THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. Wo. H Stewart, BDITOB AND OWNER Published Every Wednesday, 120 West Innes Street. auBSGBiPTioN price: Watchman.... I yr '$.75 Record ..1 yr $.75 Roth Papers.. 1 yr.'.. .-.81 00 Advertising rates reasonable Entered aa second-class matter Jan. loth nR t thfl nnat ntfle at Salis bury, H. U., under the act of Congress or Mars&Brd, it)7H. Salisbury, N. C, July 8, '14. Thi Watchman is inclined to the view thai Dr. Archibald H?d derson ii olaiming rather too maoh for his ancestor, Judge Richard Henderson, in the settle ment of the west and the activi ties oi Daniel Boote. Mo one could or did furnish Boote with an armv with banners to blaze the way to Kentucky or elsewhere for if there ever lived a man who did things o his own initiative seldom accompanied bv more thao his trusty rifla and loyal dog that man was Daniel Boone. The fourth of July celebration in Salisbury was quite appropri ate. was on a liberal scale and had variety enough to please all tastes. The Junior Order United American Mechanics, Patriotio Sons of America and Daughters of Liberty made a splendid showing and deserve to be enoouraged io their good work ; the Boone tablet unveiling was fall of historical interest and the addresses were pleasing and in structive; and the Fourth of July Committees' entertainment at the fair grounds lent spioe and joy to those who like something lively The raoes were good and full of snap, the athletics by the Com munity Y. M. C. A. boys filled in the niches and helped to keep the crowd awake ; they, with the Camp Fire Girls made a good showing in the morning parade . The ball game by the Pythians aud Elks was good but could have been better if the Elks had been J on the job. We would suggest that the Elks begin practicing at once ho as to give their opponents a plenty next year. Lets do it again next year, if not something better. 60LD HILL CELEBRATES Patriotic Orders These From Nearby . . Tews Making a big Crowd Gold Hill, July 6 The Jun ior Order of American Mechanics oelebated the glorious fourth at Gold Hill. It was one of the largest gatherings ever held at Gold Hill, about 2,500 people. SeveD different lodges were re presented namely Gold Hill Council, Richfield, Bear Creek, Jackson College, Hisrh. Rock and Mt. Pleasant. Thejparade began at 10 o'clock all Juniors present marched to the station, accom panied with the Plyer Cornet Band where they met the train and Rook well band and a large orowd of Juniors from Rockwell, also the speakers for the occasion after marching back to the public school building where a nice platform was erected. In the grove we had some live and arousing speeches on the principles and origin of the order, whioh was most attentatively listened to by all. The after noon was taken up by amuse ments such as races etc The winners in the raoes were Coy Crawford pie raoe; R. C, Brown, shoerace; Charlie Gulp' banana raoe: John Morgan, slow mule race; Foot raoe 1st Geo. Bearer ; second Ralf Friok; third George Arey. and Nobe Howell winner sack raoe. As a whole 'this was one of the biggest days for Gold Hill as well as Juniorism. Some of the oldest citizens say that they never before saw so many. people in Gold mil at one time on any occasion . Everythiny f went smooth as nice as could be, ev9ry seemed th be.enjoying the to tha fullest and we think and one day that many new members will be added to the various lodges an people were informed ofa the principles of tha order. Seveval hundred in applications on the grounds for membership in the local order. Headache and Nervousness Cored "Chamberlain's Tablets are en titled to all the prais9 1 can give them," writes Mis Richard Olp, Spencerport, N. Y. Tbey have oured me of headaohe and ner vousness and restored me to my normal health. For Sale by. For Sale by Frieze Drug Co. NEWMAN'S TESTIMONY TO COMMITTEE. He Sheds Crocodile Tears and no Character Witness is Reqalred Washington, July 8. Walter George Newman, president of the G . Id Hill Consolidated Company of North Carolina, told the Senate Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections, investigating the use of Senate committee paper to boost the Gold Hill mine, that friends of John Skelton Willliams, Comp troller ( f the Currency, tried to get control of his prrpeity after a Government expert examined the o-e. 'Mr. Jennings asked me what I would take lor the oontrol ot my mine," said Mr. Newman. This statement arcused the Sen ate committee. "Who atked you?" demanded Seuator Clapp. 'A friend of Mr. Williams, Jennings, following an exauina tiou of the mine by W. B. Wil liams aud D.clcr Graaty." Baid Mr. Newman. "This was after the department had refused to recommend the re opening of the uralotte assav office?" Mr. Newman was asked. "It was after I had failed to get it opened, ' wathe answer Ucmptuller Williams ana George E. Roberts, director o the mine, appearing before the committee. Mr. Williams told the committee of Mr. New man's vis.t and enthusiasm over hie mine and the request for the opening of the Charlotte asBay office. His only purpose, he de elared in sending Mr. Dewey to the Gold Hill mine was .to ascer tain whether or not it was advisa ble to have Mr. Jennings look over the property. He said he had arranged a meeting between Messrs. Jennings and Newman in bis office and had called in Mr. Dawey to make a statement as to what he had found. Mr noberts testified tnat on his return from Gold Hill, Dr uewey said the ore in the mine was rich but the development did not justify the reopening of the Charlotte assay office. No Sena tDrs.hesaid had asked that the office he reopened. Mr. Newman broke down on the stand and wept. He said that he had lest his parents and a brother fighting for the Gold Hill mines He told of his brother, Joe New man, who, beooming disooursged about the mine, blew himself to pieces with sticks of dynamite. A TEABFDL STORY. Washington. July 3 W. G. Newman, promoter of a North Carolina gold mine, told a Senate instigating committee a tearful story today about the use of effi cial letter of the census and rules committee for circulation of letter trom a mining engineer praising the property. He testi fied he aeked Senator Overman's stenographer to make copies of the letter and that a clerk in the census committee made others Senators Overman and Chilton, chairman of those oommitte,knew nothing of it, he said. While Newman was telling the story of his struggles to promote tne property he wept and once scbs stopped him. Newman said about 85 or 40 oopieB of the letter on Senate pa per were j sent out but' that they were sent to his personal friends among the Gold Hill stockholders None of them was used to ' boost tbe stook, he protested. The witness said that appear ance of the letters on senate sta tionery sent the stook down from 75 to 50oents a share, although the mining engineer reported the Gold Hill property worth $60,000 000 "Nobody believed,that state ment, said Newman. In a voioe choked with emotion the promoter told the committee of early struggles of himself and his brother, J.J. Newman, to de velop the Gold Hill mine. "My orotner saw tilings going to pieces, he said, and took five sticks of dynamite and blew him self into 10,000 pieces. He left a letter saying his life's work was done". He said North Caroliua was the richest State in the Un ion. When 1 beard that I'd nev er let go that property until I proved his statement or went the way he went." Newman said he sent some of the ore from the mine to John 3keltn Williams, then Assistant Secretary of the Treiury, asked that the Charlotte, N. C., Mint be reopened so that the gold could ba turned into oash readily. He said Mr. Williams told him he had no authority to open the mint but he had a treasury expert to look over the mine. Newman frequently used the President's room behind the Sen ate chamber, he said for his con ferences about the mine, bat de clared he had gone there each time at tbe invitation of some Senator.- He named Senators Overman, Chilton, Martin, Swan son and Pomerene as those with whom he had talked about the project. John Skelton Williams, who uow is Comptroller of the Curren cy, and George E . Roberts, direc tor of the mint, were questioned at the conclusion of Newman's examination and corroborated in effect those parts of the promoter' story which concerned them. Mr. Robert's said that at Mr, Williams' request and after con ferences with Newman he had sent F. G. Roberts, assayer of the mint bureau, to examine the mine. Mr. Williams said that tie mine had been discussed at a con ference in his office in'the treasury at whioh his hrothor W. Berkley Williams, Newman and a mining engineer of Washington were pres ent. The witness took little part in the conference he said. Mr. Williams testified he owned no stcok in the company. Newman, recalled to tbe stand, said the oonferenes in Mr. Wil lianas' office was followed in about three weeks by another at the home here of another mining engineer. Neither of the Williams brothers was present at this se cond conference, but Newman at tended at their request, he declar ed. Tbe meeting he said. wa ir regard to a proposition for til i - ment of stock and came to noth ing. Newman said he bad had soma correspondent with John SkelttB Williams and Berkley Williams about the mine, but he preferred that it be given out by them. Dear reader. Dlease do not let a. your sympathy get the best of you These sobs, or gobs of tear water, are on tap and can be had at e moment's notice. Poor Joe New man most likely killed himself be- Lcanseof the injustice of his brotner Walter worse. We un derstand Joe was constantly mis treated at Gold Hill, swindled out of his commissions and was actu ally driven off the property, then, neart-Lroken. he committed bui- cide. Joe's remains were buried in the woods anud Walter's great, big, generous, justioe-loviug heart ever-flowing with the milk of hu man kindness, brotherly lev?, self-Bacrificing disposition, has not yet found a spare dollar with whioh to mark the grave. Poor Joel Boo hoo, Boo hool And this bogus count and ex jail bird, this man who it is said tried to throw his wife out of the seventh- story window of the Holland House, thiB devorcee and who, beoaase of his mistreatment of his brother, is believed to have caused his suioide, is the pal, ecu feree, constituent and all around chum of Senators, Congressman and high government officials, holding commercial mterviewe with same in the president's room in . the United States Senate Right in the holy of holies chang ing worthless paper into good money, or selecting decoy to catch suckers. If such a brtz u pimp on such a mission can thus walk where angels fear to tread, and our trusted servants have become a lot of wild-cat stock boosters and gamblers, What, may well be ask ed, is our country coming to? State of Ohio. Citv of Toledo. A t '8S Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and tnat said nrm win pay tne sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every cast of Catarrh that cannot be enred by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. Frank J Chenbt. Sworn to before me and sub soribed in my presence, this 6 h day of December, A. D. 18S6. (Seal) A W Gleason. Notary Put ho Hall's Catarrab Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonies, free. F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's 'Family Pills for constipation. Statesville, July 4 Fifteen hundred or more people which crowded into the phautauqua tent tonight heard Hon. W. J. Bryan s wonderful address on ''The Jign of the TimeB." Mr. Bryan ar rived from Salisbury at '8:30 o'clock on a special train, acoom panted by a parly of oitisens who went to Salisbury to meet him. and began his lecturer shortly af ter 9 o clock, speaking for an nour and leaving on tbe 10:20 train fcr Asheville. He was iu troduced by Mayor Caldwell. His advocacy of the senatorial primary and the iniative and re ferendum were sources of joy to those here who believe with him ? Wilmington, July 5. Rt. Rv Robert Strauge, bishop or the D ocese of Jiiast Uarolius who was strioken in New York last winter toon after his arrival at the Qtm- eral Conference of the Episcopal Churob and has sinoe engaged iu only a few light dnties in connec tion with his work, suffered a re- apse a day r two ago it became Known tnis afternoon, and his condition was regarded aa critical. though it was said tonight that there was slight improvement here iB little hope for his recov ery. Wcrth Anderson of Charlotte, while at Rariug Gap, N. C. Mcl day, June 6, was struck 1 v light ning and was iuitantly ki 1 d. n equo u s J ii ead Act i es Heavy Feelin, as If My Brain Was Prt jssing Down "MVo Will aamttih ' "I cannot tetl vou how much.?? have s u ft ere during the twelve jr cai or; K a long: time fe any one to suo fer. A great m titucLe of worn in this coun know exact what Mrs. means when says, "Hear, MRS. EFFIE HILL. Blanchester. Cliatoa Co.. Ohio. feeling1, as If brain was preswr," ing down. Sonnervoua I could not Would have get my rest at?; night. sinking spells -s d then so weak that I could not deg my work." A great many women fsgi ' the United States will recognizee In this description their own expedience. . Mrs. Hill forbd a remedy. After taking four Titles of Peruna she gained in strengjh and flesh and wrote us that she wajja well woman again. She says. "I caWottiank you enough for my recovery. This is n&ti ordinary incident. Twelve years suffering. Four bottles of Peruna. Rested to perfect health. If Peruna can this tor one woman why can it nojf for another? Is it not worth yotfr attention? Is it not worth trying? Those who object to liquid medi cines can now &tain Peruna Tablets : a . j LATE pS ITEMS. - Matters of News tethered and Condensed for tbe Reaps of Tbls Paper. Wftahincrtorili Jnlv 8 ReSDOU a J.' sibility for published statements criticising conditions in Albania creditied to George Fred Wil Hams, m'nisU? of the United States to Greesj. was disclaimed by the state department tonight i i a formal statement issued by jretary Bryaptf, Washington,!). C, July 5. The House of rresentatives last Monday wiped feway one more of the bitter memories left by the Civil War by passing a measure wnicn taxes iro&i me statue oookb a law prohibitiiyg tnd payment of acoounta and paims to anyone who encourage or favored the "rebellion." Representative Gra ham, a republican from Penn sylvania, preserved the bill under a tnspension of rules and made a shrt, intuitively dramatic speech in its fai&r. Applause was tumoitucus fro$ both sides of the chamber au&t biH passed no animoualy. &ern men left their seats ajdf crowded around Representa.tivltpaham to shake his hand. 'H1' E9gle Pass, Tx., July 5 In formation brought by messengers from Siltillo Today was that troops from the division of the ast have been ordered by General Pablo GoDzales to proceed im mediately to Queretaro. This move iB regarded aa significant of the part the division of the east iuteods to play in the fioal assault on Mexico C.ty, as tbe final stand on the Federals probably will be made at Queretaro. The move m nt to Queretaro, it is thought here, also was precipated by the withdrawal of Federal troops un der General Paocual Orcsoo from tbe Qaeretaro garrism to rein force the Mexico City garrison. Asheville, July 5. Dr. G. H Detwiler, one of. the leading mem bers of the Southern Methodist churob and formerly pastor of Trybn Street church, Charlotte, did at a local sanitonrjm tonight after a Ions illness. The deceas ed joined the Western North Car oliua conference about 20 years ago and served some of the lead lug charges of the. conference. He transferred to the Tennessee con ference four years ago while serv iog at Ashevil!, taking the pas torate cf Weet End Church, Nash ville, the churob which is attend ed by the students cf Vanderbilt University. His health broke down a few months ago and he came to Abbeville iu the hope of regaming his strength but his condition was such that it was realized that he ott'd uot rec ver me a-joeasea was sixty-two years of age and is survived by a wife and to daughters. Lexington, July 6 Dwey Rothrock, 15-year-old son of E A Rothrock, cojmty trea-urer, died today at High Point sudden ly. He went to High Point Sat urday to enjoy the exercises of the Fourth and visit-a sister who lives there a-cd was taken ill sud denly yeatrday and died this morning. He was a. fine manly young fellow ana bis untimely death has brdneht sorrow to many friends. Grove Park Inn. Asheville. July 15 Secretary Bryan left toman for Washington after spending the day as th9 soest cf Mr, Seal oy. Secretary Bryan, after a number of visits here with Mr. Bryan. has "falton in love with the place as his triends expressed it and he today made-the statement that he had leased a cottage it Grove Park on Sunset mountain and will spend aa maoh of the summer here as his official duties will permit He will be herf again the latter part of tLe week and barring wars of the serious rumors of wars will be here the greater part of August. f oi Weakness and Loss of Appetite V1 Standard general strengthening toctie, GROVB'S T ASTEtESa cWU TONIC. drivMoat uMlBn4 builds twSJiMB. Atraetf LijM.jyi,v,,iti,iin.,.uii I 5 fcsftasssssss warn n on Hi ... i v 10 0 0 0 1M WMM m where you meet your friends, get plenty of good ice-wa4er, leave your packages nod make yourself at home. We are glad to have you, then too you will find the goods you need right here and at the verv Lowest Trices. 0 0 0 h Mens wash Ties for 8c. Men's 25c i Hff O Men's silk scerfs or four-in-hand f jr -Men's and Boys ex'ra nice Underwear for Men's 48c work shirt made full size for Men's 98c work pants for - - -Men's Palm Beach Suits for - -Men's extra nice JNegligee Shirts made nice and full for 0 LOW SHOES. Men's, Women's and Children's low shoes of all kinds at reasonable prices. Good stock of Men's plow shoes, any leather, also bluch er Shoes for - - - - - - - - $1.50 MILLINERY. Big Reduction in all millinery. Special lot of Ladies Hats fresh and new for Saturday's trade at - i 1.4& & 1.98. o) PREMIER I Guaranteed 7,500 Miles Service Th9se tires bear the greatest known mileage guarantee, yet are sold at a price even les9 than tires of ordinary guarantee. This guarantee covers punctures, blow-outs and general wear. Guarantee covers 7,500 miles service against everything exsept abuse. These tires are intended for most se vere Bervice. Orders have been received for these tires for us in Un'ted States Government 8ervice. As a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY offer, we will allow the following prices for the next ten days. T RES TUBES Tire $ 920 10 25 13 50 14 05 15 25 17 00 18 00 '1950 20 40 2t 00 22 00 26 00 27 00 27 50 82 60 Tube $ 200 2 30 280 300 820 8 25 330 3 40 360 3 80 390 500 5 10 5 15 5 40 28x3 80x3 80x3 8x3J 84x3 31x4 82x4 83x4 34x4 85x4 86x4 35x4 86x4 37x4 37x5 All other sizes. Non-Skids 20 per cent extra. 5 per cent discount if pay ment in full 'accompanies order and if two are bo ordered, shipping charges will be paid by us , C 0. D. on 15 per cent of amount of order. Our output is limited, so we suggest early order ing. We sell direct only, giving pur chaser the advantage of all middle men's profits. Strongtread Rubber Co., Dayton. Ohio. ,'.J&iyall 3 NON-PUNG I VIA -A. B .-.v. V. vr. . . . .. - '.- El i - - Vl "... ' . vM WANT A SEWING MA3HIKE? Second tract. All that tract or par Sew ng Machines of all Descriptions ii of nd lXins pn the waters of the Do you want two machines in one? It sews with a lock etitch and a chain stitch. If so get the Domestic. Do you want the New Home? It is auto matic and ball bearing. Do you want; the New Ideal? Do you want the Goodritch. or the Ruby or tke New Model? Or do you want your old mat- chine overhauld and cleaned ut so it will sew like a new one? . If want supplies for any kind of a machine, shuttles, needles, belts, oil cans, sup plies f any description? If sow write or 'phone U. W . Harrington, Rockwell, W, O. Or call Frick & Lverlv'a stora At Rockwell , as I will open a raaehin e shop and office there. If voir want -to live and let live, see me. Yours to please, C W. HARRINGTON Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 666 it DreparedJespeciaBr ' lor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. F Five or nx dotes wdl break any case sad if taken then at a tonic the Fever wSf not ct on the hrer better tha I Trading Headquarters Specials for 4th of July. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. t Notice of Execution sale State of North Carolina, Rowan County. In the Monumental Brewing i Superior Company Court. v, ! J. R. Bias. J By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 6th day of July, 1914, at 12 M. at the coart house door in Salisbury, S . C sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy flaid execution air the rigfitn title and interest which the said J. K Bias has in the following described real estate : Beginning at a stake in the f outhern edge of Maupin Avenue, 100 feet from the South West intersection of said Avenue and Crosby Stieet, corner to lot No. 7 and runs thence South PI deg. 45 West with line of lot No. 7, 200 feet to an alley; thence with eaid alley north 59 deg. 15 West 100 feet to stake, corner of lot No. 4: thenc with line of lot No. 4 North 31 deg 45 East 200 feet to a stake in the Southern edge f f Maupin Avenue : thence with said Avenue South 59 deg. 15 East 100 reet to the beginning, and being lots Nob 5 and 6, in Block No. 22. as shown on map of Southern Development Company. Fulton Heighs. Salisbury. Subject he wever to a mortgage in fa vor of E. K James, for $300. as record ed in .bo jkoi Mortgages JNo. 4o, page 243 This June 1st, 1914. J. H. McKknzie, Sheriff of Rowan County. Kotics of Execution Sale. State of North Carolina, Rowan County. T rry w In the Superior Court. VS. S Gold Hill Consolidated I Company. J By virtue of an exeevtion directed to the undersigned from the 3uDQrior J Court of Rowan County in tke above entitled action, I will on -Monday, the -6th day of July, 1914, at the court honse door in the City of Salisbury, at 12 M., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the right, title, and interest of the Gold Hill Consolidated .Company in the fol " lowing lands: I -a-o v vxuisu vuov j pal V3c 1 Jl 1 aim I lying on Royall's Ceek and known as I the Peeler tract containing by estima tion 88 acres, excepting therefrom two tracts containing five or six acres here tofore sold by Henry Peeler tu Thas. and Jacob Earnhardt as will appear by reference to said deeds. For baok t title, see book of Deeds No. 121, pages f-IK 1 IT IO I iiuiinaiiD umuw ui uuau s vreeK containing Dy estimation izt acres, more or less, as shown in deed Jdated October 20th, 1881, executed by A. K. Miller and wife to Gold Hill Mines, nd recorded in Book No. 64', page 653, also for back title, see Book of Deeds No. 121, page 15, 16, 17, 18 in Register's office- This June 2nd, 1914. -J. H. McKknzik, . Sheriff of Rowan County. John L. Rendleman, attorney. Admiatstratars' Notice, . Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of V. C. Troutman, deceased , notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said es tate to cresent the same to the un ler signed on or before June 5th, 1915. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. j All persons indebted to said estate fare notified to call and settle with the undersigned without unnecessaiv He. 11 av' This June 5th, 1914. Orlin Cb jse, Administrator of W. C. Trout. man Rock well- No. 2. N. f! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is at Up 'wash Ties for 18c. - 10c - . - 25c 39c - 75c $3.98 to $7.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 and 69c SPECIAL HOSIERY OFFER Yale and Harvard, each 9 in. x 24 in. Princeton, Cornell, Michigan Each 7 in. x 21 in. For Limited Time Only Six pair cf oar fiuest 353 value ladies' guaranteed hose in black or tan color with written guaran tee, for $1.00 aud 5 stamps for postage. Special Offer For Men. For a limited time only, six ffcirs of our fiuest 85o value Guar anteed Hcs? with written guaran tee and a pair of our well kuown &Ieo's Faradise Garters for one dollar, aud 5 stamps for pc stage. You knew these hose; tbey stood tbe test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. The? have no seams to rip. They nnver beoom- loose and baggy as the shape is knit in, not pressed in. Chey are Guaranteed for fineness, for style, for superiority of ma terial and workmanship, absolute ly stainless and to W9ar six months without holes, or a new pair free. Don't delay send iu your order before offer expires. Give correct siz. Wear - Ever Hosiery Co.. Dayton, Omo SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE ILLUSTRATED 320 PAGES Tells all about sex matters ; what young men and women, young wives and husbands and all others need to know about the sacred laws that gov ern the sex forces Plain truths of sex life in relation to happiness in mar riage. "Secrets" of manhood and womanhoi.d; sexual abuses, --ocial evil, diseases, etc. The latst, most advanced and com prehend ve work that has ever been is sued on sexual hygiene. Priceless in structions for those-who are ready for the true inner teaching. This book tells nurses, teachers, doc tors, lawyers, preachers, social work ers. Sunday School t achers and all others, young and old, what all need to bnow phout sex matters. By Winfield Scott Hall, Ph. D. M. D. (Leipzig). Newspaper Comments: "Scieatificdlv c jrrecfc " Hhix. Tribune. "Accurate tnd nn-tn.rtt - Philadelphia Press. St.nnHrri hr.Air of knowledge." Phiiadnl The New York World truths for those who need or aught to krVTWJthem for the Prevention of evils. Under nlain wrann er fm nnU i no vuiu ur iuuuey uraer, cents extra. postage ten Miami Publishing Comp'y fa u, ua o, JPU7 ndon 'Tango" Necklace 1 llJjli Kvelvn Thaw" Bracelet Thtse two beautiful lar jewelry are the craze among so ciety women in New York and the lar gest cities They are neat and elegant gold fir ished articles that will gladen the heart of every girl or woman, no matter how younj. or old. Very sty- usn ana attractive Our r'ree Offer. Wo Q " SAA C VIOIIIU OI earmmt Chewing G place a big box of this fine, healthful gum into every home. It sweetens the breath whitens the t.oh d. . vwvi. c.ivi a iuo lgestion. It is refreshing nd nW- ing toall. To f-very one seeding us out ouc and 5 stamns to costs we wil. shrl a bie box of 20 lar 5a packages of the Spearmint Gum find, include the alterant. t.h w lace and ' Evelyn Thaw" bracelet ab solutely free. This offer is for a short time only. Not more than 2 orders to one 1 arty. Dealers, not allowed to accept this. United Sales Company, Dayton, Ohio. Box 101 K., Lee Wright, Attorney. 6-10-6t

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