ministerial relief $4,415, Orphans' Home $6,598, an increase ol nearly $3,000 over last year; pas tors' salaries $28,719, congrega tional $16,052, miscellaneous causes $5,010. There were 515 additions to the membership the past year and the total membership of the churches in the Presbytery is now 7.805. Tbe Sunday sohool enrollment is 0,497. Of church officers there are 278 elders and 254 deacons. The Presbytery decided oa an evaugauBbio campaign, a series of special meetings, to be held RELIEVES PAIN AND HEAL' AT THE SAME TIME The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Porteri fuuxpiw neaiinguiL An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Old R, R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood Poisoning. 1 Thousands of famtua i j and a trial will convince von that np PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HBtuSG Oil, is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, - wp diseases ana all wounds and external diseases whether slight or serious. Continually people are finding new nses for this famous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Drueeist ' y., during the" summer and the fol lowing appointments were maae : Spencer, Cleveland, Altapass, Rev. Wm. Blaok: Prospect, Rev. E. P. Bradley ; Oooleeme, Rev. J. G. Garth ; Mooksville, Rev. 0. A. Munroe ; Loray, Concord church, Rev. W. S. Wilson ; Newton, Rev. W. L. Lingle; Thyatira, Rev. C. M. Richard; Sbiloh (Iredell), Rev. J. E. Summers; New Salem (Alexander). Rev.C. T. Sq aires; Yancey county, Rev. Jas. Lap- ley; Poplar Tent, Rev. 4B. D Brown; Gilwood. Rev. D. Mun roe; Siloam, Rev. W. M. Sikes; Third Creek, Rev. J. A Scott; Mitohell and Avery counties, Rev. F. A. Barnes; Tabor (Iredell), Rev. 0. E. Raynal ; Old Fort, Rev. W. M. Walsh,: Franklin (Rowan), Rev. W. Culbertson; Bethany, Rev, T. W. Lingle : Quaker Mea dows, (Burke), Rev. L. L. Moore; Bethpage (Rowan), Rey. C. B. Heller; Kannapohs, Rev. A. D. Wauohoe; Center, Rev. J. C. Story; Back Creek, Rev. W. T. Walker. An adjourned meeting of the Presbytery will be held at Moores- villeon May 5th. Rev. W. L. Lingle, D. D , was appointed to preach the Presbytenal sermon at the fall meeting at Davidson. Cares Old Sores. Other Remedies Won't Curs The worst cases, no matter of how long standing. .ic carcu 07 xne wonaertui, oia reliable Dr. Jartet Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Paia and Heal at the same time. 25c.50e.SL0a Keep tbe Working Han. Look out for the man who is looking for a job. Keep him in Wilmington by giving him work. Every man who works is au asset to a city. The real constructive elements in any oountry are re souroes, labor and capital. Tbe world's richest treasure snot would yield nothing but for lab?r and capital. Labor produced capital. Wilmington Star. DAN6ER FROM GRIPPE Lies in That Cough and Weak, Worn-out Condition. Grippe, pleurisy, pneumonia, these axe greatly to be feared at this time 01 the year. To prevent eriDDe from belnsr fol lowed by either pleurisy or pneumo nia, it is important to drive the last traces of it out of the system quickly. Our advice is to take Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron prepara tion without oil, and get your strength and vitality back quickly. Mrs. A. A. Grabill, of Strasburg; Va. says: "Grippe left me weak, run down and with a severe cough, from "Which I suffered four years. I tried different remedies, but nothing seemed to do me any good until I took Vinol, from which I received great benefit. My cough is almost entirely gone, and I am strong and well again, and I am glad to recommend Vinol to others Who suffer as I did." Try Vinol with the certainty that If It does not benefit yon we will give back your money. P. S. For children's Eczema, Saxo Salve Is guaranteed truly wonderful. Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, N, C Ice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Charles Woodruff, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1914, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. rersons inaeotea to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This the 26th day of April, 1913. fit Johx J. Stewabt, administrator WB CAN GUARANTEE OUR WATCH REPAIRING. It is true that most auy jew9lei oau do watoh repairing; but it is Dot true that all watch repair ipg is done right. It takes a great deal of careful study and years of experience to do do watch repairing intelligent ly and do it so that it will give satisfaction. The watch repairing that we do is such that we are willing to back our reputation on it- If there is anything whatever the matter with your watch, bring it to us, and we will satisfy you not only as to workmanship but also as to prioe. STARNES & PARKER, Leading Jewelers & Optometrists, Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches & Silverware flnr Rnlldln? Material will release von. Our ceiling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet wi'l tickle you. Good. man Lumber Co. Th405one L' Mr. Farmer: We have all kinds ot Garden and Field Seeds. D. M MILLER & SON THE LEADING GROCERS WOMAN SUFFERED TEN YEARS From Nervousness Caused by Female Bb Restored to - Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta . ble Compound. AnTmrn. N.Y. " I suffered from nervousness for ten years, and had such organic pains mai sometimes I would lie in bed four days at a time, could not eat or sleep and. did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all. Some times I would suffer for seven hours at a time. Different doc tors did the best thev could for me until four months ago I began giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a trial and now I am in good health." Mrs. William H. Gill, 15 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York. Doctor's Daughter Took It." Ct Hrvnl Minn " T WfLS SO TUTl down V WWVty aUUAIM . by overwork and worry that I could not stand it to have my children talk aloud or walk heavy on the floor. One of my id Tro T,vdi E. Pinkham's wuivi) J Vporfthl nnmnound. for I know a doc tor's daughter here in town who takes it and she would not take it if it were not good.' " I sent for the Compound at once and kept on taking it until I was all right" Mrs Bertha M. Quickstadt, 727 5th Avenue, o., ox. uioua, mum. Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound may be relied upon as the most efficient remedy for female ills. Why don't you try it? (trade hark rbustercd) 'pHE most remarkable remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress front any cause. Relieves Immediately Creates appetite, re stores vitality and re moves instantaneously depression due to alco holic and other excesses. Greatest Tonic and Bracer Known Absolutely no harmful ingredients. Guaranteed tinder Pure Food and Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. AH druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bottle direct to Tbe Digestonelne Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NtW YORK. N. Y. For Sale fc Smith Drug Co. Salisbury FOB SALE! 1 5 Barred Plymouth mMsmi i an UHI VUU9 D.M. Miller G. T. KLDTTZ TIN AND SLATE ROOFING PLUMBIN3 AND REPAIRING Sbop, m South Church Street, Telephone No. 282, Salisbury, N. C. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS. Metal Shingles, Vcriraped Roofing, First Class work. Prices Reasonable. See me. -26 We Try to Pleas 3 You Plyler I HarwooJ Lunch Room! mm. ,iMMRTm Learn to Know us. . Dealers in Cigars, To bacco, Lunches and Confectionaries. Ice Cream a Specialty. 115f .E. Couneil St. Phone 6621 IL.i.J.J t !U! ! wm ra.j.TWiW--Mg.,rr.: I "TBI n 4' S - h WANt you to come to this store at all times and feel at home. Make this store your Headquarters. Look at anything and everything you wish, and we believe you will secure the best here for the least money. SUnrjER OH FORDS. We have them in all the new styles: button, blucher or strap patent; nice tan and gun metal, also white canvass; low flat heel and wide toe or most any style you could wish. And then our 4 prices are very reasonable. Gome in and let us "show you' ilioilli!- 1 m iPflB. i nn Prte! f These are beyond a doubt tivo important Factors in choosing a Dentist. i m Full Set Teeth $5.00 Fillings in gold, silver, pla tinum and porcelin 50c and $1.00 up. Gold crowns and bridge work $3, $4, $5 a tooth. WacWaBanttTrnst Co. 5ii' m W a.c - oplp - i - ii - g SELL IT FOR LESS. OUR METHODS are the upto-date PAINLESS kind not the old fashioned nerve -wrecking kind that made so many dread the dental chair. OUR PRICES entirely sweep away all competion on work of a similar high character. Guaranteed 15 Years. Philadelphia Inc. 126 N. Main St., SALISBURY BRANCH Offers a prize of $50 in Gold to the farmer raising the most pounds of seed cotton on an acre of land in 1913, Any farmer in Rowan county desiring to enter contest can do so, either by calling at our Bank or by writing to us giving name and P. O. address before June 1st. Books are now cpen for registration. It is understood that at least 25 farmers must enter contest and as many more as wish h v 5 a M painless Dentists, 'Phone 763. Salisbury. N. 0. a mi k o)

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