" :1liiiMML iiHBSB iBSiiMlliiiiSBSl 'St? ;;.,r 'Vsp-. Vi', V," -i.-i.rt:v.' . . v" ;" ' A 4. r. Trt CAHOLIIIA YATCHMftN. ; J3 1 6T72IXtt KDITOB XND OW&EB Published E very Wednesday, -120' West InneVStraet. T ; :; subscription prick: Watchman . . 1 ;yr. .75 ;Recbrdv. .; v. . .1 yr. . .75 Both ' Papers . a ! yr..?. . $1 00 Advertising rates reasonable. Entered as seeond-elasa matter Jan. I9tb. It 06, at the poit office at Salis bury, N. ft, tinder the act of, Conxress ol Uareh8nl Salisburyf May 21st, 1913. i " - 8atardyt Jane 14th, is known nag day ; and The. American Slag Association .with head offices in New York city, ia making an effort to bare the . day fittingly observed throughout the nation. This is very commendable and we hope to- see the day become one of great popularity. Let every one who has an- American flag make an effort to display it ou this date. The Southern Uailway baa just issued a very handsome sixty-four page pamphlet relative to the points on its lines in Western ftorth Carolina. It is beautifully Ulufttated and printed and s of muoh interest to tourists Th first point mentioned is Salisbury, then follows a brief statement of very stop between here and Ashe vmi." ihm watchman it in debted to R. Hj DeButta, D. P. A., Charlottd, N. 0., for aoopy. The Watchman is very glad" to note that Senator Overman has re introduced his immigration bill and certainly hopes to see it, if not something stronger, become a law. Our nation has always been exceedingly generous to all na tions, worthy and unworthy alike, o much so that this generosity has become a fait, and the time for proper restriction has arrived. We have now about all the un desirables that, we canlhope to as simulate for years to come. v The Landmark has always con teudedt,'T a judge should be ou hand tolAp court at the regular hour;)h!hess) providently -hinder-d ; that fcefshould not be guilty of an offence which he would not tolerate in witnesses and jurors and that opinion is not changed I y the alleged tardineis of Judge Long; It can Bay with truth, however, that Judge Long is prob ably the most industrious worker on the bench with the possible ex ception of Judge Whedbee; and inasmuch as he finished the busi ness of each week's t$rm of Rowau court by the middle of the week he may not have deemed in nec oeasary to be in a hurry to open opurtontime. This is not said as an apology for him but simply to state the facts. The Watch, man's intimation that the Land mark critioises only at long range is contrary to the facts, as that paper well knows. States viile Landmark, Thk 'Watchman did not inti mate that Judge Long is habitual ly indolent or careless of. bii duties. It may be possible he was providentially prevented frcm catching the 6 :45 morning train in Statesville. just as it is possible the same mysterious power pre vented the uumerous judges the Landmark has so persistently and justly critioised. It ia impossible to believe that Judge Long would have allowed his court to be held up a half day by any one. The Rowan Superior courts have be come very small affairs sinoe the ejtablishment of the County Court, so we will not attempt a comparison of the speed possible by various judges. The Watchman thoroughly un derstands that a newspaper gen erally makes an enemy whenever it criticises any one, no matter how just the cause, but as it is no an ar of Statesville's judge having any privileges no't enjoyed by oth ers and as The Landmark has quite frequently criticiaed judges of other places, this paper did not wa it our neighbor to fail us at uoh an important though delicate juncture. However, like many another. The Landmark-goes eff half-cooked occasionally . POfllfll Slips WV would like to fig ure with! good farmers who would like to grow sweet potatoes. We Vi furnish the planti for part ! of . ,p. . Plaot. fo, ..1. .1.0. 1 Oak in Farm, Cbas. Gv Medlin,: - P.op., Salisbury, N. O, Box 815. 6-2t8t pd. J: the M Salisbury 5iiu lyj jp schools have been; basy.: for several cl a ys pulling off J their annual commencement exer cises. Beginning -with :Bi- day night a very interesting debate .took place between five of the male pupils. The subject was:jRes9lyed, That Salisbury Should Adopt the Commission Form of .Gov ernment. John L. Rendle man, Esq. , had offered ; a medal for the best speaker. This was won byArthur Lee Shaver, 1 1 who handled his subject with much ability , Sunday the annual sermon was preached in the school auditorium by Rev. John2W. Moore, of the First Metho dist Church, before a large audience, Uis sermon has been highly spoken of, Mon day night there were twenty six graduating essays read by as many pupils besides nu merous : other . papers. The annual address was read " by Prof. J. A. Matheson, of the State Normal College, the diplomas were awarded by 'Hon. John ' S. Henderson, certificates of attendance by A. L. Smoot and several medals were presented by others. , V The final exercises of tbe school were held in thfe opera house last - niirht' in the wav of an entftrtainraent for the- oeneni; ui . xne scoooija i "Torn Thum Wedding.Cla 4 'Brownie Band" and r 'Three Bears," were the features bf the evening. A small admis sion fee was; charged and a packed house was present. Gbirlutte JUdennei 60 to llouoe for New Chief fit Police. a .y t Charlotte, May 14. The execu- tive board of the board of alder men to-night elected Horace Moore, of Monroe,' chief of police over the inoumbent, T. M. Chris ten bury, and Walter Orr, who tried for the position. Chief Wallace, of the fixe department and the entire fire denartment were retained. Amos Cook was elected chief of the sanitary de partment. No other municipal offices were changed"to-night. Much surprise is heard on all aides that the board went outside of the city for a chief ot police, -1 j How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any. case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. Chemey & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm National Bank of Com mercy, Toledo, O . Hall's Catarrh Care is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood acd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. - ' Mrs. Steadman Dead. Greensboro, May 17 The wife of Major Charles M. Stedman, member of Congress from the Fifth district, died at her home early this morning the end coming at 10:15 o'clock after a long ill ness, hope for recovery having been abandoned for several days. Major Stedmau was at her bedside at the time of his wife's death Ooe child, a daughter, Mrs. Kath arine Calmer, also survives. The body will be taken to Wilmington tor burial Sunday afternoon. BRONCHITIS SUFFERER Takes Druggist's Advice With Splendid Result. If anyone should know the worth of a medicine, It is the retail druggist who sells itt over his counter every day in the week, and is in a position to know what remedy gives the best satisfaction. Mrs. Frank H. Uline, of West Sand Lake, N. Y., says: -"For a number of years l was a great sufferer from, bronchitis. Last Jnlv I had an t wbJcQ was mre severe than any, and i melius tuuugui i couia not recover Irom It. . Then I was advised bv mv oruggist to try Vinol. which I did. j with wonderful results. My cough. and appetite, and I am as strone aa ever i was., I advise all who have bronchitis, chronic coughs, or who are run down to try Vinol." It is the combined action of the medicinal curative elements of the cod's liver, without the greasy oil, aided by the blood-making and lron 0x91 makes Vinol so efficient sirengtn-creating properties of tonia - W back yoijr money if it does not SaWefSetfS Smith DrugiCo., Salisbury, N, 0. RrmiilWEW mmmmpmmi SSSS ; iiH S5L: 1 expert to FiamTiV KoBrfHoB f0&& tURCDR. ;; llll :: Owing to the grand jcrWac'ioju -pS : .. , ... w..- v . fi - - mJI m regard to the dbw c:rirthone . - CCslA' Ml&J . V'"-"7 , -7 's " OUR CORRESPONDENTS, ' -, tMay 19 r Mr. and jSrs. Pickney Ludwick Bpent-Supdayfwith Mr and Mrs. JLajwebp Ritcbie. J H Weant &:Co3"was.award- ed the coctracY for a big' lob of fine street curbing f or? the city; of Richmond, Va, . : ! .; y jjrjvratl Jh Jday'etur day.r : - ; ; hfaitl Granite bad pay Saturday. f . The fiold Hill , Telephcue Co.V has jast put in a new, -'pbone jn W . S. Barger's resideboe aud 'one in W . L. Ludwioka store, f ' Mra. F. A ;BolichJif V rtan burg, S. 0., is on a visit' to - her father and mother, .Mr . 'and ?Ma J-C. Lingle. . ' ;"t'- -f'-'l i'f- Mrs. Laura Joseyj of near Organ Church, was visiting her 'apn W F. Josey, Sanday,: Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. H. Peeler and Mrs. QO MiUegtka pleasure trip to Mocisville Ska4TiiainS were taken ffo Shorts- day in the ppotoc"automobiTe. : Ventis had a nice" pleasure trip with Mr. and Mrs L. M ! Peen in BIr. Peeler's automobile. Mr Peeler has already,, made &evera trips to. nearby towns aud ottrer distant places aud can maajrge his large automobile with the greatest oi ease. John Kuykendall, who jnst fin ished the granite work in F. Bird's house, has just been Awarded the contract to build the large build ing for the Odd Fellows at Granite Quarry and with his men com menced work May 15th . It gees up by the side of the Farmers' A Merohants' Bank, just across the street. The upper story will be used for the I. 0. 0 F. hall and the lower part is to be rented. VilNU8 Still Uoideotified. The latest reports are that the strange white man found dead in the Yadkin River, near Norwood, ten days ago, was never identified. 4 is saia ne naa soau in monev the day previous, that when f oui d this was missing from his pockets, that his face was badly mashed in and it ib believed he met death at the hands of an unknown robber He was wall dressed and, from a letter found near the place, ia is thought be oame from Atlanta. Fire in Daiidson. Lexington, May 17 The Pat terson Lumber Company, situated southwest of the city, on the Southbound railroad, was visited by a destructive fire this njorning. The fire started in the boiler room and did damage exceeding $7,000 before the fUmes were subdued 1 be engine bouse and equipment and office building were burned Many thousands of dollars worth of fine lumber stacked on the yards was saved by hard work. The property destroyed was in- sureu ior $,ouu. me company will rebuild at once. Professor Charles W. Rankin, of the Salisbury schools, having been eleoted to the position of su perintendent of the Graham pub lic school has accepted and will leave for that place in time to take up the, work there this fall Professor Rankin has given entire satisfaction here and has made many friends who will regret to learn of his intention to leave. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application givea Ease and Rest. 50c. There is some talk among Salis bury's real new citizens of pulling off a fourth of July celebration here fchis year. Cares Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cora The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. rover's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Palp and Heals at the m time. 25c. 50c. S1.S0- A D. William?, of Rockingham, N, C. whose wife haa been under treatment at the Whitehead Stokes Sanatorium for the . past two months, came after her and carried her home this morning. Her health' is greatly improved. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite 1 ho Via standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builda no th natom A inu tmu adscn Avpetiaea. ttaraikilu and childx. ia rank B.;Oraigeg youngest SOii;Qf 'Hon.V Burtb Graige," brother of the late v. Kerr Uralge,. . Major alamefi ; A. Cratge ' Salifehhry, and Mesdames Ai:B; Young and JohPAUisonY ofilOoncord, diedt f. WilliampcM, fenn. , where be has liv,sinqe the civUwar UMpudaBlmorning, He was about 67sears qld; MtiOraige enterejl the" ser yicMbf Confeacy Feb rnary20thVl864, p the age of ia4 He ras Dp iieuten- aat arid was promoted to 1st 'gfejateiaut July .th, i 1864, Msery thro ihotit the fwtoamakinK asplefd id Record for bravery and atiention to msauii.es. Mrfl3gMalessa M Gillette, aged Jroears, vhffifaas i been making: tier home fen sooth Main Street in th dty for eeveraV-yeara with feer daagh terv Mtam ;p. I&vis; died last hnrfiday evejiingfrora theeffectof a ceifiaU hem moriiasw. Mrs. UMlette7s re vnie lNe YorKor.!inter ment. v .x; m '4tJk r-J I ft JWirgipiamil, lilhe little daaghterpf Mr. afc Mrs. E. B,Mimm;f Eas Spencer died last lMiredaill The fu neral waa conducted by Rev (xeo. Ji. Cor.ind qufte a num- Der 01 iriendg ot gne taraiiy were presence sr Geprge, tfie: infant son o Mr. and : Mrs.. W. p. Hohey- cuii, ui,xiiasi vuiutaty outset, died Friday nigUtil Thefu neral was held .Saturday af ternoon atvthe Mesidence, Rev. W. B. DuttMoffiQiaUiig lhe;interment waflm uhest nut Hill Cemeteryll, j ' Jndie, the liitlf daughter ui m.x. auu iure. R. PInms merk died at the Mme of her parcuiB' ou ut3uii i mil, Satnrdaymrniiiiilt THe fa reral took place rgm the res laence ounqay aitsynoon ana was conducted byfievJ'M. L. Kester, of Havenj Lutheran Charch.inWnneht.jma in unestnut tliil (emetey. Cough, Cold Sloan's Iinime' gives quick relief for cofh, cold, hoarseness, sore Ifh. rout, croup, asthma, h&tr fever atiu uruucnius. J V L!li ' S'g t HERE'S PR( Ma. Albeet W. PHicaSf TrodonU, Kan., writes : " Wo nse Hldaa's JLini ment in the family and ffni it an ex oellent relief foecolds aajiTiay fever attacks. It stops coughint? and stiee ing almost instantly J; j imw RELIEVED SORE H-aOAT. Mrs. L. Beweb, of Me4ano,na., writes: " I bought one boftlp of your liniment and itdidmealt the good is the world.- My throat wj3ery sore, and it cored me of lay ttttle,, : II A, - GOOD FOR COLD AN? ROUP. Me. W. H. Stbajjok, 3rai33nMrood Avenue, Chleago,sIll., wrg;ei: "4 lit tle boy next door had eratjpr I gave the mother Sloan's Llnlifeiit toftry. She gave him three drop'son Sttgar before going to bed, an( lie got np without the croup in the iofuiug." Price, 25c, 50&$i.00 SALISBURY nTBKETS. Corrected weekly bv IM Af. Miller A son. 4 Bacon, gides per fc , 18 to'14. i l u - . n s. i snuuiuers, per 10 10 10. ; ham, per lb, 18 m 20.? round, ner . 15 to'15. Butter, choice yellow, 2ato 25 Chickens, per lb, 10 to 12? -Ducks, 20 to 30. If l Guineas. 25 to 30. I ? 1 Eggs, perdoz. 15 to 17. if 4 ! Corn, per bushel. 75c. toiSO Is iour, straight, per sact 2.55 to $3.75 " pat, ?3.20 I t Hay, per. hundred fts. .7l average Honey, per lb. 12J to 15f I. Jr Lard, N. C, per Jb, 12 to 4. Meal, bolted, ner bu. 90S uata. per bu. 50 to 53 ! Potatoes, Irish, pe- bu 7$ to 8Q , ' I Wheat nerbush. MSto $.10 Onions . .90 to 1.10 s Rye, per bushel. $1.15 Turkeys 15c ner lb. ef ! Greeae. 12c ner lb. . .? Country sausage, per lb. 4'15c 1 pmlding per lb. 7g to lOo k ' mnnh nt lh.4 ta A. Cotton, goo4 middliog, 12., - 'here, &' SOi of -Hon. BurtSk Oraige,j Chairman Trott has de;ided to g-t brother of the late v Kerr the verv best advi nr ew,t. f f J J 0?r7fSyf A SoreThi (MM ' : 14 J ' '.I I I now sunder construction' here. Chairman Trott has de;ided to gt the' verv best advice nr curabl- before taking steps to hold up the work or to twithbold payments o thn contractors With this idna in view he wrote to Senator Over man to secure a government ex pett, if possible, and the Senator Was fortunate in being, able to do so. Beside the correspondence be tween Senator Overman aud Mr. Trott the latter has received a let ter informing him that . Geo. O Von Nerta, a govf rnment expert and the man who made the final examination of the big p-.st office building in Atlanta, will arrive Friday and is expocted to make a thorough and impartial examina tion and report accordingly and, upon this report the comamnioi, ers will depend largely as to their future action. Furtber comment is not necessary until the report is made. The following communication took place between Senator On r man and Mr, Trctt : Salisbury, N. C, May 14. 1918. Hon. Lee S. Overman, U S, Sen ate, Washington, D. 0. My Dagr Senator : At. the last term of the Supe rior Court cf Rowan County the grand jury, af6er aonveatigation, reported tbat th new court house in oourse of construction was im properly Luiltand improper bui'd ing stone and material was being used. The court house is still in the bands of the cont'actois, Thf King Lumber Company, and alsr in the hands of A. Ten' Eyck Brown, architect. The county has a $50,0C0 bond from the build ing company for the faithful ex cution of the contract, and of course we, as commissioners, will not receive the building until it is according to the plans, specifica tions and contract. The construction of this build ing is in the hands of the archi tect and we are required to pay h)ver, a percentage as he direots us tofdo. However, as the grand jury has called our attention to the matter we desire to be fully ac quainted with the true state of fact) in order,-if we see proper to do so, we will have some grounds to justify the lefusal to pay fur ther vouchers. To this end I am writing you to be good enough to send us a gov ernment expert in granite, brick and construction work. If possi ble we would like to have him at once to make a fall, careful and complete examination of our new court house buildiug. We further request that yon send us a man who is in do way oonnected with any granite, brick or other material firm, person ot ooporatiou so that we can get at the exact situation. In other words send us a man who is em ployed by the G jvernoVent as an expert on materials and construc tion . We, as the Board of Com mis sioners and atf citizens of Rowan an County, are desirous of doing our duty and secure for our c sun- ty the very bast court house pos iible, aud we want the material and construction to be exactly ac cording to the contract we found when we came in as commission ers. We will nav the exnenaeg of the Government expert if we can secure him. We trust you can do this for us, Senator, as we believe it is neces sary and will greatly aaaist us in getting a court house accerding to contract. With kiud regards', I am, Very truly yours, (Signed) H. C. Trott, Chairman, Board Co. Com mis U. S. Senate, Wathington, D. C. May 17, 1913 Mr. H. C. Trott. Chairman, Board Co. Com mis Salisbury, N. C.l My Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your esteem ed favor of th 14h instant in which y .u rtq n st, me to get an expert in granite, brick and con Bl ruction work to Salisbnrv to make a full, careful and complete examination of the new court house building in Rowan County To Cure a Cold in One Dav rake LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine. It stops th- iicipc ana worm on toe (Jold. W?,,, r if it fails to cure. s w utUYE S T"Mrtt ca cadi box. rft Women Are Constantly Being Restored to Health by Lydia.lv Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, "Worth mountains of gold," sayspne woman. Another says, "I would hot give Lydia EiEinkham's Vegetable" Compound for all the other medicines for women in the world." "Still another writes. r should like to have the merits of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound thrown on the sky with a searchlight so that all suffering women could read and be convinced that there is a remedy for their ills." We could fill a newspaper ten times the size of this with sucn quo tations taken from the letters we have received from grateful women whose health has been restored and suffering banished by Lydia JL Pinkham's .Vegetable Compound. ' Why has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound acoomplishGd such a universal success ? Why has it lived and thrived and kept on doing its glorious work among the sick women of the Vorld for more than 30 years ? Simply and surely because of its sterling worth. ' The reason no other medicine has ever approached its success is plainlv and sim ply because there is no other .medicine so good for women's ills. Here are two letters that just came to the writer's desk only two of thousands, but both tell a comforting story to every suffering wo man who will read them and be guided by them. w FROM MBS. J. EL BROWN. . Iola, Kansas. "During the Change of Life I was sick for two years. Be fore I took your medicine I could pot bear the weight of my clothes and was bloated very badly. I doc tored with three doctors but they did' me no good. They said nature must have its way. My sister ad vised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound and I purchased a bottle. Before it was gone the bloating left me and I was not so Bore. I continued taking it until I had taken 12 bottles. Now I am stronger than I have been for years and can do all my work, even the washing. Your medicine is, worth its weight in gold. I cannot praise it enough. If more women would take your medicine there would be more healthy women. You may use this letter for the good of others." Mrs, D. H. Bbown, 809 North Walnut Street, Iola, Kan. p 2Write to LYDIA E. PISKHAM MEDICINE CO. Lt-n (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. which is now in process of erec tion. I have taken the matter up with the supervising Architect, Treasury Department, and ho promises to send to Salisbury on Thursday next one of the. best ex perts . he has, provided you will pay his expensW. He'wiii -pi-ob ably arrive in Salisbury on Thurs day morniog rfod rpend two days, and will be glad to examine the building and make au impartial report. I am glad to serve you in this matter. With kind regards, I am, Very truly yours, . (Signed) Lice S. Ovebman. Site for Mint Cola Building Selected. A site has been selected for the building of the new Salisbury Mint Cola Company's plant.- The oompany has specified the nature of the building and plana have been made. This will be erected by the Wallaces on their property opposite the Southern passenger station and will be leased for a term of years. The buildicg will be of brick, two stories high, the first floor to be of concrete, and be suited in every way to the needs of the new enterprise. There will be sidings, elevators, office rooms and labratpries and on top of the building will be placed a large -- , outcome ot the negotiations now Cola.' The machinery, all cf in progress between this countrv most modern make, has been pur-1 and Japao, which-has interpreted chased and work will begin on the the act as discriminatory and of building at once. fensive. - ' My Doctor Said "I wa, to vy low .fet. of viuuui, VVlllCS ims. wiicr. i goi housework. I continued to am able to do my housework and to care for mylhSdrerL for the benefits I have received.'? a ... TAKE If you are a wonun. . - - - i tnr vn.trlf v,.' " .ww uiuwi C x iiniuuiv, 9 vtwuuc you neen in every way as a soeciaL trmir MBS. WILLIAMS SAYS: Elkhart, Ind. " I suffered for 14 years from organic inflammation, fe- ' male weakness, pain and irregulari ties. JXhe pains in my sides were increased by walking or standing on my feet and I had such awful bearing down feelings, Was7 depressed in spirits and became thin and pale with dull, heavy eyes. I had six doctjors from whom I received only temporary relief. I decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a fair trial and also the Sani tive Wash. I have now ..used the remedies for four months and cannot express my thanks for what they have done for me. Mrs. Sadie Wil- XJAMS.455 James Street, Elkhart, Indiana. MARRIAGES The marriage of Miss Lena Mae Johnson and James C. Gallaway is announced to take place at Jrmingtorir Davie OoaoljWed-; nesay, June 18lh..: . Last Saturday- evonius; st . the home of JT. ; Wise, a efemcny was performed, by F. M. Tarrh, Eiq , that united i in marriage Miss Rama Winders and Robert Canup. Aliec Land Bill Law ia 90 Days. Saorameuto, Cal., May 19. California's alien land bill be came the law of the State today. Against protests of Japan and representations of President Wil son and his personal envoy, Sec retary of State Bryan', Governor Johnson signed the bill and 90 days after the Adjournment of the L3gislature, or on August lOtb, the act becomes operative. While the Governor was signing the bill the steamship Korea was passing in through the Golden Gate, bearing two distinguished Japanese, one a former pupil cf President Wilson's on a mission of investigation. Meanwhile, complications, Na tional and sectional, beset the bill., Over-shadowin n u. S it nut v. Snail rf U. . a hTt Mi to aoie to be up and help do mv take the nuu.. .JL5 -! ? III a.'m ivu. uuii Hnn mmm mmm tonia Whvnot restore, nnri mrt ":.;rr' women. iesx ocua varaia; Ask binv- ? - - yT I -t. r.