THE CAROLIIU VfATGHUAtl. Published Every Wednesday, v 120 West Innes Street. atTBscBipnOBr. price: Watchman .... 1 yr. . . . . $.75 Record v. I yr.....$.75 Both Paroers..l yr. . . . .$1.00 Adrertisincr rates reasonable Entered at second-class matter Jan HMi uvvi mm u - bury, . O., under tbe act of Congress of Maren8rtt,i87i. Salisbury, N. C, Sept, 2, '14 Judging by the scare head lines, the American newspapers ware more frightened by the dropping of bomba in Paris than the Pari sians. Turkey seems to have decided to join Germany and Austria in the war and Italy, Greece and Bulgaria have stepped out to help Russia, Servia, Belgium, England and Japan. If any one elss wants to fight, bleed and die now is the great opportunity. . It should be remembered, if the United States is to establish itself as a commercial carrier on the high seas, that ooaditions .should not be figured on a temporary wat basis. The iamereasons that have existed to keep American mer chantmen off the seas will likely exist after the "war is over, i e: the low wages paid foreign crews, making competition impossible. Salisbury has been keeping her usual course during the past few months, has had a spell of -peace and quiet as it were, but none the less progressive. It will soon be time for the real citizens of Salis bury to get together and deliver their ultimatum to the county commissioners and oity aldermen in reference to their wishes, and, when this is done there is to be more than an imported secretary to sign the document. -ioa;thiCMi rrs have made a mistake inapecd ing the people's money to fix up the old court house for a play house.1 To include the value of the ground and building this mat ter will equal an appropriation of $75,000 and is such an amount that the matter should have been submitted to tbe voters of the .countyfor their decision. With the prospects of war taxes being plac ed on the people and ootton selling at 8, this building,-if rented as contemplated, would have lighten ed the burden ci Rowan citizens considerably, if pioperly applied. Mark it, Rowan is being needless ly run into debt and it will only be a matter of time till the people will be walked over and ,the legis lature asked to permit the oounty commissioners to issue bonds to cover floating indebtedness. It iB strange, but seems to be . a. a . true, tuat wnen a nation has a houseoleaning these days the poor, humble, self-iaorifioing Christ-like fellows, xalled Romish priests, come in for a big part of the rubbish to be removed. Por . II 1 .L -' tugai expexiea vnem, mexioo is driving them out and now Ger may is making them targets for bullets. And, we wish it were not true, but many of these refugee priests, nuns, and people are flock- ing to Amerioa, and sooner or later this country will have to send them baok. We are told that m a rgoent shipload coming here there were nineteen priests on board and when some protestants attempted to hold a player servioe, it rough house was started and these saintly prieBts joined in oursing and abusiag the protest ante. There was nothing political about that, it was just straight religious persecution, the kind the Romish orowd is accustomed to dealing out. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It al so cured others that I gave it to," writed M. E. Gebhart. Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attaok of diarrhoea oan almost invariably be cured by one ft two doses of this remedy. For Sale by All Dealers. Tie People can le Wei If CHI-footed Idols tra bad for S. C. Perhaps km for N. C. The Oatawaba County News says the elevation of a man ol the type of Blease by the people causes some voters to be afraid to cruse me pwupic xuo fear is not justified, thinks the News, for when the people make a mistake oi this sort tney are quic iu rew.i j u, whereas if the matter is left with a few politicans the mistake is proDSDiy never remedied. That is about right in our judgment. The people neccessarily cannot always be right. They have to learn from experience just as individuals do. Sometimes they seem a little slow in learning, but sooner or later they will get down to brass tacks and correctly locate the milk in the cocoanut. Perhaps what the average voter needs more than anyth'ng else is not to be willing to stand for too much off h a nandidRte. Too many insist uu standing by their man no matter what he does to forfeit support. Ihis is prejudice rather than logic and reason. The voter has what the candidate needs, a ballot that counts one. He should vain ft it and not give it away thoughtlessly. He should be from Mimmiri t.n a. creater decree than he The 8outh Carolina voters found out that the feet of their idol were marl a nf olav hnt. thev could just as well have found it out sooner as later, News an 1 Observer. This idea of trusting the pe6' pie is all right provided the peo ple are properly informed, that is to say they know all there is to know on both sides of the subject being considered. Some people think it is a newspaper's business to give this information, but few of them dare to do it and as a con sequencethe intelligent voter is' a pretty scarce article, aad they don't ail live in South Carolina either. Such men as Blease are not the worse type that can afflict a State or community, there are diplomatic sneaks and smoothe tongned scoundrels much more to be feared than Blease. yet stand higher among a certain claBB. Few men are elected to office be cause of their good qualities, but generally because of the party collar! and their political machi nations Yes, "too many insist on standing by their man no matter what.he does to forfeit support," and some of our So-called "very best" people are guilty. We see men todav aotine iust as Peter did of old, denying their own con viotions and associates without half the provocation, we see them praying for the uplift of human Uythfajej uivatiun , ;v Bianer uia . yoi iu business and political ' matters stand iquarely and persistently shoulder to shoulder with the forces of evil. What, by the way, is neoeisary for a oandidate to do to forfeit the support or the voter? We are told that to brine charges, no matter how true, against a candi date, really helps to elect him. If one crvs aloud against the criminal who seeke political office, he is 'howled dowu, persecuted, boyootted and ostracised for his trouble. We suppose a newspaper may ease its conscience by deal, ing with such matters in a general way as does the Obseiver, but by getting down to "brass tacks," oall names and specify deeds, the Democratic party's nominees in this State would certainly present a differnt appearance to the voter ihk watchman tmnKs it was a good thing for the people of South Carolina to learn that "the feet of their idol were made of clay," and believes that they could have, or rather should have, found this out earlier, and would have done so had the newspapers given them the proper information. If clay footed idols are net gcod for Sooth Carolina perhaps they are not much better for North Caro lina, therefore why not inveBti gate some North Carolina candi dates and make report. Thk Watchman is ready to go as far as the farthest, in faot it will show he Observer some spots on men it is daily whooping up that will make Cole Blease look like gentleman in comparison. Lets give the people the facts and try trusting them. First Tar Heel ConfeHe Dead Washington, Sept. 1 Capt. John B. Worsley formerly of Pitt County, now of Asheville, was found dead in his room here to night. Captain Worsly was a gallant Confederate soldier. He was the first man from North Carolina to enlist in the War Be tween tbe States and fought through that memorable war without being furloughed a single day. Firm for Reit And Horses For Sale. a good farmer who can furnish his own stook, is wanted to Vtake charge of the McCanless farm at Dunn's Mountain. Two -good horses and a mule for sale. Call at the farm or addres, Mrs. J. 0. McCanless, Granite Quarry, N. O. 1 2w-b-p-pd. Toftaj'g War News Claims to Hai 8 Captured 70.C00 Russians. King Albert Siys lbs Allies Will Succeed. London. Sept. 1 . 1 p. m, The Belgian commission on its way to th Uuited States to protest against alleged German atrcoities in the war zone read an address to King George at Buckingham Palaoe today setting forth some of the happenings in the present campaign. King George replied that Great Britain would support Belgium and that he was grateful for the ga'lant Belgian resistance. He added that he was shooked atthe reports of German brutality. "King Albert bade us tell all the world that Belgium is not crushed acd never will e crusheed. Such a spirit as we have never oan be downed. We will fight on aud on, and success finally will crown the efforts of the Allies." Paris, Sept. 1. 11:45 p. m. Tbe following official statement was issued by the War Offioe to night: "On oar left wing, as a result of the turning movement of the German army and in order not to accept battle under' unfavorable conditions, our troops retired to ward the South and Southwest. In the region of Bethel our forces have arrested the enemy momen tarily. In the oenter and on the right the situation remains un changed." - Honolulu, Sept. 1. The Ger man cruiser Nurnberg will leave this port tomorrow, cleared for aotion, to meet tha Australian warships Australia and Warrego. The British meu-of-war today aooompamed the British collier Strathdale to the three-mile limit here and are reported waiting out side. Captain Schoeuburg of th JN am berg said today that the Nurnberg would not surrender and that he expected the ship to be the ooffiu for himself and his orew. Washington, Sept. 1. Offioia advices received through diploma tio channels today reported two of the most important developments of the present war. The German Embassy gave out a message irom .Berlin, received by wireless, olaiming that German forces near Allenstein had cap tared 70,000 Russian prisoners including two commanding gener als, dUU omojrs and the entire equipment of Russian artillery Great Britain asked the United States to be prepared to care for British diplomatic interests in Turkey, indioatihgfaat the Allies. had lost hope persua&ofcv the Ottoman Empire to - ticuaii'e tral. Dispatches received at - the British Embassy referred to the incorporation in the Turkish army ot several German omcerg, which was regarded as tbe forerunner of Turkey' intervention iu behalf of Germany, Diplomats here believe that Turkey's entry into the conflict would mean the immediate align ment ot ltally, as well as Greece on the side cf Great Britain France, Russia, Servia and Mon tenegro. Just what the attitude of Bulgaria will be is a matter of uncertainty, though the Turkish Ambassador here gave out a state ment today speaking of the oom mumty of interest of Bulgaria and Turkey. The Turkish situa tion was watched with deepest ooncern by diplomats because o the imminence of a general war in the Balkans and extension of the war drama to all of Eastern En rope. The official statement of tbe big German victory against the Rns sians attrsoted wide attention Military observers pointed ou that if tbe number of Russians taken prisoners had been correct ly estimated at 70,000, there must . uave oeen great casual ties, no mention of whioh is made. Nep Doctors Oppose Lipr. The National Medical Assooi ation, composed of colored doo tors, dentists aud pharmacists from all parts of the country, in session in Kaleigh last week adopted resolutions putting sea of the association's disapproya ou uqaor as a part ot tne doctor' armamentarium, the resolution adopted following close along the line of those adopted by the North Carolina Medical Society Ihe resolutions condemned the promiscuous issuing of liquor pre sonptions by physicians and like wise denounced the rum traffic oonduoted by some drug stores. as How's This? We offer Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall Oattairh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O -We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the laet 15 years, and believe him. perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Oommeroe. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonals sent free. Price 75 oents . per bottle. Sold Ly all Druggists. -Take Hall's Family .Pills for oonstiption. rr.Dav -' J" - ..-i'SJf '.- '. '5.-- ' Labor Day . is to be . celebrated rm . .. ' '''1 SP" V- ..: here in hrst-ciass style Mouaay and the following is. an ontline of the program expected to be carri ed out: The parade will form in Salisbury and march to Spencer and then will; follow .the speech making- Welcome , addresses wil 1 be made by Mayors C. 5 G I hell ing of Spencer and Walter H Woodson of Salisbury, whioh will be followed by an addcas9 by Fair ax Harneoo. president of the Southern Railway- - The parade will be divided into Odiviaioni : No." "lrwilt consist two. of a baud and various. unions and floats and division 2 will con sist of a band, flattt.Uraternal orders, fire departments;-clown and citizens in carriages and au tomobiles. TIME TABL8. Marathon Rsoa 9:20-'. m. Parade Leave -Sal jftmry 9:30 a. m. V - ov Parade Arrives ? ScADcer 10 :30 a. m. 2x.-j!&teMai7--. Speaking from ;JoJvsUnd 10:30 a. m. Daylight Fir Wort) -with Bal loons 12 uoon.v-.-r j&i Diuuer and mjasnl2i30p. m. Fraternal Orerlpri'lka : 15 p m. Vaudeville and M&sieCJ :45 m, Reel races 2 :15 p. Hurdle races 8:15 pxnv Tug cf war 8:8Q p.up;: Sack Races and MaiicB :45 p m. Font racfli 4 :00 n m. - Billy Goat raoes 4:J&f . F' ,T T. m. Boee Ball 5:15 p-fcl' v Climbing GreasyPdN4'80 m Bn'.y Show 445ft: Bii loon ABcenaipnl5 p.. m. Baud Concert Sapper on GroundliOO p. m. Vaudeville and MujCsTjOO p. m. Fire works 8:00 pm PEIZBS.IE Marathon race Salisbury to Spencer, 1st $5 CKW Marathon raoe Salisbury to Jpencer, 2nd $2 50, '; ' Best Uuion Float-$15 00 Best Fraternal Flout $15 00. Beit Merchants' Float $10 00. B-et Farmers Union. Float $1500. ... Bust decorated automobile $10 00 . '; v'- " Bess Goat Wagon and Driver $2.00 ..-iz- .j Beat Fraternal Order Drill $10 Foot raoe, 100 yard dash $2 00 Sack race $.0Qi v Hurdle race $2 00 Jiirgest number of decettdanti of one family $5 00. Btit Company Boy Scouts in parade $5 00. Bist Clown Band $5.00. But rider and'ponr (boy or girl) $5 00. Most comical rider and mule $5.00. . Climbing greased pole $5 00. Finest baby, two years and un der $5.00. Any couple getting married in front of grand stand $10 00. Base Ball, winning team $20. Bise Bill, loosing taam $10. Best Float of any ladies organi zation $10 .CO. ' Best Fioat Camp Fire Girls $5 Tug of War $10 00. Best 'Possum Hunter and dogs $5.()0. Ladies and children are invited to the rent rooms prepared for their comfort opposite the park where a maid will be in attend ance to look after their wants. Three oompeteut judges will be found at these rooms from 4:45 to 6:15 p. aa., for the purpose ot judging the babies. All mothers or nurses should present their child ten between these hours. Extremely Low Round Trip Fares to Baltl more oo Account of thi Hatioail Stir Spangled Banner Centennial September 6ih-l5 h, I9!4, via Southern Railway Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Baltimore on account of above occasion. Dates af sale September 5th, 8th and 10th, with final return limit to reach starting joint prior to midnight of September 19th. Stop overs will be permitted at Washington on return within limit of ticket. Excellent oppor tunity to yiiit Baltimore, Wash, iugtoo, Philadelphia, New York and Atlantic City at small cost. A million dollar display of Historical Pageantry, Industrial aad patriotic Parades, Carnivals, Novel electritl illuminations, Army and Navy Parades, Fire works, and Bombardment Middle States Regatta, National Athletic Union Event ou land and water Excellent train service. Six fast through trains daily, afford ing Pullman accomodations, din ing car service and day coaches, For detailed information and rates from any point on Southern Railway apply to any Southern Railway Agent, or R. H. DbButtb. D. P. A., Southern Railway, Charlotte, N. C. 4 How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBMLINE is the trade-mark name"glven to an Improved Quinine, it is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas, ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. . "PclaUy adapted to adults who cannot tate ordinary Quinine. Doe not nauseate nor fa.uuf DeIT??18ness nr ringin in the head. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for-2-ounce original package. The same FB&1UN3 b bWa & tettJaVtt cent. roBTam pan? Saifl m Ipincle : Hi dot Bi Bei'ea," Sijs tbe Bulls Ae- n bassador ti tbi United States. New York, Aug. 31. Count Johann von Bernstoff , German Ambassador to the United States, received from Berlin two more messages which he made public tonight. One of them to. d of the capture of about 80,000 Russian soldiers aud many high cmcere, us previously announced by the German Kmbsiy at Washington. rha other message read: "Rotterdam newspaper corres pondent was eyewitness of perfid ious attack of population at Lou vain on German troops. France fireus shot with Mitraileuse Officer of general staff found with shroat out. In Lougwy machines for the fabrication of the dam dam cartridges were found " Here the text of the message beoame so garbled as to be unin telligible. The words "evacoat ed," "Frenoh; garrison" and "50,000" appeastd. Discussing the confliot the Ambassador said it was ''the war of the German Nation, man for man. ' "Germany did not begin the war,' he said. She did not want war; she is and always has teen for peace France and Great .Britain are defeated n land, the Ambassador declared, and have only recruits or volunteers to send against the Germans. "We cannot be beaten," he said. "That iB why we have taken about 40,000 men from tbe western border to the eastern border to oppose the Russians." Count von Bernstcff said that Germany has more than well enough trained and thoroughly equipped men still on the western boundaries to cope withthe com bined attacks of .the Allies even with their replenishment of re serves. He said that the winning of tbe i 1 1 . . war on land was tne an impor tant thing since the defeat of tbe German Navy by a greater navy was not unexpected, the German Navy being intended simply as a coast defense rather than an invading power. Rheumatism Paios Stopped. The first application oi Sloan's Liniment goes right to the painful part it penetrates without rub bing it stops the Rheumatic PaiiiB around the joints aud gives relief and comfort. Don't suffer 1 Get. a bottle todav 1 It is a fami- lylptedtine for all pains, hurts, orniee, oats sore tnroai, neural gia aud chest pains. Prevents in fection. Mr.' Cbas. H. Went w.rth,- California, writes: 4 It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as I apnly it. I recommend it to my friends as the best Liniment I ever usd. Guaranteed. 253. at your Drag, gist. - 'BJ. . Annual Popular Excursion to Richnnnd, If a.. Via Soa:tWi Rii wi Toesdaj Septembir 8 b,. 19:4. Southern Railway will operate aun al September excursion to Richmond on Tuesday, September 8th, 1914, from North and South Carolina territory. Special train consisting of both day ooaches and itandard poll- man sleeping cars will leave Char lotte at 9:00 p. m. September 8th, arriving Rnohmond following morning at 7:00 a. m. Return ing, these tickets will be good on all resular trains leavins Rich mond Wednesday, Thursday Fri day, September 9&h, 10th and lith. Can spend three whole days and two nights in Richmond if desired, or return on any regular train Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 9th, 10th and 11th. Passengers from all branch line points oan use regular traiLS into flbsrlctte, Salisbury and other jtr ction points connecting with the special train. This will be thu only' excursion to Richmond this season and will be a first class trip in every respect. Follwing 'o round trip fares will apply from stat.ona named: Charlotte $4 50, Conoord $4 50, Thcmasville $4.25, Mor gauton $5 Ofr, Statesville $5-00 Reck Hill $5 00. Blaoksburg $5.00 Salisbury $4.50. Lexingt n $4 50, High Point $4 25, Hickory $5 00, Gastcnia $5 00, Chester $5 00, Shelby f 5 00 Fares from all other intermedi ate points on same lasts. Pull man reservations should be made in advance. For further information apply t: any ageut Southern Railway, cr, R. H. DeButt, D P, A., Charlotte. N. 0 Files Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding- or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. Tbe ant application gives Base and Rest. 90c. OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOdO OTIie Farmer's Seed House, o O phone h9l. 105 East Fisher Street 5 O Salisbury, N. C. g U XS'X'XXEl PXjAO EZ ro BDYTOURSEED W O We handle a full line of all kinds of field and gar- Q O den seed. Get the Nitra-tterm we have for inocula G O tion of your soil for Peas, Beans, Clcvers, Alfalfa, O O Vetch and other plants. See our testimonials f rora O Q the best of farmers as to its value . O q Call for our Poultry supplies before you buy elsewhere q oooooooooooooo oooooooooooo MOTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Re stored Her. Daugh ter's Health. fc Plover, Iowa. "From a small child my 13 year old daughter had female iuwimiHil!Uik!.l.ji!.MiWM.SJ weakness. . 1 spoke to three doctors about it and they did not help her any. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound had been of great benefit to me, so I decided to have her give it a trial. She has taken five bottles of the Vege table Compound ac- . cording to directions on the bottle and she is cured of this trouble. She was all run down when she started taking the Compound and her periods did not come right She was so poorly and weak that I often had to help her dress herself, but now she is regular and is growing strong -and healthy." Mrs. Martin Helvig, Plover, Iowa. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy.. If you are ill do not drag along and continue to suffer day in and day out but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege table Compound, a woman's remedy for woman s ills. If you want special advice write to Lydia E.Finkham Medicine Co. (conn dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman and held in strict confidence. Philadelphia Painless DENTISTS The Home of Good Dentis try, at Reasonable Prices. Comparison in the tet. Come and have your teeth examined Free! 12$ N. Main St. 'Phone 763. Salisbury, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture And Mechanic Arts This State Industrial College offe'ix Btrong courses ft! AsricuU tore HorticaltureijtoFWa- ing, Dairying, Poultry, Veterin ary Medicine; in Civil Electrical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufactur ing, and in Agricultural fetch ing . Four year eonrses. Two and one year Courses in Agricul ture and in Machine Shop Work. Faculty of 61 men ; 738 studt nts ; 25 buildings; excellent equip ment and laboratories! for each department. On July 9th County Superintendents conduct en trance examinations at each county seat. For catalogue write E. B. OWEN, Registrar, i ft-24-Utpd West Raleigh, N C. VJachovia Bank and Trust Go. Salisbury, N. C. NBXT TO COURT HOUSS win pay you 4 per cent on your deposits and cjmpounr; the interest quarterly. This is a Big Bank, why uct open an account with nss - Peopes' National Bank Salisbuiy, N. . Dobs General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 8 months rrompt attsmon given to any busi ness entrusted to us. Your business solicited". W Peoples National Bank John 8. Henderson, J.D.Norwood, resident. cashier. , W.T. Busby, V-r resident- Asst. caahier OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may , .quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an ' Invent ion is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents ent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpeciol notice, without charge, in tbe Scientific American. a handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr. dilation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36IBroada' New York branch Office, ffi V St, Washington D- G. OH.KING'S NEW DISCOVERT Will Surely Slop That Couoh- o-r-a xs?ite:i I II U I a Jtfll V I . ' B Po-Dc-Lax Bsoishes Plmp'es. Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, Biliousness, Torpid iiver, Con tipaticn, etc , o me from Iudi- geetKu. lake ro-io-ijax, tne pleasant and absolutely sure Laxa tive, aud yc-u won't f tier a derangf-d Str mach r tfter trcu- ee. It will toi e up fcb Lrver u.d paiify the b ted Use it reguNrlv and y u viil' stay well, have clear-CL mp!-xi' n and steady nrves. Gpt a 50c. bottle today. Money back if not. gatisfied. All Druggists. Wanted A good ma: with good help to farm Evrtbii g fur nished. Gcod lend to work. A good p'ace for a geed man. G . 8. Williams, Route 2, Salis urv, N. 0. 'Phone 4012. 8 26-tf. For our Ad in Next Week's Paper. BELK-HARRY CO. Sale of Valuable Mining Property. By virtue of divers executions di rected to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Rowan Oounty in the proceedings entitled U JJ. Flyler, and The Hal mar Coal Company against the Gold Hill Consolidated Company , et al., I will on Monday, the 7th day-of September. 1914, at 12 M., at the court house door in Salisbury. N. O. . sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, all the right, title, and interest .which the said Orold Hill Consolidated Company haffin the following tracts of land ; 1st. All that tract, piece or parcel of land known as the "Old Field Lot," contains by estimation 25 acres except ing t Herefrom tbe surface Sou for mining purposes in lot conveyed by John Iroutman to Hugh Kelly, as mentioned in said deed. 2nd. All that tract, piece or parcel of land adjoining the "Heil g Tract," and known as the "Paul Bayer Tract," containing 145 acres. 3rd. All that trat, piece or parcel of land lying on RoyaM's Creek and known as the "Henry Peeler Tract," containing 88 acres. For back title to the aforesaid tracts see Book of Dpeds No. 121. pages 15, 16. 17, 18. in office of Register of Deeds. This August 5th, 1914. J. H. McKknzie, Sheriff of Rowan County. John L. Rendleman, att'y. WANT A SEWING MA1HINE? Sew ng Machines of alt Desuipticns Do you want two machines in one? It sews with a lock stitch and a chain stitch. If so get the Domestic. Do you want the New Home? It is auto matic and ball bearing. Do you want the New Ideal? Do you want the Goodritch, or the Ruby o the New Model? Or do you want your old ma chine overhauld an! cl3aned up bo it will ew like a new one? If you want supplies for any kind of a machine, shuttles, needles, belts, oil cans, sup plies f any description? It so, write or 'phone C. Y. Harrington, Rockwell, N. O. Or call Frick & Lyerly's store at Rockwell , as I will open, a machine fchop and office there. If you want to live and let live s e me. Yours to please, P. W. HaRPINGTON Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of AdelaiJe Flowers, this is to notify all psrons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of July. 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to mal e prompt settlement. Th:s July 27th , 1914. John J Stewart 7-29-6t administrator. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Harvey A. A. Klntz, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or be fore the 21st day of August, 1915. or this nofce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said ( state are notified to make prompt settlement. This Augnst 2l9t, 1914 Z. A. Ki.uttz, Adm'r, of H. A. . Kluttz. Theo. F. Klut'z,'y. 8-26-8t-pd. FOR SALE ! One 850 Gas Range, Price - . $16.00 One $30 Baby Car riage, (English Per ambulator) Price - - $5.00 Apply at 220, South Eilis

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