-I -.- r .V. c it. ' ' r . 4 A Home Newspaper Bublished in the Interest"theE66t0tod forH VOL. XL NO. 24. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, iSi G. , WEDNESDAY, JUITE 2ND, 1915. life iB iiiifuii Micfa.'ii,;W.-: - ' ,.'"-,.' re " , .yk i f i t iZ fTr-- a. 3?- Garmaiy Elides Important Points Sifs tos'tania was an AuxiliaCrulser and Cirrlertf inns, Ammnnition and Soldiers. , Barfiu, via London, May 29. Tbe German reply o the . Ameri- ' CS Uania was signed by Herr von V-CgH'! be Foreittn Minister at 11 wAtoWdor Garard hi .morning ; fprlaELmiB8ion to Washington. Thtf note expresaee Germany's leg Americans as a result of a sabma riue and aeronlane Attacks, and off a s oom'Densation in caeei in which Germany is found to be in 5 the wrong. Al; indicated previously in these lispatches, the note defers a direct -n"8wero the qastions raised, by v President Wilson, p9udiug.a tur ther exchauge of views. Germany deiirss t) establish whether the - LnsitafH was a defeuselees mer- chant ship or was being used for the transportation of war arnmu nitions and soldiers, cn which on suspecting passengers were permit ted to take passage to safeguatd the war materials. The Americau representations re garding the torpedoing of the Bri tish steamer FaUba, in whish an American ctizjn lost his life are ai.swred with the statement that it was intended- to offer ample time for the passengers and crew leave the ship. The action of the captain in attempting to es c& however, necessitated more summary aotion. Even then the commander of the submarine granted 10 minutes for thosa on board to leave the V88Stl and sub sequently extended the time to 2 minutes before sinking the Bhip, .j Germauy expresses regrets fcr "the unintentional attacks" oj h Americin steamer Cashing was attaoked by German, airmen in the North Sea and the Gulflgbrt was torpedoed off Soilly Islands. Germany disavows any intention to attack harmless neutral craft.. She o flora to pay compensation wherever she is found to be in the wrong, and to lefer doubtful cases to the Hague for a decision. The passages in the American noie concerning a possible disa vowal by Germany of intent to sink the Lusitania and the diacontinn anoe of her present practices Of submarine warfare are not men tioned specifically in the reply. vTbelpote states that pending the rJjSy of the American Govern ment tqthe German assumptions of the afei; regarding the real oharacter f the Lusitania and hr cargo, no Attempt will be made to Answer the aemaads contained in the American communication. These assumptioTis of fact are as ..follows: ''The Lusitania was built as an Auxiliary cruiser, subsidized arid carried on the Navy lists as such. She carried, according to German information, two guns mounted and ooucealt d below decks. British steamers sailing from New. York, according to informa tion received from passengers and other sources repeatedly carried soldiers, artillery, war supplies and contraband to England, the Lusitauia on this trip had 4 500 -cases of ammunition in addition to other war supplies and Canadi an troops en route to the front. ..Referenae is here made to the fact that carrying explosives on passenger steamers is contrary to Americau law. It is intimated that the German Government ' would be glad to receive informa : tun as to how it happened that ammunition was permitted to be i shipped on the Lusitauia, a vessel crowded with paesenners. Strong phrases are used regarding what is considered as apparently the de liberate policy of British shipping companies to protect war ship meuts by embarking American passengers on the same ships. Germany oontends it is impossi ble to settle the question whether proper opportunity was given to place the passengers and crew in safety until it is determined whether the regulations adopted v after the linking of the Titanic, Woniin Noian Act Uf nslitdtiuil. . Raleigh, May 25 With a divid ed court, the vote being three to two, the Supreme Court holds that the act of the recent Legislature authorizing the Governor to ap point women notaries public ieun constitutional, the dissenting jus tices teiug Chief Justice Clark and Associate Justice Brown The issue of the constitutionali ty of the woman notary act' was in the case of State vs. Mrs Knight, from Buncombe, and the controll ing opinion for the court, which is quite exhaustive and lengthy, is by Associate Justice A lieu. Chief Justice Clark has a long dissenting opinion and there is a very brief dissent by Judge Brown, who holds merely that the plaoe of notary public is not an office to the ex teut of preventing the appoint ment of a woman to the place. In his opinion for the majority cf the oourt Justice A Ilea holds that there are five questions involved in the appeal : : 1. Is a woman a voter, in North Carolina? 2. If not a voter, is she eligible to office? . 8, Is the position of notary pub lie a publio effiee? 2. If an office, can the General Assembly affect its character by calling it a place of trust and pro fit, without changing its functions? 5. Has this court the power to day that the General Assembly ex ceeded its authority and that-the aot passed by it is unconstitution- al? ' : . $is0 Reward $ioo. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that aoieuce has been able to ojjre in all its'etagss, and that; is Citarrah Hall's Catarrh, Cnre astheonly positive cure no w known td wthe Mfraternity.a a constitutional disease- reqlnfed1 a constitutional treatment HalLs Cattarh Cure is taken internally, aoting directly upon the bipod and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, ard giving the pa tient strength by building up .the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The projtrie- tors have so much faith in its curative powers that they ofifar One Hundred Dollars for anyoase that it fails to cure. Sen 'Id r ist of testimonials. - " - - . Address: F, J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. regarding a proper supply of boats and watertight bulkheads, which are now a part of the American aw, were observed in the case pf the Lusitania Finally, the American" media tory proposals designed to end submarine warfare and the throt tling of food supplies and other conditional contraband for Ger many are recalled. 1 he Govern ment expresses the desire to know what steps, if any, have been tak eu to induce Great Britain to em bark on negotiation! to this end, after Germany indioated her wil lingness to discuss a settlement on this general basis. The delivery pf the note to Am bassador Garard waB not attended by any special ceremony. A func tionary of the Foreign Office car ried it across the square to the American Embassy, where ik was placed in the hands of the Ambas sador. The Embassy staff im mediately" began coding, the mes Sage and transmitting it to Wash ington. Mr. Garard in the mean time called at the Foreign Office Constipation Cured Overnight : A small dose of Po-Do -Lax to night and you enjoy a full, free, asy bowel movement in the morning. No griping, for Po-Do-Lax is Podophylin (May Appis) without the grip, Po Do-Lax corrects the cause of Constipation by arousing the Liver, increasing the flow of bile. Bile iB Nature's antiseptic iu the bowls. With proper amount of brie, digestion in bowels is perfect, ' No gas, no fermentation, no Constipation. Don't be sick, nervous, irritable. Get a bottle of - Po-Do-Lax from your Druggist now aud cure your Constipation overnight. I U yfl tO SiS Liberal Bequests Made to Widow, Older Sons aniTOmers. ' New York, May 29 -The bulk of the estate of Alfred G VDder bilt, who perished on the Lusita uie, estimated at mere than $50,000 000, is left in trust under his will to his infant sons bylii sooud wife, Margaret Emerson Vanderbilt. They 5 are Alfred G Jr., and George. The will was filed for probate today. William H-Vanderbilt. his ion by bis first wife, Elsie French Vanderbilt, who was divorced, ri ceives a trust fund of $5,'O0O.COO; the Vinderbilt properties known as Oakland Farm, near Newport, R. I the portraits and' bust of Cornelius Vanderbilt, his grand father, and a gold medal voted" by Congress to Cornelius Vanderbilt, his great great grandfather, found A . -V-p t . ft . ' er. ot. the vandermu rortune. This legacy is in addition to a liberal settlement which William H. received from his father : dur ing his life time. He is now 18 years old. Mr. Vanderbilt made provision for his widow by leaving her' $8,- 000,000 and the inoome of 15,000, 000 in trust, together with the Vanderbilt estates in the Adiron daoks and Glouster House in Lon dod, England. Relatives and friends receive bequests ranging from $1,000 to $50,003. The infant sons share in the rest. The legacies will be held in trust for them until they are 21,. when each is to receive outright the accumulated income and one-fourth the principal. At the ages of 25, 80 and 85 years each sou is to receive a quarter of th6 principal, the trusts, there fore, terminating when eaoh is 85 jears old . . t ' fca;BBiBL . PL , sue auaeront millions passed to Alfred dt. Van derbilt on the death of hia father, Cornelius Vanderbilt, in 1889 The will provided, however, that Alfred must wait till he was 80 before be came into any apprecia ble .part of the fortune. Then he was to receive balf. He was 87 last October CorueLyia, the older brother, cut off in the will with only 'a million dollars, receiyed $6,000,000 more as a gift from Alfred. Cornelius was not men tioned in the will filed today. The will is dated December 16, 1918, and was signed ia New York city. The exeoutors are : 0. Van derbiit, Frederick W. Vanderbilt, Henry B Anderson, Frederick M. Davies and Frederick L. Merriam Thirty -Six For as Cents Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied in well -corked glass bottles, containing 86 sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pill with a glass of water befcre retir ing is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Effective and positive in results. Cheap aud economical to use. Get a bottle to day. take a dose to-night your Constipation will be relieved in the morning. 86 for 25 3 , at all Druggists. Submarines first Used by the Canfederanes Submarines were first used by the Confederates during the War Between the States, but sinoe then great improvements have been made in them. The Confederates had a submarine called the "Lit tle David," stationed in the har bor at Charleston, that kept the blockading fleet in fear and on the slert for some time, but at last it succeeded in destroying the Unit ed States warship Hocsatamo that was one of the blockading fleet. Another Federal warship, the Ostego, was struck and destroyed by a Confederate torpedo on the 9 h of Duoemer, 1864. in the R?anoke river, in this State Chatham Reoord. For an Impaired Appetite. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamberlain's TablttsT Mr. J H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mioh., says: 'They restored my appe tite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory move msnt of the bowelsi" litem'! APrompI Rrpljlo GetciJi! aad 88 Dllly- dolljlog lo ba Tclsrated. Washingtone -Mar 80.- Ger many's reply 'to the American no: e concerning the finking pf the Lusitania with loaa'of more than ICO American "lives prcdaoed feeling of profound disappoint ment here. - Dissatisfaction-i&tne failure ot Gerhian f to answer the demands of -the Uuited States was reflected in gpTeriiment irolt generally. ' Rr . It was generlrlly predicted to night that a prompt answer would be sent to Berlin perhaps within 24 or 48 hour.? 'This it. expected to give the American GoVerp ment's understanding of the faott, that the Lusitiniar was unarmed and carried net" concealed gtrns that she sailedrfrom the United States a peaolful merchantmen- and that under.all ru?es of inter national law and humanity, the vessel: should' iaYe been Viifited 1 and searohed gAif her passengers trfwred tcijl place of safety,' whether she carried ammunition or not, American law does not prohibit ammunition' from beSng carried on palsjnger ; shipe, it will be i asserted," but only f self-exploding materialand liners in the past have been permitted to earryaTins and ammunition by special raling cf the State Jppartment otrhe meaning of Federal statutes. 7 r Germany's failure even to 'dis buss, the reparation demanded by the Amerioan note,' tifid e'taiion of the request that guarantees 1e given tor American Vessels and lives be not - endangered in tne future are the main points, how ever, which the Uuittfd States Government, it (was generally be lieved ionight, wbujtl vsrt to ;ii J the second uoteV-Ths expressions fSrret mt oft ficfr for unintentional attaoks onneu tral ships are expected to have, little weight in determining " the nature of the response of the Unit ed States. When the note of May 18 was sent it was pointed out that such promises did not remove the risks to which Americau vessels 'and lives were subjected, and to sup-, port this contentiou, the United States will add, it is said, that the Amerioan steamer Nebraskan was torpedoed without warning within the last few days. - PeisooB close to President Wil son have learned that ' lie is "de termined to obtain reparation for the Lusitania victims and assur ances of respeot for American rights in future, and that failing this, he would uot hesitate to sever diplomatic relations with Ger many. In German quarters here to night it was again reiterated "that the Lusitania was armed. To controvert this, the United 8tateshas proof gathered before the American note was sent, that there were no guns aboard. : Fdr-. ther the British Government en tered into an informal agreement J with the Uuited States early 'in the war to see that no British vessels left American ports armed. ' . Get Rid of Your Rheamatsm No4r is the tims to get rid of your iheumatism. You can do it if you apply Chamberlain's Lini ment. W. A. Lockhard, Homer City N. Y , writes, "Last spring I suffered from rheumatism- withrfe terrible pains in'hiy "iTms" abd4 (boulders. I got a bottle' Sof Chamberlain's Lin'imehtahd the firBt application relieved me. By Using one bottle of it I wae en tirely cured." General Bennett H. Young, oammander-in-ohief of the United Confederate Veterans, was unable to attend the reunion. This an nouncement was made in a tele gram dated Cleveland, Ohio, in which General Young deolared his physicians1 had forbade hts attend ance. . He announced that hV de signated Lieut; Gen. 'Gebrge P Hirrisou of Opeliks, Alat,! cbm mander-in chief of the D ment of the Army 6f Tehheesee, Will Protect to presids at, the oonventton" ;offw;nIO't n0 sou Wbe a4ified-fo? tbe-4liifniirure .AJJej 4- contention of tha Oenixanatiio- lie Can tral 0- WWhmh9T(9 1&W SOS) same attaoxrra v Uii: ntitvgde jroh-atftiiatSRti and fvlthfitibn iSfflatlrt folibwersj . h '-The aaestion confroutins tiiW orgahltailott-is what to do abhtit the'tfahiera that e how th.,. xu rraoce ana rorngaitnff)RaCC lio church was 'defeateirrAod loyatttolica who- lfofd h giveu Usir-lives if need, be I ybenfrtilirH! country,- m itttwly-wilL ooitte and th ; tameosrrattltibi church falrthy illfiet rfiett cs ulkurelDlrid c uhPhrinttsd ad jney Jirai i "nor prevail. ' " -. embient orzanixationsl. jill etUh beck aji4 iw thoFrrties'tell. thetsY dj tfWith these' bodies .wi0yftt -srv!f9&e ready t6 tteplnthebreaehltanf tjo')inrflil9Wtit tftfPlia Ann a r . . ----- ainoe she rew online; ' PiusX iaued an eneytlicalobcin injc affairT in otiuir wnifth he said: ing such bhmsrons ridJ Wt amples of the abuse of poifefj ypu koowowitb what patience ad moderation this- ApdrtoHoee. has aoiea sowaras snem. ; wtiipugnt have the appearsinoe of nostility. t Y tt republic. Forsi daug.to' the hope that iM ruleri -wbiiror nja day take saner oounseis ' in would at length repir;yjome be w agreemeht, i Kv injuries1 tti-1 mpea on ine , cnurou.- intiis however,: we iiate been stftoger 9sipmtC: for thejyol crowned their evil ' work"by; ihe promulgation of a TioioUs4n4 eriiioibue decree for' iH4 'tepsira tiofi 'pi" church and state.T'.." ?i t. As i result of ROids's owa per nicious adtititieif - Portugal ":iaj been torn by revolution and cbn- ... . .. ..... . H ftiot and tobay trouble ubraad I id: thai mtile1 republic w&fofBns has had a band; in fomenting, in directly, if not directly, bfifigiug lnid!ous ftffuif the intent and purpose to reitbfsl the church to rts position of bow tugalhe- wilhHdo iuVth Unhid States udless wise heads meet ihel tho churoh in , France anoT 'Pottu ... . v--4--:' ----i- i-i-X iiasttAliM ' 9&m irjr tne tMt j.elHg tpuiWao" Otwo people againsthe pope. intCe eti uigltyrtese-defe al to the laot that UatnolioioRresitnras viaintonceamiiaawraTVTWi a . - - ' TomlaTleffWWe" TjnlieuBtei 4 all tnoiusive and if allowd to tfO on' unodpoiBa win?mmfti&iti& struction bf dvinatioh and.W- that the ohuroh ls.grg anised ; 1 politiaal Jiptiott and -her influence is f eU ininwtuyr piacs wbere ' ihe churob!ifebogbii8tf,liriDbilf ilit ibsinuatinr WffiWZkmV in nuenoe upon persona m. power The press b&s: oometo t fsl hr Romibtr touuh, and those publica cations'0 which' ! Sa'be controlled LVL ZL3 VttZiL tiv. ThalportioDcol ths pbo Sott, iiUiadtioii, or icg issw ... ; ,fmzwant - muo weov sse teiaper of theAbeaeV ft hi wau V- - : V ftA measure whic failed of pjas cpiciiia of 4 $jiill rMif it vj&fttf tJf hi wiw(ii tatuvti wiiuaiiave ten iiBf: c7te-d, neilrpiby omers. y On othar events tituuppe meutTcied rM : waica Koms is oonduotiusj 0 ib mese are . Diavea . nn ana at a gifen r rominnoe both as to, position and space. I ftanan t in" Msasachu-, tettB. .,, If Wfttv y-' . - ji mm euort wnicn mspectioa Ibillf in many ststss t wasbx fe&CftttW tWiwhieii 9fTX 'ffTua: XmJf-AKtii i. taaderriratitiVebr ihV its iEiat Ur li V ran- rfr rftjow (Wealed 1 i beu guiUy of IhsdTeldu tx4rMwrt4CTne4 n'dw thnrhe6atfift smr la1l1amidsiT oor jbia speech efititfed' mtRtik TJalfioliosf'br Ailtei!osv dlha af govtriimenr pl and; toat- terttf ttf th for' winds Under1 & is franking i priyiv-e, f, Fen what purpose did Mrda&hefil4thas3ts expe- with. a-speet.wiiHA- was- ne si ofrK buocer of e yitalimpr- UancsJan4 ipf. oMisi.i4nj?fe4eWTi .tiseviaujesait a imcutilin.eti9p Rome'; rVrM -ordered nd-jeffilofoarfew: mrircnov4mi one oiefiroruiitiotiV?tHHiai igtorQjai3teyT$fftfSI a od the? hierarchy, r ready dp Hbftfthe uhafe)rrsviitlti6rftiT them to cU M It h faeof Msertions can,. fod.-.t4tlif Bmeit detennweof Mhabit, that the ndfjartifiAS tbeme laeffaet hen f UsUivan -mailtstuhejlhneViBbmto Ti.ife tuoli! : demonstratiop QtmUmtWm&iix bugMter. membei.of.th Rmhot mdSSyAff M.ho4ioraulioufitH ort u pniuvr - oay ppoimQU and exposure? Tbefs sinister Iftr fludnoe of Roman " Oathono orga i tA 'wSLiiLti si arrogant assumptions tbe despor tiatsiuper and(tlt$ diaboTioa! pur poserRplatfreMm ,ix.- A..!'... iei.j . i .... . .......... . . . a -- aaufuo wie. pope tust.ruiaf iu . - - .4., rbi wrf't ;rit)tii I ' -aSSa e -" Oae-!ortb to 4nielsbobnf ul oiTW1". wTBwt-nwjTsT Ofingbt dangerou4.BrouojhtolsT,iau I Ailments. hl on, can'tT AOoidV I tOvlactiali i.JtiiiiiJie4,Jtfe4.i take the risk wb ft-ft.w4 ei Ati of serioua ,illntf , J - - onesp ana simpieia iilv Kiss's New Dis-1 remedafr Kilig'a New DlVV mailWasMittis' Oi to wadPf ery'U tJVtairiAbnt. Go to yauVrsessibCs-in be h-eld ln the Wall- tt7SwQ IJltMAtV'.3rtatti hi r . . wJi-j .i rsne raoeov a -once. ' ov wiu.w, -i CI Ifont, Horth :f , Jtbe de- A wnd arose that waEiaror bls to lhair plao and Ik tin oediatey-4xreftUd by ;rtf6t pro- IMgf intth-tiirrrf, the fAiMes.filXt ftlmlst tojcail f a? fxom taeip triaeJi3a dtti viriaee pf r t2piywl wtsitaiggs' i--v.iwfT 'AlongiS front of a&i&ilea, beginniag sentbsart of 8t. Juliea adttaxrftl-iWtJitoA8teen- eataythe Gartasm ttsjbwstery- eft w-ereNfeictauBusryTOur- CtXJbc tea tsBUassj 'ofuifiN powicfc. - Tfc Britiabpptoteotad by re SDtra4erean4metftMtarnk . wmioajweo.i eiiDa wetouds ceaiawtthio iike54 tlow-hmov- iitf aitn,4haake4eHhenew precautions, only a reiatively small pereoDtage of the men were put tofaide aabmtUtjDdaaible to rise, tthdrisit rt the ostty. HA ft tril Ittar tot BiOrifemlrayeotltiwm kme to fatewhro iiv hsi a-rsttt mtST the lit jSabedssi tthm sstlrssisr&ta of the?Uanj.oirjtidadrotF Ti oiitajlioisf be . ait liikedifrit w4Sutfeor ez- temelrsfines yelbiw cur. ' The 17 iga fartotsiidssr yiifet as Ji&ebhyeXof fijis, a -the itlxsmr Maiaor to tMotwhsuaiey:raUirtd to advaoee tboehotefwinatautir' xHQb iJBrsfessbiofajliadte be aliewroroieaTing;otbs mttr was fatai tb?tfieur,b VmMiXiU 4aryiimiw4d ibjatft 'dusrhe-witbout merest toxnitjf Inmqatsxaiged to sstablish thensolves in a few of jdiest xf .tepirrdipft a tpliy rating Uhey foua thsnmrtjteti ttziiouslT riiO t You daii't need taJsnffdr, those SVWNW&i11 S ; Lassen -Petkj nsaf Ridding,"Oal. r: 'Sllwlr. 1 An6lhW fJo'bf Toolling tlftW W IU, T UIV.UVl ptMf MI h& i '2. rtus suetr oi a any. invss tirator-s in ihe danjeoner " The eruption was the first junct the WatJeU;-fiiat 'fWmuj a JssUoca cesisritiatlesu ouV'BVVyelfliald f( began aetusap nnlmjpat wwNFas. I re e hi a a a a a a The thirteenth annual opnten- fmr!nifSlar. Lft ftTftl La tftTTftTi ABBUlifitBtilWH (ft W Wka itrtyltle Tnifday, Jtay JmJ ntk tJ wm m ,OAO j 'i ) to