'3 ALL "MUST - AGfisE EgfiBf France and f.ussia Decide SibiMo lad Ffglit to Finisb. to Biso Difflji Army Mo France (t U B' lJBlog to Look Sloe For 6ermaaf. SB? las 'fiiibi Dons f Her Worst. . . . Tinhflnn:: Rnfe 5. A :4ft n." m. .'s.'rrr-ii ,vr'?, ' tod a v a !ttttdl au - z t er m e nt none of the ifrrear' vs uld -peace W (h int the consent 6f three nations. Following is the text.of the pre tobol sitfued t day by represent tivt'e of Great Britain, France and Russia : 'The undersigned, duly author ized thereto by their respective Governments, hereby declare as follows : "The British, French and Ruf iian G Vtjrnm-nw mutually ei. page not to conclude peace sepa rate I y during the preset war. "The three Governments 8gre that whfU the terma of peace oc m to be discussed, uo oi t th- A lie w 11 dfjpa t;d conditions I peace w tbcut the prvins ngr' -meat of each of th other Allies, faivh---whereof the uudor- signed have biji ed iiu u-.c t tion and have sffix.d thereto then Beats. 'Done at London, iu triplicate this fifth day of September, nine teen hu idred aud fourteen, (Signed) "fi. Gry (British Sebretarj for Foreign Affairs ) "Pul Cmi on, (Fre. oh Am bassador t G-eat Britain ) "Benckendorff, Russian Am baesador to Great Britain." Saturday's telegraphic dispatch es were in substance, as follows: While announcements mde byi he! British and French au thorities last night were to the effect that there had bee do change-in -the situation of the belligerent armies, - unofficial re .ports laid that the German right wing had, been check d and forced to retire -en St Qieu tin, ou the of Laon ; The British official press bureau in its statement said a German movement was developing in an eastward and souhtb-eastward di reotion. The direct geographical location of tbiB mevrment was omitted. Farther cc nfi-uiation was re ceived iu New Yo.k last night that many thousauds of Russian troops had gone into France to join the ''Allies against the Gar mans. Their t umber was esti mated at between 70 000 and 80, 000, Newspaper reports to London last nigbt said the Germans ware operating in th district between Alost and Termoude, Belgium, and that th- latter town wsj bong bombarded. Tnat another naval engagement in the North Sea has occurred see ma possible from a statement issued by the Loudon official press bnreau It said seven German torpedo-boat destroyers had arriv ed at Kiel in a damaged condition and tbat others were understocd to have been sunk "in the vicini ty of the Kiel Canal.9 In some quarters, however, it was suggested that the vessel may belong to the German force tbat was eDgaged in the recent fight with the British eff Helgo land. The official Russian statement 1 T concerning tne capture ci in here, Capital of Cal'cia, says that it is the remnant of the Austrian Army left after the Russian at tack no longer is of military 7alue. Besides the thousands of men killed, wounded or made prison era, the Russians report that they took 200 guns from the Auatriaus. Grand Doke Nicholas the Rus sian commander-in-chief, ha? ordered the captured territory in Austria Hungary administered by the Russian general in command in that. country. The Bu garian Minister to Greece declarer that Bulgaria has decided to maintain her neutrality uutil the end of the war. A German aeroplane which tried to approaoh Paris is reported to have been smashed by the guns of (W3 French aviators in an aerial battle, Paris, Spt 6 (12:02 a. m ) An fflcial communication was is sued at midnight armDUuoiug that three fort bad fallen at Mu- beug1, a fortress of the first caa iu Nord. A further t ffioial statemeut says 'the President at B rdeaux tele graphrtd to toe military governor oj. Pane : ' "First- the respective situa tionsjof the German aud French armies on the left iug have, net nndtigoii any interesting change The evelopiusr m.vemant of the fnjmy has been defluitely cheok ed. ,, -t3eoond--hV8itttation is un changed ioitfe center and on the right iu Lorraine aud the Vosges 'At Parii'j'.fioia whioh the enatuy armies are going 1 farther away the.deiensiv works are po ceedipg: actively ' ; ' "A-tVAlftubenge the bombard ment coutiuues with extreme vio iunce. - Th city resists despite the destruction of three forts. rrs ssued by the Vrovernor liithis morniug: ? German army continues arther awa y from Paris toward 'the - southeast. - 'carryiug ous the movemVnt started Thurs day. -Vsty . - 'According to infcrmatiorivihe enemy's troops haveevaouated tht regiou of Ccmpiegne and Senlis." ODd.ed :Bi Dikes. Amterdam, via London, Sept J o (8:52 p. m.) The Antwerp c respondent of Teiegragfu sends the following dispatch: "Friday morning a strong Ger anau f ,rce left Brussels in a north westerly direction having prohab ty been ordered to cut commuui oatious between Antwerp and. the o .aat. Tney set- fire- to several h u-es aud the railWay station .at Buggenhout, and cut-the tele grapn wires. A German, prtrol cut communication between Ghent aud Antwerp by way of Oudermoude. . , "The country surrounding Ant- rp now has a remarkable ap pearance as the dikes to the south west of Maimer were opened by Bjlguus and the entire dis diict as flooded ThiB took the Germans completely by su'prise. Tney worked heroically waist twp in water under fire of- the Antwerp forts to extricate their their guns and suffered severe losses." Aim j of 700,000. London, 6ept 6 (ll:50p.mi) 'The Amsterdam correspondent of the Central News lends the fob iawing: i " 'Telegraphing from the head quarters of the Austrian army, a here from Barhu, says' the total i strength -of the Russiann army now holding the grouud between Lublin and Lemberg is 700,000.! Lorn berg is described as 'evacuat ed' by the Austrians. "Day after day," ads the cor respondent, "passes iu dreadful fighting, which has laBted now 11 dayB a The heat in Galicra is terri b!e. The fightiL g, judging by my impressions, is of the most cruel character, the soldiers being great ly excited by the duration of the abnormal duration of the battle. "I think I am not wrong in saying that victory over the Rus sian millions will be bard to win. The Russians have Buffered ;io big defeats except in the fight Anuenberg (in East Prussia 75 miles southwest of Koenigaberg ") Fifteeu British trawlers (suaall boats fishing for mines) have been unk in the North Sea by German warships the French Premier explains that the session of Parliament at Paris were brought to a close in order that the Parliament might be reconvened at Bordeaux, if necessary. The British Government has is sued an omcai denial at tne use f dumdum bullets by British or French, as obarged by Germany. Monday's dispatches give the following: The Allied armies defending the road to Paris again have come in to ooutaot with the German right wicg on the banks of the River Grond Morin which runs East and West, somewhat South of the Paris line. An official statement issued by the French War Office sayB the Allies' advance troops came into touch with the German foroei, which seem to be covering on the River Oureq towards the South west, toe movement ot toe mam b ,dy ot tne U-erman right wing and a small engagement resulted in an advantage to the French. The town cf Maubauge, where l is reported .British troops are as sisting the Frenoh garrison. IB said still to be resisting German assault. From Berlin by way of Amster- dim comes a report that the Get ijoaas are attacking the forts at Nauoy and that Emperor William aud the general staff are watching she-operations. The British official war infor uaation hureau has issued a long -general survey of operations of the British army during the past w)osk and in addition a list of British casualties wnioh shows a total of more than 15,000 men up to September 1 The statement, whioh is v baaed oq a report from Field Marshal tir John Frenoh, commander of the British foroes . at th front, speak highly of the spirit of the . l tim&m British soldiers and their aohieve menti; It declares that while the British losses are heavy they are uot one-tjjird of the losses inflict ed by the British' troops on the Germaus. The statement closes with a cull for mere men Bertiu reports that 8,000 British prisoners have reaohed Doberitz. France is calling out 11,915 re cruits and iu this way will add 260,000 men to her forces within a few months . -The German Reiohstig, repre sented by members' of all parties, has promised its full support to whatever measures the MinisterB of iiarine deemi necessary. s Ap- J propriationB will. ba made for the replaoemetii. .of . ihips lost and to carihV program of con struction already arranged. A British steamtr of the Wilson Line, with hundreds of passengers aboard, , baa foundered in the North Sea after striking mine. Most oi these aboard were lavedr'; Rass;an offioial annouhoemfents ddsoribe a itrons offensive move ment againsv the Austnant on September 4t The Forty-fifth Austrian Regiment of infantry surrendered, 1,600 men being tak en German troops, marching &6 th aid ot the Austriane, were at tacked but the result of these op erations has not been made known. A German official statement says the Allied troops are in retreat between Pa rio and Verdun and that the German troops are pun. suing them. It addB that in the eastern theater of war the Aus trian attack on Lublin continues and that the Austrians are engag ed iq dispersing the Russians. Lte' advices say train semoe between Paris and Dieppe has been suspended. Washington, Sept. 6 The Rub aian Embassy gave out an official statement tonight characterizing as "grossly exagerated" the recent announcement by the German Foreign Office that many thous and Russians prisoners had been captured in the fighting around Urtelsburg in East Prussia. De 'russia.rue 1 nial is made also 'tronbiei Uni.tna osvaesus public opinion in ussia Is said 4o e intensely patriotic and fall of uushskable faith." RBS&iaB Troops, 159.000 Stroaz, Gs TorBBgl Eflglind. New York, Sept . 6. One hun dred aud fifty thousand Ru-sian troops have paisedathrough Eng- and and are at the rear of the German army in France accord- ng to Vance Thompson, an American writer, who arrived lure today on the Red Star liner Krconland from Liverpool. Ou August 28 Mr. Thompson said he saw detachments of Cossacks on their way to channel ports and earned that the British Govern ment had suspended regular train service to give the right of way. He added that he could say from reliable authority that 150.000 Russians already had crossed aud now prooaoiy were attacking the German rear, while it was unded- stood thousands more were on their way from Archangel by the Artio Ocean route t to England. Washington, Sept 6 German and Austrian Consular officers have been ordered by British Au thorities to leave Egypt immedi ately. France in her communications with the American Government has openly charged that Germany propaganda is busily astir inciting Mohammedan uprising, not only in Egypt but in India aud Tur key. The intimation from Great Britain that she would be pleased to see Amerioan warships in Turk ish ports is in line with what France informed the United States two weeks ago. Both Nations have stated that they feared a geueral Mohammedan uprising against Christians. They feared to send warships lest the move be misinterpreted. While the cruiser North Caro lina has been sent on a mission of relief it generally is undestood she will rendezvous in Eastern Mediterranean waters for salutary effeot of her presence. . There is talk of sending the Tennessee vith her to be ready for an emer gency in Egypt. Great Britain is apprehensive, it is understood about the possi ble insurrection against her rule iu Egypt. Khedive Abbas, the native ruler is said to be in sym pathy with Germany and Austria. He is closely related by blood to the reigning house of Turkey. Whether Turkey will 1 in the conflict may depend finally on the attitude of the Balkan States and Italy . .The - annoancemnt by Roumania of her intention to f ol low Italy was regarded as mean ing that both countries. Wonld side with -Great Britain, France and.Rusflia Turkey has felk certain that Bulgaria wculd fighrwitii her but Play Safi la Eient olir-Ccatinms, Biairr far tot CMtuigep, JIls Hil Washington, Sep'4-V-',W shall pay the bill tbpagh we did not deliberately incw:it,V said President Wilson, tdcay present ing before a joint sesiion of Con gress his appeal foraijflmergenoy internal revenue measure to raise 100,000.000 theslrnmeni's probable Joss in cusisrai reoeipts beoause of the. European war. Prompt action was necessary, the President said, "to 'pha tress ury itrong " His fity tnggestipn as to the method forievyiug 3ne tax ' w as thtrKSoari,be ohossn tha4'woul4ginifej: wield at once abd'fletd withir6ertain and ConBtantfliw." ' "The appeal met wi$ quick ac tion. As soon as the President had left the Honsi' chamber amidst an outbursif applause, Speaker Clark referred the mes sage to the Ways sndMeans Com mittee. Democratic members mtt tonight at theipall of the ohairman, Represent! tive Under wood had begin consideration of plans to raise the Additional reve uue. ""ly' Various member suggested Bources whioh they believed would be properly subjected; to addition al taxation. On theiiet suggest ed w.ere: - ; Gasoline, a tiz ofone or two oents a gallon; reilroad and amusement tickets, s tax of five or teo per cent; beerarji inoreaae of 50 cents a barrel ; domestic winos, whiskey, an increase of 15 cents a gallon: propiietary ar ticles ; chewing gum80ft drinka; playing cards. The proposal toTtax railroad tickets was hot reoeijred with en thusiasm by membert of the com mittee, although it was7stmated that a five per ceot; tax wonld raise $40,000.t00 taiiManUnv derwood said the Brtle?8rigge8t edwonld M'totoyiriad bfurAblecaraoIeeee luomittea to toe TrejsuTy,Lepart- v''-r'g'CsWiii-r When tne?tilfsj? oomIeiedin committee, it 'probably wilt be brought into the House under a special rule and hurried through. President Wilson was given an entnuaiaatio greeting when he en tered the Houie'ohambsr escorted by Senators Kjrn, Clarke and GaUinger, and Representatives Underwood, Fitzgerald and Mann. The President said be had come to discharge a duty he wished he could avoid, but made it plain that additional revenue was neces sary and that he performed his duty without hesitation or apolo gy. Unforeseen condition occasion ed by the conflict in Europe, he said, had create 1 conditions whioh unless dealt with promptly might iuvolve consequences of the "most embarrassing aud deplorable sort." To borrow money, the President urged, was uuwise, bond issue would make-an "untimely and unjustifiable demand upon money markets, leaving taxation as the only method left to raise revenue. In this -situation he ap pealed "to the profoundly patn- otis people of the country" to take up the burden. the announcement by Roumania. . at ft- j . " it is tnougnt, wouiu emot a change. With Greece, Servia, Montnegro, Iialy and Roumania joined solidly against the Otto man Empire, Bulgaria's Slavio sympathies may cause h9r to with hold from the conflict entirely.- Tuesday morning reports con tain. the following: Apart fr6m the announcement that the German foroes have fall en back before offensive tactics of the Allies on the line from Nan teuil Le-Haudouin to Verdun, the moBt interesting raport oontained in a dispatch to The Loudon Evening News from Boulogne in whioh the French oommander. General Pan, is given as authority for the statement that the Allies have won a victory at Preoy Sur Oise in irbich the I m per hi Guard, under the Crown Prinoe of Ger many, is alleged to have been an nihilated by a British fcroe. The British cfh Jial bureau says that the plans of Frenoh Com mander-in-Chief, General Joffre. are being carried out steadily anfl tbatJhe allies nave succeeded in forcing back, in northeastern di rection the German forces opposed to them. Paris officially reports that the allies have advanced their leftwing without eaergetio opposition bv jthe Germans and that several en gagements on the- Ourcq River have favored the French-British The Russian army operating iu Galicia is reported still to be driv- ing back the Austrian s. i'The ea:ualty list as a result of the.tblowing up of the British oruiser Pathfinder by a mine in the Ncrth Sea, comprises four men killed, 13 wounded and 242 mus ing . - ... ; Pan Claliss Yrctary. London, Sepf, 7.-r7:10 p;. m. The Evening News dispatch : r A telegram has bsen received from General Pan annouhoipg a vict' ry nythe "Allied forces under a Field Marshall Sir John French, commanding the British and Gen eral D'Ammade at Precy-Sur-Cise, about 25 miles north of Paris. -' The Allies v were drawn acVoss the borthern-line irith the center af ! Precy. -The-Boglish troops were on the left alTot the French on the right ' The f ormer had in front of them the Imperial Guard under Orcwn Prinoe' Frederick William. J,On both wings, it is reportedt the Allies were succesiful. ,m "The German left was held by the Frenoh and retired to the North. "The Imperial Guard, who were ordered to surrender, were annihi lated by the British. It is report ed that the Grown Prince was in their midst." . The British offioial bureau has received no confirmation of this message. Dloait Destroyed Hy Fire of 6aos. London, Sept. 8. 12:56 a. m. An Ostend dispatch to the Ren ter Telegraph Company Bays: "The Germans have destroyed the Belgian town of Dinant (15 (miles Sonth of N&mur) after shooting hundreds of the male inhabitants beoause it was alleged shots had .been fired upon the heights overlooking the city." "The Germans in a few hours by shell -fire and incendiarism destroyed Dinant on the Mease, Hundreds cf . male inhabitants wern shot including one party of 100 prominent citizens who were executed together in the place D'Armes 3 'The Germans alleged that the eivlUans had... fired shots -into avu$.trara(-ue.;Jwi tne snooting ana -burning were going on, the women residents of the city were oon fined in the con vents. "Among those shot were M. Hummers, the wealthy manager of a large weaving factory, and M. Pcncelot, son of a former Sen ator. The latter was killed in the presence of his wife and child ren. Germans apneard at a branch of the National Bank where they demanded the cash in the safe. The manager, M. Was seiz?, refused to hand it over, whereupon he together with his two sons, was shot. "There is no evidence, so far as is Known, that th alleged shooting from the heights resulted in the killing of any Germans." ffoniers of Advertlsin Advertising as the giant of construction- which can better all business and can find a market for all worth-while things found an able advooata in J. R. Moffett yes terday at the Wednesday luncheon of the Advertising Club at 15 South strtet. Mr. Moffett said that the phrases "It can't be done" and "my business is different and ad vertising won't help" are not countenanced by the man who really knows the wonderful powers of advertising. He said that it changed the ob jectionable odor of oarbolio aoid in a soap into a valuable asset, the queer taste of condensed milk into an exoelient selling poiLt and h&B ever proved profitable in ad vei til ing boilers and roofs and radiatorB and ii surancp, thorugh the local newspapers and other agencies. "There is no business whatever of which I know that cannot ad vertise profitably," he oonoluded. "If any of you here know of one, tell us and let's get to work on it." But no one took up his chal lenge, for none knew of suoh a business. Baltimore sun. Stop That First Fall Coagb. Check your fall cough or cold at onoe don't wait it may lead to serious lung trouble, weaken. your vitality and develop a ohron io Inns ailment. Get a bottle ot Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey today; it is pure and harmless use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If baby or children are sick 'give it to them, it will relieve quioxiy and permanently. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs ana air passages, Loosens Phlegm, is an aleptic aud fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hold. Guaranteed. Onl 25c at your , druggists. Washington Sept.- 5.--Demo-1 oratio members of the .Ways and Means Uommittee virtually agreed today-pcoinmodities suscep tible to special taxation to realise $7500a000f the $iQO,O0Q;0Q requested oy president WilBon to orlBetlth loss in customs Teceipts ouusea oy tne connict;in tfnrone. What shall be taxed to tlisa the other 125,000,000 has not been decided, eoores of com modi ties and means of taxation being proposed, l be committee will mt ;:;nex Tuesday and pects toKomplete tne nui next weei v' AlthonglCrib inhoahcenien t was madeis is: certain .that beer and fermented liquors: wilK oome first Vmbhrtidles taxed. The addijfcfrqlAij 50 or 150 bferits bah probitfiVy 5aiehtBroihgy2X)0,0()0 a year. A tax of 20 dWks a gallon is probable -on ', domestic ' wins, bringing in . from f IO.OOO.tXXX to 15JK)0,000;";.i j ; : : j VFf om a tai( TOrop'tietary medi- cihes -and preperations of all inds ud on soft drinks it is hoped to niss approximately f20,000,000 vbile a small addition revenue tix of distilled liquors, probably i t more than 15 cents a gilloh, vould bring the' total -tax on whiskies, etc ,. tb f 1,25 a gallon. Pmm these sources, it is estimated $75 000,000 would be assured. W. s Wilson Offers Plan for Sttf Slate Cttlon Crap Raleigh, Sept. 6. Two Special committees appointed by Govenor Uraig, under the instructions of the oonferenoe of last Tuesday on the ootton Situation, ft? investi gate and report on the financial side of the situatiojrand on plans for warehousing ' and bonding stored cotton for corome'toiai' pur poses, meet here tomorrow, the finance commiVtee wb ClarehCe H. Poe as chairman atid the ware housing committee wittr Col. $ . Bryan, Grimes. Secretary of Stats. as ohairman; ' ; 1 A unique plan to be presented chat is attraotifkg much attention is that proposed by W. S. Wilsod, Mil wooJd form a'warehottsjng borpo ration, with Govenor Craig and other men of high standing in the State in immediate control, to provide 'warehousing faoilties and raise $500,000 or more in popular sol soriptions, under a guarantee of 10 per cent on the investmetit in the final round-up of the un dertaking. He would advance six-er seven oents the pound on the cotton stored and hold it one, two or more years until the ootton market justified turning ' loose at a prioa that would cover the ex penses cf the warehousing, pay prinoipal and 10 per cent interest on money subecribed and other wise inv.sted, and assure to the planters storing, as near 10 oents a pound as poBBible. There would be a prorata dis tributing to the planters who stored of all monies left over after the advances are. paid and the 10 per cent on investment. There would be a provision that no cotton be reoeived for storage except that tendered by the actual growers of the cotton. Germany Beady to Sell tier Boots . for Soccef Berlin, Aug. 22 The depar ture of Emperor William "in the direction of Mayence" (that it as muoh as the press was permitted to know or report about it) be said to mark the begining of this great European war, so far as Germany is concerned. As in 1870, the more impor tant of the Emperor's advisers went to the front with him. The party included Chancellor von Bethmann- Hollwegg, Secretary of State von Jagow, War Minister von Falkenhayn and other high governmental and army officials. The plan of campaign is that thought ont many years ago and never since departed from, to bend all energies at the very out set to the smashing of Germany's western neighbor. Russia is to be left to Austria until France shall have been disposed of. No one can .come in daily con tact with the officers of the gener al staff without being impressed with their confidence in an event ual and absoluteviotory. That the cost 'will be high is not for a moment doubted, but the men in charge of operations are determined ttr make any sac rifice, no malterbow appalling.' The people aie- tinclined to un derate the size of the task before the German arafia. T, hey are however, ready topay the cost ot victory, however great U may be. Only One "BRQMO QUININE" To ret (he genuine, calffor fall name, i,A2A TIV5 BROMO QOIKINB. Look for signal of B. W. GROVE. Cures Cold In One Day. 8tOM cough and headache, and works off cold. 2Sc FariarUiloiit "BeioW How tbi Farows State Coaferittsa la VYiat cb Riccrd. The Farmers ttate Convention; in Session in ; RWeigiir? iart week unanimouelv adoDted the fnlMw. . lhg resolutions, ; prepared by the resolutions Oommittee composed of W. J. Shuford, B. B. Everett, T. B. Parker and Clarenoe Poe. Whereas, the prisenl war" Situ ation in Earbpe brings ;7 nnmber ot new issoes beforl bar- peopl e, in view of whioh be it resolved . Frist. That we hrge 6u'rbankers to recognize watehonse certificates as suitabla ooMateral for loans up w -. vu.nu . umuuiuwiu ui -Bueir re- sources add we YVtltt 'OQi-''S: greas make ample provisions - ta 1" this end and see that help goes' to 1 the man who trowm tht t.' not after it gets into.the hands of merchahes, buyersj eto. Seoond. That we urge that our people, in view of the Scarcity and: uBu piiwui puasn, man a care , ful study of the fertilizer needs of" each aectioh and each type of soil' ana ascertain just in what degree, ' potash is needed, and whether l or cot there is justification for usijhg . complete fertilisers, Third. That in view of the prospeot of higher'ipriced food and feed crops next year we urge' that" our farmers plant more heavilv than ever before of., grain crops, clover, vetch, rye, eto. ' ii. ; ' . yi; Whereaswlsrgnize the propo- iMC sition jfor the obiervafice of & Commnnity Service Week'm-W all sections of North Carolipa as " j , one' otajmost unUnMtjLpoilibili iu nil uauiui lmes, snerei ore Do lt ' Kssdlted, That' we hereby urse-' farmers Everywhere' to imittf't0mee v- that thia noa1 1m m?i-:th.a'vrt--Jr" Bion for ; besinninK in ever v North Catolina township and . coantyfrt.' some aennite practioal forwam-s movement for better -iiohoOls; reads, health . eohditionr, sooial " ' and eoonomic conditions, eto. y m. Congressmen that theeyes of the farmers Of America are on them, and they will not hold any mem ber fcuutiesswho fails to do his duty in providing a proper system of rural credits! furnishing money -io the farmer with a minimum of red tape and middleman's expense and encouraging as fully as pos sible the oo-operative idea among farmers. IV. Whereas, North Carolina has, enjoyed State-wide prohibition for five and a half years ; , and, whereas, other Stated are 16oking to North Corolina and asking if it . is a benefit, therefore; be it Resolved, by the North Carolina State Farmers' Convention of 1914, that we endorse State-wide prohibition for its benefits to farmers and all other classes, and we urge ether States to adopt it V. We reoommehd the work of the experiment stations in the variety breeding ot crops. We recom mend egtablishing and standard izing good varieties to the several localities of the state by the ex periment station, and that the work be extended to include all the major crops. VI. We reoommend the entire State be put under stock law by legisla ture act and that a committee be appointed to urge this upon the General Assembly. VII. Whereas, we view with pleasure the great interest that, is being taken in general and vocational education by the citizenship of our State and especially the rural districts, community and farm life sohools; and, whereas, we wish to give our endorsement to every agency having for its pur pose the dissemination of know ledge, calculated to improve and uplift rural conditions, therefore, be it resolved: First. That we recommend the establishment of community and farm life schools in every county in the State. Secorid. That we- request our incoming Legislature to add, to the dormitory room of the A. and M. College at Raleigh so as to ac commodate all the Students who desite to attend thiaitiititotion. VIII. Resolved, that the building now occupied by out State Department of Agriculture, being built for a hotel more than one haudred years ago and havifig been pro nounced unsafe and' being entirely inadequate to ttie ndedi of the de partment, be tdrn down: and a new building erected in iesping with the progf e(8 of the" times and the (Continued on Pape 4. J - .v - -w .. - .at,- . .. t 1 ft, if.-. 1H '1'- . .: . "Sit- "

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