TIIE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. H, Stewart, KDITOB AND OWNER Published $ very Wednesday, 120 West Innes Straet. SUBSCRIPTION PEICE: Watchman .... 1 yr $ . 75 Record 1 yr.....$ .75 Both Papers.. 1 yr $100 Advertising rates reasonable. Entered m second-class matter Jan. 19th. 1805, at the poit office at Sai;' bory, H. 0., under the aet of Ceng en of Marsh 8rd, 1878. 1 Salisbury, April 15th, 1914. Through the kindneaa of some thoughtful friend the. editor baa recently received several anti-protectant, or Romish newspapers. We have never at any time doubt ed the ability of the Romish press to misstate facts and draw improp er conclusions on any i inbjeot, so the citation of such sheets on ly oonvinces us of conclusions long since accepted. The writer reads The Menaoe and, if by com parison there is only psalms pud benedictions in the Romish sheets, then The Menace is head and shoulders above all of them. The Menaoe contains more virtue in one iisue than the whole Romish church has exhibited in a half century. The Menace leads to freedom of though, the true wor ship of God, (not the pops, Mary, degenerate priests, idols, shin bones, etc, etc.,) and the eman cipation of mankind, to a broader, greater, nobler and high er life. One of the papers bears the title of "The Live Issus" and its favorite expression in reference to Protestants is "the bigota." Bird S. Ooler, to whom "the bigots" of Salisbury pay tribute every time they ride on the street cars, use the Salisbury electrio lights, electric power, or burn 3 as, is treasurer for the Social Reform Press, publishers of The Live IsBue. Of course "the bigots" of Salisbury will be glad to have this bit of information and will strive to use the Public Service's pro ducts with more relish since it is , understood a portion of these funds are applied to slander and malign them. Just one more thought, The Watchman does not ask Roman- iati to read it, or The Menace, but I we would be pleased to learn of their making some better use of the Bible than to burn it. If they will read that book and govern their lives accordingly the strife their organization has kept up, with its maisecres, murders, and James M. Woodsidei, a recent resident and bus'ness man of Sal isbury who has been making his hjme in Charlotte for the past year, died there Saturday morn ing. Mr. YVoodeide had quite a number of friends here and had some good traits as a man. He was in poor health for several years before hia death. The fun eral was held Sunday and several of hia Salisbury frienda attended the services He leaves a wife and four children. ' Margaret Raeaell, the infaot daughter of. Rev. and Mrs. C. I. Morgan of Newton, died at the sanatorium here Sunday night. The . interment was in Chest nut Hill Ceme'erv Mrndav. r J J Rev. M, M.. Kindard officiating at the funeral wbioh was held at the hbme of H. G. Tvson. father of Mrs. Morgan. Rev. and Mrs. Morgan are well known here and bava the sympathy of their friend in their bereavement. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Rowan County, subject to tha Democratic primaries and convention. J as, H. Keider. FOR SHERIFF, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of feheriff of Rowan County. subject to the Democratic primaries and convention. Pd J. Frank Miller REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce mvself a candidate' for the office of Register of Deeds of Rowan County, subject to the Demo cratic primaries and conven tion. Walter 8. Blah. Mr. Blackmer is a son of the late Luke Blackmer and has always lived in Rowan County; he has never held or asked for a public office but is lully qualified to fill this responsible position. FOR CORONER I hereby announce mvsalf Joseph C. Irvin, a prominent a candidate for the office of citizem f Statesville. died in that Coroner foi Rowan Conntv J . V" city Monday night. Mr. Irvin was a native of Rowan County and moved to Stfttesville in 1871. He was a Confederate soldier. subject to the Democratic primaries and convention. "fl T. W. SlTMMERSETT. FOR JUDGE. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the oflW of Judge of Rowan County Uonrt Pnrnftp.r.'tn th fiY. rf ight be granted the tne democratic primaries and The Four Bunmen Die. , Albany, N. Y April 12. The last faint glimmer of hope that reprieve tour New York "guumen" passed todar - lu th executive 0 amb r FOR RRmSTCTRrw nvvnu (if th HoaorfaH Clata Par. in . n , 1 1 1 1 nereDy announce myself Governor Glynn hea,d the tiua! L caudidte for Reg of appeals 01 iwo attorneys, u. u. . Deeds for Rowan Cmmtv t IT 1 1 T TT r -T-r . I . ww uaoie ana n. ij. cringle, tor a subject to the action of rhu stay ot the death seuteuce, and Democratic nrimaries and o.nn tnen again and for the last time, vention. pd E. B. Neave, Jr refused tj interfere with the ex ecutioiiS. tor two hours the attorneys pleaded. All appeals to the Gov ernor s sympathies were disregard ed. Onlv the new CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the JjVonj of Rowan County, subject to yiavvu. umore jusuce u.n m JNew the action of fho r.r..o ; x ujt yesteraav was Dresenfcari nr mor aa . e MirLi 1 1 in n.i 11 1 1: 111 1 ii w 1 wars, will soon If you persist be only a memory. in reiectine the Bible, then don't hand us the fiimaey defense of your man-made religion and rancorous efforts to shield your political machine. It is all right to murder an American citizen, steal hia prop erty, etc., but to lookup a U. S. marine for an hour is some thing else. Wonder what the ma rines are for? Ipcreise of Business at Salisbury's Office. Post When they had finished the Gov amor and his legal advises, John G. Sexe, retired to a private room. T7 jvery scrap 01 evidence was gone over carefully and tvery amaavit read fully by the Gover uor. lneu the gunmen a attor neys were sent (zr. Pale and a trifle Dervou?, but with a firm voice the Governor said "Ureatlemen, I am Brry, but I caLnot see my way clear toohauge my decision. Oasmiog, N. Y., April Pd A. L. Smoot. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself a candidate for RfiiHstr of Deeds of Rowan Conntv. Riib ject to the action of the Dem- jocratic primaries and county convention. J. C. Deaton. Landie N. C, Postmaster Jas. H, Ramsay reoently gave out some figures of interest which goes to show the inorease of business done at the close of business about March 1st, 1918 and 1914, showing a decided increase for the past year. There were $28,129.16 worth of stamps, cards and envelops sold, and box rent, being an inorease of $2,941.06 over last year. In the money or der department f 150,284. 44 is the total business done this year, be i g an increase of $22,613.76. Deposits received from other of fioei, $175,883, an inorease of $84, 871. Surplus money order funds forwarded to depositary $193,585, being an increase of $87,285. This pots the Salisbury office in a favorable position with the larg est in the State . COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce mvseTf a candidate for the office of 12 Conntv Tre Harry Horrowitr, Louis Rcsnberg, to the action of the Dem- Frank Cirofici and Frank Seiden- ocratic primaries and conven inner have spent tbeir list day on ll0DL trEo. H. Shaver earth. As the eunmen who. ni,kn,afi. FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR - m w - I , -1 r x TTT r- m One aliftafla wara flnr, ul LvUK1. continent after the murder of the 1 hey announce myself New York mhw p.u-i acanaiqaw ior tne onlce ot thev die at d7, th7Vi,.'. Uiek of the Superior Court ,. a; a: . . "vnau juu.liy BUUjeCt LO lTt Yu 7 S OI"Bl,rwon- oonv,'- the;Democratic primaries and bing Sing Prison, Oasining N 1 J. FraW MRma x., April id ine four gunmen I convicted of th murder of He?- FOR COMMISSIONER. man Rosenthal died in th T herehv w.wwviu I J -Muvnuyu LU-01jil chair in aing Sing prison at the a canaidate ior County Com oreas 01 aay this JUaster Monday lUiBBA"uer ior aowan Liounty FORCOUllllYyCOMMIS I hereby aS?htice myself a candidate fji; Cqunty Com misfiioner of 3fawm county, subject to thctlon 'of the Democratic ftritnaries and c'onvenlion. f Jt Pd p,$$yA. Raney. FO R i ST Af tff$ EN ATE. 1 hereby aunqunce myself a candidate fig rate" Senator from Rowan yyiinfy, subject to the action tlse Democrat ic primaries a3SdConvention. p. Miller FOR CO UJW' JUDGE. . I hereby ahiiQtice myself a 'candidate ;ioVi Judge of Rowan Couufj Court, subject to the actionSf'!the Demo cratic primary iojbe held on Saturday, M&jr FjesAnk Hudson. or3zzcc To Confederate Ve'aadOnd The Nearest Kin. of Those DeMs 'i Hietcry of K'ofn County in Tbe Confederacy 1$ in prepara tion and the coprlpier wishes to see each vetert lining in the county as eaJ; aa possible. ThoBe unable t(?;fSnieto see him will pleaaa notUhim and he will ccme oi send soi one to see their, A short Bketchlieach person that went from RwaS' is deiired as ell as a pictur3,eitri3Fa present one or one take-to youb. Dcn't et anyone depeit on.otner kin to ive iufoimatioWut gsea if it b as been giveir;he compiler is Engene H. BeaSf whcse office is on tho second fKi ofjr the Grubb HuilJing. Mr. sanwishes to get rhie Wnrk fiuubij.by early sum mer 80 he can'tif?: his attention to issuing his tslkkolume -History f Rowan m thsvr&krly fall Also please send himStjhe names of any' 1 vine Rown vaarans now out side cf thcounor near, kin of tiny who Ieffeinftied elsewhere;" The edit"f4raiy every old Con- ff-.deiate to c&y with the above reqaest. ItvSatirv imoortant hta perfect jtd , of the old ldiers he mMiid handed down to posterity. ?f$Sw is the time, do notdelavcr laJ.-Lt not vnnr children aud ajran'schidren :ook tor v63t tecord in vain Mr. Bean AT ONCE. jJeeds of heroum of the SoathetvS&sidiBTa are num erous and moi t tV.imendable and is but prop&f it an imperish aoie recora nrnxxuive made and . -.11 - ' ; i kppt for all titaift'L. ' . '. iSe j if . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Special April Goods to be found at The Store that sells for cash and for small profits. This why you find it pays to trade with us. BELR-H AR RY C 0. 0 Matting Rugs 25c7 27x54 inch Matting Rugs asBt pattern worth 50o our special 25c 15o Plain cloth window shades for only ,...20o 48c Window shades on guaranted rollers for. 35o 48o Lace curtains for 39c Extra good value in laoe curtains -for 75, 90c 7o Curtain scrim for. 5c 7o Colored curtain goods for 5c New Cotton Goods. New crepe cotton goods crepe goods are all the go this seaon. White & colored worth 20, and 25o for 15c Cotton Poplin all colors for 15 & 25c , Sainett always sells for 25o looks like silk but wears better for 20c Yard wide Jopouika silks for 25c ' Foulard silk worth 753 for 48c Gents Furnishings. Men's work shirts some stores would ask 50o for, our price 39c Mao's "Bull Dog" and Long John work shirtu for 48c Special lot of men's negligee shirts $1.00 value our special 69o Salisbury, N. C. Make it a polatisee r have the'-m3&er' TK7 vv this year also a Real Home Coming j & event. Invite all your friends thruout the country early to plan to come and join I with you in these Seven Big Days of inspir- ation, fellowship, popular education and g entertainment. l?lPE0K7Dir!l(g The kind that is attractive and is i m guaranteed to please any reasonable nerson rlnna y j 11 i X ' ""v v uiuaL as well, same or better grade of nanar! full 1 unntm t-A oil J ' www mi ami prices reasonable. WM. fl. Stewart, printer Cleart Complexion Removes Skin Blemishes. Why go through life embarass ed and disfigured with picples, eruptions, blackheads, red rough skin, or suffering the tortures of Eoxema, itoh, tetter, saltrbeum. Just ask your Druggist for Dr. Uobson's Eczema Ointment. Follow the simple suggestions and your skin worries are ovej. Mild, aoothing, eff estiva. Exoel jent ror names and delicate, ten der skin. Stops chapping. Al wave helps. Relief or money back. 60c st joor Druggist. morning. None oonfesaed his gnilt and none mentioned his guilt and none mentioned the nam? of Charles Becker, the former lieu tenant found guilty of instigating sne murder but saved by court of appeals reversal. Of the four who i died Frank subject to the Democratic primary and convention. J. W. Peeler iFOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. Thereby announce mvattlf a candidate tor the offir- nf oeiaensher I W n 1 raw I .ami a ' 1 m tAn 4.U I I -a . . x j . . ,mua uouuiy mr n I ipimnrrntir- rT-imo r.;a atatomant TT.tr or A. A o.a. j .vwu.vuv. u.ou UD U U UUb IIHIi. I M lilt TfOtl T1 Al I uui VVUICUUUU. ly assert his innocenoe. Gmobqb B. Wktmorr REGISTER OP DEEDS. Wilsnn Sonde Flaot Tn Ua!fin WaBhin.tnn a nri i ,a o: 1 h?T?b7 jounce myself rf.ntr7 V VT acan tor Register of denfc.Wilson today ordered virtu Deeds of Rowan County, sub uo atluHo neet to nect to tne action of the Dem Mexican waters to force a nuhlio ocratic nrimaries 1-1 i . 1 n . - 1 oaiuee bo tne stars and Htr na tion. rifcMt ill Ittl Shy I I wait till the Season is Ad vanced and all cars are sold? Tour Frhds are Buying To-day and, thilse of voii whn will Kor " - ' ,7 , VV XXX All! V t to Keret it Sooner or later. 5 ' i fKAM 4U. TT x r iiuw iuh nuerja wovernmeut as an appology for the arrest cf American marines at Tamnioo last Thursday. Pd. Forest J . Ellbr, Route 4. FOR THE HOUSE. I hereby announce that 1 am a candidate for member ship in the Houee of Rer sentatives of the General As sembly of North Caroli na. Look to Your Plumbing v I , . . .tun n.uuw wnac nappec8 in a house in which the plumbing is in ZZK J Carolina poor condition, everybody in tbe n J -n 0t th Lr, ,a h-ki V "1 ID oe Democratic primary and con house is liable to contract typhoid vention. Wm. C Coughen:ur, Jr FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce mvR1f a candidate for Treasurer of Kowan county-subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and convention. WlLL-'M. -En WIN. or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same f unations in the human bodv as the nlnmh mg does for the house, and thov shouli be kept in first class con dition all the time. If you have any wouoie with your digestion take Chamerlain's Tahln you are certain to get quick relief. F:r Sale by Hi Dulau. s ' - suave a certain number ot Fowl rare f -o nty,.'and when ;;the allotment is sold, our atuxisenaea ior mis season. Practically one haJf f0Ye already been delivered and we are just getiMU started. - Talfe our advice and place your qder today. Wellbelieve in the Ford. H RGDZffi 'Pho3i224. O 1 r Salisbury, N. C. 'Phone 224. 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hi- Si s Sit 1 4irw- Ws... T

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