J. -. ffe.- id) KerJ '5rV ' .irM J? v coiircnoi A Home Nepaper Published in the Interest of thPeppie and or Honesty -in Governmental Affairs, -NT VOL. IX NO. 29 Salisbury, N. Om Wednesday. July 2nd, 1913. VM. H. 8TftWARTv EDITOH The Carolina, -A - - OR. W1LS0K ON LIBERTY. Tki Pftstieit 'Sts oir 6mriBtKt Vast h Pciitlu lot Men Ij Let AIodi. ' - ;Th following are extraote from ip aiibla in the World'e' Work for Jaly by Preiident Wood row JRTilion: :Yoii'knoir that one of the inter Htidg tbiogi that Mr. Jefferson aid in those early daye of eim- pioity whioh marked, the begin uing of our gOTernment was that the beit government ooniitled in M- little governing ai posiible . And there ii still a lenee' in whioh thai tVtrue. It is still intolerable foir the government to interfere with oar individual activities ex oepl'wnen it is necessary to inter felewith them in order to free them. Bat I feel confident that if Jefferson were liv:ng in onr day he woo Id tee what we see : that the indtvidnftl is caqght in a great confuted nexus of all sorts of com plicated circamitancas, and that to? let hm" alone is to leave him helpless as against the obstacles wiib; whioh he baa to contend; and that, therefoie, law in our day must oome to the assistance of the individual. It must come to his assistsnoe to see that he gets fair play; that is all, but that is much. Without the watch fill interference, the resolute in terfsreno , of the government, there can be no fair play between individuals and such powerful iustitntisoa as the trusts Free dom today is something more than being let alone. The programme of a - government must in these days be positive, not negative ' merely. That ia the wealth of America and if America discourages' the , looality, the community r the self conUineJ towtf, she wiir kill the !Nation5 tA rajobl iir as ricb as kit fw communities ; she is not ; tS tioh aa her fiipitarcity 'or her . .aesropisr TheaBKanVttotfey id Wall street is no indication of the wealth of the American people. That indication can be found only in the fertility of the American mind and the .productivity of Amerioan industry everywhere throughout the United States. If America were not rioh and fertil", there would be no money in Wall street. If Americans were not vital and able to care for them aelves, the great money exchanges would break down. The welfare, the very existence of the Nation, rests at last upon the great mass of the people, its prosperity de pends at last upon the spirit in which they go about their work in their several communities through oat the broad land. In propor tion as her towns and her country idea are happy and hopeful will America realise the high ambi tiens which have marked her in tie eyes of all the world. The welfare, the happiness, the energy and the spirit of the men and women who do the daily work in oar mines and factories, on our railroads, in our onions , and ports of trade, on our farms and on the aea, is the underlying necessity of all prosperity. '' v There can be nothing wholescme unless their lift is wholesome ; there can be no contentment unless they are con tented. Their physioal welfare affdcta the soundness of the whole Nation. State ofOhio, city of Toledo, ) Lucas County, ) is. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he it senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE ; FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6tb day of December, A D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all Drag gists, 76o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A. D. WATTS IS COLLECTOR. Till Pig Id tilt Pake Seen, to Hue Wig gled Out. Washington, June 27 Alston D Watta, collector of internal reve nue for the western district of North Carolina, this is the new title of the popular North Caro linian who represents Iredell County in the State Senate and who lias been acting during this session of Congress as clerk of the Senate Finsnoe Committee, of whhh Senator Simmons is chair man . He was nominated and confirmed today. The nomination of Watts was sent to the Senate this afternoon and, oontrary to the usual custom of the Senate, was confirmed a few minutes later. When the news was telegraphed him ' at the Fi nanoe Committee room. Mr. Watts was incredulous, as the nomination had not come in with the first batch of names reoeived this morning from the White Housed but came later. When asked what he had to say, Mr. Watts replied: "I have no hard feelings against anybody and am very grateful to my friends.' Sinoe the recommendation of Watts was made by Seator Over man and concurred in by Sentor Simmons a vigorous and relentless effort has been made to block his nomination . It was reported that E. J. Justice, who is considering entering the oootest for the United States Senate against Senator Overman, led this fight. Colonel Watts was charged with being a reactionary and with having de- feated progressive measures in the State Legislature. Another effort to. block him hinged :on 31 ie -having; . opposed pTresiSenVlrtro vention cajnpsign.JThd enemies 6f Mr.. Watt 1 intimated that the recommendation of the twoNor)l CaroilnlSnadrs wrdWigtiior' fd and that President Wilson would consult with a meml er of his Cabinet about the distribution I of patronage in the State. Frequently in these dispatches your correspondent has cited inci dents whioh showed that President Wilson would follow the advice of the two Senators, and strongly in timated that Colonel Watts would ultimately be named. Today the President finally reached the case and justified these predictions. Mr. Watts announoes that he will immediately resign from the State Legislature. In the event the Legislature is called in extra session, a new. election will have to be called to fill the vacanoy. Should there be no extra session this will not be necessary, aa he has already served through the- regular term. Caioas f jr the Editor. The editor is indebted to his friend B. P. Elliott, one of Frank lin Township's hard-working and enterprising farmers and one of the best oitizms in the county, for some fine onions, whioh he brought him Saturday. They are of the Yellow Danvers and Red Globe variety, and are big ones and strong ones, something to make a fellow set up and take no tice. Brother Elliot is one of the folk who remembers his friends and he will be long remembered by scores of people who have the pleasure of knowing him. Such volunteer tokens of goodwill are duly appreciated . Unsightly Face Spots Are oured by Dr. Hobson's Ecze ma Ointment, whioh heals all skin eruptions. No matter how long you may be troubled by itoh ing,-burning, or soaley skin hu mors, just put a little of that soothing antiseptic, Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, on the sores and the suffering stops instantlv. Healing begins that very minute. Dootjrs use it in their praotice and recommend it. Mr. Alle man. of Littletown. Pa., un; i 71 - - ' I J i "Mad eczema on forehead : Dr. xioubuu m xuusema vsiutmeut ourea TT l. TH r. M. i 3 it in two weeks." Guaranteed or money refunded. All druggists, or by mail. Price 6c Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and Bt. LOUU. J SHEUWELL FIXED $15. Liiisgtoi liu Pais fir AStiiltiig Bill roil Opirttir. . Lexington, June -26. Baxter Shemweirwas tried in the record- er'a court this morning and fined $15 and costs for assaulting 8. A. Campbell, a telegraph operator at the Southern depot. Sunday night, following Shemwell's demand for a ticket to Asheville on Southern train No. 85. There were two warrants against Shemwell this morning, one charging him with carrying a oon- oealed weapon and the other oharging him with an affray with Campbell. Campbell was the only witness in the deadly weapon case, he declaring that he saw the pistol when Shemwell came under the railing and into the inner office . Judge Oritoher thought that there was some doubt about it and pro nounoed Shemwell not guiltly. In the affray ease .Shemwell was found j guilty and fined $15 and costs, while Campbell was found not guilty. , Dlcgem Flois i WiaiQ. A wealthy man died in Brus sels, leaving nearly afl of his fortune to a young woman who was entirely unacquainted with him. He was a very eooentrio man and set out, like Diogenes, in search of an honest man. His 'tab" was an omnibus, and his lantern a small coin. In the om nibus he took his seat near the conductor, and always showed himself very obliging, passing up the money of passengers and re turning the change, but to the iaUerhe-aiwayt ixeged:t6 j&d a franc t r abaW -Then he wouja. waipa tnof ;. w wqonir jf follyjcnotice the, exra in and ariably abp i : iato 'tbsir pockets. No one thought of the poor oonduotor, whose meager salary of three franos a day could ill spare suoh a loss. But at last a young woman past ed hers bask with : - ' ''Conduotor, you have given me half a frano too much." "Diogenes," delighted, follow ed her home, made inquiries, and as the answers were satisfactory made his will in her favor, though he never gave her warning that her half-frano was going to bring her a million. Dnlels si Hi Rid Flic The flag that symbolizes no feeling of loyalty, no love ot coun try, no call for peace and order, but whioh is unfurled in token of antsgonism to our guiding princi ples, has no place on our free soil, as Secretary Daniels ringingly de clares. America is still the refuge of the oppressed, but the grant of asylum does not give immunity to hostile demonstrations by an or ganised conspiracy bent On over throwing the government and the flag under whose protecting folds they were privileged to foregather. If we find that we have taken a a reptile into our bosom, a sense of danger should prompt us to oast it out. The Washington Post. This applies equally well to Ro- manists and others out of harmo ny with our institutions. Rid your ChUdreu of Worms You can change fretful, ill-tem pered children into healthy, hap py youngsters, by ridding them of worms. Tossing, rolling, grind ing of teeth, crying out while asleep, accompanied with intense thirst, pains in she stomach and bowe.'s, feyerishness and bad breath, are symptoms that indi cate worms. Kiokapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy loz enee. exoels the worms, re a ulates the bowels, restores your onuaren to neaitn and Happiness Mrs. J. A. Brisbin. of Elrin. in. says: 'I have used Kickapbo ivt 1 1 m t: worm jiuer ior years, and entire ly rid my children of worms. - 1 would not be without it." Gaur- anteed. All druggists, or by mail, Price 25c. Kiokapoo Indian Med icine Co., Philadelphia and St Louis. TO HAKE UETAL4HIK8LES. R11 Utiiifietirifls lifitfriSB Willis Lo cited In SilUhnry. T. H. Vandeffqrd ? announces that he will . establish a metal shingle J manufacturing plant in Salisbury The product is to be of a superior character, as compared with the Ordinary shin gles on the marketed' The machin ery will be installed at an early dater .V" Within 10 days' the building of the Mint Cola Company, a new ooncern for Salisbury, will be oompleted and tbe vplant will be started as soon aa the machinery is installed. F. ii Patterson of Maysville, Ky., whjpbas charge of the new business, is ! bow in Salis bury. WIIjob Will Visit 63ttjsirs Field. Washington,, June " 28. Presi dent' Wilson tonight deoided to; . attend the: fiftieth an niversary celebration of the battle of Gettysburg on , the fourth of July. He telegrahed Governor Tener that he hadH reconsidered his " previous deolination and would make a brief speech to the veterans. The President's decision fol lowed a conference with Repre sentative A. Mitohel Palmer of Pennsylvania. The President had taken the position psvionsly in declining to go thit he wduld be breaking his rule, established months ago, not to , leave Wash ington for any speech-making occasion while Congress is in ses sion. liant Aaeiat Seslfliri t he Completed. Eevr . -and Mrs.; C. A. Brown of China" Grove, spent Monday pigbahd? Tueaclay ..of last wnULJk., 0.,Maen Rev. Brown went to attend a meet ing of the Board of Mont Amoena Seminary Tuesday morning at 0:80. ; I The board author iz ad the con struction work of the new building to be completed and ready for the opening of the school next fall, the offioials- of the board to borrow the neoassary amount of money for that purpose- The work will now be rapidly pushed to completion. Rev. R. A. Goodman, at the earnest solicitation ol professor Fisher, has aooepted the presiden cy of the new institution with Professor Fisher as vice president, the board sanctions this arranga- ment. With these two experienced men in educational - work at the head of the institution s success is practioally assured, Revs. Goodman and Fisher will select their faoulty at an early date. For Cuts, Burns and Bruises In everv home there ihonld ba a box of Buoklen's Arnioa Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, outs, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polaoco, Delvalle, Tex , R. No. 2, writes: "Buoklen's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed it could be oured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommended -i . 1 oy 111 aruggisH. . ; . Jlort&ern Trip ia Touring Cir; I Bound for Boston, Mass., Port land, Me., and other Northern cites a party of well-known citi zens leave Salisbury , this week in the big touring car of J. E. Hen nessee . The party will include Mrs. Hennessee, Master Billie Hennesiee and Mr . and Mrs. W. P. Nicholson of Stateiville. They will take in the reunion at Gettys burg and then go 0 to Boston and other, places, spending a month North. Causes of Stomsch Trouble. Sedentary habits, and lack of out door exercise: insuffiaient mastication of food, constipation. a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, overeating, parceling or rood and drink not suited to vour aee and occupation. Correct your habits and take unamoenam s xaoiets 1 ill t i .si.tl " ana you, win soon weu. again. For tale by all dealers i t " s NE6R0 ATTEKPTS HOUSE BREAKIH8. ChlDi Grcre Awakened Uaseisooablf and Catches Nigbt Prowler. Sunday night between 1 and 2 o'clock Harrison H. Peacock was awakened by a noise at one of his windows,. On investigation he found that some one had pried off the window strips and was remov ing the sash when, he was soared away. The neighbors were awak ened and a search begun. It was found that the marauder had gone toward Salisbury, but later was seen going south on Main street. When told to halt he refused to do so and was fired at with a shot gun by 8. G. Setzer. The tele phone office being near, the oper ator got busy and called up the people to be on the lookout on South Main street. John T. Deal, a mail carrier, armed with a shotgun, stepped out juit as the supposed thief was passing. He was told to 'Halt again but failed to do so until he could dodge behind a telephone pole. There he reached for bis hip pocket. About this time J. R. Brown, the jeweler, having heard Mr. Deal calling, rushed on the soene with a large Swiss rifle. The noise of the clicking of this was too muoh for the man and he sur rendered. Deputy Sheriff Kim ball then plaoed him under arrest. On searching him nothing was found in the way of a weapon but a razor. He was taken to Salis bury and jailed to await trial. Later Mr, Peaoock found that some one had entered his kitchen and dining room and appropriated everything eatable. The presump tion is that the same man, finding the door from the dining room to the house locked, went out and borrowed John Cooper's axe and tried to prize open the window. Burned matches on the floor cor responded with those found on hja. person. The man was a Negro, gave Greensboro as his home and his name as Henry Everette. Roy Kimball fired at what he supposed to be a thief during the period of exoitement, and several coats were taken from the poroh of Luther Phillips. Two of these coats were recovered and Everette 'was wearing one whnh Mr. Phil lips didn't care for. The preliminary trial of Ever ette took place in the Rowan County Court yesterday morning before Judge Ktuttz. There were three oounts against him, one for house breaking, one for larceny and cne for carrying a razor. Af ter hearing the evidence Judge Kluttz deoided there was no evi dence to indicate house breaking, suspended judgment as to carrying a weapon and sentenced him to six months on the roads for lar ceny. Among the China Grove wit nesses present at the trial were the following: Luther, Charles and William Phillips; the town constable, J. H. Black welder; 8 G. Setzer, George Jordan Flake Eddleman, Charles Deal, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Peaoook, Q. M. Kim ball, and John C. Lyerly. The Best nedlclne In the World. "My little girl had dysentery very bad. I thought she would die. Chamberlain's Colio, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy oured her, and I can truthfully say that I think it is the best medicine in the World," writes Mrs. William Orvis, Glare, Mioh. For sale by all dealers. Whea Dog Days Begin ud End. As the annual question about dog days is certain to arise soon, we might antisipate it a little by the statement that they comprise the period between July 8 and Au gust 11, when the dog star Siriua is rising with or nearly with the sun. Charlotte Observer. The Kiug of All Laxatives For constipation, headaches, indigestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Ma thulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays they are the "King of all laxa tives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25o. Recommended by all druggists. BUILD1X6 II CHINA 6R0YE. The LINIao Kilttlsg Hill ud the Bisk Be ili legs lei Uiur Wiy. If other towns in North Carolina were doing as much building in J proportion to size and population as China Grove this year would go down in history as the era of oonstruotion. The walls- of the Lillian Knit ting Mill are now rising rapidly and the major portion of material, such as window sills, sash and door frames are ready for placing. Contractor Casper has a strong force and is now making all the progress possible as the weather permits. A force was put to work yester day digging the foundation for the new brick building to be ereoted for the Bank of China Grove. Muoh of the material, including lumber, brick, sand and other parts are now on hand, the work is to be pushed with vigor until complete. The front will be con structed with , a light, gray brick aud will probably present, when complete, the handsomest appear mce of auy business building in tjwn. Too Bible li loo Public Schools. Says the Presbyterian Standard, the official organ of the Presby terian ohuroh in North Carolina : - "A few years ago it looked as if the Bible would be banished from the pnblio sohools of every State, and that the children .of the land would grow up in ignorance of this, the greatest of books Re cently, however, the tide seems to have turned. Enoouraged by the success with whioh Australia haa dealt with the question, dif ferent States are now trying the same or a similar plan Penn sylvania has, just secured a law that provides that the teacher shall read or cause t be read without comment at least ten verses from the Scriptures at every session of schooL Though this i not wha, ;. wjl, wojakl 4ike yes it is a great, advance over some States, and it should result in good." The committee on constitution al amendments in session now at Morehead City has gone on record as favoring that amendment .giv ing the publio schools the right co read the Bible. This, we are sure, will ndeet with the com mendation and support of all good men and women in North Carolina. The Bible is the book of all books and woe unto this country when it shall be relegated to the abelf . Gastonia Gazette. It is strange that in this age of enlightenment an yone can be found who would object to the mere reading of the Bible in a sohool. Yet suoh exist and the greatest enemy the Bible and the sohools have comes from' the so called only true "church." There are two ways to bring about the destruction of the publio sohool which this "ohuroh" is attempt ing: kill it completely, or get charge of it and oontrol it. "Ignoranoe is the mother of wor ship," mental and physical slav ery and therefore certain sleek, well-fed bachelor priests and their followers want no general educa tion. The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVB'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood, build up the whole system and will won derfully strengthen and fortify yon to withstand the depressing effect of the hot summer. 50c - Jonnillsts ud Jills. It is a well-known faot that newspaper men very rarely incur punishment by the law, now sta tistics of the Georgia penal system oome along with the latest evi dence to this effect. The figures show that not a single newspaper writer, printer or who not is doing time. On the other hand, there are no fewer than 20 preachers, 18 Of them, however, are colored. The bartenders oome close behind the preachers with 17. There is a sprinkling of doctors, lawyers, sohool teachers, bankers, and so forth ; but the newspaper men are conspicuously absent, although there are people everywhere who would like to see them filling the jails. GharlotteiObservjer, - ; -X- To Prevent Blood PoteonJoz apply t once the wonderful old reliable DR. PORTEX'S AWTISBPTIC HBAtlNG OO, a snr Cteal dretaiac that relieves pain and heala at UMMMetbae. Nota tinisaent. tSc.SOc.fMa, A SPLENDID IDEA. Big Picnic for Ctttoa Mill Empfoytes la IriiMliw. The officials of the Proximity Cotton Mills, White Oak Cotton Mills, Revolution Cotton Mills, and the Proximity Print Works, have arranged for the ninth an nual picnic for their employees. This will take place at the White Oak pionio grounds on Friday, July 4th. This is somewhat of an unusual affair and to give an idea of its scope we copy some items from the bill of fare for dinner to wit: '- A folder states : 20.000 boiled eggs, 10,000 hot Frankfurter!, 10,000 slices boiled ham, 20 000 slices bread. 6,000 buns, 10,000 sweet cakes, 10,000 sweet and saner piokles, 16,000 slices ripe watermelon, 25,000 saucers and cones ioe cream, 10, 000 bags hot roasted peanuts, 20,000 slices Florida pineapple, 20,000 glasses pure lemonade, 20,000 pounds ice, and 20,000 ripe bananas! Our bread, oakes and Cpies will be the product of our own bakery. This latest addition to our instito- ' tions is of sufficient oapaoity to supply a city of 15,000 people. Our bakery is the last word in modern bread baking plants and a branoh of our development we are proud of. Every boy. and girl should ae oure one of the 5,000 souvenir fans which are to be had for the ask ing. Hundreds of dollar- in prizes will be distributed iri tbe various contests. In fact no pains or ex pense will be spared! tojrmake'the occasion a great success. S) " DARK DAYS. Arj Dip irsatf aloz. TfceT an Bitonlit Brlgittr fir Siar Siiistort Piopli; Many "dark days" from kidney ills. Baokache, headache, tired days ; Urinary trouble makes you gloomy. Doan's Kidney Pilli have proven their worth. Have been tested by many kid ney sufferers. They are endorsed by Salisbury people. ' Mrs. H. L. Webb. 414 E. Fisher St., Salisbury, N. C, says: Doan's Kidney Pills certainly helped me fine and I gladly tell about my experience for the bene fit of other kidney sufferers. I had baokache and the pama in my loins were so severe at night I did not sleep well, getting up in the morning all worn out. My head ached and I was nervous and dizsy . My kidneys were out of order. Hearing about Doan's Kidney Pills, I used them and they helped me at onoe. My kid neys became normal and the pains left my back." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, -New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and take no other. . Frank IfcBrijir, Shelbj Ud. Huts Deitl ll UbisbiI MlBBir. Shelby, June 20. Frank As bury, the 9-year-old son of Mr . and Mrs. W. G. MoBrayer of this place died last night as a result of an injury he received by a block of ice falling on him as he was riding on the rear of an ioe wagon passing his home. The little fellow climbed on the wagon : to get a piece of ioe aa is custom ary with lots of little b)ys. The wagon made an abrupt turn and Started up a small slant in the road, when several blocks of ice slid out. One struck him in the head and raptured a blood vessel whioh caused his death in the looal hospital about an hour later. A Good lavestsMnt. W. D. Magli, a well known merchant of Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to sup-, ply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock, of these medicines. For .sale by all dealers. P: m . r," . V ' I Vx. 1 .1 : jyi? ?'-:''14: '".'V

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