iflill -"--' V".' I r 1 i i J ' L i 'i A I 4. Hi.. I r fflCHi ROUBLE tSf cf Fife2a Thccgll l!r. 4 Wcsli Dis, But (h) Etlp ed Hsa to j y Recovery ( fMBnojrtooLlQrF la Interesting ad Ssn from fids place, Mr. A. . Hughes .iff&ytiT Ml was down with trouble for five (5) years, and sick headache so bad, at I thought surely 1 would die. 1 1&4 2erent treatments, but they i to do me any good. ! tcsttttad, 1 could not eat or sleep, est S3 mr trlends, except one, thought I !Ptp Co. , He advised me to try ThedSohrs Black-Draught, and quit W. W. TAYLOR, Successor to Taylor & Co. H1RAL Just received a Full and Complete Line of FRUIT JARS, JAR TOPS and RUBBERS. New and Complete Line of Tinware, A Full and Complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, Feed Stuff, Crockery, Glass ware, Enameled ware and many other such articles as are usually carried in a general store. Having been with the firm of Kluttz &Jendleman for about thirty years and being fully acquain ted with the business, I would appreciate a continuation of the patronage of my friends and the people of the county, generally, I am occupying the same old stand and will be glad to have an opportunity to serve you. Very respectfully, W. W. TAYLOR, 305 S. Main St., 'Phone JAMES CANNON, JI M. 20 Years Result. IT is today, -with a faculty of SS, a boarding- patronage of 368, a student body of 428, and a plant worth $150,000, The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia. v (j NA PATS, all charges for the year, including Table Board, AlNA I SI I Room, Lights, Steam Heat, Laundry, Medical Atten- I SI I V W tentiony Physical Culture and Tuition in all subjects V W except music and elocution. . Can parents find a school with a better record, with more experi- enced management at such moderate cost? For catalogue and applica tion blank address eOff uo2 zvtnUk o Correct compounding ot prescriptions can on ly result from the use of full strength drugs combined with the knowledge and skill ne cessary for the making . We employ everything known-to the mod - era pharmaceutical work in filling your pres criptions and our fresh drugs insure their proper action. PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE "On The Square" Get it at SMITH'S or MAIN PHABMAOY. Vantei A good man with good help to farm Everything far nil bed. Good land fco work. A good place for a good man. G. 8. "Williams, Route 2 Saliibury, N gr 'Phone 4012. 8-25-fcf.' FOR FIVE MM taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did not have any confidence in it I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. I am so thankful for what Black Draught has done for me." Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. only a quarter, jL. q Salisbury, N. C. J 39. A., D. D., PRINCIPAL STOKE Airo the Blackstona School adopted the following MOTTO: Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost. GEO. P. ADAMS, Secretary, Blackstone, Va. RUB-rJIY-TISrj Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm.-Ec-zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne used internally or externally. 25c FAITH. Sept. 4. Some of the childreh and grand obildren of Mrs. Piok- ney Lndwiok gave a surprise b rt to day diuner. September 2nd., it being her seventy. third birthday. Besides giving her pretentB Mr Lvdwiofc was also remembered and received some presents Viui was there and eDpyed the nice dinner. All left wishing Mrs. Lndwick many more happy birth days. Pinkney Hall of Richmond, came in to Saliibnry to viiit his QD other, and while here he came nut to Faith to visit bis grandpa Miti Mr. and Mrs Pinkcey Lnd wiok. William Foil gronnd his first saok of new com this year for one of his customers. If any mill can beat that trot it cat. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hodge and daughter, acoompanied by Mr. and Mrs, John Rodgers and daugh ter, have returned home after vis iting at Mr. and Mrs. William Foil's at Faith Mrs. J. I. Barger and children of Faith, have returned home from a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. M. Shoe, of near Mt. Ulla. Her lit tle neioe Gladys, aocompauied them home to speed a few days The Jr. O U. A. M. held their regular meeting Thursday night. After the . meeting Rev. J. R. Jordan made a fine address to tha order long to be remembered Rev. C. P. Fisher also made short talk whioh was very inters ing and instructive. They baa lemonade and a splendid meetiug. James A. Ritchie has one stalk of oorn that has nine ears on it. Who ever can beat that trot out' your oorn. Miss Pearle and Bealah Bnwn are visiting their aunt, Mis Sadie Ritchie, this week. Mrs. William Stirealt is off on a short yisit to her relatives. John Rinenardt is kept basy re pairing wagons and baggies aud shoeing horses. Venus took sapper with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barger for the nrst time in ten years . They are well fixed for livirg. Mr. Barger has lots of grain in his granery, two large white hogs, and a large celiac made of granite and cement, rhey showed us ever the cellar. Mis. Barger has two hundred jars of. fruit of all kinds put up, the cellar is as olean as a pin, and she is a; Hue oook. ; Hanks Peeler, who went to New ton College, writes back home that he is well pleased there. Solomon Yost is able to walk About the house after being bo low o long. All our granite quarries will shut down Monday because everybody says thy are g' ing to Salisbury and Spencer. Venus hat got a uotion to pat on a chime of old time bells on his horse, rig him up and join the parade. Would bells scare the other horse? Venus. ORGAN CHURCH, C. W. Harrington and family visited at tMrs. Ellen Sifford's Sunday, August 29. Miss Lulu E. Sifford visited her friend, Miss Martha Bell Peeler, at Rockwell reoently. . Misses Cathelene Lyerly and Nessie Loflin visited their friends, Misses Bertie Crase and Jescii Fisher Sunday evening. MisB Lulu E. Sifford, who has been on a ten-day visit to -her re latives and friends in Salisbury, returned home last Tuesday even ing. Miss Carrie Raney is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Ketner. We hope to have a wedding to report very soon. Guess who? Floyd Beaver from Ashboro,' iB visiting at David Beaver , J. Sifford visited his cousin, Jno. Sifferd, Saturday night aud Sunday. Success to -The Watchman and Recced. Amicus, Cruiser Nortli Carolina Not Allow ed to Pass the Mauelles Washington, Sept. 8 Turkey has declined to grant the request of the United Statoe for permis sion to send the cruiser North Car olina through the Dardanelles to Constantinople to deliver $150, G00 in gold deposited here for the relief of Americans in the Otto man Empire. The Grand Vizier has informed the American Government that the waters of the Dardanelles are mined and thas it would be un safe for a vessel as large as tiu North Carolina to go through the Straits. He declared also that it might establish a precedent for the passage of other foreign war ships and suggested that the American naval yacht Scorpion, on duty io Tnrkisn waters, be sent to set tp tneet the Nrib Carolina. - - , ROWAN ACADEMY. - A good rain would be a great help to the farmers as it is very dry andr they cannot work very mach now. AVC. Peeler left Monday for college where he will spend the winter Mrs. Amanda Oauble spnr Monday evening at Mrs. G M. CanMe's. Farmers are lny making ''od der and tope, and cotton p eking seems to b the go arouad here . Mi$s Essie CaubJe is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. A. Earnhardt, in Eat 8pencer Miss May Waller of Barber, is visiting at Jo'm Wslltt'g nar Rowan Academy, Edgar CauMe spnt Saturday night w;th Henry Canbln. Harvey Oauble has ben work ing on a well for Tom Waller the pa- wek. Ttnre will be an icecream party at George Cmble's Saturday night, September 12sh, Every bodv ip invited D. S. Brown is getting ready to gin cotton this season. Mr. Brown has a good gin and does fine wjrk. Miss Maue Peeler has returned from Cou'ver whr she has been visiting her uncle. John Peeler Come Along boys, there ain't maoh sporting goii g on around R wan Academy. Lirclsbaw. Lrpst Aiiial on M. 8park's World Famous Shows a'B billed to exhibit at Lexington riaturday, Sapt. 19. aud from the newspaper reports proeding them their exhibition will be worth go ing many miles to witness. Among the many features the show carries is what is claimed to be the largest land animal on earth. It is an elephane said to be three h e les taller than Jumbo and a half ton heavier. Some idea of her immense size can be obtait.ed when you consi der that she is 11 feet. 7 inches tall and weighs over 5 tons. In other wards she weighs as much as ten ordinary horses. Another extraordinary feature with the show is Capt. Wesley's troupe of educated Seals and Sea Lions. These interesting sea ani mals perform the moBt seemingly impossible feats ; balancirg chairs, umbrellas and whirling brands of fire while olimhinor laddera. walk. ing tight ropes and riding the backs of galloping horses. This a . a m . ieature nanus aescription and must be seen to be appreciated, Many other wonderful khi are to be seen with this mammoth show, and the main nerformance beneath the big tents will present a uumoer ot tne most marvelous foreign acts of the centnrv. The menagerie of wild animals carried who. ene snow is omDlefce in every detail, and contains rare and curious speoimens ot the earth's most interesting and cur -ous animals. A mile long street parade of dazzling splendor, beautiful wo men, and handsome ncrees, inter 8p3rsed wih three brass bands and a steam caliope will traverse the streets shortly before noon, and this feature alone will be worth g:ing many miles to see. Don't forget the date and the place of exhibition, Lexington Saturday, Spt 19. United Slates Gains Control Colon Waters Panama, Sept. 2.A treaty by which the United States gains control of the waters of ihe har bors of Colon aud Ancon, together with otlm valuab'e rights, was signed here today by William Jen nings Pric, the American Minis, t-r, and Ernest T. Lefevre, Pauamaii Secretary of Foreign Relations. The new convention has been uuder negotiation for four years. Early last year negotiatitns were broken eff by Panama because it then s emed impossible to bring the two Governments into accord. The instrument replaces what has been known . as the Davis agreement of Juue 15, 1914, iu which the boundaries of the canal zone were tentatively fixed with the understanding that a future formal treaty would fix the delimi nation" permanently. It also amplifies the Panama Canal treaty of November, 18, 1908, under which the canal zone was acquired from Panama. .. Panama, by provisions of tbe ooLvention, for the first time will be placed in dinJct ptrysioal con nection with the rest of the coun try. Hitherto the Capital has been cut off by the canal z )ne. A large tractif fertile land call, ed 'l.as Sabai)asr, or the Savan nahs, was ceded to Panama In this territory are located uiany cf the hundnnit o a:. try estates of wealthy PrtiiiimftDS. - . . - ... . . . development of the StatP, the iame tobepaid for by a direot same to be paid for by a direct appropriation- from the 8taie Traiury or authorize tbe State Department of Agriculture to con struct the sahje out of its funds, giving suffioient time to pay foi the same, so as not to cripple the ffficieuoy of its work. IX We approve the principle rf working convicts on the public roads ' Resolutions of Good Will bj the Vestry of sr. Luke's Parish. . At a meeting of the vestry of bt. Linke s ffcrieb beld in the Chapter House on Wednesday . veniug, September 2bd, 1914, at 8 oMook, the following pream! le and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, the Rev. Frank J. Mallett, rector of Luke's Par ish has notified the vestry by let ter dtted Fletcher, N. C , August 27, 1914, that he has accepted th rect iship of St Paul's Church, New Albany; Indiana, and has tendered his resignation' as rector of St. Luke's Parish to take effect on October 1. 1914, therefore; Resolved (1), That said resigns ticn is hereby accapted to take ef fect on the day and date afore sa:d . Riiolved (2). That such reei? nation is aocepred with our hearty appreciation aud that of the con- gregation for the faithful services rendered by pim as our rector dor ing the last three year and ten months. Resolved (3). That his minis tration to tbe noor. tbe sick and the afflicted of the parish have oeen devoted and unselfish; Resolved (4). That his well ore- pared and excellent sermons have oeen no only gratifying to bis own congregation bat to the com munity generally, T&9 Kev. Mal lett is a preacher of ereat force and as a Bneaker in the duI-J pit aud on tbe platform he has . . . - . i not many soperiors in the Ameri can Church ; Resolved (5), That the vestryk and congregation of St. Luke's Parish hereby tender to their re tiring rector their best wishes for his success in his new field of la bor iu the Lord's vineyard ; and they hereby express to him and to his family their sincere good will and kind remembrances; Resolved (6), That a copy of the foretroirie nreamble and raao- lutions be published in the Salis bury papers and that a copy there of be furnished to the reotor and hit family. John S. Hemdkrion, S.W., S. F Lord, J. W., A. M. Rick, W. C Ccughbnour, W. S Nicols N W. 8. Blackmeb Hayden Clkmknt, J,R IDE. A . H Boydin, A . H. Prick. SAISBURY PROOF. Should Confines Eierf Salisbury Reader. The frank statement of a neigh bor, telling the merits of s remedy, Bids you pause and believe. The same endorsment By some stranger far away Commands no belief at ail. Here's a Salisbury case. A Salisbury citizui testifies. Rad and be convinced. William A. Bakfr, 1015 S. Ful ton St., Salisbury, N C, says: "I had backaohe and my kidneys were out of order. A friend ad vised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I did so. They helped me immediately and a couple of boxes stopped the trouble," Mr. Baker is only one of many Sa'isbury people who have grate folly endorsed D an's Kidney Pills. If vour back achei if your kidneys bother ycu. don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills the samo that Mr. Baker had the remedy backed by home testi mony. 60a all stores. Foster Milburn Co t Props , Buffalo, N. Y "When Your ; aok is Lame Remember the Name. Triple Plated" Knives stamped last loneer through harder service than any other be cause they have a round bolster, which does away with sharp corners (where blade is joined to handle) where wear is constant and hardest This is but one of many notable features of 1847 ROGERS BKQ$: knives, which give lasting service and satisfaction. Numerous patterns, are offered in this famous &7 ver Plate that Wears. " Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for cat alogue "OL" showing all designs. MEMOES BBITJUBHA CO. (International Silver Co., Socoeor.) ' rv - fim W51 Yswinet Hfcf Came Hear Losing Hfe The following letter was. re ceived by . The Peruna Co, from Rev. G. W. Rob-! erts, R. R. 2, Box 27, Hartsell, Ala bama, under date of April 2, 1904, which Is exactly nine years ago. He says: "I take pleasure In In forming you of what your Pe runa has done REV. C W. ROBERTS ft. R. 2, Bob 27, rUrtaeU.AU. for me after three years" of suffering, t had tried the treatments of several doctors, also home rem edies, but they failed and an hope had gone. My friends, like myself, thought I was In the last stages of consumption. "My daughter brought me a-bottle of Peruna and plead with me to try It I had got so weak I had lost my voice, and I thought It no use. That was in May, 1902. I began to take it, according to directions. I wrote to you, and you gave me your kind advice. "1 soon felt better, my cough began to give way, and the expectoration lessened. I have taken fourteen bottles.- I feel well, eat hearty, sleep soundly, weigh as much as I ever did, do considerable work on my farm, said attend to my other business. My friends seem astonished at my re covery. 1 wish to thank you for your kind advice and the books you have sent me. I shall ever praise your medicine and hope that you may enjoy a long Bfe.- It will be observed that Rev. Rob erts waited two years after he began to use Peruna, before he wrote the above letter to The Peruna Co. So that his apparent recovery could not possibly have been temporary relief. In a later letter to The Peruna Co, dated September 22, 1906V Rev. Rob erts says: "1 am a great friend ot Peruna. By the use of Dr. Hartman's advice I am here to-day, able to be with my family and attend to my business." iatt-3i 1 PORCH FURNITURE Including Old Hickory and White Maple. - PORCH SHADES Something that is needed these hot days. REFRIGERATORS We have the best Refrigerators on the market. All show you these. DINING B001L BED ROOM, PARLOR, KITCHEN and HALL FURNITURE. COFFINS ND CASKETS CEO. W. Furniture L. hf3 if1 siirinnis If you waut to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SATJ.SRTTRV I and Insurance Company. in is ball bearing, automatic -lift, easy ruuriiug. light to handle and does the samw work that the $50 aud $60 machines do. We have just contracted with the fac tory to place at least 100 of these machines .on the market for only $22.48. Just thiuk of it, a $50 ma chine in every respect only different in cabinet work for only $22 42. Every one guaranteed in workmanship and material will last a life ttm 3. Full set of attachments and inr structions go with each one. Send in your order now. This offer is for advertising purposes and may be with drawn any time. Cash must accompany all orders. Send all money through check or money order. Write today. 8-26 4 SSrown Shoe Co., Salisbury; it. c. '- --.n iSXfrmXJa'.VeMSi Ufe--How He Escai We auote. from another letter. Sated December 10, 1906 "I praise PeruM;;)ffi w tut ue kick, i ne - people unow, f my case, and they upraise it also." In a letter"-dated November 22 1909, we quote Rev. Roberts "Pe-'J run a gave me" back my life ten years ago. . All my acquaintances know that I-am certainly thankful to you for your kindness." In a later letter, dated January 13, 1910, he says: "I shall ever In the future, as in the past be ready to speak In praise of Peruna to all suf ferers. I believe my miraculous cure has been the means of many others being cured in this county." From a letter of September S, 1911, we quote a few words: I am still among the living. As to Peruna, I do not feel that I have words to ex press the faith I have in its merits.' I feel that Peruna has been the means, through the kind providence of God, of prolonging my life for more than ten years." "We quote a still later letter, October 31, 1912. He says: "I took a severe cold three weeks ago. I at once sent for Peruna. Have been taking It two weeks. I am now better. I consider that Peruna has carried me over a dozen years of life. I always stand ready to answer any question in ref erence to Peruna." We quote from his last letter, dated January 2, 1913: "Dear Friends: I wish this bright New-Tears to ex press my thanks to you for your kindness. Trusting that you may have a successful and happy year, and that your medicine may prove a blessing to many as it has to me, X am yours as ever, Q. W. Roberts, Hartsell, Alabama, R. F. D. 2, Box 27." It Is not necessary for us to add any words to this story. The elo quence and pathos of these letters are more convincing than arguments or affidavits. Who can doubt the clergyman's story? Who can doubt that Peruna saved his life? Every home should be provided with the last edition of the "His of Life," sent free by the Peruna Co Columbus, Ohio. sizes. Let us WROGIHJT Undertaker J jl n or saiye VI 71 71 RFA T.TY v m 7 $22.48 TT ere is the biggest Bargain you ever saw in a good sewing machine. This new "NORWOOD MODEL" '''-":sfS-., .4 ,4 0- 1, 1 i V It if I A -A wr Jl ..: .t i.

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