- . it ift nmm collection A Home Newspaper Published in thef Interest of the Pe6pieand for Honesty in Goyernmental Affairs. Salisbury, N. C., W e d n es d av,J U n e 1 7 th 1 9 14. VOL. X NO. 26 WM.fj. Stewart, Editor 1 V- 1 tfr- . I- Ir f- - ... r ' 4; . Protocol Signed at Niagara Falls Niagara Falls, Ont., June 12. Delegates from " the United States and the Huer ta government in the presence of the mediating representa tives of Argentiue, Brazil and Chile today formally signed the first protocol of tne series through which it is hoped to restore peace in Mexico. The agreement as to the manner of transferring exe cutive power from Huerta to the new provisional governs ment, reduced to writing, provides: "A Government is to be constituted in Mexico of a character to be later provid ed, which shall be recognized by the United States on (date to be fixed) and which from that day forward shall be in augurated a caustitutioual president." The brief protocol was sig nificant Ot two things: It makes no mention of General liner i a as the pro visional president and as Btated in Associated, JPress dispatches last ught, 4mits th method of trausieKwhich the Mexican delegates and mediators suggested and to which the United Stat'es ob iected on the ground that its retention would be tanta mount to recognition of the existing regime. The Mexican plan provided that Huerta should name as Minister of Foreign Affairs the man agreed on here for provisional president. Chiiges are Mada Against Federal Julg? A 6 Oafton Washington, June 12. Re solutions of impeachment against Federal District Judge Alston G Dayton of West Virginia, were inrtodoc ed in the'HonFe- todayand without oposition. referred to the Judiciary Committee. Representative Neely of West Virginia assailed Judge Dayton ou the floor, charg ing him with "high crimes and misdemeanors," conspir acy with' corporations and individuals to bring about the removal os Judge John J Jack son, so that he might get his place" favoritism to corpora tions having extensive ligita tion i n his court, and "per sonal and judicial miscon duct." Overman Otters 6111 far $25,000 Raleigh Monument Washington, June 12. Senator Overman today intro duced a bill to provide $25, 000 for a monument to be erected to Sir Walter Raleigh at Raleigh. The bill prnvides that the laDd upon which the statue is placed must he don ated. The design is to be passed on by the Secretary of War. A commis8ior. of three appointed by the Governor of the State, Will have charge of the construction of the monument. Admiral Fletcher to be Head of Atlantic Fieet Washington, June 14. Command of the great Atlan tic fleet, goal of every Amer ican naval officer's ambition, is to be the reward of Rear Admiral Frank F Fletcher for his work in Mexican wa ters. Secretary Daniels announc ed tonight that he will re commend Admiral Fletcher for commander-in-chief of the fleet, to succeed Rear Ad miral Badger wbn the latter completes his tour of service within the next few weeks. Some of the Navy's higher officials outrank him but the Secretary holds that the con spicuously masterful! cou- duct of Almiral Fletcher at Vera Cruz entitles him to special recognition. More over, if Congress passes the pending bill creating the rank of Vice Admiral. Ad miral Fletcher will be among the first to be advanced to that grade. Wilson Will Lead way Tnrough Panama Canal Washington, June 13. President Wilson next March personally will lead the In ternational fleet of warships from Hampton Roads to Col on to participate in the for--mal opening of the Panama Canal by passing through on the bridge of the world fam ous old battleship, Oregon, as leader of the long line of fighting craft of all Nations and then after proceeding northward, enter the Golden Gate at the head ot the im mense armada and attend the Panama Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. This announcement- was made today bySecretary Dan iels. Originally, the Presi dent was to go from Wash ington to Hampton Roads to greet commanders of the In ternational fleet as they ar rived. .Afterward he was to make the trip by rail to San Francisco to visit the ex position at some convenient later date. The President, however, has determined now to do full making his advent on the scene at the head of an armada, the like of which the world has never seen Also he will redeem his long standing promise to Col George W Goethals to for- mally open the Panama Ca nal. Confederate Veterans Re-elect Officers Raleigh, June 9. The North Carolina Division Con federate Veterans in annual reunion, here, completed all the business that is to engage their attention at the initial session this afternoon and will meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, greet Governor Craig, invited to appear be fore them at that time, and then march to Capitol Sqna rft to take part in the ceremonies of uuveiling the Home mon ument to the North Carolina Women of the Confederacy. The veterans re-elected all officers. The meeting opened at 3 o'clock in the city audi torium with Gen. J S Can presiding. William B Jones, grandson of Gen. L O'B Branch, welcomed the veter ans, pledging Raleigh's best efforts to give them the heart iest hospitality. The address by Mrs. Steven was followed by the election of officers which consumed only a few minutes. All present officers were re-elected in quick order, Gen. Jul ian S Carr, commander-in chief; Maj. H A London, ad jutant general, and the fol lowing brigade commanders: First Brigade, Gen. P C Carl ton, Statesyille; Second Brig ade Gen. W L London, Pitts boro, Third Brigade, Gen. James I Metts, Wilmington, Fourth Brigade, Gen. J M Ray, AsheVille. Bringing Nw Yorkers U Their Senses New York, June 14. With more than 650 persons aboard the American liner New York a gaping hole in her stem where the Hamburg-Ameri can liner Pretoria struck her in the fog off Nantucket early yesterday, reached port safely today. As the steamer pass ed Fire Island an impressive service of thanksgiving was held. There was scarcely a dry eye among the congregation while "Nearea My God to Thee" was sung in memory of those less fortunate than the New York's passengers in wrecks at sea. Hot Weather Tonic and Hea'tn Builder Are you ran down Nervous Tired? Ia everythifig ycu do an offon? .You are not lazy you are sick I Your Stotuaoh, Liver, Kidneys, aud whole system need a loaio. A Tmqio aod Health bander to drive out the waste matter build you up aDd renew your strength. Nothing butter than E eotrio Bitters. Start to day. Mrs. Jittus Dmcia, Hay- nesville, Me., writes: "Completely oared me after several doctors gave me up." 50a. and $1.00, at your Druggist. Baoklen'aAruioa Salve for Cuti. Government Income . is Oier $33,000,0:0. Expanses Washington, June 12. Esti mates tonight by Secretary MoA doo indioited that the Govern ment moome for . the fiscal year endiDg Jane 80 will exceed ordi nary expenses by about $30,000 000. This is about $10,000,000 less than last year's surplus. Income tax returns have fallen below original estimates, bat the cus tom houses turned in about $21, 000,000 mere than predicted. Whatever surplus there is will be absorbed by Panama Canal pay ments as it was last year, Secretary McAdoo estimated that this year's ordinary reoeipts would aggregate $733,000,000, and the total ordinary disburse ments $703,000,000. Total re ceipts for the last fiscal year were $725,782,921, with ordinary dis bursements of 1683,690,692 . "The personal income tax as sessment to date are $30,750,000, which is $3,250,000 Jess than the rstimate," said McAdoo tonight. "The total assessment on cor porations and individuals will be at least $75,000,000. "The department is onvinoed that many liable to the income tax have failed to make returns and that many made inaccurate retains. Active steps will be taken to discover all evasions of the law and a large additional amount undoubtedly will be col- eted from these delinquents.' LHenbae Is Dead From His Wounds. Aiheville, June 6. Bob Li sen- bee, ot uarsnan, wno was nrougnt to this city last Thursday morn ing, suffdring from three tullet wounds inflicted by Charlie Ball, of Marshall, died at the Miision hospital this morning at . 4:40 o'clock. The body was turned over to the Noland-Brown com pany, where it was prepired for burial and shipped to Marshall this afternoon. An inquest will be held oyer the body at MaBhall, either this afternoon or tpmox row, it is stated. According to the information reoeived heie, Li sen bee was , pass ing a meat market ou ua- main street of Marshall early Thursday morning, when Ball, who was a cripple, came out and without any word of warning emptied his pistol at Liaanbee, three of the bullets taking effect. Two of the bullets went into bis face and one into his body. He was im mediately brought to this city and given medical attention. Guiteau and l tie Jury Foreman. We shall here a lot about Gui teau s curse now that the last of the jurymen who convicted him of murdering .President Garfield has died. It is, indeed, true tha pretty much everybody who par- tioipated in the trial and exeout tion of Guiteau has been overtak en by death, but when we reflect on the time that has elapsed since his crime our wonder ever the succession of fatalities is abated and we are not impressed with the need of luvoking the supernatural in older to explain the proces sion of oourt officials who have followed the grate. John man of the shared in the murderer to the P. Hamline. fore- jury, undoubtedly malediction of the assassin, but as he died at the age of 90 and survived the conviction of the murderer tor 6Z years a skeptic may be excused for saying that he would have died lust the same if he had not been oursed. Coughs and Colds Weaken the Sys tem. Continued Coughs, Colds and Bronchial troubles are depressing and weaken the system. Loss of weight and appetite generally fol low. Get a 50 3. bottle of Dr. King's New Disco rery to day. It will stop your cough. The first dose helps. The best medioine for Stubborn Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Mr. O. H. Brown, Muscatine, Ala., writes: "My wife was sick during the hot summer months and I honestly believe Dr. King's New Discovery saved her life." Good for children. 50o. and $100, at your Druggist. Fear For Safety of St. Louis Balloenlsts. Portland, Ore , June 12 An xiety prevaild here tonight regard iug the fate of three' of the fjur balloons whnh started from here late Thursday iu the first Nation al balloon race ever held in the Northwest. Shortly after their departure the aircraft was oaught in a terriflo thunderstorm. De finite knowledge of the storm's treatment of the baloons is oon- I nnea to a single ca9 FAMILY RE-UXtQtt. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Black iliac Eijef a Pleasant Day. ? Saturday, -June. 18tbwas en joyed very muob at theome of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blackwelder oh West Liuoololon BtHet. , Her children and relatives wire there to celebrate her fifty-third birth day. v ' The table was spread with good thinss-to-eat. and delicious re fresnments were sarvtad. Her presents were numerous.; .' Among those present were: Rev. and Mrs. John Moors and children; Mrs, J. W:. Williams and daughters, Eluabetb and Catherine, of Bluefielk West Virginia: Mr. and Mr W. R. Yost of China Grove, N40.; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tatlton and family of Spencer, N.tC.; Mrs. R B. Lee of Bpenoer, JN. U., Mrs. Hugh Steele and son -of ; Spencer, N. 0., Mr. and Mrs Jf7J), Long of Lexington, N. O, :- :-Mr. and Mis. J. 8. Long of Ohinft Grove, N. 0. : Mr. and Mrs. J.; M. Bos tain of China Grove, N.f O. : Mr. and Mrs. W. B Bhodes of Spen-1 cer, n. u., Mrs. J. jn aiexanaer, m v -.t . 1 Mrs. Ed Davis. Mrs. V, Luther Friese, Mrs. J. L. Link,Mrs, 0. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris, J. N. Noble; Misses Madie Cooke, China Grove, N O Elizabeth Moore, Blusfield, West Virginia ; Vivian and A IliMi. Har ris, Ha and Irene Little, "Mary Heller of Spencer, N. C. ; Mary Moore, Grace Friese, Eva Black welder : Robert Lee of cpenoer, N. O. Music selections were rendered by Mrs. R. L. Harris, Miss Mary Moore, and Mrs. Hugh' Steele The day was enjoyed by all, and the hour of departure was; regret ed. T Elgati Ticket Collectors 60. For the past several weeks there nave been rumors to cue eneoi that the directing heids of the Southern Railway wersieonWm platiog making changes in the handling of passenger train crews, particularly with the ticket col- ectors, Apropos this report, the ollowiog from the ! Columbia dtat will ba of itftereet-afr - .-t' "Eighty ticket collectors have been taken out of servioe by the Southern Railway. This leaves 60 oolleotors on duty. 'Rumor has it that the remain ing collectors will be cut off July 1. No official announcement has been made by the Southern Rail way, nor has reason been assigned for the first big out. Ticket collectors have been used on the Southern Railway for sev eral years, thee cffioials relieving the conductors of the labor in volved in collecting fares and tickets and adjusting disputes over such matters, so that the conductors might give all their attention to the handling of the trams. Tne ticket oolleotors -or train auditors have been shifted frequently from one run to anoth er." Lightning Kills Fear People In llecileaborg, While watohing the thunder storm from th front piazza of their home, Mrs . Nathaniel Simp son and her sister Mrs. Franoes Drake, were instantly killed by lightning in Mint Hill section, Friday afternoon. The bolt also resulted fatally to two children. Oae was the eight months old son of Mrs. Simpson, and the other the . son of Mrs . Drake, aged about eight years. 1 he Tragedy oocurred between 4 ank 5 o'clook in the midst of the storm and was looated seven or eight miles from Mint Hill . The bolt ot lightning struoc a column of the porch, but did not otheiwise damage the dwelling. No burns were inflated on the bodies of the sisters who' were seated on the poroh. Other mem bers of the family were within doors and were not injured. Doo- tor Whitley was . summoned but found that death had been instan taneous. Cures Stubborn, Itchy Slak Troubles . "I oould soratch myself to pieces" is often heard from .. suf fers of Eszema, Tetter, Itch and similar Skin Eruptions. Don't Scratch 3top the Itching at onoe nl h PI - LJU.r.n'. Wnmnma flint with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint ment. Its first application starts healing: the Red, Riugh, Soaly, Itching Skin is soothed by the Healing and Cooling Medioines- Mrs. O. A. Einfeldt, Rook Island, 111., after using Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, writes: "This is the first time in nine years I have been free from the dreadful ailment." Guaranteed. 60o., at your Draggiit. CARD GIBBOUS OIGTATINS TO C0N6RESS. Tbei Sif Tnejare sot to Politics Yet Want to CoatroT f bs W&oI Thing r ..Washington, D . 0. , May 2. A hot fight ocourred today in the house when Chairman Padgett of i Tennessee offered a committee' amendment to the naval appro priation bill providing for sixty five additional chaplains -for ' the navy. Cardinal Gibbons direoted his congressional lobbyist, Dr. E. L. Sharfe, Father Lewis J. O'Hearn, C. S. P., and "others to see thai the increase was made so that there would be - a chaplain fox every battleship' and twenty six more. . His letter to Father O'Heacn whioh appears in the Congressional Record at page 8275, of May 2, 1914; is as follows: Cardioars Residenoe, 408 N. Charles St., -- Baltimore, Md., Jan. 15, 1914. My dear Father O'Hearn: ' As our representative in mattsrs pertaining to army and navy chaplains, may I ask you to per sonally oall on the members of the Committee oj the. Naval Af the Imp st . m- m . 9 r t iairs, notn 01 tne senate ana House of Representatives, and urge upon them the neoessitf of more chaplains for the navy? Explain' to them that the .propos ed scheme of substituting "wel fare secretaries" for chaplains does not meet with tne approval of the Amerioan Cathplio archbi shop, since no layman can do . the the work of an prdained clergy man. Most faithfully yours iu X., (Signed) J. Cardinal Gjbbdns. Archbishop of Baltim6re "Father - O'Hearn law each and evey member3' of thei; House . .Committee of Nival a Affairs:' He ooeyea oraers, rne - members ot the house committee that took orders from him and wrote the car dinal's com mand into the naval apptopriatian bill were : Lemuel P. Padgett of Tennessee, Rich mond P. Hobsou of Alabama, Al bert Estopinal of Louisiana. Daniel J. Riordan of New York, Robert E. Lee of Pennsylvania, William E. Williams of Illinois, Petere G. Gerry of Rhode Island, Finley H. Gray of Indiana, Ernest W, Roberts -,ot.MBiohuseUe1 Fred A. Britten of OBTcago, "in., and Patrick H Helly of Miohigan. These are not all of the congress men that are members of tne house naval affairs committee, but these are the ones responsible for obeying the order of Prinoe Card. Gibbons to write a law in creasing the numbet of chaplains from 24 to 65, and propose it a an amendment to the navy appro priation bill. Think of it 1 Make it a rider on an appropriation bill 1 Being "new" legislation, it was subjeot to a point of order. The Cardinal, rrinoe uibbons, felt his grip on congress sufficient to strangle even a single voice in op position, for being new legislation any member of the house oould by merely objecting knock the proposed amendment out on a point of order. And vet they say the Uhurch of Rome is not in politios Why this very selfsame cardinal only last November asserted it at the Pan American mass attended by William J. Byran, President Wil son, secretary 01 tne navy jose- phus Daniels, Albert Sydney Burleson and others, for at the "breakfast" following this official presidential-cabinet mass and over whioe Cardinal Gibbons presided and at which affairs of state af ftoting the Roman Catholic ohuroh were and are reported by the newspapers, one newsoaper bunk for the unsuspecting, over oonfiding pblio to have said that the Roman Catholic church had tried "both'' union of ohuroh and state and non-union of church and stats, and like the fellow who had tried honesty and dishonesty concluded tnat nonesty was the best policy, so the Roman Catholic ohuroh had concluded separation of church and state was the best policy. And yet here ib the documentary proof, something very hard to get. that he was at that very time and later issuing orders to congress and conaressional oommittees of the most extraordinary degree. Bat the cardinal reokoned wrong. The Congressional Re cord at Pages 8274, 8275 and 8276 shows that one congressman, Hon. Samuel J. Tribble of Georgia, may nig aod Tom Watson'e tribn I I J i J . . ; r crease, uau braw, reu American blood in his veins and dared in MaoDuff fashion to beard the car dinal in bis den, for Sam Tribble objected. Not only did he objeot, but be slapped the cardinal s written orders through Father O'Hearn kerplunk in the Congres sional Reoord, and went on to show conclusively that the Rom an Catholic church was demand ing not only that the number of ohaplaini be increased, but that increase go to the Roman Catho- iiocnnron, tnat "latners" o ap pointed at all theway, from two thousand dollars to five thousand 'dollars per annum . Nice, juioy, salaries paid by Cnole Sam for the spread of Roman Catholicism among our blue jackets and ma rines, no doubt tor the . animate purpose - of actually controlling the navy when the Roman Catho lie church's final plans mature for "making Amerioa Catholic." : Any one wishing a oopy of the Congressional Record for may 2, can obtain same by writing his con gressman or senator, if the con man or senator really wants you to hare a copy, ' Only Tribble fought the amend ment but he was quite enough for the oooasion. Congressman Pad gett offered it and defended it; and io -did Goulden, of New York oity; Robert, of Massachusetts; HobBon, of Alabama.' Others wanted to, but Tribble stuck to his guns, 'demanded the "regular order," lusiltebn his point of Order that the amendment was "new legislation," aad knocked Cardinal Gibbon's order into a 'O.ckad hat. But it will beup in the a'eiiatd. If it should pais the senate, it would be put into con erenqe, where Padgett and Rob irts, who would be the oonferees, ou'd uuqieationably accept it aud thus make it Ian. The Senate Committee on Naval Affairs are: B. R, Tillman, of Jcuth Carolina, chairman; J. R. Thornton, of Louisiana; 0. A. Swanson, of Virginia; N. P. Bry an, of Florida; O. F. Johnson, of Maine; W. E. Chilton, of W Va., J. A O'Gorman, of New York; J. W. Smith, of Maryland :, O Perkins, of ; California? B. Pen rose, of Pennsylvania; M. E. Clapp, of Minnesota ; H. O. L?dge, of Massachusetts; W. A. Smith, of Michigan ; O. S. Page, of Ver mont; 'and M. Pomdexter, of Washington. Papptcbatio Pbateb. By President Tumulty-bug, in Fool Killer. O thou great and mighty Pappy of Rome, dad of deception and ather of fraud, behold ns as we ail on our bellies before thee. Yes, Pappy, just watoh us root our noses in the dirt in ajtder to jimeU ofe thy-holyitr knowest tnat we are tnyiitTie yaller dogs and whenever e fail to do thy Romish will, then we pray thee to kiok us with thy sacred foot. We consider it an honor to even be kioked by thee. And a still greater honor to kiss thy big toe. Poke it out here and let us kiss it right now. Yum pum l how good it tastes. And the smell of it soothes our senses like the sweet odor of a boss's foot. And now, O mighty.Dad of the Tiber, we beseech thee to hear our supplications. We, thy faithful dopes here in America, are in sev eral bushels of trouble, with no way of getting out unless thou can help us. We have ever been mindful of thy wise oounsel with which thou hast often warned us against the sin of thinking or allowing others to think. We know that thy mighty bald head encloses the only brain on earth that has any right to think for itself, and we count it a blessed privilege to take our thoughts ready made from thee. But, U fappy it grieves our hearts to tell thee that there has arisen here in Amerioa a olass of stubborn bigots who insists on thinking for themselves. Not only that, but they are so wicked and depraved that they flatly deny thy authority to dictate terms to an American citizen. They have some sort of a devilish doctrine that they oall "Sepa ration of ohuroh aad state" whioh is an open insult of thee, O Pap py, and a terrible orime against thy infallibility, lnese poor blind heretics even go so far as to deny that thou art infalliable, and they have started an Anti Catholic crusade that is knocking the shine pat of thy halo right along. Now what wouldst thou advise us to -do about these things, O Pappy? We are working on an idea, and we would like to know if it meeteh with thy approval . .I Bf A war with Mexioo is wnat we ha've decided ou as being the most likely to side-track the Anti Catholic special that now has the right of-way in the Amerioan mind . We hate like the diokens to make war on a good Catholio oountry like Mexioo, bat some thing must be done and this is the only thing we can think of Wouldn't it be a good idea to promise the Mexioans that all of them that get killed will be pray ed out of hell free of charge That would be strong inducement for the average Mexioan to be come a willing corpse. And then after, we get into it we'l just go on and annex Mexioo to the United States, and that wil give us several million more Uatholio voters, whioh will be lots of help about "making America Catholic," don't you see? Thus we hope to use this war as a stone -to kill two birds with. 4 To be right plum honest with thee, O Pappy, we don't know just how it will end, bnt we feel it' in our bones that the problem will be solved to thy satisfaction. We are all thy obedient slaves, great master, and thy word is our law. If thou styest fight, we will fight; if thou aayest quit, we will ' quit. Or, if thou telleit us to surrender to Mexioo, we will do.- that. We will do anything that -thou oommandest, whether it be to tote Jim Gibbon's shirt tail or to take up arms against our own country. Now give us we pray thee,, just one more good: strong wniff of thine odoriferous foot; and we will bring these supplications to a closer Yum youl Oo 00 ol That's worth more than a. thous and victories over Mexioo. Amen, "WHEN PBOTMTAjniSM DIES" The following precious piece of Roman Catholicity appeared on the first page of Freeman's Journ al, one ol the - highest-toned and most ably edited organs of the Roman Catholic ohuroh in this oountry. The writer said: "But assuming that the oft-repeated prophecy of the near death of Protestantism ib correct, would its actual fulfillment be a cause of unalloyed gratification to the Catholio ohuroh? Let us not for get that it was the devil who put 'potest' mto Protestantism... The 'ism' with its countless progeny will eventually die, but old Satan will see to it that protest' will live as long as there is a trnth to deny, a virtue to violate, or a God to oondemn. In faot. his protest will be as enduring as hell itself. The dissolutitn of Protest antism means the evolution of infidelity, cold, heartless, reck- ess infidelity, that will hate and rob and perseoute the church of Christ with all the inherited pre- udioe of its deceased parents, but unrestrained by the Christian in stincts of its forbear." The bigotry of? the man who wrote the inovearaaplriiEery manifest. His respect for his tory, however, and his sanity, are open to serious question. As long as a hierarohy basing its supreme olaim on a fiction continues to exploit the graoe of God and pre- - vent his truth in the interest of a vast politico-religious institution, there will be vigorous protests on the part of those whom the truth in Christ has made free. As long as that hierarohy persists in med dling in politics, not to promote the kingdom of righteousness in the world, but to build up the eoolesiastioiim it serves, there will be vigorous protest by the friends of freedom and righteousness. Protestantism will oontinue until the Ohuroh of Rome has oeased to be Roman and panal. and the Holy Catholio ohuroh has been realized on earth. In many lands not the dissolution, but the pros enoe, 01 Romanism has resulted in the sort of infidelity described . From Pittsburgh Christian Ad vocate. Tom Watson, in his paper, The Jeffersonian, aooepted the chal lenge of Dady Noll, editor of Sun day Visitor. lias Noll put up his one thousand dollars on the pro position that Catholics are for bidden to read , the Bible? Not that any one knows of. Mr. Wat son proposed to offer testimony to prove that the law of the Rom an Catholio ohuroh has forbidden and d jbb now forbid Catholios to read the Bible by themselves and for themselves. He said his evi dence would be the official utter ances of the popes and the coun cils and by other evidences whioh he sum mat iies. Have you heard of the editor of the Sunday Visi tor hurrying over to Watson's to make good the papal . bluff? No indeed, ncr will you. Take Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicide." If you have formed the habit of eating too rapidly you are most likely suffering from indigestion or oon stipation, whioh will result even tually in serious illness unless cor rected. Digestion begins in the mouth. Food should be thorough ly mastioated and insalivated. Then when you feel a fullness of the stomach or feel dull and stu pid after eating, take one of Ohamberlains's Tablets. Mauy severe oasea of stomach troubla and constipation have bean cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agree able in effect. For Sale by All Dealers, ! - v 1

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