I.-.V v.. r.-'-.-.i ii'--:-; ; The Carolina Vatdmian SQCflay FcliOOl Te ClBrs IOVM Wm. H. STEWART, Editor and Owner i Published Every Wednesday, 120 West Innes Street SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : Watchman, 1 year, " . . . $ .75 Record, 1 year, .75 The Procresstve Farmer. 1 year, 1.00 j All 3 for a year each, .only $50 Entered as second-class matter January j I9th, 1905, at the post office at Salisbury, N. C, under the act oi Congress of March fed, 1879. Salisbury, N. 0. April -21, '16 A Speaker of IWIbnat Repu'e to tn Here Sunday Aitefnoen. -Varder In Charlotte. Shoots Wife ard Tben self. Having twioe fired at his wife who was lying in bed at bar moth r's horn,1 on Burton Street and doubtless believing that he had killed her, Arthur Thomas, oldest on of the late Moses Thomas, f r 25 years keeper of Elm wood Gem etery, turned his pistol on himself . - . a DR WILLIAM A BROWN Dr. B'own het urs to the church nilitaut.- As a pastor in last Friday morning at 7 oolook Loui8in 1900 he fought iu th and pat a ballet tbionghiiis brain, death taing instantaneous Thomas, who lives with his f - i mother. Mrs Moses Thomas on North Oedai Street, went early yesterday morning to the home of Mrs Mary Massey. his wife'? mother,. whre she was staying, t 1 " r campaign tor law enioroemnT-, which d-veloped th sentiment hat later enaliled J s pb E Fa'k to earry through his programs of reform. As a pastor in Kansas city, Kinsts be led in" thr fight for the closing f liqucr joints and helped in the campaign whic the two not living together owing fred the city frcm law vioiat rs. to domestio complications. Jle U.. miisionarv iu Manilla h walked into the yard and fouud I participated in moral reform bis mother in-law abcut her ac customed duties. Asking her how be felt and reoeivmg a repiy he remarked that he himself had been "feeling mighty bad!' lately Be then asked about Dulky, his wife, and learned that she was till in bed in her own room. He then went in the house while Mrs Massey continued on her way to the barn nearby. A lew moments afterwards, Mrs. Massey heard two nistol shots followed by a third and rushing into the rccm, found Duaky moaning on the bed in which she had been lying when Thomas entered and Thomos him ielf writhing on the floor, blood guishing from a bole in his left t0ie8 temple. She immediately - notih ed the police and called fcr phy- ,iB,BUB- vM t.-a.cjr, Barker Uuiversity, class w. a. urr ana u u. vvneon re sponded immediately, Chief Hor ace Moore and Dr. Oren Moore following a few moments later. Mrs. Thcmas, who was still lying on the bed when the cf&oers arnv- ed, was found not to be seriously injured while Thomas had been dead for some little time. Mrs l nomas naa oeen snot once through the fleshy part of the left arm and again through the fleshy part of the left shoulder, the bul let grazing the sain, she waB re moved to St, Peter's j Hospital where the proper -urgical atten tion was given her. She will be oat in toe course of a short time, her injuries not being Berious, On April 19th the Supreme Court held that the State of Qeor- Kia naa oemea j.eo m rrans no right under the Fderai Constitu tion in sentencing him to death for the murder cf Mary Phagau The court affirmed the aotion of the Federal Distriot Court for Northern Georgia refusing to re lease Faank on a writ of habeas corpus. movement and aided in the past tug of the two mile lim.t taw, bich mad tjff-ctiye the auu-c&i - seeu legislation of C bgress. Dr Browu is a rapid-fire spak r and couvinoee bis audience thtt he knows what he is talking abou Hh ib obeerfuilv ODtimis'ic, auc it possessed of a leasing personality. chuck full of sunshine and gov d nature. While ushering as a youth in a big city ohuroh, it was said of him. "That if Jeremiah the prophet had oc me to Kineae city ai.d gjne to Grand Avttuue Church and shaken hands with the hend U9hsr in the gallery, he would have gone away to write "Cai - mstead of Laments. tions. Dr. mown is an alumnus o of 190T, and of Drew Theological Semi nary, c' ass 1900. The international Sunday School Aisjciation. cf which Dr Browu is a fie'd superintendent, comprises nearly 16 000 states, provincial, county, township anrt city assooiatious, covering the en tire sontinent of North America. These association ho d about 20, 000 conventions every year, and are ffioered by morn than 190.000 volunteer wcrkurs.- I;' the 178,- 459 Sunday schools servd in the ntrnational field, thre are 1, 800 000 effi rs and teacheis and nearly 16 COO 003 scholars . Dr. Brown will "peik in the old court h ase at 4:80 Sunday after n c n on a sul jsct of interest to Sunday ..ohol workers. All tin duiday school superintendents ud titicneiB in the county are in-vit-.d to be present and heat th' vl . est, itwill be weli worth th" - Washingioh, "A pjril 19. ! decision handed down by thejln tMtBtateJ Commerce; Commission f. day, the complaint against the Southern Railway, brought by the C orporation Commission of Nolrih -Carolina, iu ednjunefcion with thnL Odell Hard war-, .Company of i it"eu'bf-ro, allftgiog oertnin o's9 uiid commodity rates to I e n;, just aud discrjmii atoiy, 1 riism faed tsy that body.,. The commissin kjlds that tLe railway comp&nns jc'int thrrugh rates fr .m Cincin nati not bn3ti shown tu.Le unras- nable. Neither are the raVe se8'-cl by the company on ship- hitnts fr m pc intB in central feight association territory thafe did not hae throngh rat a from Lvnc'iburg to Nonh Carolina points. The cotmnission also holds that thohroagh rutes from ho Pittsburg Buffalo territory to North Carolina points at . not ttu- easonably or unjuBtly diBcrimi- siA'ory. And neither are the rates fjm Lynchburg to "North Caro ina 'points. The findings ,as to joint through rates from Eastern seaboard territory to North Caro lina points is reserved by the com mission for future consideration . Good middling cotton is being quoted this morning at 10 cents. rhe gradual iucrease in price has een under way for weeks and at last it has reached the gal that many predicted for it Bome time igo. With cotton at ten cents it !9 believed that the South generai- y will move forward to bigger and better things in the way of business generally Middling 00c tou is also quoted at 9$ cants and the belief is prevalent that good middling will soon be over 10 cents with middling at this figure. a Nervou I tHA t&$Mfr ' Ji -W'l JJ&11 V2-'LJ!C-a tntii' t ? !.si;njw hi tan i purr; una,; wnitson r-::vih aii .iff. . "S ': ? . rpieopos v;arjrj8c.cttuty rSaarged; fast 3uuda. after of -the brides ; par ts in No 4 township; Cabar j rs c. uoiyv V B t h- of these young Desires. T6 "Live p-e pl are popular and bsve ph.rst of friends who wish them i much happinesp. U.7 jf--,. 4 Peruria Is A ' 1 To Drl e Out 'Malaria ' i ' And Build Up The System ' Take the Old Sta'ndard GROVE'S 4 TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know rp' ' iwhat you are taking,. as the formula is X QniC ailQ printed ou every label, showing it is . -- - Quinine and 'Iron in a-.tasteless form. otrOnfitil rThe Quinine drives out malaria, the .rjron builds up the system. 50 cents iiuilaer So Says . the Oulrilne That Doss Hotffect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better thanordiaary Quinine and does not canse nervonsnes nor rinsine in head. Remember the fall name and look for tbe sis-nature cf . W, GROVE. 25c Fflr Slle.X' nr.g Csckrels, Ring--lets Barred R-cks, Stacys, strain foil blooded. P, B. Gobel China Grove, N. O. firs. Frank Stroehet . R. F. D. "t? Applfitbn, Wis." Her letter reads: "I began using Peruna - a few months ago when my health and strength were all gone, and I was. nothing but a nervous wreck. Could not sleep, eat or rest properly, and felt no desire to live. "Three bottles - of. Peruna made me look at life In a different light, as I began' to regain my lost strength,. While my recovery took nearly four months.-at the end of that time I was better than I ever had been before. I had a, splendid color and never weighed more in my life. - " ; ' "I certainly think Peruna is with out a rival as a tonic and strength builder, and it has my endorsement." Mr. Charles Brown, R. R. 4, Box 79, Rogersville, Tenn., writes: ' "I hav6 tried many different remedies, but have found that Peruna is the great est tonic on earth, and a perfect sys tem' builder." ; notice To Creditors. Hayi' g qualified as executor of the -estate of HettTe Albright, this is to i nnt'fy all i ergons having claims j Pgiinft thtv said decadent to file an liiemiztd, verfied satement of same I with the ; ndersngnrd on or befote the 2dra qay of Aoti! 19'6, or ihis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Persor & indebted a said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This 23rd day of April 1915. - J. O. COBRELL, Cxecutor, Lnndis, N C: I - , : ' 13 The Great; Soap-Maker 1 I mK MM . Cold Process or - WtMM Four :of the Eig Sc. Cans F. Kflira. Devil (Lye will make IsrANS. pounds of the best soap. Red Devil I solves 3 so Best for Clea 6f Red twenty ye io pu!vc t"ired; and dis .i as it touc-He:-5iho water. Washing, Scrubbing. Nothing so Good for a Cough or Cold. When you have a cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to get rid of it with the least pos sible delay. Thnre are many who. consider Chamberlain s Cough ilemeby uuBurpassed. Mrs. J. iioreff, Elida, Ohio, says, "Ever since my daughter Ruth was cured of a severe cold and cough by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy two years ago, I have felt kindly dis posed toward the manufactures of that preparation. I know of nothing so qaick to relieve a cough or cure a cold." IN WAS THIS W j VERY UNHAPPY Physically and Mentally Worn Out Tells How Nervous and Crying Spells Were Ended by Vinbf. Monmouth, 111.: "I was weak, worn out and nervous. I had no appetite and was getting so thin and discouraged, one day I justr broke down and cried when a friend came in and asked me what was the matter. I told of mv condition and how nothing I took seemed h iri,es. w uu me uny gooa. v inoi was suggested. 1 got a bottle and before it was half gone 1 could eat and sleep well. I nay a ;d faron t'u'oa wred aay I look ten years younger, and I am 1 !lH h rH B r8 1 i es well, healthy and strong. 1 wisrTt v-Ui could induce every tired-out, worn-out, 3arn D suoyed b Fire, one Herse Burned 0;j M nday night about elv n 'c! i. k an alarm of fire was turned i froui box 87 comer Council and L iii? 8 reets. Tbe fir crmpaiv r nhed t the scene and it whs found th.tthesceueof tbo fire wbb a uar:. b longing to Cha. W M d lin, who ives two miles r m Ha bnrv on ?!ie Bringh Frry Ro-i The fir ompauy after speii g tb locatl )U f the fi-e w n,t b& 'k t th statio : as .it was n--iess to pr oed further, u acooa.it of thrH not bniui water. How th1 fi- started i- h mystTy but it is . heavy iuss fc Mr, Mndliu Oijh hore, two uuscie two set o )ugsjy barn s , "i.o et "f "Wagco evrai ocbels f oa' a d corn, lot roughness, fodd-r tr. e ) tiiH tirH Brsiis th .s, 'tni h ;r-5 diS'.uuCH fr--.m tb General Jalliau S. Carr, Com mander of the North Carolina Division of the United Confeder ate Veterans, has selected MisB Betpie Burkheimer, of Charlotte, N. O , epoueor and Mies Miriam viorgan Appiegate, of Lexington, Ky., a? maid of honor at the re nion of United Confedorate Vet-e-ans to be hald in Richmnnd Va ( .Trine 1st 2 d and 3'd. 1915 London, April 20. With Cabi net Ministers in tve House of Commons and the House of Lords subjected to a rapid fire of ques tions aud Premier Asquith deliv rt!ga speeoh to tbe artnameut w.rkerB at Newcastle tonight, tbe British public expected that many quesVions on which infer mation wa.B desired would ie cleared up. But the Ministers ere not much more commnnic tive than usual No indication was given as to the government ilan dealing with the drink qutB tion which Mr. Asquith did not even mention in his speech. This devoted to an appeal to the work jng men who, ne declared, had not been slack, to ace every tffort to iucrease the supply of war munitions Members of the House of Commons who s nghi information, were informed tha' th-jv would h ivt to wait for the government statement and tbj therefore dev ted their time tr diBouiag the proposal that in toxicating liquors should be barr ed from the House of Ccmmrnt. refreshment room, but, bivi! unable to agree on this question, they postponed the debate. aires Old Sore?, Other Remedies Won't Cure The worst cas -s no matter of how lonsr standing nre cured bs the vfond-il, bid reliable Ir Porter's Antiteptic Het Oil. It relieve? in and Heal 9 a t the sau. Jtne. 2Sc, 50c. P Aoooboc voooooc 00 -ONE OF- nervous woman to take Vinol." Mrs. b.r. i JOtlt 11 ' 1 in J nfH: tiUS'l :t, ot ne i' -fc C'ill I) ere wa 1,0 n suruuee Is it possible there is a woman in this country, who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E, Pinkhara's -Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence, that is mn. tinually being published, which, proves beyond, contrad'ic- I nuu mdi iius granu 01a meaicine nas relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world? : We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have'ever been 'pub lished m the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonial's, all gen- ume and true.,. Here are three never before published : ' From Mrs. 5. T. Richmond, Providence, R. 1. aJTZ0?' f "iFf t-S of wmen who' suffer. aa I have : done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the: doctor said .it . caused a displacement. I nave alwa va hoor. after my baby was bora and inflammation set in, then nervous pros tration, from which I did not recover until I -had taken Lydia E Piiik- .best mend and THE TEN BIG RETAIL STO of the Belk Combination that milil imt wm JLm Millinery Headquarters. You will find in our millinery de partmeut a big selection of Tiats for children, misses or women, priced from the choapest Hp. Chfld rn's hats at 25c, 50c & $ 1 .00 M?8Sf8 trimmed hats, rea' nic, for only $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 Ladies trimmed hats, very stylish and pretty for $1 .00, $1.50, $2.00 and up Ba v dps, very pretty, for 25c, 48c and 98c Our roilinery is said to be the prtti st and cheapest in town, so if ynxi don-'r C'-me here before buying you might miss it. tooooU RES loo S1.50 Silk Waist, 98c We are showing bo me beautiful wash silk waists Jap silk also crepe de-chine. Made latest styles and worth $1.50 O ily 93c 12.50 Skirts for jfl.98. All wnoi eorge skirts. These ar( xtra gocd value for $1.98 Better wool kirtp at $2.98, $3 48 and $5.00 Spring Slippers. Big tcck of low spring Blippers, All the p ;pulartyles for meu, wcran and children, and you save mouey whan you rade wit-h u?. n n n n n SALISBURY, 18. G. Hani thai dollar in tk banit dm -.Jr.. II Y i ft. jrm ; OU carit expect a crop efmoneX at the end oi your earning season u you aoni piani dollars in tRb knit NOW. IFE is juxfc a maiter of fanrtmf of finding hevni tatie3tt. TKe Karv'etin coiner last the main Work mart he done wile ike least ult are shov?in." flerbErf Kaufman. W&PAY 4 PSR CENT. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND "CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. IKbr NATIONAL BANK, Salisbury, "N. C. uuuxd v.5tiUAc vAjmpuuiiu. j.iit5 vxjiij pound .is nay wueu x near oi a woman witn troubles like minp to take your medicine. Mrs.S. T. JXkKBlET Li ALE, Monmouth, 111. j e ! 3 of p w, t fc 04 1 V 4 9 There are many" over-worked, tired- The loss ie esti-uaie ! out careworn, nervous women in this -Vicinity who need the strentrthenine. ' $ 1 1000 aud fro i wh tissue building and vitalizing effects of ! learned fe --1 iuuj, uui ucuuuuB uu iivcr hiiu iron tonic, and so sure are we that it. will build them up and make them strong that we offer to return their money if it fails to benefit. 'r v Vinol is a delicious DreDaration of tha -rtractof cod livfer oil and peptonateof i Iron and ccritaina no oil. Smith's Ijrug Store. Salisaurs, N. O . COLDS & LaGRIPPE !5 or6 doses 066 will break teny case of ChilU & FevervColdi It is ri rtd that Mi ! now holding the .oBiticn us a t ant to tb - pieeidei oi the i mit eru Railway wil? pr .biih be pr m' ted to t.fen olrice f f pr -;d- 1 aucceJing th" late CjI. A B A drews. PIS . J-aunppe; it acts on the liver aw. hette? than Conm(A arA dnMnnt .SfTUPA or sickeiu Price 2ijc . i'l TsJcis txioney if thTO .re a ;t- oi Itching, - - iiiU .. 6 to 14 days. f r'nr fo itidnne bev RTf!TTM AVTk ' ft1 Vrtfrvoa A tTDTina iJ Providence, R.I. ' r , T "17' From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y. ' Peetj, NY. Before J took Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Cbm-s pound I was very irregular and-had much pain. I -had: lost three ; children, and felt i worn out all the time. This splendid medicine fu WAm? as nothing ek4j4one, and I am thankful every day that I took it." Mrs. Maria Ikwin, R.S'.D; 1, Peru, K.T." :i ,; q From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, V. Quincy, Mass. ? Sottth Quincy, Mass: '-The doctor said that I had organictrouble' and he doctored me for Jong, time and' I did not get anyjrelief. I - RaW Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vpo-AfaKT rnma r vertised and I tried it and found irellef, before I had finished the first bottle I coptiiiued taking ' iff "fill ' through middle life and am now a Mmti- hatih.- woman and earn my o,wn livto--Mrs.-rANE' -!.?. 1 oyurtuArr, jpuicsu .Yenue, vv est v;umcyy JM.ass.gl , :; I "iteWrite to LYDIA E.PHVK HAM MEDICINE CO lrs (CONFIDENTIAL)YJiX,JMASS.,foradvlce! Your letter will he opened, read and answered by a woman, and. held in strict confidence. K .. . - -It. f A Big feature of Chautauqua Week Tteto Great Lectures by CHARLES E. BARKER 1 DR. - ; . Who was physical adviser to President Taft . during his administration in Washington. - i: mm DAY OF THE CflAUTAUQUA PROGRAf Morning.. Lecttire on "Happiness." C; " Afternoon Leaf tire cm "Health," with demonstrations lealth eivirts i of h 1 cai exercises; Chuatauqua Week in Saiisbury, flay 411 H - i

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