-The Carolina Watchman X?m, H. STEWART, Editor and Owner hAlished Every Wednesday, 120 West Innes Street ' ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE A , Watchman, 1 year, , . , . .75 Record 1 year, . .... t .75 The Progressiva Farmer, 1 year," 1.00 All 3 for a year each, only $1.50 Entered as second-class matter January 19th, 1905, at the post office at Salisbury, . M.C., under the act of Congress of March 8rd, 1879.9 Salisbury, N. C, June 23, '15. Geoeial Km Matters Items of Interest to our Readers Gathered and Condensed tor Quick Assimolttion. Much Important legislation is expeoted to come before the ana bI session of the Georgia legisla ture which begins in Atlanta to day. ' The Assembly also will wit nets a ohange of governors, Nat E. Harris of Maoon, sucoeediug John M. Blaton of Atlanta, June 20. Measures which it, is anuoai.c d will be introduced will provide for woman suffrage; compulsory education; a secret ballot in all lections ; a cotton warehouse sys tem and will abolish looker olubs; proh'ibit the sale of near-beer; abolish capital punishment and liminate convention meetings r State and congressional cffioes by declaring nominees the candidate reoeiving the highest number of county unit Totes How violators of the oleomar garine law have defrauded the government out of at least $27, 000,000 due in stamps and special taxes was revealed by Secretary MoAdoo in a statement based on a preliminary report on a sweep ing investigation oonduoted by Commissioner Osbo'rn, of the In ternal Revenue Bureau Frauds committed as long s go as 1902, immediately after the enactment of the law have been uncovered. The commissioner began his in quiry some months ago and since then unpaid tsx8 aggregating $850,000 have been recovered and deposited in the treasury "with the prospects of further very large collections." Forty-two violators of the law have been convicted inoe the first of January and 29 of these have been given prison aentenoes . Fines aggregating $148,000 have been assessed, in addition to the recoveries actually made and the announcement de clares the investigation will be continued. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days druggist will refund money if PAZO VENT fails to cure -n? case of itchine. ngfakt. Bleeding or Protrudii a Piles in6tol4dr. tSai first application give Base and Rett.' 50. North Carolina sent more Con federate veterans to the big reun ion held in Riohmond this month that Virginia or any other State, according to statistics carried in a statement given out yesterday by Capt. David A. Brown, Jr., chair man of the entertainment com mittee of the reunion. It is shown that 64 809 meals were Berved to veterans and 4,200 meals to mili tiamen., Captain Brown shows the number of visiting veterans from each State for whom accom modations were provided : Veter ans from Virginia, 2,200; North Oarolina, 2,940; Sauth Carolina 595; Alabama, 750; Georgia. 038; Texts, 60; Mississippi, 851; Ar kansas. 108; Kentucky, 885; Mis sonria, 60; Indian Territory, 9; "West Virgini, 102; Oklahoma, 12; Maryland, 76; Florida, 95. Only One Entirely Satisfactory. "I have tried various oolio and diarrhoea remedies, but the only noe that has given me entire jat- isfaotion and cured me when I was afflicted is Chamberlain's Colic, .Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. I recommend it to my friends at all times," writes i3. F. Galloway, Stewart, 8. 0. Atlanta, Ga., June 21. Leo M. yrank today began serving a life aentence at the Georgia prison firm for th) murder of Mary 1'bagan, the 14 year old employe of the pencil faotory of which dp was superintendent. His hurried sooret rip by train and automo- tile from the Atlanta jil to Mil ledgeville was prsoeded by a few h inrs the issuance of a long state xnent by Governor Slaton giving Jhis reasons for commuting the fltaath sentenoe, which was to have lxen executed tomorrow, to life imprisonment. - Tblrty-Six Por 35 Cento Dr. King's New Life Pills are li)w supplied in well -corked glass bottles, containing 86 sugar coated white pills, for 25o. One pill with a glass of water before retir ing is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Effective and positive in results. Cheap and oonomioal to use. Get a bottle to day. take a dose to-night your Constipation will be relieved in the morning; 80 for 25s., at all Druggists. - ' Tits Quinine That Doe Not Affect The Haad TB 'cause of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA- T I VH BKOMO QUININE is better than ordinary uuim fnxi aCk VlhitliriUttllllV - taTJrrprppao.y-ine uons c. tchttfk OahiA- .pnj mJ ow iuKoaiiiDury'no bad back ib 'h t-Vy enrW.drv aoods.' crockerVtia at tiissheit bed-1 stiffiWA i. A' burden time com-JB-r y - Jast aa bothersome in he mornr eg. --'" Ever. try Doau'e Kidney Pilia for ik? I Kuow they are for kidney'back ach', aud for other kidiiH ills? If yna don't eonae Salisbury pe pie do. R-ad a case 01 it: Mri J. E I gram, 827 E Kirr St . Sa uborv. aiys: 'Fvr life 5 Hrt I waa oudcr the doc or's care for iiif4nat'ion of th I) adder ai d disordered kidt.eys, My baok was weak and I oou d hardly get about. I had a burn lug sensation across my loins. My kidneys. were inactiv and the secretions caused no annoyance, 1 a ' m v my neaa acnea ana l w-e.sn a ziy that I almost fpll. Spots floated efcre my e-es. The doctor couldn't givn me relief and I be gan taking Doan's Kidne ' Pills. rra a -r every dox 1 tooK did me mnrf ood thsn the one bnfore and it vasan't long befrre I was cured of kiduev trouble." Price 0O0. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy, get Doau'e Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs Ingram had. Fotr MilburnCo., Props., Bofialo, N Y. W sjr I eed'Htiff iito . lie lias an advertisement in ihis'' paper and liuvites-you tTgrye him a call." J The quarterly sssiouof S the County Caaip P 08. of !iwili be held at RookweljL tocrorpw tiignt wnen jt'jarge orowd:vwm bt resent abd a-deliihlrul" ftmiisi "boro; ? inn, : ,"I have MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT I YOU will SAVE 56 ds. PER CAL THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals. L.C&M. Semi Mixed Real Paint 18.40 And 3 gals. Unseed Oil to mix with it at estimated cost of 2.40 Makes 7 gals. Paint for $10.80; It's only $1.54 per gal. . Tfce L. A M. SEMI-MIXED1 r-Aania i rust, WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL Use best iaowa IMlnt materials) for 10 yean. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint made, then return the pajnt and get all your money back. Owens Drug Co,, Winston Salem Geo C Goodman & Co., Mooresville S L Mullen, Huntersville Davis Bros., East Bend F W Day, Boonville J A Logan, Yadsinville Unas A. Peeler, Faith T J Lyerly , Graniteuarry pec ted by the members path's rder who maTy attend. Rockwell V mows how. to jive th boys the, time of their life and is going in 1o it, - , i : Another meetiug to diouss th advisibihty of establishing a creamery for .Rowan in Salisbury will be held ia the old dourt house Fndpy evening at 8 o'clock. Stanley Combes, of the depart ment of agriculture is bxpeitwd to e present and furnish some infor mation on the snbjeot. It is a in 1 1 take to hold ibis meeting at uight if the farmers aro expected ti take an interest in it, however, it is h.ped all will attend who can. William Jennings, the peerless, passed through-Salisbury en route to Asheville Monday morning. . The Salisbury Bar k and Trust Company has a. ohange of adver tUement in today's ps per . They are safe and Accommodating. The entertainment in the old c urt housfulast Friday evening lya class of children from the Odd Fellows ' Home at tfoldsboTo was a very rocaessful affair. The Brown re onion will be held this year in the Peeler Grove at Granite Quatry on Thursday, Au gust 26tb. . The 4th of July celebration to be held here Monday, Julv 5h, is taking on loms interest, Quite a number of prizes are to be awarded, a parade will be had and numerous' numbers of interest are being arranged for. Of oourse the town will be full for tbis oc casion. Whitlook A Byrd one of Salis bury's leading shoe firms, has an interesting advertisement in tbis paper to which attention is called. These gentleman are among the most reliable and agreeable people to deal with in the city. The library benefit on the Grubh building Friday evening ! was quite a success . ESSIABEH:- ::mSfflnBEWElt n hZf rW s s . . - iou ibwlds.ip the system. 50 cents ByLffaE. Pinkham's Vest- KH ' " -v 1 Out Malaria And Bund UTh4 f rl Take, the" Old, Stand4RQJ4 rASSTiSL,iSS cBlll TONIC? Yon kfei what you arte taking as the formula is he .Qukmedrives out malaria, the Whenever You freed a QeftWai"Toalc .ay. lane viruvc'a - ... .' .... e Old Standard Grove's Tasteless, chill Tonic, is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains ths well known tonic propertiesof QUI NINE and IRON. It acts on the t,iver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches -the Blood aui Builds up the Whole System. 50 cenii ' latleiaipound end Wanb ifi&5rm DO YOU WANT A NEW STOMACH? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars regard ing this wonderful Remedy which has benefited thousands, apply to Ssnitii OrugGo. Salisbury, N.C, m mW str. i7tft'youior-Joiie..time''' 'totellyecrwhat y6uv wonderful remedies vhatedone f or me. I :was a sufferer from female weakness and displacement and I would have such tired, worn out feelings, sick head aches and dizzy spells. Doctors did me no good so I tried the Lydia E. Pink- ham Remedies Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash. I am now well and strong and can do all my own work. I owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and want other suffer ing women to know about it." 'Mrs. H. E. Maben, 211 S. Spring, St., Mur freesboro, Tenn. 1 This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from , native roots and herbs, has for nearly forty years proved to be a most valua- ble tonic and invigorator of the female organism, - Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderf ul vir-j tue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. , : - Why IiOse Hope. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will beonened. read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidences President Wilson was under stood Monday to have virtually deoided on Robert Lansing as Secretary of State to suooeed Wil iiam Jennings Bryan. Por an Impaired Appetite. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few deses of Chamberlain's Tablets Mr. J. H. fieitz, of Detroit, Mioh., ays: 'They restored my appe- . . 1 - -a - lite wnen impairea, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and latiiiactory move ment of the bowels. June Hot LK-H Weather Specials. One of the Bellas Chain of 10 Stores that Sell for Seamless Socks 25c. Foil !ze aou-nless cck for 25c 70 yard wide Bea Islaud 5c 5j yard wide eheetiug for 4c Sxtra good grede overall denim 12 12c 10j B Chevoit for work shirts lu short I'enetbs. Made at Salia bo rv (Motion Mill, for 6c yd White Goods for Skirts. Nice selection 6f- white -skirtii'e yd wide lii.on fiuieh for 12 1-2c& 15c Yurd wido beach cloth tins tor skirts at 20c and 25c 40o Gabardine yard wide the sea sons most popular skirting for 25c o o o o o o o o Men's and Bovs Overalls. ml Always go d .s-Ipom-h rfbry. vra 'le at 25c, 39c and 48c MpiiN ovf!alls pains witftou', epr u eitber pin ch -f V kil for 48c. 75c and 98c Our Special Overall T5e. These sre what some stores sell for 1 00, full cot, made of le9tdpi)im, and a buigain for T5c Vei 'p $1 50c tt n wonted pan p, 98c Men's 13 50 all wool blue serg pants, for $2.48 Men's genuine Palm Becah Suit, $4.95 8o Dress 6ingbamf for 5c Tr&de'at the store that sells good goods at reasonable prices ILIiHMMY- SALISBURY, fj. G. 8)E dp ?kn! Iki Sob in Ik Ink kky I of your earninf season ifyou donH dant a, SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES. ' 0 Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that ex-ghenff, J. H. McKenzie, be instructed to sell on Monday the 12th day of July, 1915, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the 1 ws of North Carolina, all the lands In Rowan County on wnicn tne taxes tor 1914 remain unpaia, a iisi oi wnicn lauas to De soia, ana. tne a- mount of taxes due thereon, with cost of advertisement added, as required by Section J. H. McJUfiJNZIE, Ex-Sheriff of Kowan County. 2883, Revi sal 1905, is as follows. Name 1912 1913 19:4 Titil Acres Lot AT WELL TOWNSHIP. I 27 $ 27 $ Albright J J Bwart J R Kerr E W Lsazer A MoLean J C Petrea J W Leaser W B Sloan Sarah I Watson Rose 2 96 9 77 11 27 6 79 83 14 28 64 26 64 10 68 9 26 7 62 6 88 8 10 49 49 CHINA GROVE Beaver W F 2 67 Capr Jas O 5 40 7 77 M ze J R 90 Seohler Misa Annie I 71 SlanshLM 94 1 45 7 89 89 71 94 4 89 54 12 78 18 26 50 28 19 89 18 90 98 21 C6 1 42 1 88 2. 40 55 245 229 76 41 31 1 Hoovar Mrs Amanda CLEVELAND. .Armstrong R K 9 84 81 60 Barbei Mis J 17 63 20 54 20 59 Barber Mrs E A est 18 88 14 27 64 78 200 nffing la bead. Remember the full name and icr iu eigcaiuw t swwvj(.r5i do 1911 12 1 88 1162 40 65 68 Ha r W Y 18 93 17 17 86 10 1 Davis J H 8 20 17 89 25 59 175 Gt B fe Emma Davis 1 29 1 29 2 58 4 Qnffiin Mary 62. Jrnes Laura E 2 27 1 Knox Jesse est 1 88 1 60 1 41 489 Kerr 88 1 MarlinJokuJr 4 21 2 Marlin Henry eBt 155 14$ Oakley Aleo est 1 60 l Phifer Alice 1 83 1 41 1 79 4 58 18 1 Rsnkin John 8 84 8 84 7 18 1 Smith Rev J S 5 68 5 68 11 86 1 Taylor Charlotte 91 1 88 2 79 1 Wood Rich est 2 14 1 14 8 28 1 Wood Will 4 70 5 08 4 82 14 55 1 Wood Price 41 41 82 1 Wood Elmore 5 59 9 59 15 18 1 Wood Anderson 8 29 6 81 1 87 10 47 1 White Andy 10 88 1 Cowan Anderson est 7 04 57 Coleman John 45 8 38 8 88 7 21 12 Crawford Alioe 1 80 1 80 3 60 18 Phifer A 5 24 5 46 5 48 16 18 47 Phifer Johnson 4 24 42 Phifer Scott 2 62 22 WoodNeal 2 98 80 FRANKLIN," BargerJF 2 31 8 86 6 17 49. Kepley H Lee 1 85 1 64 1 63 4 62 26 Obuan A 1 74 6 60 4 77 12 11 37 Hargrave John 184 15 Hawkins Scott 2 85 14 Mme 1912 Gold Hill Cons Co do Hartman John Miller R P 9 72 Miller Jas A Jr 1 25 Misenheimer H N Murph 0 W 1913 1914 155 40149 11 8 01 8 01 Total Acres Lot 820 62 feW dollars in tKb ank NOW. IFE Is juxt a, matter of farming of finding flaS fertile soil in a Jood field cTtreakinJ Jiomd and fcebij patieni. TKe 3iar?e5tin comer larb -Die main Work mask he done vmile lcai reulb are 5)Win,,- fferierf Kaufman. f WG PAY 4 PER CENT. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. 6 50 79 7 22 1 43 89 7 57 147 Oanup D J Cauble J A Joseyiiss Lillie Klutti 0 M D Price Mrs Jennie Wesley D A Brown Napolen 1 65 1 65 7 73 7 72 . LITAKEtV 3 93 5 39 4 92 6 25 1 14 4 18 9t 4 62 1 68 24 51 4 20 4 70 21 95 80 14 20 83 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Saiisbuy, N. C. filflck J C Blackwelder J H L Barger J L Bradshaw Mrs Nora Hampton B N Hampton Franklin Smith Annie 23 6 24 1 14 4 18 94 13 97 855 LOCKE 81 94 66 58 10 50 10 23 3 61 4 20 92 92 10 97 7 87 9 32 17 41 2 28 8 26 1 88 18 59 284 6 15 80 46 12 23 23 98 52 343 20 73 66 7 81 1 81 28 74 8 69 69 8 12 77 1 MORGAN. Trontman W O est S Harris William Harris Atthur Prioe Sa ShioDGeo lAVlTliston Mrs DlT 2& Davis Mrs O k75 Fisher Reuben ' 3 60 Glover Jas M 2 50 Glover MraJl M .fthyver GOLD HILL. 2 00 2 87 2 87 17 1 85 17 8 86. 8-J6 79 79? 4 1616 2 59 2 59 6 74 1 85 84 47Qf 12 1007. 15c v 11 82- X68- .2 032J17: 4 14 24: 64 55 26- . 2ft 1'77. Holshouser Miuuio 95 95 Morgan Martha L 8 31 8 31 Morgau JO .30 36 36 .Reed Earl 6 00 8 82 8mith Chas 6 40 6 40 Thomas Jno A 4 00 4 78 4 75 Thomas Jno M 1 CO 1 19 1 19 MT. ULLA 3 80 8'81 5 83 66 71 7.52 87 87 82 39 89 71 8 82 8 93 1 48 - 12 76 11 70 PROVIDKNCtfi 33 fB3 2 17 W 3 81 3 21 1 90 16 16 62 155 I 02 7 14 82 6 12 8 J 108 13 53 90 3 88 25 Leflr Mrs R S Chambers Frank Cornelisou S J Cowan W A Cowan Chas ' Knox Mag " Murdock Lucy Oakley Oscar Oiklev Frank Pearson Ben 7 61 5 33 66 1 74 1 10 71 7 80 1 48 46 7 7 57 71 8 7 24 46 111 Miller Mrs Homer Waller Herbert Archie Luke Holmes Alice Lyerly William Roberts Vess 76 2 52 66 4 34 3 81 8 21 76 2 52 2 1 2 2 3 2 Shaffer F R L Cowan Jim Young Arthur tfft3MV S D HaWkin Lewis Parker Battie !Turner"Ross Wood O W Brown Credo, Myers Willi, m Fleming Pears u Peats u Joseph ST EELE, 28 92 31 21 2 44 1-42, 1 90 1 90 SCOTCH IRISH." V8 88 3j67 . C9 96 109-.,. .v.-'8.85 82 1 84 -'UlTJr' . ; - 2 01 2 ai aoo, .4 90. 2J172 17 60 18 2 44 5 22 755 9 96 1 C9 8 85 2 16 182 25 21 48 68 28 120 8 8 01 25 45 4 8486" This Is Top Dresser Year If you have fertilized your crops lightly at planting time, or used fertilizer lacking in potash, it is not too late to remedy this, provided you Top or Side dress with a fertilizer containing sufficient proportions of all three necessary elements of plant food Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Potash. Do not make the mistake of using a material that contains Nitrogen (Ammonia) only, such as Nitrate of Soda. To get the increase in fruitage, as well as stalk and foliage, use ROYSTER'S TOP DRESSERS, which not only provide ammonia in quickly available form, but also phosphoric acid and POTASH. ROYSTER 'S TOP-DRESSERS TRADE MARK REGISTERED. Will stimulate the growth of your crop, increase the yield, overcome unfavorable seasonal conditions, and trheck the tendency in cotton to blight and shed. BRANDS PRESTO TOP DRESSER, . - . ROYSTER'S SPECIAL TOP DRESSER, MAGIC TOP DRESSER - - . Available 4. 4. Ammonia 10. 7.50 9. Potash 4. 2.50 3. Royster top dressers, like all Royster Fertilizers, are backed by experience: compounded on scientific principles: plant-food for the plant at just the proper time and in right proportions: mechanical condition perfect. t-ooK i or tne traae-mark on every bag. Send postal for book on Top Dressing; and name of nearest RoyBter Dealer. - F. S. ROYSTER. .GUANO COMPANY, N. C. . Norfolk, Va. Spartanburg, S.1. Charlotte, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. '- ilontiiomery, Ala Tarboro, Macon, Ga. ' Baltimore, Md. Columbia, S. C. Columbus, Ga. - -r..t. T

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