a m i i mm i i SBANO RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE ficr Focr Tears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Gave Op in Despair. Husband Casio to Rescue. Cttroo, Ky. In an Interesting letter bom fills place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: "I suffered for four years, wife womanly troubles, and during f!ds time, 1 could only sit up for a little YrfaSe, and could not walk anywhere at S3. At times,! would nave severe pains fa my left side j The doctor was called in, and his treat tsent relieved me for a while, but I was coon confined to my bed again. After Cat, nothing seemed to do me any good I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two mijps without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped FOOKWELL ROUTE 2. April 10. John P. M. Deal has ta grippe. John Shaping has been very sick with mumps the paafc week. Most all the sohool children in this community, ' attended the aounty commencement at Salis bury April 3rd. ORGAN CHURCH. April 10th. Mrs. Agnea Canble visited at E. L. E. Sifford's Wed nesday evening. Elizabeth SilTord visited at 0 W. Harrington's Tuesday Morn ing, Mist Daisy and John SiffoFd Rockwr! ine near future wnere visited their aunt, ElUn Siffjrd, he willjvjf tne -meroantue busi- Saturday night and Sunday. 1 ine coaler s Uept store is do- O..H5sPsfer left Monday, April jDg a g0od busiuess now as thev 5th , to;ijMoe jfrork id Mecklen- had two clerks Wednesday and bnrg lmffiy u iuriwi ui mey were busy most of the time. th JnrtfSr.Jrder. . m- i- i- r; -rr-. : t - l A.V31 4. . a v" . uiui rrcgfowo seems so Mre.yjams Vjooaman, wna 01 1 Da all the go no. Iman, received N. M. Brown has swaDDed his more than a million women, in its 50 .. fgQ Ux young mQ,0 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it Begin taking Cardui todayr The exhibition at Lowtistone Saturday night, April 4th, was largely attended and the exeiciaes was very good. Music was far oished I y a string baud. John Josey visited his daughter, insurance the If five hiAdrd fr m tiljPO. S..of A,, of which her WoStifLS,a member. dollars SILVER OF QUALITY AND BEAUTY Unquestioned durability and exauisitedeskrn the highest ideals in plated ware are assured spoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces Rearing the renowned trade mark TI7U,Vrt n rhattinrVKm MAtirlnA CA.. Ladle ArfvKnrv Dpnt.. Chattanooea. Tenn.. foi bVectiU Instructions on your case ana tn-page dook. noma . ui. i t ir - Treatment for Women.'-sent in plain wrapow. I-6a UfH. r lltUi, AjUjr, Bb muuiuo, fw days ago. Lowerstone and Fisher crossed bats Saturday, April 4th, aud Lowerstone was victorious by a aiore of 12 to 20. R ckweil Camp, No. 12 P O S. of A., has trade a splendid re cord the past few months They hav increased their membership and finances about 100 per cent Tms speaks well for Rockwell o imp J. S' fiord went to mill Wednes day and on account of rain Biayea wnn nis couun, Henry f J. . J a. "i I . rw i sua ratarna nnma i nnra G. IIk&3er, district, deputy of dfty jQ tfae gnow the Jr.JsPJA. M., reports tnas he areaviikf? three new councils James Canble is visiting his nf the G&dsr"in Mecklenburg coun- Aunt, Mrs. Arey, in Salisbury th's ty anass-pa-)n ,ukuio more iXkd&v -dayl. tie tninaB School closed at Kluttz Acad.' r i w : " . . L mm ' 1 1 1 a in I m 1 A m ' MfrCKieripflr uuuud jr i my inesaay, Apru i. me pa- abont otgf)UBaftd new members ron8 0f tne 80hool gave the teach. this yeaiVJte also states that the er a dinner and Rev. Sowers made district W'ing iiill be held at an address. On account of bad Norwcoae tipe m May and weather there were not very many that he nJtlyy?opeB that every out. pnnncil iltSa district will be re- p.te jentatthiafmeetiBg. H. LnoaHf spent Saturday iiiri Sii witii hii family at Rockwell' fctt returned to ' Gas tonia Aplih M Mrs. Cora Peeler and children, Mrs. Arey and daughter, Mildred L uis9, and Mrs. Oddie visited - at L. I. Cauble's Saturday night and Sunday. in 1847 ROGERS BROS. s TRIPLE There are various makes of silverplated tableware which are claimed to be "just as good," but, like all imitations, they lack the beauty and wearing quality identified with the original and genuine ' "1847 ROGERS BROS." ware popularly known as "Silver Plate that Wears Sola by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue "C-L" showing all designs. HERIDEN BRITANNIA CO, (INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO, Manfan Cnim flnmn nlnn? "dinners" we are J-!! I a r i 1 Dr Gr'.Wr4.Choate aud Rev- Jor' waiting on you to give us the news ' dan,, raV;r jf ther Baptist church Qr your community HmiDrsnn tha xrnnnrr oor nf I . D 'XJ 1 1" m oil fc trt KM n n a nnl 1 a 1 ' J . I vv-a4r' C . r ... TTnnle Rill needs some nraise on D..k..Jk 1 I 1 J 1 f !.:!'; . U 4. Anf rrrlfr-. I ' r CaHiwifabdut. making a con- W. A pne'imonia, is getting better we Mr. are glad to say. I tributiS.f&a da tha finiehing of Th. farmers of this section are " the B't'5l!nrch which is being -t i I ak:.n-jT'i I 1.11 vary busy at this writin?. ! ert:C f QlA James Sain, who has leased! The plosed at the Kluttz be Rockwell Roller Mitl, is do-. htiolbVivAPnl .h tflet ' i ! . " a business we are ! 0JJU1 -amce I PenuinfiJjhe .principal, was the items in last week's paper. Amicable mg a very good glad to note. The Rockwell Casket Co , has been puttiDg in abcut full time ?o far this year. Brautly Beaver has bought a valuable piece of property Rockwell and expscts in to move to THIS IS HOW . M I Ml F akc Your Own Paint ! YOU WILL SAVE 60 cts. PER GAL. $8.40 2.10 $10.50 Buy 4 gals. L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT, at $2.10 per gal. And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it - -You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for It's only $1.50 per gal. ' Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in CANS, you pay $2.10 a gal. or $14.70. The L.OM. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD, . ZINC and LINSEED OIL, the best-known paint materials for 1 OO years. Use a gal. oat of any L.&M. PAINT you buy, and ii not the best paint made, return tbe paint and get ALL your money back. T. J. Lyerly, Granift Q larry ; S. L Mullen. Hunter.-wille ; Gaorge O. Goodman & Oo., Mooresville ; White-Jetton & Co., Davidson ; Oweni Drug Co., Winston- Balem; Knyne iiawe j j., JNewton. kK fcK S l Is .TTObK fcK f 8n l f tit? Farms for If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY REALTY and Insurance Company. H Neuralgia sufferers find instant relief in Sloan's Liniment. It pene trates to the painful part soothes and quiets the nerves. No rubbing merely lay it on. SLOAN'S LXMMEMX Kills Pain For Neuralgia " I would not be without your Lini ment and praise it to all who sutler with neuralgia or rheumatism or pain of any kind." -Mr. Henry Bishop, llale.no, iiiuouri. Pain All Gone " I suffered with quite a severe neu ralgic headache for 4 months without any relief. I used your Liniment for two or three nights and I haven't suf fered with my head since." Mr. J. R. Swinger, Louisville, Ky. Treatments for Cold and Croup 'My little girl, twelve years old, caught a severe cold, and I gave her three drops of Sloan's Liniment on sugar on going to bed, and she got.up in the morning with no signs of a cold. A lit tle boy next door had croup and I gave the mother the Liniment. Shegaye him three drops on going to bed, and he got up without the croup in the morning." Mr. W. H. Strange, Chicago, IlL At all Dealers. Price 25c, 50c. anil S1.00 Sloan's Book on Horse sent free. Address DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., Boston, Mass. hoDorAJwitBa large dinner which was Bprkti Cfid 'e.iiyed by all present iiavt'tsf which Mr. Ptn- V J . i, " J1. -. : u!ugjr wd,)-" shor6 talk to the pupils, il.-rV thflm cf his high apprt-cUt)-'V)f4iiid love for them. Rt-v. R.iB. ' "wera being present, tien nuie ,iijeautlTal address to t'ao echfs&tti patrous in which hosb'wd arly the needs of oducaho;i &rii of what value it was txi btnity.s At the oonclu eioii I Eiifi i Powers' address, the MAKES BACKACHE QUICKLY DISAPPEAR A Few Doses Relieves All Such Miseries. Bladder Weakness. Kidney Trouble and Rheu matism Promptly Vanish , It is no longer necessary for any one to suiter with backaching, kid ney trouble, have disagreeable blad der and urinary disorders to contend with, or be tortured with rheuma tism, stiff joints, and its heart- wrenching pains, for the new discov ery, Croxone, quickly and surely re lieves all such troubles. Croxone is the most wonderful remedy yet devised for riddintr the 6ystem of uric acid and driving out an the poisonous impurities which cause such troubles. It is entirely different from all other remedies. It IS not lilfP nnvtViincr p1s pvw iicaH eotio 1 wa missed by Mr. ren- for the purpose. It act3 on the Drin- liiirc-.T abxi.iJiVbovB eaeigsd in a ciple .f cleaning out the poisons and basebBll gayj,; 4j It soaks right in through the walls, T, " A- " . j j membranes and linings, like water in lh6,ffr just received and a sponge, neutralizes, dissolves and read the l&vAid . Soeeches of the makes the kidneys sift out and lter uie v;uij.n, Aycoca. eauea oy from the Wood and leaves the kid. K. D. V be in eion. ev jw&mr: ruH P.laranftA nevs and unnarv organs clean. n : .r. : i i l i . . .I id.. nr i i- iu- -i u Birunff, neauny ana wen. rue. iu.ih u.uk luai Bauaia t i , S -2 xt- uiaiicjs iijl uuw luug you nave rrf-t&DPoI boy's posses- suffered, how old you are, or what ySt' t ' you have used, the very principle of i-Zf,Zf : Croxone is such, that it is practically lr-1,1 w ,A . possible to take it into the human -. rm -" v kj? ii - - i everpm nnthntit rcn te H mo uesday, AXir s&h, with a bjx snp- nothing else on earth like it It muP r,,. UkU , J'. ,v, starts to work the minute you take it per Oil V-iaay Illgbt. and relieves vou the firfim, Vn Th cr.KOlno Qk Rlrwall US3"' X"if w" it you suiter with cams m vour to:a weai.?Aitn ran exhibition back and sides, or have anv sisns of 5 I . . . - kidney, bladder troubles, or rheuma- USCB BILL, the eyes or in the feet and ankles, if il 7 I vrii arA nprvAite f iTri otirt itrt iatith , i -t. - -at i i w ui iuai y uiaui uvi o ChetSK-April Cough. Croxone will quickly relieve you of your misery. You can secure an orig inal package of Croxone at trifling cost from any hrst-class druggist. Thuraday;ja; April 8th. Thami-Vfe aud chill y.-a J i April rams yery marrow, you PArnh r JH"U'mn a .tUir A11 druggists are authorized to per- v - ! longs stuff- sonally rtuTn the purchase price if it -aloo lerish Cough con- fails in a single case. tuiually ae-'l miverable You n-wed Dr. New Disoovery. It 8oothe?.Jed and irritfttei throat aa4;3,4,,' stops cough, your head.! P' ever leav8. and you f;tV.ae. Mr. J T. Davis, af fpy.' Corner, Me.4 " Was 'arj dre&dfut oough after d ctnjitmeQt and a!) other rem$ Relief or mouay Preasant Chil- firon like ijk'ffjfc" bottle to-dy. 50j. aud $Rt your Drugsjiat. Backlei'ica Salve for All Bores 'r-Tjfti ' ' Notice to Creditors Having qualified as executor of the estate of Richard Henderson, deceased iL- i i. . 11 i i uib ia iv iiutiijr an persuus unviiig claims against the said decedent to tile an itemized, verihed statement of same with the undersigned on or be fore the 6th day of March, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ersons indebted to said es tate are notified to make prompt set tlement. This March 5, 1914. Minnie L. Henderson. John 8. He-iderson Exeulor Attorney -3-4-6t A BUSINESS MAN OF MINNEAPOLIS' Minneapolis Is a city where they . do things. Stimulated by a vigorous climate, surrounded by a fertile country, peopled by the best blood of the over crowded east, it la a city of hustle, of great achievements conceived and wrought out. Mr. Taylor, of Minneapolis, Minn., is one of this sort of men. A news paper man. A political worker. An Englishman by birth. He has been in- this country nineteen years. He has resided in the northwest, Win nipeg, Fargo, and for the last ten years in Minneapolis. 4 Mr. Taylor is a friend of Peruna and does not conceal his friendship. He is thoroughly enthused with the belief that Peruna is a great remedy. He has a right to f el so. For several years he suffered with dyspepsia. This caused him to have very bad. health. Newspaper advertisements would never have influenced him to take Peruna. It was friends that per suaded him to try the remedy. In less than a week he needed no more persuasion. He saw that Peruna was doing him good. He is able to MR. E. M. TAYLOR, say in a letter to the Peruna Com- No. 250 Nicollet SL, Minneapolis, Minn, pany, Columbus, Ohio: - "To-day I am in excellent health. Never, felt better in my life. I am glad, of this opportunity to say something to all men or women who suffer from dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I consider Peruna a great remedy. It is a godsend." A new book of interest to all, sick or well, sent free by the Peruna Company. hp f ysmmmffiRWi , 1 YOU CAN SMILE WITH IMPUNITY 1 when youhave good teeth, but it is a risky bnsinegs if your teeth are bad. If there is anj thing the mat ter with yours, eome and let us ex amine them and we will put them in proper cond'tir n for you, arrest sdecay, should there be any, and make your teeth permanently pret ty and healthy. We are expert Dentists, but not expert chargers. Our charges are very reaionable, for instance: Gold op Porcelain Crowns. $3, $4 and $5 Baauiiful Sat of natural PorcalalnTaath $7 to $10 f COME AT ONCE FOR FREE EXAMINATION . Philadelphia Painless DentiSt INCORPORATED SALISBURY BRAXOH. Phone 763. Lady Attendant 126 Main 8treet 01 FURMlTyRE OO 1TO C. W. 'WRIGHT'S Furniture :-: Undertaker LET US MAKE YOUR HOME A REAL HOME 3E,85 iooOO Peopes' National Bank Salisbuiy, N. C. Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 3 months Prompt attenion given to' any busi ness entrusted to us. Your business solicited. CTPeoples National Bank John S. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier. D. L. Gaskill, W. T. Busby, . V-l reiidnt. Asst. eashiar riachovia Bank ' and Trust Go. Salisbury, fl 0. KSXT TO OJURT HO USB Will pay you 4 par cent on your deposits and compound the interest quarterly. This is a Big Bank, why not open au account with us8 Notice. .wna iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iinniii , Comi n g--The lpath Chautauqua 7 Big Days Including a wo Day Grand Musical Festival v State of ) In the Superior North Carolina, Court, Rowan County ) TBef ore the Clark. JohhJ. Stewart vs Nellie Howard, Ida Howard. P. D. Howard! and wife Minnie How- Notice. ard, Bose Parrot and husband E. L. Parrott , and The Salisbury Real ly & Insurance Co. The defendants above named will take notice that &n action entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan county to partition the land in which each of the defendants have an inter est actual or contingent; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan county on the 6th day of May, 1914, at the new courthouse in said county in Salisbury, N. 0., and answer or demur to the complaint in aaid action , or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. ' 5 J. M. McCubbins, Clerk Superior Court. This 31 A day of March, 1915. BOHUMIR KRYL AND Grand Opera Light Opera Humor Instruction hfi BAND- THE BEN GREET PLAYERS all Pi ncrinnr TVfncr5r Oia tni-ir Afvn Literary Lectures Playground Worker . You Can't Afford to Miss This Event in . - . 4piration A Musical Program Every Hi The season tickets purchased by the local committee, arfCSow for sale, may be had while they last at $2.00. All season tickets thereafter will be 290$ for Nothing put Va.T.3ji $2.50. Attendance by slFji admission on each entertainment would exceed $8.00. SEE PROGIlAMjR' COMPLETE LIST OF ATTRACTIONS ""inrnTiiiiiniii in n.,V' rniiiiiMiriiiTr'"" 11 '' rm" 'tunu-iummmiMi

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