..V - -... V v v 1, " - - --V-'.'.: .. ' ..vV Vgfel- - i-ft gf"' r. J - -4 - t. .'-II a ?! tL - -V" V0t:L: HO. 25. FC. JTEaBk 'M 4 - 5:- J. it 1 lie WW ft a . . V '. I Til. 1 . V' r 5- - s. Vf 4.- 'Pr. Latest-War Mews - SFH Afioll ia fil Stragglt betmut? eermans isfl RussIibj. Londint June 6.TfiAliiff 'in thftir offentiv a ou lhet(mpoli Peuinpal oa Jaue 4tb OapUred nd Ji two lineVof Tstjkiih r j;:v rc iifts loug rdnt offnearly cV Ikziia mi let, la Mesopotamia the Brjtfeh foroeVtave reoeiTtd from th& Torkf the eurreuder ot Amrnta and taea more than 2,000 priion . era 18 gUQ, moat, barges and atcmtttrt ;TlJ8 pnreait of the rat H -jwho tr-re dispursed into Sthg marahee tsoutintiea. A in atiench warfare, the Al; lies found", their geueralfadvf on the Obllipoli Pftuina ed on aocoiiut of the; i their foroea to penetrc taqgiemeat wmaoartiuji vcrw Thia left other teouous oppjan ufiladirff fire, and tnerefore part of the ground gained had to be given up. Some -alio was lest when the Turks' counter-attacked. A gain of fiOO jyarda on a froLt of three milea m:thiaiit of light ing, however, it cr usidarei- eatir- factory by the Bntiab particular. 4 ly aa it induced the ToUts-to oounter-attack in which theyrnk fered heevy lessee. - - - Two battles are iu progrelti Galioia The Buasianahave made a considerable advano ?;oa j;tha 1 we reaohea ex the Saq.and have cirivea the' Auttro.G-jrmans back j the Ieng Rivet$wbile to the out h wes t of Ce mberg the "Ans t ro- Sr-.':i'--:-'--.:JSiT- .1.1 u .iAu i,jbu mtv bu nub tug, niuuugu ChVvBussious are contesting every Inch of the roads to the Galacian Capital, wbiob ia the abjective of the Teutonic Allies. . The regicn north of Arraa r- isaiua the interealnpOjutbti the Western front. Hire the Freuch - v feUiim ib bavaijaiued more grou :d, 7 2 and, -acodrding to their report, SJW- wf7 1 witr G er to t. : c jujititraittaofcft The Grm&nB assart they have repulsed French attacks. The first important bet tla of the Italian-campaign is rag ing for possession of Tolemino where the Italians have ant with the first serious oppcs.tion' in their advance acrosB the Austrian frontier. Italian warships have destroyed cables and lighthouses in the Ad riatio and again have bombarded Monfaloone. There also has been .a me nayal activity in the Baltic, Russian and German squadrons exahangiug shots g the vicinity of the Gulf of Riga. Romania is going tnrougn a crisis similar to that experienced by Italy before the latter country entered the war! Those -who favor neutrality and those who favjr war' held counter demonstrations at Bucharest today, where politi cal parties are getting into shape to pat forward their views. .The general opinion in London is that R-m mania will- join , the Allies when Itlay givee the jword and aad that Bulgaria will follow hr lead. With the King of Greece Buffer ing a relapBe and in a serious condition, no immediately change in the attitude of that couiitry. is expected. A Ooctot'a Prescription Por Cough An Cffecrlya Gougb Treatrneot Oae-f orth to one teaspoonful of Dr King's New Discovery, taken. at needed, will soothe and check Coughs, Colds and the more dangerous Bronohials and Jiung Ailmenti You can't afford to take the risk of serious illness, whenso oheap and simple a remedy as Dr. King's New Dis covery, it obtainable. G to your pruggist torday, get a bottle of Pr. King's New Disoovety, start the treatment at once. You will be gratified for the relief and cure obtained; Establishment of 710 new rural ma'l delivery routes to serve 82, 860 families and the extension of existing service to reach 5,460 ad ditional families was announced Sunday night by Postmaster. Gen eral Burleson. Nearly all of the pew routes will go into oderation Jane 16. j)ui Vi .H jsa'pilfn maw. 3 Galieatiobh -jc.-r-OdmmtAiiJg editorialfj-opcrvthe bet: way to develop the-fesoutces of Ttxaa and the Sooth, the Gall eit ion New saya: J -4- ; 'MriJohn 0. Fatrelli who ia. presidont of the Uuivertity of Arkanaaa. advanoed 'an idea, in addreaaing the Southern pommer ciaJ Oongresa, that ia ikn'ot, orig inal, unconventional. yJCpjfi it ?ii at aound at it iiaunconve ational, "Agreeing jr!th5?hat htcame;. io be vl rtaajty'th no aniaiQ& opt ion that thSooth htaeedto in crease it production of agricultar al wealths Jm. insisted aha$ the DroDar wi. to do u 1B tonorease sU9 prcductive power ofthQaewhd i.: x. now -eKaeea m.iarmic?. 1 m Newp haa often set forth tse view thai we have need of to larger immigration than may be .er pact and that to offer artifioiahinducft menta oau on ljr shave thaeffeol of making worse the condition -of those who are now engaged in farming. The energy that it be ing epent to induce immigration w mid. better be expended if it ere devoted to the taak of bringing' about the pfactioe of more efSoi oien t methoda of farming. It ? it bot more farmers as it is better Tarmrk that . thr economic and aocialosonditiona of the South re puire. This policy may not com port with the interest of those who have land to tell, but it it the 00 ly policy which will ,suh serve theuteretts of all others? Neuralgia Palas atopped . You. don't need to suffer those agouuiug nerve pains in the face, bead, arm, shoulders, chest and bck.v Just aiply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Xinimant; lie quietly av few minutes. Ton will get such relief and comic rt! Life and, the world will ljok, brighter. Get a" bo tie. to day Sounoesfor 25c , at-all druggists. Penetrates Wiitber Forecast for June, 1915. From June 4h to the 12th, fre quent showers, round and cool Ihd. From 12h to 20 very rainy, etorjny, cool, with slighj. hail around. From 20th to 26 '.h changeable and oool . From 2Qfch to July 3rd, fair, and warm. Iu some sections of the oountry will show dry, with thunder gusts. This month only. H, Rsip. R Ifo. $, Salisbury, Ig. 0. For an Impaired Appet ite. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamber lain'acJabbta. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mioh.i says: 'rney restorea my appe tite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory move ment of the bowels. Representatives of Roe a i a, China and Mongolia, who have been in conference at Kiakhta, Siberia, ; for nearly a year, hav oonoluded a treat j which will de termine' the status of Mongolia During the Chinese revolution of 1912 Mongolia declared its inde pendence of China, and was rer cognized immediately by Russia as an autonomous state. Japan thereupon extended her sphere of infjuenc? over .'Inner .Mongolia. By the terms of the agreement now reached China will retain a nominal soverginity over Mongo ia. Russia and Chin eagree not to interfere with the administration of Mopgolia's internal tffairs. treaty to this effect was signed Monday by the representatives of three nations. Thirty -Six For as Ceate Dr. King's New Life Pill, are now supplied in wall -corked glass bottles, containing 86 sugar coated white pills, for 25o. One pill with a glass of water befcre retir ing is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. 'Effective and positive in results. Cheap" and economical to use. Get-a: 'bottle to day; take a dose to-night your Constioation will be relievecT'in the morning. 86 for 253., al all Druggist.. ' Qjdl ffittfcSfllin -r'- kdarfHammtr, whocama 6 tiiT-l Hsbury in 1905 and eoodtictirf ; ttej Salisbury D$ilf Hun lor a year ox jtltet " a' ifioxt; Juliet; yjH turne 3 hwe , and later took farmitfT. somethinj ht knawatt5; Tit totrtaii$ ! iBftfiH;JElHTktftJi Cwilt.U f , mi it titfeiiif ens. - itstc:irtr lately 3tbin about And, phjtwtora,rax::axpirvtio aUtndj oally, icniaqpr ft,tbal jdi4: torial cbair V pr$oesding at i time thari;nttVd3 utyjiki uvitf ing Failuxatoyomy a;raiain" Of court or QjnldLB the courage, ij tock foOBe,"jtt40ljj noaccustoiutd, ti'jbar irti; to -usj I dertakt that- arduous Jabofa t if farm lift, jttct ft it ia .rtfrfahic and inspirica octs thai 2 Hammer is oallj a. spndic aooesa. WhiU a striy warkir Mr Hammer, ia Uudant of fanr ' Welcome on bt!:' problems and hia aucceui oomiilUaycr AV. H'tVocJ' largely from the intaUiientapplii I cation of them to Us purpotes.t j The following inUteatiDg frilem J relative to cows.Ua Vj Mt. Hao4 mer and wae origtubhshfcS ln tne rrosreative i-arr-ar: MlJobn Allen Jru Havingjcpant.muclcf my timei Valte in E BXisti for five veajBT with caUle t&d .idt ' Welcome on 1 bsl.K t: C. 1 cattle raising, h a, v i n g b8ixorganisatiqp, Rev. (t;A. G.- Lw:. Vthroagh tha mifrom white tcours to "holJow-horo,VaudJiayAl Aria ircm iltaveulsIt&ftXjP; mg had som8 iperiince-"wilb: LMrs Lea garnbartftLSl inIUinc:j no iizitr crmtrpiajt moat e very th ing i4oept oontagioul abortion, J have, arrived at the followinir coiialriiioiiai .. . 1, That-ihe avefajrgqod cow on tne lara gettP anevi .iaii enough 'fa-eat i sorry cowa aren't worth feeding rt all J 2 r Olaver and cowpea or aoyjarmery bean: hay, ,h tnejrrown, ara thai age. I & Oofctonaaad ma&I 'thdohssm-1 at form in which mfttein can: be ; " t I of screWi'Jcii;brao, chaff , J oobs are -a iteok extravagance at their naual-pxic iu the - Suth, exoept for tltt two. weita-bijore calving. 5 A good cow will not give her maximum milk flow if ootton- seed meal is her rnly grain feed.) Tha addition of a qaart to a half j gallon of corn meal twioe a day to the maiimnm safe and pro- flt.ki. ttn... m7.i .iu..n. I will rain It. in mnrs iiir Whafh. I er euoh an addition ia profitable I bought,' ia the ? mainstay of any 1 ref reahmenta ly A ? .Sileeby; a4ptlx-5ulU;.if.n. r nVftfit.KlA r.imi.kinn I hi. A.nd kitflhn. Z iZJZZ ; it,lf-ionar belief 'V? r - iist I Pmon 4. hatbanaiidhortaob ft D.mt-Di O K, r.imCaViX floater wtirtlv ' - Wa opfniou. depends upon individual oircumrlmany beautiful thoqgbti and- one I ( - ' a stances Qroand ornta is also goc 4 feed and arood for tha oow. but atlhAkrera leaa selfish and to imnreaa I more toan540 cents a bushel oats ' - I is a oostly.cow feed, a .-n- -.11 ik I should uuleaa well bedded with dry bedding . 7. Dirt, dampness and cold drafts are cattle s worst enemies 8. To raise, a good cow yen - must begin with hex ancestors. 9. Tne-man who, throw, .-.jrl' . mn,. fnr nnrn linnn, im nn 7?i!! J?J.i;T. nllu u.. vwu niU.i , tit mnt..ll f9 rtAKii linnn. im . more foolish; than the man who throwr awr his future profits by breeding his cows or heifers to .no knf. " - B.---.- bull. 10. I i buying a bull, the big- lest mistake is to look onlv for a cheapone. Pay enough to get one that is registered and of a good can Buaio ouuicuy -iuiur was , M. I . -111. iL bred too young, for instance), are aiuuB6 .am v ue great a mapj Tjl q ?!! J!1?' 1HT0J , Hal FamiW ..Pill, f n J aire , is uuTux-vuuiug suuruo oi pleasure as well as profit. Carl Hammer, l n T h e' Progressive Farmer. Constipation Curad Qveralgbt A small dose of Pj-Dj-Lsx to- night and yO fi joy a full, free, sasy Dowel movement in sae morning, wo griping tor fo-uo- LaxisPodophyliQ (May Appla) without the grip . PjD -Lax eorreot. tbefoaute of Constipation toy arousing the Liver, inoreasibg tne-nowuoE 4Hie. mie is riaiurea antisentio in the bowls. With proper amount of bile, digestion in bowels is perfect. No gas, no fermentation, no Constipation . Don't be ifok, nervous, irritable. Get a bottle of Po-Do-Lax from your Druggist now and cure your Constipation overnight. TMlCl1';. VTh . lOfOO Kn)shta;.J 13 rioi;ji uarpuna, n r -Bariibturj Tha - Jhip ' dayi .iftf For or five Wndrti during ; 4h Jttawir, Xhe ftjwtfiorr r-11 V ' aroo iiut ht aiT olevgaoiiatUQias ; goodly number of jJeT; preaant. , it S:3ti: proltqrfcolt p1? jiorium - cf lie e!4 7 : - Opan prayer, Dr. I DtjbVeak, dotbla i :IrishvaSooir . . Klutti. . ."t-V - Duet from Travu: 8mitb and FraacUX..tL. .Welcome fa fcs-i:' ,, of Odmmerce Cc. . " '" Somewhara a voV-.3 - c - i at , - r?1 : "i 1 Rsspocse toJtd4r?:ss,rot ttelS o ma Hoo.OSa, v' nrmnIjdnuWerirta'ti.'.UuCar.-i t'a e: ' cocfitiona I lap. tjand-: in j roomt.- Wednaaday Lodge. St p. JltatmQniiid - Iuia. r - .V 1 .;-. - " r .IaTii. m:, Ra-atlian rand at Empire Howl 3pm In the armory D O K. K. oeremonial. Thursday, 10 a. m. Meeting of Grand L dge. 12 o-'clock, adjournment. Sunday afternoon at the old oort house Hon, J,. G. Baird, grand ohancellorr addreased a pab llio meeting that was well attend- ed. Mr. Baird spoke of the I i u. ... ...rt f it arn.tk li aims. Hit address- oon twined of its chief aims was to mtka the - - - , them with the prioeleas value ofa stainless manhood. I $ioo Reward fioo. 1 The readers of tbia nauer will be I pleased to learn that there iar at l least one areaaea aitease tnat 1 - - . . .. . . ' I I 'oience naa Dean auie to aura ? all its stages, and that is Catarrah I 1 l . . I maaioai irasernity, una oeing a conatitutional diaeasa, required a constitutional treatment Hail'. uawaruvure n taaen -tuwrnaiiy, mtlcoul turfaoes of the syttem; thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aid giving the pa Itient strength by building up the HltW a .a faithP .I.i.4. on - J .it. : i u .y .. u iur -"wy "i 7 ohekry. A fl(V eonstipation I nafAMt nf Aha forcsa of Ganaral Angelas and Villa, the capture of the- town of Leon and of all of Villa's trains and artillery is an- nounoed in a report of General Gbregon. The report says: VI hav9 achieved an. important vio- tor y. After a five dayat battle Angetea and Villa with email groups of followers fled in differ ien aireonona, vu- iu ruse are I onrsuina them nortn oi leon . Leon baa been oocupied by tha (Tarransa troons. Allthe enfemv't traina and artillery wera captured. The battle extended ovara tone of 800 mile. I havV ordered the reconstruction of the raitrdad and telegraph with Vera 0rutr - fm. Qu. tha-rocratdo ?'At:V r zr: lr cz. :ivt' -uifJ ,:8Qaia.Xn th4Kb8i-:-. ! ! 7top TSV-v:- -. r i ..it -13 t - Ciiolio organ aationi throc-fa if rily wayf KVeliirj 3 r3ict of - tt'i r - A ' "v.- . .fi: -; sV. '7. evr fc Miljfacf li cl.r:h does cillLj t ' rclyjf Ct"t;stic nil 1 - ilj C-i . thVriljUboat G i i cf the Oithclii htl-.' IU I. " et: cc r ,13 naussa. wcit t sr - . -J-t. 5 llrvUaify Cv-jjfg,. ca, a i or- r., zzi iipsavi l'leff. lea alo-- r.! iffcrt th3 r-tlia r.' -licriat , ' ' . Tt own way. u gislafion of Inia na jturecan bnlj disturb the business for which the publio sobool system. waa luetnted and there ahould be no attute, in Jlliooia or any ;c ther atata reuiriiigBiblv' read ing, prartr or any specified af'ng ervioa; Naither should there be , r' . l u n-nhikUin. fcs." 1 Let tha . patMHua . in eacbrlocalUy9 the good sense of the teaehsra and Lay l i . I Aii7i-m a. k let ,i)s not hat any legialation in thei ipatter Rome has t her heel upon the i, thoughc juat nnblio a&hool wvafcam. r- 1 ' now; there is an attempt to appear to support tha system, and the K i i hinder the progreas, or amirch the record of the BQhoolaia .repudiat- ed by activities of a different ai tura in another.- While Home teems to have reached a lel arm into the tchoola in Southern Illi to remov. the Bible, prayer. L... aha i -5k JLM Is J ... 1. 1 L . . I k. .n isuan - ug., wuuvw m vureg Catholic teachers in the- Dahlia aohQolB have heen active- in teach ing Catholioctrinei urging non Catholia children to attend cate ehism cjaase., and' othtrwi.e in- ' jeoting-teligion into the scntatt I 1k, i. inrr,Bi-nft in thtr pioion. and tlie only aafe way;to I ' . p0.W het' The niineM o education noderttktng and all 4i.turbina .influence, mutt.be elicoinaUd, Oa.iiot0aehejEs add meodters of school boards along With the retwTbe .Menace. Only Ooa Entirely Satisfactory. ' ' ava tned varjoa oeiib ud iarrltoaafemid8r! bpt-theoaly noe that nas fven me entire sat isfaotionntid eared jm when I was sffltotedr is; OAamberlain'a Oolio, qd I t taBoWmSbdit to my friends at 11 time wfitsaJ. F. Galloway, f li . T : Ifw Siti .Young horse, seven years 6 old, fine driver, will work any m r here. -2-trejF,eai 711, J. W.TOrLWalrjuim wae en- n V ww K nH ?w b pd. L:. Juoa5 ln-a liijritsir f rc i . ozradThai ilorni2 Fc . iS c:ii;:-3njiatayB;(iv ; lowr reich'sti lft0eiQ )rjdoii4 i as-fr ; irfcaarxemy alThe Ilnniatfs xr4 jaUteirHtes:: aWjmuaittonr frpm- lrismyaJ. TMi lt-itJ msl? wWeedA? fii -:iSg-thf8U6dingnjgt the . T :liscafuieil,eti mil irt a. . iHC 4 r-a i I11 for s - i -V-Jt tAbQntava - i. ltog;Chaialer3i:u! ribl it ter f CimUpaildtf- Ohkmbefia w Iravtj to ehooaa Waibetwaani f a,ith f r 7 ..." r ' r ; ; t 1 1- ... . . i t ' i Mf,,"UHM,lJ ' 01 u unless convietea i will be unernng. tr they: dily usion that It iaj moreprtttca,bie for one pope to j piasess this neoesaary power than for eaoh member of the race to have it . ..And tht iapreoiaely the thread bare argnmeut cf every aa toot at i i: l u i . h-h u. it u, 0U6k11n ' mignt . Bay ihat U wou,d bJ ot proliot)le VU" ,u in9 wliaom oi one xing vnBU iu tuat oi sixteen man- Uo"i wpterft. But oinrm4n,authori- ty haa beau weighed iu the balance. and found? wantiug No one mani u b ith the Pwerf deeding for man, without jjeali j J ( u; ii - 1U " ulu tp? Meraoveri we Have found iiq- laiituiiibv wvv uukuiiiK mure: than an ideal, sometimes a dream; and sometimes, a nightmare - In : .77. 7 . : . 7711 r T . . . . ; - in J1 are. fallible. " Minn 0-68 we learn. , tC. MroU.ttmi i A . . - . y - '"r &'m s t- nnr iiavii" BrnaaaaraBi aar-Bvaa . i i . nnssa are oar own- mi8takaaVt&6'w o.ii wo ..www" "ji another especially when-denied the nghl to exerciae tudgmmtT I fbe ideal papalOnlalMij a gross assumption . wtucaj I j posaible to human beinga it r reaaouKuta iuu rvaaouiUB .neiuc we mi bJie ?poe peasant, hasroved that propotl t03u it His - own life. There is uonepenf wtj no not one. Audit is not nacessarv that one orall bepe-feOf in- order ior all to seek perfection and . work to that desirable and. -Infallibility ia I aoam possible myth, deceiving and damaging to both those who pteteudtcC-pciieflsTajdto thoiie wEb imagrne"'ntaeTafim fVy another 4 -ThefcM enact Qst Rid of Your -cbaamatam Nw ia the tims tor get rid of your ihWumatrsm. ' You can doit if yoi apply 'OhfTmbdrTiid'a. Lini ment. - W. A. Lookhid Horner Oityl-v Yf wnt "Last t.priog I sutterea from Tirjaanmatism' -with ternbie .pajna sitt:my arma and hOIlldara. T crrtt. a Kn-.lt !- inf . - - Kwvf wmr v v mmm " w Chamberlain's Linimentand the rv ! 1 t f'::; ;rvcdr frcsitioca ea:K0 f lor- j tirely cnre4r" aifo6iivtbifitba iioeD&ttfc .w ngntsvu ja eacn, jae . ed. . , There are avnumbe oC pbrtani featuwi.' A nwP llfejLr will govern the convention in'that lntUad of having the papf.:and - grldaatiiprogBSBiv Vn nra course wi 1 1 . baV conducted . ' ;" fMHijeidiiigiaeftiats f . -ZiyilXH&rimgh The L iSxrtajirlthb'a ' 4: -yii price p to .fCnefttion -j-mipgap. .L pety aniog. - TJ.. aeral lVUickatt. TfffiTluVtX 4 iiiklsnburg and Ciioi.otilaj'hwra sad- ,baafcf peadingmevarall "dayapkajfc fca atilpirCtind-'attiie' warsa artiadbaauiy and 'of which the iw,"v' tu.M'u' ju.7 DeolTfeiug to- accept fiiB ehairiQf ' Jjatin'au History whjcb ht waa elected bv tha it usVaiof;Oatawb!a Warlick is to be indoeedtdiu thja college by Prof s A F. - Whiibu- huuti late superintendent of: the Nawton graded achola. Prof. J. Jv Ing I r it, ia aonoansad, . will have the chair ot Greek and . Get man. -. Resolutions expressing appreci ation of the wisdom of President Wilson in gnidiug the nation dur ing the present critical period, were adopted at the closing setsion Sunday night of the State Chris tian Endeavor Union, in the First Presbyterian Church, at Wilraing ton, which had for a numbVr of - years aa its pastor President Wil son's father. Inspiring addresses were made by President' W . A. Harper, of Eion College, and Rev. J. C. Leonard, of Lexington. Manbers.pf the board- of city : ' i ... . . . - .. i au urnDniM -iinncir unwnraRn oitfVattoroay ttOWafnl iaM city attorney 'being engagedl " . i . " " nB,prepaTasron w an orainanea a -.a a'r .u x i : tli persona aospg laajuaryorx.naTe: npentaa tiishedoby thatoity lauiaMyadapart mafce.Asoth inapeetot will tie empldred to have ohargo of thia work, it being the determination a'Boaftf-to remqve any, im proper turrouudiaga whiah, may exist At placet at which clota'et of ' Athevi He people a r e cleaned. The decision it a ttep ia cam piign to raise, th,,.prtiut igh .standard of the-health department of Asheville. Tlink of Oekt is Yfli Yc.lf i P.snUcce, and most of all avoid, 'tinae prioea." If yon must ; go into debt try to borrow moiey at ;6 tb'd per cent, put itfh- the bank and pay the actual-' cold oaBh for what you1 -need; Batter par at the-ate of 10 per cant a 'year in interest than at the rate of 80 to 70Tper oehr a year in - time pricaa. Aud if there ia anything eTae quite aa bad forkeepiiig ydtf id dbt aa time prices, it if usually the prices asked by travel rug agents . The sliok-foogued 'ageuV- bat made millions of us pay tef prices for things we didn't ''half1 need. It's a safe rule to never buy anything frocri-tf rgfitttrryorfriyf had .a, week to think it over.-The "Piia, grsfsiyd Far'-uer.

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