r r- x RE - You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman's, life when she! I needs a "tonic to help her over: the hard places. ?. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which" act 1 gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, f and helps build them back to strength and health. ' It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful ; success, and it will do the same for you. . You can't make a mistake in taking -:r.U:'; Ml The Woman's Tonic ' Miss Amelia Wilson, RED. No. 4, Alma, Ark., H: says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, .f , for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.' ''. Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped s SMI $LEB DISTURBING BLADDER WEAKNESS BACKACHE-RHEUMATISM, QUICKLY VAillSH Even Most Chronic Sufferers Find Relief Alter A Few ! Doses Are Taken Baclcache, urinary disorders, and rheumatism, are caused from weak, inactive kidneys, which fail to filter out the impurities and keep the blood pure, and the only way on earth to premanently and positively cure such itroubles, is to" remove the cause. The new discovery, Croxone, cures fetich conditions because it reaches ithe very roots of the disease. It teoalcs right into the stopped up, in active kidneys, through the walls and linings; cleans out the little filtering (Cells and glands; neutralizes and dis solves the poisonous uric acid sub Stances that lodge in the joints and muscles to scratch and irritate and cause rheumatism; it neutralizes the urine so itno longer irritates the (tender membranes of the bladder, and cleans out and strengthens the .stopped up, lifeless kidneys so they filter and sift all the poisons from 1 Jrr thisis I I 'And 3 gal make 7 gals, of pure paint fof It's onty $1.50 per gal. lit IS s III Anybody can mix the you buy CANS, pay $2.10 HJt Whereas, if Jr M- SEMI'MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL. the best-known paint materials for 1 OO years. Use a flal. out of any L.&M.PAINT yon buy, and II not tbe best paint made, return the paint and get ALL your money back. T, J. Lyerly, Granite Q rarry ; S. L. Mullen . Hantersville ; George O. Goodman Oo., Mooresville; White-Jetton & Co., Davidson ; Owens Drug Co., Winston Salem ; Rhyne Hdwe C a., Newton. If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. I SALISBURY p and Insurance Company. llMiwiiiimiiiiiHliiiUHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniii iiu.uiiiii YOU CAN SMILE mm rm mr rr i- m .0 Gold op Porcelain Crowns, . . . - $3, $4 and $5 Beautiful Sat of natural Porcelain Tea th $7 to $10 COME AT ONCE FOR FREE EXA.MINA.TIOM. Philadelphia Painless Dentist INCORPORATED SALISBURY BRANOfff Phone 763. Lady Attendant 12$f Main Street. mm njj guaranteed to please any reasonable person, done as quickly, as well, same or better grade of paper' full count, courteous treatment to all and prices reasonable. Wm. flL, XBWAHT; printer Thousands the blood, and drive' it out of the system. So sure, so positive, so auick and lasting, are the results obtained from the use of Croxone, that three doses a day for a few days are often all that is required to-cure the worst case of backache, regulate the most annoying bladder disorders, and over come the numerous other similar conditions. It is the most wonderful prepara tion ever made for the purpose. It is entirely different from all other remedies. There is nothing else on earth to compare with it It is so prepared that it is practically impos sible to take it into the human sys tem without results. You can obtain an original package of Croxone at trifling cost from any first-class drug store. All druggists are authorized to personally return the purchase price if Croxone fails to give desired results, regardless of how old you are, how long you have suffered, or what else has failed to cure you. Make Your Own Paint ! YOU WILL SAVE 60 cts. PER GAL. HOW f . L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT, at $2.10 per gal. - '$8.40 . Linseed Oil to mix with it - 2.10 $10.50 OIL with the PAINT. 7 gals, of ready-for-use Daint in a gal. or $14.70. for sa Be a 5l VI REALTY I 1 WITH IMPUNITY when youhave gsod teeth, but it is a risky bnsiness if roar teeth are bad. If there is anything the mat ter with yours, come and let us ex amine them and' we will pat them in proper condition for you, arrest decay, should there be any,-and make your teeth permanently pret ty and healthy. We are expert Dentists, but not expert chargers. Our charges are very rea jonable, for instance: - SALEM CHURCH. April is hear ndIots o olondy Wealber. :-- People have begua'to plant'corn now. J"-- -'.il-'5" . " -V - The little , child of 0. Gri; ham, is quite sick with - bronchai pneumoniiwTheyjjalled thdcc tor out Wednesday nightv C' Tne Spring' Communion will bH at Salem Chnrch April the 12tb, preaching on - good Friday at 2 o'clock pjn.'i Erery body invited. F--Lots-of sickness imoce 'thA ohildren -in thii com inanity at this time.: - . . r-j&" " ' i Jj 0; Ridenbour, of Salem, his the contract- to- build the big whiteoak barn for" Oolonel John aarkeyHelalookinglfor a big crop thii year.V-!-. a - V- lf.y "".j.; " iH " .- It looki now like the people will haye a big fruit crop, thii year, ei -penally thVparsbing and carshey crop, Eli Shnlenbergef is coufi oed t o hit room witfimampa. Eaitar It gimoifc here, only ight morei paya. . Children get your eggi n s. Scboel CIssIsf it Brisiti Quarry . I The'i closing ; exercises of the Qranite,Qaarry Vchool are taking place today -The -jprogram is an interesting -on rand consists of re- oitatichsand dealamations by the pupils, muioby the Rook well Cornet Bandr an address by Rev. N. O. Bodiea literary add r en by T. F Hndson, Esq, , and the "metaU" will be rarded by Prof . R. G. KiserT A7gatoe'of ball took olace at 4 p. mu, and at 8 p. m., a remarkable fl?e act production, entitled "Nellie, the Quadroon, Out of Bondage, was iTaged Rheumatic Twinges S'eld immediately to Sloan's Lin ent. It relieves aching and' swollen parts instantly. Reduces inflammation and quietsthat agon izing pain. Don t rub it pene trates. . gives quick relief from chest and throat affections. Have you tried Sloan's? rHereV what others say : "My mother has ased one 50e. bottle of Sloan's Laiiment, and although she ta ovr 83 Veara of a. ahe has ob tained sreati relief rrom her rbeuma- S. t.inMwaf. CUm. CaL M . .Good feir CaU ami Crop A little boy next door had cronp. I fraveha mother Sloan' Liniment to try. She nt him three drnm nn amrar Vaefore gang to bed andhe sot up with- onttne croup b tna -mornine. nr. 7U Slon liniment is the beat medi cine In the World. It has relieved me of aeuralria. Those pains have all gone and I can trohr sarvoor Liniment did Stopttem.'! ML JWbr ofjohan- At all Dealer Prlo2oc.. 50c. & $1.00 JlDtabMrae Booklet on . SffiGA&M, MASS. usummte Wearsr ,.Tho8e who seek perfec tion in silverware i n- , variably choose , forks, spoons and fancy ' terv- - ine pieces stamped with " the renowned trade mark ROGERS BROSil In quality and beauty 'ofl design; this well- s- known stiver isunsur- passed. Its remark able , durability has -won it the popular' tide "Super Flare that Wears:" Sold by leading-, 'dealers every where. Send for catalogue ' C-L" showing all designs."-. HHTaNtM co . (Inttmtkmal 8Urr Con Booocaaor.) meriden, cam. ; m The kind that is n attractive Valid is O0WSLEaRAL NO2, "prifStoince, who baa beb"te"pa8t 1 week, is gettinjsw&ettei at "tKisTrrit- &'--7$-fy Edpaond DtaCha been on. the tick Jist the -pastjWeeK "J B. A. .Fespsrnaaa' and Co., tf Rockwell, ar preparing ; to close out part of tfir present stook: of goods to"maki room for a larger fnrnir and more'coi )lete line of tore wbioh tl intend to carry. Mr. and Atrs -Lather Barset's baby has beeqnite Biok, bat is better at.thisjsf riting. :lfg. -. Mrs. EviabYateg is making ber home with MjS; &t.U Mri. Lather Barger. : ) Failh Cjunltl, if. 100, Jr. O U. A. M., is tkinflf preparations. tiu have two 11 an bible presen tations on Eaer Monday : one at the Sloop Bchtl hqiase and one at Menios schoolf I ' T ' r. Uncle BiU.wislje8 to thank Grandpa Venrforhis comment upon hijj poe on jee, but also wishes to- infoti Bo. Venus that he ma, be a hle iid( bat he ia on the job ju?t th ame. ' ' W . A, Shung ji preparing to give his mill r)f a coat of paint in the near f ntre. I Momps are n the go in this vioioity. J 1 - . It seems tha3ri Lee of GolC Knob seems tihiUk that Uncle Bill is wild, bpfeit !i a saying of old that when g fellow is hit he will generally jjlldy. (Jnole Bill hopes in the tareUo prove to Bro. Lee, that is'liot quite as wild as he aright inagine. s,,v.I I I'. The county csmmissioner's should be oongtulated on pais ing a reaolutiorefning to allow any mora lioen issued to Carni val compani8Srs,?Jnfhe, past, car nivals have aijfied .away many hundred dpllaiSfran this county, besides meet ??niyl companies carry with the$ja seji of gamblers and thieves ben again . they carry a line otTnawments whioh are not to1: all viopje's liking. v. ' : " ' - I Mrs. Maggia'enlil visited at Mrs. G. H. M .i?jfouiman's March 29th. l ? -i Monroe Ketn& has put a new 'phone in' his iidarlce. Miss Daisy Jabijse is staying with her brotr, James Nance, since Mrs. Nan has been Biok. Rev. T. L. Nfpea,1 former pas tor at Rock Grrjye Ml E. Chnrch, who is nof servtg pastorate in the western pa& of the State, writes that hes getting along well in his new feld of work . "' icirtJ . , IS'- Nathan Bro wg- who has been canvaiBi-ng Sou Carolina, repre senting aMarge irrsety of Georgia, arrived home Mjg'cbj 7bh to spend a. few days withsomd folks.- J. S. Brown.Nio had been as sisting his Tardier,1 Nathan, in South Carol inal I iog fruit trees, got tired of the ?5uittree business and joined the iQs. army. There will 1jre4ohing every Sunday at Rqf Gfove M. E. Church"at'2 p: by Rev. Jacob Misenheimer, angSj practicing by the choir also. i V. AShup- mg worked the wad near Shap ing's mill MaroOfch. Henderson, tyopng son of W. H, EarnharclGis tvery nok at phis writing J John Shaping 8 Veen confined in his home aJiew' days with mumps, Check Your arir Cough. prilrains chill yoatojbja vyry afrowjyou Catch ca1fT2.r1 4 nrT?an A !l n n on striTT txyuany ana lei vtfmeraoie i(u need Dr. Etna's "-Jb w ".Discdvev. It soothes inflamif? and irritated throat and -fungts- stops jeoagb, your bead clears fe'verleaves. and yoaf ee finiL. 1 tyffgj;: T. Davis.31 Stickne Vi Oftrier tMe Was'cured .of a d-&adfal ooaerh after doctor's; tretieiit and f all' 06ner.reiueuies (auiu 3 Jtteuer. or money bahk. " ;Ueasant dreli likejitri Gefefbditle 503. and:$1.00, ataeDr; easani' Chil- to-day. Druggist. Salve for All Sorest" lit. 1 i . Mies EflSe Basinger has been sick the past week. : r ' Earle Ketner, who has been at tending school at China , Grove High Sobool, spent -. Saturday night, .March 28th, with home folks near Organ churchi t John Miller is hauling a fine lot of po8tstoM,. L. Gantfc's farm 4ear Organ church; We toevit-l vtlJ rrrrxt ays like to raiser .nd ' credit - to those deserving it, and in oar jodgment the:;farmers in the Emm annal charoh community deBeive prais ing is, ttey. have shown what real oadperation themselves meaus b communitv and to themisJilgia ve gone. '' to gethernattijlns of the bstt roads lnthis 'pajt of the county at theiroiritipeie i8 near Rcckwell and a photograph has bwnrijtfiefoad and of the gatk This phot graph can be seen arH. L. Misen heimers stor. The . time , has conae when ban : Ooanty Deeds better roads'and we should have them. These good. people have set an Example of what comma tity can do bAllpnlhng tosjeth 'J&iiW sst negleot ed the zpadis more than we should haggroenus is always trot tingteihings. Can vcu teat tKnro.Wenua? Park Iial, No,. 655. Farmers ion, onlbaded a oar load of fer- iser ay&c&well April 1st. O. . Harrington Las opened a new sSoin i Rookwell and will do all kind oi sewing machine re - a H1 . . m psinug sua seep an xiua oi re pairs. He has the agency for sev eral splendid makes of machines which he will offer for sale. . We notice. that Bro. Bartlette has come forth as a gilt edge poet. Unole Bill has never had the hon or of meeting this distinguished poet, but from the way he praises his own poem as being beantifnl he must class himself with Long fellow or some of the other fa- mum pusM. we aamis cnat we are juit the least bit feebls, bat Uncle Bill is in high hopes of learning to be better qualified for advancement after reading poems from thepen of our distinguished self -praised poet: Uhclic Bill. -' April 6 th,rFarmers are busy preparing: plant corn . Some are.: iegoning Vo plant . Attn Sts Shaver, who has been so ill is Improving at this writing we are glad to say . AvEirlr who has been on the siek list.liaa greatly improv ed, we arV indeed glad to note . I rtL Shaver ;jM; and Mrs A. W-l Shaver -visited in Albe marle Marah 28th and 29sh. NeelyXiik, of Rock Hill, 8. 0., spent' froim Bfaroh 28th , to 80th, with his family whojare visiting at A . W. Shaver's. . - Miss Esther Fry'is siok at this wri ting we sire sorry to say . Miss Gertie Morgan had a qailt ing party Saturday afternoon. MrsJ lnbyJC Miller, who has been siokis on the mend as this writinir.y . ; . Ttfitfiiylie Kirk, who has been visiting, in Albemiile the past weekiSf eturned home Saturday v lMis's Lillie Arey,.who has been Working In Albemirle, returned home Monday. T Notr majby from oar vicinity, went o the Oounty Commence ment Friday. ; JrO. Shaver contemplates go ijig to Rutherford College Thurs day to attend the Newtonian Literary Society's annual debate wfiioh will be held Friday night. Inez Best Family Laxltlve Boware of constipation . Use Dr. Eing's New Life Pills and seeo well. Mrs Charles E. Smith of Wait Franklin, Me., calls them "Our family laxative." Nothing better for adnlts or aged. Get them today . 25o. All druggists or by mail. H. E. Bnnbln fr. nn Ml mi lisl iPhiladelnhia or St. Loui!. You Have Nasal Catarrh Not Very Bad, But It Bothers You a Good Deal -" Some people have nasal catarrh and know 1L Not only the patient knows It, but all of his friends know it, . Manjrjeople know it that are not his friends.. Just those people who happen to meet him, in the street car or on the public square. - That sort of a nasal catarrh .need not be described. Everybody knows "the symptoms without their disgust ing recital. Peruna helps such cases every day. Thousands nave attested to this fact unsolicited. Perwflk--aaeven the Worst Casesul--rdTa7arrh. are cases of nasal ca- "hot so evident. One nostril is Hopped today. The other nostril is stopped -tomorrow. Cannot breathe freely through the nostrils. Easy to sneeze. Mucus in the nose too thick. Sometimes forms brownish lumps. Catch -cold easily. . Never quite free of a cold. These symptoms describe a case of subacute nasal catarrh. Many people have it, and some who would not admit they have nasal ca tarrh. He knows he must blow his nose freely. He remembers that he does not breathe easily through the nose. FOR O-O Furniture . : LET US HAKE YOUR gSoooooocaooijK n r 1 m 1 1 m j 1 mwm, 1 uesaay. adfi i This Season Bigger, Bright ter and Better than ever. One Hundred Feature Acts Pre sented in Two Rings and a Stage. Peopes' National Bank Salisbaiy . N. C. Does General Banking Business WS PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 8 months Prompt attenion given to any busi ness entrusted to as. Your business solicited. 0Peoples National Bank John S. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, resident. cashier. D. L. OaskiH, W. T. Busby, He recalls the fact that he snores some now, whereas he did not jrs vlously. - "-v Subacute nasal catarrh! Of'.Vh might call it incipient nasal catarrnA Or, still better, nasal catarrh Just ly ginning and becoming chronic & yfj Now is the time to take. Peruna, i. A little Peruna will do wonders , t?: this stage of the disease. Snuff a lit. ' tie weak salt water every morntotf ' . (see "Ills of Life." sent free by P ;r runa Co., coiumtms, umo;, enough to clear out the nose. Take ' a dose of Peruna before breakfast. Hold it In the mouth. Let it trickle s down slowly and breathe the furaev.ft:' a ti .i t ii.. . .. . nttf'.V surnllrmr It " .'- This will stop an incipient sase at nasal catarrh in a few weeks. Stop- ; it entirely. The nose becomes clear again. The breath is swee. breathing .free. No more snoring, .or' snufflinEr. or sniffling. , or catching? v- cold easily. All of these things SBPf'. in the past.. . An army of men and women havejfe been benefited by Peruna. You mighty a$ . well become one of the benefited, ones as to allow it to go on any; . further. of liDTyiE TO - : Undertaker HOME A REAL HOME. 88 nn nX XX VI7achovia Bank and Trust Co. Salisbury, N. C. NET TO COURT HOC SB Will pay you 4 par cent on your deposits and compound the interest quarterly. This is a Big Bank, why ut?t open an account with us! Asst. cashier 1 1 irt -mmigkmimit Y-nresideut.

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