-7 - - - t- 7w -X" T-.,-.?-lS: 5. v t A ' in r ... 1.1 r .1 :.: ' . i' A "Home Newspkper pljlUhcd iflw Interest -of jti VOL XL HO. 18. FOURTH SERIES , w r--.3-.'-'r-- - -tr . , -' . 'T - 7" f'- fr'h.t7AtfMi?Z7:? X V -f-j I .Tl yTV a-Jt '(I. -;r 1'- tUnMT: ,771111 I jDtollerait Frifst LeaSs IIoli Priiatt Hens Atttcked b Priest tnl Pro . tcstastiat Suadn Senlcis, On the afternoon of -Snndfty Maroh 28, religions leryioei in the home of Miohele Zarleogo, at Wei by, Colorado, were broken up bj a Roman Gatholio priest, Stan islao Gitmbaitiana, nith the as aiitanoe of a mob he had oolleoted And brought to the plaoe for that parpoiie. Italian citizens 6i Wei by, who had become disgusted with their priests and at the same time in terested in the pastor and services" of an ltalian Methodist church in north Denver, bad arranged for Protestant .worship at the home or 2arlengo under the direction of offioial member of the Denver church. . - On the afternoon of -March 38; five active members of the Italian ohuroh in Denver went to Wei by and opened' the desired meeting with singing and prayer In the midst of the prayer Priest Giam bastiani burst into the house and disturbed the service by peremp torily ordering; everybody to leave and,the servioes to stop. .; When the leader of the meeting showed the. priest his Bible' and explained that they were there for the purpose of worship,' Giambas tiani denounoed the Protestant Bible and f declared that Protest ant prayers were not wanted; and when told that they were all there on invitation to. exercise their rights as free citixens cf : a free ocuntry, he became more abusive, gave them to undertand that be was in authority, denounced everything connected with Pro testanism, and again - ordered everyone preset t to disperse. By that time the large mob on the outside became demonstrative; and an egg was thrown at the window. The priest very ooniid erately ordered the mob to refrain from any attaok on the house but to wait until the heretics came out when they - might do with them as they pleased. With the armed rmob shouting and jeering on the outside it was impossible to proceed with the service, so the men from Denver left the house to be pounced upon, rocked, egged, and shot at for more thao a mile by the frantio and bloodthirsty hoodlums in spired by thair arrogant priest. The above: details are vouohed for by responsible parties who were' present and afford an elo quent object lesson on the spirit of popery aB exemplified by the agents of the system where they have the power to Override and terrify the people. Andyet there are those who say that we must be friends with such an arrogant mob leader as .this priest who holds American law in contempt when acting in behalf of his pope. Such incidents as this show the real essence of Romanism more clearly than all the preachments of papists and near papists for the past oentury. When charged with intolerance they oan puton a mealy month and find Jesuitical sophistry a plenty to prove that they are law-abiding and free , cf the least bigotry; but actions speak louder than words. These imported agents of the pope drive their dupes here just as they did in the old country ; and find spine less officials contemptible enough to allow suoh practices and even apologize for it Suppose the socaUed "wave of bigotry," now said to be rampant, should lead a mob of Protestant to break up s religious service con ducted by papists, what a howl would go up from one end of the country to the other. But every one knows that suoh an act is logi cal to popery alone, which here, as everywhere, presumes to set the authority of ns priests above the rights of the people and the laws of the land. :; -. ' We have'about reached the time when it becomes necessary to teaoh tnese papal nanaies tneir proper plaoe.. And there certainly must Sjbe enough manhood left in Ameri oa to stsp this reign of mob and C mordsr that is becoming to oom Hoi Hard Obi Wnfl Hit. If a motor oar is wrecked when going forty miles an hour itsjoocu pant is thrown oat against a wall, a post, or a fsnot with the tamo force that he would strike if he fell to the ground from a iieigbt of 58.78 feet. To get an idea of what the force of this impact might be, stand on a wall, or a house 53 78 feet high, look down and contemplate-the jump .r If the car is going sixty milea an hour, the impact is eqvivalent to a fall of 121 feet. The following table prepared by 8. F. Kennedy for the World Magazine gives the force of various epeeds s - ; 10 mi an hr equals fall of ' 8.86 ft 15 It ii tl 7 56 ft. 18:44 ft. 21.01 ft. 86.25 ft. 4i:irft. 58.78 ft. 86.63 ft. 20 " 25 80 85 " 40 " 45 " 50 65 it t It 4 f It II It II II It It II II II II I tt tl it C it ik ti tl it t ii -tr it i tt tt it 60 II II tl it i "12lft. 164 ft. 215.i0ft. M272,24ft. 810M 70 11 80 90 " 100 ' II II It It CI II it tl ti ( tt t ti ti . StoiBACh Troobla Curt d Mrs. H. G. Cleveland. Arnold. Pa., writes, "For soma3 time I suffered from etomaon trouble. would have sour stomach and feel bloated after eating. Noth ing benefited me until I got Cham berlains'- Tablets. Af ter taking two bottles of them I was cured. ' Soidlirs Risalso. . The old soldiers reunion will be held at Organ Ohuroh on Asoen sion day. May 18, , 1915. . W vtxj peot to have. aevor.al addresses. All are invited to oome and bring well filled baskets: t There riU be refresbjuentron the grounds. hTonrChU4CoUCaru1 Don't put off treating your Child's Cough. It not . only saps their strength, but often leads Jto more . serious ailments. Why risk? You don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery is just the remedy your Child needs. It is made witn soothing, healing and antiseptio balsams. Will quickly oheck the Cold and soothe your Child's Cough away. No odds how bad oough or how long stand ing, Dr. King's Hew Discovery will stop it. It's guaranteed Just get a bottle from your Drug gist and try it. mon to be endured. To turn the tables and act in the same way these imported up starts do would be to get down to their own level, as that no self re specting Amer loan will do ; but we can, at least, elect men to offi cial position who will make mur der and mob violence most 'un comfortable for all who indulge in it. The Menace, This is a specimen of what may be expected whenever and when ever the licetmous priests' spines are sufficiently stiffened by num ber to tneir dirty work. They constantly howl about bigotry and intolerance and receive the misapplied blemiahments of their dupes with hog-like innocence as though they with the stench on their garments the rum on their breath, murder in their hearts and arrayed in hypocraoy and deceit, were fit to drive angels out of the Holy of Holies. Deafaess Ctasft It by local applications, as they can' not reaob the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused, by an inflamed condition of the muoous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed yon have a rumb ling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it. is entirely .closed, Deafness is the remit, and unlsss the infiamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norm al condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are caused by. Catarrh, whibh is nothing but an inflamed eondi- tion of the muoous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for ciroulars free. - Fr J. Chisot j& Oon Toledo, Ohio, Sold by Dragzists 75o. Take Hall's FftoUy Pilla M eonstipation, l!SarlTiS General Headqtiartsrs hf Brtf ish Army in rrance, April 13, Via London.lIud, which haep trad the arciies in France and Bel gium throughout the winter,- vir tually has disappeared disappeaiw ed along Xk ; British front. Di "mal, raindava haveci?n wny to weeks of sunshine, which $M 4?lt up the road, trenches And line bf commnuicatipn, pakinj ;th aol diers' life a paradise oonjartd with former conditions With tb coning of clear.weain er there also has been V marked jiMieatinrtha number of Aero plane reoonnaiancija on bct- aideiuH Hall P doaen" t,f t taaniQVtred over Ypm 11 Catzr-f day 'afternoon. lloat .: of tbani were British attempting - to bring down a German flier who was try ing to spot batteries at the rearcf thf . BritishllinM.; The sky wta anfleoked except by -cotton wonlakaa iof buwttixrpael as anti-aircraft guns -sousiit ti flieta Although. ina-telfTeosf tinned for hours no nwmncqi eitherjfide waa broiht dawn., ! Broadly speaking there hat bsa no elbansa-in the British front since NeuveChappelle was-Uksa, trench warfare continuing alonj this whole lino with only t, few casualties here and there daily, ; Cairo, via London, April : 18.J The f ollowinj pmoial communisa tioii was issued today J 6o tha fiftaenth three asro planej fwifj& tha oinai-1 lol 8irr dropping bomba which wsra ffectltt. From 150 to SOOitenta were eeen. The distance flown was more than 170 milea. fi'-Mft. enemj; troop, rtre ssea this ride of El fiirr, thth one or two snail pcsU cf about 20 men are knoan to exixtT - I.ondonf April 13 ha British stroying m Tuiiiti torpeCoboat whibh attacked thetrtaxport Uxni ton off Chios yesterday, lost $kif submarine E-15, which, wbila carrying out a diOoult reconnais sance ' in the Dardanelles nine field, ran aground on Keppes Point, the crew being made pris oners. " 1 . According to the Turkish report seven of the submarine crew art misssing. '.' In Egypt British airmen have dropped bombs on the Turkish en campment near the border while a French cruiser, the fire of which was directed by a seaplane, has been throwing shells on the Turks near El Arish, where the army for the i invasion of Egypt haa ita headquartars, " SyraouseSioly, via Paris, April 18 Arrivals f rom Asia-Umor aay the situation in Smyrna is terrible. They say banda : pfyMcssnlnian brigands are killing and taking hostagee, pUlaging and imming property. London, April 16. England to day experinced its third hostile air raid within 43 hours, but the last like the others resulted in no loss of life and no serious damage to property. Taking advantage of fine weather which anablad Zeppelin to visit the vicinity of the Tjne Wednesday night and tha coasts of Suffolk and Essex early today, a German aeroplane new over tha, oounty of Sent, dropping .bombs. In all, four missiles were dropped,.in the vioi nityof the towns of Eaversham and Sitttngboarne, the latter jest across the Bugle from the Isle of Sheppey, whioh is the birthplace of the British Royal Naval Flying Corps. Zeppelins, for it is be lieved two visited East Anglia during the early hours of this morning, dropped soma 25 inesn diary ; and explosive bombs on Lowestoft, Bontnwold. Maldon, Burnham-on-therOrouch, Hey bridge and Tillingham, bntlika the raid of the previous night on the Tynemouth distriot, there was only , slight damage, although many persons had narrow escapes. In Lowestoft a bomb dropped ; in a garden, shattered a row of small houses and persons sleeping in them were cnt by broken slacs . During the three raids at least 60 bombs were ssni down bv the Gernansi - The raiders kept away irom sne larger towns. Tnsro they night nave been discovered by searchlijhU and oosa fixe from the land;, . i r n Vv-Clib why i 1kJ&J ; m " . I thsxacts not , zzt-zi. ill? b TfcbWisi-tf Met pos leo&tl'sAW Sa willirt tr ZX-:-! t for " : & crop tzit dJc. -11 tj wiU jlstTt Vt&iaf' thiPttbat: :3b! to gsl.inc trlir4( .7hia ca think v muAi;ii tls there are only f tli, t: febls to ''tl css&.'pt;:) CiafiW cesariiy t? ft idrr tzx whoMtnotai3ftlf rci:!s jfc cepi tha iirfos-ixi Uc:j be able to oUsin ttzzi Cj ; tlli- tins t&tt htcsyrJr; tli tha adTis-r cf tla Vztt: ,.:::tba Agsnt.. lJtiriUr ti b xct world ctiazwir and frili:? hU mind ffe ( Cl t laaTe)hi fini tipa r zz3L fcj has a UUlafetlifi-fpit tetWfc t tiibsi; t-k to speak a word for tia- boy and his work : tt: tk father wan ta to really be faired hxaeet with his boy and do what he can to isajca him satisfied at hone then laikist: charge the boy with the time that ho censumee and the rant of the j land and than allow him to dis pose of bis oorn as he may dasire. I waa very much impressed with abov whocamato me last weak and told Co that he did not in tend to go into the club work this year unless his father wonld treat him fairly and not take every thing that he made. Give the boy a ohanoe to make something for himself and he will bless yon as long as he lives. .Take him into partnership and he. wiU be more ready and Willing to do . his share of work and make you ptoudJ of him. . Wi B. CamPT05 , Jn. Oounty Demenstxation Agent. jgiatimi'tTi.in. YlUa Qelay to Youoan't Bheunatism from coming on, but you can stop it almost innedi- ately. Sloan's Liniment gently applied to the eore joint or mnf ole penetrates in a few ainntes to the inflaned spot that causes the pain . It ioMhwa?tia hot tender. swooien xeeiiug, snu in, ti short tins bnnss ' relief that is almost nnbolievabla mitil yon ox pSTienea - itv iiet Ht bottle of Sloan's Liniment or 2o jof anv drugjitV Sihd bTi itjnthehouse-- arainst oolds. sort and swollen jomtauabUenn auaeoti. low nowy w notxatUfLtd, batit does give al most instant relief. The trial of Willian llamas -'.W - -'T-. .-.-"-- r ' 2l."1 cr-.-- btgins in the 8uprene court at Syracuse, T,?Eon,day . j At torjays jpaniniyn on the final tocshe of their xases. . Why ser iron rheumatism whe relief mW bt ha4 at so sciostf:S&fs; Bitaargatch, xrnwritsa, neniryr reuev.c ie atalv. ed l- tiie DlrsKirt- in ra- ebmshgiit othaaaictd - TfcaoWetitf-tiJ Vctdf Is thworiWantiIia:J:To! sucl w tticrs rwunatisnv for Cabrlin's L mm lit - j mm. SIQNOR GIUSEPPE IQNOB GTQSEPPB BARTOLOTTA, the Kalian tenor who Is to eing at . ..the Bedpath Cnantauqaa in this city, has won wide distinction as a conoert sinser both in Europe and America. He has sung at the fore r . y jnoei concerts in England in conjunction with some of the most fa 4ao&e mrflsta, including Patti, -Melba, . Kubellk, Padere wsM jbjO: others. He Ix a Iteapolitanby birth tmd studied for some years at the Conservatory of tlrlta, Tbe remarkable range and power of his beautiful tenor voice ar a rJvvalatiosi of .the OTerwhelming superiority of the Italian tenor in operatic J2ercains- immediate favor with the most apathetic audiences. To .hear tia ts to be convinced that he possesses every reauisite of a great singer XS sveee&ce, excellent stjle and enunciation end a dramatic power and ln Xssa&tj equal to the. great opera, stars. .He sings with true brilliance, ore and ylamrtntt and wciiderfol effects. . , The Brander Cotton mill at Concord waa soldlatt Thursday at miblio auction under a deed of trust executed by the Old . Domin ion Trust Company. The mill was purchased for fifteen thousand dollars by a Mr. Wallace of Rich mond, Va., Who .represented the bond holders . This waa the only bid offered. The bonds of the mill it is understood Amounted to 160,000. Raleigh, April 16. Judge Dan iels is to pass on the oonstitution- aliiyof the quart liquor lw pass- el by 4hm recent Legislature, the hearing on a mandamus proceed ing to compel transportation and delivery by the Bonthsrn Express Company of one gallon of whiskey rom Richmond being set for April'26. "In this o.Mf the oonsti- tutionally of both the recently enscted quart law , in thie State and the Webbenyon act of Con- Crese are intended to bonltiniately tnyolvedjas to their ;constitOtion ality aa .thei prosecution of the case progresses through the. State and most probably the United States oourte. . . . Seattle. Wash., April 16. Amsrioan. steamship oompanies operating between Seattle and Alaska poris And Seattle jihd San Francisco were notified - by the Britisb Admirality today that all f mans, Austrians or Turkish passengers or .memeors ox :ne ersws would be removed from any vessels calling at a Canadian, port and held as prisoners of war. As a result of the order the Paoifio Ooast Steamship Company dis- oharsed 10 German members of the crew of the steamship Presi dent whioh sailed for San Francisco today. Two German passengers who had . purchased their tickets not allowed to board the Presi dent. Two others who had taken out their nrst naturalization par peninTsisted that they were, enti tied to . be considered Amenoan eitisenrand : were taken - aboard. i?he Pacific Coast Company an- nounoea tnar it wouia dook no anemias of GreatBritain on the President whiok: oajls at Victoria onrouta . f romv can Ff sncisco to Seattle bat would-parry those pas- aengsxrn the lioers Congress and ':.r.T;: BARTOLOTTA. Queen call.. which omit the Victoria' The, funeral of Col. vA. B. An- neia rrom cnexnaron o Shepherd at 4:80 o'clock Monday; afternoon conducted by Bishop; Joseph H. Blount of the Diverse of North Carolina and Rev. I. McK. Pettenger rector of -the, church of that city. The casket will be borne by oolored men who have been servants of Ool." An drews for many years. The pall bearers will be limited to Jour officials of the Southern Railway, of which Col. AndrewB waa vice president. Indianapolis, Ind., April 18. Headed by Mayor Donn M . Rob erts, 15 prisoners convicted in the Terre Haute election conspira cy oases and sentenced to the Leavenworth penitentiary, started on the trip to prison late today. rhey are due t Leavenworth earlv Monday. The time for . the de parture was not made public here and only a small crowd was at the station as the prisoners, each ac companied by a speoiat deputy United States Marshal, boarded a special ar attached to a passen ger train. While the men were being plaoed in line in the jail yard to march to the railway eta- tion the 82 men given jail senten ces for their part in the conspira cy, shouted good bye and joined in passing jests back and forth . None of the wives or relativee of the prisoners was permitted to accompany them from the jail to the station. New Orleans, April 18. The price of ootton moved upward last week' on a wave of buying whioh appeared to have its origin in the growing optimism in business cir olellol the country generally . New high levels for the highest. the trading montns were 18 to 17 points over last - week's closing quotations. me close was at net gam of 12 to 16 points. Whooping Cough. Well every one knows the ef fect of Pine Forests on Coughs. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey : is remedy which brioga quiok relief for whooping oougb , loosens the muoous, soothes the lining-of the throat and lungs, and makes the coughing spells less severe. A family with growing children should not be without it. Keep it handy for all coughs and oolds. 25o at your Druggist. Eleotrio Bitters a Spring Tonio.itheStatwooartf Appeals, , Mi Frisil Clila l ton Cwl:l So Ci-, r . elKitlii Ptxititi. to partaxs or ne nature of iaolat-: nggemedatJi gfn-S orai oneniivt. Aniiiery aueis nand fightings whioh haa been the ine uense ana near toe lxr- raine border bat thev latter ty pe of combat continues; in Jie; Voa- ges, where the official statements itgree kherp fighting ib1 plfCe on German t erritory. taking. iThe corroboration, however, ;ids withthui fact, the French claiming to1 have oeoupied domi nating positions here and the Germans declaring the attacks of tho Frenoh have failed. ' From the Britisn end of the lines -ooiaea: the - report officially issued by the?War Offide 1 at Lon don that Hill No; 60 an important point two miles south of 2illebeke, Belgium has : been captured from the Germans TheHr German oommnnieation tells of riyihg the British put qf minor German positions whioh they occupied southeajst'Of Ypres. This Is in the neighborhood of HillNoXeor Petrogradf continnes to report minor suobesses in he Oarpathiane showing jhai the fighting ar no haan AntlMl in anSin 1 a4 nsisa 4k'ls. passes, dub cue nussian, Austrian and German official reports Agree .-. -. -Kj5ffi -iTf snat spring virtually nas pat an end to all activity along the re mainder of the eastern front. ' ;.' Variooa ramorA arearrSnt garding the Ventral ppw9Hjfr. tria through the m'snm ot sntoa is credited witb ; reviving wi consteraiatidnhe newe of the ex tension of tie iazturn aiwloft ,: It. l'iSLl.m I'm- ' -igxi. ana ou years,.wuue: aojcatjjt spen - sbr for the statement, .attjbtttsd to a high German authority tt the German general staff has dis carded all plans for an advanoe on the French front, decided to remain on the defensive. J ' It again is nnoiall announc ed that operations are under way in the Dardanelles, where the Turks are reported building de fenses against landing parties but the news of tne breaking up of the ice at Archangel, the only large . se spot ton the iMrtlreoaatol.BLna- sia may induce the Entente Allies to be more deliberate in iheir at tempts to unlock the gate to ' the Blaok Sea. - ' The irritation to Holland over the torpedoing of the Dutbh ship Katwyk haa been greatly allayed by Germany's expression of her willingness to make an apology and pay an indemnity if it la fonnd that the vessel; was sunk by ' a German submarine. Honolulu, T. B. April 19 The United Statee submarine F-4 sub merged outside the harbor iipce March 25 was raised 12 fest .tarly today and towed in shore until it rested bu . the upward inolining bottom. The salving crew post poned farther work until the lift ing tackle was strengthened. r . The satisfactory work dope thus far in towing the submarine, it is believed, will make: unnecessary the pontoon methods of raising the oraft. . : Diver Longhman, who beoamt entangled in the lifting cables Saturday is recovering slowly. A Sluggish Uver Needs Attention. Let your liver get torpid and yon are in for a spell of misery. Everybody gets an attack now and then. . Thousands of peoplo.lep their livers aotive and healthy Toy using Dr. King's New ifoIlills. ff ine ior sne stomaoa wo, iosop the Diznnees, Constipation, -Biliousness and Indijestion, , 0ar the; blood Only - 25&. at your Druggist. Harry K . Thaw, haa been order ed sent back to the State Hospital for the brlminAl insane at Ifstte wan by the appellate lwsfotC; ot the -NewYork Bdprtmt-Cottrt. Plans. are -heini

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