r -jj-T r. f -4 A Home 'Newspaper Published intte InterestfjfihPeie:andfoT Honesty in Svernjriental Affairs Vol. X No. 16 - - 'iSausbury, h, o;vvteD ApRilu 8jH,' 1 914. WM. H. Sf ftWART, EOlTOf) mi kit, 7510 f XI I8 OFFERED FOR CLUBS OF asm fo Must be Turned in by Limit to The Number of Club3 You May Turn in on This Offer. The first aud largest bouon of- ! fer of ibS-eotira contest oama to a ' close in a blate of glory today at j twelve dood, And everyone that' got their olnbs are gat'tfied and those that did not, are determiued to take advaotage of this offer and oatoh up with whit they may have lost in the first offer. This bonhs is for clubs of fif teen dollars for both old or new abioription tnrned in on or be fore noon April 22 renewals, col lections and new eubsoribers will count on this offr, wbich is 75, 000 extra votes over and above the regular schedule for evf-ry fifteen dollars turned in on or before noon April 22. Any enpcriptions not counted on the first bonus will be counted in this one. For an example, if you had one club on the bonus that has just closed and 8;x dollars over, the six dob lara will ocunt on the bonus cffer that is now on and closes April 22 This liberal offer is made to help all and one alike, we want to give yon everything for your efforts and to do thie, it is neces sary to give you the advantage of all the good work that yon have already done in the friendly strug gle. -''::.;;f;. Renewals 'and collections are I much eaaier collected than new nbscriptiona and if you secured one olub on the ofer that ha. jast closed, it hoil(;jjrjil( et ones. :7he list of subscribers will be furnished all candidates .'who request them and it will be quite a help to have this list of the sub scribers in yonr territory as the will be more than willing to pay yon their subscription where as they would, or might be, delin quent at the office. Now Mr. Subscriber if you owe for yonr subscription to The Watchmah and Thb Record , you are going tot pay it and why not pay it to the candidates in the Contest? Tbey are working for the prises and every subscription they collect gives them so many votes, and it is the votes that will win the prizes. CHANGE IN VOTING BULBS. Commencing next week candi dates may cast for publication enough votes to put them 25,000 votes ahead of the leader in .the previous week's soore. If yen were 10,000 behind, you can cait 85.000 votes. The leader may oast 25, 000. This is the ' pecond and laBt bonus offer of th4 contest and all candidates should put forth their best efiorts and secure every extra vote possible. Don't stop fur a minute; had George Washington gotten discouraged when he was lighting against the spiok and span British Regulars with hiB starved and ragged army and quit, we would not be able to put the Star Spangle banner in our homes, churches and schools aiweare doing today. Do net get discouraged but go right on and get every vote that you can. Do not pay any. attention to rn mors. They will be rife. If tbey are so, you can't help it, if they are not so, they won't hurt you and they are enly started to discourage you and you should pay no attention t j them. Some one is goicg to get a $300 piano for just a little effort, why no you. Jii very prize onered in tms contest is vaiuame and you can win it if you will. It is worth your while and just say I am, and will, and it will bo you. a May 6;h. BOTH PAPERS, 1 year $ 1.00...... .2,000 votes 2 years $ 2.00 7,000 votes 8 years $ 3.00 12,000 votes 4j ears I 4.00 18,000 votes -5 years $ 5.00.. 25,000 votes 10 years $10.00. 75,000 votes II Noon April 29. . No . Salisbury. Miss Mary McQaaee ... - 52 900 Salisbury, RFD1. Mrs. Allie Hoffoer. .... 44 200 Salisbury, RFD2. Mias Eva Blaokwelder, 91 600 do Anna Watson . 53 200 Salisbury, RFD3. Miss Lefeha Peeler 48 800 Salisbury, RFD4. Miss Bsnlah Agner. .... 12 200 Mrs. Fannie Morgan.. . 48 200 Salisbury, R F O 5. Mies Fannie Graham. . . 14 6C0 Salisbury, R FD 6. Mrs. Rhoda R. Safrit ... 56 600 Salisbury, R F D O. Mrs. J. M. Yost . . ..... 28 600 Spencer; . Miss OUie Gray 76 800 China Grove. Miss Ada Linn . 90 200 do Sophie Graham. .. 65 000 di MarySifferd 89 800 Mrs JV A. Roberta ..... 62 200 China Grove, Route 1. Miss Agie Lipe ........ 00 500 China Grove, Route 2. Misa LbUiftFeaperman 68 800 China Grove, Route 3. . fiisB Mary Deal.. .... 14 600 Miss Oora Shuping. ; . . . 61 800 Cleveland. Miss Nora MoLaughliny 83 800 Crescent. Miss Ila Safrit. 58 400 Rockwell. Miss Elsie Misenheimer, 80 600 Rockwell, R 2. Miss Annie Bost 56 200 Richfield. do Doris Ritchie 42 800 Richfield, R 2. Miss Carrie E. Shaver. . 72 000 Ht. Ulla,R2. do Thelma Carrigan.. Gold Hill. 84 200 Miss Lucile Shaver. .... . 44 600 do Hannah Jenkins . . Gold Hill,R 1. 88 60O Mrs. Erma Morgan .... 62 800 Craven . Miss Addie Canble. . .... 12 400 . Craven, R id Miss Essie Skeen 62 400 18 400 do MitthAgner Jubilee, R 1- MisB Mary J. Eiverson . 58200 Woodleaf. Miss Ruth Current. ..... 56 8C0 Or. tad To Elizabeth. Rev. M. M. Kinnard. D. D., has accepted an invitation to deliver the commencement address before the graduation class at Charlotte Iustitute on Tuesday evening. May. 19th . The school may con gratulate themselves on having selected so pleasing and entertain iug a speaker for the occasion. m-mmp-m - ' Strengthens Weak aud Tired Women "1 was under a great strain ou'sing a relative through three months' sickness," writes Mrs. J. C. Van De Sande, of Ktrkland 111., and "Electric Bitters kjpt me frm breaking down. I will never oe witnouc it. uo you reel tired and worn out? No ap petite and rood won't digest? It isn't the spring weather. You need Electric Bitters. Start i month's treatment today; noth ing better for stomaoh, liver and kidneys, lha great spring tonic Kiiet or money baok. OO o, and $1.00, at your Druggist. NEWOR I I1 COUNTY SCHOOL COMWENCEkENT. -Parents. Tiicnirs, School cnndrso and Scftool Off dais are Proud VltJook ASpl pclsto Perhaps in no southern oifey bas there ever , been snch a magnifif cent display of children, costutnes,4 thorough drilling And general en" b usiasm as was shown : here.Fri dayApril 8. V-"r'- There were fully fbur thouiand children In fine of 4 March. ;Barly iu the day. : the; sohpolsf torn all over the eduntyj commended pour i ng into the oity ; i -At least twbn ty thousand visitor! -were preser t, Parents and friends "were ver en- thueed conosrning-c the tuccet s of the ohildren.: f The sobopls were arranged alpbabeticallj by town ships and started the line of march from the nld ' cout V bouse The parad4nQOVftdrup?N jrtt Main Street to Bank, thenaeSo Ohurch, to Innes'and to Korth Fulton. At ounoil and r Fulton the sohools divided partnnder the direction of Prof R.; Q S-ts9rrmarohed di rect to the old court house, eh il s t the others went fJiso.S the graded school build iog under theman age- ment of Prof. Leitoh. ;The' pro gram at each place was carried out as' previously arranged - ' The exhibit .ia; rooms of the tild'ei L-iCrswer9 an honor to -tnevtuooiw any. county in any-. EtreJrefiected rnuah credUapl7.ipon the hard worked tes" td diligent pupils', but lzs$f :jar jealous, energetib&i date 'suprintenfet Of public schools. ' The following is a list of prizes won s . i $5 tlO for best declamation, won by Ira SwloioodFranklia No. 8. $2.50J9coud best S?iamationt BanksJIpdgeCrpld Hill.. - Si S OU beet reoita (ton, , fer M erlvfPTrovldence $2.50 next best recitation, Fan nie Bell Becson, Unity. (5.00 for best essay on "The Needs of our Public Sohools,' Theo. Graham, Mt. Ulla. Prizes for exhibits of work as ollows : $10.00 for best general rural school exhibit given by Dr. John Whitehead, won by Mt. Ulla High School. " $15 00 painting-given. tv Mrs. J. PMoore for best rawibg ex hibit from rural sot ool,Jaokson College. - & M$e0 -$10 00 by RdwftnConntyFair 1. Association for best boverdeBign of fair progranij Mary;S,3 Wagon er, Sperwer Higbolioolift - $5.00 for best map i, of "Rowan County given by lr.dustrial Club to rural . Kohool,- Luther - Brown, Route 6, BaUsy35 $5.00 given by ; Industrial. Club to rurasoliool making best ap pearanoe in .parade wofi by Jack son College" whose pupils were costumed 'in red, white (and Due. A number of prizes jwere'aw'ard ed the city sohools whor were not allowed to oompete withf the rural Chief Marshall Frank Miller and nis aides bandledrthe, parade in an excellent :iaanndr Out of the great nnjubernf visitbrs and little children presenvnot a single aooident ooourredt . to - marr the pleasure of any QMBParsti and guardians oertainly have it forci bly verified that ' such: gatherings for their children not only repays the time lost and extra expense l&cnrred but it enthuses the bhil dren to susb an extent that strive for : greater things next year. ' . Hurrah for Prof. Kizer, Rowan Oonnty and the success : of the ."County Commencement," Cleart Complexion Removes Skin. n ; " i Blemishes. v Why j go through life exnbarass ed and i disfigured , with-' pimples eruptions, blaokheads, red-rou, skin, or suff erine the tortures of Eosema, itob. tetteri, saltrheum Just ask your Druggist" for f Dr Qobson's - Eozama Ointment Follow the simple suggestions aud your skin worries are over Mild, soothing, effective. Exoel lent for babies and delicate, ten der skin. Stops chapping. A1 ways helps. Kelief or money bask. cOc, aft yoar Draggist. 'FiJSfilttOftt Kbrib patolinHiwInd JjhnsSnr ffot' Waker- involving saengnt ot new n iruly cooviis t -' nzbt of ocwtiait guards to" flog ' i or administer otner oorporasqrjuisnment cne Supre me Xloii'rHdcrse-' the i deci sion of Judge jy of tha Superior Court that noliacn right either I hi Constitutiona(ai by legislative statue exists: f? p ; Chief fustier Glatrk' in express iug his opiniopE(t.teB thatT - ' ."In view of enlightenment of this age andU? progress which has been madeuiul inuson disoin line, we have ndifhculty in com ing to the conct ibn that corporal punisnment bj tnoggine is not ji 1 I' reasonable Qndsjnnot be sustain ed. That whicW-ie&rades a man cannot be eii& ! necoessary or reasonable. if1 The armies ajd navies of the wcrld have aUdaned- flogging. The . foremost Countries of the world have discjidaed the bru- tal practice of foh punishment tor tnnir convict 't ; pven ouexico, in'1909, passed P;'trjedial act to abolish whippf Any convicts. Continuing thatj says : Wbiie the;SParfeh Carolina consiituijonal ovisio against the ltfliction t4 dornoral Dun isimeat as a plLof the sentence bjrtheoonrts csjlnot directly proifibit-iuflktj prison dis cipline, its sppit j s certainly against the loor usf of flogging for that purp-s&t-'I The tengthy piipn concludes a follows : 'fta tlmairness of the sentence in!y;ia-cse ($10 fine aud costs) ioltef that the hqmaua aud juJode w ho- tried vatiou suoT iha$ hey 'were onrjr following the cton whicd has been observed ufbis ;Btate to this time. Wehav. beelp, however, discussing the leal rights of' the priicnen and' wOind pc authority for its h'Uger coiminuaTnoe. There is i o err.r in tnfefiadament of the ower court. il laRiis!r,g3 And B Patriotic Soho 3 Presentation. Commission of he County is defpg a j great work by the presentation ot Bibles and flags to the varips schools of .- the county. It is be intention to see' that each ejiool is supplied and many. are making j application for them. Thfollowing is a partial list wheff exercises will be held during ti n&ct week or so: i : i Wednesday! 81: Steele Town ship. Woodgrove Knder's, 10:30 a. m. : uoenezar p; m. Thursday, 9th rSleveland Town- ship, Greene rod 10:80 a. m. Mt. Ulla Town'BWp. Knox, at 2 Friday, 10thV-Mtwel Township, Patterson, 10:8CR a J 1 m. Steele Township, LiberO Hail, 2 p. m. Monday, 18&h di'Litsl'ker 'Town ship, Sloop 10:8ya. m.j Kluttz and Menius.2 pffi. teke Town-' ship, Lingle, 8 PlSn.:l , Thursday, 166 Scbtch Irish, South River, 1040 au m. Pine Grove, 2 p m. T-M if Friday, 17th tfUnifr, Barber. 10:80 a. m. ;MofjonL 12 b. in. $iuo Rewa $ioo . The readers ofthisn paper will be pleased to leatha't there isat leaBt one dreaded "disease that loienoe has been i ble fto enr'e - in si i its stages, andthfliis'Catairh Hall's Catarrh Cie now known to the medioai f rateniVCaf arrh being cbnstitutaldiseasere. quires aonstituWnalr treatment. Hairs Catarrh CBr ! is: taken in tsTnaily, aoting deoyigoh the blb'ad and mucous .surfaces tf the systiBiiM therebjstl6yluthe .uuou.muu w c B;f.v(Hoase,,?Aiiu giving the patie'it . strenath 'bv building up ' the. institution 'and assisting nature i&idoing its work: ,x ooj, proprjetfrsp f aith in:its Ticuifot aver, so - much powers that they offer One-i ndred i Dollars for any- Oase.thai afjtbfoure Send for list of t imon'ials.' 'Address: -Sold by airdr doi Ohio. ist,759 Take HatPa uy: Pills for FOBTHCOMINS CHAOTiUQUi PROBRAU. Bahomlr Kryli and His Band Soctjj Starl v ,cs Tblrd diaDtanqua Tour;-'" 71 ' Announcement " has jmil been author usdof We prinoial rat nrss of the -Red path Chautauqua het&iof this "season. Tpro. gram.is; brim f ull of ; good things and not atf aw- innovations. Itis said there will not be a dull hour from start to finish'. - 1 - One of the innovations will be a two day grind 7musical7festival during which there will be. noth ing but music, aside from the liter- ary lectures of the r morning hour speaker. Oa onedajthisfestivalMar- cus A. Keller mjan, the great' dra matio baritone,'. who has appiared in solos wit tiot'Damrosoh " br- ohestra, thThebreth Orshectra, the inneapb'lia: Bym phony OroheiSdfllhtllide known orgzaifsill! reoisai. . jr jkeiiermsnuaB1;: also appearei.in grand op$rain:BMlin and other ioreigncitiesTbuV gay up a promising; :career-r In opera to engagMnfieide and., or atorro'Singing?rfc.: -.'.w -' In thyeriinJhfrS the Cathedral Choir will appear in one bl Jeiriof t" prqgrami. The repertoire of the ; Cath'ed ral Choir ino m .era- tonos 6j suoh; composers as Suck, Siaiher ' and 'S2hneokW; aiso "a 1 '-XtS vmns ' secular solos, duets, qi xX' W and dhoruses of a very high'ordSfiaaliy 'clos ing with a finale "of an operatio nature. . ' ' On the next day of tb;s festival. Bohumir Krvl and hU 'wwid 1' ';" -t.-'V-''-'-' .j". " famous band will present .a; ?prcK gram in the afternoon including cornet solos by Mr, Kryl, This ia the third season of Mr. Kryl ron tbei Rednatb Buii4-thTTaT; being a unamioas call for them everywhere In the evening of the same day Kryl and his Band will be beard in another concert during the first part of the program and the latter part will be given up to, selections from grand opera by. the Denton Grand Opera '-Company, accom panied by the band. These grand opera players wilTappear in speoi al costumeJiflfSct it will be a grandvfiAt 3 bese two days, such asShasnOTFerbefore been seen at1DlwmtjjHB announcement whioh will .bfiMtyiW1!68 and enthusiasm, isihe of the Ben GreetPlarsiiShis com- pany made thenar of 110 Bed- path Chautauquas last season ana " -r . ;-vv. -. ' I . - . -v , - - t , I the company.-mcludiny P Vivian; who jmade so many friends on the Ohautauquasbf last season. All Ben GreeFplays ; are iven with the minimum stage effect. There is'nbthjngptb defirtfeitten- tion from telariUeJ) very actor is. emerienoed: and ? eaoh nlava hif iartfwltih thibl pur- nose of detuoitinrfthe;' character exactly as it shbttld be. Correct diotion andioonwjiation i are dis- tinenish nirchiraoteristios of the u rt...f..iW w -; , A special feature of the opening day will, be a ponoert by the Dun- bar Quartet',, and . Bell Ringers. Carrying a peil of 200 bells made in Europe, this . oompany will f nrnish:a- nrbkram of inter 9Bt to old and vounff. ? - 'This openiDK - boncert will be icriven in three carta. One will include vocal quartet selections, the sedend will consist of lnstru mental numbers of violin, cello and Diano and the third division will include the famous bell ring ing. . ; . The Kellogg Haines Singing Party will present in spsoial cos j.'Ll". . J. Annua probably giving the entire rendi tion of "Lovely Galatea." This Organisation is one of the best known in the Lyceum and Chau tauqua world today. One of the several leotures who will sneak here Chautauqua week is to deal with the Japanese prob lem in this country, a subjeot whioh has been disouned a great SPARK'S SHOWS rrni . - ine season of .1914 for the Sparks show will open in Concord, April llfeo, but Salisbury by waiting, will profit by it. Those who will attend the opeuing per formance h.ire Tuesdai, April 14, will witness the best Bhow yet pre tubtju uy -,ne genial manager, Jnaries i-parks. By the time thrf four prfo r m ances have been given elsewher the show will have been whipped into ahape and it was vith this end in view that it was decided io make a short excursion into new territory before letting the home guard get a glimpse of tms year's bill. All winter pro grams have been arranged, altered and improved, new acts substitut ed until finally one that suited the particular taste of the man agement was completed. But few of last season's features are re tained and in their places area long list of new and pleasing acts have been engaged. - Improvement is iiotipeablwVyar j' department. The menagerie has bean jBolarsed phants, a camel, kangaroo, mon keys and jrVtraL cat. animals rtmeat4 and fcwo-otames bf high sohobl horses purchased from a noted trainer. A handsome new advance and two cars for the train were bought in Chicago and every bit of the ward robe and trappings is new even to the uniforms for the drivers. Af ter an outlay of nearly $20,000 the show has been made ready for the roaa ana the management feels safe in announcing the finest psrade and the bestperformers that money could procure. All new tents are used this season, new and comfortable seats have been provided and courteous effi oials seoured to wait upon the show's patron's. The program oontaina a Ions list of features beaded by the famour Orton fami Weal Hiniv (ha ra o vcaf a n H ttcl one upon whioh people outside of Gftlifnift bat utile iaformed. California are but little informed. Montaville Flowers, under the theme of "Color Guard and Pic ket 'Line" will fully discuss this important subjuot. Having lived in Ohio and Cali fornia! Mr. Flowers has been able to study the Japanese , problem from the viewpoint of both eaBt ern and western people. He men tions the fact that 65,000 of the V. Japanese in tne united I states live in uamornia. ao xoio the number was scarcely iw. The usual emphasis will be J placed Chautauqua, week on work annng the children. Each Ohau tauqua will have a woman play- ground worker and story teller. r The nlavsround work will be 1 free to all ohildren. Especial attention will be paid to the Suoday programs and their aonronriateness to ths spirit of Uae ay. . In all plaoeB where the Denton Grand Opera Company appears on Sundayhey will pre sent selections from the oratorios. All cities where the Kellogg Haines Dinging Party's dates come on Sunday, they, too, will present a sacred program. Other anounoements will be made soon as to other lecturers and musical companies which are ooming Chautauqua week. Cores Old Sores,. Otter iemediee Wert eon The worst cases, no matter of bow long standing, Bre cored by the wonderful, old reliable Df. Fritter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It refieres fltesiidaeslssiiSffiStiiBOi JStltt, ki i k ii u wit Mj mm i u in,i READY TO OPEN. ly of five. They perform in mid air upon slender threads of steel, aots that are both thrilling and daring. It is the only aeriel wire, walking act in this oountry at the present time and is bound to prove a sensation. , Prof. Tiebor's train -ed seals take the plaoe of the si milar act of last season. There are six wonderfully trained ani mals in this act and it is even bet ter than the one that surprised, and delighted everyone at the opening here last April. The base ball ilephants will again be seen and another aot presented by the two little baby pachyderms is a big feature. The Reynards, bioyolists, the Guioe trio, the aeriel Bartletts, the'Lar ett sisters ia human butterfly act, the flying Donnizettity Fritz B runner's lions; and some t ensa- tiorai riding by Miss FleratBedii ni, Olga Reed andthe aaloeshe ... Mayos.ian4 thhighiM rhd:oujbt'bi are twenty ot more futiirf Ciowns. 8nd,apifcndidlfo Jeaetehippf Jaot laiSei ItillP kaveteshbr; grounds promptly at ten o'clock lind !is aa vertised to be more than mile ir' length. The . Sparks show this season will use two rings and a stage and something will t be go ing on every minute to amnse en tertain and Instruct its patrons. It is an amusement enterprise of whioh every one is proud and nothing short of a national calami ty should keep any one at 'home on show day. Make Tuesday, -April 14 a holiday and the open ing a red letter day in the history of local amusement, The man agement has done its part, now it is up to the public to show its ap preciativn of their efforts. Phillips For Commissioner. The friends of Oscar H. Phillips of Providence Township, are urg ing him to annnounoe for county commissioner. After hesitating for sometime Mr. Phillips has deoided to announce. Mr. Phil lips is a worthy young man, a graduate of Trinity College of Durham, and aleo A and M. at Raleigh. Mr. Phillips is well qualified for serving the people as a commissioner and it behoves us to go to the primaries and eleot him. We of the south' side of Providence Township haye never been represented by a commis sioner. So give us Phillips and we'll elect him, not only with Dsmoora tio votes but with Republican as well. A Votxb. Medical Socletf to Meet In Statesillle. Tin third annual convention of the Ninth District Medioai Society, will meet in Statesville, N O., Fri day, April 10th, A very interest ing program has been arranged and a number of subjects ot im portance to the doctors will bo discussed. Dr. W. W. McKenzie. of Salisbury, will dicusss the treatment of pellagra, and other eminent physicians will talk on various other diseases. Dr. O. M. Van Poole, of Salisbury, is presi dent of the society and is anxious that every physioian in Rowan attend this meeting . Dr. O. M. Banks MoNairy, Lenoir, N. O, is secretary, ' . . ." f vf V i'?! "ill- t- " t : r LI

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