Mats 1 4r-r , -7 - 1 " . -.. .... :" I - - ' . ........ .. . " 111 W Willi W H W if BR IIPPfiP?liPffl HOW to Win ai! Valuable Prize With a little bit of detenmnation, a little bit of time and a little receipt book jfu can earn one pf 11 magni ficent prizes which will be -Warded on May 9th. 11 Ladies will win.' flne-prizon May 9th. You might iust as well be one of theriS Yoi will find it the easi est thing you ever did in JJur life for such a great re ward. Take a second thoht and climb aboard the voting wagon and be a 4nner in a few short days. It is Now Win oi Sise, Succeed or Fail. Be a Winner. It isffor YOU to Decide. FIRST PRIZE, VALUE $300.00. Enter at the Bepoiof and Ea, at it until Yon area Winner. r 0.C.J3SE' ,.' m m m 1 " If 1'.- l?tVJ;! Ask Yoyr Friends To Help You If von ' eioi;g f a chu ch, ocioty or any organization, let your follow msujbers ktiw f hit you expect, their help. It will be freely given if von only ask biore it- i9 given tD some other candidate. Don't' forgpt that the children can do most effctive work in col lecting the cupo: 9 aa well as secure you many puid-in-advauce eob Bcriptions. Should year fa'hr, brother, mothfr, sisters or friends beloc? to any orgiuizatirn, get them to secure the votes and assistance of the memlers pf fcbe oreaniz itioj. Do net lt a day p'iss without .securing some subscriptions and votes. The steady, persistent work is what will make you the wiu ner of a valua le prize, Keeping everlastingly at it alwayB bring success. Any one, anywhere, can vte for any candidate. Candidates can secnTH votrft and sufcipMiDS anywhere. If is easi r to s?k qu stions than to correct mitttkes. Do not hesitate to ask qnessions. Thcontest manager is at Thb Watchman rffice to hlp y u. SECOND PRIZE", VALUE $28.50. Send in Youp nomination Y u will find a nomination blazon this page. The nomination blank is good f-r 1,000 votes, Mhicl ivea you a fine start. Then enlist the aid of your friencia , and neighbors. Use your tele phone. Let every one know that yo are a candidate before they promise their help to .a more enter pricing oandidate. Be ambitious ard determined to rin, If you have friends you oaunot see at once, write to .them-.- You can get votes and subscriptions anywhere, from the other districts as well as your own. VoteB will be given on new. subwbriptions and renewals of old subscriptions that are paid to you iu-dvanoe. Call or aend to Contest DepartmTafc for a receipt book . The manager will I e glad to have you call? so that he can explain any thing you do not understand., Write him if you cannot oali, and a representative will give yca foU details. "Work for the votea issued for subscriptions. They ooaot the most. But also secure the vote coupon. You Can Easily win a Prize. Do not get discouraged. Onoe nominated do not drop out. You can win. These valuable prizes' will be won by some one. Why not you? Your Friends VJill Help You. Hundreds of people will have no personal friends in the contest. You can seoure their friendship and subscriptions if you only ask them. They will also secure votes for you from their friends. Increase your Vote Each Day. A little organization among your friends for systematic work in your interest will go a long way toward making you the winner of one of the prizes. For further information, ask for the contest manager, who will be glad to answer any questions , i The Watchman and ecord will gi&e away hundreds of doK lara n prizes to ladies, married or singly residing : in the field cov ered by these papers. The. object of thicontest is to secure paid' in-advance subscriptions for The W'aicpmn and Record. The winners of the prizes are to be selected X& popular vote according to the following plan: Votes will be given mi all paid in advance sub scriptions to The Watchman and Kecori whether new or old. A vote coupon will also be published. Th' candidates receiving the HERE'S THE CONTEST IDEA IN A NUTSHELL. highest number of votes will he awarded the prizes according to the rules of the contest. Auy white woman is eligble to enter this con test, except employees of The Watchman and Kecord, op members of their immediate families. Those who wish to enter the contest may nominate themselves. The best way to start the vote getting is to call at, or write to Contest Department, Watchman Office, Salisbury, N. (J , for a receipt book; then secure all the subscrip tions possible. Contestants ma secure subscriptions an where.- No Votes Can Be Received After 12 O'CLOCK, Saturday, f3ay 9th, 1914. Don't Forget This. LIST 3 One Carlisle Piano $300.09 Purchased from and on display at May pard-Bros. Piano Co, One Bernhardt Range . $28.50 Purchased from and on display a$auury Hardware & Furniture Co. One Union Leader Range . . . T v& - r $25.00 Purchased from and on display at Unira Warehouse & Trading Co. One Ladies Gold Watch . , $25.00 Purchased from and on display at -"S tardea & Parker Jewelry Store. One Ladies Gold Watch . . . . " - $25.00 Purchased from and on display at W H. Leouiard's Jewelry Store. One Ladies Gold Watch .............. . . . . $25.00 Purchased from and on d'splay at tlolfiouser fe Howan Jewelry Store. One Ladies Gold Watch ... $25.00 Purchased from and on display at J;jhn R. Brown's Jewelry Store, China Grove, N. C. . . : r One Sterlinn Silver Mesh Bag vv... $12.50 PurchaBea f rora and on display at GGLJhieling Jewelry Store, Spencer, N.U. Three Tea Sets ; . $9.00 J! Talk is all right in its place, But this is the Time To Work If You Hope to be a Winner. Fill out the nomination blank and gend to the Co: tf8 Dpartm nt The Watch man. EAcb contestiii" is cumied to one ijomnatiah conpon . d for 1,000 votftB. Conferirauts may ucmitiate fihemeelves . They do not have to be tn!8criberB . to The Watchmav and Record It costs nothing to ?ner' tfaia coiitsst. aud no obli gaiions are'iuvolved in d iug so. Snd in your name or that of a friend, or relative, tod ly. Any whit woman is 'igihlft t" enter this Great. Snlcripi n Contest. Except that uo-ealarie ftnijioyfie of The Watch man and Rec rd or m 'm'r of their im mediate faniJ1 les wi! ! be allowed to par ticipate in this C'lite't as a candidate. How Votes Are Secured. Besides vi.x? i- u'd n p tid- n-aHvance eubBcriptioDS, a weekly ballot Rood for a certain number of votei will be published in The Watchman and Record, unless otherwise anuounped. . Each weekly ballot printed will by limited and most be in Thb Watchman fore the expiration of the. d$ie prinfce$ thereon. . . 'r Candidates are not restricted to getting votes or subscriptions in any partiontar district, bat may secure subscriptions any part of the United States, etc., and, if cash accompanies the" order, votes will be issued . No votes will be issued on subscription paymenas of less than $1.00 Billots cannot be bought. They oan be obtained only by subscribing aud prepay ing a sabgcripthn to The Watchman and Rec rd tr by cutting weekly billots "from' the papers. To insure being cbtted, all weekly ballots must be neatly foamed to a uni nformed size, and sent. ii'flit; do not roll - the ballots. ' In sending in weekly1alloiB it is un necessary to fill out me than the first : fw ballots of each paobpge. . Then write on these top ballots thetotal number of votes the package contas. By the filing of vcte all contestants ' Tjont accept aud agree tjJall conditions. V'jtes oace issued to otje candidate can not transfeted to tbfdfedit of another. Subscription! will bb be takeo for a longer period than ten yars in advanoe. In case of a tie the va lue of the prizes Wirt be divided, ll Wo will roognizi nopromises. either ' written or verbal, madeby agents, solici tors or canvassers contrary to the pub lished rules and regulations governing the contest. The right is reserved to canoel or reject the name of any caudidate, otto alter these rulei and regulations should it be desired to do so. i . question that may arise will be de cided by the Contest Manager and "his de cision will be final. For any further information call 4,The Contest Management" of The Watchman. Contestants may secure information and dau concerning She expiration of subscriptions in their fj town and vioinity, by applying to the Contest Manager. No votes will be isiusd on subscription payments made direoti to The Watch man, or its ; gents, unless a request for votes is made at the time of payment. The. publishers reserves the right to add prizes to the published list. The prizes will be awarded as follows at the close of the contest. The oandidate having the highest number of votes' will be awarded the Piano. The candidate having the next highest number of votes will be awarded the Bernhardt Range and ware. The candidate having the next highest number ol votes will be awarded the Union Leader FUnge. Then the next - four candidates having tbs highest num ber of votes will be awarded the ladies gold watches, the next highest will be awarded the Silver mesh bag and the next three will be awarded each a Tea Set. Tbree disinterested business or profes sional men will be selected to count the votes at the close of the contest Don't Neglect Your Opportunity. CONTEST ENDS AT NOON, MAY 9th. Send In Subscriptions Daily. Contest Dertment, CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Salisbury, N. C.

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