fft. V - ,? - lelf EipfBSiu Thia An? O'.hsr Etficieni y hSiJ!! -VAVtemtDtw-imiiir flcth- fluto of (h.U.:4liiateJjfoith Carolina HU of Hi.tory !!"T8i i maiia-juii iUftUBuar-rnHuucKrimonBD vita waioa o.ezBxa:iiML;! ..r-. -. ;vs . Pa-daring the weak -of Jane, 284 CoaBtitafeiooalisU ldngM ha, ::TT ,t---x WMhinafc-o, July road- drajf ia the a iiafMtf u d t -leatt 'fxoenwTe-ooBwvanoe ye df iie4 for miunaioiug earjh foadB,.aooording to the experts m tne Umied States Department of Agricultare, who are co-opeiaJ tug with4.he State and . coouty ao - (borities in work tat better roads Property nsed, the drag gives the needed crown of the road, amoothea oat rats and other irrg ularitiee, ipreads oat paddles of iert thereby accelera'ttijg- tht 4 drying. of. 4b e . road, and makes ilh.iajrjfCde. more or fess 4 imprevi cfllater by smearing ove'r-the OMBailed pores in the earthy ma terial. Tfle Mil -4Uo peration de- DBUUB. gijUBurew iHiJir teas eipairi;:.nj Farmers' Ball-tin, Ho. bT, o the Department of Agriculture discasiei, audur the titiH of 'Ta.rf Road Drag and How It Is Ued," the best methods of m iiitiuiDg earth roads in god occdition bv this simple doe. Ia this baitetiu whfch has jas'. been pab'isbed, the deartaiHi t points oat that of afore tfan 2, 000,000 miles of good pnbhc reads iu trie United States c'hly about e6oaaWMciiy 200,000 miles have bee u givea n bard sorfaca, Ii is trae. oi courge that a largQ. part uf.-ttie remaiuiu mileage caueists of of roads that are entirely unimproved, and that on roads of thiB class the drag jj practically asalesa. ' There is a mun Isrgar mileage, however, that has been partially improved, and it is on roads ot (his character roads that h&vu been crowned or drained, bat have not a hard surface thai the ase of the drag is advocated. ; Ia its simplest form the road drag oou8iets of of an ordinary log split in half snd the two halves oonneoted like the uprights of a ladder by means ot cross ticks or ruDgs set in. The l g should be about seven or eight inches in diamoter. acdTPaa-tS-: to eight fet in length. It, is bet ter to have it of well seasoned, hard, tone h wood Thetwosemi- eylindrical halves of the log from the rnnnerB of the drag, and ate usually spaced from thirty to thirty six inches apart. Thw front runner is always placed with the split surface of the wood facing forward, bat the rear ran ner sometimes has its rouuded face in front. This is done iu or der to morea9e the Buieanue ac tion of the drag as it passes over the surface of th? road. The two runners are not placed directlv behind each' other, but are "offset," s it is called, from twelve to sixteen inches, ihis is done because the drag is drawn over the road at au auele suffici ent to make the ru nTs fief themselves of the material which thev soraoe. The amount of this angle or skuw depends, of coarse upon the couditicn of the road Bv offsettine the runners, is is possible to make their ends fol low approximately the same hue on thu read, whhh they would not do if they were set directly behiud each other and the drag drawn at an angle w.th the road In order to provide standiug rocm for the mau. it is U;oai t naif 'two boards down upou th wrauiis paralell to the runners Standiue Uuon these, a skilfn driver will bear his weight inluch a way bb to aid materially in thb aucoeBsful operation of the drag. The drag is drawn by a chain, whioh b iould be about eight feet long. This can be fastened by eye bolts to each end of the tront tanner, or oue end of the chain paes through a hole at the dis charge end of the front runner, and the other end be looped over the wruog at the cutting end of the ruuuer. It is important that the hitohii g link should ba so riflH-pned that its nositi m can Lb chauged readily. It is also desir able to prov.de a metal cutting edge for the front runner. This can be made from a strip of iron or steel, and old wagon tires have frequently proved eat.aiactory. The cost of such a drag varies frcm $2 to perhaps $10 or $12 This practically insignificant out lay will secure an implement that will be of great service to the community for at least three " or fnnr vears. The. fact cannot be . "overloakek, however, that skil in the nae of the drag is iudiepen lib e. The angle that the runners make with the center line of the road, the skew ungle. as it migh be called, is an important factor For exmple, if the dragging is dona to increase the crown of the road, the dra2 should be be snf- flflientlv skewed to discharge al k .,h r,r ihfl Fa r men1 V fiduca clonal and qp-Oprativtruiott.pf America whidh is to s.h1d ?4t Trading FordTivFridayand Sat aiday, Aagust i th jaao ttjn ; ;: FKIDAY MOESINO LtST0!S 10 a m'.. meetinst called to -or der by presidrfnt, St: Q. MU lilef4 Devotional exercisoa tby '" jooap v WT'l-k Tk - ' am, rrot . rsrowov..'-- Add res s of welcome b). 3 T ruelieor. - . -: , - Response by F.-D. Patterson. Reading of minutes oi : potions RilHsal I of focftts.r fteesity we .mo st .vmP Ja?:-25' 1 eJoil, by Demonstrator, K. 'Wi -Freeman. Dinner. Afternoon session begina at 2 clock . Reports from exeoatire commit tee.'' Topic No. 2: AVhat Methodi to arsue to Build up the Locals by . H Frick aud others.' - " BATOBDAYIIO-RNING, AUSOBT 8. -v Meeting called to older . by president at 10 a. m. Devotional, by" Prof. F. ii. Brown. At .10 :30, Address by Dr. H. Q. Alexander. State President Jf. Jfi. and C U . of A. - .; - Dinner. Adjournment".' The public ia .cordially invited ta attend the Saturday meeting. 5ting the ladies and children. J H. Fbick, chairman, Gbo. W. Pabk, F. D. Patte80h, .J R. Palmeb,' s Arthur L. Kluttz, Seo : Jlxocative committee. rn war claims casein whioh 'will jvei tests', for many similar dlaima ra; -rjQw":i believed certam, andtbe;deciBioTJ8 are expected iin October, Thf blaima have dra.g suir alons foiveawAifund of pa vmeb t of the claims if they are f cund iAjjaUe. ;This fund via "the remainder of nearly twenty seven million dollaraitiy the a'aie-of cap; tnred oottoVi and other ertlcta, ; . 4 Bfcn l.OOO'cajes arer pen'd tnJ aiKt Boorea of letters - received tthe Treaaary Department indi-J cute that several 'tnoniana more caAesht Vo; 'beetoided'?? CMimultiii&ihet tone ol.. the I pdUlnaiD friend of General OarrtAs, hat been selected by Provir.il Pres ident CarbajaVto" De?aj4jats the tranofer' of thdv Government at Mexi$o;City to 'o)T!$a)iilite-r mm v Pt in Mexico Citv durtbBrnerta diotatotBhip, lef t Vera;,gjtii2 today i or lamprao to rneea : yKf u He has toUJriatrabaliri? range fot.thiraB Jose latellotti ter86jsTenre entative oft HrDail$today conveved thulnlcDloiit to mian bjrmfMmdiitutate Teasuiv r ralnjir -theirwet t9i and aenwaiirani aa.a loan, the orignial eertneate nf ntflmbaiahirj of his sreat-srand father, Col. Edward Yarborougb, to July Rowan Historical Social Re organized. At a well attended meeting held at the nw court house last Friday .ight the Rowan Histonoal Soci ty was re-organized, with the fol owing f fficers: President, Capt W. C C.ughenour. treasurer and ustodiaii, Joseph C. Kesler, sec retary, J. a.. Bean. ineo. uuer baum, who was formerly connect fd with this society turned over all papers and records in bis pos ession to the Bime and a commit tee was named t a )cure the return of sll the papers borrowed by the State thirty years aso from the Sicretaryof State. Ihe society will maintain a room in the old court hou3e after it is rcmod eled and have the use of a vault iu which to keep valuable papers After September 1st the sooisty will have regular stated meetings thoriAi that BlRfrOm 00tVii-5ii tfrfiTvaultt ftfxA4& whentha" rightfaL "owrera ' are found. Tha Treaaary offidala iaf they re holding in round Cgtfres $4,090.0C0 tot: distribution when the validity Of the cliims haa been established. t tDne official went into detail, aa to -how the Treasury came into possession of th fnnd. Congress he said, in 1868 .authorize the Jsecretary of the Treasury to ap-. Voint special agents., to collect captured and abandoned property in the states where rebellion exis ted. All ' th ( property collected by .them and not returned to the owners was'sold and the funds sent to the Treasury. A fund of $26,387,584 89 was accumulated. . After the oivil war ended, on August 2o. 1886, two years were all' wed for the presentation and payment of claims, in which time payments amouuting to $9,864,- 800.75 were made. Addit onal payments have heed made from time to time under special and private aots of Congress, At var ious times hundreds of claims haye been disallowed because the the Confederacy reoords in the mfiesnosL ol tne rreaaury us- . . .... i partment show that the gooas were sold to the Confederacy dp fore their capture. The total amount represented by the pending claims greatly ex ceeds the amount held. As a re- nit the Treasury Department is actively engaged in searching re cords and preparing data to in sure a proper distribution vbave ndire bajaliS Aa aofcn AB' Dr. . uepn ' re- cemd" b v general Caif anza an armistioe wil lbe formHys signed aT6tbe fiurtltep ih'behegouatipts General Carransa haifandicated hiBwiiriBgness to deolsra a truce during thenegotiations and the Carbajal Government ill anxious to do likewise. The Osrfcajal en vay has been iostrootedjto ask for only two things a f dSniplete amnesty for. political l-:fiediers and guarantees of the. ' Mexioan people. ' - i.. ' " ": While looal agents ot-.Catranza have said he . was disinclined to grant an amnesty, hia.;speeoh to- aay as v lotoria, mexic",i"ana other reliable adf ices sh6w.ht will declsre an amnesty thjraghVreser vmg the right to punrshfitTi reotly responsible for th;A8 st ation of Madero aud Saaw.lXbst those implicated! howeverTi hiva of. leit-mexico uuy. .Sxjs' - as a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, the meet striking, of all the national ... socities in the United States. : The certificate is in the original frame.' It is dated September 1st, 1787, and is signed by George -WasbiLgton, who was president of the society from the time it was formed in 1783 until his death in 4709, and by, M a j. Gen. Henry Knox, ; as r' secretary, "" the latter serving in that capacity from 1783 td1799 .-ru ha I Th nATtifirttAflfinda to Ed ward Maishall Yarborough, the eldest son-cf Col. Yarborough, the Marshall in his name beidg that Cera- of the famous ohief Justice John Big uiuiue&e iiuiii . "" The job of ; drainincQtant creek is now open tobidt.iso. an nounce the drainage cdznrdiisloo-, eis of Rowan oounty; through engineer C. M. Miller. ' . Th is to be drained for sst ' teen and a half miles and about 491,886 cubic feet of material will be moved, Tie work will be completed within 16 months from August 1st of this year. You're Bilious and Costive Sick Headache, and Bad Breath, Scur Stomache, Farred Tongue and Indigestion, Mean Liver and Bowels clogged. Clean up to night. Get a 25a. bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills to-day and empty the stomache and bowels of fermeuting, gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thankful feeling makes you feel tine. Hneotive, yet mild Don't gripe. 2oc, at y inr Druggist. Backleu's Arnica Haive 101 Barns. material as rapidly as it is collect- d oa the runners. On the other iand the conditions may be such hat it is desirable to carry along this material in order to deposit g where there are depression in the road s surlace. An lntelli gant operator will soon l-aru many ways ot contrciiiDg tne ac tkn of the drag. The length of the hitching chain, the disposi tion of the oDerafc-r s weitrht, the t me when the draging is done, all these exert a marked influence anon the results . As to the time tor dragging, a safe rn'e to follow. is to drag the road when the material oompos ine the surface containg sufficient uioifcture td compaot readily, but is not pufficiently wet for traffic t5 prDduce mud. Since the weather plays bo im portant a part in the nfatter, it is uot usually possible to arrange continuous employment for teams on the road. It is therefore de sirable, whenever possible, to have the dragging done by persons interested in the road, wno wu do it in the intervals of other occupations. Brickliilfl oi School Began. The excarvation worfc at tne Farm Life School building was completed several days ago by Holbrooks & Bradsbaw. Salisbury contractors and the brickliymg has commenced in earnest. This bmldinff has been especially de- nifrnfld for a school building and w.ll have all of the modern im provments and will be up to date in every respect, China isreve will have the advautaee over the other cities of the county in hav ins this school, it being the only one in the county and one of few in the state, but the people of Cuina Giove have worked hard for it and the benefit will be worth while. The-lavineof toe corner stone will take place soon ana this will be a creat day for the people cf this place. Among the euests to be invited on this special . -VIA occasion is Govenor Lrose uraig who will make a principal address 4B Master Swee'man Amies at Spancsr B E. Sweetman, who succeeds E O. SaBBsr, former Master Me chanic of the Southern Railway shops at Spencer, arrived in Spen cer last Thursday and entered up on active duties vVednesday. Mr. Sweetman oomes from Princeton, Sid. , and was Master Mechanio of the Southern Railway shops at that. place. He is a young man but has a great deal of experience in this work and those who have met him all speak of him aud think be will make a hoe boss. His wif6 and family will arrive in Spencer in a few days and they will locate there. Cured of Indgestion Mrs. Sadie P Clawson, Indiana, Pa., was bothered with indiges tion. "My stomach pained me nisht and day." she writes. I would feel floated and have head ache and belching after eating, I also suffered from constipation. My daughter had used Chamber lain's Tablets and they did her bo much good that she gave me a few dosea of them. They helped me as nothing else has done. For Sale by. F r Sale y All Dolors Marshall. Then it passed to Ed ward M. Yarborough the third. It was this member of the famil. who built and named the Yarbo rough He nae at Raleigh, lenp famous as the real.political head quarters in North Carolina. From him it passed to the present owner, who makes the loan. To the Society of Cincinnati a) officers of the continental army or Navy American and French, who had served with honor for at least three years, were eligil le as members; the mambersbip de scending to the eldest lineal male descendant, There are liL state societies, one in each of the on- nal States of the Union and one 8ociety4h-Fr$nce, numbers of the dK -Ibdepend enoaThordingf thu ? pracb 'prised honor, "j - " - - - Osyft - EdWardXarbcro, wa"ft tesidentVof Salilburv and hvwhLre the Wasblngiou bnild- ing ; nowv stands on; JNortn;main Street; The, c Yarboro burying g;ound where a number .of the family and other early prominent citizens 6t. the own Were interest ed, is situated-, pn Hogan'a Alley, wher Sowera '-. blacksmith shop now" stands. Edward Yarboro, Jr., sen of Capt. Yarboro of Salirbury, wbb the proprietor of the Yarboro house in Raleigh and gave it it his name. Triumphal Arch at Valley Forge Dedicated. The arch of triumph for whioh Cougreas appropriated $100,000 in 1910 has been built and dedicated . . ij; i to the American soiaiers wao eu- dured such terrible privations while in winter quarters at Valley Forge in 1777 78 A handsome page view of the arch appears in the August Por-ular Mechanics Magaziue. In 1893 the state of Pennsylvania bought 475 acres of laud ooveriue -the site of the camp and formed it into "Valley Forge Park." Suckerlng Corn A reader wishes to Know it we "think it necessary to pull Back ers off corn 1" If we could tell about the fu ture lainfall or knew just how much plant food is going to be available to feed the corn we could nosSiblv give useful advice on this subject: but as no one knows these things and experiment seem to indicate that, taking one year with another it does not pay to rull off the eucfcrs, we aavise our readers that he leave the suckers also. The Progressiva FarmeT, Protestaolsm Taking Cuba. There are eigh Protestant de nominations at work in Cuba, with one hundred and thiry pas tors constantly preaching the gos, pel in over three hundred pulpits. These pastors have nearly two hundred assittand lay preachers to help them, and seven hundred teachers id Sunday schools give weekly Bible instruction to twelve thousand pupils. Young people s societies flourish in many congre gations. In about fifty boarding and day schools of our Protestant denominations, one hundred and sixty teachers oome in girls and boys. Some of the young men graduates from our schools are now filling responsible positions in public and business life ; others are preachers or teachers The American Bible Society has circn ated nearly three thousand copies of the Scriptures in Cuba. Mil. ions of tracts and prophleta, and tens of thousands of good books have been distributed, sold and read. Five Church papfra filled vigith evangelical reading matter reaoh several thousand readers every issue Is it conceiv able that all of these agencies pouring in their contributions to Cuban life labor in vain? Luth eran Visitor. Bast Diarrhoea Remedy If you have ever ased Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera " and Diar- rhoer Remedy vou know that it is a success. Sam F Guin, Whatley Ala , writes, "I had measles and sot oaueht out in the rain, and it settled in my stomaoh and bowels I had an awful time, and had it not been for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I oould cot poosibly have lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy. I now am well and strong." For Sale by. For Sale by All Dealers. Has Your Child Worms? Most ohildren do. A Coated Furred Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomaah Pains: Circles under w -. ai . ry l ; . eyes; rale sallow uompiexion. Nervous. Fretful: linnumg o Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Tlrftftma anv one of ..these inai oate Child has Worms. .Get- box of Kiokapoo Worm Killer at once. It kills the Worms the cause of your childs condition Ia Laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied in candy form. Easy for ohildren ' it was tne good fortune of your correspondent to be present r at two of the lectures; and the im portance of the' serieB . together with the plan - undrr which they were held oonviuoe's me that an aocpunt of them should : be pub lished in Tax Menacsj f or the be nefit of patriots in other cities. The Ieoturea were-: held .under the auspices of the- "Amerioan Patriotic, Joint lecture 3om mittee." This committee com posed of representatives from the Loyal Orange .Lodge, the Knigh of Luther, Knights of Malta, True Amerioans, Indians V, u , Jr. O . (J. A.' M. and Ladies Loyal Orange Association, "these seven patriotic fraternities have asssoia- ed. together for the purpose of ducating the people in matters a patriotic It is a moBt com neudable plan and should be uiulated -by the fraternities in (her cities. Since these orders .ave federated they haye really ransformed the city of PitttUurg ind the oounty in the matter of civil governmsht. For years Rome has been: com pletely dominating Greater Pitts burg because Rome worked as a unit, but an the campaign . last fall these sooietieebanded togeth er.- flndnnad eartatn candidates. nominated others "and the, risult Khad the least :chance to sucoeAaT Howxcan tbey" expect considera tion or kindly treatment ' tromja people thye have bppressed ; ; for oenturies and whose enemies they have aidedu arid abetted; from Uortez to HuertaT s The Mexican rieople are. fight ing for freedom and "the Hand of their fathers.1 If they take their lives in hand to bust the murder er, Uuerta, and are successful in the undertaking, they would cer tainly be chumps to leave his allies in possession of the power they have used for oenturies to oppress the Mexican people. It ls-fcffepitig wrth Romish tao-L tics for the archbishopa to ap peal to Washington. Interven tion has always been their long iuit. Huerta, their tool; tried to affect the same by insulting the flag. His scheme didn't work for the simple reason that a Pres ident was on the job at Washing ton who had no use for the mur derer of Madero. It remains to be seen whether "he will be as firm when it cornea to dealing with Buerta's ecclesiastical pals. Net spiper HjpocrUj. The avsrage daily newspaper is a lying, hypoorital fraud, taking the people's money and playing to the galleries with the thing that Will bring in -the - greatest amouoto f advertising patronage. That -they are two-faoed -and - "V v. - nf tha nlAAtmn an . trfat .nnfe t-O ifi -. . " . : I.AaMn4tMM.I.Ii. iMA jikMH M.ftA. AM' ta' r i -h4wIt44floBt-t: Tha' fiftvovernmenll by any.Teader wfco-4sj wiUinro: - ... i -i . -ihg "lndepend-Iwj -tat- - '"a true AmihciSrs, and; lfofa&$? lonfT a eelbmd: note tfar composed of 21 members WhdJoonfW'or instanoe.-iriahe-Chjfuf' . - - . : s 'a..'m.ssav; l oriiwn nr -jnrvKn n sin . and reportsTare madrto the vaxi- Uttlew.rrtterx ;btReT. ,Tkoiaai oub orderB at stated times ; the re sult is that practically every loyal American knows what U going on Tind ia working. in .harmony, 'with every otner patriot in tnn gre modern reiormauon . - iney no only provide leoiuresV but ialao conduct a patriotic paper. . The Keystone Amerioan whioh is pub lished weekly and goes into the homes of every member of thee patriotic socities and is gaming a national circulation. The Pittsburg plan should be emulated by Protestants in every city in the union. In the closer union of Protestan tism is the hope of liberty. The leotures were beld in one of the finest auditoriums in the nation: the audienoes were ex cellent every night. The Themes i A 44V Sfcaie nf Ohio. Clifcv of Toledo. I j 1 aa Lucas County, ( Frank J Cheney makes cath that he is senior partner of . the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, Oounty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALF'S CATARRH CURE, Frank J Chensv. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6ib day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A W Glsason. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and aots directlh upou the blood and mucuoa surfaces of the system. Send for testitmo- nalsfree. F J Chemxy & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills -for jj constipation, were: "A Patriotio Speaker's Experience;" "Catholic Priest hood and White Slavery;" VCath olism and Women" (women only); "The Coming Conflict; "Roman Catholism t Un-Amerloan" - and "The Scarlet Woman and the Beast." . Spurgeou hss recovered from his injuries received at the hands of the "Nits of Columbus" at Denver, and with the added ex periences of that ordeal he waded into th 3 greatest of modern men aces, it was one ovation alter another from the time he appear ed on the platform to the end of the program. Under the patriotio city govern meat, the poiioe protection was superb; blue ooats were on every hand aLd they were "Nits of Columbus' either. There was no disorder and time only oan tell the good accomplished. j-tlf any of our good, but fearful, American people think this coun try ia past - redemption, they should acquaint themselves with conditions in Pittsburg. There's! Reason Mexico City, June 26. Mo9t Rev. Francisoo Planoarter Navas rette arohHshop ot Linares, and Most Rev. Francisco Orosooy Jiminez, archbishop of Guadala jara, accompanied by the French Charge d Affairs, oalled at the Brazilian legation here today and held a long conference with Min ister Cardoso de Oliveira regard ing what they termed the hostile attitude of the Constitutionalists towards the Catholic church. Many instances were oitied by the prelates in confirmation of the charges. The arohdiooese of Linares, which includes the city of Mon terey, is reported to be suffering greatly as a result of the expul sion of priests and the closing, of the Catholic churches. The Brazilian minister will send the statements of . the arch biships to the State Department at Washington,-whioh is . expeoted to exercise its influence in pre venting a B. Gregory," in which th 9 Ameri can editorallows the- correspond- dent, to use this" language when - v dealing with the publics school! question: atfd the" seperauonr tOt. - obuToh attd state!,: ? : - Thelmenwho made thu nation and established its institution '' ... : were wise. They knew history, and they did not need to be told that to mix up church and state is to commit national suioide. So they decided that the people should have no official copartner ship with the churches, and that the people's schools, like all the other publio institutions, should be secular purely and simply seoular, rather than half Becular and half eoolesiastical. And in this they did well. To have done. less , would have been in the end disastrbvr If the day .ever cpmea;rueB the people's money381?B5&priated for seo tar lan putndsss, V and the sectarian shibbolethT are permitt ed to invade the precincts of our public sohool system, the great experiment in democratic govern ment on this continent will have failed and the curtain will have fallen upon the attempt at free and progressive government in our beloved oountry. What's the matter with that? Nothing absolutely nothing. It is the sentiment The Menaoe has been trying to disseminate all these years. You might searoh the files of The Menace from the time and you wouldn't find a clearer, more pugnent or timely statement on the separation of church and state. The point is simply this : Prob ably in less than thirty days the American will oome out in a whole ront page with piotures of priests and other prelates and a eulogy on the Roman Catholic as long as Jacob's ladder. The Amerioan is exactly like the great majority of other daily papers. It has no policy. It has no principal, and it has no other object than to make money. Is preaches patnosim one day ana lauds the enemies of patnosim the next. It plays for suokers and catches them in every stream. The only hope for the people is for the people to make plain to the daily papers where they stand on these great questions. When they print something worth while write them and tell them, about it, and then when they print 'this Roman slush tell them about that, too, and tell them about that unmistakable terms. They'll soon get wise. 5a Bucklena' Arnica Salve for Cuts Burns Sores Mr, E. 8. Laper, Marilla, N. Y., writes: ' I have never had a Out, Burn, Wound or Sore it , would not heal.". Get a box ot' Bueklen's Arnioa Salve today;' v Keep handy at all times for Bams, v Sores. Oats. Wounds. Pravunt. V continuation of the I Look jaw. 25., at yoEr Dte " L 5 i -V .

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