ll Need There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half-century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking 4 : The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for" women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was vso weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy .spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything. Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. - W . W. TAYLOR, Successor to Taylor & Co. rvn ERAL Just received a Full and Complete Line of FRUIT JARS, JAR TOPS and RUBBERS. New and Complete Line of Tinware, A Full and Complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, Feed Stuff, Crockery, Glass ware, Enameled ware and many other such articles as are usually carried iu a general store. Having been with the firm of Kluttz & Rendleman for about thirty years and being fully acquainted with the business, I would appreciate a continuation of the patronage of my friends and the people of the county, generally, I am occupying the same old stand and will be glad to have an opportunity to serve you. Very respectfully, W. W. TAYLOR, 305 S. Main St., 'Phone JAMES CANNON, JR, M. A., D. D., PRINCIPAL. T A?o the Blackstone School adopted the following SW Y MOTTO: Thorough instruction under positively w JlWW 9 Christian influences at the lowest possible cost. DA0lx. IT is today, with a faculty of S3, a hoarding patronage of 6SVUt 368, a student hody of 428, and a plant worth $150,000, The Leading Training School for Girls in .Virginia. k (h f ff PATS all charges for the year, including Table Board, A 4 f I I Room, Lights, Steam Heat, Laundry, Medical Atten- I HI I V tention, Physical Culture and Tuition in all subjects V vv except music and elocution. Can parents find a school with a better record, with more experi enced management at such moderate tion blank address Excursion to Norfolk. Ya., and Return, via Soothero Railway Monday-Wednesday, September 28tb-30th, 1914. Southern Railway will operate low fare excursion to Norfolk, Va., on Monday, September 28ih, toil being the last excursion to be operated this season. Speoial train oonsiiting of both day coaohes and Pullman sleeping oars will leave Charlotte at 5.00 p. m. Monday, September 28th, arriving Norfolk 6:80 a. m. Tues day, 29th, and returing will leave Norfolk at 7:80 p. m. Wednesday, September 30th. Two whole days and one night at Norfolk. Following round trip fares will apply from stations named: Charlotte $4.50, Coneord $4.60, Morganton $5.00, Shelby 5.00, Qrensboro $8.65, Winston Salem $4.00, North Wilksboro $5 25, Gaetonia $5.00, Mooresville $5.00, Hickory $5.00, Statesville $5 00, L xington $4 50, Reidsville $3 85, Elkiu $5.25, Salisbury $4.50 Abheboro $4.75, Albemarle $5 25, BlaoJcBburg $5.00, High Point $4 25, Burlington $3 65, Thorn as ville $4.25. Fares from all other points not Bhown on same basis. Passen gers from all branoh line points will use regular trains to and from junction points connecting with the speoial train. Important that Pullman reserv fttions be made in advanoe. For Pullman reservations or other information apply to any agent Southern Railway, or, R. H. DbButta, D. P. A , Charlotte, N. C. Only One "BROMO QUJININE" T e genuine, call for full name. I.AXA TIV Q LROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Stops ougl3 and headache, and works oft cold. 25c. a Tonic KM ' " 2 Salisbury, N. C. 39. cost? For catalogue and applica STOKE GEO. P. ADAMS, Secretary, Blackstone, Va. Special Excursion to Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla., via Souibsrn Railway Premier Carrier of the South Tuesday Sept. 22, 19i4 Special train consisting of first class coaches and Pullman sleep ing cars will leave - Greensboro 7:55 p.m., Tuesday, Septeml er 22ud, and arrive Jacksonville early following morning. Low round trip fares as follows: From To To Jacksonville, Tampa ttreemboro 7.cO Reidsville 8.70 Wiuston-Balem 8 00 $9.50 10 70 10 00 950 9 50 9 50 10.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 950 950 10.50 10.50 from all Sanford 7.50 Norwood 7 50 Salisbury 7 50 N. Wilkesboro 8.50 High Point 7.50 rhomasville 7.50 Lexington 7.50 Asheboro 7 50 Albemarle 7.50 Elkin 8.50 Mount Airy 8.50 Fares on same basis intermediate points. " Passengers from branch lines and points cot covered by the special train will use regular trainn into Greensboro and other junc tion points connecting with special train from Greensboro. Returning tickets will be good on all regular trains to reach origi nal starting point by midnight of Tuesday, Septenber 29h. 1914 A rare opportunity t visit Florida at small cost. Septem ber is decidedly the best month of the year to visit the "Land of Flowers." Surf bathing and fishing at their best at this time. Pullman reservations must made in advance. For Pullman reservations be or other information apply to any Agent Southern Railway, or R. H. DkBdtts, D. P A. Charlotte, N.C RURAL NEWS Written by . OUR CORRESPONDENTS, ROCKWELL ROUTE N 2 Mrs. John Ketner. who has been quite ill the (.ait few weeks, i now ab:e to Bet up we are glad o note. Most of the farmers in this icinitv are about through mak ing tops and fodder. Mrs. John Krimminger is quite uwell at this writing. Rev. Jordon. Baptist minister at Faith, preaohed a special ser mon to the Juuiors at Fa th V bursday uight, September 8rd, hich was a strong sermon and one that all who herd will long remember. Uncle Bill. FAITH. Sept. 14. Litt Marion, ninr- ?ar old son of J. T. Barge? was bitten by a mad dog September 5th, and his father heu &one with him to Raleigh for treatment. Mrs. C. A. Heilig, and daugh ter and son of Salisbury, are vu- lting Mrs. Heilig's sister, Mrs. J. T Bareer. J. T. Wyatt had pay day Sat urday and paid out $785. J. T. Wyatt shipped a oar load of street onribng tcday. Misj Lula Sifford of near Lower Stone church, is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. B. C. Eagle. D A. Guffy of Cool ' Springs. Iredell county, and two daughters are visiting at K. W. Falker i. who lives on route 8 at the rail road crossing. They all visited the Faith quarries while here. The members of the Bipfc'st jhurch gave their pastor, Rev -I . K Jordan, a pounding last week. Tom Page sent Ua several well rown ripe peaohes, September 12th, that was the second crop raised on one tree this year. Who ever oan oome up to that trot out your tree. Mr.ud Mrs. Cabbie Campbell moved today from Hodges house into Daniel Hinoemau's residence The Lidies Aid Society of the Lutheran church took in $29 80 Saturday night at their oyster tapper. Who said we were all broker The Ladies Aid Society of the Reformed ohurch at Faith will have an oyster supper Saturday uight, September 26th, in Peeler Bros, old store house. Johu Corl's house caught on fire it the kitchen flue and burned a large hole in the roof, 7 or 8 feet square. It took hard work by the ueighbots to get it cut. The house belongs to Milas Ktirewalt md is insure 1. Vbnus. FiiMiBi Sin The following' directed to tbe Oarcllko Watchmo.v, is given 'or what it is worth aud is copied verbatim et literatim : Sep 8-1914 Gold Hill N. C. D.-ar Sir Will you please print in your daylev paper a fue lines for me,, (Fightiug Sin.) A Surman preached own Sin by Rev J C A Bost. at Miss Writes Home al out 5 miles EaBt of Spencer. Sunday Eving 2- oo 30 min his text matthew 1. chapt 21 verse what he did for Sin wos aplenty.. ' Jiow To dive Quinine To Children. FEBRIIJNE Is the trade-mark name given to an ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults v?ho cannot talce ordinanr Oin" nin. tv . . - v;9 uvl uauscaic nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try - MUa jrv btoi wumiue ior any t)tir DOSe. Ask- tor 9mnj i .w- ame FBBRlLINSia blown in bottle, fscenta! Last Excursion of the Season to Washing too Tttarsday September 24'h 1914. Southern Railway will operate low tare excursion rrom t-ausbury and in termediate points to Washineton. D. O., Thursday. September 24th. Special train will leave Salisbury at 9 00 p. m. and arrive at Washington 7:00 i . m. Friday, September 25th. and return- ing, will leave Washington at 11:00 a. m. Saturday, Sept. 26th. Daylight trip through Virginia returning. Tickets for this excursion will h on sale at all points Morganton to Salis bury; Noith Wilkesboro to Greens boro; Mount Airy to Greensboro: Nor- wooa to oanspury ani Asheboro to High Point for all regular trains eon- nr cting at th9 several junction points with the speoial train. Peturning tickets will be good on the special train to the several junction points, thence regular trains to starting po-'nt. Tick ets good going and returning on sdr- cial train only. Low rounu trip fares will apply from stations named below ; Salisbury S5.00, Norwood $5.50. Lex ington $5 00, Thomaville $5 00.' Fan- dleman $5 CO, Siler 'J ty $5.00, States ville$5 50. Wilkesboro $5 50. Newton $5.60, Eikin $5.50, Mocusvi le $5.50. Greensboro $5 00, Asheboro $5 00, High Point $5.00, A'bemarle $5 00. Morgan ton $5 50, Win&ton-Salem $5.00, Tay- oraville $5 50. Hickory $5.50. Mount Airy $5 50. Rural Hall $5.50. Madison 5 50. Fares from all other paints not shewn above on same basis. Tickets for this excursion cannot hi extended. Train will consist of dav coaches only. The last opportunity of the season to visit Washington at small coat, spending one whole day. one night and until 11.00 a. m. of the second day at the National Capital. Ample time to visit all of the Government Buildings and hundreds of other points of inter est in and around Washington. or further inform ation call o.i any ticket Agent Southern Railway', or. K. a.. UEBUTTS,U. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. I 6ermaos Belting Out of France. (ObntiLued from page.ne . ) i defeuiive position on the river Aisni, between .Compiegue ad S isarons. Farther we$t,.the German de tachments that frfeid Amiens have movtd noitheastwatd to try to re j )iu the German army of the rip,; t at St. Qaoutiu. It is possible air the Germans in ucrthweBt France have duue l.kewise; otherwise they would be iu dauber of beiug cat off in the center. Another dcluu eive position . bishiud R'itim& has bbeu given up aud in trie Aigoni.e region a genural retreat is takiug nlacoe toward the fjrust oi none and iriaucoutt. Tbe allies are pushing their ad vantage aud doiug their utmost to turn the retreat into a disaster by a feteru yurtuit ou puibapa the brobQesc HGd'tt yet kuowu lu war On tbu right they aie in goid pos tion to uoutiLUe the floiiSive, U the men and hcrses are net too tired tor furth r effort. Tbey ate uasea on a strong line running tronu the Marne to the fortresses throdgh the hilly oountry sjuth of Argoune. Whiu the alli9S ;eft oomposed I t large. y oi iieBn troops, witn a heavy tice uoavalry uuuer Geuer ai rau, is wneoiing arouua bo as to dnve General Vcn Kiuck and Vou Buelow towards Ardennes aud Luxemburg, General Pau'a army. uy a few m.r marches by Lafere aud Loan, mignt cut commuuioa- tious (itweu the retreating Ger manB ai d Belgium. The BritiBb, who yesterday took nearly all the crossings on the river Aisue andcaptnrtd many prisouere, are uurthjcl that river uud are pushing tbe attack that .would assist in fcrciug the Ger aiui.c lo evacuate Ktieims. The . u'. oo mew here between Chalons alo. Uocims, ib making an effort to recapture the latter city, whioh would be one of the most popular victories that could be announoid to Frenchmen. Should thesn movements be crowued with success aud Laou and Rbeicus again fall into tht bands of the allies, the Germane would have only one line of com muuicatiou with Germany, through Rufchel, aud even that might be cut. General Von Kluck, however, ie locking for reinforcements from Belgium if they have not al ready reached him, and with these he might make another 9tand against his purtuers. General French paid high com phments to latest addition to the British army, the flying corps, aud he also quoteB a letter f rem the French commander. General Jo lire, who congratulated him on the accuracy ot the information supplied by tbe aviators. These uneu have done little or no bemb throwing, but have confined tbem aeivB to gathering information il"in the enemy fur the general Blbff v This U the work that the mili tary men alwajS bava 8a d would provb tbe greatest service in cou i.ectit u with tho usu of tbe ajro plane. Iu what coufl.ct they nave had with Gorman aviators, the British flying mu, according to F eld Marshal French, hav ''established individual ascend eLcy," aud, he adds, 'somethiug iu tho direction of masteiy of tte air already has beeu established. Ti.e BelgiauB. who have receiv id uew big guns and reiuforce meuts from somewhere, by a sor tie from Autverp, have prevent-d tbeGoimans from eeudiag m-Tt-ol their troops cut of Belgium to the south. It is reported that the G rmans bad another army corps ready to dispatch to the assistance of their ngbt wiug, north of Paris, tut quickly stopped its departnie when the Belgians showed their strength and ability to out com munication betweeu Brussels and Louvain. All tbe news coming in today seems to confirm the Russian re ports that the Russians have in uiuttu anoicer crusmug aeieat cn the Austiiaus who, ou the right, were supported by some German divieious. By the capture of lomaszjw, the Russians drove a wedge between the Austrian army, which had invaded Poland as far aa Opole, KrasncstaV aud Zimoso, aud the army which they defeated at Lemberg and which although it lost heavily in killed, wounded prisoners, and guno, mauaged to reform to some extent and under take the tffensivd. The Germans who reinforced the Ausirians according to latest advices, shared iu the defeat, rhoy are trying to raach the for tress at Prr-nivet, aud tbe rear gnard is eudeavoriug to keep off the Russian cavalry which is Lur suiug them. Austria bad in Poland and Galicia an ariHv estimated at 1,000 000 meu with 2,500 guns. At Lemberg, Austria lost many thousands of men in killed, wound ed, and pris ners. It is now etated, although not officially, that the total number of prisoners amounts to 180 000, and that a thousand field guns were taken, betides the guns in the captured forts aud an immense amouat of war miteiial It also is reported today from Rome that the Ger mans have suffered a defeat at Mlawa on the east Piussiau front ier. ihe Servians after taking Sam. Coacortt Prestiyterj in Sessoi at Kaiapok The fall session of Concord Presbytery; met at Kannapohs j B teiday evening, and will be in session several days. The lol'ow- ing is the programme : First sestion Tuesday 7:30 p m:, sermon by (J. T auires WEDNI-DAY First s -Bsion 9 to 1 1 :30 a. m. ; 0 a. m.. sermon ov u. M. Kicnards. D D , Df Davidqu, Nr O. Sub j ct, "Fami'y Worship. " S5 cond sesnon 1 :30 to 5 p. m. Sermon 3 p. m , by J. G. Garth, of Hickorp, N. C. Ihird s'ission 7:80 p. m. Ser mon by Dr. J M. Grier, of Con- coroS THURSDAY Tn a. . o "v aa rirs session, v.ovj to li:6U a. m ; 9:80 a m.. sermon by W. H. Goodman, of Old Fort, N C. 53u j)ct, Union With Christ." Second session, 1 :30 to 5 p. m 3 p. m., sermon by Byrou Clark, U 13 , of Salisbury. Third session, 7:30 p. m . Mis sionary address by W. S. Wilson, of Mooresville, N. C. 60,000 Beaa in one day . The Times has this despatch from its St. Petersburg- oorres- puraeut: " the extent of the losses dar ing the first six weeks of the war places all previous casualties far in the kackground. Not fewer than 10,000 dead Germans were counted in the trenches after one engagement in Eastern Prussia. 'On the fateful September 1 when two Russian corps came to death grips with four German crps north of Soldan, the losses of both aides totaled between 60,000 and 70,000 the majority being Germans London Die patch. Despondency Is often caused by indigestion aud constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taku. Fr Sal by All DaaUrs. Lost Monday evening, Sept. 7tb, between Salisbury and Kanna po'is, a dark brown serge coat with small black stripe, for a boy aged 16, marked ccanttear on hanger. NstifyJ. H Blackwei. der, China Grove, N. 0., or J. M. Blackweldbr, Kaunsp'tlis, N C. It b p Farm For Rent And Hones For Sale. a good farmer who can fornisb bis own stock, is wanted to take oharge of the McCanless farm at Dunn's Mountain. Two good hones and a mule for sale Call at the farm or addrAo. Mrs J. C. McCanless, Granite Qarry. N C. 2-b-p-pd. Philadelphia Painless DENTISTS The Home of Good Dentis try, at Reasonable Prices Comparison in the t-et. Come and have your teeth, examined Free! mi N. Main St. 'Phone 763. Salisbury, N.C. DR. R. H. ELLINGTON, DENTIST Salisbury - - N C. 'PHONE 617. Fifth Floor Grubb Building We want Every Farmer when SELLING HIS PRODUCE To See Us. We pay Highest Prices for Chickens, Eggs, Meats aud Everything You . Have to Sell. I will Sell You Groceries at Lowest Prices Possible. Headquarters for the Watkina Medicine Company. 'PHONE 57. G. P. SHUPIHG, 9-16-5t. 119 W. Innea St. lir, over whioh there was great rej lich g as it relit ves B'grade from a continuation of the bom bardment, have reeumad tbe of fensive against the Austrians and, like the Montenegrins, are takn g advantage of Austria s weakness. on that frontier to push into their territory Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly Tbe Old Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC.drives out Malaria.enrichet the blood, builds up the system. A true Tonic for adults and children. 60c k-jfodrfp X VRZ r fl 1 We may spend a little more time in filling a prescription than other druggists. but we must satisfy ourselves that the work hap been done right, and we take the time to do it right. H That's one reason cription work to do. PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE l "On The Square" 0 Get it at SMITH'S or MAIN PHARMACY. r PORCH FURNITURE Including Old Hickory and White Maple. PORCH SHADES Something that is needed these hot days. REFRIGERATORS We have the best Refrigerators on the market. All sizes. Let us show you these. DINING K00M. BED ROOM, PARLOR, KITCHEN and HALL F0BNITURE. COFFINS A ND CASKETS CEO. W. Furniture in 3n l if3 siirumis Yoir say 1$ If you want to buy a Farm, $ Large or Small, see us. $1 If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. I SALISBURY REALTY J aim insurdnuB uunipanya viQNir va vtr N- Vff "Silver Plate Since 1847, the year Rogers Bros, originated electro-silver plating, silverware bearing the trade mark"l37 ROGERS BROS." has been renowned for quality, wearability and beauty. 1847 ROGERS BROS. Stamped on forks, spoons and fancy serving pieces is a guarantee of heaviest plating, perfect workmanship and exquisite design, assuring long and satisfying service. Any article of silverware marked "1847 ROGERS BROS." may be elected without further investigation. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue C"L thawing all patterns. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., MmWm, Com. (International SUrer Co Snoeemor.) Wanted A good man with good help to farm Everything for- niehed- Good land to work. A good place for a good man. Q. 8. Williams, Route 2 Salisbury, N . O. 'Phone 4012. 8 26-tf . we have so much pres WRDGIK1T Undertaker jt that Wears " xs TRIPLE Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 86 is preparedeapedauy for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doaes will break any caw, and if taken, then as tonic the Fever will not return. It acta on the liver better than Calomel does not fttipe or sicken. 2So 0 in VI H

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