xl For That jjpF I to insure complete success take along a case of f The satisfying beverage in fields or forest; at home or in town.j As pure and wholesome as it is temptjngly good. DeliciousRefreshing II . Thirst-Quenching L Refuse substitutes. f v 'V. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. LENOIR COLLEGE, Hickory, N- C. Delightful location in view of the mountain in the most healthful ection of North Carolina. Coeducation under best conditions and management. High Stan dard. Thorough work. A. B. degree recognized by University of N. C. Five modern well-equipped buildings. Elegant new Science Build ing with up-to-date Chem'cal, Physical and Biological laboratories. Departments: Literary, Music (piano, voice, violin), Expression, Art, Business, and preparatory. 15 able and experienced teachers. 250 students. Pure college athletics. Good board at cost. Tuition remarkably low. Colleee'opens first Tuesday in September. Write for catalogue. PRESIDENT R. L. FRITZ, Lenoir College, Hickory, H. C. When YOU BUY HARNESS you want the harness to fit the horse. We make a specialty of fitting harness and you will be pleased with any purchase you make here. The quality of the workmanship to each set is in keeping with the quality of the leather. Every stich is made with ma terial that will last. We haye three experienced workmen. All our work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Harness Oil and Pressing. HARTLINE & COflPANY FARM Furniture Company has a complete stock of Threshing Ma chines, Gasoliue Engines,; Pumps, Cream Separators, Buggies, Wagons, Hiy Load ers, Paints. Oils, etc. Barb wire and fence wire and the most complete stock of Hardware to be found in the State. Salisbury Hardware and Furniture Co. mrt Forget! J. O. White & Co., --Build-- BUGGIES AND WAGONS r See that the next one you Buy has their name on it. FACTORY, 212 E. FISHER STREET, 'Phone 143. Salisbury, N. C. : At Soda Fountains or CarboQ- ated in Bottles. Hardware and RURAL NEWS Written by OUR CORRESPONDENTS. MAHALEY RE UNION. Three Sets of Children Enjor a Dai's Vacation and Big Dinner. Sunday at th9 beautiful horns of D. H. Mahaley, about four miles southeast cf Salisbury, a family re-union was celebrated; a most enjoyable time was spent during the entire day. All of the ohildren were preset t as fol lows : Mr. and MrB, B. Lee Mahaley and daughter, Nellie, of Rich mond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mahaley and family, Kerr, Viola, Maudo aDd Grace, of Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Lyerly and son, Joe, of Richmond, Va. Lonnie A. Mahaley, son of D. H. Mahaley, of Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. filackwell and daughters, Beulah, Lannie and Lala, of Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shoaf and son, James Gobble, of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatley and son, Willie, of Spencer. There were three sets of ohildren in this re-union, first set as fol lows: Messrs: R. Lee Mahaley and John Mahaley, of Richmond, Va , and Mrs. W. A. Blackwell, of Salisbury. The second set consist of Mrs. R. E. Shoaf, of Spenoer, Mrs. G. M. Lyerly, of Richmond, Va., and Lonnie A. Mabaley, also of Richmond, Va., and Misses Ad die, Jessie and Chattie who still remain at home in the country. In the year 1905 D. H. Mahaley and Miss Maggie Kesler, were married and this union has been blessed with the third set, as fol lows: Elva, Frances and Vance. Of the three sets of children all living were present, which was twelve. All the grandchildren, which are ten in number, enjoyed the occasion and were ooniented eat ing ice cream, drinking lemonade and furnishing amusement for the crowd. This is the first time for more than a score of years that the entire members of the family spent a day together at the country home. It was quite a surprise to Mr. Mahaley when the crowd began to gather. The beautiful shady lawn was almost a moving throng. About 1 o'clock a bountiful dinner was spread and the most enjoyable part of the day was spent satisfying the inner man. May'our heavenly father Bend his blessing upon us and spare this union that they may meet again and spend a day together in the celebration of a grander re-union, if not on earth may it be in that heavenly home which is prepared for all that love Him. Samuel. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drwrs out Materia and builds np the tystem. A true toaio tod Son Appetizer For adult and children. I0a CRESCENT. July 11. The Bound ot the threshing machine can be heard around these days. Miss Leona MoCombs has re turned home from Connelly Springs, N. C, where she had gone to spend a few weeks. Rev. J. C Koocs spent last Sun day night with D M. MoCombs. The summer communion will be held at CreBoent the 3rd Sun day in July at 11 o'clock a. m Services on Saturday evening pre ious at 2:30 p. m. Miss Oarrie Lyerly, of Salisbury, spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Miss Bertie Shive of Cabarrus County has returned home after pending a week with her sister, Mrs. L. M. Hees. Miss Katie Holshouser spent part of last week visiting in Salis bury. As the fruit crop will be short this year I think everybody ia aiming to live on blaokberries by the way they are wanting them. A. L. Lyerly reports cotton blooms on the 4th of July. R. M. Freeman spent Monday night at L. W. Safrit's. Polly. Cores Old Sores, Other Bemedies Went Cars The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, re cored by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Beating Oil It reHeres nfranlHcatetttteauatftiiBe. gf.8Se.tLO. AFTER TWEITY YEAHS. J. H. McLaughlin Thovgflt to Hiii Passed Away Still UT3S. Dos Pal0e0al., May 1st. Dear Brother: Your letter reoai red two weeks ago, also card thf ijjinoriiing. Was sorry to hear of iijcj; many deaths aod your bad hetJth. Hope this will find you I etfei, it leaves me in fairly good hepijh. Though I am old and of liftl? use I am in good cheer and perfectly oontent ed. You wish tt&to come back to live with youf. Surely I would love to do so possibly in a future day I wifl be able to oome and see you and all of the other people I knew before I left there, especially the- young relations I reoeived letters from this morn ing they say- I know nothing about. If I should ever return to North Caroling there are difficul ties I would hare to labor under that possibly yqn are not aware of. In the fin" t place I could not unload about acres of land and step on it ;! itud call it my home, neither ftciuld l ouy it ana nav for it if volt 5or some one had it to sell. I he earned plenty in my time, I sve worked hard all of my life,; .-but misfortune, bad managem?fli and traveling has kept me dofr I never want ed muoh and atime time I thought I was all right Jot good with 11 acres and a cab,,n that would keep out rain and oofd.-but at laBt it left me and I o only walk by it now and look f at it in another man's hands. Jf want you to cure yourself up, fix'iip your business, and if you caulflgure any way for me to earn my expenses on the old home, or arty ot your belong ings we will ta$t about me cross ing the continent, but never let it come in your o.iod that I want something froia some one who owes me nothing. I want plenty of their friendship . Yes I want friends, not enlnaies, and I hope we are all frienjls. The reason why I didn't write in so long was Ejeoause I was try ing to fit mysej:' j with something and be able to'ite satisfactorily one time in mjJife, but when I waB broke I oracle up my mind never to let aybpdy know what became of me I - Of course I knew you thought I wis doing wrong by not writing. Many times duriug the 19 years of silence I thought how good it would be to hear from the old land of; my birth. You cannot realize aw muoh good it would be to mV 8ee tne house and the oalcs in the front yard which 1 gajose are dead long ago. Everything around the old plaoe is fresh itf jmy mind as it was 35 years ag: I can see you and everybody jte just as I oould when I left, bothe rising lads that lam receiving letters from is what seems curious to me. They have grown up t5!- manhood sinoe I left and I ci!t.. only imagine what tb.6y look f ;. I reoeived a letter from Fred tame time I did yours,- one froq. Allen Worton, Ethel Ghodnigit and T. E. Gocdnight. Thf p" came today . P. M . told me hhought he had sent one back, hirtl was not sure. All the children vaem to be intel ligent and modern in every re spect. If you se Jfchem tell them I sure will blundvt out a letter to them in a few fMj. I had no idea that they would have bo much reepect for me at they seem to write. Ethel writes me a good letter, says she is Jfche baby, but if I could see her I iron Id not think her muoh of a bat y. Says she is iv, you rememnei R is iu yean last January I wrt'ite you the last letter. I was atfeia Bend, Ari zonia, one poor i actus and salt water country I n ver want to see again. -r After this I wil -write you or some one no matttlr where I am so that you will knot j of me . Ex plain Baker's MilUI don't know : i m 1 1 i . t - ii. leu me sosnecning aoout Bingham Hart ati Harvey Mo- Lane, also James; Seamon and Wm. Revels and tile Voils family. Well Bob this is g&ng to be a bad year for everbodj: J except fruit growers. Their f prospects are good, though it is Sot out of dan ger yet as there isp liable to be frost yst that wi.l oause muoh damage. This morning it was cold. The therm .meter stood 4 degrees lower than'; yf sterday. I started this letter fp 1st but I am finishing it on the ;8th. I have been sick ever sinctthat time and am hardly able to write today. This country is bad5 for chills, I have wanted to lea(-) it for some lime bat ooald not Make up my mind to do so. It is no good any more for a poor white man. There is .too much immigration from foreign countries and it seems oar own people prefer them to us, - Well I will olose. Give my re speota to all and a portion to yourself. I remain your brother. i. H. McLaughlin. This was written to R. A. Mc Laughlin, a brother, who lives on route No. 1, Cleveland. Causes of Stomach Trouble. Sedentary habits, and lack of out door exeroise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, overeating, partaking of food and drink not suited to your age and occupation. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soon be well again For sale by all dealers. FAITH. July 12. Mrs. W. W. Gill, of Fleming, Ga., and children are here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shuping. There will be an ice cream sup per at E. A. Brown's Saturday, July 19th, for the benefit of the aid society of the Lutheran church fiom 8 until 9 o'olook p. m. Mrs. W. L Ludwick of Albe marle, who has been visiting in Faith for ten days has returned home. Miss Cora Pless, of Crescent, has gone to Washington and Balti more to visit friends and will be gone about six weeks. W. L. Ludwick, of Faith, has been selling strawberries up to July 5th and has a lot fine peaches that he is taking to the Salisbury market every day. He also made 97 busheh of wheat, and on one and a half acres he made 89 bushels. Who can beat that on rocky land? J. T. Wyatt has jost been awarded the contract to furnish all the granite that goes in the new graded sohool building at Morganton, and made the first shipment Saturday. This was the quickest shipment made in some time, The agent is a bustler. Rev. J. R. Jordan, the Baptist minister here, will oommenoe a series of meetings at the Baptist Church beginning the 4th Sunday evening in July. He will be as sisted by Rev. Jesse Corn of Madi son County. J. T. Wyatt shipped another oar load of fine street curbing Saturday. E. F. Hill an old soldier, of Raleigh, is visiting relatives and friends here. Sidney R. Wyatt, son of G.-C. Wyatt, who had been in the Unit ed States Army for over three years, has gone back this time to the navy. He went to the U. 8. S. Franklin, Dat. Camp, Ports mouth, Va. Mr. Wyatt says he thinks he will like the navy, and will go into some department where he will have a chance to work himself up into a good position. There are two young men in the navy from Faith, a son of W. W Frick and one of S R. Wyatt. Corn crops are all extra fine this year. Wherever we go we see fine corn orops. We are hay ing the very finest of seasons this year and if it keeps on there will be a large corn orop raised this fall, when everybody will have plenty and there will be the best times ever known in this country. Fverything points that way now. We understand the strike of the blookmaters has been settled. Venus, Ice Cream Sapper at Salem. There will be an ice cream sup per at the Salem Church parson age on Saturday night, the 19th, from 6 p. m., till 10 p. m., given by the young people's society of Salem Church. Everybody is in vited to oome out and bring your cream, sugar and your money. This is for the benefit of the so ciety, let's have a floe time. Come out old and young and enjoy yourselves. Be prompt. For Cuts, Boras and Bruises In every home there should be a box of BucklenY Arnioa Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, outs, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polauoo, Delvalle, Tex , R. No. 2, writes: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cot foot. No one believed it oould be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25o. Recommended by aUdroggieta. Stubborn "I was under the treatment of two doctors" wrKu Mrs. R. L. Phillips, of Indian Valley, Va., "and they pro? nounced my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak ness. I was not able to sit up, when I commenced t3 take Cardui. . I used it about one week, before I saw much chans Now, the severe pain, that had been in my side for years, has gone, and I don't suffer at alL I am feeling better thxa in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of Cardui" f TAKE Cardui if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from say of the troubles so common to women. ' , Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system. Cardui has been in successful use for more than 50 yearn Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they received from it Try It for your troubles. Begin today. Writ tat Ladle' Adytsorr tor Sptdal hutncOoiu. and 64-pasa I THE to get all kinds of useful, artistic and uptodate Furniture at low prices is Furniture LET US MAKE YOUR k Fairmms If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If vou have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY RE and Insurance Company. McCubbins & Captital Surplus REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, transacts a general real estate business. LOAN DEPARTMENT, loans funds for clients so as to net the investor six percent, remits interest semi-annually and guarantees interest, principal, and the title to the property upon which the fund is loaned. O INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, represents old line O companies m lite, hre, contract bonds. RENTAL DEPARTMENT, ties, makes returns, and looks after the general y upKeep oi properties those who do not care McCubbins & Harrison Co., T. E, Witherspoom E, H. Harrison, W. H. Ho I) son, Treasurer, President, Si3rdtary. U I DR.M.J.RAGLANO . VETERINARIAN. Office and hospital on Innisa St., near Mansion House corner. Day phone Night phona 480. 4-370 33. Tho WomarftTonic MfiehM lor ' : - : Undertaker HOME A REAL HOME. Hw sale Harrison Go, $20,000.00 $16,000.00 casualty insurance, and collects rents on nroner ior aDsentee lanaioras, or to take personal charge. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIJS DIAMOND BRANIlL Ladie.1 Aak jr.ar Urmmmtt tor i ini-ekM-twa D1mmb4 Krma4y PI1U la Rrd and 4feM MaUJcS Dram Askft.fUIf.0 DIAMOND BRAND PI 71 ' ' If " "