i w V ' ' i Lales,Iar Mews The Week's Resume if Events on the Europeio Battlefields. LondoD, May ,1 Gorman sub marines, wjhiph for two weeks had been confining themselves to the North Sea, where they sank sever kl trowltrs, again have appeared on the trade routtt off the west ooaett of Iieland and England and caught two . victims . They were the British steamer Edale, sank off : tbe Soilly Islands, and the Russian steamer Svorono, attaok Jd off the Blasket Itlands. Both orews were saved. That, taken in connection' with thaw riling issued to Amerioau travelers on trans -Atlantic liuers, doubtless meaus another attempt with a great number of subma rines to combat the I lockade by" England. It is announced by the English papers that the Admiral ty has found a meaus of dealing with submarines and the people, in view of the latest attacks upon steamers, are awaiting the resnh with interest. London, May 2. The Ameri can oil tank steamer Gultight which tailed from Port Arthur, Texas, April 10, for Rouen, France was torpedoed at nooi. Saturday off Soily Islands, accord ing to a Central News dispatch to day. The captain of the GuLfight, ac cording to the same advices, diea of bart failure at a result of the ahook. Two teamen jumped over board and were drowned. The other members of the crew were taken off by a patrol boat. The vessel was towed into Grow Sound and beached. Washington, May fc-Preit re- fporteojtheitorpedii American ieamer: jGulfisfrtan'd the loifa qt hercaptam; add same ttir tonight in official circles-here. If first reports are borne out, the attack on the Gulfight con stitutes the first case of an Ameri can ship struok by a torpedo with the consequent loss of lives. Two have beeo sunk by mines, the re sponsibility for which never his been fixed aLd an American, Leon C, Thresher, was drowned when the Britiathip Falaba was tor pedoed. V: The United States Government hat just completed its investiga tion of the Thresher, but in view of the direot attack on an Ameri can vessel now reported it is re ported that both incidents will be dealt with in whatever diplomatic aotion is taken. It was recalled tonight that in the note sent to Germany in an awer to Germany's proclamation of a tea-war zone the Washington Govern ment stated that it would hold Germany to a strict account ability for the loss of any Amer can lives or vessels. The course of the United States ia the case of the Gulfight is not likely to be determined for several days as some time probably will be required to get the facts. The possibility of any action other thau a demand for damages is con sidered remote because of the be- a - m Auf . a ..a a iter ci cmoiais tnat tne attaoK on the Gulfight probably will be found to have been accidental. London, May 2 A German submarine on Saturday sank the old British destroyer Ruoruit off the Galloper Lightship, in the North Sea, but the score was more than equalized by other British destroyers, which after a stern chaBe overtook and sank the two German torpedoboats that had ac companied the submarine on her cruise. Some of the crew of the Recruit were resoued by the trawler Daisy, but as the submarine fired on the fisherman they were compelled to leave the others to their fate rrm . 1a . -a Tne isritisn aestroycrs rescued most of the crews of the German torpedoboats and two officers were picked up by a passing steamer aid taken to Holland. Besides rthesa incidents in the North Sea the German submarines continued their operations off the JrJcilly Islands ana in addition to torpedoing the American tank steamer Gclfight, whose captain died of shock and on which two men were drowned, tank the Frenoh steamer, Europe and the British steamer, Fulgent, the cap tain of the latter vessel being shot. 4 There ha been no fatther bom bardment of Dunkirk, which would seem to indioate that the Germans only had one big gun in position and that the Frenoh airmen have made it to uncom fortable for the gun crew that it has been withdrawn. At a reply to this bombardment the French have brought one of their big guns to bear on one of the forts at the south entranoe to the Met. It appeart that the tnrkith re port that the Asiatic part of the Dardanelles it free of the invaders wat correct, the Frenoh having gone ashore there only to make the landing of the British on the other side easier, and this accom plished, have been withdrawn, doubtless to J and at tome other point. Newt of these operations is awaited with the greatest inter est as for the moment they are considered among the most impor tant of thr war. ' London, May 8 Aooording to Berlin and Vienna, the German and Austrian armiet have achieved a notable victory in West Galaoia, smashing the entire Russian along a front of many miles, or as the Berlin official statement putt it, across the whole Western tip of Galacia, from near the Hungarian border to the point where' the River Dunajeo joint the Vistula, right at the frontier of Poland. Though the 8,000 prisoners the Teutonic Allies say they have taken does not compare; with ; the nnmhor avhinh an ma rtt ViaA tfm aw- thaU voi Hinderbura ruehie neUeCibi iirtKiavimant if anhicindnt ninnfti temporary check to the Russians hamnieriDg their way westward since the fall of Przemytl. Berlin m celebrating the victory tonight) though it it admitted flags have been flown before full details are at hand. England and France make do olaim to gains in the West, the British merely saying that the German attacks on Hill 60 in Flanders have been beaten back; the French confirm thit. The Germans maintain they are pushing forward, to the northwest of Ypres and toward St, Jolien, whioh they captured after the at tack following their extensive use of gas, but which they were forced to yield under counter attacks.. In the fightir.g in the Baltic provinces also Berlin -finds cause to rejoice. Rejecting the Rus. sian contention that it ii only a spoiadio cavalrv raid, Berlin wire less comment received tonight sayt it seriously threaten the Rat- sian right aud the fact that troops could be moved so far northeast before they encountered rs-assist ance is considered a reflection on the Russian intelligence system. So far as claims go, it was an Austro-German day. A number of vessels, neutral and otherwise, have fallen viotimB to German Submarines, Norway being a par ticular heavy 'loser London, May 3 Ooe Sweedish and three Norwegian freight steamers aLd two British trawlers have been sunk in the North Sea by German submarines, according to dispatches received in London today. The orews of all of the veBBels were rescued and have been landed. The Norwegian steamers tent down were the I.aila, America and Baldwin. The Sweedish steamer sunk wat the Ellida. The loca tions of the sinking of these ves sels were not given in the dis patches but reports from Aber deen, Scotland, were that the trawlers were sent to the bottom 50 miles off that port. For a Torpid Liver. "I have used Chamberlain's Tablets oft and on for the past six years whenever . my liver shows tigns of being in a disorderad con dition. They have always acted amoklv and siven me the' desired relief' writea Mrfe F. H. Trubus, Springville, N. X Legislative GeaclUer Rsris In Jsfgt :; FriBXpirjepisX5: ir Raleigh.oi. lative committee in tbe Judge Frahkf Carters Solicitor' ANfnaiby ose absolve s J udge Carter from ill charge reflaotii gou his mortl charaoter, but flud that at vari ous times, inoludiug the 'Newborn contempt incident, the judge ac- ed . harshly and arbit arily ; on wifely exeroited hit judicial dip- oretion, lost hit temper and ud intemperate langpag" , but at no time aoted oorrnptly. s Farther more, the oommittee rulos inrfar4t of Solicitor Abemathy in holding that he it entitled ' q hayje i.the oontempt records entered Jigainift him on the minutes of the Qraven County Court, expunged iaitoslir at the records reflect on hit offioial oondnot or private eharaoter. nIf this can be done by any- exerptia of constitutional authority.'' : The committee reoitetlhat kit in evidence ''and the committee so finde," jtbat Judge Carter 0 a. lerioni nervont oollapta aridl breakdown jutj befqr,ha wtnotjr the henoht and that tinea assuming the duties of judgeship he has had an occasional return of nervofi disorder whioh, in the, opinion 4f the committee teriously effecis h is temperament, , prpTokej. irri r accustomed . , mental equipoise ; that since he assumed letSoa be held oourt in 66 ooauteaj;bf the State, and while folding, flourts in at leaat , six of these counties", he hat exhibited tome evidence of a return of hit nei voua .troublet. White .Han With i &lack Uvtr. The Iver ria blood purifler J it war 5Donxn at one tiae; it wat the seat of i the rj passions., ,The trouble With jnjosV people ia that ineiriirer oecoraes-oiacxDcauss ofjmpurjtaeeji iinoeaaan Oouttipation.: Dr v BUn'e. New Life Pills will clean up tbVLiver, and give yon new life. 25o. at your Druggist. CaliiellLIaa Iliirtafl for lis Honey Lenoir, April 20 John Rice, a white man about 60 yean old, wat fouud dead in hit home near the Catawba River in the southwestern part of the county on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'olook. The evi dence points to the fact that he wat unmistakably robbed and murdered tom9 time Tnetday night. The body wat clad in a tuit of overallt, when fonnd, and the feet were bare whiob showed that Mr. Rice bad, or wat about to retire. There were . many bloodttaint on the floor and walla which thow that the attaoked put up a valiant fight. No one hat been arretted. Sick Headache. Mrt. A L. Luokie, East Ro. chesser, NY., was a victim of sick headache and despondency, 'Caused by a badly weakened ard debilitated condition of her atom pohe, when she began- taking Chamberlain's Tablets. She says. I found them pleasant to take, also mild and effective. In a few week's time I wat rettored to my former good health." A Petition Filed bi State to Re-Seetence Leo II. Fraok. A petition filed in Suoerior court in Atlanta, Ga on May 8, for the resentencing of Leo If. Frank will not be aoted upon un til the case is restored to the jar isdiction of the State court from the Federal oourt aooording to, an announcement by Presiding Judge Hill. The United States Supreme Court is expected to remand the oaae to the Federal oourt for the v. Northern District of Georgia not later than May 19. Judge Hill explained that when the supreme oourt s mandate is made the judgement of the Fader al court of Georgia, the State will resume automatic jurisdiction . in the matter, after which Frank will be prod ttoed before him;: and .again tentenoeCto athfor the mtuder of ;Mary Phagan. : S- fimxe: toft Ut -WS&l ftpofrr arvia.ts serion at bit vUleN.-0hafing)jp confined toae.filldajl . tne oiatti ,encfcippfyjLjiie na -rnoreaa yrune fti-Aji as tt meeting jaeettn of the vtociet .Jlnnday, ihetl4thFrj6ttf ?di0attori, ar;wordihf ;t-r rta?of ? the vaneui BooBtiivniit ai.worx, tJieStineetii a record breaker in point of interest, rtTiteodanet f aJ the qaility q( he interest to . pbynoUcs lnd beaHh of3oart arrbeina provided Norfolk, Va ; Uay J-USecietary of the Navv. Jotephu'f Daniels. . .- -i-t fV "3-- ' - after a coniereace ttith Rear Admiral Beattyx cooC fading the Norfolk Nythyt1trr f announced.that - the interned Ger man auxiliary ernUtgrooprt WUbeicsr and Eito--: rnendoh would remain at the Norfolk Navy Yard until the close of t the Euro pean war. x Ed Walker antt Je Dortett of Greensboro, Neroas, I who were eonvioted for thaonrer -ot John S waim on Jancary 0th,iave been aantenoed death ou June 1 1th. Both Negroes plead not guilty and jsaidthat should tfy M eleotro cnted: it would bair.th0axeoution of innocent men, " workllaya Tanieri JanTee W. Oiborne for f&O.OOO for alleged breach of; - promise to marry, and later withdrew; her. tuit, saying Mr. Osborne wat not the man who courted her under the . name of . Oliver Osborne, changed - her testimony again to day .and. u ider : oath identified James W. Osborne as her admirer, Ojjyer Osborn Mitt Tanxertf renewed identification oame while the; wat under oroitexamihation hyAaaiatant United State Dis trict Attorney Wood, She was on the atand at a defense witness in the trial of Frank D. Saffsrd. rnier elerk in the Kensington Hotel in Piainfield. a. J., for perjury in connection with the breaoh of promise cases Raleigh, May 1. Repreaenta tive J. 0. M Vaun of Monroe, member Of the legislative com mittee that hat just filed ita, re port with Governor Craig on the inyaatigation of the Abemathy Carter oontempt cate, remained over in Raleigh . today to round np the business of the investiga tion in the matter of mailing out the pay warrant for the 150 and more witnestet who appeared be fore the committee to testify. While the figures have not been totaled? up yet, .; it it underatood that the investigation haa cost 4he State .about $2,500, ; more than 81,000 having- been required to pay the per diem and mileage of the witnesses. .The Corporation Commission mailed out today to the 4,000 and more corporations in every part or the State, the offioial blanks on which, they are required to, during thr month of May, make report as to capital atoox. surplus, aiviuenos, earn : a . ings and other features of their Jjusmesi at a batit on which the oommution will attest their 1915 taxes. Whole Fvmiiy Dependent. i Mrf E ; Williams, Hamilton, Ohio.. writear'-Ouriwhole tfamily depend on Pine-Tar-Honey . ' Mave .someone Jn your,.. family 4iat a tavere Oold--perbpe it i the baby. The original Dr. Ball' pine-Tar-Honey it an. ever ready rhoutehold remedy it givee im mdiatr relief. - PineWTar-flonev penetratef ,the -.z rtrtinm of , the Tiuc&t aud ijiuogi, destroy the Gnuia, and alio wa Nature to act, Atyoos Drugjitt, 25c Big 6uas Ties aid Now. In ihe Civil War.when the Fed eral troops attacking Fort Sumter fiuallf,- after montht of effon, got,a gun thtt could throw a the) 1 iota Oharleitoo, the remit was bhe marvel of the world i The jti;.i:iwn as4'Thev Swamp Angtl,A'.nd.,it. managed Vto- land 4 few shells in the vicinity- of St; iohael't Church. The :damag done was mainly of - the . wall- crackings and plaiter-ohipping Jid. What would. have happen ed to Paris had the ' Germ ant 1 got within 20 milet of that dity, ma; bis: imagined from, the Vepbrtt of the shelling of Dunkirk t- The GerMina r tent shells through 20 mUei of tpaoe . from: the ' big sieg guoi, ana tneie, sneiit landing, i n the town, 'tore oratere' 45 feet in diinietor." '-The Swamp Angel' wat a toy . pistol compared to the guns the Get mins have invents Vhd put ihto uBf.- -Charlotte Ob- larrir. Cbamcerfaln'a Uolmtnt. Thit i preparation i it mteodp. eipeotatly f r rheumatitm lami back.1 tprti n ind like ailment, It it a : iaytri e with, people wb $re, well acquainted with its spleL -did' qualities. Mrs, Charjes Tant her, Wabash, Iod., s ay a; jqif v it. "1 have fonnd Chamberlain i Lini-r ment the best thins for lame back arid tpraiht I have ever used. It work like a oharm and relieve pain and tprfnett. It has been used by others of my; family at wen at myseii tor upwarnt or twenty years." 25 and 50 cent bottles. Farmers of ,tbe Sandy ;v Mush section of Uunoombe oounty, on fait Friday suffered damage of lQ0.Cp as ihe reault: bf )ihni0st diaastrout hail- ttorm in the his tory of that ieotion of the eonntry. n 1 i' til ;' : . L'-Ev Vit '.SJti - ttetiueni report ma .nau-tiqrpe the .size, of marble; covered the EC a foot. John L. Miller assumed - his dntiet at Concord pottmatUr Sat urday morning May 1st, succeeds ing M. L. Buchanan. Mr. Miller reoeived his commission under a recess appointment several days ago. Geo, 0. J. Jonet and W. L. Matheson of Alooreaville, captured an tiuiual looking and a very un common animal Tuesday morning at the base ofan app'e tree. The worm, or whatever it might be called, had cut the bark away and had bored into the body of the tree to suoh an extent that it will probably 4- Another nearby hat alto been .damaged,. The un named thing looked like it mig it be a orots between a minature rhipooeroua and a ground mole, having a read , and horn , shaped like the first named animal, and its body rasemhies a mole. It was tent to Raleigh to the experi ment station at no one approached bad ever seen anything like it. New York, May 8. Frank D . Safford, the aged hotel clerk on trial on perjury obarge ..in ' coo nection with his identification of James W. Oaborne, a well-known criminal lawyer, at the man who registered with Miss Rae Tanzer at a piainfield, N. J.. hotel last October, reiterated thai identifioa tion on the stand today. "I have looked at Mr. Osborne in court here ind the more I have looked at him the more I -am oonvinoed that he is the man," said the wit; . -Br a a. m ness. "l did not ao it lor ;pay and 1 have not committed any perjury." Seme Porm of Rheumatiatn .Curable Rheumatism it a disease char acterized by pains in the joints and in the mueoles. The most common Jotmi are: J Acuta and Chronic Rhenmatitm, Rheuma tio Headaohes, Sciatic. Rheu matism and Lumbago. All of these typet oan be helped abto lutelyt by, applying tome good liniment 'that penetrate. An application of:.81oan?t Liniment it good for" pain, .and especially Rheumatic Pain, becau'e it pene tratee to the; teat of thu trouble, toothea the' afflicted part . and drave. tha.pain lSloan't iini- meni) - ia. au meuioine,' uet a 2&0i bottle; now :;Jep ; it Jiandy in ate-oi emergency, eftieeu ef Dkibis Arrtst Tbirtul.ni KlBiilipftv Durham, May S: Ou evidence furmahed by two detectives, a White man and -a- negror the. police department" thtr mornings made the biygt raid iu the history of tne town oxuthe, blind tigers. Thirty-three men and women were arrested :1'arid ( they are ohargtrd witb theTitle 6 whiskey on more anau 'suoonnta. : The detectives have been here fo more, than two weeks and dor- log ,tht lijnh1at,th purchased whiskey from allof the people a gains t whQn charges have been drawn. , , WMh vfil of r. the tiger had been rounded' op' the prctecuting . atprney to? ied ; fhe caaes i.?err to.itheOjhiafiOtipo- liee and an . extra foroe; of efficers kept at work fpr hre$ hours a fter midnight Bunday ' nigt or Mou day . morning, jouiiding up ' the tiger. Every man for whom a wf.ra ut bajd bjeei jsi ued waa fouDd t .becfflce.8. A raid just before tie m6u-were sent- Out, kept jrnost .f ine Rigors a hoine and tha re ajt was that not a single man vtta oQivted. EteolaifljsiifR6jpa!t . , w Here as, it hat . p; eased ouM Heavenly Father in . the dispensa tion of hi divine will to call from cur midt our beloved councilor brother John Same, a true and patriotic member of our order, a true and devoted husband, a kind and affectionate father, a pleaaiant and agreeable frieud, a good and oitizdb. a true and devoted stian. . . . " Therefore we, Crescent Oouncil. No.' 184, Jr. O. U.;A. m t;fr the following resolutions" of " r4 tpeot'f oi our' dsnebrjother t r Retol v ed, i UtThtt wa bow - . ip humble iuhminion jttheinl - periaaiibno nd. resolred, flBCpnd, Tjiat. ;oor love and eympathies are hereby extended to . the bereaved wife. of our deceased brother, the cUar children left in her care and -that we will rememier them-: at the throne of Graoe; and resolved, Third, That a copy of these res olutions be spread on our. record bock, a copy ' be g iyen to the be reaved family, and a copy to The Carotin a Wachmn. W. M. McCombs4 C., O . A . HonB jjoattav F. S., W. H. B ARNHA80T, R. 8., committee. Whopping Congo. "About a year ago my three bovt had whooping cough and I found Ohamberlaiu's . C pa g h Remedy the only one., that would relievo their coughing and whoop ing spell. I co itinu-td this treat ment and waar surprised to fiud that it cured the diteate in a very short time," write Mr. Archie Dairy mple. Crook ville, Ohio. CRBSCKNT. April 80. Xhe farmers are ail about through planting by this time. Mr. A. L Lyeriy who hat-been suffering with a very aore hand is improving we are glad to know. W. M MeOombfr is building an additional to hu bouse. Miss Leona MpQpntbs. speut the week end in Mt. Pleasaut Miss Mary HolshOaaer hat re turned from Newton, where -she spent a few dayt. The Teaohere Training , Clas will hold their a graduation exer. oiae at Bethany Reformed Church, Orescent, Sunday, May 9, at 7:46 p. m. It consists of reading by members of the class, and to ad dress by Rev.' J. C. Leonard of Lexington,. N. 0. Everybody is invited -to come and attend these exeroitst . ,Th tinging clas from.the. Or phan'a Home gavi an exercise at St Luke's church Sunday evening, April 25 " :.. Robert Peeler is building a new wheat house . Guess he it expect ing a .big .haryett thia year." Leo Lbmax of China Grove spent " last Sunday at Jbhii Bar- gert, : , Polly. M Mv ihl. 'Mt nf.Mi ntnnrTf . H I n m . . . Tmm T T1 ! I III w I o. E.utiiiif SiiufciKi isfMai Oiii ;jtiir Tifft SprfBgi, fn, A i telegram -was received hare) Thursday - morning, statiug thai David . Lofiiu, who haa been conducting a laundry at Souther land, F a., was found dead near Tarpin Springs, near Southeriaud. It wat tuppoted that be had been killed and robbed. Later, infor mation was to the effect that 'he wit found near Southeriaud and had a note on hit body taying: 'Good bye to all my troubles are mpre than I can bear," it being; tuppoted that he had taken ear boJio aoid, and yet later it it stat ed his death was probably due to heart failure. His brothers here re going to have the matter in vestigated, believiug that he had met with foul play. Mr. Loflin wat planning to go to Hot Springe and get married, a letter to thia effect having been reoeived Thurs day, It is thought he had drawn his money from the bank at Tarpin Springs for thit purpote and tome one knowing thit murdered and rob bed him. Mr. Loflin it a native of this oounty and is a brother of Rev. W. L. Loflin. A brother in law, Mr. MoOaro, was on a visit at Southerland about a. month, ago and says Mr. Loflin was in good health, contented and had several hundred dollars ia the bank. The relatives here will have bit death thoroughly investigated. An examination of the body her reported no marks to indioate foul play. Heart diteate aeemi the most probable cause of death . Mr. Loflin remains ariifed hero Saturday night and were taken to Land is where the funeral wateonduoted Sunday afternoon by Archdeacon W, H . Hardin of the fipitoopal Ohuroh, and the in- took1 place. Qatide hit LrLmn of n )wan, K. W of Texaa and N. L. Laflin of Vir gin ia, and three aitters, Mrs. J. if. MoCarn of Spenser, Mrs. W. J. Estride of Lakeland, Fra , J. F. Wren of Salisbury, survive. Un. Martla Hirtlin, Aged 80. Cit t? Deail by Siw. Troutman, May 1. Mr. Pari an Hart line, aged about 80 yearp, waa the yieUm olaw tforribfe aecj- dent thia morning, when- at her homexiear here the aooidently fell against a wood taw and wat fear fully mutilated before assistance could reaoh her. Que arm and: a ,i - portion of shoulder were teyered from her body and the taw cut it way into the cavity, reaching the lungs She died within a few minutet. Henry Harline, a ton of Afre. Hartline, it the ownr of the wood aw outfit, and at timst uses it to saw plastering lathes . Today: ht was making lathes and the aged mother, always interested in the affairs bl her children, waa watch ing the operations aud trying rto help whenever possible. Iu some way she tottered against the saw. which-after cutting her terribly hurled her back. Her son caught her up, ran with her to the 'home and summoned a physician, who made a record run in his automo bile, but reaohed the home just at Mrt. Hartline expired. Mrs. Hartline wat a remarkable woman of muoh foroe of charac ter, a mother first, but withal much loved and respected in the oommunity. A large family of on and daughter survive, being toattered throughout tnt United States and Mexioo. One daughter is Mrs. J. M. Woodside of Char lotte, whom her mother often vis ited. A few years ago the took a trip alone to Mexioo. Interment will be made - tomor row afternoon at St-. Mobael'trJ. J. Eades conducting hefuneralJ Mr. Hartline wa the mother of A. P. Hartline of Salisbury, who was present at the funaral. Whenever You Need a Qeoeral Toalc - Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tastelc chill ToaJe ia equally valuable" a, a. General Tonic becanae i-rootainfrjtnfr well known tonic properties of and IRON. , It acta oh the Uver, Jpsjvee out Malariai Enriches the Blood" ndk TT I I i m mm up tec waoie xtcn.- w ces