v if 'mm t: t 2? 1? ft 4-71 ?; f in i irf TilE CAROLINA YATGHR1AN I H, Stewart, KDITOH AND OWNER Published Every Wednesday, 120 West Innes Straet. BUBSOBIPTION PRICE: Watchman.. ..L yr $ .75 Record 1 yr $ .75 Both Papers. .1 yr. $1 00 Advertising rates reasonable. Entered as second-class matter Jan. lfttk. lfiofi. at the nost office at Salis bury, N. O., under the act of Congress of Mareb Brd, 1878. Salisbury, April 29th 1914. Whitehead Kluttz Esq., Speaks to the D. A. R's. The Washington Herald, of 8atuday contains the following in teresting remarks by Whitehead KlutU, Esq., of Salisbury, being extracts from an address made by Mr. Klattz before the national convention of the Daughters of the Amerioan Revolution then in let tion there: Demanding that Mexico render peedy satisfaction to the honor of the Stars and Stripea and that peaoe and order be re-established in that connferv. Whitehead Khittz. of Salisbury N. 0.. form- -r nM.ii.n( nf th s.n.t. f that State. in addressing the congress Af'tha nanhtAN nf th A morgan Revolution, last night deolared "It ii a time when partisanship should leop, when cavil should oease.1 Inspired with patriotic fervor, the delegates paying ?rapt atten tion to the speaker, Mr. Klattz pointing to the large Amerioan fla? suspended in the center from the lofty ceiling of the hall, hinted. "America, united, stands back of tbe still, strong man in the Wh.te House sorrowfully taking mi his or rim. unwelcome task, the task of ilercales cleansing Augean stables. ' "We have been patient, fore, bearing, like a peaceful giant, with insult and outrage. But farther patience with the barbar onr leaders of Mexico would be a crime. We oannot juitify before the world an attitude which lays: We know onr neiihbor's honae is afire, bat we will not and you .t.atl t m The words of honor are wasted on Mexico today; no arguments but they are run-down, thin, nerv bnt blows are raooirni.ft-1 tharo us. tired and devitalized. O T ojotMuro in b w miiy, it is woe that only the' hell of war can end tho hell of Mexibo. If ever war wore holv. then this war ia holv: to rlflthrnnft a. sataita Kaom tn aa. t.hiih nrfldfin lion nf .rnh. liberty in lieu of license, to open ... J the ways of light and progress to a darkened land. Pnparlug For Sigbt Seers Panama Canal At The lor the thousands Who Will visit the Isthmus to view the completed Panama Canal ample provision 1 is being made. Special sightseeing trains are scheduled to. leave Colon and Panama on alter nate mornings through the week, reaching the opposite end of the canal in time for lunch. Passengers may re turn on the ordinary train ii they desire. Excursion trips through the lake, from G.imboa to Gatum, are made on a sight-seeing barge which has been converted for p issenger service by the ad dition of a main deck, slop jiig from rear to front, and p ovided with comfortable ei .its, while above, an upper d ek may be reached by st .ir ways. Nearly 300 sight Si re can be accommodated o i the barge, which has a full equipment of life pre- servers and safety appliances. Ti e fare for the trip on the lake is fixed at $1.50, and a like sora is charged for the railroad tiip along the shore, fr ;ui one end of the canal to the other. A picture of the b;i ge is a feature of the May Popular MechanicSj Maga ziite. Straight at It 'here ii no use of oar "beating a; und the bush " We might as w ill out with it first as last. We .want-yoa to try Chamberlain's C uh Remedy the next time you ha 7o a cough or cold. There is ii" reaio.i so far as we can, see why y. u should not do ao. Thu prep aration by. its remuiii-dole cures hat gained a world wide reputa tion and people everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. Put Sale by All Dealers. Thousand Delegates at Big Contention inlWar Deparmen! Swampsd "With Armf Ap- Durham. Durham, April 25 A thousand delegate! to the Barao'Philathea oonvention are now in the oity, and the indioationsare that more than this number will come. The registration office at the Loo h moor FTnf.pl hna hpon ftrritvrlAd till Haw , , 7 n P90Pie WQ0 waDea De signed places to stay aunng tne convention. A dozen olerks have ben basily engaged every miDnte of the time getting these delegates to their h jmes and it is even then imDOSsibla to keen an with the arrivals. While hnndreds arrived on the moraine trains, and the greater part of the delegations did not get here until this afternnoon Every afternoon train was orowded with people weiring the insignia of the two organized San- day school classes aud aB a con sequence mist of the trains were runnins a little behind schedule time. The first session of the oonven tion met at the Academy of Music this evening, when an address of welcome was delivered by Mayor W. J. Brogden, who represented the oity. Riv, B O Craveu de livjred the address f we come in behalf of the churches and E. J. Sohantz for the citv union. The '"PouBfi were made by Mies Cars Byrd of Greensboro for the Phila- fenea8' and A" h' Smoot of SftllB buty for the Baraeas. Following these there wre one-minnte talks by the 8tate 'ffioM of both gamzitions. At the Y. M. 0. A. last night floating receoticn was tendered m which the delegates to tbe conyen tion were, given the opportunity t become acquainted with one another. The lobby of the Y M. C. A. and every available space was crowded with the visiters and the Darham people who are mter- ested in the oonveutiou. Light refreshments were seived it is expected that the treeting in Darham will be one of the4 moBt interesting ever beldby the two organized Sunday school olases of the State. RUN-DOWN WOMEN VinA TTmHTi in a Riml. tt How many women do you know I are perfecUy well, strong and ! JieaJthv SS a. wnman oTirmM ho? TVionr may not be sick enough to He In bef I WAm Ci-Tl am ar htlA and So much is expected of them. that they constantly overdo and suf- 'er from headache, backache, nervous- ness nd kindred ills. bllcl1 women need VinoL our deli- cIous cod Ur and iron tonic with- mif rU ar'hinh irrlll i J. "7h ZZZl tone up the digestire organs, make pure blood and create strength. Mrs. Walter Price, Biloxi, Miss., says: "I was in a run-down, condition for months, I had taken several medi cines but they seemed to do me no good. Finally Vinol was recommend- to imnrove until I am Btronz and as ever." Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. P. S. For pimples and blotches try. dut Saxo Salve. "We guarantee it " Smith Drug 0)., Salisbury, N. C : -. t JDH . : Typical Scenes at :fve Redpath Chautauquas5 puwnon. Washington. April; 23. Appiicauons ior Army com-. A P , A missions poured in upon the War Department today while Senators received telegrams from men offering their ser- vices,Senator Ashursts stated he had several messages from Auizonams, "most of them want positions as captians, colonels, or majors, dut no1- body wants to be a private Senators Jones and Thomae said they had telegrams from men seeking to serve as pri vai. Senator Lodge received a protest from the Massachu setts Federation-of Churches against war with Mexico.!' Many applicants to the War Department are former sold iers, men who have resigned their commissions in the reg ular service or who were offi cers in the volunteers in the Spanish War. Some are offer ing to raise regiments of "rough riders." Steam Dried Hay Each year finds the farmer more of a mechanic, as ma chine after machine appear to take the place of the decreas ing supply of manual lador. The up-to-date farm now ha? its machine shop and farmer machinist The farmer com- L plains that for five years past F 1 1 1 - J3 A i ne nas Deen oDiigea consiani ly to purchase new labor-saving machinery. On the other hand, had it not been for these new inventions, many would nave been obliged to go out of business. The latest thing is steam cured hay, which makes the farmer independent of cloudy or rainy weather in haying time. The green grass is hauledto the hay factory, unloaded at one end of the plant and 30 minutes later' emerges at the other end perfectly cured, ready for barn or bale press i In case of rain, a canvas cov er insures arrival at the barn without wetting. The farm er has about given up his time honored trip to the "grist mill",and here comes the hay. ! Frequent showers make good j 8 f cttq aa hn t nrt n rt Vi A-f tVi in 5 a nn in w ! ed in the process of sun-d ry ing. The steam dried is in- dependent of weather, aud moreover turns OUt a better lUUUaUU KsCL LI W Ul 1. ii 1 LI tC4. Maud Muller might get a job checking the loads, but there isn't very much romauce about watching the steam guage a lot cf conveyor belts. H. H. Windsor, in May Popular Mechanics Magazine Look to Your Plumbing Yon know what happens in 8 house in which the plumbing is in poor condition, everybody in tbe house is liable to contract typhoid or seme other fever. The digestive organs perform the same function in the human body as the plumb ing does for the house, and they should .be kept in first-class c on dition all the time. If you hav any trouble with your digestioi take Ghamerlain's Tablets and you are certain to getqaick relief. dFct Sale by Al! Da'r.. ..... . THE ! TRWS FORD. . ;i f- w,' Jgcn e. MaHc. SpsaltlJlg . B,rj UMH nil nr'3i in, . Aprl lh groand hog is a things f be- past and Bpririg is here aMt. sfs 7af" Theaisre3 are planting corn vad Tight a'oug Every body if; jivwa gsFen statt thit year, so weVf easily determine the ,1 : N h. - Jad4 ?f;xlir i qaite Bick.. He has boihjg for eooie tim. Mb. Tlrr issq'iHe an old man and Jcovery may be' glow, but wfJifeQ -will soon be bet ter, m q 5 A p itiLote mtiog will be on, the R v. P. gin a -i'lthqJ church seoncf S'iay i;i May W. T kj if A'hemarbs will a8Bist.,-iCS:p4tor, Riv. E. M. Avettj. ' n K.d?iict-.iiig th9 meeting. Ther3 iihbV;all diy servioe on SnndaiJaiS each day and night thereat ie& : Thbito'l closed her last Fri day af i 3 .ider started for hr hf , eDftvd?ori on Satur day. rtfA iwa no exhibition this .r-rnvt of c( the stu- de:i-tsl4i)r.. uimkW. v. o w., at thisi i 'iv'ls a bie entertain mo: ou ascen The exer- sijn ii'!HffiV 2is6. cise wf' V 3'Yja entirely by tbe Woodif !X Aslre1 dinner will be served, f'oiick and the public is liivtf vvh wish to bring a babkl1' j-j.d i s )"an'd it will be appreo, 't those who can't bring aiiiaAetuBt oome anyway, von w: rgfi Ispmethiug to eat We ex' hive a big time and pvery ty-ijly, is ; welcome. There will bpip4j, music, potatoe racaBj'-sJcaejracos, boat races and otJjrTmes and amuiementt, tmi, r ifi-r luvitatioa is aiven by G Ipicok, m a n d H o f?i i d c a CDnnsel com-' camp. Sam Snobt. SJ. Salisbi K v',pltf-Shoulil'N.ot Neglect .c.jiriidneifs. ; - No kie Haiffpent is animport- 4-1 " ' . . J - - - ant. lit x&t overlook the sushtest atkacht cviriiiary irregu!aiiy. Niturei?a" be5' warning yj approaefe dropey, grv-J B!gbt'd.li;;TiBe. Kidney disease is 8eldomv.-al if treated in t me, btrt negjejfhay pave tbe way. D )u't itgl a lame or aching back anchldijr. Don't ignore d zzy spell&jrregular or discolor ed urine'.hv "Jaches, weariness or dfprs,8ioi, yra feel you . need kiduej.hIp; eg'n using the relia ble, fioiy-ld rjmedy, Doan' Kiduey ,:PilFor 50 years, Doan'e hve be-o. fgfud effective. En doraed.byisbury people. Mrs. A-3d -Yatea, 507 E. Ceme tory StSaburf, N. 0., says: "One of th'amily had various symptofeus okiduey complaint Her kidWyerere irregular in ao tion andtshr -jad backache. 8he did nrt Voepel. Doan's Kid ney PilvocU as a tonic t?o her entire By.and made her fell strongewrylway." Pficp all dealers. Don't iimp'y asi.Hn"a kidney remedy xei Diatj.jney Piih-rthe same r.hat Mvte'B recommends. Foster-Mf.i Co., Props., Baf ralo, N.;g:-7 Special April Goods OB ELK The Store that sells for cash and for sm ill profit. This why you find it, pays to trade with us. Matting Rugs 27x54 inoh Matting Rags worth 5o our special 15o Plaiu cloth window Diy- 48s Window shades, on rollers for 48o Lace curtains f:r Extra good value in lace for 73 Curtain scrim for 7o Colored ourtaiu goods GBPRJIRITDKIG nJJ guaranteed to please any reasonable person, done as quickly, treatmi to all and FAITH. The Cauble pasture quarry is commencing to boom again under the management of Supt. Swan. The dirt has been cleaned off the ledges, and preperations are going ahead for a busy season. Chas Damico arrived n Faith this week from Naples, Italy, to mate blocks at the Cauble quarry. Garfield Gavigan arrived at Faith from Baltimore, Md. He is an expert tool sharpener and has a position with the Harris Granite Co. We understand Ben Grady is expecting to make his home with us permanently. Miss Julia Overcash, who lives above China Grove, found hen egg that measures six inches around the small way and eight aroud the long way. If any one can beat that trot out your egg. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs Mary Morgan, wife of A. A. Morgan,of Morgan Township, who died April 17 If she had lived 1o the 27 of April she would have been eighty four years old. She was laid tafikfeitf to be found at - HARRY CO. 0 25c. New Cotton Goods. -' New crep cotton goods, cr ne good are a'l the go this sea'on. Wh.ite & colored worth 20. and 25c for . . 15c Cotton Poplin ail colors for 15 & 25c Sairtett always sells f r 25s Iookp life silk but wpars bstter for. 20c "Yajrd wide Joponikn pilks for 25c Foe lard silk worth 75 3 for. . . 48c Gents Furnishings. Men's work shirts some stores wonld ask 50c fr, our price. . . . 39c Man b "Ball Dog" and Long John work- sbirTTor . . . . 48c Special lot of man's negligee shirt . $1 .00 v!u onr spciak'.. ..: 69c asst. pattern 25c shades for ...20c guaranted 35c 4 , . 39c cnrjkaiDB 75, 98c for. 5c 5c prices reasonable. Wm. to rest at the cemetery at the rJ. T. Carter's by the little old Morgan mustercrround J girl who are learning to play. She leaves a husband' two children' six grandchildren an four great'-grand-children Lock Shupmg who lives four railesaboveSalispury has the finest Angora goat we ever saw. Venus has heard of one in dian mound. Will explore it as soon as he gets time- Venus got a beautiful pic tureof a crowd of lit tie boy in front of the Salisbury public school puilding at '1 he County commancement. Any one can get one by sending ten cents in stamps to J .T. Wyatt, Saiisdury, N.C., R. D.3. box 10. Mr. Misemer, the music teacher, is at B C. Eagle's giving music lessons on the organ to his little girls; We were recently enertain- ed by some good music at No. Six-Sixty-Six Thia ia a prescription prepared especially tor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as tonic the Fever will not return. It acta on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Salisbury, N.'C. The kind that is H. Stewart, printer fheyare getting along fine with their lessons. Union church cemetery is some old tombptonts. One bears this inscription; Sophia Walt Dn, born Decetaper 28th. 1795, died Octobei 9th, 1895, age 55 years 9 months and 9 dayftv Venus. Strengthens Weak aud Tired Women "I waB under a, great strain nu'sing a relative through three mouths' sickness,'' writes Mrs. J. C. Van De Sande, of Kirkland 111., 9ud "Electric Bitters kapt aie frr m brnaking dowu. I will never te without it." Do yoa fesl tired and worn out? No ap petite aud food won't digest? It ieu't the spriug weather. You need E!eo6ric. Bitters. Start a month's treatment tcday; noth ing better for stomach, liver atd kidneys. The great spring tonic. Relief or monev baok. 50o. and 11 00, aty ur Druggist RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cut8, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c - ' " r4J4 . . -,- - '.. - . J ! .'- - . : s -r- .v . . .- " , J J . ' -T4 . . . ,

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