inz tothe Paiejknd Sickly iauiiv vm wpiM p m w , s www II .5. t I ''' - '.. &. 1 " -.f.t i DHHVU'fl Does GeneratBankmg Busmen wk! PAT FOUR FERICENT on time de posits. Intereit payable every 8 months ompt attsnion given to any busi cms entrusted to us. : Yourbuainess solicited. fTPeoples National Bank KHentJ-D-NOrSen RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism; Neu ralgia. Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores. Tetter, Ring-Worm,-Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally o externally. 25c BARGAIM-THRESHIM3 OUTFIT Slightly used 6 H. P. I. H C, Gasoline Engine Mounted and No. 3 Little Giant Thresh er. Used but little. Wil be sold at great sacrifice to quick purchaser. Salisbuay Hardware & B. 2w. Furniture Co. Farms for Sale ' 1. 100 acres of good farmii g laud, seven miles from Salisbury Good dwellings, good pasture, well watered, two 'wells, plenty of timber and red soil. Will sell as a whole or iu part Ooe third cash balance on long time. Far father lufarmation, call on are address, Wm. H. Stiwart, Salisbury, N. C. No. Six-Sixty-Six This is prescription prepared especially, for MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER. Five or six doses wih break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25 Fitting GlassW Relief 01 -uo China. Qi&mzmC. bS-ll I M?IaArWM the Vlood builds up the yitenC PaVXVt K v-tt -rvf ttir-t v - - if The mint makes it and under the terms of the GoNtiNaNTAii Mortgigb Com pany you can secure it at 6 f 01 any legal purpose on approved real estate Terms easy, tell us your Wants and wi will co-operate with you FEi-iY a conn any, : R5-5 UldLytton Bids: Ohioaeo. Ill 7 ar fill mm n THE GROCER ft. Writterr'; by OUR CORRESPONDENTS. tug.iabjs town. " 3 llrsj- J, H PeUcTh,ss fceen tick for'sHtral daystiniNjproyiDg 1 tnow reaa uardner 01 Dana- THE SOOllfflia Lnmbf CO. Sells galvat.iz ed roofing "fi rook bottom pric He parries a full lineoLHlgh Grade Groceries a . . very low prices. ABuys all kinds of Produce, Chickens, Eggs,. Bacon, and . vegetables. See Mm Headquarters for Watkins Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. G.P.SIIUPItJG For Surveying. Farms and-Cily Property, Plots, Deeds. Maps, etc, write A. Trenlerr R. F. D. No. 6, SALISBURY, il. C, 'Phone: Liberty. ' Adminstrator's Notice . Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mary Jane Bostian, deeearel, late of Rowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said dec ased to exhibit them to the undersigned at China Grove on or before the 28th day of May, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the estate will please make immediate payment, The 25th day of May, 1915. D. White Bostian, bminiBtrator of Mary Jane Bostian, deceased. Walter H. Woodson, atty. Adminslrators Notice. ?uali1 e of. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of John R Sloop, late of Rowan County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12 day of May, 1916. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement with the undersigned administratrix, or T. G. Furr at Salisbury, N . U. Mas. Emma O. Sloop, Admx. of John R. Sloop This May 12, 1915. T. Q. Furr, attorney. 9 BUY GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE NOW THE BIG y Is still in progress at JTo WJLc Mill: ou North Main Street, next to l. C. Rufty's Grocery, is no a in full swing. "tlen'e & Boyo' Clothing. Shoeo. Hats, Shoes Undenvear. &Cm9 will go for less than 33 per cent on the dollar. Mr. Miller is selling a lot of goods only slightly dam aged by water at very low prices and wants all of his former patrons and friends to call and get their, pot tiou of the li i trier o us big bargains whkh are being ots fered. You are invited to call and take a look, if you find a bargain to suit you, you will be ,the gainer. Come early for the goods ar'a going fast. Remember the place, J. TJ. Hiller, Clothie North HainlSt., Salisbury, N. C. Jdue 2U The '. farmers grf: aboufc twougn wiinnau naTVfwJtfvisitiDB her sister. au-arer very Dsyuultfvitrlrf hiJaoe, Saturday and San tfiei 'PA 't'Z r-- day, . 4" t.jtlnanOf aer jbjd v 3$ T. Wyatt reoHived an ordei mpHs;: thsre todty fcr Dlu9 pajr 0f millstones. et gooa roaas iu The Faith Grauite Co., received !. AmoLf? those I au or(j,r today for the granite to phased new autos in in a faotory building. v our odinouiity are Joues Reidaiid -puher A MoGombs will fliiisb J. W. Aller. . I fchbir nr Inad c.f millalmiaa this t ':'i tj'ir t XT it: jl . j- - ' oLr.i ru- jxL is. j. iv. is aua I grAk .- " , . son, u fence, visited at the ftomH Fitik and Y st crossed bats with of Mri i Wise's parents, Mr, and I ff-ith Hatnrrl.u ThB annvi 8 j . " Mrs. 1. 0. Shaver, Stturday auo 0 5 m fBVr Gf Faith. Sunday Mrs. John Ritihia ad children Albert T. Eag'e of Salisbury, k--v r-na to Hhiha Qrnv to visit 1 was married yesterday afternoon Q m other-ili law .Mrs Lawson at 3 o'clock t j Miss Mary Caunp Ritohie. of Richfield, Stanly C uuty, at Miss Trula Lii.ale. Willie Bare the home of the bride's parent, er and Oallie Bsrger have gone to Rev. "'G. W. Vick of Salisbury, per Kanuapolis. " formed the ceremony. Mr. and Youog lady at Charles Raney's Mrs. Esgle will make their home Joo 9th. in Salisbury. We wish for them Young ladf at Hall Rusher's a long and happy lifer jnue 8th. Mrs. Marvha Lisk is very ill at Young engineer it John Corl's this writing, we -are sorry to note. jnne 11th. Mr. and Mrs Neely Liik"of Oon The program for the 4ih of July cord, visited relatives in this ooa- PXeroises has been printed and are muuity! last week being mail d and giveu out. A , L. Shaver visits at Wiley olg time iiVspeofeed. A free din Wise's quite often. ner is to be given the old soldiers Walter Basinger is wearing a The lodges hate the matter in smile from ear to ear . It's a girl, hand ani it is going to be a big Mrs. James Arey recently re Uime. caiv d s handsome new buggy as Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Brown a present from her mother'. Invites.the patronage of all the people in this sec tion who desire a good bank of dependable seivice. We are interested in the growth and development ' of our county and we are always ready to encourage "and assistthose who are doing things We receive deposits subject to check and isue certificates of deposits "bearing interest payable on demand. . 7 ft W: E, MeWllIRTKR, Cashier. W A. Stoker visited at Albe marie Saturday and Sunday Bill Sale 01 yalaable Real Estate. .. Pursuant to the powers contained in a certain Morteaee Trust Deed executed by Calvin Ferrand and wife, Allie L. Ferrand, on September 3, 1910, to John J. Stewart, trustee, etc., which is duly recorded in the office or the j Register of Deeds for Rowan county in Book of Mortgages No. 40, page 12 default havng been made in the pay ment of the note therein seoured and John J . Stewart having died and the . undersigned having duly qualified aal his administrator, and at the request of the holder of said note, the under signed administrator will expose for Hale at public auction for cash at the ourt house door in the city of Salis bury , N . C. on Thursday 15th dsy of July 1915, .. at 12 M., the following described real estate: Beginning on a stone J, F, Cowan's 8. W. corner in.Clampet's line ; thence as Cowan's line N. 44 deg W 83 poles to a hickory and stone, Cowan's - corner ; thence as his line S. 40' deg; W. 2 poles to a itoi.e formerly a ' hickory, said Cowan's corner; ; thence as his line N. 3K degs. W. 60 poles to a stone in an old line between said Reese tract and lands now owned t by Calvin Rose, J; F. Cowan's corner, ' thence W. 24 poles to a pile of stone, Jfct. Okely's corner; thence as Okely's line 8. 2 degs. W. 94 poles to a small - hickory, the corner of the Edmond Burke s children's Cowan land ; thence )L Si 86 degs. E. as the line of the E . Burke heirs tract 67 poles to a stone., their, corner; thence with their line . : H. 2 degs. E. 27 poles to a stones ' Olampet's corner, Burke's line; thenne as Clampet's line N. 67 degs. E . 22'A w. j,0les to tha beginning, containing 25 -i acres more or less. : -ISee book of deeds 75, page 214, Reg--- Min?B office for Rowan county. BETTER GO0KPG- NO MORE DRUDGERY NEW PER F E CT I D N Oil Cookstoyes have made cook ing easier and kitchens cleaner tor 2,000,000 housewives. No more drudgery no more wood-boxes, coal-scuttles, and ash pans. The NEW PERFECTION lights instantly like . gas, and regulates high or low by niereiy raising or lowering the wick. You ffcan do all your , cooking on the NEW PERFECTION just as cheaply and twice as conveniently as on your coal range. Ask your dealer to show you the NEW PERFECTION No. 7 with the new oven that becomes a fire less cooker merely by pulling a damper. Also the PERFECTION WATER HEATER. It makes you independent of your coal range gives you plenty of hot running water. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain the best results in oil v Stoves, Heaters and Lamps. PER w- ins m sm aa. n i it. 1 IAVTJ YES "it" W- i J. , STANDARpie QOIMPANY Waihington, D. Cr)' Charlotte, N. C Norfolk, Va. ' (BAL-ftMQESx Charlton, W. Va. ' . FAITH. i) j June 15. Mrs. C P. Fisher and children are visiting her sisters, Mrs. 0. H. Peck and Mrs. J. O Moore, in Concord. visited Mr. B own'a sister, Mrs P. A. Peeler, Saturday night and Sunday. Faith and China Grove oroseed bats recently and the soore was 1 to 4 iu favor of Faith. Venus G it Kid of Your Raeumatsm No is the tim to pet rid of your th umatism. Yun can do it Charley and Dicker Jones have if you apply Chamberlain's Lmi left for Mt. Airy. - ment. W. A. Lockhard, Hem-; Willie Canup and Will S.tire N Y , writes, "Last tprii.g wait are cutting their wheat crops. I suff-ertd from rheumatism witb One of the bess services that '""Vi" pai,T8 iu my araB B,'d , shouuHrs. I got a bottle of was ever given here was given in Chan.brlain's Linimentand th the Reformed Church Sunday flrit applioatijn relieved me. By night by the children cf the Sun using one bittle of it I wae en- aiv Bcnom. iniB onunran'a dsv tuvn tui-u service was carried through with out a mistake and every child s-lould be praised. Banks J . Peeler, nne of the boys studyiug for the ministry, made an excel lent address. Mt. Peel-r has a promieiug future. The directors, Mrs. J. W. Jones and Miss Mary Peeler, deserve much praise for the splendid training. A large crowd attended. .The people of the Reformed Cburob have voted to build a SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE. A Full Line of General Met chandise Constantly On Hand. v FOOT REST HOSIERY, whether it's appearance you want iu hosiery or wheather it wear yon will get it if you get "Fjpt Rest." And this too is an enduce ment to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY. W SECURITY FRUIT JARS, fresh lot just re ceived. Piuts, Quarts, and half-gallons. Spring and Summer goods, light weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress Goods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Orockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well Selected stock or staple and fancy groceries, country jwodiice, leed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ter-s while in the city. Very; truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. 'Phone 39. Dr. G. Beam. Dr T. L. Spoon. Successors to Philadelphia Painless Dentisti. Iuc. Same manameut. Same gocd honest wTk at reasonable prices. 126 N. Main St. Phone 763. STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority o! Friends Thought Kir. Hughes Would Die, Bat One Helped Him to -Recovery. ' Pomeroyton, Ky. In interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows : "I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. I tried different treatments, but they did not seejn to do me any good. I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, and quit taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did not have any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. I am so thankful for what Black Draught has done for me." Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be keot in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. jj 1 The Secret of a Good Figure often lies in the brassiere. Hundreds of - thousands of women wear the Bien-Jolie - Brassiere for the reason that they regard it as necessary as a corset. It supports the bust - and. back and gives the figure the youthful outline which fashion decrees. B QUE JBS-MT UO L.EE) ipbpgerviceable garments itSEW?r"Wakhn", a flexible bon- imaginable. 'g7rre&):xtarility--absolutely rustless i ner cowTirairvies, anaour local ury Good dealer jJshoPtheSyou on re Gueafci If he does nottaxrv them, he can Easily get them for you bL writing to-us. Send lor bb liiasiraieaoooiuesnovHQg ip&ien uuv ats ill miru luvor. - ... - ' ... - - . . - -t BENJAMIN' &, JOliN 50 WarreriFStreet Let me send you FREEERFUME W rite today for a testing bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The world's most famous perfume, every drop as sweet as the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and hath. Fine after shaving. AI the value is iu the perfume you don t pay extra for a fancv bottle. The quality is wonderful. The price only 75c (6 oz.). Send 4c for the little bottle enough for 50 handkerchiefs. PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD , Department M. ED. PINAUD BUILDING . NEW YORK DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING Gives the BEST VALUE for Your Money 003; Kind from Cotton to Silk, For Men, Women and Children Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair Look for the Trade Mark! Sold by All Good Dealer. WHOLESALE J jOVtl j) Tay lor NEW YORK S m (Dsn oa& 3-in-One is a lieht. pure oil com- Dound that never crams. 3-in-One lubricates nerfectlv sewinz rnachmes.tyTjewriters.bicvcIes,locks.cIocks. as. lawnmowers everything that ever needs oiling in your liosie office. . rJo crease, no ana. a lirue m-ime on a soic cioin cleans f and polishes nerfectlv all veneered or varnished furniture and woodwork.? Sprinkled on a yard of black cheesecloth it makes an ideal Dustless Dusting Cloth? 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on tpm barrels, auto fixtures, bath room fixtures, cas ranees, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays-on. Free J-Zn-Ono -Free. Write today for generous firea bottle and the i 3-in-One Dictionary 01 hundreds ot uses. 3-in-One is sold in all good stores in 3-size bottles: 10c (l ot), 25c (3 oz.), Kn. A m 1 T.rV lien in near atnfiu) n.n1 VI Pan C t"XS . VUmp y U " 1 1 1 ij will, Wl wa VUM S-IN-ONB OIL COMPANY - 42 DA Broadway Wow Tk CUf The rJachovia Bank & Trust Co. "Dls the Strongest. Bank in North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL. . LARQEST ASSETS. U'-fiis giveVSafety and Protection' to our Depositors' - 4pef cent, paid on Saving deposits. Yon can open an account' with one dollar and upwards. 1? 4. VZ.-S-y il, 'idasJqWtihif at Sitsnrfc.1 -r rr 9 ' .- ; - i 1

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