" WmMRMk WIFE f Fc7 Tesn f Discccragmg llCOodt toe j P?bDpaIr. BaSaid Ky. in ta interesting letter fc&:S'ptsce, Mn. Bettte Bullock writes tstoTJcrws: suffered for four ytx, wCi womanly troubles, and during 1 could oily tit up for a little 1 could not walk anywhere at CL At Caea, I woud have severe pains TWkter was called In, and his treat est isSmd me fo a while, but I was aaem eoafined to nn bed again. After Ct,notain2 seemed to do me any good. Si .fXBWGN,, JW'BWW WWW w ...... ' " " , RTF3 . Jt If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. j j If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. ! SALISBURY and Insurance Company. ft PORCH FURNITURE Including Old Hickory and White Maple. PORCH SHADES Something that is needed these hot days. REFRIGERATORS We have the best Refrigerators on the market. All sizes. Let us show you these. DINING BOOM. BED BOOM, PABLOB, KITCHEN and HALL FDBNITHJBE. COFFINS AND CASKETS GEO. Furniture New Line of FALL AND WINTER GOODS now on hand at W. W. TAYLOR'S. When in need of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, No tions, Crockery, Groceries, Tinware and about every thing kept in a general store, coine to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Come to see me when you come to the Fair. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 103 S. Main St., 'Phone oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOO0O o TPlie Farmer's Seed Mouse, o O Phone 1191. J05 East Fisher Street U O Salisbury, N; C. . g O We handle a full line of all kinds of field and gar- g O den seed. Get the Nitra-Germ we have for mocula- O Otionofyonr soil for Peas, Beans, Clovers, Alfalta, O O Vetch and other plants. See our .testi monials from O O the best of farmers as to its value,. JH O q Call for our Poultry supplies befdrejyou.buy elsewhere q jOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it From the very first dose, 1 could ten it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its firing me, and am doing an my work." If you are an run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it Begin taking Cardui today. j--t rvt fhtattanrvm. Tenn.. for OV6CUM riniWinivaur case and 64-oase book, noma Treatment for Women." sent in plain wrapper. t - wH 3 M 71 vj 7 71 REALTY 7 WRIGHT Undertaker J Salisbury, N. C. 39. RURAL NEWS Written by OUR CORRESPONDENTS, SALE Si. Oct. 2 Rather oool these nighti . Jack frost is coming with his big ooat on, Boys eefc your rabbit hollowB. People are beginnig to sow oats and wheat. Cotton ginR'aroarjd here are ran ning in fall blast these days. The Salem fall community will be held on the 2ud Sunday in October. Preaching on Saturday at 2 p. it., on Sunday at 11 a. m. Pastor Ritchie wants to se& a full house. He haa somethings to tell you ail. Gome oat and hear it. Last Thursday morniog a few of the Salem members came to the parsonage to do some repair lhg. One side of the ell was corered and Borne work at the barn was done. Last Thursday, Rev. Ritchie and family, Ed. Sifferd and fa mi ly, and Mrs. Pearle Caable wera invieed ever to Rufus Safrit's to a birthday dinner. All went and found the dinner ready with many good things to eat. Mr. Safrit had reached his 66th mile stone Jake Menias had his old house remodeled and he is ujw building a new barn and put a new chim ney to his house. Today John Bogs s property was sold to the highest biddei at the old home. Riv, Ritchie was called to L anon Charon to preach the lu era! of Locke Thompson's deugb ter. who died at the sanatorium iu Salisbury a few days ago. S. DEEOS. NOT WORDS. People Han Absolute Proof of Deeds a Home. It's not words but deeds that prove true merit. The deeds of Doan'a Kidney Pills For Salisbury sufferers, Have made their local reputation. rrooi lies in the testimony o Salisbury people. S.J. Horton, 208 W. Monroe St:, Salisbury, N. C says "For some time my kidneys were giving me a great deal of trouble My back was very weak and lam 1 -a . b - . ana tne Kidney secretions were too frequent in passage, causing me annoyance. Doau's Kidney Pills cured me and I have not had any kidney complaim since.' "a second statement. Od March 2. 1012, Mr. Hortou says: "All I said Bome time ago reoommendiDgDoan's Kidney Pi il was correot. There is no doubt about Doan's Kidney Pills being a valuable remedy." Price 50o, at all dealers. Dju' simply aBk for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Pills, th same that Mr. Horton had Foster Mil burn Co., Props., Bnf falo, N, Y. Mortgage Sale ol Real Estate. By virtue of authority contained in a certain Mortgage Trust Deed exe cuted by George Thomas and wife Mary Thomas, on September the 15th laid, to John M. iiostian, said mort gage deeds beinr duly registered in Book of Mortgages No. -41 at page 549 etc.. in the office of the Register of jjeeas or Kowan County, N, C, th undersigned will on Saturday, October 17th, 1914, 12m at the Court House door in Salisbury N. C, sell the following described lot of land: Beginning at a stake on the South east side of Caldwell street in lh West Ward of the town of Salisbury ana rau ieet from the Southwest side of Monroe Street and runs thence Southeast, parallel with Mnro? street 134 feet and 2 inches more or less to L. Holmes' line, then with this l'ne 513 d West 80 feet and 2 inches to a stake at the Northeast side of Marsh Street, thence with l?arsh Street Northeast 137 feet to a stake at the corner of Marsh and Caldwell Streets, thence Northeast with aldwell Street 80 feet to the beginning. Known as lot No. 5 in Henderson and Woodson's lot of Mr. Bellie Eania lands. This Sept. 17, 1914. J. M. BOSTIAN, Mortgaged and Trustee. "Silver TIate that Wears" Those who seek perfec tion in silverware in variably choose forks, spoons and fancy serv- 1 ing pieces stamped with the renowned trade mark "1847 ROGERS BROS.';, In quality and beauty of design, this well known silver is unsur passed. Its remark able durability has won it the popular title "Stleer Flate that Wears." Sold by leading . dealers every where. Seudfor catalogue "C-L" showing all designs. MERIOEN BRITANIftA CO.. . (International bilyar Co,, taCetaor.) MEM I DEN, CONS FROG BRANCH'. Mr. ancf Mrs. David Bean visit ed Froont Foutt Sunday. Benlah Wya6t visited A L. Ketchie's Sunday. Robert Park is visitiDg over aoross the hills. Iguees he meats business. N C. Wyatt is walking on both eet at once and wearing a 4x4 grin that wont come off. James Morgan and Charlie Shepherd visited at A. L tCwtchie'e Sandfly iiigbt. Grover Williams is visiting above second creek. Loot out Grover and don't fall in the deep blue wter A, L Bsme is croesi g the creek very often. I dout know what is his business. Rather booh fcr trapping. Th) farmers are getting their land ready for sewing cats and wheat. Grover Williams aud Robert Park took a flying trip to Salis bury Saturday With brst wishes ta The Watcmman and Recohd. TRADING FORD. Oct. 5 Rain at laat, but j.0O late except for plowing wheat land. Lock oat for frost. The iron weed blossoms are about open. This is a very g od sign for f rest. C. H. Kluttz ginned the first bal3 of cotton last week for this season. There will be very few bs'e to giu this year around here It xomB that the buy a bale of cotton system is gcing very slow nere. Aimobt everybody arnon the farmers will have a bale or so to sell aud some are afraid to I uy or sell at ten cents. Trading Ford Chuch is without a pastor at present as Rtv. Car rick having resigned some timn ago. It has Lceu quite awhile siuce this church has been with out a preacher. It is hoped they will get another one soon, W- A. Wagoner and wife from Misenhtimer, Stanly Couufcy, were visitors here last week and they report good crops and good times down in Stanly. The election iB drawing near and we want some good speakers to oome around and cheer us up a little so we will know who to vote for. We hope everybody will turu out and vote a strong ticket (his fall. Sam Snort. FAITH. Sept. 3. Venus has just return ed from the Concord Home Com ing Celebration where he was the guest of the committe while there. R. B. Peeler and Robert Brown with their teams passed through Faith today with a big monument to be erected at the grve of Rev. D. I. Dreher and wife, fro a) Brown, Wiley and Kerns marble yard, at Grauite Q tarry, where it was made. J. E. Holler departed this life Sopts-mber 29. age sixty-three years, six months and two days. He leaves a wife and five children, to wit: Mrs J L. Peeler cf Faith; Mrs. Leo Peeler, of Fitb ; Mrs. C. B. McBride of Mt. Air ; W. D. Holler and Miss Pearle Holler of Faith, twelve grand children, two brothers aud tw sisters of Catawaba County. All of his children were present at the time of his death. Mr, Heller was a spleudid citizen and bad lets of 'rieudo iu this commuuiy. The funeral services were conducted by his pa-tor, Rv. J M. L. Lyerly, at the Reformed Church, of wbioh he was a member. H) wa9 born in Catawba Couuty but moved to and livfd for several years in Meokleubarg Ccunty aud moved to Faith about fourteen years ago. He had been in feeble health for the past few years and was confin ed to his bed for three weeks be fore his death. His remains were laid to rest at the Reformed Cburch Cemetery hore. Miss Mary Peeler has been elect ed as primary teacher at Rockwell aud will b'gio her work there on the 12, u of this month. Mrs S. D. Davis who has been iu feeble health for several m?uths, i not much better and is tbiukiug of gcii g to sme springs for her health. Mrs. O. B .i McBride returned to hor home at Mt. Airy today af ter spending three weeks here with het sick father. J L Peeler is building a large barn. The frame is going up at Charles Peeler's for a large new barn to j take the place of the one burned ' some time ago. Some of the farmers here h&ve some nice ripe October peaches for sale, at one dollar and twenty cents bushel. When Venus left Concord he stopped at Kannapolis to see the town, as he had heard so muoh about the plaoe. He visited the factories and saw towels being made world without end. Then we visited the Martha Washington Iuu, which is iu charg ot Mta. Russell, who formally ran a boarding house in Salisbury. Mrs. Russel iB tho right lady in th" right place. The home is for worthy youog' ladies who have no home and for orphan girlB who some to the factory to work. He was shown all over the building a:d it is one of the prettiest places he ever saw. It has all modern improvements steam heat, elec tric lights, water works, etc. The large new office buildiog is goicg up and be saw houses going up by the dozen on the east of the rail road. While looking over Kan napolis he ran up on C. V. Mc- Combs aud family and took din ner with them. One of his sons runs some of the machinery. uwuu uuuwiai uas juss re- T T 1 I . turned from Norfolk, Va., where he went on the f-xoursion and re ports a fine time. Venuj reoantly visited one of the old civil war veterans, H. No commenced using it. Soon got better une a new woman, r-eruna is my comfort. I will never be without It" Mrs. Thomas XO... Morgan, k. a u. 2, Wadsworth, Ohio. 1 Many Cakes and Puddings Fall miserable flat because of inferior extracts ! Ever use the choicest flour, the freshest egg and wonder why the cake or pudding wasn't good? It all depends upon the flavor. Purity in your extracts is not enough quality is 'the ultimate factor. In Bee Brand Flavoring Extracts you get both and a subtle something, almost indescribable "Bouquet". It isn't purity, nor strength nor mellowness it's a combination of all three -brought about by patient aging im white oak casks. Try Bee Brand Vanilla today. You can get it from most progressive dealers 25 c, Here are a few; Charles Saba C. W. Windsor C. P. ping J. A. Cheatham Sduiflfcd: fiemtvfan vMA- jfift faty' ' T We may spend a little more time in filling a prescription thau other druggist?. but we must satisfy ourselves that the work has been done right, and we take the time to do it right. T That's one reason we cription work to do. PEOPLE'S DRUG S "On The Square" Get it at SMITH'S or MAIN" PHARMACY. Blue, who belonged to the- same ocmpany that Venu9 did, Com pany e. There were three com-! panies in this batallion: Com pany A, B and C. Compauy A wB3 the Alabama company, Com panies B aud C wer made np in Salisbury at the garrison aud wera mudc npof prison guards. Venus was mail boy. Venus. - - - Coirally Mi feet liuv. Locki Craig has isusd a proclamation fcr Commuiiity Ser vice Week, Deoember 8, 4 aud 6 These drfs areeot apart wbr-iu every man, woman and child in (be State shall ieud heart, haid aud brain to the service and de velopmeut of the community in which be or she lives, aud : s days on-which the people shall meet, confer aud work together for the advancement and imprvsaient of each section, Tho G.vernnr calls on the Firmera' Union, the Chambers of Commerce, th wo men's clubs, the Bchccl teacher!?, the ministers, the press, aud men of every profession ai;d vocation, to co-operate on the days named in forwardiug any and all move ments for the common goer1. This is a call to great work,' aud it is hoped that it will find a uni versal and hearty response. Aches or Pains Peruna Did It for Me. "1 find Peruna. an excellent spring and summer medicine and am glad to call the attention of my friends to it. I know by experience that Peruna Is a good medicine, and" always recommend it whenever I have an opportunity. I can truthfully say that I have no traces of my old complaint, and have neither ache nor pain, and enjoy life. Words cannot express my appreciation for the good Peruna has done me." PERUNA THE SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. "I used to get cramps In my stomach. I had sick headaches. My stomach nearly killed me. My family physician only gave me temporary relief. I got out of patience and had given up all hopes of recovery. I then wrote to Dr. Hartman and he advised me to take Peruna. I got a bottle of Peruna and and am now entirely cured and feel D. HI. Miller & Soi N. P. Murphy W. W. Taylor F. WWagoner have so much pres- Hupefess Lung Troobls Cored. : , , Many "eccveries from ; liun Trou'les are doe to Dr Bell's Piue-Tar Houey It' stre : gthens fhe Langs, cbeobj th Cough and gives r Iiwf at or.o Mr. W. "Si Wilkius, Gts N C. writes: "i need Dr. BellV P n-Tar-Honey i.i a casa given np a h peless and it effeoted & c mv. t cur". Get abc-ty of Dr B-n's Pine-Tar-H -uey. If your cmigh i dry ar.d ha king let ii trick - down your thront, y-.n wi!i gu;oly gt relief. O !v 26c ft v ur Drogait. G W. HARiilNGION, haB rpMsj d a Watch and Clock Repair Shop st Rckw 11 uud ran be fonui there every Saturday- H will l,e gKd t'r have your patrour.ge Dorii p the week leave work at- shop ii care of Frick & Lysrly's store If yen want a sewn g machiiie him 9 R0 tf Wachovia Bank and Trust Go. Salisbury, N. C. NEXT TO COURT HOT SB Will pay you 4 per cent on your deposits and compound the interest quarterly. This is a Rig Bank, why ut open an account with ust FOE, SALE ! One 850 Gas Range, Price - - $16.00 One. 830 Baby Car riage, (English Per ambulntor) Price - - $5.00 Apply at 220, South Ellis Peopes' National Bank SftHsbuiy, N. . Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de- posits. Interest payable every 3 montha Prompt attenion given to any busi- nes entrusted to us. Your business Foliiitd. &8T Peoples National Bank John S. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier. D. L. Gaskill, W. T. Busby, V-t '-3idant A sat. cashier We want Every Farmer when SELLING HiS PRODUCE To See Us. We pay Highest' Prices fur Chicken?, Eggs, Meats and Everything You Have to Sell. I will Sell You Groceries at Lowt Prices Possible. Headquarters for the Wutkins Medicine Company." 'phone: 57. 0. P. SHUPIHG, iM6-5t. 119 W. Innea St. Nciice. North Carolina ( Rowan County In the Superior Cturt Before the Clerk ; In the mattes' of Third Cre?k Drain age District ; GeorgeS. Shepherd, W. W. Shep herd , Hannah "arr and her husband. Carr. vtary EHis and her hus band Ellis. Ue.Hge Phifer Odes sa Phifer, Zelplia Phifer, and Annie Jane Phifer, a"d others, defendants. Th? defendants above will take no tice that a spveial proceeding entitled a above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Rowau County, be fore the cleric, to establish a drainage district including all the bottom lands and overll :ved burls on Third Creek in Rowan County from the Iiedell County line to Gruham's bridge, a dis tance of ab "it A miles, un Jer chaptf r 442 of the Public Law of North Caro- j i a ot 1903, and the amendments thereto oaid defendants and eafh of them will take notice that they are required to appear before the c'e:-k of the Su perior Court of Rowan Countv Ht hi j office in Sali-bury on the 12th day of ; October, 1914, an 1 answer or demur to the petition in this proceeding or the ; petitioner will ap: ly to the court for the relief therein demanded. 1 his September 2i.d, 1914 J. F. McCubbin8, 9 9 4t Clerk Superior Court. Copyrights Ac Anyono spndfnjf a sketch and description may qnlckly ascrt:ini our otinion free whether an inveniinn is prohnbljr nntentr-Jilo. Communica tions strictly coiifldeiititf. HAKiJBGOK on Patent sent free. Oldest. agency for securing patents. Patents taken throueh !uim & Co. reeelr rptcial notice, without cbxse, in tho Scientific Jftnerkatu A handsomely illustrated, weekly. Lnrtrest Or eolation of any scienuac journal. O'erms. 13 m year; four months, $i. Sold bjall newsdealers. - MUNH & Co.36wr, Hew York Branch OOca. OMr 8tu WttUlfigtoa! U.Q. " Vll? OVEH 65 YEARS' e x p e r i e n c e Trade Marks w frrijra," LL3 una

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