!-. -- .... '-HX; f Jl'V;?:'rf '.W?, .; - : V.N J., 6 A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of tl People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. XI. 110. 15. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDHESMY, HAECH 31ST, 1915. Win. H. STEWMT, iUTO HMiEi nm, tin Win Sfenf li.tf IT Sail. Roids, . Stteias, Public Builiings apt Houses. Washington, Mfioh 28 The oil survey maps o( Rowan. Conn lT ;iH iooq be ready.for diskriba icm. 't 8eaator OTerman and JElsp 8naUTe Do'ughon lecured the iUVdT and W. . Harne, a Norkb Carolina expert in the Pepartment f Agrioaltare, had charge of the ' Interestihg rnanlta will be fefeaed by the report of this &anjfy . .-, The Barean of Soils of the De partment of Agriooltaie in co operation with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture work ed together on the survey of Row an County, and the maps and re ports are now in the process of en graving and printing. Senator Overman aDd Congress main. Dooghton will have several thbnsand copies of these publica tions for free distribution, not in the county but through out the State and the United Skates. Recently the people of tTe North and Northwest have . been looking to North Carolina as field berming with, opportuni ties and wonderful possibilities for future development, An accurate map showing: bH . the roads, both public and pri vate, railroads, streams, towns, Bobool houses, churches, houses, an all promiatnfe and well known places in the couuty, has bhen made on the conveiiiut scale of one inch to the mile. Upon this mapias a base the various types of oil and the extent of each will be ahown in different colors, so tbii a perton can at a glance asoerjaiu what kind of soil there is in-any I a . poftion of the ot unty without .1! ehng over it. :, 80 jto 43 printed pages - and will embrace specific data on the coun ty, its location, topographic lea tnres, drainage conditions, trans portation facilities,, markets, cli mate, agriculture, Boils, crops to which the soils ar adapted, and the prevailing crops now grown, and in fact everything bearing up on the agricultural development of the regiou . The soils of Rowan County have been derived through the process of weathering and decay of the un derlying rocks. The different rock formatiaus have given rise to variou classes or types of soil ; for example,, the smooth-textured siltv or floury like soils in the eastern and southeastern parts of the county are derived from the finegrained slate recks: the red clay lands in the central and west era portions ot tne county owe their origin to the disintegration and decomposition of the fine tex- tared granites ; the coarser textur. ed surface soils of a gray color, underlain by a red or yellow clay qbsoil are the resultant produots of the coarse grained granited and gniesses. The strips of alluvial oils developed in the first bottoms along the streams represent the finer materials .which have been washed from the uplands and de posited by the streams during heavy freshets and overflows. These soils are naturally rich and when reclaimed, by canals and; literal ditches, and restored to a position suitable for agriculture unitization will produce large yields of corn and grasses . Most of the upland soils of the county are strong and inherently productive, and represent some of the best land encountered through out the Piedmont region of the country. Much of the soil deriv ed from the granites is very high in potash. Some of these soils contain a sufficient amount of potash to produse large yields for 100 years or more without the ad dition of potash. Of course, for the production of such crops aB tobacco and potatoes, which re quire large amounts of potash, the application of potash to these crops is profitable. Ptrcically all of tbe soils are deficient in nitrogeL, but this eUment of .pltnt food can be easily and cheaply aecured by the gtowing of olovers And" cbwpeai, or by the adddition lire ffloiiay Resldencs of C. T. Ticnner is Pfaotically Dssfroied. On Monday morning about H :50o'clo3k the fir department was called' from box 26, corner Jackson and L berty Streets. They immediately rushed to the scene of the fire which was the house occupied by Charlie T. Tiohner on the corner o! Kerr and Church Streets. The 'big motor truok arrived on the scene alright but as the Hook and Ladder wag on was crowing Liberty Street an automobile owned and driven by D. L. Brown manager of Brown's Cafe crashed into it and complete ly overcurned it hurting Mallie West and smashing the front wheel on the oar. This delayed the company awhile, as they were at present needing ladders. The Hook and Ladder wagon was driven by Henry Glover who was not hurt. The occupants of the house were not at home but the fire company did fine work and most of the household furniture was saved. Ah! The liuigoratingWhiff ot The Pine Forest! How it dears the throat and head of its mucous ailments. It is this spirit of Newness and vigor from the health-giving Piney For ests brought back by Dr. Bell's Pine- Tar-Honey. Anticeptio and healing Buy a bottle today. All druggists, 25o. Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic. of barnyard manure in liberal .quantities. Oae of the essential needs of the soils is phosphoric acid. This, however is one of the cheapest and most abundant ele ments of plant food, and can be seoured from the United States. It is the lntei tion of Dr. B . W. K'lgoreto iisuabulletin folk -4 g the soil survey report and embracing the chemical analysis of the various types of soil, sug gesting the proper fertilisation for each soil and recomputing the proper cultural methods to be practiced. This bulletin will also give the results obtained frcm the test farms and the test plats oar ried on in the Piedmont province.. On some of the test plats the use of potash in a complete fertilizer h8s given no increased yield in the crops. It would therefore seem that it would be more pro fitable to eliminate potash from the fertilizer, and to use the money spent for it in the purchase of phosphoric acid. Large yields of oats add wheat have been ob tained from the red lands in the Mill Creek section by the addition of phosphoric acid and barnyard manure. H E. C. Beyant. Pallaria and VUk -'siar iA? -' I ' i - Sr' ' 6'!&v$&& In response to overwhelming sraui.-9Tv rauaxu uega.ii ma musical career ut xuuy, tne lana OZ tne natural rrB'T"WT"nr At TB Lft Of KUVe T panrone norn m one ox me omw Romaiiisis Don't Answer Here ire Twenty Questions Porelr Patrio ic and Kon-Political. Remain Unanswered! Here is the cream of the whole controversy between patriotic American and the Romish politi cal maohine and devotes of the foreign would-be world-ruler, the Pope. They are purely political and in no wise suggest interference with any kind of true religion . They were asked by a leading mason of Louisville, Kentucky, of one MOol.nP..,H, Callahan, of the same city chairman of the Knights of Columbus fifty-thousand-dollar committee appointed to investigate the waver of 'bigot ry" which periodically pan over the United States.-. 1 , Are you acquainted with the text or general tenor of the various encyclicals oi the late Pope Leo XIII and his predecess ors against ihreemasonryf and if so, do you agree with their view and feel bound to carry out their commands? Are you acquainted with any directions to Roman Catholios, emanating from the Vatican at Rome, to become active in poli tics, so that constitutions and legislation and governments may be changed to conform to the 'principles of the ohuroh, and if so, what are the 'principles' re ferred to? 8. As a Roman Catholic and a Knight of - Columbus, are you a believer in the freedom of all men to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience, under all oircumstances and at all times? Does the order you represent so believe? 4 Do you and the order you represent be'ieve in the separation of church and state? 5. -Do you and the order von represent believe in free public schools, supported by the state and free from the oontrol of any church br religious organisation, inoluding your own? 6. Should yonr religious supe riors require you, as a matter of religion, to oast your vote in school elections against those who adhere to above opinions (see No. 6), would you feel yourself bound to do so on grounds of religion and obedience to religious au thority? 7. Should ycur own church become dominant in America and recognized as the religion of state, would you accord freedom or op inion, of speech, of press and of worship to other denominations even when some activity opposed she Roman Catholio ohurch? . It you answer that you would please state whatytiu would do in event the demand the fifth day of the Redpath Chautauqua week this year will be Ffinfl ox xuipies. pail a nttje later fte pecamf fllrtypor pf .F4i iMnfa' pope oommanded thajt auoh toler ance be not granted:.:-'' 9. Would you arid your order protest against a uniott of church and state in this county, or take advice measures to g&yent such a union? 5 1 10. Are you acquaninted with the papa! deolaratihjka the effeot that Freemasons ataufcae lexers of all the enemies of the church, and mast thereforee). stamped out, and if so, do $oiji adhere to this declaration an.Arder?; 11. Are you acqaainted with Cardinal O'oonneU'j declaration that Freemasonry i$the cause' of the present bloodshed? in Mexico; and that secret aid iabeiQg given from this conntry Anterfoati Freemasons, and if so4o yon be- it? M ' 12. How do yon a&onnt for the fact that Roman Catholics distrust Freemasons? 18 What art th ttaefc your churoh and yott( rder with regard to Freemason and how far are yon obliged j&Qai if l($ ion to believe and acf ;ttpon such teachings? v 14. Should your priest or other religious superiors order or suggest a business boycott against a Free mason, would yon', hold yourself i bound to observe same as a mattes of oonscienoe or religion? 15. When snob; fjtdrtoes are given uatnoiios, are tney gener ally observed? -:v 16. If suoh orders are given with reference to political dis crimination against trreemasons, do you hold yoursell bound to, ob serve same as a matte? or religion? 17. Is there anything in the oaths or rituals of the Knights ot Columbus requiring inem to vote against Freemasons or discrimi nate against them in anyway? 18. Was there anything in the oaths or rituals of the Knignts of Columbus, prior to 1912, or ever to your knowledge requiring them to vote against Freemasons or dis criminate against them in ny- way I : -4r . , -. 19. Do you think there is any persecution of Catholics in this oountry, and if so, by whom and upon what grounds do you think it is being carried on? 20. If it be true that a large percentage of your fellow oitisns fear the alleged - intention ot the Vatican to make the Roman Cath olic church dominant in the poli tical affairs of this country; to suppress Freemasonry and secret orders generally: to oontrol the press ; abridge freedom of speech ; prevent religious toleration, of other sects or churches or creeds, and control the public school system or destroy it, would your order be. willing, in order to dissi pate snob ideas, to declare openly, without reserve or equivocation, on your honor as .American citi sens, that if suoh should be . the intentions or purposes of the va tican or the pope, or any part of tne clergy or laity of your church, you would resist the execution of suoh designs to the uttermost and join your fellow citizens in repu diatipg suoh attempt? vfttiran nr thA 1 diatintt annh ftttpmntir I Artril 1 at I an BH anvanmcr" n am and a na ma. I His Great Band to Be Here Chautauqua Week Herder Sifla? m LbsWi Pries iostntl! Killed br South CtrellM Negro, Who Uads His Bet Awaji Last. Sunday night about 8:00 o'clock Lucinda Price, colored, was shot and instantly killed by Jim Cooper, alias Dock" Cooper, at her home at 230 South Ctaige Street. From what can be learn ed, Cooper and the Price woman had once been- married and had separated about two years ago. Copper had bfen trying to get the woman to orae back to him for same time but she had told him often times to stsy away form her. He,, however, paid, no attention and continued to plead r On Sun day night, it ia , went to her house on Crsige Street and asked her if she had Jdeoided to e with him. she told him : she had not and ordered him from th? hocaa.' ..He left telliog her he would her. , He went to th home of Sam Massey, another ne gro and stole a single barreled Shot gun and f going back to th home of the woman, he emptied the entire load in her left chest, killing her Uvta..tly. Sherrifl Krider and Chief of Polioe Miller s were on tbe scene in about seven minutes, but the murderer had al ready fled. After an all night Searoh the sheriff and his gang re turned, none the; better for their Search. Jim Cooper is from South Carolina and has been employed for some time by E. K. James on Fulton Street, he is about 80 years of age. The woman also was from South Carolina and was about 82 years of age. The sheriff still has his eyes open for a due and will do all in his power to arrest the murderer and place him safely be hind the bars. no osi t rats irijr oit im m Ml"SSt WnrWiafYoBOsflesIem Thousands keep on suffering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make yourself an easy prey to serious ailments and epidemics as the result of a negleoted Cold? Coughs and Colds sap your strength and vi tality unless ohecked in the early stages. Dr. Kings New Discovery is what you need the first dose helps . Your head clears Up, you breathe freely and you feel so muob better. Buy a bottle today and start taking at once. ' The new bill passed by the Leg islature increased the salary of the county auditors of New Hanover county as follows: The salary Ibili increases the salary of the au ditor frpm 2,250 to $3,000 a year ; the clerk of court's salary from $2,750 to $8,000 and the sheriff's salary is reduced from $8,500. to $8,000. This bill takes effeot April 1st. ItT - Pallaria and his-great 9 1 1 " A, tfC7 J Francesco ;tteadingthe Milan Conservatory. At nineteen he graduated and mPl&R WSkM' Villa Defeated at Uotamoros. Submarine F-4 Located Ootside.of Harbor. The Russians have pushed their way well through the Carpathians toward the plains of Northern Hungary in the vicinity of Bart- field capturing au Austrian posi tion five mi W south of Taraf . Brownsville, Texas, March 28. Failing in their attempt yesterday to dislodge the Carransa garriron by rifle and maohine gun fire. Villa forces beseiging Matamoros virtually ceased their attacks to day, awaiting, it was announced, the arrival of artillery. In the event of an artillery duel, Browns ville, direotly across the Rio Gtrande from Matamoros, would be endangered' and tonight one of the gravest of border crisis was feared. The likelihood of shells falling in Brownsville was. demon- trated by the rifle buUetiwhiob iropped here yesterday, during he first Villa on Matamoros trenches, a costly failure of Villa forces in which their losses were fficiaJly given as 100 killed and 40 wounded. This attack was a headstrong dash of 2,000 mounted rifle mem. The Carranza losses rere 10 killed and 45 ininred. rj fwo persons were struck by bul- eta in Brownsville. Neither was seriously injured. London, March 28. Violent battles for possession of the Car pathian passes continue. The Russians who. recently regained posseision of JJukla Pass, are pushing their way toward Bart- field on one side and Svidmk on the other where, if they achieve their object, they will take posses sion of the heads of the railroads running southward into Hungary. 'f'Ko Tfinnla l?ntan mtimri heavy battles against the troops of the Teutonio Allies. Official reports Bhow that severe engage ments are waging in northern Franoe, northern Poland, in the Carpathian region and in the vicinity of the Black Sea in the Cauoasus. Pekin, March 28. President Yuan Shi Kai yesterday again oonfered wirh members of his en tourage regarding the question of rejeoting or accepting the Japa nese demands, which, according to Chinese officials, the Japanese again are pressing firmly . negotiations nave reached a stage which the Chinese consider perilous. The conference between the Japanese Minister and the Chinese officials yesderday again discussed, out sailed to agree on the questionof Japanese immigra tion in Manchuria and the so call ed "Hanyeping" demands; name band win render two programs one la tbe lj3 dite the United Stejgsw Passenger Tralo JIo. 8 tntf FrilgH Id. 73 Calllde Near Concord. Oae Slftri' Crrt. s.On Tuesday . morning shortly after 4 o'clock there was a head on collision near Concord; oelwtfn northbound paisenger train No:' 8 and southbound freight train No. 78. Three cars on "the freight were ditched and the engine, and two cars of theadengr,1 (With engineer Clarke at the tftrotlf) were knooked clear of thrt track. From what oan be learned!: bna man was slig'hily lnjursiS, b'uihbt seriously. None ortfio train qrew were injured. There Was a delay in the morning passenger trains on account of the wreck; but the wreoking crew did quick 7 work and the trains were soon on their way. London, March 20. A financial report issued here today by , the American Commissi6n for relief in Belgium shows that $yb00j 000 worth of foodstuffs haVe been delivered in Belgium?, since , te inception of the pommlssipnV work' Nineteen million dollars worth of food is on the way; to. tnai s trickeo country or is srJfor further shipment, Of'thVgrjiad total $8,oXX),(X)0 was jprovioted 'by benevolent contributions and the balanoe of $80,500,000 was pro vided by banking, arrangements set up by the oomission. Newport News, Va., Maroh 25r Fortress Monroe and Fort Wool in the center of . Hamnton Roads tonight assumed unsaal activity. All the troops stationed' at the forts were ordered to the harraoks and the big gun crews andih mine companies were sent to tneix . stations. . .. At 0:80 o'clock the eng'eaaxoniid . jnna were started aicT tht . operation. Subsequently it was discovered that one United States submarine and three destroyers had arrived in the roads and dropped anohor between the two forts, ly, the Han-Yan iron works, the Tayeh mines and the ftng-Siang oillieries. Honolulu, Maroh, 28. The sub marine F-4 has been looated out side the harbor it was announced tonight. Portions of the superstructure have been brought to the surface. The dredge California will' shift moorings, tugs will crisa-oross ' in . all directions and ah attempt will be made to lift the submarine. W. 0 . Parks, a civil engineer, has started construction of an im mense diving bell a 64-inoh oast iron pipe seven feet, in height, flitted with a plate glatl iert. The diving bell is expected to be ready for use tomorrow. afternoon and one In the eveniaf. fv soon after became soloist on the J J . - ..-

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