'7 L AAA r A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental 'Affairs. Vol. IX No. 34 Salisbury, N. O., Wednesday, August 6th, 1913. WM. H. STEWART, EDITOn 111 Uaroiina Watetaiim WiEW 'ROAD "LAW AN ACT TO PROVIDE A ROAD LAW FOR THE COUNTY OF ROWAN, - .AND FOR LEVYING TAXES , FOR. PUBLIC ROADS IN ' ROWAN COUNTY. Tue General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : Seo. 1 . That the board of com missioners of , Rowan County be and aire hereby authorised to levy annually ; i speciflo tax not to ex ceed thirty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property, real and personal, in aid county, and not exoeeling one dollar and five cents on each poll (the constitutional equation to be always observed) to be ex pended for biulding and repairing the publio roads in said county, and for all neoeesry expenses per taining thereto, iuolnding buying read machinery, equipment and supplies, Said specifio tax shall be levied and collected each and every year, as other taxes are levied and oollected. Seo. 2. That the board of com missiouers of Rowan County may on the first Monday in the month of June, one thousand nine hun dred and thirteen, and anuaally thereafter, levy a tax of not less than fifteen (15) cents and not more than twenty five (25) cent a ou the one hundred dollars valua tion of property subject to taxa tion in the several townships of j the oounty of Rowan, property in ; incorporated towns in the several I laid superintendent shall have di townships excepted, and not less j rect charge, control and manage than forty five (45) cents, and not ment of maintaining and keeping more than seventy five (75) cents in good order all macadam roada and every poll sub- toll tax in the sv- JwDshin of the county cf lowan, pons in incorporateu , towns in the several townshps ex-1 oepted, whioh said taxes shall be toll ec ted in the same manner as the other taxes are collected for state and county purposes, and hall be kept separate and apart in the tax books of the said coun ty from other taxes, and shall be known as "Township Road Fund," and said taxes shall be used in the construction, improvement and maintainace of the public roada of the several townships, and in each township shall have its own apportion merit of the tax es levied and oollected therein, and the said taxes levied and col lected in the several townships shall be used exclusively in the construction, improvement and maintenance of the publio roads of the township where levied and collected under the direction of the board of commissioners of Rowan and a committe of three appointed in eaoh town ship by the board of com missioners for . the purpose of, consultation with said board as to how the taxtes levied hereunder are to be expended in their several townships. Provided, however, that no part of "The township Road fond" tax levied in this sec tion shall be used in the oonstuo- tion, maintenance or improvement of the streets of the incorporated towns of the several town ships of said county: Pro vided, however, upon the petition of sixty per cent of the freehold ers and qualified voters of any one or more townships petitioning against said tax levy, the board of oounty commissioner! may not levy said tax in said township, may continue to work roads in aid township or townships in ac cordance with provisions of chap ter two hundred and nineteen, Publio Looal Liws, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. Sco 8. That there may be electen oy saia Dcara or commit sioners at one ot tneir regular meetings a competent superintend ent of roads, skilled in the modern method of road building, who shall be paid a reasonable com pensation, to be fixed by the board of cotomissioners, and said super intendent of roads may be remoy- oh a CBBK ed from office at any time by said board of commissioners when in the opinion of the board there ex ists good and sufficient cause for such aotion, and for malfeasance or misconduot in office, and may be removed, by them without far thtr noticejthan may be necessary to give him a hearing, and said board of commissioners shall have power to fill any vaoaney in said office of superintendent of roada that may occur, by removal orjoth erwise. The said superintendent of roads compensation to be paid out of the fund derived from the road tax levied under section one of this act. Sec 4. That it shall be the duty of said superintendent of roads to give so much of his time at may be required by the board of commissioners to building, di recting, maintaining and repair ing the highways and public roads of Rowan Oounty; he shall have charge of the supervision, main taining and building of all publio roads and highways in said j county, including the su pervision, ot the convict force, whioh shall be committed to bis custody by the oounty commissioners board of and the 0f said county,- either with work by convict forces or by the edl- ploy ment of some one under his ehreotion, to repair and maintain the same, subject to the approval of the board of county commis sioners. 8eo. 5 That said boaid of com missioners or superintendent, sub jeot to the approval ot said board, shall appoint, with power to re move at any time, snoh guards or other employees as may be needed to take charge of the convict foroe, said guards and employees to be paid such compensation for services rendered as may be fixed by the board of oounty commis sioners. Sec; 6. No superintendent, guard, or other employee of said commissioners shaU be held either criminally or civilly liable for any injury inflicted upon any conviot in his custody or under his super vision ! while in good faith and with due care enforoing snoh dis cipline as may be necessary to carry out such rules and regula tions in the workiug of convicts apon the highways or publio roads as said commissioners may from time to time enact and pro mulgate. If any superintendent, guard or other employee who may have such persons in his charge shall willfully or negligently per mit any prisoner to escape from his custody, such superintendent, guard or employee shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and unpon con' viotion shall be fined or impris oned in the discretion of the court ; provmea, mat no superin tendent, guard or other employee shall be held criminally or civilly liable for inflicting any wound or . t otner injury upon any prisoner who may atsempt to 6soape from his custody or control, if suoh su perintendent, guard or employee shall have reasonable ground to believe it necessary to so wound or otherwise injure suoh prisoner in order to prevent his aotual es - cape from custody ; any superin tendent, guard or other employee I from whose custody any conviot ' shall have escaped, or anv other officer or private oitisen, thai have the right at any time there after to re arrest suoh esoaped cenviot and to use suoh means ao tually necessary to that end; and no person, in arresting or at' tempting to arrest an escaped aon- riot, shall be held civilly or otim- mally liable for any wound or other injury which he may inflict upon snoh oonvict while attempt ing to arrest him, if he shall have had reasonal le grounds to believe that it was necessary to resort to suoh means in order to make such arrest. Sec. 7. Thai all nsrsons con-1 fined in the cooatj jail nader a 1 final sentence of tha court fori crimes, or imprisoned for non-1 payment of costs or -fines, or under final judgment jn oasee of bastar- J dy, or under the vagrant acts, all j insolvents who ahall be imprisoned I for non-payment of costs, all per-1 sons who stall be sentenced to the state prison f r a term of not more than ten yesrs shall be worked on the publio roads of said county unless otherwise ordered in the4udgment of the court, and all suclrj convicts shall be fed, clothed; and otherwise cared for at the expanse of said road fund; provided, that in the ease of serious physical disability, certified by tha county physician, persons con vioted in anv oourt may be sen- tenced to the state prison or the I oounty jail. not begin work or receive any pay Sec. 8. That the said board of from the board of commissioners oounty commissionsrs it hereby of Jba county for any work until authrised to accept oonvicts from heor they shall enter into a writ other counties of the state ten" tejt contract in the name of the tenoed by superior oourt judges, board of commissioners of Rowan whenever in their judgment it is County to build, maintain and deemed advisabls to do to, and keep in good repair, Iree from all the cost of transporting and main- holes, ruts and dangerous places, saining such convicts or prisoners also well drained with good crown shall be paid from said road fund upon the road, the section of pub provided in Motion one of thit ast. lie road being so contracted for, Seo. 9. The superintendent of and also to keep in good repair health tha oounty shall at- the bridges thereon free from any tend the oonviots as though dangerous places and giving to the they were confined in the I oounty jail. If the superin tendent of health shall be unable i to attend the conviots, from any cause, the county commissioners are hereby authorized, contri with a physician to attend such convicts. Seo. 10. The board of oounty commissioners of Rowan County, may in its discretion, work laid oonviots on the streets within the I oorporte limits of the city of Sal isbury and upon the streets within the corporate limits of any other incorporated town in Rowan Oounty. Seo. 11. If the board of com missioners of Rowan County elect a superintendent of roads of Row an Oounty under section three of this eat, then and in that event the said board of commissioners shall provide for the superinten dent of roads an office where he shall file oopies of all correspon dence, letters, contraots, pro posals, plats and surveys of roads, and shall keep an ac curate reoord of all aooounts and contraots with the supervisors or any other person who is deal- ing with the said board of com- missioners in matters relating to the publio roads of said county. The said superintendent of roads shall set apart at least one day iu every week when he shall be in his office to attend to suoh road matters as may ooms before him, and the re - mainaer ot wie time ine saia sup- - a iL. . ' - - erintendent shall either be super - vising the building of the publio roads of said oounty or directing the management of the oonviot foroe and making provisions there- for. The said superintendent of roads shall not purohase any pro- visions, materials or other things for the building and repairing of the roads of said oounty or any provisions for oonviot foroe from himself or from any firm or or- poration in whioh he may have an tutecvB ur uuiu any siccx, nor roads of their respective town shall the said superintendent of ships and for inspecting the publia roads hire or emnlov his own a (h. mav ha rfivantoit k. " teams to ao any work for the oounty or upon the publio roads thereof. Any superintendent of roads violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and . upon convic tion thereof shall be fined or im prisoned at the discretion of the oourt . boo. iz. Tne said board of I commissioners, or the superinten dent of roads subject to the ap. pzovsi of tha aaid board, if f 'shall be deemed advisable, shall I appoint one person in eaoh town I ship ef the oounty to be known as I township supervisor, who shall be under control and orders of the superintendent of roads, and it J shall be the duty ;of said super- J visor to divide the publio roads of I his township into sections of not lets than one mws&nd not more than ten miles, n4 he shall fur- nish plat of all such Motions of publio roads so divided, with th- culverts and bridges mentioned thereon, to the superintendent of roads, to be filed it his office, and it also shall be hit duty, with the approval of the superintendent of roads, to let by contract at a fair and reasonable price, for a period of one year, to the-beat bidder, the building, maintaining, and keeping in good repair the djffer- ent sections of, public roads in his township, or in oa?ea new public road is ordered opened hi, the board of commissioners oi said oounty, it shall be his duty to let out the said oontraot as above mentioned. The jsaid bidder or bidders, to be knowq thereafter as contractor or contractors, shall road the waal widtiTTwreqaired by law. The said contractor or contractors shall also furnish at the time of signing said contract a good and sufficient bond in the earn of one hundred fillers, or a larger amount if the coutraot may warrant same in the estimation of said board of commissioners, to the board of commissioners of Rowan County tcr faithfully dis- eharga the duties mentioned in his eontract and as required of him I or them by law, and if said con tractor or contractors shall fail to discharge the duties mentioned in said oontraot, or as required of him or them by law, the said board of commissioners shall have a right to recover the amount mentioned in his said bond in any of the courts of Rowan Oounty. The superintendent of roads upon aoospting the above mentioned oontraot shall write his approval therein and file same with the register of deeds of Rowan Conn ty, and tha said oontract shall be binding upon said county when approved by the said board of commissioners, ine supervisor shall from time to time, as he may be directed by the superintendent of roads, view the section of pub- I He roads so contracted for, and as I the hnildine- of said so contrantnd for progresses under the contraots ao let. the said supervisor shall give an order to the superinten- dent of roadr for navment of suoh 1 amounts of money as to him may - " I m . . . i seem due tor tne wore so com- 1 pleted, and for no more. And i I the superintendent of roads shall, upon examination of said order, find the same correct and due for work already completed under the oontraot so made, he shall endorse taid order and send some to the boardof commission- era for payment. The said supervisor shall be paid for the time actually engaged in letting the contracts fpr. the build- ing and repairing of the publio I " SW SMWJ WttVVVVU J tha .nnarinisniianfc of rnri in . sum of not less than two dollars per day. -Said accounts shall be itemised, signed and certified as correct by said supervisor, and be examined and endorsed by the su perintendent of roads before pay ment. Hap. 18. The board of commis sioners or the superintendent of Wads with the approval of the board vpf commissioners, shall hav the right, if it be deemed ad visable, to direct the supervisor as before mentioned to build, main tain and keep in good repair the publio roads of his townships by employing laborers and teams to do the Work on the public roads of the respective townships of said oounty. It shall be the supervi sor's duty to keep the publio roads of his township free from all holes, ruts and dangerous places and well drained, with a good crown cn same, and keep the bridges in good1 repair, , and while he is working said publio read it shall be the duty of the superin tendent of roads to visit, super vise, direct and oontrcl said road works at all times; and it shall be his duty, subject to the approv al of the board of oommusioners, to fix the price to be paid for la bor and teams and other necessary expenses in repairing and main taining said public roads, and he shall at all times go.ern and have control of the supervisor in lui l - ing, maintaining and keeping in good repair the pnhiic r ads of said townships. The supervisor ahall cive s good and soffi :i i1 bond iu the sum of three hundred dollars, to be payable to the i ai uf commissioners of Rowan Ooi . ty, for tne faithful discharge of hie dnty, and if he shall fail to discharge his duty aocordiug to the law, the said board of com missioners shall have the right tr reoover the amount in any of the courts of Rowan Connty. Ibe board of commissioners of said county shall have ths right to fix the oompensstiou for the super visors of the various townships cf the county, whichF shall not te ess thau $2 00 par day for ten hours work The sard supervisors shall not employ their own teams for working the publio roads or purohase any material for road building from jj&sjffNInn less they first -tfmlytTCoaTd of county commissioners of the use of their own teams, and the other teams could not be had for the use so mentioned . If any supervisor shall fail and be willfully negli gent and careless in the discharge of his duties as suoh supervisor is required by law or fail to obey the provisions of this section, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and non oonviotion thereof shall be fined ot imprisoned at the dis oretion of the court . Sec. 14. The said supervisor shall keep a oorreot and acourate reoord of the contraots and ao oounts made and shall furnish to the oouty commissioners or the su perintendent of roads an itemized statement of all laborers and teams hired, and the prioe per day for each, and also a statement of all material purohased and the price Daid for same, whioh statement B7 shall be duly signed by the said supervisor as being just and cor reot. The superintendent of roads, if approving said itemized state ments, shall siirn them and send them to the board of commission ers of said oounty for payment. The said board of commissioners, upon examination and inspection of said aooounts and contracts for hire of labor and teams and for material furnished for the build ing of various roads in the said oounty, find the same oorrect and no overcharge made thereon, they shall order payment of the same. Seo. 15. The superintendent of roads, with the approval of the said board of commissioners, if deemed advisable, shall have the right and authority to enter into a contract with anyone who will take same at a fair and reasonable price, for the building, maintain ing and keeping in repair and free from dangerous places, well drained, and with a good orown thereon, and keeping in good con dition the bridges of any or all of the publio roads in the different townships of said oounty. The said contraotor, before entering upon his work or receiving any pay for same, shall enter into a written oontraot in the name of the board of commissioners of Rowan Connty to keep in good re pair, free from all holes, ruts and dangerous plaoes, with a good orown on same and well drained, COen tinned on last page) SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION THE ROWAN COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL CONVENTION IN MT. ZION REFORMED CHURCH THURSDAY AND FRI DAY, AUGUST 21 AND 22. t--flttfa- -v is i" -.1 mm. WW .- . The forty-fifth annual conven tion of the-Rowan County Sun day SohootAu0eiation will be beld 'Ja alt-c vZin Reformed Ohurah, near China Grove, Rev. J. H. Keller, pastor, Thursday and Friday, August 21st and 22nd. The officers of the astooiation wis srwT m are sb 10110 ws: a. vr . latum, president, Salisbury ; Rev . 0. B. Heller, secretary, Spencer; W. L. Klutts, treasurer, Salisbury ; Hon. John S. Henderson, A.B. Salseby, P. S. Carlton, Thos. P.Johnston, Prof. R. G. Kizer and Dr. C. M. Van Poole, are the executive committee. Prof. L. H. Roth- rock, superintendent of teaoher training; A. B. Saleeby, superin tendent of organized class work ; Miss Daisy Fisher, superintendent of the intermediate and cradle mil work: Prof. R. G. Kizer. superintendent of Home and ! visitation. The local committee oonsists of Dr. G. A. Ramsaur and J, . Oorrell, ot China Grove. The program as arranged is at follows : Thubsdat Morning, 21st, 10:80 8oug Servioe. 10:45 Devotional, Rev. J. H. Keller. 11:00 "Why are we Here?" Rev, B . S. Brown, 11:15 Roll call of townships appointment of enrollment com mittee. 11:25 Remarks by the presi dent, E. W. Tatum. 11:80 "Principles and Methods of Organized Sunday School Work," Rev. Lewis Collins. 12:00 Offering, announcements. Thursday. Afternoon. 2 :00 Song Servioe. 2:15 Devotional. 2:80 Treasurer's Report, secre tary's report. 2 :45 Report of township secre taries. 8:05 Song. 8:10 "A Reasonable Sunday School Standard," Rev. Lewis Collins. 8:40 "The Boy Problem and How to Solve it," Rsv. F. J. Mallet, D. D. - 410 Appointment of commit tees. Announcements. Fritat Morning, 22nd. 9:80 Song servioe. 9.50 Devotional. 10 00 "Personal Work, Soul Winning," Rev. M. M. Kinard, D. D. 10:25 "Organised Class Work," -"'i.''i K, A (Baraca, etc.) Prof. L. H. Roth- rook, A. B. Saleeby, A. L. Smoot. 11:00 "Round Table and the SniehR6v.- Lewie- e2 tins. 12 :00 Election of officers, exe cutive committee,seleotion of place of next meeting. 12:15 Election of delegates to state convention. Offering and announcements. Friday Afternoon, 2:00 Song service. 2:15 Devotional, 2:80 "All the Church in the S. S, and all the S . S. in the Church, Rev. Lewis Collins. 2:50 Report of intermediate and oradle roll superintendent, Miss Daisy Fisher, 8:80 Miscellaneous and new business. 8:45 Rsport of committees. 4:00 Installation of officers. Closing remarks by delegates. Closing exercises, song, prayer, doxology, benediction. Every Sunday School worker in the county is ivited to be present and take part in (he convention . Be there for the opening session and stay till the cIobo. Many of the subjects are intended for open discussion in whioh all are at liberty to take part. Every Sunday School iB entit led to as many delegates as will go. Mt. Zion folks are expecting a orowd, do not let them be disap pointed. Every township seoretary is urged to send reports as early as possible, Please see that your township has a complete report and then hurry it in to the secre tary. All delegates, ministers and visitors who will oome by rail to China Grove, or who expect to re main over night, will please notify J. E. Correll, seoretary of the entertainment oommittee, China Grove, N. C, as early as possible. Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipa tion and indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medioine and treatment," writes O. H. Hines, of Whitlow, Ark. "I weut to a St. Louis hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no oure was effected. On returning home I began taking Chamber lain's Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for some I time and am now all right." Sold I by all dealer. 5 '.4