c . . .. . ,.- .- , . - C " . ...I . r I A Home Newspaper FnbHshed io the Interest of JtEteedpie CandrorHQnesty inlbvrnmeutal Affairs VOL. XI. NO. 26 FOURTH SERIES X7m H. STEIJT, ED. AlTIPlldp. -A T " -A i lite .4. State Hews Items liiws f onceaiiatm f.r iNsejrio Want to . Know about Homa Affairs. - The Summer Forestry OoDfsr nce at Moutreat, N. C, July 6 9 it is said, ptomises to be the most interests g and largely at teuded meeliDg yet held under the management of the North Caro lina Fureifery Asiooiatiou. Speoi al railrcad rates of three cents per mile for the round trip to Black Moantaiu. two miles from Montreal, will be in effect J aty lst2'id, 6.h and 76h, good for eeventeeu days. Regular tourist rates are iu eff ct from June 1st to October 81at. Th9 program is more than osaally interesting. J B. Holmes, of Chapel "Hill, N C, is secretary 'treasurer. Ldford, an outlaw and one of the most bidly wanted men in western North Carolina, was shot and the doctors sy fatally wound ed Friday by Deputy Sheriff Reg gie Ray of Peusaoola. Led ford had given Kay a three-mile chase that morning endiug at Unice Gaddy's. L9dford had a Win chester and resisted arrest. He wss among some of his friends. Ray was alono. He fired but one shot, which took effect in the hip coming out the bowels, Ledford was wanted for assault, highway roblery, burglary, forgery and laroeny, in all about 10 cases. Strychnine in excessive doses sometimes acts as ah emetio through the medium of irritation, although it does not have a true emetio property, according to medical men. To : that fact Will MoKeel owes his life. According to a story which reached Kinston Sunday, MoKeel and others paid a visit to Jack Hill, who lives near the line between Greene aud Wayne Counties "Bouse hadt)en" Hill'i smoke- fonoFdso ire- queutly that he put a large amount of strychnine in a link of sausage and left it in a handy place with other meat. "I'm some kind of hungry,'1 MoKeel is, said to htre told his host. Whereupon the party repaired to the smokehouse and got sausage for a meal . The meal was ever before Hill recollected the poison ed sausage. McKeel had got the link with the strychnine. He es caped death because of the unusual amount of the drug that Hill had put into the link. McKeel has recovered before a doctor could be summoned. At Viotory Cotton Mill, two miles of Fayeteville, Sunday Eu gene Biggs, aged 14, was killed in an automobile-railroad accident. A. W. Davis was driving his au tomobile up the hill to the A. C. L.' crossing when be saw the noon train from the south bearing down on him. He suddenly turned his car to prevent running on the track, it struck the tender of the etgine sideways and Biggs, who was standing on the running board of-the auto, was jammed against t'ae engine, bis hip broken and he was otherwise mai g ed. He was put into a Pullman and brought' t town to the hospital, where he died shortly afterwards, A oor ouer's uqueet was held, the ver dict of which was that Briggs came to his death as a resnlt of the care, lessnesi of tbe automobile driver. J. Elm wood Cox of High Point, republican candidate for governor in 1908, says he will not t e a can didate iu 1916. He stated that everybody along the route, of his 'recent northern trip were in favor of Wilson and against Bryan. It being impossible to issu? in. citations to all. Speaker Clark's secretary extends an invitation to all Missourians to the wedding of his daughter. Miss Genevieve Clark and James M, Thompson, which will take place June 80th. , Zoro Davis, age 18, white, while peddling peaches to the. Carolina special was struck by train No. 9 at Saluda Monday and instantly - killed. His mother was peddling oii one side "of the train and her bOy was killed ontbe'other side. Read Thb Watchmak and Rkooed 6erman Press is D tided oa Note. Berlin, June 18 (Via London) The Berlin morning papers gen' orally comment more or less ex tendedly on the American note a Hug the lineB followed by the Saturday evening papers. . While there is a general , dispo sition to reoogniz- the friendly tone of the note and the fact that it makes further negotiations pos sible the press is divided, roughly into two parties, one disposed to enter into negoatipns looking to a compromise ou a new basis, while the other, by implication or expressly, rojeots any departure from the oource heretofore follow ed. Among the representatives of the latter idea is the Tagliohe Rundschau, whioh declares that while the note seeks a Way to a compromise, it seeks it along lines "which must result to the disad vantage of Germany." The Rundschau continues: "The note, therefore is calculated only to postpone a settlement of German-Amerioin relations and not bring it about.. The fmndly tine we acknowledge, but the dec aration that the sinking of the Lusitania was unparalleled in modeon warfare, seems opposed to the character of upright friend ship." The Rundschau defends . the sinking of the Lusitania and in conclusion declares: "And the watohword is 'the torpedoing will go on.' " The Kreui Zeitung emphasises Germany's right to prevent the shipment of ammunition to any enemy by every means. It also is unable to see what England cau off t in return for theabandon ment of the submarinef'campaign "since the plan to starve Germany has finally failed." ; Count Von Reventlow in the Tages Zeitung says : :- rresicums. wneea-pr ists in his refusal to reocguiie' the Ger man declaration of war zone, we are not able to oanoeive of an ar gument, or even a real under standiLg." Thirty -Six For as Cents Dr. Ki: g's New Life Pills are now supplied in well -corked glass bottles, containing 86 sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pill with a glass of water befcre retir ing is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Effective and positive in results. Cheap and economical to use. Get a bottle to day. take a dose to-night your Constipation will be relieved in the morning. 88 for 25 3 , at all Druggists. A Hi i Work on Auction Bridge Just Issued. We have received an advance oopy of an original little, book an Auotion bridge by Wynne Fergu son, 858 Broadwav New,, Tfprk city, entitled "19 1 5 Auction Bridge." The work is terse and to the point, based od the fundametals necessary for sound playing as recognized by the best players. It contains tbe 1915 rules and a Table of Auction Leads that every player should know, and is of oon -venient form and size that one may carry in the pooket to con sult at odd moments. This is tbe first book on the game to sell at a. popular priced 25 cents a . copy, and the little book should fill a loDg felt de maud.. Mr. Ferguson is a mem ber of the Union League Club and one of the pioneer players of Auo tion in the Knickerbocker Whilt Club of New York. Neuralgia Pains stopped Yon don't need to suffer those agoniziug nerve pains in the face, had, arm, shouiders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Liniment; lie quietly a few minutes. You will get such relief and comfort 1 .Life and the world will look brighter. Get a bottle to day. 8 ounces for 25c, at alt Druggists. Penetrates without rubbing. FW Sale. -Young horse, seven years old, fine driver, will work-any- where. Will sell cheap.Ffcorier 8711, J. W. Taylor, R. 8, Salis bury N. 0, 3 w b pd. .r fais AiiiHti; Stall Board of Hut Urgn YicciBitlOR Wittr iTit Flits. i Alresdy a large ? number bf deaths from- typhoid ftverV have heen reported to the State Boad It Health. 'UMtBpdticcitai in so earl. indicate to what extent the disease may be expected rage when hot weather sua nyt time are oh in full blast As et there has been praetiortly rjo bt; weather and cons' quently potla large number of deaths "from disease should be expected as ty phoid rages most when the weath er iB hottest audi the flies airs A 3 tUlDKUII . . .'This larce number of deat however, already reported shoa be a special warning to the u vaocmated and those who ate stiJ E- tolerating flies and fiy-inTects food. They should get vacolnated as soon as possible and see, tha their familUe and.tbeir neighboj are vaccinated. Under sucti con ditions as are likely to exist th summer, no person nor fami) j can anord to run the risk witq typhoid. - jj J Wherever the antityphoid vajs cine treatment has been givsn iia every person in eny community institution or body of - people ty phoid fever has' there been stamp ed out. For instance,, there has not been a death from typhoid fever iu the army since 1912, tbe year fter snti-iy phoid vaooina tion was made; compulsory: and every soldier was vaccjnated. . ,-; What vaociaation did for the army it will dosfor the family, the neighborhood olleobunty . Vaccinatio'n and eleaniugy up, tol erating no flies) and breeding places of tilth will drive typhoid out of any oommunity . . Thel State I Board of Health warns especially against flies and op9ii oacx privies ana m vaccination as soon as possible. $109 Reward $100. The readers ofthis paper will be pleased to leafp' that-there is at least one etfeiff dfleasd ihat science has been able to cure iu all its stages, and that is Catarrah Hall's' Catarrh Core is thd only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional disease, reqoired a conrtnutionai trjaatmen tii Hatl i a Oattarh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the dhrease, Ld7g1f&g tbe pa tient rtrlhgtfirbjrbuirlliug up the constitution abd-asiistiog nature in doing its work. , The proprie tors have: so muou ?a1th in its cujative feo w$T titba they" offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F; J. CHENEY & CO. Tiojedo, O. ';akerHali Family Pills foi constrpation . ; " " ' ' ' r .JRockfQrdvIU.t CWbioji has been without iaiooiiJorje.yerl years, has on! y one policeman to each 1800 persons, while wet oities of toe same siz) employ one police man for every nine hundred or one thousand inhabitants. Kansas City, Kaueas, employs only half as many policeman as before sa loons were banished from tbe oity. Newtcn, Kansas, employs enly one DOlioeman tor its 1U.UUU in-r habitants. This is only one of the many ways in which a city's expendi, Wires are reduced - as the result of a no-license pohoy. a st Rid ef Yoar Rbeamatsm Now is the tims to get rid of your tTieumatism. You can do it If you appry Chamberlain's Lini men!.-i' W. A.: Lookhard, Hcm4r City. N. Y , writes, "Last spring I suffered from '-rheumatism with terrible pains in my arms and shoulders. I got a bottle Of .Chamberlain's Linimeutand the first" applicant i on relie ved me. By usmrone nottie ot it 1 wae en tirely cured." Fred I. Sutton, mayor of ' Kins Ion, was Mojuday on i charge of exceeding his authority when be liberated two young men from theoity lock-up, at Jim Saft ir BtDii'$ Sisrt; Eiati. c;i. , Urt. Eiici's Imxmt j - orbins ubieot ' of . ; codvenaiiou here today concern icewors; ' oi. tome safe 0ra0ker8.whti7rw1ted.the place last night. Dliatioii are they visited .the djepot met, broke open the mosey Vwer. audi ssoured only 18 6ents,:jbir4ke opep some express package a4 oarrierl off a. lantern. The store of W. W. Rosemau & Co. wilf then vis ited and eatranoe was "gai ned by breaking in a window ,8oap wae piioed around the cracks of the safe door and suffiusnt nitro glycerine was poured to blqw. it t pieces, whioh wiM probably doue as freight train Ko. 87 was passing through towij, leyeral otifeot having heard 4 ocise at this time, about 2 o'ciik(vwbioh wai thought to have "heeo made by the train. The chokers got about $55 in caih knd ; some cheoks. $50 of this anount , was pottofjom fund s, which ad joins the Roseman afore; andf wfti plao ed in this safety Postmaster Kin- jcaid for safe isesping orer night . the cheoks were fountf near by. The -robbery was a complete sur- pi be to evert bod? and there is no clue tbv the yeggmen, the work having evidently been:, done by professionals The remains , ofer Mr, . Eaton, rehat of the vlate Dr.iJamnel P Eaton of 'Olevalaok.lwno died at Boies Or ek, Harnett Cpanty, were brought here and he inter ment was iu the cemetery . this morning. Mrs. .Eatonlmade her home here for abpu jr?r:bat of late had been UTtng at Buise Creek, where ht r daughter, Miss Lucy Eaton, was; tesohiig.4chool.' Beside Miss Lucy, andUiftr daagh- ter, Mrs. uoara. ol .asisif n, and Fred EatohV at toil, su Eaton was 79 years old and a highly esteemed woman. A new Lank is to be established; here with W. W. Roseman as csshier. Mrs, W. A. l ucky is quite , ill and feeble. The. many friends qf Mrs. Chss J. Fleming will .regret to know that after six weeks' illness she is stil cotfiubd to ber bed. Thomas and Lee Kiuoatd of Statetville, were visitors here Sunday. The town continues to progress steadily aud safely. It has many beautiful lawns aud cosy resi dences: A Doctor's Prescription Per Cough An Effective Cough Treatment Ooe-forth to one teaspoonful of Dr King's New Discovery, taken' as needed, will soothe and check Coughs, Colds and the more dangerous BronchUls and Lung Ailmeuti You can't afford to take the risk oL serious illness. when io cheap and simple a remedy as Dr. King's New Dis- m overy is obtainable, to your Druggist tc-day, get a bottle of Dr. King's New Disoovety, start the treat nent at once. You will be gratified f or the relief and cure obtained." Notice to Old So'ditrs and Widows. All old soldiers and widows of old soldiers who are not already drawing peusiors and are entitled to draw same are rt quested tooall on the Clerk of the Superior. Court at h 13 office between now and the first Monday in July and make their applications. The laws are the earns 88 heretjfore as to prop erty qualifications. , 2t. Constipation Cored Overnight A small dose of Po-Do-Lax to night and you enjoy a full, free, asv Dowel movemea in soe a . . morning. No gnpiug, rof to-Do Lax iB Podophylin (May Apple) without Vibe grip, PoD -Lax corrects the cause of Constipation by arodsing the Liver, increasing the flow of bile. Bile is Nature's antisentic in the bowil.'With oroner amount of bile, digestion in bowels is perfeet. No gas, no fermentation, no, uonsMpetion . Don't be siok. pervoui, irritabl (let a.Wisle of Pp-Do-Lax, .jfroin your Drugnist now aud ouie-'youf uonjtipMion overnigni. era 6tairU Caranzi ninkt: Uei'co Cllr-WIII t& Vera Orus; Jnne l8v theDem- ocratV ib Carranzs; organ -.herei oday pubIi8h8d an extra eEitioij containing a dis t la, which is in substance as foli General Pablo Gon sales, wn6 3iis been sent with the -Oonstitu-Aippalist army tgtake exwef mity, has been visited by- tiiree members of the Convention party frjt4UOJ an armistice. The- delegates tsugi geshat-the-jtlghtinr in thai (VjsinUf jejMej,as aljthe.pepple fighting with Abe ssmlpul 4?OS97 al SieS r pha the .xoss in; $exici fJ$.iJ Ibfcd better throw in their lot with Geherai Carranit or -eVaeinata tfe4 1 FBTi wjsnpus ojoposueor .. xie gaye toenetegates 49 nours to retutu and present his proposition to tbJ Qoyeation. Oonsfitutionftlist hesdqnarter uielibeinjvf the Mexico City forces are preparing to flee and turn over hs oily to Geceral" Oarranza. Grenerar'GoVz iles is 'said to' be preparing to feed 400,000 persons! hoald Mexico XJity be taken with"' in a few days. f The people iu'tfae former Capi-' feal are declared to be in gieat; want. 5 Washington, Jane 18 .-Although! the -United States Government within the iast twojweeks has been absorbed, in the .German sitna-i tion, the interim of a fortnight that will elapse before a' reply' oomes from Berlin, undoubtedly! win araw atsention again 10 xaexi- co ' General Oarransa has issued a! proclamation olaimmg that as he1 controls a large territory and has1 instituted, o i v i 1 administration! tnerem ne wenmiesv ur. reoo4 i- ...... . r : tiou. vreuarai viua uti seat note to the United States favoring President Wilson's repent suggeB-i tion that the factions in Mex 00 unite for peace. He Also hat made some overtures directly to Cafranza. Until a new Secretary of Stats is appointed it is not thought there will be any development of the recently announced policy of President Wilson to insist on ord- er in Mexico. , The military situa tion is likely to have an impor tant influence during the coming weea cu me punctual nus 01. Mexico's problem. For an Impaired Appetite. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Cbamberlain 's Tablets . Mr. J. H. Seit; of Detroit; Mich., says:; ."iney restored my appe tite when impaired, relieved me of a 'bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory move ment of the bowels." Bnio CbiBjaHqai Hfiid. William J. Bryan, former Sec retary of State, will be president of the uew Winona Assembly when the organization is perfected, probably in August, following the c'oie of the lecture season. Mr. Bryan has virtually accept ed the leadership of the great Western Chautauqua, but only upon condition tuat a complete 5 - . m " S reorganisation is made and the institution is placed Jupon a solid foundation, free of debt. The Winona Assembly is nbw in the hands of a r trustee, having been declared bankrupt by. th Federal Court. Lloyd Clayoombe of In dianapolis, the . trustee, is ar ranging for a sale of the' property in August or September, The property undoubtedly ' will be bought by the creditors, .who . are entering into an agreement witn the old management. Mr. Bryan will be president of the new board of directors, Mr. Bryan has been olosely associated with Winona Assembly and the Winona Bible Conference - for vears. His name appears on the rogram ior sue coming season ith the note that it is hoped his fficial duties will max? it VoBsible lor him to apearirVaWlndt ; Attacking Reirgioi, ; lu spites of r-pet ted sttsertiope of the Catholic press to the effect that Catholics do not wish to cast reflections upon nor malign the re- ugiooa neiieis or otpers we see rrequent evidence of violent erapi tious of Catholic spleen calonlat ? to besmirch and otherwise fcul pe faith of those outside' the "one true church 'r Catholio . hatref) of things Prptestant is pot a lovely thing to look upon, by any meant!, and tb manner of .expression m st frequently used is anything bat characteristic of Christian love and : human kindness. The i ollowiug excerpt from 4t : sermon del ivered by Father Robert at a Catnolio Misson in Uiicat N. Y.J, tiken from a recent issue at the mioiresa? mllSmi as a ty pioal-' expression of be Rt t manCatholio at titude t owafoT thi uou Cathciio religions: fj"You all k H6wJ f rom h lafeorv urait Man iu Luther was a rdathV io priest. Mttriuu'th'er "wasa ffU. ePSnent; map,; ut tnfortui. vant:ud ejsas aa impure. no u i hewas.aatepsDxut fellow Luther beca m e iu Hate d v wj th ; prid e.i Oa - tied away by-'-theppladse: ofthe! people he went too far in oertain prejtrohing' At -tength hex was Luther .he4 hie superior?. ''lie did not ; h even disobeyed the pope ' Aijm iiibatJihe pol : did That .proud man n went dewa like aJiog in the mire. He -forget his vewf and -yfetoff anio gotamar4 FJi-MtPzSFWmm het was looking for: thsflejshpots. Iti wSi a woman he -aied,,;aud; begot Wg aajpljfch,e-FPperfi ThatV. the way Lutheristo twgan . He start-i . .-.t r 4 " .- i7 fine1' J 1 preached, an easy doctrine so that -when bodied tbffueahda had t-!2Do'7. .ustt ima awar f SfcB? -LRied8pQL iiears ago, ad hiaeonk may bw burning id hell, but 'did nit scandal die? It diduot. hdussnde1 nav'tfooe to, heli because, of, the ecaudal Luther started." ladiifstion aridConstipation. . taking ChjsmberiftijQ's.TAb.lets e a 1 ter:suairing?from xndiiegtkm aid oonstipatiou for-- years without! flirdinsr snythiuir- to :retieve'me .: ChiihBerraTn i TabletV heTpeF a1!0 cficV?ind0fid0theinJI1for leverjil weks .tipras Qureot ot'. the! ut 90m plaint," ., writes " Mary E. .Mp Mullen, Phfeips, N. Y. In the six thousand years 'Of recorded existence, the.1 hand, of pr greesiep has advanced buV Ht- tie on the great dial of time; the Fifty yetr owear"Arcbing in the Wilderness, under,- the leader ship rf Mosesrwere not unlike the remaining five thousandyeaVswe all have marcEed' and fasted aud' prayed - and hoped, -and yet' the1 PromisedLau.d is not injight th crirriual records run that Men still remains iu his primal state, su' dued only bv written laws whioh Society hs enaoted for its' own Dreservation. Tbe love of God or tbe fear of God remains whVre'Adam Jeft it and where! Mesesrfound it, and proof of his 'H f 5 1 . - . ....... : i assertion is seen in the taot that th ere aire Cains .hoimbr,ue their ,ud in their brother's -lood J ban and Joseph still wears his cqatof many colors and is hated of bis 1. . brethern : Hamor s son stiU: lives to - defile the daughter of ijah ; Sodom and, G. morrah, with a few more righteous men,' is still chart ered iu a thousand places; the edict of. Aaron isTstiy heard in the land audi the Golden Gal f is I being worshipped, it still is thy I God O Israet. Everything. " : s-4ss Only One Entirely Satisfactory. "1 have tried various colio and diarrhoea remedies, but the, only noe that has , given me entile sat isfaction and, cured me whep I'.was Afflicted is Ohanabtjrlaiu'f Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea: Remedy. I recommend it to my friends st .U'trmBBV' write. . F.Qslloway, rstswfttt, a. 0. bednl hijw bassist MriEditor: . . . While. I. am ioused in on account of high, water I will give jou 1 few dots from this part of the state. : MtTbvsday, evening, June , 8rd, parties oame driving up and said they had orders from up the river to come here and seoure the bridge which is aoroes Big Coharie RiTw is place against the flood tbat waBocmiog down at a raPHt tbedlt.fast to trees aud weighted it down secure ly It seemed strange indeed to me to, be preparing fora.ood be fore it;Wastsight. 'fpot ' lK fead vme faith in;irJka they said and wnt;about getting ready tforK it. t got my boa t ijiread ueBS k and tied it in a oon venient plaoe Wife got busy catching, ohipkeos; and turkeys an.mcyJiigjQUing hens. ?W hkteJbPMH waa ueoesssry and wtb a clear cpnsci "e of. duty done, I ,Uy, dQwa about 10 o'clock to rest. Ahnat 11 o'clock wife came to .mj , bed side, and. said the .water ljsd got into the hog pen. 80 . 1 Juijtened to the rescue of my hog. 1 found theml ,ittinIJ: and almost ex haustedvpjBithjuiyAxe I wad- . ed in and made an oDenincr 'for f-: i . . ; . - sr . . i. them to swim out.-; From the, hog pen we waded around saying more chickens, turkey s,,eto. ,We found one turkey hen floating with the 4ggs all around her. Wet took her with tbe eggs aud put them iu a .x and Strang! to say she hatoh every.. egg.' Then I went to see after the horses and found them knee deep in water. After, get ting them on a high knoll .ut qf water, I.waded hack to the house watching. Friday morpiog tbsr- A t M . . water was a pout t wo teet deep in our yard snd still rising, and con tinued to rise till about 10. o'clock that day. So I waded out and got my boat and pat it into service. The girls . took charge of the boat and used it for pleasure, row iug around in the yard. ( They did not venture out of the 7rd, however, because the current down the public road was so swift. But wjiep the , water commenced to all it went off at a rapid, rate, and by Saturday we. could, see some land again. The cause of .this flood, was a oloud burst and .the breaking cf two or three mill dams about thirty miles up the river. The over-fliw was averag ed at about a mile or mile snd a half wide. The water destroyed a great deal of property bridges, fences and crops. It reminded one of what had been read about the Galveston, Texas, flood. I am still : having luck fishing. I Caught a fine Jack spmetiue. ago that weighed five pounds. A few days . after that I caught .some thing that I was acutally , afiatd of., I had uever seen anything like it before. It had a bill, like a bird, about six inches , long, with very sharp teeth. I was nearly three feet long. I was puz zled to know .what to name it. but pretty , soon a . neigbor . came te my rescue and cs lied it a gar. I am. very much afrad the flood has destroyed, many of ,the wild turkeys and, birds that nest on the groui d. Hid some fun with a , shunk sometime ago that got amongst our chickens one night while a' friend and bis family were visit ing us. They had never , seen a skunk aud did not know how od orous their odor was . I heard .a commotion out in the poultry yard abcut dark. I got my gun and called my faithful dog. About, that 4im& tha-cdor . ot- the skunk, whioh is unlike all , other odors, commenced filling the yard and house, and the death stiqt did not' stay the odor. We had to burn rags'sjnd Tuse other "disinfect ing metbQds-beforejwejuld feep. , Your ppsr is still a welcome visitor in our home, r .. Smoerely, - BAtoir,

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