an BjirSfts . Bfc SI 'S sir aA HomlB Newspaper Published iaithe Interest 6rhe ?pie and for Honesty in" Governmental Affairs - VY w iV VQL. X NO. 20 Bohumir Kryl, the Great P TIT ITH liis band of thir ty pie os poon ud evening of one day at ANNUAL VETfRA&s mm ' Rcwan Goefedsratfs io Ga'hr in Sai sbury on WednesdsY. May On Wednesday ay 13th the annual reunion of the Confederate Veterans will be held in the Salisbury Graded School building. The exer- - cisea wil begin at half past ten o'clock. The. veterans arn requested to meet oh the pub lic square at ten o'clock and ; vfrttm in line under A Parker? d irection and marc h ? to the Salisbury Graded School building led by the Salisbury baiid. Dinner will be served "at the conclus'onof the exer cises. Iv a private - note to the editor Mrs. John S Heuder sou says she is hoping Gy. Watson of Winston-Sal em will be present to make an address. Court in Session The May terra of the Rowan Superior Cou t is in ses-ion here this week with Judge W F Harding prsiditg and Solicitor Hayd -n Glement looking after the interets of the State, The Beasley-Jones car-robbing case taken up Monday afternoon aud after putting in aoout a aay u m poniu- invoivea tne men were r.qnu- (jcuggied. ted. . . ' The Gall of the Church to The court i3 busy to lay!Ht,7. Mp?1 prof McAK with the case of Sidney Fin- ier- "Th ' Laymen's Place ger, the Negro charged with a(J 'opportunity in the the murder of Preston Lyein7 Yh;.r,.J1 Tndav". Claude E at Barber on the nii"-ht of February 24th. Finger has confessed aud retracted so often that the court 'hardly knows what to ike out of his conduct at any rate it eeems that Finger alone is 'guilty. PaBtffll C2 al to Opsn op tJext Week Panama, May 4. Panamr Canal will cpu for commerce. May 10, wh ri barge lin ;s will be established to can y cargoes through t biy dif li The establismeut of t he b n gn lines is made m on account of the coi-;r-j freight owning t 1 : . adeof the Tebu; ') road. a j of i' ck-rail- Two ships arri lay from Salina C I 7. : !cr- ! M!g i-i..jy : dc inav bar I b t-ugar for New Yo .1 will unload at Ball- i . , ately, so that thei r c . ; r . be tranf hipped to e n; ges, which will be t tags F M Thomas who had a suing I r out hereas an oesto path, has left for Missouri HA Greene, of Muyville, ll'enn., hai arrived a id will look after Mr Thon. prac- Cornetist and Bandmaster lutliuuiir Kryl xl ho beard -'hnth o- our forthcoming Chautauqua. North Carclma Lutheran SyrsIIs in Sis sion Tedai Burlington, May 5. Be ginning tomorrow the 111th annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and Ministerium of North Carolina will convene in the Macedonia Lutheran Church here. This Synod promises to be one of the biggest ever held- There will be about 100 delegates. The cdmmitte on entertatainroent has Be cured iioifli"t!6legate5f and everything is in readi ness to begin. The synodical sermon will be preached by the president, Rev M M Kinard, D D. to morrow mcrning at 11 o'clock followed by holy communion The afternoon session will be given over to various reports and business matters. At o p. m there will be an address on " Beneficiay Education: Its Use and Abuse" by Rev V Y Boozer. Thursday 8 p. m. ''Our Japan Mission; Its History, Present Condition and Fu ture Needs" will be the sup ject of au address by Rev R A Goodman, "Synodical Home Missions, Past, Present and Future " by Rev J L Morgan, Friday at 8 p. m. will be hnld a layman's evfning, ana ; the f0li0Wiug topics will oe Ke.i zel: "Our Men ana tne tit S i nd ay School," Prot. W L ' Our Men and the Use of Their Money in the ( hurch," H E Bonitz; "The Lutheran brotherhood; Its H' story aud Purpose," A H Snider. Sunday morning at 11 o 3lock sever il youug'men will be ordained. The sermon will be preached by Rev. B S '338n Prop3'y to bjRa Scld On May 25 the Bean pro perty will be resold as the result of a ten per cent bid h iving beeu placed on nearly all of it. This property in ; 1 :.deR valuable business ;ii idi.igs on East Council -et city residences, ware- ! set and building lots. Uheumatlsm Quickly Cured. 'Iv Bister's hnbabd liad an &" '.:' oi rneunn lein m i w. .oe a w9ll Luowa reaideut of N on, Iowa "I gave ,Hm a aitle of Cl:am?)irlain's Li! )men vhich he cppl od lo his arm and An npvi morniuff the rhenma- i i 1 . 1 t, . at m ;a nnA " For ohrrnio muscular rheumatism joxi rm iinfl D-thin batter than Chamber iaia's.Linimenfe. Fur Sale by All Dealera. SAtSBUflY; CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY OKLY A FEW VOTtS MAY Wit. 'I A fit Oafs Uori inn Hi Prizes Will be Awardti. W9 are no-v on the- lap of the big WATOHMAfL. MiXt" Eecobd t 1.-. voting Doutest in wkiph btftidredi of dbllari worth of ,pT'are to be given away, mentibu of;Hll niob has beeo. made on numerotia 6eoa aiooB heretofore. jThe reqaiaite for ote-geilingj," rotea are obtained by securing subscri beri to thesa papers Yon have only till Saturday at noon to make your final dash, an your efforts between now and then .will have maoh to" do? with the result. This is not the-time for talk, but work, so a word to the wiis il inf fioieut.,.. ,.. -yihi-y " Waat Will Ta Plici Sitatdij? .. . . u; . Sabioiiptious and votei Will be received up till noon, 12 a. m., 8atnrdiy "May - 9th The anb -siriptious will then ne odnuted and votes iaioed on all received, then the votaa willAe plaoed in the sealed ballot bo and turned over to the judges, fwbiQ- do the counting and declare the re sultv The prizes will then be awarded as peir the ahedule pub liihed: N6. 1 to the highest, N. 2 next, aod so on. It will not be neoeasarry for the candidates, to be present, but there is -objections to their staying and teeing every ballot oonntld, bot rf'mem ber, it may take several., hours to complete ahe work. Prof. K'zer, one of-otir joudgea, is not sure he can serve, sq - if he can't, or aoy of the others, equal ly satisfactory gentlemen will he obtained in their places; - 1 Thi is your last chance, v make the best of it, and see that you make tne final report before, noon, 6trdayVMy Salisbury, R F D 1- Mrs. Aliie Hoffner. .... ' 111 200 Salisbury, RFD 2. Miss Eva Blaokwelder, 214 600 do Anna Watson..... 127 200 Salisbury, RFD3. Miss Letha Peeler 107 000 Salisbury, RFD4. Mrs. Fanuie Morgan... 90 200 Salisbury, R F D 6. Mrs. Rhoda R. Sifrife . . . 100 600 Salisbury, R F D 0. Mrs. J. M. Yost.. ..... t 67 600 Spenoer. - Miss Ollie Gray ....... 123 800 China Grotre. Miss Ada Liun ....182 2C0 do Sophie Graham... 199 000 di VTary Sifferd, .... 24 800 Mrs J. A. Roberts . . . . k. 120 200 China Grove, Route 1, Miss Aggie Lipe. . v. 214 500 China Grove, Route 2. . Miss Lottie Feeperman 160 800 tannapolls-fl O Mils Cora Shaping 117 800 Cleveland. : Miss Nora McLaughlin, 140 800 Crescent. Miss I!a Safrit. ;, 120 400 Rockwell. . Mi-8 E'sie Misenheimer, ' 127 600 Rockwell, R 2. Miss Annie Boat.., v.. . 95 200 Richfield. Miss Doris Ritchie...... 106 800 Richfield, R 2. Miss Carrie E. Shaver. . ' 182 000 Gold Hill, R if Mrs Enija Morgan...,. 98 800 Craven, R -U Miss EsBit 8 seen ....a Jubilee, R p Miss Mary J. JS.varson. . 118 400 100200 lyear $ 100 2,006 vots 2 years $ 2.00C . . t,000 votes 8 years $.800. , . ... 12,000 votes 4iears t 4.0Q. . . . . .18,000vntes Rara 5 00 .26,000 V t-s 10 jean $10.00. .... .75,000 vuB N. 0.. WEDN05At$IVlAY VILLA WILL NOVFIIfl lmiT states; Hi Sip Hafrti lniirtlQ;tffeaw, Think mg la sua Hmen mm . T.ofreontMx, May;T4.-2.(7i,f El Paso, Tsxtf, Ma01be answer of Gen. pMnciscVills to a request-fro m j'ederalf General Mais in cdtamanj of - thai 6altdlo garrison, hat Vipt Joidlie Ped erals in aveogit the tmerican bsdupation of yaA Croxrss de livered to the Feral jnfs'sengers today.-Wf?. General Villa refused alaolutely to ally himself f hi oien with the Federals'tind sll re4 that the Huertiitas hadA': voked foreign io tervention for wSir . owb end i . General affa' letvr saidithat in MUion'tpocup5ng Vela Cruz, the port o alinalrnr Ti jd been seized by th UnitiStata forces April 28. r v Tne Maas letteys mfpart : "I have reoeivej3$n8trtttions to notify the revoluonary chiefs that Amerioan i4erveoion in Mexico is an ace'Jiplished faot. The United States? f , th North have committed- -grave offense against Mexioo bydisembarking troops in Vera Cxuhptr April 21 and by taking satr . action at Salint Cms two digi' later. This aotion constitutes tRe intention of war and this is tSBupreme mo ment to call on thepatriotism of all Mexicans io pteittnt a; united; front and forget O4$differenoei in the intense love ojf-.tjl country of whioh we are posteirwl. We can oonsider th6 enemf on ly as a foreigner, who in h moit unjust aod ignoble inantteWhas stepped upon the holy soit our father land. We therefore elbl npof your, brothers to rally ioiha common cause for the defans of thg- Na tional integrjty. u coufoT riot mfTvi n -than in the causs: o'ail Mexioo, that we can marob'tpther on the invading Yankees.y., VIL A'S Efc.Y. General Villa's answer in part follows: Vr "I know that tb9'4entificos, by various processes, ifpo this time, have sought to brinif bout North American interventions, in Mexico. It is known without doubt that the ooming of the Americans was desired and provoked by you. The manner in whioh7you have ex cited internal troubtr and then called on all Mexlcioia to help fight the external 'ro.ubles, is clear to all the worli; f' General Huertad you did not show much wistlolo when you were oonverted intnstrameats of the cientifiooBajqd brought about the assassin ifeieai of Presi dent Madero, Liberal Democrats, because you did nofrvfealiie that the blood ot the herfy who start ed the democratic 'movement in 1910 would cause a si&l war that wmld lead to your vevn. 'Now yen desirelttf jprovbke a foreign war to Ba;- yourselvei from the disaster oomng from the civil conflict, "The constitutialiists desire to do all possible cdSfratible with the National dignitjf lo avoid a foreign war, but if woaire not abl to avoid it we will faetwo enem ies, the powerful strjkfger and the depraved com patriots, OTHERS J IN IN mTVakh. Chihuahua, Mexicl, May 5 General t)brgcn, t'smm'ind'ug the division of the Jrthweet of the rebel army; GcUablo Qwi zales, oommauding t.4 N itheast division; Genera! PK.ia N rena, commanding the Ge-i?4l div sion ; General Cabellero :frnmindiug the besiegine fore- s fj$ Tampico and othe-s haye refuS proposals that the unito withje Federals to repl an A morican.iji vision. A'! leep Bowel Movemt Regular- Dr. Ki A NewLifJ:f ills keep stoua- h-i. livr aodridhevs in healthy co id tiou. Jl.the body , tf x "i" 'ti nl was t Improve your complexion by ishiug the , livr and kidneys. f, 'f got' more f- lief from on bx' ofr. King's New Life Pills than a'jy medicine I or trie !," sy -Qjfjl. Hatfield, f CiiatfO. 111. 25 at your Diugist. '4 BtH, t9!4; . ... saawsMBBawsaisswsMwaMa This is an illustration of (he farm of the farmers of th Comty. Tt is MEETING OF DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE Pflllbolders. And Judges Named And Rules Adopted for brPrintirles. ' The county Democratic execu tive committee held a meeting in Chairman Woodson's office Sat urday, passed the following rules governing the primaries, some of which had before been adopted. Attention was called to the f aot that every candidate must deposit the entrance fe, $6. with, the Chairman before 6 o'clock next Saturday, May 9th : The follow ing rules in compliance with a-j recent state law was adopted, to wit: That in case a voter in any one township votes for more than one candidate in that township for county ccm missioner, ' that vote will not be - counted tor oounty commissioner . in that " townhip bu it, will not effect any- other Th.n.m of oi tohipi t"SSH? from which the candidates are res idents will be printed on the bal lots, If any manager resign be fore day of primary the Oounty Chairman will fill the vaoanoy, if a manager does not come un on day of primary the other msnager or managers will supply the plaoe, if neither manager oomes up at the appointed hour the chairman of the ex Com., of that township will fill the vacancies, and if the chairman is not there the demo crats present will elect managers. The following pollholders and judges to manage the primaries were named by committee: North Ward, M. A. Shank, W. A. Thompson, John R. Crawford. South Ward, W.'A. McCanbsi, F. 0. Talbort, D. L. Sides. Eastward, W. T'R. Jenkins, W. H. Crowder, J. C Fugeson. West Ward, W M. Harris, T J. Kabe, W. T. Rainy. Chestnut Hill, N. W. Collet, G. O. Kluttz. Spenoer, J. W. Payne, W. S. Freeman, J M. Ellis. East Spencer. C. A. Sides, H. L. Walker, J. L Rufty, Franklin, W. C. Lindsey, G. Y Thomason. Unity, Claude Barber. D. Click. Scotch Irish, H. C. Turner, C. P. Bauson Cleveland, C. R Wood, R. B. Harris Mt. Ulla; J 0 Sherill, J K Goodman. Steele, L M Lippard, Joe Glov er Bost Mill, J B Lingle, W I Briggs. Grant Creek, Peter J Cress, W L Morris. Bradshaws, Sam A Carrigin, C J Freeze. Enochsville, E L Earriker, J M Furr Laudi, n J Dtal, O L Linn. Chini Gr e, Robt. Gray, H J PpBlnr, J L Sifford. Btiau X Roads, White Menus, Gflrgo Crus. Heilig Mill, H M. L Aguer, W H Caunp Gold Htll, Henry Smith, W Lve Shiver. Berhandrf s Mill, L L Feeper man Chas.'Jhoe. Rockwell Luther Stikeleatber, Lewis Gautt. Granite Quarry, J H A Lyerly, Sam Wiley. Morgan, W C Iiak, Thomas H Morgan.. Rowan Academy, Juuius Thorn a3. William Oldie. Hitter Shop, Julius A Pee'er Lewis H Agner. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take XXATIVBBROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold.' Drugsiats refund money if it fail to cure. & W. GROVB'B aiffnature a cart tax. 830i '"i -r v. rt4-,, win"" THE ROWAN COUNTY FARM LIFE life school to be nmlt at China Grove, N. C, for the boys and girls to be of brick with granite trimmings. Mtf.Nj UF.OiU'jHTERS OF LIBERTY. Ooe Hundred And Hfiy Delegates Present. Wmingtonn Next Place of Meeting. On the 28tB of April the State 3ounoil of the Daughters of Lib rty meet in the Eagles' hall, hav ing been called together. by State Councilor J. N. -Maxwell. W. A. Fogleman of this citv State Sec retary and W. D. Philips of Spray, State Treasurer. a ' An address was made at the banquet by National Cpkcilor W.' S. Wacker. More" (hsn one hundred and fifty delegates and visitors were in attendance, The banquet given daring the evening - was a grands success . The welcome address was made by Mayor Woodson. The election of pffioers was gone into and the following were ohosen: State Councilor, J. T. Mays, of Durham. . I- ... 8 tats -Vice Councilor, J. O. Kes- State Associate Vice Coucilor. Mrs. J. H. Barclay, of Rooky Mount. Gudie, Miss Fannie Richardson, Treasurer. W. D. Philips, of Spray. Secretary, A. W. Cole, of Bur lington . These newly elected officers were installed by National Conn cilor W. S.Waoker, of Philadel phia, after which the convention Adjourned. Wilmington was chosen as the plaoe of next convention, winning ever several other plaoes. The sessions of the State Council were full of business -of interest to the members of this patriotic order. By resolution the delegates reiterated the fav oring by the entire membership cf the older of the reading of the Bible in the public schools: the floating of the Amerioan flag over every public sohool house in the land; passed resolutions regarding the restriction of immigration to this country and urging the pas sage of the present immigration bill now before Congress; favored oompulsory education, and re iterated its loyalty to the princi ples for which the , order stands. The reports of the various com mitties showed the State Council to be in a most prosperous and growing oendition, there having been an inorease of over 600 in membership during the past year with eleven new oounoils institu ted. There is also an inorease in the amount in the treasury and in this respeot the State council is now in better shape than its sister oounoils. A New Oarage Opened F M Thompson has opened a new parage on East Liberty Street between Main and the new depot. The building and equipment has been es pecially arranged for a first class garage. It will be know as the Star garage and will be in charge of Eugene Thom pson, who is an experienced mechanic and an automobile expert. Card of Thanks. The undersigned tffkt this meth ed of thanking theit many friends for the numerous wards and acts of kindness during; the illness and death of husband and father. All were greatly appreciated and will be long remembered; Respectfully, Mrs, D. D. Alexauder - - and ohildren. M. H. 8fftWARTi EDITOR SCHOOL. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. Chain Gang to do the Excavating tor the Military School. . The board of county qommis- sioners met in regular monthly session in their room in the oourt bouse Monday, all members being present. Dr. E. W. Carrie, health officer. reported all oounty institutions in good sanitary condition-and no serious sickness. Township Tax Collector Barger reported haying collected $53,957- 90. Sherriff MoKenzie reported tax collections as follows: Gener al, $55,778.83; special road, 17, 683 72; privilege, $1,459; 1912 tax $21.99. -V ' t was ordeted- that . the road from the Ridge road to Gobble's ferry be received as a'pu bj iOroad . foroe be allowed to make exoava- tion for foundation for ''Salisbury Military School. O motion it was ordered that the patriotio orders be allowed the privilege of erecting a flag upon the court house. Ordered that no damages be al lowed any one on the StataBville road on account of new out road. Mrs. Patterson, keeper of the county home, reported 13 inmates in the home: 6 white and 7 oolor ed. It was ordered that the oounty surveyor be sent to Scotch Irish township to make survey from a point on the Wilksboro to Cleve land road, also from a point on the Wilksboro road to a point on the Cooleemee and Salisbury road. On motion it is ordered that the chairman appoint a committee to look into the advisability of build ing a workhouse at the county home. The following members composed the committee : Bailey Peeler and Trott. Ordered thit a special school election be held in Gold Hill township, distriotNo. 6, whioh is , the Rockwell district to vote on a special sohool tax of 80 cents on each hundred dollars Dronertv valuation and 90 cents on each poll, this election having been petitioned for by the people of that sohool district. Columbus. Holihouser is appointed registrar for said eleotion with J. D. Shoe and Crawford Holshouier as judges, Marriages Many people will be inter ested in the announcement of the marriage of Miss Hattie Miller of Spencer, to Jay M Sink at the Baptist church May 14 Spencer loses an other well known an popular young lady whilst the groom wins a blooming bride who will be the pride of his life. Health a Factor in Success. The largest faotor contributing to a man's snooess is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick when his bowels are regular he is never well when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's' Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the ap petite and strengthen the digei tion. For Sale by All Dealers. 3 Ist 1R II

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