Sf By virtu of an order of. resale ma by the SaperiorCourt 6f David- brsta raiding entHled 8- W. Finch and O. 'atifnlftertfeatdri TH. G4 Grubb and otheri,vs Zeb Grubb asA others, the undersigned, adminis trators, Mill sail at pujjiio amotion at the court house door in balisburj, N. 04 on the 90th day of February, 1915, &t12o'fildfik-m.. the following lands belonging to estate of H. 0.;Grubb, deceased, ana situated m'ttowan uoun ty, andknownand designated as the St. John's mill tract, a tract on the Tad kid Hirer, adioinine lands cf Chas. Klutts and -other-and eontainini? -43 acres move or less, boundaries to which may be seen tn complaint on-file in said cause ana also aeea to n. i. Orabb. v.- ' - 3 Also the lands known as the Cor nelison lands, cormposed or two parcel one eontaininff U8 acres more or less, and the other alio ttmtaining' 88 acres more or less; for boundaries reierenee is made to eomtJaint m Said cause and also to deed to H. 0. Qrtibb records In oflce of Reiritter of Deeds of Rowan county In book of Deeds No. fit. page w. ' x Terms of sale: One third the pur chase price to be paid on confirmation or sale, one twra m sixty aays ircm ale. and ' one third in ninety days from tale, drterred tarments to bean interest from sale, all to be -secured at ale by bond nd 'proved security Jan. lsth, Ulft. . i-fis W. FnrcH and 0. T. Davis. administrators of H, 0. Orabb. Clement & Clement, Emery E. Raper, attorneys for admrs. tt w r- r. ;.s-rsr-r' Mortgage Trust , Deed executed by Chas. J, Harris and wife' tatla Hill Harris ooebi24jth, 191b ta Robert A. 3Bk)Stianr5nste and Mortgagee, which Is duly recorded io the oQe fMhe Kegtster 01 ueeas ior Mtnwan vounsy in Book of Mortgages No. a page 219, default havingbeen made io the f 1 ay- nant of the indebtedness therein secur ed, the undersigned, TroBtee-d Mor tgagee,; will expose for sale ai public auction for cash at the court boose fthe Uth day of Ifareh, 1915, at the Hour 01 12 m.. tne louowing aeserioea lands; - ". " 1 Hitnate in La taker Township, Jtcowan County, aaiointng now the lands or Chas.; Ketner, Jerry Eddleman, and iither, beginning at a stake in the XJoncordToaa, on vamei Jddieman-s line ; runs: with said line South 90 tiee West 80.89 chains to a hickory, Geo. Ketner's corner ; thence North 18 deg. Welt 28.60 chains to a persimmon ruD, r a. 4)i o era corner; tnenee orth 64& deft East 41.80 chains to a hickory, J no. Eagle's corner; thence North 87 deg. East 2 40 chains to a stake: in aforesaid road : thence South kll deg. East 17,40 chains to a white LoaV; thence (South Jf deg. - west 15.70 rchains to the beginning, containing by estimation 114 acres and same being the lands which the childten of Jacob Bostian deeded to Moses Bostian on Jan. 1st, 1867 as shown in Book of Deeds No. 41, page 141. This Feb. 6th, 1916. BOBXBT A. BO8TIAH, Trustee and Mortgagee, John L. Rendleman, Attorney. Theo. F. Kluttz, Attorney at Law, Salisbury, - - - N. C. Practice: All branohes of the law, in all the courts, county, State and Federal. wJMPfc Will cuft RfifeifmatMiir Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains,rubet, Cuts,- Burns, Old Sores. 1 TetterY Ring-Worm, - Ec zema, etc.- Antiaeptio .Aaodyne, used internally or externally, 25c mt.. . , r r r rr1 ""' -j rr " r j . . r HoUcs -ft Creditors Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of A G. Trexleif? -this Js to notifyali persDns havtng claims against the said deeeodent to ftJean' itemized, verefled statement 'of satte -witk the undrsfgnd on or before the 6th day TOI If! CCTilllll iuvited to attend ! the ' Old Time Fiddlers Con tention" at Gold Hill Acdeamy dn February 27th. at 8 p. m. Admission 10 and 80 cents. 4 t. fabauarj; 1916, or thJc notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . Per- sons mapDtea to said estate are notitl ed to make prompt settlement. This Feb. 5th dav, 1915. ' SabXh J. Tbbxlbb, Administratrix. John L. Rendleman, Atty. TRADE WITH C. P. SHUPirJG Farmere will find it to their interest to see me when selN iag their prod uce We pay Highest Cash Price for Chickens, Eggs and all kinds of Produce and selling you groceries at the very lowest prices. Headquarters for Walkins' Medicine Co. C. P. SHUPING. 2-3mo. RURAL NEWS Written by : OUR CORRESPONDENT 600dmiB Limber CO. Sella galvauit ed roofing at rook b. Ucm prices Peoples' National Bank Salisbnry, N. . Does General Banking Business m PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 8 months Prompt attenfon givento any busi ness entrusted to ua. u Your buaineas solicited CPccpIsa national Bank John 8. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier. D. L. Qaskffl, W.t Busby, Y-rrwident. Aast.caahJer Haying qualified as administrator noon the estate of Q. H. Koon, deeeas ed, notice is hereby ' riven to 11 ner aona hay ing claims against said estate to present them' to the undersigned on or before December 7 , 1915. or this nouee win oe plead, in bar ol their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to call and settle vmnout delay. This December 7,U714. J. S. Koon, administrator B. Lee Wright, attorney. Salisbury, 27, C, B. F. D. No. 8. iUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE ittlitnlcr's rsllci ti&tlltsrs. Havtaff aallflad aa'sdninkilnibM. n the estate of Josephine V, Stancill, deceased, this is to netify all persons navmg eiaims against saia estate to smwctne same xo ms ior payment on or before the 19th day of January. 1916, or this will be plead n bar of caeir recovery: All Twrtnm InflohfH 4I,a will please make immediate payment co me. V. IP. FlIKAV Admr. of Josephine V. Stancill. Dee'd. Garland. NO. B. "F; D. Sampson County. uemeoi x wiemenc Atsya . . OR. CM. VAN POOLE Qeneral Practice ' ": P10IIS; ffitg'1' Calla may be left at Main Ph'y., 163 COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 dotes 660 will break any case of Chilli & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it aet on the liver better than Calomel and does not tooe or uckea. Price 25c (BnncATE or Dissomnm. TO ALL TO WHOM THXSB PBIIXXTS HAT ooata oaaaTOiar : : : tion, by duly authenticated record of tne proceedings xo the? voluntary- dis solution uereoi ny tne unanimous eon -sent of all the stokh6ldersr deposited in my office, that the "Spencer Invest ment Company, a Corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at 0or. Salisbury Are., and 6th Street, in we vqwo 01 speHBsrvouncy 01 itow an. State of North Carolina. f W.F Snid- er being the sgent thereihand in charge tuereoi, upon wnom process may oe served), has complied witbthe require ments of Chapter St; Sevisal of -1806. entitled "Oorporationa," preliminary to the issuing of -tm Oertiflcate of Dissolntlon : ' v ' Now, Therefore, I, J. BBYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 12 day of January, 19i6, file in my office a duly exefeuted and attestei consent in writing to the dissolution of said corpa ration, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which: said consent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file in my said oflce as provided by lawv- In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set ray hand and affixed my leaf at Raleigh, this 19 day bf January, A. D. 1916. - .4 ' J. Bktah Qaiuxg, (Seal) Secretary of State. Cattl for III IteZfir Look-among yoar old papers for itamps ilia td before and during tha war, United States and Oonfederate. Some of them are worth big men ey. Don't take them off the : envelope, Lut bring them in to me. aDd get cash for them. Wx. H. Qtiwabt, Yratohman oflce, Saliibory, N. 0. After Focr Tears cf Disccsragxaf 1 Ccaditicss, Urs. 6s9od Gtre UpbDsptir. Hsibasj Cast to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie BuUock writes as follows : "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at alL At times, I would nave severe pains in my left sides The doctor was called in, andbistreat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon amfined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. 1 had gotten so weak I could not stand, and 1 gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 . - - . years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will da Ask him. He will recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today i Write to: Chatunoon Me4lclre Co.. Aavisocy,uiK.t ennnoog. lenn.. for i jnsiruc(.vmn your case ana 04-page book, home Treatment fee Wjmen,'J sepj iflliil jrappv. ja V 1 . ; .ii 4 BaDk&TrustCo's facilities for the care and protection ot your Money are modern in every respect. The many new depositors we are gaining indicates a growth of this bank which will permit an added and larger usefulness to the com munity. Is it not foolish to keep your money in your house where you will always fear it may burn, or 'where a burglar may break in and pteal it and kill you at the same time? We pay four per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. SALISBURY BANK & TRUST GO. W. Ef;McWHIRTER, Cashier. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE, N. C. Feb 22 After beiug abi;t for some time 1 shall come agaiu and give the uewi from Rutherford llegp, although there have heeu a few oatea of aickueei, the school u progrenitig nicely, with a itnd not body of about 1S5. (Bcye an I girls.) Ite olub boarding henae whre tho ;ard bills have been kept down to and below $7 00 per month. Abont two week ago there wa an old time spelling match lu the college auditorium, union was at tended by a large aodience, and was enjoyed by all present. The spelling lay between Mrs. Lidbet- ter and W. 0. Shaver. The walls and roof of the new dministraticu building for Ruth erford College are neariug com pletirn. It is expeoted to be com plbted by thA op-uiug of the fall term of 1915 . Any donation to the uew college bniiding will be greatly appreciated by the trus tees. An interesting game of base bal was olacd on the Rutherford cl lege diamond, Saturday afternooi Letweeu the Newtouiau aud Pla tonic Literary Scoieties. Tbf score was 28 to 6 in favor of the Newtcnian. Au interesting sermon was poached in toe oollege obape Sunday morning by the paitot Rev. B. Wilson. The Rutherford Oollege Minis tcrial Club went to Mcrganion Saturday the 18th, and bad group made. iney all report having had a fine time while in MorgaDton. The Ratbf rford College Dram - tio Club will give their famous pipy. "The Fate of a Half Breed in Nbvada," at Granite Fails Saturday night, February 27th I L. Shaver plays the part of oomedian. Mi'ss R.bbie Faw and Harley Goode were marriel by Rer B. Wi-'aon, February 2nd, As today is a holiday the boys and girls art having a picnio on aoutb Mountain, wbioh tower 800 feet abve the surrounding country. Bjll. General News Ilatten lent of Interest to oar Retders 6ithsred and Coodeosed far Quick Assioalition. 1 George Waahingt n's birthday --mm m m, - - waa oeiDratd on Monday dj every department of the Capital. President Wilson attended all th ezeroises. Waahiiigtou's farewell address was read in tha Senate by Senator Root and in the House by Representative Garrett. Bills re- ceived from the Senate read as follows: To build a bridge over the Yadkiu Biver between Yadkin ud Surry oouutiea ; permit the building of sohojl houses in oer tain districts; oreate special tax district for Salisbury. H. B. 1260, Conghenhour, amend reviaal rela t.ve to disorderly oenduct in publi" buildings. Authorise Salisbury to issue bonds, ralating to certain drainage proceeds in Rowan. The waiship of modern Warfare the submarine daily becomes a fastor of more and more import auoe in the great war of Europe with respect to its influence on the policies of the contraband ques tion so vital to neutral States. : : -.1 i J The Senate of Raleigh convened at 10 o'clock with President Oaughtridge in the chair, among the most important bills introduc ed was the removal of the State school fir the blind to Salisbury. The tragio death of William T. Ayoock, engrossing clerk of the Senate oast a gloom over that body last Friday when the preai dent's gavel oalled the Senate to rdr there was au evident reeling of loss among the senators . Sen ate adjourned at noon in memory of it'a eugrosaing clerk, and Presi dent Daugbtridga appointed i committee cf six senators to ao oompany the remains to Free moat the home of the young man's mother. w. Just Received At W. TAYLOR'S Spring Goods, General line White Goods, Gingham, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, etc, When in need of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, raP3, No tions, Crockery, Groceries, Tinware and about every thing kept in a general store, come to see rae. Farmri-B are invited to make my place headquar.. ters while in the city. Very truly, WW. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. W B 00000 o SALISBURY PBOOF. How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. "Coming events cast their shadows before.,, This is upeci ally true cf bilious attacks. Your appetite will fail, you will feel dull and languid. If y m are ubjeot to bilious attacks take three of Chamberlain's Tablets as these symptoXJi appear and the attack may be warded off. tt ,SUVA;iU.Ai0; LK sLK slK IK Uv smK R Firffi)s ifoET sale If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY REALTY and Inourance Company. w DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING Unv V X jjL Hosiery tmm.tJt.QHHm Gives &e BEST VALUE for Your Money Etmy Klnifnm Cotton to' Silk, For Men. Women and CMJtm Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair LMk Ur UW Traiaik! Sold bj All Goi DmI. wholesale Xord & Taylor , ive -i-4 t i. -V -5 - NEW YORK WaUr Cooled Machine Gun Adopted for Far (I S. Army. After oouduotiug a srifs of test9 the War Department has adopted for the -United States Army the British water cooled, automatic ma bine sun. a lare iraber of wbioh are being used iu the present war by several of L TT1 w cno jor peat) armies, ioh wea- pv, which ts sbowi id an l Jns-t-r tioi appoarii;g in the Maroh P-;)olir Mechanics MagaziDf, is d ptd n t ouly for general tnili -ar hf.rv o:, bat msy also .be used Hiiber with or against air craft I is operated by reonil a. d bas a m xio.um tiring speed of approxi mately 600 shots a misute. While this is somewhat si wer than the air-cooled gnu now iu service, it is contended that in rsality it oan fire a greater num ber of shots in a giveu period than it$. predecessor because the time oooftimed in inserting the short feed strips used by the lattr gun is Waved. The regulation 80 cali ber cartridge employed by all of the servioe rifles is also ustd iu this gun. which has au effectiye range aarying from 1,500 to 1 800 yd. The ammunition is fed into it by means of belts holding 250 rounds' each. Sfioald CodtIdc? Eren Sallibon Reader. Toe frank statement or a neigh bor, telliug the merits of a Mile- Bids you pause and believe. The same endorsement By some stranger far away Oc mmands no belief atr all. Here's a Salisbury case. A Salisbury citizen testifies. Read and be convinced. William A Baker, 1015 S. Ful ton St., Salisbury, N O., says: 1 bad backache and my kidneys were out of order A friend ad vised me to try Doan's K-dnev Pills and I did so They helped me immediately and a eouple of boxes stopped the trouble." Mr. Baker is only one of many Salisbury people who have grate- tally endorsed Doan a Kidney PtiN. If your baok aoLee -if our kidneys botber you. don't simply ask for a kidney remedy sk distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mr. Bker had the remedy basked by hom testimony. Uo all stores. Fos er-Milburn Co., Props , Buffalo. N. Y "Wben Your Back is Lame Remember the Name." Coldaand Ctoup la Children. Many people rely upon Cham berlain's Cough Remedy implicit y in cases or. colds and oroup, and t Lever disaunoints them Mrs. E. H. Thomas, Lrgansport, lad , writes: 'I nave foriud Chamber aih'a Coush Remedy to- He the b9st medicine for coTds. and croup I have aver used, and "iiaver tire of recontmendnig ii' to nay neigh'' bora and friend I Tuvre-giveu it to mv children:, when suffering from croup, nd3 Hkm -never failH ed to give them prompt relist," British Will not Main General use of Foreign Flags. London, Feb 19. 7.82 p m. The British Foreign Office thi ev. ning issued a note in reply to the representation of the United States Government concerning the use of the American flag by Bri tish vessels The note says that the Cunard Li?ie Steamer Lusitania on her re Hut voyage fr m New York to Livprp-ol raised the American fi g ' to save the lives of nonccmba tauts, cr jw and patseDgers." It aids that in spite of the fact thnt Amnrioan passengers embarking the Lusitauia on her outward vyage from New York asked that th American nag be hoisted "the British Government did not give any advices to the company as to how to meet this request and it is Understood the Lusitania left i ter uiscdssing tne JLusitama in cident the momorandum says: "The British Government hap no intention of advising merchant shippiug to use foreign flags as a general practice or to resort to them otherwise tbau for escaping capture or destruction." The Rowan County Farm Life School opens Jan uary 7th, 1915. Prepares to'enter without examination 'the Ireshman class of any standard college in the State. In addition to the above cultural courses, a four years' course in agriculture, farm carpentry and shop work, is offered for boys, and a course in Domestic Scieuce and Home Economics is offered for girls. ITuition free. TOirls boarded in dormitory at cost. IFor further information, address R. D. J enkins, Supt., CHINA GROVE, N, O. 000000000000010000000000000 Vour completion need DAGGETT 4 RAMSDELL'S PERFECT COLD CREAM Uied by the elite of New York Society for twenty-three year, and .til their favorite. Imparts health and beauty to the akin, smoothes away the marks of Time bringa Nature'a bloom to sallow cheeks, discouragea unwelcome lines and wrinkles. Improve your looks by its daily use. In tubes 10c, 25c, 50c In jar 35c, 50c, 85c, $1.50. When you intitt upon Daggett & RammdeU'm yon get thm beet cold cream in thm etorm. , , Ik j j lotlee to Mturs HaviDg qaalifled as Administrator upon the es ate of M. M. Holahouser. deceased, notice is hereby given to all leraoK8 having claims against said es tate to present them to the r ndersign- ea on or neiore j an nary 2y, miQ or this no be will be plead in. bar of re- $overyr-v-? .r - -. : au persons inaeatea so saia estate are requested to call and settle with the undersigned at onee. - Tnis J anaary S. I 6 - I5tfcE.i AimiriiRtrator. R. F. D. Gold Hill. N. n. B, Lee Wright, Attorney. Let me send you FREE PERFUME W rite today for a testing bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC Tlie world's most famous perfume, every m. .i i- ii as swcci as uie living Dlossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath. Fine after shaving. Al the value is in the perfume yoti oon t pay extra tor a fancy bottle. The quality is wonderful. The price only 75c (6 oz.). Send 4c for the little bottle enough for 50 handkerchiefs. PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD Department M. ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK 3-in-One is a liehtr enre oO com pound that never cams. 3-is-One lubricates rfectly sewing niacmnes,typeters,bicycles,loci3,cIocks. lawnmowen everything that ever needs oilinsr in vonr home or No crease. No acid. A little 3-in-One on a soft cloth deans and nolishes Derfectlv all veneered or varnished fnrnfcTrt Sprinkled on a yard of black cheesecloth it makes an ideal DuitZes Dnnt Cbti 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on pun barrels, auto fixtrmi hath mnm fixtnres, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays on. Free 3-n-Oie Free, Write today for generous free bottle and the 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses. 3-in-One is sold im all good stores in 3-slze bottles: 10c ft mlV 2& f nr we v "J 7 VJ' new paieniea uanay UU AO, 25C fipg OZ.). 43 P A Bf $wTk Ctty 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 00 00 00 00 no 4