h A BEHEOflL TOIIIC - TAKE GROVE'S The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, m Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. ForGrown People and -Children You know what you are taking when you take Gr.ove Tasteless s chill Tonic as the formula is printed on every label showing that it cop tains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and. Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vjgor JtQ Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and purines the.blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthened No family should "be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c LARGER and BETTER Our Stock is now and will be larger and better at Christmas than ever before, and our prices will certainly please you. Engraving will be free. . ... .... JOH R. BROWN, JEWELER, China Groye, N. C. jHirl Our FAITH. THE HARDWARE SHOE 1 FOR SUflEGVI Z has stood the test for 12 yeara and is given up by those who have worn thm to be the BEST SHOE FOR HARD SERVICE that has ever been sold in Rowan County. It has two full soles,' and the best counters and in soles that go into shoes, and besides wearing longer than any other shoe, it will keep your feet dry. For Women and Children. We also have thera for Women and Children. We carry nothing but solid leather shoes, and any shoe we sell you we staad back of.- The place for good shoes is BRITTAIN & CAMPBELL'S J mm 9 mm Before our fall rush begins come and see having dental work done. Don't worry money. Our prices will soon advance. . Come and be a walking and talking advertisement. about about today You will ba paid liberally fop your trouble. That is the secret of our $4 crowns and $5 plates. Mid-Season Offer 85 w A SET. CROWNS $4. Our work is Painless and the best. Our prices are lowest be cause of our increased patronage. Five, large offices in North Carolina Delay is the thief of opportunity. Do if now before our priees ad vance. Ail our work guaranteed 15 years,and must he satisfactory. Remember the Place. iladelnhia Painless Dentist -Inc' f -Jggrrth Main:St., Ovir Smith's. $63, (Sklisbury.Siaueh.) -v LadyAttendant. 1 Nov. 10. Mrs. P. A Peeler ie spndii g the week, with her patents,- Mr and Mrs R. L Brown . Mr. Brown fell the other dey-aijd hurt himself and is cor- nueir to his bed. . Miis Ethel Brown, of Faith, is attending school at the Salisbury graded school. John A, Peeler has returned home from a trip of several days to Colombia, 8. 0., where h'e went in the interest of his granite com. pany. . , v Joe JCarnhardt has bought a pew motorcyle. He goes for miles in all directions to build chimney flues and gets lots of this work to do. He don't oare how far it is now to his work. John Barger has a four legged chioken which he is going to sell to the ahow people.' - Mn. John Brenton has taken in two more boarders at her big boarding boose here. Samuel Fraley has two boarders nd will take ten more when the; arrive . J. T. Wyatt is h&vicg piy day today. Fisher McCombs have just Received an order for two oar loads of millstones. J.T. Wyatt received an order for fifteen pair millstones today. Mrs J D A. Fisher is still m bed but is getting better, Monroe Stirewalt has been very sick but is getting better now . J. T. Wyatt has just leased a fine granite quarry frm Adolphu? ILyerly. It ie situated about one mile from the railroad. Mr. Wyatt will get out all of his . fine granite work at this quarry as the granite is of fine quality. We met our old friend J. J. Bcstian in Salisbury today. He has been in the Wbitehead-Stokee Sanatorium for treatment aid is greatly improved in health. He is a leading farmer of near China Grove. The cold rain last Saturday caused a great many of ttu quar fries to stop wark, as nearly a .l the work ia performed out doors Th creeks were very very hi&h. The logs and trash that have olcgged tfp Garner creek jnat be low the bridge on the Mouut Pieaiant road, ought to be remov ed by the county road force, as it would save the road from be ng washed away where the water ie turned from the channel. Luther Ilolshruser is having a a nice residence erected in Faith The frame is up and work is pro greasing right along. Robert Stirewalt, of ChiiB Grov, was in Faith Friday and Friday night at his barber Bhrp here helping the boys shave the big crowd of men. They w rkod until midnight Of course tbe orowd was larger Saturday and Saturday night. If any. farmer in this county has any granite on his farm that is blaok or dark blue or spotted they can find out something tr their interest if tjiey will write to J. T. Wyatt, Salisbury, B ute 8 who" will open a market for it as he has a call for that kind Since Faith Has bfgun to boom Lewis Mahaley and wife and daughter own a valuable tract of laqd that is growing in value every day. Vends. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once tbe wonderful old reliable DR. PORtSR'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL. a sur gicaLdretiinB that relieves pain and heals at the same time. Not liniment. 25c. 50c. $im ROCKWELL JDi not f rget the fl g raising v Thanksgiving day at cur magnifi cent new sohool building. Th Daughters of Liberty, Patriotic Sons of America, and Jr 0 U A M :,wiU couduct the (zeroises. Some god speakers are ezpeoted. The Bible will then be presented to the sohool The ub qatus thanksgiving turkey will be S9rved with scores of other good thinga, so do not forget to cme out. All are invited to bring full baskets and we. will have a good time A A. Trex!er has just marketed 14 bales of octton at 14 cents per pjund. Hurrah for A. A. I ' Jamas Holshr user is ready to furnish all kinds sohool books and supplies to the children. J. W. Peeler, one of our com ty commissioners carried his shovel and .went for the roads, and J. C I.yerly pulled the dirt scraper with his traction engine . Dr. Klutts, of Maiden, Jias jut built a new barn on his farm where J. M. Bjmhardt lived. The barn was burned by lightuing ol July 4tb. These beautiful fall days make everything lively in and about car town of 700 populati m Si mbo Cause of Insomnia The moat common cause of in somuia is disorders of the etomaob and constipation . pbamberjaiu's Tablets ' correct these - diiorders and. enable yen to sleep. For Sale by All Dealers. RO'EELL NO. 2. Nov. 0 Gprn ehuckings are abont all t vet- in. this oommuDity The hea'th $jour community is very good at' jfsnut. G. H 9fffo0WisUed his brothor Harvey at Ka joaprJolis last Sun day. ' W'i. Misses Will? and Dora Miller visited their Tfeistar. Mrs. Clara Castor. Sunda' ;. . Mrs. Maggi j 'Weusil vieited at Mr and Mrs. ilV: H. Sifford's last -n dunday. . James Fisho f went to Spencer to work at the Southern shops 'ast Monday m jrntfg John Jcsey l;d his corn shreded a tew days age Robert F. Ci-ioks, of near Bos tiau's X R.adi will move back to uoncori in a ujr weeas. We have a qw mail carrier on Rockwell routd'No- 2 since Mr. Shoe's bond e&ired as substitute, Mr Bern harof being bonded on Rockwell routi'tNo. 1 as a substi tute was put t a the rente till a new man is apifjbinted, which wil be in a sbort tlJie Urliu Cruse ' lad a large corn shocking a fewighta ago and one of the best sepsis the writer has eaten for quite jwbile. M, L. Gantt,of Salisbury, was down superintgjding some work on his farm a f&? dayB ago. M st of - the rmera are about done sowing whit and oats. The pecp'e o? our community awoke a few TRADING FORD. Nov. 10 Just a little cool along now N ce fall weather. T is s ction was almoBt flo ded Saicrday evBLiug with one of tbe bar Jest raius that has been this ear. The streama and creeks' Wer-i very high Sunday . Wheat sowing is almost .bob- peuded It snow d here Sunday mcrning right al ng. It made us feel like going rabbit huuti..g. Sam Snort has advertised for 4 000.000 rabbit bides aud has bought 40 up to this time. Get ting along pretty well, don't you think r The rally day at Bethel Sunday almost proved a failure on a.cccuut of the bad weather. Therewaa no speaker nere tor the evening service, so the pastor preached two excellent sermons whioh themall crwd present enjoyed. , It is now reported that sohool will not start here until the last week iu this mouth. The com mittee says that the children will have more time to go in tbe spring than now. We agree, with them. J. B. Cornelison was plowing with his big plow last week. The plow is being pulled with an oil engine which will require about tweDty-five gallons of oil per day. No wjudtr kerosene is going up. No sicknees reported this week Except a little grumbling as usual Misses Lucy Orr and Alice Pea cock went to Salisbury the other day aud bought them eaoh a new hat. I wonder what that means? Well we have said enough for thistime, bye-bye. Sam Snort. their surprise, fonnd mcfotugs ago au.d. to that while Frost bad they were asleei Jack made bis appeance. As announceiu last week's is sue of The W ashman, H L. Mi 8HnheimKr aud.- Miea Cora Lee Foatz, of Rockwell, were happily married Novem0r 4tb. Mr. Mis&n heimf r is a popular young mer chant and a baseness man of Rck well, Mies FJul is an attractive young lady and as many friends. We hope tbem iture success. Rev. H. A. Tiirx'er haa r9ceivd and aicpted aLjatl from' thoSt. Peter's and Stiatthew's congre gations and wilS iake charge of the work January ly. Rev. Trexler has eeived OrgiJ Church for six ypara and wiHTeave much good work to his cTegv He has done mre to encou.rjje and train the children than; JCuy one else that has tver preach" at Organ Church ia4i long tim.y id.the good peo pie of this vifjiiity regret very much to lose hij but hope him the bsBt of Buccric Ou'3 of the largest grain crops thut has ben sctvel down in many years baB been (fc'jwed down in our section, ar.d mo; care and better methods thau fihave ever been used before. ' , Uncle Bilt,. jacksonIIollege Nov. 10. Tb" farmers of this pectiou are very usy sowing oats and wheat at pj'nt. This sectiQ ofthe country was visited by snow parries Sunday. School at tbe Fttllege will start November 10th p. The teachers are Mrs. MamieCaldwell, prin cipal, and Misspfary Goodman assistant, Geo. M. G f vmsD, who has been on the sickHst for the past month, is iruprotiug we are glad to note. 'fJl Frankie Morgi and family will move to iftlisl-ury in tbe neir future If Miss Jossie Kfuttz will entor icbool at Crfscen Isocn . Oar cemmcnit' was shocked to learu ol the dcafO of Jees Mor gan, November 2f. Mr Mcrgafii had been sxk f?t the past fW months w th cancer of the stom ach. He was a corssisteut member of Flat Creek .PtQitiv' Baptist Church. He wf 67 years, 3 months and ' jjays. His re mains were laido m st in the cemetery at Corinth Church tie day following at 5l'clock. . '. H ' JOHNIIY FOR DEIiCAT CHILDREN A Mother's Letter to Mothers. Mrs. E..W. Cobriyr of Bloomfield, N. J., says: "My "icLUd, seven years old, had a bad coli Ji and was . weak and quite run dowf .' in health. She bad been in this cddition. for about six weeks when I Bgan giving her Vinol. It was a wonKferfulnelp'to the child, breaking up' er cold quickly and building up hetVigtrength beside. I have also,found Vbl a most excel lent 'tonic for keeping up the chil dren's strength duiy'g a siege of hooping cough." Vinol is a wondqgful combination of two world-famed Itouics the medi cinal body building elements of cod liver oil and iron forhe blood, there fore it is a perfect safe medicine for children, becausia. it is not a patent medicine, everything In it la printed on every 'pacfjage, so mothers may knqjv what theyare giving their Uttle ones. f. Therefore we ask livery mother of a weak, sickly or aiiig child In this vicinity to try Vinol ct:.our guarantee. P. S. Our Saxo Sal5e is truly won derful for Eczema. fe guarantee t, Smith Drug Co., S3 It AlwaysHelps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic "She says further: "Befpre I began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I ,was hardly able to do! any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds,-and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water milL I wish every buffering woman would give i n u u m 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI CI XI r-s To Cure a Cold la One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Drurttets refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c Associate Reformed Presbfieriaa Sjnod. Statesyille, Ncv. 7. Interest ing sessions of the Assooiate Re formed Presbyterian synod were held today aud considerable busi neet was transacted. During the forenoon session a committee wes appinted to work out a plan for organisation or a loan and invest ment company in the synod, witn recommeudatious at the next an uu,l meeting. At the afternoon session the synod decided to meet next year at Little Rock, Aik., and chose Dr. G Ci. Pdrkir.Bon, professor ia tbe theological seminary at Dae West, as the next moderator. Dr. Park inson founded. the first Associate Reformed church iu Little Rock. Cam aid Seres, Oilier Remedies Weitft Sort The w orst cases, no matter ot how long standing, ire cv red by the wonderful, old reliable Dt Kilter s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve Ps(n and LLeals at the same time. 2Sc.60c.aiAa. ROCK, Nov. 10. The farmers are pret ty wull through with their work. Most of the ovrn, cotton, etc., is gathered. Oar school opened this morning with J ha L Fisher, principal, and Misi Nelli Park, assistant. E.-D . A Siff rd, cur new super visor, is getting ready to go to work cn the roads. He has- gath ered the few old tools together that were, in the care of the old supervisor, Mr. Shenek J. F. Park is going to try four acres of ocrn under tbe directions of Mr. Freeman next summer. He is beginning work cu the land now . The farmers all made a gocd crop of ootton iu this commnity. R-v. R F. Crooks preaohed an excellent sermon at Rock Grove Oburch yesterday afternoon. W had quite a rainy time Sat orday and Saturday uight. Sou day morning we had a little snow. J. M Castor is working up a nioe farm. D C Powlas has bought a new sewing machine. W. H Earnhardt has ordered the improved golden chimes or ijan. Saw. , . m-mm -s CRYINS FOR HELP. Lots of it In Salisbury But Dally Browing Worse. The kidneys often cry for help. i Not another organ iu the whde body more delioately constructed ; one mere important to Not health The kidneys are the filters of the blood When they fail the blo;d be comes f qui aud oisonons. There ban be no healthfrhere there is poisoued blood. Backache is oae of the frequent indications of kidney trouble. It is often the kidneys' cry for help. Hoed it. Read what Doan's Kidney Pills have done for overworked kidneys Read what Doau's have done for Salisbury people. William A Baker, 1015 S Tul tou St , Salisbury, .N. 0,,says: 'I bad backache and my kidneys were out frrd'er. A ifriexxl ad vUed me jtry Doan's Kidney Pills and I did so. They helped me immediately and a couple of b.x- s stepped the trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foater-Miiburn Co.; Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the Uc't&l hoi The Woman's Tonic a trial I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc, are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. 1X1 Get a Bottle Todav! ... FOR BOYS AND GIRLS THE MAXWELL CHAMBERS SCHOOL, IOI South Jackson St., SALISBURY, N. C. TEACHERS, v J. H. Elder, B. S., L. H. Rothroek, M. A., Miss Graee Lawrenee. This school aims to give thorough preparation for any aollege or for life work. Number of students limited. Individual at tention. Bible taught. Not sectarian. Promoted and patron izid by members of fi?e denominations. Spacious gr . unds. Steam heat. Modern fnrniture. For farther information, apply to J. II. ELDER, Principal, Salisbury, IV. C If you wantrto buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY REALTY and Insurance Company. I McCulluf A TBarrison Co. 3 - 4 Surplus - $20,000.90 - $16,000.00 REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, transacts a general real estate business. LOAN DEPARTMENT, loans funds for clients so as to net the investor six teroent, remits interest semi-annually and gaarantees interest, principal, and the title to the property upon which the fund is loaned. O LJNSUKAJNUJ!; DUif AKITVIKJNT, represents old line companies in -life, fire, casualty insurance, and contract bonds. RENTAL DEPARTMENT, collects rents on proper tie?, makes returns, and looks after the general upkeep of properties for absentee landlords, or those who do not care to take personal charge. McCubbins Harrison Co., T. E Witherspaoiu E. H. Harrison. W,' H. Hobson, Treasurer, President, Secretary. AO o Rubber O 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 Tires Now is the-timelfttx have new rubber tires put on your buggy. We put on the genuine Kelly Springfield tifesfor -eq $15.00 a Set States. Remember N. O. take no other. the name Do&ni - an 1 0 o 0 o 0 oo J. 0. WHITE & GO. ehicle Manufactiorers PhdneJ143. 212 JE. Fisher St. SALISBURY, N. C. I o : o 3 o 0 0 o 0 o oo 0 a - n . r ... . ,;&il- ..- . . 'Sv - - ... A St V-I ' jb, - -das?- - . . - - 1

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