S A LI S BUR Y AND ' ROWAN COUNTY LOCALS The State Funeral Directors aud Embalmera' Association held their annual convention in Wineton Salem last week and had a very interesting meeting, T. W. Sum mersett, of Salisbury, wai elected a delegate to the oonvention. Ths association will meet in Henderson next year. There were 105 old veterans tc take dinner at the annual re-union hbre last Wodoesdy. They all say they enjoyed themselves very muoh. The Salisbury District Confer ence of the Methodiit Chnrch will be held in the Sontb Main Street Chnrch, Rev. Q. W Stamper, paa tor, on July 14th, 15th and 16th. This church has just had a large additiouf boilt to it for a Sunday school room. There were 44 men ii it'ated into the Spencer Council of the Junior Order United Amerioau Meohanioa oue night last week. This is going some. Rv. II G. Dorsett, a brother of Jas. D. Dorset!, of Jpncer, who has been practicing law hfre during the past year, has accepted the pastorate of the M?bau? Bp tiat Church, also the Mc Ada Church iu the country near Me bane. Mr D rett is a splendid young maa and has many friends who wish huh much success aB a minister. The new street sweeper ia giving great satisfaction and many more of our streets are swept owing to the enlarged capacity of the ma ohine over the hand method. A few more innovat'nu of this bird aud the present board of aldermen will immortalize itself. Charles P dbapiug, hivir g dis posed of hia interests in the firm of Taylor & Co., haa purchased from J G- Belli?, the stock of goods recently owned by W M Harria Mr. Shuping haa tifeen charge of the uew business and will contiuu it in the Ueilig building across the street from the Watchman of fice. The remains of Jacob R Trol linger, who committed suicide in Lynchburg Va., lest Thursday, passed through Salisbury, en rout" to his old ho'me iu Catawb80oucty for interment. Mr. Trol linger tus some relatives in Salisbury. A joans? man by the uame of Ruaiei addressed Mrs. McGauge. a member of a vaudeville troupe playing here last week, as "chick on." The young woman slapped his face for him and later her has band gave him an extra dose. Next morning, Friday, they were i a court for an affray atd Russell was taxed with $25 and costs. Glory be. Rev. J C Rowe, pastor of the Central Church at Asheville, who i-t wall remembered aud much be 1 red here, stopped in Salisbury a ihort while Saturday. He was riurmng from Charlotte where he had been to conduct a funeral. The resolutions on mormomUm o(TrsdbyCAG Thomas, pastor of she First Baptist Church aad R . Bryon Clark of the First Pr 3byterian Church, during Chautaugua week, were forwarded to the President, our Senators and Ruresentative. Acknowledge menfe of their receipt was prompt, The mas having heard frcm the President, through the secretary, Jog ph P Tumulty, this week. M .x L Bark-r, who is now Jiving in Macon. Ga.. is confined to his I ed mlh an attack of typhoid fev r Th Biard of Alderman will meet Monday night and elect the van j is city officials, clerk, treas urer, policeman, etc. V VaUace & Sons have arrang ed to irect another large building on Bast Fisher Street to aco immo date their growing wholesale busi- LBa -. The buildii g is to be thre stories high and the material will be white pressed brick J Will Proctor went down to Charlotte this morning with eev euten members of his band where they will take part, in the oelebr tion thire today. Mr. Proctorhas splendid bai.d and will son of Nicholas Sunday m KtSLER, Val R Nicholas, Capt. and Mrs J R of this city, died morning at Buchanan. Va.. where hehad been ill for some days. The remains were brought to Salisbury Sunday night and conyeyed to the residence, corner Ellis and Horah streets, from which pi ce the funeral was hild Monday afternoon conducted by Kev. M M Kinard, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church and the interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery. The deceased was 21 years old and was the second child of Capt. and Mrs, J R Nicholas Mr Nicholas tfas traveling with an amusement company and was taken ill at Buchanan Va., and his brother Henry who was traveling with him, had been at his bedside some days. His parents were sum moned last week had been with him since Friday. He was conscious and sit up in bed short time before he died. His trouble was a throat affec tion which suddenly became acute. The many friends of Mrs. Lucy A. Horah, widow of the late Josef h Horah, who died in 1903, will regret to learn of her death which took place at the Whitehead-Stokes Sanatorium Saturday morn ing. Mrs. Horah after hav iug assisted in serving dinner to the old soldiers at the graded school last Wednes day, was taken quite ill and was removed to the sanatoria urn for an operation after which she died. Mrs. Horah was nearly 66 years old, a de vout christian and loyal mem ber of the First Presbyter ian Church, from which the funeral took place Monday morning, Rev. Bryan Clark, the pastor, officiating. Mrs. Horah was a native of Vir m a ginia, ana leaves two sisters, Mrs. W. D. Haynes, of Pen brook. Va., and Miss Eliza beth James of Salisbury, and one brother, E. K. James of Salisbury. The interment was in Chestnut Hill Ceme- tary. Mrs. Sarah J. Barndardt, a a native of Rowan, died at her home in High Point Mon day night at the age of 23. Her remains were brought here aud then taken to Trad ing Ford. The funeral was held from Trading Ford Bap tist Church yesterday, being conducted by Rev. J. Lee Kirk and the interment was in the cemetery thfje. Mrs. Bernhardt was a daughter of W. C. Feazer. AJihiPgfc Hailng Strong Opponents Were Nominated K Saturdays Pdinary. The County Democratic primar Us were held throughout the coun ty. Saturday aud seeme to have been quite emphatio as to certain candidates. A large vote is said to have been polled and while sufficient returns have not be re ceived to give any accurate figures it is known that Messrs Jps Kri der candidate for sheriff, has more than enough votes to give him the nomination over his oponeuts, J 8 Hall and J Frank Miller. The yote for J Frank McCubbins, olerk of the oourt, was a surprise to all. He also win be uiw d on the first ballot. r chiving nv re than the combined vote of his opponents, A. L Smoot and Robert Van Poole. The opponents of J C Ksler,coun- ty treasurer, Wm M Erwin and Geo H Shaver, did not develope enough strength to defeat him. C M C Bargex, though opposed by strong men, Harry Uzzie and Ed Oauble landed the Salisbury Town ship colleotorship easily. The vote for register of deeds wa s bad ly split up, there being six candi dates for this office. J C Deaton leads with almost enough to nom inate on first ballot, with J W Rideoutt a good second. Those who had no opponents of course will be ratified promptly by the oonvention. The vote on commis sioners is badly divided ard it will be neoessary for the oonve j' to make the nominations. H C Trott will probably be named as tbe candidate from Salisbury TowLship, although W L Kluttz received a splendid vote. CONGRESS FACES A PROHIBITION VOTE Constitutional Before Senate The Electorlal Votes of the Precincts. The following is a list of the precinct votes in the oounty con vention which will be held here Saturday aud complete the nomi nation oftho various candidates. The electorial vote is based on the vote for governor cast at the las election at th ratio of 1 to 25 or major fraction orer 25, that is if tbe vote was 3S, it would only en title the precinct to one vote in the codvention ; but if the vote; was 40 it would be entitled to 2 votes in, the cenvention. Frac tions, or count. one-half votes do not Vote Eleo. Vote 1912 1914 Chariot ".e set up and take not.ee. - : -B- Globe Trotter Here. A- wiM be noticed by a cut on thfl I. -3i i page of this issue, Bi'i Br!i, claming to be frcm Nome, I - a, blew into the cit Mon r'av Mftf noon. He has attempt- d to givo a list of the communi ties which he has vis ted, but makes semi very loi g jumps as he goes a o i r, skipping seveial states at a titrn. He siys though, he has poetm irks and signatures 3n his book that wili keep his re- ord straight whether he does or ji t ii is putting up at Maria ley's tta'ile. Rheumatism Quickly Cured - ' i v eiiter s uusDand naa an p ifl;h kj i lit? u mavis iu iu if is a i lxx , vri'M v U known resident of 13 b O tV . J ti. n w i ft i ! '.jatii hi Floyd Alexander 6ses Free. .feloyd Alexander ,wno was tried last weeK as an accom plice of Sid Finger in the murder of Preston Lyerly at Barber in February, was dis missei in the Rowan Superior Court last week. The indK cations, as has been previous ly mentioned, led all to be lieve that Finger alone was the murderer, this Finger confessed to. After giving Alexander his liberty, Judge Harding ordered the doors of the court house locked and instructed the sheriff to per mit no one to leave. This was done as a precautionary measure although there had been no threats of lynching and no one -seemed to want such a thing to take place. Finger was taken to Raleigh make I last Wednesday and will be electrocuted on June 19th. North Ward....... 298 South Ward 198 East Ward 251 West Ward 865 Spenoer. 270 Bast Bpenoer 83 China Qrovfe. .140 Landis 104 Unity..... 95 Cleveland 90 Scotch Irish 69 Mt. Ulla 69 Morgan 90 Grant's Creek 44 Bost's Mill 80 Stele. 88 Franklin 90 Bradihaw 64 Euochville 68 Gold Hill 80 Rockwell .45 Barnhardt's Mill.... 27 Granite Quarry 69 Bostian'sX Roads.. 28 Hetlig's Mill 64 Hatter's Shop 76 Rowan Academy. . . .46 Total Eleo. vote Washington, May 10. With the Panama Canal toll exemp tion debate running strong in the Senate, and the House lacing a record vote on the proposed Constitutional a mendment for Nationwide prohibition, Congress prom ises to be fairly busy during the present week, though there may be no development in the Mexican - situation to revive talk of war. House Democrats will hold a party caucus Tuesday night to determine a legislative pro gram for the remainder of the present session with adjourn nent early in July iu viw, Present plans of le iders com- template passage oi the nec. Hssary appropriation bills enactment of several anti trust measures, the rural ere dits bill and a vote on the prohibition amendment. All these subjects with the ex ception of the amendment will come up in the caucus and an effort may be made to discover sentiment on prohi bition at that time. Senator majority leaders have not yet formed plans for a party conference on a legislative program but there is a strong sentiment for the enactment of legislation such as the House is expected to approve, without however, a vote on prohibition. The Senate Interstate Com merce Committee will con elude its hearings on the trade commission anti-trust bill early in the week and a report may be made shortly. There is a feeling on the part of some Democatic Senators that flost Prompt and Effectual Care for Bad Colds. When you hav9 a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that contains -nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and restores the system to a healthy - condition. This remedy has a world wide sale and use, and can always be de pended upon. For Sale by All Dealers. To Reconstruct Langlei's "Aeroplane . ' With the purpose of demon strating the fact that a prac tical heavier-than air flying machine was actually - built by the late Prof. S P Langley Glenn Curtiss proposes to build and Lincoln Beachy to fly an exact duplicate ;of the original Langley machine. It will be copied from the "aerodrome" of 11 years ago which is preserved in the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, with the excep tion oi tne engine, rne mo tive power for the replica of the now historic air craft will be an 80 hp. Gnome motor. In June number of Popular Mechanics Magazine appears a page view of the Langley aerodrome, as it will appear in flight when reproduced by Curtiss and Beachey and e quipped with a modern motor For purposes of comparison the artist also shows one of the latest type of Curtiss fly inc boats. . Both Curtiss and Beachey believe that Professor Langley had solved the problem of flight by heavierithan-air machines. Both feel . that this legislation should aractof justice would be done 12 8 10 15 11 3 6 4 4 4 8 3 4 2 1 1 4 2 8 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 115 not be taken up at the pres- by showing the world at thi ent session on their side of time that onlv a succession of the capital ana tnat action untoward accidents prevented by the House will be suthcient the Laugley machine from until next winter. actual flicrht in 1903. Eanin A - ped with a modern motor, in stead oi tne steam engine indigestion? can't Hat? No Appetite? with which Langley achieved a treatment ot Hi ifectrio uitters sucn remarkable power in increases your appetite; stops in- his dav. thev both feel assur- digestion ; you can eat everything. e(q that the machine will soar a real spring tome tor liver kid- successfully, vindicating the . J w v liunna r1- tha -man nrhn man ni...... i i . , xcuuo uj. uuu luau nuu nao you feel fine . Electrie Bitter, laughed to death by the eWB did more for Mr. T. D. Peeble's Paper oi nis aay. timach troubles than any ioine he ever tried. G3t a to-day 50a. and $1.00 at Druggist. Basklen a Arnica Salve ( ema. r Ec- Rs-sorfaclng Norh Malo, L. B. Barleigh. representing tne Barret Manufacturing Com (any of Philadelphia, is f here to superintend the resurfaping of North Main street with taryia which is to be done on both sides :f the street from Franklin to Steele Street, a distance of three blocks This stretch was put down with the conviot force, proved unsatisfactory, is wearing badly and is too sort in warm weather. The company who manufactures tarvia is putting on the resurface at its own expense A lagre toroe will be used and the work will be pushed to comple tion. This will be one of the fihBt streets in the city when the resurfaoing is completed. med- Prof . Samuel Langley, for bottle many years secretary of the your Smithsonian Institution at Washington, died in 1906 at the age of 72, heartbroken by the ridicule heaped upon mm by the press because of the Citf School Closing. repeated failures of his big The ciosin ceremonifla of th aeroplane to fly. For fifteen O I 1 1 1 J II M Sahsbnrv Dublio school will take years ne naa aevotea nisume 111 J - j 1 olaoe this week and run into next, ana nis genius 10 ine Stuay An interesting program has been of the underlying principle of arranged and will be carried out flight. lie devised new me to tne letter, n notning prevents. thOQS, DUllt ingenious regis- The first of the exercises will be tnrinff marthins rpnnrdfid held on Friday night when the coimtiess experiments, over- debaters oontest win oe neia ana j u i,Q:aa nA a . , , . r .1 , IU1UCU IUCU11CD OiUVJ. VXO ercises will be on Monday night veloped mathematically the wheu a number of interesting KfluuK1CB utAJ" WU1UU uo"cl iCfima w ll be on the nroeram. iuanf-air macmnes musi uy a ! y- i - i j-a m s Friday, May 22, 8 p. m., at inaeea, on tne btn oi May, shcool auditorium, Debate for 1896, his first model, contain Rendleman debater's medal. intr a steam engine cf less Sunday. May 24, 11 a. m.. at than 2 hD . did make two school auditorium, Annual sermon flights above the Potomac by Dr FJ. Ma lett rector bt. RlmT f rom the roof of the bury, JN. U. Ll,-. : Kin n-ma mania anA Hf 1 AT n. OK O.QA 1 UUUUUK U1D OAUOnulOUlB, OUU . .,.;4..;, un..nk Duuiuriiuut) were lo.is.cu u Grade graduation: (b) Attend o i.. I wa. "I gave him a r c lamsrlain s 1 ji iiment 'plied to his arm and m orning the rheuma otie " For ohrcnio :'iriUDi9tism you will -t bettar than Chamber i's LiLiuisnt. F?i 3 3 by All Daalw. Note From Miss Sifferd To the" readers of the Watchman and Record who helped me in the contest, I want to thank each one of you. l appreciate it more than I can tell you. Lalso want to thank our editor. Mr Stewart, and his assistants for their kindness during the contest and also for the beautiful watch, 1 teel that 1 am fully repa'd lor my work. Maey Siffobd. , rl ealth a Factor in Success. The largest faotor contributing to a man's sucoess is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick when- his bowals are regular he is never well when they are constipated For constipation you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the. bowels but improve the ap pstite and strengthen the diges tion. For Sale by All Dealers. MRS. W. W. LAKE ance certificate. Monday. May 25, school lawn at 5 p. m , ClasB Day exercises. Monday, May 25. o p. m , at school auditorium, graduating ex ercises . a, Representative essays. b, Annual address, Hon. G Grosvenor Dawe, editor Nation's Business, Washington, D. 0, a, Awarding diplomas. d, Announcement of soholar ships and prizes. the machine in the air by Pro Alexander Graham Bell. 4 MR. LEWIS A. RIFFLE tell hi experience with coughs and colds that lead to nervousness and debility. Tells Others How to Get Strong and Well. Mrs. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen, Miss., says: "The grippe had left me In a weak, run-down condition from which I suffered for some time. I tried different remedies but nothing seemed to do me any good until I took Vinol, from which I received great benefit. My cough is almost entirely gone and I am strong and well again, and I am glad to recom mend Vinol to others who suffer as I did." ) Mrs. Lake's recovery was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers combined with the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron, which are contained in Vinol, and her cough disappeared as ' a natural result. We guarantee that Vinol will do all we claim and will pay back your monfey if Vinol does not satisfy you. P. S. Stop scratching, our Saxo Salve stops itching. We guarantee it. Smith Drug Cb., Salisbury, N. cj M 'BIG CANS ONLY rf lam looking for WORK!! I am a Soap-Maker. I am a Scrubber. I am a Cleaner. I am a Dirt Eater. I am a Disinfectant. I wUl wash clothes whiter and. with less rubbing. It's the RUB that ruins. I am 'from Missouri' and win show you for five cents. I am Red Devil Lye - r FOR GREAT Bid CANS. O Half the usual price, SAVE MY LABELS. - Colds are often aggravated dur ing the Summer because Inactive bowels and a stomach out of order are prime causes in keep ing1 a cold from getting welL Pe-ru-na has very beneficial laxative quali ties that neutral- ize such condi-Mr' Lew18 R,ffle- tions. Its toniCjgredients tone up the system, and thus invigorate the stomach's functions to normal activ ity. Mr. Riffle's experience is especially Interesting at this time of the year be cause it shows the close relationship there is between a nervous breakdown and a neglected cold. Pe-ru-na should be kept in the home at all times, that a cold upon its first appearance may be treated promptly and successfully. This often saves money and time, and what is more important, a great deal of vitality. Mr. Riffle, of 758 Gautenbein Ave., Portland, Ore., writes: "I have found Pe-ru-na a most remarkable medi cine for building up the system and for curing coughs and colds. took it for four weeks a few months ago vrtien I was all run down, nervous and debilitated, and it quickly restored my health. "I always keep it on hand, as a few doses will cure a cold if taken in time." People who object to liquid medi cines caa now; obtain, Pe-ru-na V Tablet What "BeeDee" Means Bee Dee on the label means REAL VALUE Inside the package, and RESULTS and SATIS FACTION after the contents have been used. Always ask for "Bee Dee" when you buy a stock or poultry remedy. "Bee Dee" remedies are pre pared from pure, medicinal ingredients, in a scien tific way, and are genuine medicines that you can depend on. STOCK 8 POULTRY MEDICINE LINIMENT DIP Bee Dee Healing Powder Bee Dee Colic Remedy Bee Dee After ttstaf flu Bet De Remedies generally lor sometime, we take plea sure in saying that ther art giving entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully recom mend them. McMfflen Stock Finn, Waco. Texas, Yon can get than at your dealer's. PERFECT BROILING A steak broiled on the New Perfection Oil Cook-stove is tender and delicious. The New Perfection has a special broiler, a hood that sits away from the flame but which gets all the heat. It broils both sides at once. All the flavor of the meat is saved. Hew Oil Cook-stove means easier work and a cool, clean kitchen. Made with 1 , 2, 3, and 4 burn ers; also a new stove with fireless cooking oven. At all hardware and department stores. STANDARD OIL COMPANY IPerectiQft. re n Washington, D. C Norfolk, Va. Richmond Va. (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. G. BALTIMORE Chariest n, W.Va. Charleston, S. G. Gritto Weeders $7.50 Hallack " $8.75 Two Section Steele Drag Harrow $9.55 II WAREHOUSE AND mm com PAM, Salisbury, N. C. i v