t V a r It Always Helps Cardui, my back and head wm.iH ,L' . thought the pain would kill me. I was harflv ahlt 'a)iTri"li XI to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles SLSSfe-1 beg5n t0 f:eI like a new wSnan. I soon CUM puunus, ana now, 1 do all my housework, veil as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering woman would give S3 IX The Woman's Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad and it always does me good" ' .Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! , L2 1X1 1X1 72 K Far ins for sale 1 If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. If $1 51 SALISBURY REALTY J p and insurance Company. t Peopes5 Natioaal Bank Silisbiiiy, N. C. Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CiH r on tinn da posits. Interest payable every 3 month Prompt attenion given to any busi ness entrusted tj us. Yonr business so!iiit-d. CO Peoples Matioml Bank John 8. Henderson, J. D. Norwo d, presidents cahifr. fl. L. QaskiU, W. T. Busby. V-i resident, At eashi Wachovia Bank and Trust Go. Salisbury-, N, C. MSXP TO COORT HO08K Will pay you 4 par cent on your deposits and camp?und the interest quarterly. This is a Big Bank, why wot opnii an accoant with us? ieYeir.dwB Paint? THIS 13 now Buy 4 gals. L. & M. SEMI-MIXED EEAL PAINT. at $2.10 per gal. - $8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it - - - 2.10 You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for - - $10.50 It's only $1.50 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in CANS, you pay $2.10 a gal. or $14.70. The L. Cf M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD , eilSTC and LINSEE D OIL, the best-known paint materials for 1 00 years'. Use a gal. out of any L.&M. PAINT yon bny. and If not the best paint made, return ifae paint and get ALL your money back. T. J. Lyrly, Granite Q tarry ; S. L- Mulian Huntersville ; George 0, Goodman & Oo., Mooresville; White-Ie'ton & Cr., Davidson ; Owen Drug Co., Winston Salem; Rhyre Hdwe C j, Newton. f i New Quarter leg ins April 1st. Deposits tta J3 up to April 15th Bears Interest as of the First. the Salisbury b vnic & rau vv oo , welcome tavina aooouoH in aav su n of $1 L0 or onro aad piya 4 PER CENT INTEREST THEREON, cotnp)uud8d qaariierly. The world wil! hlp yia on'y 9 ya hlp yourself and voo meat learn uot to raly o much ou geuerat prosperity. The savings aco mut is fcha beat ki id of asaraoca of your own suc cess. t Open an Account Wlfh Us This 'Quarter. Salisbury Bank & Tiust Go. W. E. McWhirter, 0 i3hr.' vV. F. Phraiog, Assistant Cashier. WIT Tbi Utim People a la Henri Witter sob Aad Tbe Charlotte OJisener. It is a pathetic fact that the . large majority of the Mexican people are in " dense ignorance of the moving events A. 1 1 ko)wledge of what intervention in their affairs by this country means has been kept from them by their country rulers. In short, they have not the re motest idea as to what it is all about. Our growing knowledge of the condition of these people should serva to increase sympathy f o them. The Houston Post ae a border paper, we might say and has had .opportunities to secure information on the situation at first hands "Mexico", says The Post, is crushed with revolution and poverty. It has no arm or navy. It is bankrupt. Its commerce and industries are prostrated. Mnrder and piU lage are rife in all .parts of ths country. .It is filled with hungry widows and orphans. It is the saddest and most better ..for adl rleenlato rnrf innW th wnrlri them today What it has suffered can not be repaired in a century even if peace should come speedily to its distracted people." Of its millions of people, The Post say 8 they "have - been worse than enslaved by a fragment of landholders They are homeless and ig norant. They have been preyed upon by greed as.no other people who claim to be civilized were ever preyed upon. They have not bern given educational advantages or permitted to have an am bition, and as the crowning infamy succeeding a centnfy of brutal exploitation, they have been embroiled one against the other in deadly combat." Against a people surrounded by such distress ing conditions there should be in this country no feeling of hatred. We may , close our eyes to a contemplation of the ordeal they are going to be called to pass through, not for their subjugation, but tor their ultimate free? dom, and anticipate the com ing of the day when they will wake to the blessings that follow the trail of the American flag. The Mexi cans do not know it, but for the first time in the history of their country they are. in sight of a new condition of life under freedom and pros perity. Charlotte Observer. All of which can be sum med up in the statement their Mexicco has been under the dominion of the Roraist chcrch for four hundred years. A specimen of their education and moralizing in fluence. : rv-y Martial LfCJ Admiral Fletcher. Vera Crfe April 26 .Vera Cruz tonifcjSs under martial law . ReaTtidrairal Frank F. Fletchtninanding the American; ipjivral forces on shore, too ?issnea a- proc laraation l44hisi effect and the lastoppr$urij:ty Mexicans had for hacking! their own affairs in -a 'Cruz under tbeif'own I&ji disappeared. Admiral tcKar and his staff determrid jthere should be no mor$uiibling with the Mexican yffiials regard ing form of varment and until f nthr notice" residents of this port 4illive and be judged by mvltary law The word has i gofie j'forth that disorder amlunruliness in any form sb4$ ! receive, swift and, severe ; punishment. This proclamation makes Rear Admirj Fletcher ab solute ruler-agfrore. - -4? 'r -HJ ' My toxltfve Bst'Fii Bftware.of Sd&stipation . Use Dr. King'sf .Mm 1 tyfe,- Pills and fceeo well ' MrV pharl68 E Smith of West Franklin, Me., calls them Oar family ifvatiye." Nothing or. aged. Get f All draggists r by mail. ; K. Buoklen & Co. Philadelphia dr t. lion is. Ben Greet Players at a Redpath Chautauqua T HE above pictures of some of the Ben Greet Players were taken at the Fedirul) Oliautaunuas' in 1913. There are in all thirteen players in the ''Vl! "If! l( V Our Presided). , How well he leema to hate man aged it, this whole sordid buii pess of going to war; how fair he has been j bow patient, how digni fied, how infinitely gentle and kind. No bluBter, no threats, no tnioker of anticipation ; no lick ing of the nation's chops, just a simple sould, brave, soft-hearted, hard'headed man. It is tad enough to go into war of any kind at any time but it is less sad to go knowing that every honorable means has been taken to keep away from war. And this con solation President Wilson has qiven as by his wise, forebearing, Christian attitude before the provocation of a foe, mad and desperate and foolnh. The good God, who knows all ai d watctns over all, and sees all, and directs all, was in cor hearts deeper than we knew, when as a nation we chose this great, serene soul to lead ns. Editorial by William Allen White in the Em poria (Kausas) Gasette, Dr. J. W. Zimmerman Dentist. ' GRUBB BUILDING, Room 301 SALISBURY, N Phone 109 C. Mil owe ooaooo ooooooooooooa ooooooo oooooooooo ooooooooo order to greatly reduce enormous stock of will give a 10 per cent reduc- on all pianos for the next weeks. pianos Oao Roseraan of Salisbuij Mysleriousli Disappears. Mystery surrounds the disap pearance of Dan RosemaD, a Sal isbury merchant, who left bis s&ore at midnight Saturday night with, it is said, $167 in his p-cket. and wag last seen by ThomaB Yost, a young man who works for mm. it ib said nis nuances are in gocd shape and family rela- tio s unquestioned. iu a .vain search for his bedy Btreams aDd roads were searched for several miles from Salisbury Sunday, but no clue has yet been found. "Mr. Roseman is about 28 years old, has a wife and threes small children and is muoh liked; One report is to the effect that Mr. Rosemar left for parts unknowu. ,;We also have a lot of used pianos that will go at She following prices: Iv.ers & Pond, slightly usid, regular price $425, now 282. j -lit Wejser Bros., regular price $400, now 240. Hockley , regular price $350, now 235. Carlisle, regular price $300, now 190. ans from $5.00 up. I?":' I J 1 you are interested you will do well to or call us. s ne464. EMPIRE BLOCK. Salisbury, N. Car. Famous Silverware I CaietliouU be exercised when select ing forks, ipoons nd tancy serving pieces to see that they always bear the famous trade mark w Dneroc ddac xs . K3 Nsrmi we mi u KO, mi Itf Si EJ V 11 1 Hk?SJIItsSl 3C It DC which stamps them the gen uine Rogers silvetplated ware. For over 60 years "1847 ROGERS BROS." silver has been first in the heart Of the housekeeper be cause of iu wearing quality, workmanship and. desiga. Sold, by leading dealers everywhere. Send for cata logue C-L "showing all patterns. J MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. (international Silver Cow. Successor.) MOUSES, com. DC DC DC DG ili Season Tickets for Outs forthcoming Redpath Chautauqua In arranging to Inaugurate this chautauquatKs year the local committee bought 1,000 $2.50 season tickets, which will be sold, while they last, by them for $2.00; $ch! When these tickets are exhausted no seasbM tickets thereafter can be had for less than $2.50. Also, the price of . season tickets will not be reduced from the first p$y to the close of the chautauqua. The single admissions to the different sessions of this chautauqua aggregate more than$8.00, so it will pay you to buy a season ticket even after the program is haff Completed. For the single admissions to the respective entertainments see program. Season tickets are hon-transferab; except within the owners family. CHILDREN'S TICKETS admit childre hied six to fourteen years inclusive. All children are admitted to the children's work free. , V i ! f . i SUTHERliKD S EAGLt Y S.Uc Qood for Nothing but trio Eyes IIV , : u 1 . .iir.f s- r y r lr r 1 1 -It .- , ; - ' 1 1 b , i ' " ' ' . ' ' ' ' - : ' ,! v'J-iiJ V' . . - . ... - - -.-v.w..,j , . .. 1 .

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