Bh.shsM THE CAROLINA lYJATCIILlAll, Wou H Stowart, ; Published Every Wednesday, 120 West Innes Street. SUBSCRIPTION TBIGE: CD Watchman . . . . i . yr. .... $.75 Record.. .... ..1 yr $.75 Both Papers..! yr... ..$1 00 Advertising rates reasonable Entered at second-class matter Jan. ltli. 1805, at the poat offlce at Salis bsry, H. 0., under the aet of Congress Of Marsh 8rd, 1878. Salisbury, N. C.t Oct. 7, 1914. County Democratic Ticket. - For U. S. 8enator: HON. LBB S. OVERMAN, For Oorporation Commmissioner: E. L. TRAVIS. For Congress: HON. R. H. DOUGHTON. For Superior Court Judge, 15th Judioial District : HON. B. F. LONG. For Solicitor 15th District : HAYDEN CLEMENT. For Trial Justice, Rowan County Court: P. S. CARLTON. For Proseouting Attorney, Rowan County Court : T. G. FURR. For State Senator: B. B. MILLER. For Representatives : T. D. BROWN, Wm. 0. COUGHENOUR, Jr. For Clerk of Superior Court : J. FRANK MoOUBBINS. Register of Deeds : J. C. DEATON. For Sheriff: JAMES H. KBIDER. For Township Tax Collector: 0. M. C. BARGE K. For County Treasurer : JOSEPH 0. KESLER. For County Surveyor : P. CRAWFORD BERNHARDT. For Coroner: T. WALTER SUMMERSETT. For County Commissioners : H. C. TROTT, J. W. PEELER, O. O. HARRISON, W. T. SUMNER, E. B GRAY, JOSEPH W. MILLER, C. J. FLEMING. Germany ana Russia Mate Claims The city is giving a discount o 8 per cent, off the taxes of the rich who pay their taxes in this month. Only lhe wealthy can take advantage of the plan and it is therefore an injustice to the pool, thoie that need help, that the legislature should remedy. The buildings at the fair grounds are being whitewashed an put in order-for the coming fair. Thx Watchman is hoping the gentlemen interested in this enterprise will give the peqple who come here to see it no cause for complaint and at the same time will make a financial success of it. What is Demoraoy and the re lations of the party so named therewith, would be a very im portant subject for disoussion. Parties ought to be made subject to the rules and regulations of the pure food laws, particularly so as to the label on the goods. It is stated that John D. Brown, senator Overman's executive clerk, is to assist at the County Democratic Headquarters during the present campaign. We won der if he does not draw a salary from the government for other servioes while so engaged. Some Republicans are trying to make capital out of the buy -a Daie program, but we do not see any reason why suoh efforts should be detrimental to Democracy. It is more than the Republicans did for the farmer when cotton went down to eight cents during the McKinley administration. Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy A vigorous- Stomach, perfeot working Liver and regular acting Bowels is guaranteed if you wi 1 use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They insure good Digestion, cor rect Constipation and have an ex cellent tonio effect on the whole system Purify your blood N and ril you of all body poisons through the Bowels. Only 25o. at your Prnggiit. Battle on thi Olse Growing Violent Wills ComparatiTS Calm Preiails oa Geow. That the battle between the Al lies and the Germans to the north of the Riyer Oise is growing more and more violent is the informa tion that winnows through the sieve of official secrecy con cerning the conditions prevailing on that part of the long' battle line in Franoe upon which the eyes of the world are fooused. The report of the Freuoh War Office makes no mention of wheth er progress is being made by either side in this sone where for days the armies have been battl ing desperately. The statemei.t is made that the Allies have-gained a little grouDd on the northern heights cf tit Meuse On the oenter of the bat tie line comparative cilm prevailt No mention was made in the statement concerning the strong forces of German cavalry previous iy reported operating in the de partment of Nord, nor was any thing said of the situatioo of Antwerp against which the Ger mans are operating. a new agency dispatch said, however, that the military governor of Ant werp had reported to the burgo master of Antwerp that a bom bardment of the city was imminent. Both Germany and Russia col- tinue to report successes in East Prussia and Galicia thus leaving the situation in these spheres of warefare in doubt. The French, as an offset of previ ous similar action on the part of the Austrians have plaoed mines, in the Adriatio in a zone whioh comprises ''all Austrians water and ohannels between the island and the coast of Dalmatia." A Berlin dispatch says: "The Turkish Navy, it is ex pected, soon will be sailing in the Blaok Sea. " No explanation of the statement was vouchsafed. A news genoy dispath from Bordeaux announces that a num ber of changes have been made in German army oommands. Epidemic of dysentery has broken out among the Austrian troops in Brohemia and Moravia. Winston Spencer Ohurohill First Lord of the British Admiral ty, is said to be at Antwerp oon 1 i ' . . -w . . suiting witn tne Belgian chief of staff. The Washington Government is still without official advices con oerning the landing of Japanese blue jacketB on the island of Jala 1 1. .1 If 1 II a . itiuiue marsnaii acnipeiago in the Pacific Ocean. Tuesdar. uouaon, vce. o. viot p. m. General von Kluok. reinforced with troops from the German Cen tral continues to make a deter mined stand against the attempt of the allies to outflank him. lhe French, who yesterday officially reported that all Ger many attacks in this region have been repulsed and that the allies had resumed the offensive, an nounced today that the battle to the north of the Oise whioh com menced seriously about Septem ber 25 continues with great vio lence with no decisive result and tLat at certain points the French troops have had to yield ground. mi j- . xne uermans, in their report issued last night, say the battle is proceeding successfully for them Both in London and in Pans there is the greatest confidence, aithongh some surprise is display ed at the success of the Germans in preventing the outflanking movement. They feel however that the Germans cannot extend their line much farther north !lI 4. 1 . witnous weaxening it at some point. Along the rest of the line the French communication says there haB been no chance. Therefor a the progress in the region of Sois- sons and in Woevre reported Son day either hss satisfied them for the movement or they have-been checked by the Germans. Of the fighting here as on their right. the Germans reports say it is pro ceediog favjrablytor-the German arms. -Progress by either side mast be extremely slow, for after every advance, no matter how light, the troops making it must entrench themselves for nmto ion against the shells from the enemy's.guos, postsed in strong positions from one end of the line to the other. On the battle front, via Paris Oct. 5 The allied armies, after- wntm caipbell. If you want a shoe that will give you perfect satisfaction and will Out wear any shoe you ever wore, try this Hard ware Sh oe "Hard Wear in Every Pair" It is made of soft, pliable chrome tanned waterproof leather, the finest and most durable of all leather for heavy wear. " It has two full soles. These soles are made of overweight steer hide the toughest leather made and are secured by Puritan stitch and two rows of standard screws. It has a heavy, full gussett (see illustration) that will not permit dirt to get in through the lacing. The pull strap is leather, sewed with waxed flax thread, double stitch saddle seam and the counter is sewed in in fact every part of this shoe is built to stand hard wear. Comes in either plain toe or tip and in black or tan leather. We believe this shoe will last you much longer than six months, but we will guarantee that you get at least six months' wear and satisfac tion. If you do not, bring them back and we will give you a new pair free of charge. Get Them at Br an k CampM's having permitted their adversaries as they thought, to exhaust them selves by continued attacks today took a most vigorous offensive. The British and French encount ered suoh a strong resistance how ever, that their most advanced aetaenments on the western wing were compelled to fall back. Only at this part of the long bat tie line did the opposing troops actually oome into clcse contact Many picturesque villages, around wbioh hundreds of thous ands of men oooupy 9 positions have suffered severely in the re cent fighting and probably wil suffer still more before the sting gleisover. The oountry where the cheif fighting is going on is flit and un der cultivation. In mauy placet it is boggy and there are scatter ed coal mines. The allied armies are extending oontinualiy toward the north and bending eastward toward the Belgian frontier, thus compelling the Germans, in order to prevent the crumbling up their main army, to move larg forces from the center and so keep pace with the allies, whose position menaces the invaders along the whole line. The allies plan it is thought may compel the Germane to release the pressure of the Bel gians. . lhe rapidity with whioh the French change position is consid ered remarkable. Two entire divisions of infantry marched 80 miles Saturday and 28 milts San- day. The Germans, however, bv means of their aviators who ar flitting continually over the lines despite numerous casualties, die oovered the movements and brought up reinforcements to meet them. As the Germans oc cupy the inside of the circle, they are able to reaoh an appointed spot with much shorter march s Rome, Ojt. 5. Via Paris. 11:20 p. m. The Russian Em bassy here tonight made public official communication received rom the Russian headquarter? staff saying: "The defeat of the Germans is complete. Their retreat is chang ing into a rout that is so disorder yand precipitate that they are forced to abandon everything. "Two Russian armies are pro ceeding one from the west and another from the south, toward AllenBtein (in East Prussia, 60 miles southeast of Elbing. ) "lhe tterman losses have not yet been officially acertamed, bnt it is estimated that they had 70, 000 men disabled." Washington, Oot. 5. While no confirmation of the report frorc Berlin that Portugal was prepar ing to rejoin forces with the Allies against Germany has been reoeiv ed by the Portugese Legatioi here, the Minister, Visconnt d Hi. i i i -, saia toaay nis ooontry was prepared to take the step when ever Great Britain should call up on ber to do so. A treaty of long standing between the two coun tries, providing for mutual pro tection, was re-affirmed at th outbreak of the present wtfr, he said, and that action- ratified by the Portugese Cabinet Septem bei 28. Great Britian sent a cruiser &r?i j i . a tu jjibuou on tnat aate to nre a special salute to the Portugese flag in recognition of the act. Why Not Publish It? When ycu want a fact to be come generally known, the right way is to publish it. Mrs Joseph kalians, rem, lad,, was troubled with belchitig, soar stomaohe and riqueut headaches. She writes, "I feel it my duty to tell others what Chamberlain's Tablets hav done for me. They have hlDfl- my iuuij5noa ana r9gu utea n y oowei8. since using them I ha e been entirely well," For Sale by All Dealers. 3 Equals 25 A Kf artUnor tat(mpn hilt a fni a - 7 o t T w vuw aia una UtoC. One teaspoonful of medicine and two pounds of your own ground feed (cost about 3 cents equal, in what they do for your animals and fowls, two FofK1 anUealfcmade stock or poultry tonic lrce S!.nl? you 1 If you don't believe it, try it out 1 Buy, today, a can of Bee Bee Write for A trial package of Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE, also our 32 page, illustra ted book, fully explaining its uses. Address : Bee Dee Stock Medicine Company, Chattanooga. Tern. 25c, 50c and $1. per cam, as yam oeaiera. P.B.S Batterick Pattern 15cJ?ashion Sheet Free at Pattern Counter BELK HARRY GO'S Grodmaii'is School Slices for Children are the. hest and the cheapest " We are ready for a big Fall business. Witb a larger stock tnan ever and better aroods tor same monev - tnau us- - CD 1 ual. No War Price Here. In fact while others are talk ing higher prices we are selling at old price or cheaper. No advance until our present stock is exhausted. Tien and Boy's Cloth, ing. Men and Boys Suits or Odd Pants are cheaper than evet before. Men's $2.00 Wool Winter Pants for only $1.25 Men'e $2 50 good Winter Pants for only $198 Men's $5.00 and $6 50 nice new Winter Suits for only $3.98 Men's Serge Suits worth $7. 5C, for onlv $4 95 illinery With onr Millinery Opening ever, we are now ready for hnsiueaa with a very large stook of Hats to sa'pot frrm. Price from.. 75c to $10.00 We have a hat to erm yon and at r ce yon can afford to pay. Men's $8 50AU Wrol Snre Snits for only $6.45 Men's $12.50 Alf-Worl bine or browu for . . Worsted Snits in .- $8.48 Mn's $14 50 Suits made of Sergps and etc., for. worctrd, $9.95 $15 00 Suits made of best only , materials for ... $12.50 These are all fresh new stock. Not old and out of date goods. Big Stock of Bo& Clothing ranges in price from 98c up. Bern ompany' There is Nothing that adds so much to your home as music. A genuine piano or player piano of the best makes at a low price and on easy terms. tacratic Headprta Ora Chairman Walter H. Woodson nas opened headquarters for the Democratic execntive committer- 01 Kowan in & mom nvnr thp Wachovia Bank. The committee t we understand, has arraueed for speakers and bar! ecues. The first barbecue is slated for Wood- leaf on Saturday, 0t)ber 17th 11 the second at Landis, Saturday, October 24th and the third ati Rockwell, Saturday, Ootober 81st. The campaign will olose in Salis bury Monday night, November 2nd. Speakers of considerable prominence win oe Been red as much as possible. This announcement will interest a great many people. The piano and player piano are becom ing more popular daily. More and more people want a piano. You Jiave perhaps hesitated to give your home a piano, as you did not feel able to pay the price for a good one, and did not want to purchase the cheap ones so extensively advertised. So you are one of those who will be interested in getting a genuine piano or player at the price of a cheap one. We and the manufacturers guarantee every piano that we sell to be a better piano than you can get at most places for from seventy-five to one hundred dollars mre. All pianos sold uner a contract to stay as they are when sold and to be kept in tune free of charge for five years. Call, 'phone or write for free information and catalogue. 'PHONE 464. Empire Block, SALISBURY, N. C. : 0 V

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