THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN Salisbury, July 16th, 1913. Depot? Sheriff Mike -Kimball, of China Grove, has been choien by (he Board of Aldermen of (hat place as chief of police to succeed J. H. Blaokwelder. Mr. Kimball will make a wide awake officer. A. J. ISedrick, who is manag ing a granite qoarry at Henderson was a Salisbury visitor last week. Henderson is spending $100,000 on her streets and the county, Vance, of which Henderson is the capital, is preparing to spend 1200,000 bn her public roads. A force of surveyors under the direction of O. M. Miller is busy surveying Third Greek in order that an estimate as to the cost of draining it oan be made. It is said there are thousands of acres lying along this oreek that can be brought into oultiyation by proper drainage and that the owners can well afford to spend the small sum necessary for such improvement. A new fire box has been install ed . It is No . 56 and is located on a pole id front of Jchn Young's drug store, corner of Main and Innes Streets. The other boxes are still where they were plaoed several months ago. Douglas Mahaley expects to have a grey pressed brick residence erected on his lot adjoining J. W Kesler on North Main Street. iieroy fowl as, rural carrier on route No. 2 from Barber, became so ill while on his rounds last Fri day that be waB compelled to re turn home. The postmaster then took the trip and seoured a sub stitute until Mr. PowIssb' recov ery. Sheriff McKenxie searched Mil ler's restaurant on ' East Tunes hi Hookwors to 6o. At the recent meeting of the Oounty Commissioners an appro priatioo was made to have exam inations made fcr hookworm dis ease and the amioted mveu free treatment. Dr. Q. P. Leonard will be the physician in charge of this work and be will be assisted by W. 0. Jenkins, who has arrived and will put in his time this week advertising the times and places or the examinations and treat ment, which are as follows : Salisbury, (court house) Sat urdays, July 19, 20, August 2, 9, 10,-28,80. Woodleaf, Tuesdays, July 22, 29, August 5. 12. 19, 26. Rockwell, Wednesdays. July 28, SO, August 6, 18, 2 27. Mill Bridge, Thursdays, July 24. 81, August 7, 14, 2, 28. China Grove, Fridays, July 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. This is a great opportunity for those afflicted to come forward at.d be cured. Many a man, woman and child has been merely exist ing, uuable to. do a half day's work or get well without knowing what is the matter with them Hookworms are easily gotten rid of and those cured of it can hard ly realize the great improvement in tueir neaitn and appearance within a few weeks. Let the af flioted come forward and take ad vantage of this free treatment. Street Saturday and found severa pints of whiskey and some cham pagce. Dr. Z, F. Highsmith, of Char lotte, was here Friday with a view to mofiiig here. Dr. Highsmith is an optometrist of several years practice and would make a gocd citizen. The N. 0. Public Servioe Com oanv are now nearing completion of the double track work on Main Street and is removing the rub bish as fast aB possible. The In nes Street crossing was opened Saturday. The Main Pharmacy has deoid ed to remodel their place of buii ness and F. F. Smith, presiden of the company, has let severs contracts for the. various work to be done. This place will soon present a very handsome appear ance. See advertisement in The Watchman. A fire escape is to be attached to the Murphy Block which is now under going some repairs and modernising. The Granite Quarry baseball team came up to Salisbury last Saturday afternoon and showed the Salisbury boys how to play ball Ten innings were played and the Boore stood 5 to 4. Engineer J. E. Keever of the Yadkin Railroad, who has been ill for a week or more, has recovered and resumed hit ran. Again the police have been sup plied with stop-watches and are instructed to make note or me speed of automobiles, motoroyoJes and bicycles. Should they make a block in less than twenty-seven seconds, they are subject to arrest and fine. Police will be stationed about the city and a close watch will be kept. At 7:80 tomorrow morning the pupils, teaohers and some of the friends of the Baptist Sunday School will leave Salisbury for Thomasville where they will enj iy a daVa ontin? and picnic in the beautiful grove of the Baptist Orphanage there. The round trip is only one dollar. R. E. Tubbs, who several years ago was oonneoted with the Sum mersett Undertaking parlors, but who has been at Pelham, Ga., for a year or two, has decided to rd turn to Salisbury and will again join Mr. Summersett ip the under taking business. ' Sergeant Holt, of the U. S. Army, is here this week drilling and training the 4th Company Coast Artillery, preparatory to entering camp at Fort Caswell. A gold medal iB offiared to the best drilled man at the annual en oampment. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bomb were in Salisbury yesterday and hon ored this shop by a short visit. V. Wallace & Sods have an ad vertisement in this paper. They are absolutely reliable and will ffive vou as muoh for yonr money nan ha flatten anywhere. It is batter to trade with those who oifl von real values than to buy and shoddy stuff from fakers. Saturday while a threshing crew were threshing wheat on the firm of Mrs. Lula Heilig. near Lower Stone Church, a spark from the engine lit on the nearby barn and set it afire, and strange to re late it totally destroyed it, having burned so rapidly that nothing Ann I'd ba done to save it or the nontents. The farm is rented and oaenrjied by James Stikeleatber, . htrdworkinff farmer of that community. There was some wt faad stuff and numerous other articles in the building, in Flu Houses Destroys d bj Fin. ; Saturday morning there was an alarm of fire and the fire depart ment was called to the extreme end of West Horah. beyond the city limits. Owing to the lack of hydrants in that vioinity the hose wagon returned to the station and obtained more hose, it taking about 2000 feet to reaoh the flames The wiud was high and the buildings being dry timber burned rapidly, five being oon sumed by the flames before they could be checked The building belonged to Negroes who saved a portion of the household furnish ings and some of them carried insurance. Toe building W6re partly owned and occupied by the following: Adeline Jones, James E. Smith, Wilson Harris, Sam Black, and William Bigg9rs. Three of the houses had been built by S. F. Lord and were being purohased on the itstall ment plan. Farmers' Union to Meet Here Saturday. The Rowan Division of the Farmers' Eduoational and Go-operative Union of America will hold their regular quarterly meet ing in their big warehouse on East Oounoil Street here next Saturday morning, July 19th, at 10 o'clock. A number of matters of impor tance will come up for considera tion and it is desired that mem bers cf the oounty division bs present. The county agent will make his report and the delegates to the State meeting; in Shelby will be eleoted. President M. G. M. Fisher, says all locals are requested to send delegates to this meeting for there will be important business to be attended to and delegates will be elected to attend the State meeting. Beware of Fakers. A man who will lie will steal. A man who will misrepresent anything is a liar either by commis sion or omission. A man who will burn his store to get the insuranoe will lie. misrepresent and steal If you trade with such people, no matter what they say. no matter The many friends and relatives of Julius A. Neely, a native of Rowan who has beea living in Winston-Salem for the past twen ty years, will regret to learn of bis death whioh took place at his home in that city Friday night. Mr. Neely was siok only one week aLd bis death was due to the ef fects of urinio poisoning. Mr. Neely olerked for Elntts & Ren dleman before leaving Salisbury. He married soon after going to Winston -Salem, his wife being a Miss Powell Dobson, a sister of Mrs T. W. Grimes, of Salisbury. Besides his wife he leaves one son, Julius B. Neely, and three daugh ters, a brother who lives in Cali fornia and several sisters, among them Mrs J. B. Kincaid, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Bessie Har rell Mr. Neely was associated with W. 0. Wright in the shoe business for several years, but of late has been a member of the firm of Neely & Orute. Henry. Robert Littleton, a resi dent of Chestnut Hill, aged 80 years, died some time during Sat urday night, beidg found dead Sunday morning. His wits occu pied another bed in the same room, but knew nothing of his trouble till morning and he was dead. Beside the wife six chil dren survive, two sons and four daughters. The funeral took plaoe from the residenoe Monday after noon. Rev. Kirk of the Baptist Ohuroh officiating. A. B. Arey, of Cairo, Illinois, brother of D. L. Arey. of Salis bury, died Sunday, the result of heart disease. Mr. Arey left here, I about seventeen years ago ana has visited here several times since leaving. He leaves a wife and seven children,. James Woodrow, the five months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Deadman, died at the home of his parents on Chestnut Hill early this morning. The funeral will be held to-morrow. The bereaved have the sympathy of a large oirole of friends. David T. Hunt, a hardworking farmer and an old Oonveterate veteran, died yesterday afternoon from the effeots of rupture and locked bowels. Monday Mr. Hunt was plowing and was in his usual good health . About noon, just as he was finishing his last row, his plow struok something and caused the handle to strike him in the MWa a 1 groin . This made mm sick ano was so painful he oould not re main still. He grew worse, hav ing been ruptured some years ago, and though attended by Dr. 0. M Van Poole, died as stated . The funeral will be held this afternoon from the Trading Ford Baptist Church. Rev. Lee Carrick, officiat ing Mr. Hunt was a native of Davie County and a brother of Elijah Hunt, postmaster at Mocksville. His wife died about two years ago. Thsre were no ohildren. Mrs. S. 8. Trol linger died at her home id Newton yesterday. She was 76 years old and the mother of R. H. Trollinger of Salisbury. Mr. Trollinger has the sympathy of a large oirole of friends in his bereavement. w: WE NOW HAVE J V V l Krs. Lisa Asks far $15,000 Oiiagts, It will be remembered that last November Edward Linn, of Landis, while working on the new ootton mill being ereoted at how cheap they offer you goods, Kannapolis by the T. 0. Thomp. von will surely be robbed in some - -r m manner and to some extent, n vou allow such people to rob you it is your fault, if you don't wans to be robbed you had better ie euoh folks severely alOLe. Honest men do not have to go about tell- ine of their virtues. The Watch uah does not accept the adver tisement of known crooks no mat ter bow large, nor what amount nvolved. This paper will not as- sit fakers to rob its readers. When you see people of this stripe making a big blow and putting on an "astounding sale, take warn ing and aot accordingly. son Uompany, was xnooxea in the head by a piece of timber and killed. He was on a scaf fold and a ohain hoist waB moving a piece of timber ovei him when the chain broke and the timbr came don and crush ed his skull. His widow and administrator. Mrs. Maggie L Linn, olaims this was an aot of carelessness and has . entdred a suit against the contractor and Cannon Manufacturing Company for $15,000 damages. R. Lee W riant, Ifisq.. represents Mrs. Linn. ce Cream Supper it High Rock. High Rock Council No. 885, Jr, O. U. A. M. will give an ice cream annnsr at Hiah Rack, at 4 p. m., r r . . in II 1 Saturday, July iw. vne puuuo mrdi&llv invited to come out and eniov the occasion. Rev. Lanning - " , A. 1 is flXDtcted to De present uu make a speech on the principles of the order. Unsightly Face Spot Anvnnred bv Dr. Hobson's llcze- . m . m SI ma ! Ointment, which neais au Qkin ftrnDtions. JNo matter now long you may be troubled by itch log, naming, or mnri. iast out a little of that soothing antis9ptic, Dr. Hobson's Rnzoma Ointment, on the sores and the suffering stops instantly. Healing begins that very minute DoototB use it in their practice and recommend it. nr. Aiie- man, of Littletown, Pa says: Had eczema on forehead; Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment oured it in two weeks." Guaranteed or money refunded. All druggists, or by mail. Prioe 6c Pfeiffer Chemioal Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. AFTER PASSING YEARS. Salisbury Ttstlaoiy Rentiis Uiskikei. Time iB is the best test of truth Here is a Salisbury story that has stood the test of time. It is a story 'ith a point which will come straight home to many of us. J. W. Glover, 128 a. Long St., Salisbury, N. C, says : "I suffer ed severely from spells of back-? ache. Often I could hot get out of bed without assistance. Finally a friend adviied me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I prooured a box at J. W McPberson & Co.'s Drug Store. A few doses stopped the pain in my back and sinoe then when I have had occasion to take them, they have always helped me. I can never say too muoL in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills." CONFIRMED PROOF. When Mr. Glover was inter viewed on Maroh 2, 1912 he add ed : I gladly confirm the publio statement I gave some time ago praising Doan's Kidney Pills They oured me of kidney trouble. and the oure has been permanent. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and ttao other. Having just bought out Cook's Drug Store, corner of Main and Fisher Street (which will be called The Main Phar macy in the future), gives us 3 REHAL Drug Stores. Now get wise, follow the crowds and trade at Head quarters same as we do. The Smith's Drug Store, The Main Pharmacy, To the Ladies We are going to please you in Toilet Articles, Stationery, Imported Extracts, and all the articles that we will guarantee to retain your beauty. Don't Forget The Goodies at our 3 Fountains, and the. Velvet Ice Oream. Nunnally, Norris and Stacy's Fork Dip Chocolates, always fresh by express and kept in refrigerator. Why you should trade with us. We have the largest stock in North Carolina. We are able to supply your wants. If you call for something we have not, we can get it for you. Prescriptions Our Specialty. i-i 111Mb) l The Peoples Drug Store. Fletcher F. Smith, Pres. We make prescriptions a specialty, in carefully compounding, and with the fresh"! est drugs. And we have the best registered Druggist to do this work in all three stores. Your Doctor will tell you that this is of very great importance when you are sick. We call these stores REXAL because we are sole acents for the Rexall medicines who make guaranteed remedies for all ailments of man and beast. Each one guaranteed or we refund your money, except for 2 diseases. If you will ask us we will tell you what they are. It at Smith's. Peoples Drug Store Has it I on the square. you get it at the Main Pharmacy, " Yon Know "Tis Good." n " People are Thronging to Salisbury to Attend WMM Vii Most Stupendous Sale Event to Tilove Stock Quick. Our Stock is NEW and FRESH. DOT WAIT GET HW THE CKOWB. llo 18o 88c Hen's Handkerchiefs Mill's Haudkerchiefs So MVs Handkerchiefs 7o M Nan's Half Hose Mlu's Half Hose, black & (an 63 Mail's 15c i Hose, all colors llo Mea's 25c I Hose, all colors 18o Magi's 50o I Hose all colors S80 II L Gents Garters. Giriers, all colors, 15c value Garters, all colors, 25o value Garters, all colors. 50o value II Gents Ties 25'falue 18,3 50ftalne 880 Best Linen Collars 15,'a'ue lOo Suspenders and Belts 25valoe 18c 50ftalu8 880 ff Underwear 25o value 18c 50a: Value 880 $1 ,00 union suits 75c Children's Rompers 25iffclue 18o 504 f slue 38o Wash Suits lM value 75o Upvalue $1 10 Boyt Romper Suits 10c Men's Fine Shirts 50o shirts 88c 1 00 shirts 75c 1 50 shirts $1 15 2 00 shirts 1 88 2 50 shirts 1 75 8 00 shirts 8 25 Straw Hats 50c straw hats 880 $1 00 straw hats 69c 1 50 straw hats 98c 2 00 straw hats $1 25 2 50 straw hats 1 50 8 00 straw hats 1 75 Wool and felt men's hats $1 00 bats 75o 1 50 hats 91 00 2 00 hats 1 85 2 50 bats 1 60 3 00 hats 2 00 Stetson Hats Reserved . 25o caps 19o 50c caps 880 75o caps 50o 1 00 caps 75o SHOES $1 50 men's shoes $1 15 2 00 men's shoes 1 45 2 50 men's 3hoes 1 50 3 00 men's shoes 2 25 8 50 men's shoes 2 60 4 00 men's shoes 2 75 5 00 men's shoes 8 50 5 50 men's shoes 4 25 6 00 men's shoes 4 65 MEN'S PANTS $1 50 men's pants $1 00 2 50 men's pants 1 60 8 00 men's pants 2 25 8 50 men's pants 2 50 4 CO men's pants 2 75 5 00 men's pants 8 50 6 00 men's pants 4 00 50o boys' knee pants 38o $1 00 boys knee pants 75o 1 50 boys knee pants 1 15 BOYS' SUITS $2 00 boys' suits $1 25 8 00 boys' suits 2 00 8 50 boys' suits 2 25 4 00 boys' suits 2 75 4 50 boys' suits 8 00 6 00 boys' suits 8 75 6 60 boys' suits 4 00 6 00 boys' suits 4 50 7 50 boys' suits 5 00 10 00 boys' suits 6 95 MEN'S SUITS 9 7 50 men's suits $ 4 75 10 00 men's suits 6 95 12 50 men's suits 8 50 15 00 men's suits 10 00 16 50 men's suits 1150 18 50 men's suits 12 50 20 00 men's suits 18 75 22 50 men's suits 15 00 25 00 men's suits 16 50 80 00 men's suits 20 00 Oflsi 2 im, Salisbury! d ill olodiagft wagon.