McBtoWtors. Having qualified v as Administrator nan thjptRfft nf m:M Holshaserr deeeased,nQtlQe is hereby given to all persona,, haying cUims against said es tate tfireseni hem to the r ndersign ed on, or-, Wore January 29, ,1916. or this notice will be plead in bar of re oovery. r All persons inded ted to said es tate are requested to call and settle with the undersigned at once. This January 29, 19 5. - - - . Eli Eagle, Administrator. R.F.D.Gold Hill, N O. R. Lee Wright, Attorney. Peoples'. National Bank vBalisbntv. -N.v-- - Does uenerai oanKing ousiness WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every amonths rrompt ananion given tu auj uubi cess entrusted to us." Your business solicited. X3Poopl85 National Bank John S. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, S resident. cashier. , - W.T. Busby, V-jiresident. Asst. eaahi-r Sale ol Valuable Land. Pursuant to the provisions of a certain Mortage Deed of Trust, executed by F. W. Waggoner anl wife. H. L. Wag coner to R. A. Kohloss. Trustee and Morteaeee. on the 30th day of January 1A14. -which is dulv recorded in the offlice of the Register of Deeds for Ro wan County in Book' of Mortages No. 48, Page 137, etc., default having been J - Y J.1 L iU- inoUoil. nesa therein secured, anl at the re Quest cf the holder of said - notes, the undersiened will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the ourt house door in Salisbury on Saturday, 17th day of April, 1915 at the hour of twelve M., the follow ing described lands, to wit: Beginning at a stone S. W. Waggon er's corner, and runs, thence North 78 deg. east 8 45 chains to a stone pile corner of church lot ; tnence North deg. west 1520 chains to a stake ; thence west 75 links to a post oak ; ' thence north 1 deg. east 8275 chains to a stake ; thence North 56 deg. west 4 60 chains to an Elm ; thence North 41 deg. west 2 50 chains to an Ash ; thenee south 88 deg. west 8.18 chains to a stake corner of No. 1; thence South 8 deg. East 56 38 chains to the beginning containing sixty-four and three-fourths acres more or less : In this conveyance the dower right of Mrs. Margaret R. Waggoner on a part of said land is excepted and -is retain ed by her for life. See Book 99 page 215 deed from S . A. Waggoner, administrator and Com missioner to h. R. Waggoner and Book 101 page 182 deed from H. R. Wag goner to H. W. Waggoner. This the 15th day of March, 1915. R A. Kohloss, trust Be and mortgagee. John L. Rendleman, attorney. Sale ol Valuable Laud. . Pursuant to the provisions contain ed in a certain Mortage Trust Deed a .a i n irAiA to John ramuniy re- default lent of 'Said mor aname saia jonn ote wart having died and the undersigned hav ing dulv aualifiee as his adminis trator to the undersigned will exposa for sale at public auction for cash at the Court House Door in Sal isbury on Thursday 15th Day of April, 1915, at the hour of twelve M., the follow ing described real e itate, to wit , The one-sixth undivided interests of the said Sue Hendley Bruner in and to the fallowing described land, to .. Klft - . Y Ar-,jestead tract of land owned JbjT1 jXJ-McKeiizie. d eceased, coTTgfjCdffe$Otit 450 acres of ad-joiTdna-the lands of John O Rogers, Geo. Albright, Chas. H. McKenzie, Jas. Morris ana others, lying on both sides of the North - Carolina railroad, being the same land intended to be willed by said Margaret C. McKenzie to kher daughter, Kate B. Bruner, etc. For full description see book of deeds No. 56 at page 352, reference to which is hereby made as fully as if written herein. Some of the land has been sold by Kate B.;Bruner and the balance of it deeended to the portion of the first part as heirs at law baing 8 bout 200 acres, bounded by Jim Cor liberHenry Wilhelm, Alfred Klatlz Calvin Kluttz, Robert Morris Wallace and Benry McKenzie, being the place whereon Kate B. Bruner lived. The bove real estate in subject to a for mer mortgage for about $1,000.09 due MeCubbins & Harrison. See book of mortagages No. 36, page 223. Said party of the first part is responsible for 1-6 of the $1,000,00 mortgage men tioned above. This the 18th day of March, 1915. John L. Randleman, - Admr. of J. J. Stewart. Stats 0? nobth cabolina Rowan County In Thb Superior" Codbt Pursuant to an order made by J. Frank McOubbins , clerk of the superi or court of Rowan county, in the speci al proceeding entitled D. A. Beaver, Henry Beaver, J. L. Beaver vs. Alice I arndhardt, Allen Rusher .Willie Rush er, Robt Rusher, et al., the same being bpesial proceeding No. 216, the under sale at the court house door in Sal isbury on the 10th day of April, .1915 at the hour of 12 m., the following de scribed lands: A tract of land known as the Jesse Beaver home place and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stone Dave Beaver's corner on Sloop line ; runs thenee south 1 deg. west 12.50 -chains to a stone Henry Beaver's corner on Sloop line; thence north 89 deg. west -.6 chains to a stone Henry Beaver's corn a; thence south I deg. west 12.50 chains to a stone Hemy Beaver's corn er; on the old Rusher line, now Henry Beaver's; thence north 89 deg. west 6 cl.aii s to a stone, Henry Beaver's corn er ; thence north 1 deg. east 7.75 chains to a stone at dog wood. Beaver's corn er; thence north 17 deg. west 19 85 chains to a stake Henry Beaver's corn er on Dave Beaver's line; thence with Dave Beaver's line east 17 55 chains to beginning, containing ,27 42 acres. , The foregoing lands will be sold sub ject to the dower interests of Mary EJ Beaver, widow of Jesse Beaver. Thi? 6th day of March, 1915. Johm L. Rbndleman, Commissioner. f OOlinia, Llimbif CO. Sells galvanii ed i uon t g at rook bottom prices. iuoaiu Lee! After.. Four Tears cf IKsccsrag&z Conditions, Bdlqck GaTeJ. Up in Despair Hzslxsd Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter, from this place, Mrs. Bettie Buflbck writes as follows: I sufiered for four years, with womanly troubles, and durjfcg this time, rcdonly's& iqalu while, and could not walk any where at all. At times, I would have severe painS in my left side. 1 " : "The doctor was called faLand hjb treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. FerMzers! on -sale at Amy It pays tO Sand you wil,l , cerJCainly 8 nnd none vbe;tter. It costs jj the sanie SiPjther --rj-j ir-r.Z err? "r-: j"?Sraosit!rc :inrof They uoous ariest. easily o0 & 'am -3-hirOneisaUrfit. tirioTifl that umr cromk. Tjerfectlv sewmff maclimea.tvi)ewnters.bicvcle&locl3.clo oa. lftwnmowers rrfAi that a. Nomas. No add. A d. on a vardcf blade cheesecloth 3Jn)na ahsolntelT treveta rad on'imhi haTTEk.'ant fixhrffesl5 bath room- fixtares, gas ranges, everything $etaVfaidrof trirt,' m icy dhriate. - It sinks into the unseen metal pores and forma a pitectn;g "overcoat Which tays on. Fiw3-tn-OnoFree. Write today for gchcrous rt bottie. and the JmeKctioiiaryofhundofl .fr--t - 2-i-09it sold ( ell gMd fttm iH . 50c Co oa. 7& pint). Also in newpatentediiAndT 3-IN-OHE Oil. DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING ? Gves tie BEST VALUE for Your Money & -f.r. .- tm ... - Eoerp Kind torn CbOon til Stik, For Mm, Women mi CMJren Any Color . and Style, Prom ( 25c Jo $5.00, per pair Look lor tk Trademark! ' &U ty All Go4 Dealers. WHOLESALE, j jonn n. Bnorjcir Fitting (jrlasBefl ja.Specialty, Relief or no 'Pay.-; Exainiaaliofl WiUoul Drast r Drofis. China lQbov. N. 0. 621 D;i. rw- offioe oan do your job printing". IsJiad gotten so weak, I could not stand, rind I gave up h despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and i com- tnenced taking i' From the very first dose, I could itell it was. helping me. I cah now ' wa&i Iwo tiring nef0$pok my work.' 111 you are all, nm down from womanly troubles, dcto't jiY up la despair. Try C&rdui,the woman'sfonlb. It has helped fSS011 ISS years of contihuous success, and should surely help -you," too. Your druggist has spM Cardui yejtts, .Ke lmo'what' itiriir do. Ask tmn; H will recom mend it Begin taking Cardui today. WrilJt to ChttMOOM Jrfe4icine Co.. Ladles' (Advisory Dept., Chartanoog. " Tenn., for'iSpciai lnknkteni t your case iKl 64-ipge book.I;' tfeiael TreMment for Womeft. seM m pistol oriapperr: Ja vUse the bestiH Secret of a Good Figure p;. MIL brands often Ya In the brassiere. ' Hunrtredfs of tlwmsai..l3 ' of women -wear the Uien-Jolie for the reason that they regard it . ;; aa-neoessary as a corset, it supports tne oust tiKt back ami grives the figure the -youthful jMitliae which f-Hliianr decrees: t !! ; ' !k " " " DUE are the d4tntiet,.inst serviable rarments imaginable. . Only the. best of materials are, . ' laea-rfuir instanc.' "Walohln,'; a flexible bbn- ' ' ereat hmbilitybailatey rustless.' ktaeiia-.tiBtyleii and year. local Dry aeaier in snow tuem to you on re- If 3ie does not- mrrv tham. Ha oan et them for you by writing toils.' -Send for an illu$ttetuooUet8hSirmctytes that are: in high favor. ' BENJAMIN & JOHNES SO Warren Street Newark, N. J. ih on ever heeds oflihz in TOUT honte KttleSineonasoftjclothcleansi' it makes an UmI DustUu Drttint Clotht 3ixe bottles: 10c (1 o.), 25c Q oz.J, CQMPANY Hosiery Taylor NEW YORK E. 8. VAN ALSTYNE, RESIDENT TUNER. rigbest t-dcal Reference, Salisbury, X. Or " rnonss vat 9vr-vrv"- r a :Wfitten by: ffOUJl, COBRESfjOHPpT "TRADINvJ'FORD. The fa rmei have oliou t suspen work' for tbe last two - weeks on acc6unt of the bad weather, v ' The public school 'at this place closed last Friday fir the: ssasou iud the teaoheis hiv retnrued to theirthomipi. ir. , The oitiz-ius; of tbe commuiiity h&ye peticned for a sopervisou tn-this xieiborhood to look afte the wofkiug np the . road of this, part of the township and rave r applied to the hoQ-rabli 6i puty comrni88iQuer8 for app' int mut aud we are hoping to hay this a ppoiatmrpt. a oar loads ate badly iu need ot work. We tbiuk that all sh n dbe interested ioigocd ruads V. W. Tftiier bte left hcmt bqt we heara that be had dee ded toiretoru aud' go to: farmfu'g and working hardtr. Y u see its ' ' r irl this time. J. P. Barger of Davidson Ocuu ty- and . Miss Sat h Edward cf R, ) an were married oii Easter Sondav evening at o o'clock at this place. G A. Peacock officiat ing, - We hope the i.ewly married pojopie wt!i lire a Ion? And happy life. ' Sam Sko&p. GOLD KNOB. r- April 5. The exhibition wljich a to have been pulled rff at Upwau Academy last Saturday has luetu postponed' utitil Saturday April 20th. ' iMus Nellie Park who has been tejachiug school at Park School ilpjuse, near Orgau church, has -etrn.ed home. fThe double-headed calf of J. Mj, Trexlers is still alive and is 1 a curiosity iu tbe Oommanity. Look ont for Flora Waller! iH's got a new ouggy. ' 'Sunday dchopl was rsorganiz d at St. Peters E. L. church on Marob 28 with tbe following offi jeri Superintendent T. J. F. Trex ler, aeoxeta y ii. C. Lyerly, a istaut secretary, F. W. Kluttz, 'organist, Miss Mary Ji Lyerly, jhlasfiiitarit Misi Nellie Pafk', treas- cirer, Narrey1 A. Trexler. Lkb. FAITH. (April 8 Edgar Fisher is at borne lor a few davs from Mt. Za Pleasant Collegiate Institute, bav ing come up to debate agaiust spencer iu the triangular debate f4 od was on the winning side. Myron C. M. Fisher has just bad tVe two story addition to his resideuo coaipintad and is non living in it. V;iU8 took supper tbere f. r th first t me. . iYouu gratite contractor at ffi. A. Bro us April 2 id Venus took - dinner with tbe vVoodieaf. high echcol crood'ft I he Saiisburv school sraunda Thurs lav, at the big county school ally, and took tt picure ot the table just as all ooovin .need eat- ug. .'lie met'-Btll,-''-th-) Woodletri c rrepoiidHut. Venus has j a t received b x : ntaming some f' u::tain pens by .larcei p st aud is iryiug th-m, h uya all be cn get eeo nd hand or ijv part f a pen, aud pays cash f t th' in. I hn chiMr. n grand children. and Tieuds of 11. Kirk t f Salisbury aspmUd ai bit residence t to oe'ebr? tj with htm, bis birthday tt btting h-s 64th birthday! Am; i g the se from a distance WcS his :0 -Ear1 anri wife ai d son. Jam?s :of-'- 0 noordr and J. T. Wyatt of Fail h. A fine dinner waaeii j iy,ed b all and some god mn fie on the orgs u by tl e ladies . Mrs Jamsi ' Ritchie has been cp i jftnedtt) her bed for several daj&acd is ue better today. (IRANI rK QUARRY ITEMS. The Miasms Uirtmau, two sis ters., have oneitfld a boarding bouse iu..ib Huff-auojionee nesr tbejpaesenger, station and ha j ist teofc fcSn.I.erght more4board-rs. - ynuus has-a woydertoi ecsrma cure which ie is advertising for s leat 25 lents by mail postptid.l Uranite Uiarrv win d a iiv i? place this summer since the big rtfdfers have commenced cdmirjg in toriPaving blfjcks. "Tyourg grsniite' cutter at; John Lylfs March 01str near Cbristi ana chfircb - "Vkbos. A CarilK4$earSiiiiiaet.:'; j - Mrs. wm. M. lhompson, or, j BatUi Creek. Micb., writes : ! , have been trohbfed -with iudiges-. tiou.1 sou stdmtoh and::.. bad After taking' wo bottles inf 'T'.kla Tl am wen - v The.e Tablets are sblendid aona better" 1 - ;It waa iu 1503.(o beliey ) when it : ooutiu aed .ctl4 1 all in no- mer, ; February ud,v1arcb wa warm and sprinr like.?. April and May wasscoldr Iu June there was uow or. roe every day tut - sffew7 In Maine and N-jw Hampshiro, there:' was snow a foot or mort dep VNea'rly evtrthing fr- ze except a little wheat ' The next spring ccVn sold" for $5 00 per bus b el. r we hope winter is over and the weather will tarn from winter to tammer, ' Farmers are mioh behind with their work but we 'mhst not com plaiii at Providenod ' n " """ There was a nice congregation and two services at Christiana od Easter Sunday : we had a' irood number of bommonicauts : and twelve yeoug persons were added tot the church by ooDflrmation. Miss Eiea uoi a - Brow u i s hom from the Semi nary ; and Maron Brown is home from hifewefry wor kat; Albemarle oyer Easter. , A n um hereof ? obildren, grand children and greatgrand children, from Faith visited their grand parents, Mr. xud Mrs. R; L Brown, on Easter Monday. 't he little weekly paper called the Menace is much appreciated at this pl.ce, , every t protestant family in the United States shonld tike it at ouce. Four suioriptions for $1 00 . We are glad to know there is; new lite springing up in this country through revivals, and evangelists work. Viola POOLTOWN. . April z. we had a very nice snow Tuesday night. David Parker, who has been sawing for Duke" Morgan has mov ed his mill oh Grant Barrage's land. Tbe school at Poo! town, whiob was taught by Eli Wyatt olosed Friday, Maicb 26 with a picnic Oballie Miller of nesr Bald Mountain was in oar neighbor hood last week taking some pio tares - Miss Bertie Morgau, who has been working in Richmond, Va.r for some time has been v.iiting homefolks for a few days. Carlia Williams has recently pufohased a hew top buggy. ; Mrs. Rufus Crock cf Richmond, Va , who has been visitiug here daring the illness of her father has returned to Richmond. J Love Morgan died Fridsy evening, March 26, 1916, aged 65 years tbree' mouths rand fifteen days . ' Ho ha'd been a puff rer of drops for some time. And was faithful aud consistent., member nf Flat Cr-ek Primitive Baptist 1 Church for many years. : He wa buried Sunday, March 28 in the cemetery at Flat Creek Primitive Baptist Church, the fuuerai sei vices being conducted by his. pes r,oi, K Ider : B . Trepoe. He !pbvs to in urn his loss a wide w, one son, Jarvey Morgan and four daughters. Mrs Boss Patktr Mrs. A B Litk, Mrs Rufus Crqok and Mrs Grant Barrage and several graudohildren and many other relatives and friend). - Rtivumailc Pains ReNeved. Why suffer trom rheumatiim he:i relief mav , be had at so ouiall a cos ? Mrs Elmer Hatch Pwiu, luri., writes, ,I bave bten subject to attacks of rheumatism tor years. Chamberlain's L i i nent always relieves m- immedi-itu-ly, aud I take pleasure in r lonoendiog it to others." 25 and 50 nt bottles H H mm Vt tt Wll m a' Prima Donna Soprano of the Metropolitan eind Boston Opera Companies , IN RECITAL ON THE LAST NIGHT OF TEihp IRedpath Ghaitaiqiia Greatest Musical Feature Ever Announced For Any Chautauqua Program This Recital Alone Is Worth All That Is Asked For a Season ticket Miss Nielsen Will Arrive Here In Her Private Car, Which Has Been Named the "Alice Neilsen" by the Pullman a. rva va-rjia na rrw ra rjgrumirii a nm ng nara.rLi.rara-rf--i - GtatauQua Juot Received At W. W. TAYILOE'S - ... - . . - -'. Spring Goods, General . line White Goods, Gingham, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, etc, When in need of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Cap?,; No tione, Crockery, Groceries, Tinware and about every r. thing kept in a general store, come to see me. Farmr is are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, Wv w. Thone 39. 103 S. facilities for the care and protection ot your Money are modern in every respect. f The many new J ! indicates a growth permit an added and larger usefulness to the com munity. Is it not foolish to keep ypur money in your house where you will always fear it may burn, or. where a burglar may break in and steal .it and kill you at the same time? J We pay four per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. SALISBURYBANK & TRUST CO. W. E,:McWHIRTER, Cashier. It I' If jelant to e or If vouhave a List itlwith us. SALISBURY REALTY j and Insurance Company. Let me send you FREE PERFU1V1E Write today for a testing botile of - ED. a-aa- m.- ar-t a-aa a- a.- a-a- a- . a. a m 4 m Week Salisbury TAYJLOB Main St., Salisbury, 10. depositors weare gaining of this bank- which will PIMAUD'S LILAC Tbe world's most famous perfume, everjrvj drop as sweet as the living blossom, f For handkerchief, aiornizer and. bath. Fine after shaving. Al the value b in the perhnne -yo don't Dav extra for a fanev feoli-z -i IrlSt?n The quality k wonderful. The prke only 75c (6 oz.). Send 4c for the Ikue i bottle enough for 50 handkerchiehv PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD t Department rVU : ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YOR1C It amr - aa - aaa- a.-M tmrtm tmrim m.-m a.- a-fca- a-M Palace Car Co. Hi: t .. ' - lit

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