. .... - - . ' -; - '- ." :-t ' : ) -fi -1 "E'v ' ' : - - " ' - . : - -'r THE CAROLINA YATCHL1AII Salisbury, November 12, 1913 Cotton n bringibK 183 today. J A. Sioeloff, the popalar cat- tie aeeut of the Soutberu at Spen cer, gave a barbecue "to a large numl er of his friends in the woods - near Spencer Uit Wednesdsy af teruoon. Thoee present enjoyed the occasion very much. The headquarters of Deputy Oolleotor J. Frank Miller have been removed from Winston galem to Salisbury" and he now has offioes in the Federal build ing. Associated with him it J. B. Bitley, recently appointed to a position in the seryioe. The.ter ritory covered by Mr. Miller em braces 13 jounties iucludiug Ro wan, Davie, Davidson, Stanly, Iredell, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Union, R?' esou, dtokeB, Yadkin, AnBon and Forsyth. H. T. Cook, who oonduots a shoe shop in Spencer, was kn jok ed off his bioyole by an automo bile last Friday morning. Mr. Cook was riding between Salisbury and Spencer and th automobile came up babiud him, struck the rear wheal, threw him against the car track and cat a gash in his head. The automobile was driven by Henry Lntletcn who picked up Mr. Cook, took him on to Spencer and Dr. Busby was called and gave him the necessary at tention. Hogh Sowers, who will conduct a coffee and tea stora in the build ing leoeutly vacated by the Wes tern Union Telegrah Company, expects to open his placa Satur day. As iB the custom in many foreign countries aud R.mamzed sectiouB of the United States, Saday is desecrated by huuticg, fiihing, pionioinK, ball p!aying, etc., and two young foreigners, Frank Tac coli aud mbrozi Fronberi warf befoie the Rowau Ccuuty Court 1 Monday for huntiug on Sunday Judge Kluttz let them cff light, but gave warning that Sunday huntiug will be expensive hereaf ter. These young men evidently did not attend a school whtre th Bible was read, which shows to what the lack of Bible reading in the schools lead. The parcel post depot for Sal isbury is to occupy the room now cied bv the Ford Hotel tor an offije. The room corner, of Main and Council Streets, will be fitted up for the hotel cffi. The executive committee of the Lutheran synod of North Caro lina, of which R-v. M. M. Kinard of Salisbury, is president, met in this city Thursday and accepted plans for a new Lutheran church in Raleigh. -The church is to be located on Hillsboro street and the plans were drawn by 11. E Broniti, of Wilmiugton. There were a number of out-of-town committeemen present for the meeting. " D. M. Miller, who has been ill for several weeks, took a turn for the wors? today about noon and his condition is considered seri ous. Dr. John Whitehead is con stantly with him and he is given every attention possible, but his many frieLds are uneasy never theless. We stated that Harline oV Co., would establish a branch store in Concord iu Friday's Record and tbat Mr . Hartline would be in chars? cf the Concord store. We were mistaken in saying tbat Mr, Hartline would go to Concord. We are elad to state that he will remain in charge of the Sal isbary store.' Mr. Lineberger will have chgrge in Concord. These are clever gentlemen to deal with. A hotse was taken from the table of a Mr. Lyerly who lives east of Granite Quarry Monday night. The thief proceeded tc ward Go'd Hill with the anima He aleo had a small horse or mule and the she riff was notified and bn be-n making eff.rts to catch the thief. Attention ia called to the adver tisement f V. Wallace & Sons in this paper. These people are re liable and they will give y:u a square deal every time. The Sonibem Conference of the Lutheran Synod cf North Caro lina, will convene at Richfield to morrow aud remain in session tw days. The full prrgram of the orvices can be found in the Row an Record of October 81s audlast week's Watchman ,.: Contrab'or D. 0.' Lingle was in town yesterday and told us he had just killed a. pig that reiged 859 puuaas. wr. single is building two five-rrom cottagei near Liv ingstone College. : '.. la farm school rallies are now in progress. The first, one was held at Miranda yesterday and was quite a success. The next one is being-held at Cleveland and tomorrow one will be held at Liberty school house, Friday the folks will be at Union house and on Satudav. "Rvafv- body's day." the firatherW be held at the court honBe tn fii. iebury. - . It is reported that Cant. Rih. ard Henderson, who has been ope rated upon at the Johns Horfcinn Hospital, Baltimore, is getting along well and a permanent cure of his trouble is exnsoted. Thi is good news to Captain Hender son's many friends. Yesterday mc miner an alarm nf fire was turned in. It. was a resi dence near the Goodman Lumber Company, a blaze having been started on the roof, by a defectivaJ nue. ine name was nnfc mt workman and the building saved as it was beyond the reach of the tar city fire depatment. A number of gentlemen accent ed the hospitality of T. J. Jerome, Esq , last night and enjoyed a banquet in the Stonewall Clnb The object cf the meeting was to discuss the advisability of estab lishing a country clnb on property owned by Mr. Jerome and his as sociates near Grant Creek. Rev F. J. Maltett aoted as tcatmaster aild am one the sneakers were Taos. J. Jerome, Kgq.( Hon. Jno. d. JtLenderBon, Geo. R. Collins, Mayor Walter H. Woodson, A. H. Price, Esq., Edwin M. Hoff man, of the Boys' Community Work, Doctors Stokes and McKeu- z e, lb. a, Weave and A. Li smoot. A country club nnder the auspices of such gentlemen would no doubt be ooi duoted on a very respectable basis, free from the usual ques tionable influences of such places. The King s Daughters of the First PresbyteriaD Chnroh hold thei annual bazaar on Thursday aod Friday, November 25th and 26tb. Committees have been an pointed and arrangements are be ing made to have one of the great est events of its kind yet given by them . The receipts will be given to local charities. -TOUR KIDNEYS HAKE TOD NERYOUSr A-Tone Kidney and Nerve Pills put New life into Brain, Muscle and Mind You find it hard to think -your muscles do not jump at your brains command. You are forgetful, lack cour age, feel "all iw" What you need to jmt you on your feet," pint new ginger mio-your step, drive away the blues, make .you sleep well and eat naturally, kill the headaches and backaches is A Tone Kidney and Nerve Pills. It is your kidneys that are causing all the trouble. You can't be healthy if your kidneys are oat of order. EQUALLY EFFECTIVE FOR MEN AND WOMEN. An excellent Woiban's Remedy. A.Tone Kidney and Nerve Pills are not sold by druggists. They are sent to you BY MAIL in a PLAIN wrapper. 13 days treatment 78 pills 35 cents or $3,50 per dozen boxes, post paid. A-Tone Medical Co., ' Eaton Rapids, Mich. AGENTS WANTED. WOMAN ESCAPES OPERATION By Timely Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Here is her own statement. Cary, Maine." I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com pound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terrible suf ferer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My'back ached, I had no ap petite and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely eet around. It seemed almost impossi ble to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would be any better un- tirl submitted to an operation, l com menced taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and soon felt like i new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work "for a familv of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your med icine." Mrs. Haywakd sowers, wiry, Maine. If vera are ill do not drag along unta! an operation is necessary, but at once take Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have. the slightest doubt UlUt Aj V Click JKJm M. lllJUMi" " ' ble Compound will help you, write to JiVdia E.FinKnam jaeuiwucvw faiu,Tnn.Ma8gM for ad- vice, it our letter wm u? "" read and answered by a woman, and held in strict conncrem. Sale ol Valuable Lands. , Pursuant to the terms of a certain mortgage deed of trust executed on September 14th, 1912, by Lonnie Miller and wife Martha W. Miller, the same being recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Rowan county in book of mortgages No. 44, raze 126, etc. , default having been made in the payment of the mdebtedness for which said mortgage was executed to secure, and at the request of the holder of the note secured, the undersigned trustee, will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door in Salisbury on Saturday, December 6th, 1918, at the hour of 12 m., the follow ing described real estate: lituate in Providence Township, Rowan county, near the Reimer Mine and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone, Safrit's corner ; and runs north 87 degrees west 7. SO chains to a stone on the Reimer Mine line : thence with said line south 3i degrees west 8.20 chains to a stone : thence north 6 de grees west 8.15 chaini to the beginning containing 3J acres, be the same more or lees. For back title see book of deed 8 No. 180, page 227, etc. This November 3rd, 1913. John L Rkndleman, trustee Silver of Quality Rely on your own judgment as to oattern. but re member durability is the most impor tant feature. m EVERY WOMAN wants and needs these books. At an expense of many thousands of dollars and nearly two years' time we ! hare completed and ready for delivery, the Six Volume International Cooking Library 1 by 47 of the World's Famous Chefs United States, Canada and Europe. Recipes new. Never before published. Very complete and easily understood. Each book complete De Luxe Recipe B?8. Library consists of THE SALAD BOOK THE CHAFING DISH BOOK THE FTERNOON TEA BOOK THE DAINTY SWEET BOOK THE BREAD AND PASTRY BOOK THi DESSERT BOOK 50 Cents eaoh, Prepaid $2 50 Set, Six Books, Prepaid Beautifully Embossed Covers, three and four colors in attractive Carton Mailers, Money refunded if not delighted with these s5tv MObT IDEAL CHRISTMAS INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., froantj Bldg, li Angeles, CaL 11-6 6l .At I I AM Vvt 1 ROGERS BR0S.tuu is the name stamped on lhe back of spoons, lores ana lancy ecrruig in silver plate of proven quality t "Silver Tlote that Wears" Wide latitude for choice Is offered in the many exquisite designs. Sold by leading dealers everywnerc. Send for Catalogue "OIi," snowing an aesign. No matter wHat you have used, try Mustang Liniment and see for youflself how soon it stops pain. It don't sing or burn die flesh but soothes and heals soon as applied. Pain simply can't stay if you use MEXICAN Mustang Liniment The Great Family Remedy QUICKLY RELIEVES Mumps, Lameness, Cuts, Burns, Backache, Rheumatism, Scalds, Sprains, - Bruises, and all other ailments of Man and Beast. 1 Since 1 848 the foremost Ptdn Reliever of the South. 25c, 50c. $1 a bottle at Dnu and General Stores. LowfkREs! Homeseekeri? tickets are sold at greatly educed fares on the 1 stand ?rd Tuesdays of each mtfnh; stopovers free and 25 Jiys time, via Cotton Belt -R, jute, to Arkansas ri - and lexas Winter tourist tickets (round trip) from sout '$ast points to many points in 'fa, Louisiana and New Mexictv will be on sale daily Nov. ,1st. rj$ to April 30. 1914; with exceectmgty long return limit of June 1st, 14. Stopovers. All year tourist licketa on sale daily to certain p'pints in Texas 90 day limit. . The Cotton Bel: Route is the rtf linefromMe?nphistoTexas, through Arkansa.Mtwo splendid trains daily, with jlectric lighted equipment of th 'pigh sleepers, parlorcars anddLjg cars. Trains from all parts of Southeast make direct connectiorj it Memphis with Cotton Beli Route trains to the Southwes j For full informatici i Sabout Home seekers Fares, Win?r;Tourist Fares or AH Year Tourist;,1ckets, address the undersigned, , Bpks about fann ing in Southwest, se; it free. Write! H.H. SUTTON, Diib lrt Pass'r Agent M. B. HOLTSFORD, ruienger Agent 109 W. 9th St.,Chai (anooga, Tenn. EL PHONE-292. THE GEM CITY LAUNDRY 118-124 S. Lea St.. Salisbury, 1U - Of course you have noticed the improvements we have made in the laun dering of collars. By our new method, we so launder a collar-that its top edge, where it id turn ed over, is not sharp, but slightly rounded, more space is given all along be tween the inside and out side of the collar where the tie slides. By the way, this new method also assists in pre venting the edges of the collars from cracking. Liberal commission paid to agents. Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World! A formula. which-as obtained from an Indian Doctor by an old gent man in the year of 1872 when in the coal helds of Wjyt -Virginia, when at that time Pneumonia was raging to such an extent that the doctors were losing parent after patient. When thia Indian doctor asked tse permission to use his remedy with the agreement th; if he did not cure them he would not charge thenone cent. This permission was granted on theseyfc frms. And he went to work and the result was thahe cured every case that the doctors had given up. tidie. This old gentleman has made and used this remedy in his community ever since, curing nearly, evry one that he got to before thf y were too near gon to use the Remedy. The old gentleman getting tcod todo much with it sold it to in 1909, and he. is the owner and manufacturer of this Great Remedy, And is now putting it on Upmarket at a small cost for such a Remedy, as he feels that it will be a great jessing to the public to get such a remedy a this for the dreaded disease of iieumonia. Sinceputting this remedy on the market we have have had manicures to oir credit for Pneumonia, Croup, JOolds, Sore Throat, Burns, Old Soils, etc PREPARATION FOR PNEUMONIA. J R. M. Leonard e HorlEap Sale ol Luis. Pursuant to the provisions of a cer tain mortgage deed of trust, dated February 1st, 1912, executed by C. A Haynes to B. B . Miller, trustee, and recorded in book 44 of mortgages at age 12 in office of register of deeds of owan county, to secure the maeDtea- ness recitea tnerein, aeiauit naving been made in payment of said indebt edness and the holder thereof having demanded . the foreclosure of said mortgage, the undersigned trustee will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Salisbury , N. C, on Monday, December 1st, - 1913. at 12 o'clock m.t the. following described real estate : One certain tract of land consisting of three lots, lying on StatesviJlf road iust north of Livingstone uouege property, beginning a at stake in the edge of the Statesville road, nort-east side of said road, rear corner 01 tne Odd Fellows lot, and runs thence north about 35 degrees east 11 feet to a stake, and runs thence north about 45 degrees west 141 feet to Partee line, thenee with said Partee line south about 53 degrees 119 feet to edge of Statesville road, thence witn said ro.an 151 feet to the beginning, being part of the land described in deed book 109 at i age 194, This the 27th day of October, 193. B. B. Miller, trustee, DO YOU APPRECIATE A GOOD THING llfJHEia YOU SEE IT? II II erMnlrtbMiiCo. 1 1 n tm attnnAi Silver Co., SaceeMor.) r. tuMn, Ctmm. O.HICHESTER SPILLS bo"S.ieiJed wiA Btot, Rttbo. W - Ack f iT-L tti ftafart Amn Rcllabto Mortgage Sale ol House and Lot. Pursuant to the provisions of a jtser tain mortgage deed of trust, dated October 24, 1910, executed by Taylor McCarter and wife , Rachel McOarter. to 8. B. Miller, trustee, and recorded in the office of register of deeds for Rowan county in mortgage books 39 page 250 and 44 page 282, respectively. , to secure the indebtedness recited therein, default-having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and the holders thereof having demanded the foreclosure of said mortgages, the undersigned trustee will pell to the highest bidder for cash at the court , house door in Salisbury, N. C, on Monday, December 1st, 1913, at 12 o'clock m., the following described real estate: One house and lot situated in tbat part of Salisbury known as Dixonville and bounded as follows, beginning at, a stone by the side of a rugar maple, Kine Brooks' corner on the street called Mowery Avenue, and runs thence with the edge of Mowery Avenue south 5 degrees east 49 feet to corner of lot formerly belonging to Ephrarm Bost, thence with said line south 85 feet west 198 feet to a stone, Anna Bolt's corner, thence with her line north 5 degrees west 49 feet to a stone. King Brooks' corner, thence with his line north 85 degrees east 19S feet to the beginning, known as the Junius Meares home place. Thia the 27th day of October, 1918. 1 B.B. Miu.n, trustee. TTTHpN you do your trading yiti must have confidence in the people with whom you trade. We try to merit the confidence of the peopfe by giving the best pos sible vals fr the money. Here re some goods of except ional values: Long Coats Goat Suits $1.00 00 jOJO 512.50 $7.50 $8.50 $15.00 $17.50 from $1-50 25c $10.00 $12.50 $20.00 $22.50 TO ' 50 c Koife $15-00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 S5-00 SI00 Caps aod ft Extra Skir ;s Ladies and Children's Vests afjl Paots CF-CompleteMssortment of Sweaters, ( We bave a lar '$ asaorkment ft JT FA 04 of Woolen T Jess Goods at LD) OUC Ol flTOur Hosiery is the. Kind That Wears, Sale of H. 6. Grubb's City Property in Salisbury and ' Valuable Farm Lands in Rowan County, : By virfde of an order of salemade by the Superior Court of Dtavidaon County. N. O.. in the special Droceedincr therein peading entitled 9. W. Finch and O. T. Davis, Admrs. of H. O. Grubb and others vs. Zeb Grnbb and others, the undersigned, administrators, will sell at public auction, at the court house door in the city of SALISBURY, N. C, on . v I nionday December 1st 1913? at 11 o'clock a. m., the following . described real estate situate in said county, viz: ' " THE GRUBB OUILDING--OffIce Building. j The Grubb Building, an office building seven stories and basement, having 100 Rooms on Main and Innis Streets in Salisbury, N. C, fronting 65 feet on Main St. and 99.4 feet On Innis . St. NrtW and mmnlfttfl. mnHflrn nrri rnn fitructed in best style; also right of way appurtenant. For uoittiicu uuunaanes see aeea recoraea in Kowan' county, wojs 11 page ye. Old Meroney Opera House Property, Barber Shop Annex and Union Hotel Property. This property: is situated on Main street in Salisbury having a front of 71 feet and 11 inches extending back 116 feet and a further extension along Alley for sixty feet back and sixty feet in width. The building on front lot was burned. The property is a fine location. THF. MERONEY THEATER New Theater, This property situated on Main street in Salisbury, fronting on Main ett'eetsixty five feet, and extending back as follows, 31 feet goes back 254 feet and 34 feet goes back 180 feet. Tnis has Opera House, Fraternity Halls, and store rooms on it. The Grubb Farms. Hear Salisbury. 1 THE McCOr MILL PLACE on Wilkesboro Road and W. N. C. R. R. containing 358 acresinore or less. 2 THE DORSETT FARM composed of two tracts, jne containing 176 4 acres more or less on Statesville road, md the other containing 154.14 acres more or less on the SherrillV Ford road. 3 THE FINK FARM on the Statesville road adjoin ng W. F. Murph, S W. Cole and others on waters of Grant creek, containing 3721 acres more or less. 4 THE McINTURFF FARM: One tract in Franklin Township know n,as the Kelly Place containing 171 acres more or less, another tract adjoining the above tract cons taining 58.1 acres more or less. All the abOTe trCtS Of land ftrA in flno atata nf nnUUttinn wwww w . v nviuuf mou ttne meadowi, good dwellinga, and near 8aliBbury. They will be surveyed and cnt up and plotted and offered for sale in parcels or rauti ui irom qj to xou aores in a lot. All the above described lands will ha anA nn tv. . ----- Vw w VU VU9 IVAlVlllUg terms, to wit: One fonrth the confirmation of sale, one fonrth in ix month. months, and one fourth in eighteen months, all to be secured at sale by bond and approved security, deferred payments to bear interest from confirmation, with the nrivileffe ttatr nariior -Aaai..Aj II II - . . o - tr " J ling iggniov till all the price is paid, possession given at confirmation and first installment paid. Said administrators will also sell at the same time and place : The Judoe Council Farm, a tract of land in said conntv. situate on the Yadkin river and Oaue creek, containing 1771 aores, mute ur IBs., a uoe river iarm. The St. John Hill Place and Cornelison Farm, Als situated on the Yadkin wvuuvi) mnuu ulr three D&roeli. one containing 43 aorai. tmrA nr laa.. nna nrtnt.inincr 88 acres, more or less, and the other containing 88 acres, msre or less. All these traots lie in one body containing 119 acres, more or less. These lands will be sold fin these terms ; O le-third the purohase prioe to be cash nn nnnfirmittinn . nna.thinl in thi.a mnnt-U nnn -u .u all to be sacured at sale by bond and approved security, deferred piyments bearing interest from eonQrmation. Possession eiyen at confirmation. .u ne aDJve ianas wiu De sola dear or inoambrances. Prospective buyers will be furnished any further information desired. The farms in isaviuson uonnty will be sold at Lexington, N. C, court house DEO. 8, 1913. S. W. FINCH. 0. T. DAVIS. Admrs. of H. C. Grubb. Lexington. N. O. October 21, 1913. Emery E. Saner, Lexineton. N. O.. Clement & Clement. Salisbury, N. C, attorneys. Notice to Creditors Having qualified a? administrator of the estate of W. I. Johnson, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemised, verified statement of" same with the undersigned on or be fore the 18th day of October, 1014. or this notice will be pleadod in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This October 18th, 1913. JOHK L. RCNDLIHAN, administrator. Mce to Mtors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Ellen Oakley, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said deeedent to file an itemized, verided statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of October 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settle ment. This October 1st. 1918. John J. Stkwabt. Commissioners' Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of sale made in the special proceeding entitled W. H. Moore et al vs. Wm. L. Freeze et al pending' in thi Superior court of Kowan county, the undersigned com missioners will sell at pubUs auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Salisbury, N. 0., on Moitday, December 1st, 1913, at the hour of noon, the follow ing described tract of land in Rowan county to-wit: Bounded on the north by the John. Houston lands, on the east by the lands of Davui Coble, on the south by the lands of David . Coble and Bob West, on the west by the lands of Geo. Seaman and BankinMoLaughlin, con taining 180 or 135 acres more or less, and being the home place of the late John Foster Freeze, which land is sold subject to the dower rights of his widow 8,' Katherine Freeze. Terms of sale one-third cash, in six months and one-third in twelve months. This October 25,1913. Gso. A. Morrow, R. B. MoLaugbxik, commissioners. 114S. MAIlj ST,, THE to get all kinds of useful, artistic and up-to-date Furniture at low prices is r-cu i v jf i r n f it i "v u m i u tfa i i i j. va m in i i i ii ve a i ii i i Ill SALISBURY, U. C. II I III II Furniture Undertaker LET US ClAKE TOUB IIOKIE A REAL i 1 1 J-W' l A ' II II

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