- 1 1 v 1 i -- v::y . ; : :Jy vvr J. A Home NewripSr jpublh forlHonesty in Government a J fc VOL. XL NO. 33. FOURTH SERIES Wia. H. SliiWRT, ED. 4- I lie ': -- -( .fr'ja 'i'-' "' '" ' -'- ' 'X V ' -,- I' CiHes HaTB fells Jtiii it SilljSarj Pisser Up Some Vfiaiili IfifoiBitien ea Witer Sopplf. Ia making a reply to an attempt to (Jitmisi a very important tobjeot by a wave of the hand, a native and tax-payer of Saliabury, makes the following reply : - tialitbary, N O , ; ;- 1 jnly 80, 1915. .lit reply to the article in your paoer of July S9thy headed ' Wells r oaC of consideration,'" . yon say have been abandoned in other and towns in this State, and don't say where or why. Yon say we mast bate our. action ay we mast bate our. action on thj experience of others, and on tlie findings of trained ssientists a j the opinion of the wise men, afid the experience of other cities and towns. That is exactly what tltflf writer is doing, bat has our 3ntifiio and wise men given the voters of Salisbury any data on wSUs, oieeks. rivers and so on to en able them to vote intelligently for - bla. choice of water or bow it should bt had," or are e expeoted to vote for the present plans just because through- some soientifio scarce, it is aid jto. be the very thing? - t is not true that people in Sal isbary who are able are sinking wwfle? , And doesn't at least one of $ur doctors have a -well on hit - pftfpertt? And, if thesanftorinm if fupplied by well water isn't . titt proof from a soientifio stand point that well witer is better than oar present creek system? andoan they show that the pro posed plan will furnish any blotter . quality of water than the present stream, or that its qaality will improve or get worse? The city Of Monroe, N. C, may not poisess'any wise or soientifio men trained, espeoially J n the .. thjB wajffluit Jbajjhe 5)st ' drinking Water in the State, from arteiion wells sunk through the most difficult form of rook with sloping sams. Jt seems strange that thJ didn't get their water from Siohardson's creek which flows through an undisturbed sec tion and is only two miles away . The writer is not a soientifio -expert on water, and is not seeking anything out of this but good water but I do claim to be some wise in seme things. I am in fa vor of schools, but if the votes for water and schools are not taken separately I shall vote against both'. If well water can't be had what about a gravity syBtem, a plain water main from the reser voir at pumping station up to or near the head of the creek, with supply pipe .running from main to springiI claim by so doing the supply will be increased to a very large extent owing to the f aot that it would prevent seapage into the ground, and also evaporation by ts i beat in July and August and give us nearly as muon water as we gTet through the winter months in mv opinion better water lan can be obtained from the mat at a far less ooit. Are there no wise scientific men in the city df Btamlet. N. 0., who are espeoi ally trained in water art? They itava a gravity system installed on orsek rising near Hof man and flows directly through the town, whv did thev sa up the creek Whibh fl 3 ws through the town and capture the water and let it flow into their leiervoir which is in the city by gravity instead of install ing a pumping plant at the,' same cr$ek right in town? V h& is wrong with the people of tbe oitr of Rockingham, N. C? They have a big creek flowing right through the oity with tour ing boats in it for rent, run some of the great factories by water power, and purchase their water from Hamlet, N. 0., which flows from the Hamlet reservoir -to the Rookingbam reservoir by gravity, jfchd, Hamlet would no doubt be lad to furnish water to other points in Eastern North Carolina as far down as Wilmington, and oaie points in South Carolina in thVeame manner. In the city of Asheville, N. 0. W nava tne Deao"Ini trench (tma iivei tonooing tne oiy, they have the gravity system lead ing from the mountains, and they allow no trespassing on tbe water shedy there is plenty of water in the French' Broad and it seems strange that they would run a p ;pe line awar put to the side. of. the mountain to gt water, it is pre sumed though it wss'done to g9t a ereat pressure with a small x- nenie, rather than the quality of t te water. .. . "- - Are there no soientino men m New York city who are especially " -s. . n TITL x trained in tne water arsr w ny did they tunnel under the river and go to the Appalaohain Range of mountains for their water, ,and capture it at the head of the streams? That is a gravity sys tem, and why is trespassing on that water shed prohibited? It is one of the best and most expensive plants ih the world. Are there no soientifio men who are wise and especially trained in tbe water art in Can Franoisco? They have a gravity system, costing millions and thiy tunneled through moun tains of the Rocky mountain range a great distance from the city, built trestles acre as valleys to car ry the water from one mountain to the other in order to capture the water at the head of the streams and deliver it to the oity by gravity. Why did they fool all that money away? And why is the water shed guarded and no trespassing allowed? It is because those who are skilled in the art have found that any kind of river water will not do, and if it was possible to filter bad water and make it pure, the money which was spent in these great cities for gravity systems would have been spent for filtering plants. Now as you say, we jtnusi base our aotion on the experience of others, and on. the Audit gs of trained .scient ists, 4nd the opinion of : hf .wise men anjoVtBe'xpeTrtenfle of'otjrtr cities on water, and if the brains and actions of the above named cities cannot be relied on, then I say rely on our home grown brains and vote f or river water. Votbb Despondency, Due to Indlgeatloii. 'About three months ago when I was suffering from indigestion which caused hesdaohe and diss; spells and made me feel tired and despondent, I began taking Cham berlain's Tablets," writes Mrs. Geo. Hon, Macedon. N. Y. ''This medioine proved to be the very thing I needed, a one day's treat ment relieved me greatly, I used two bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and they rid me of this trouble." Obtainable everywhere. Bepler for Bond Electioo In order to vote for or against tba.proposed bond issue on Au gust 7th, it is necessary to regis ter as a new registrasion is re quired. The books are now open for this purpose. The registrars and where they are to be found are as follows. North Ward: L. A. Swioegood, office oourt house annx. East Ward : W. T. R. Jenkins, office new court house. South Ward: J. M. Brown, offioe city hall. West Ward: J E. Webster, offioe Morris Plan (Loan) Co. The registrars can be seen at the above plaoes from July 20th until Aagast otn. make it a point to register. Remember you oancot vote un less registered by Friday evening, and remember jour vote will not be counted for or against the measure unless cast. Is Sickonss a Sin? If not, it's wicked to neglect ill ness and means of relief . It's wioked to endnre Liver Ilia Head aohf, Iudigestion, Constipation, when one dse of Po-Do-Lax gives relief Po Do-Lax is Podnnhvl- lin (May Apple), without the r - a i : i. u i. m,u sripc, it amuses sue iiiver, in creases the flow of bile Nature's antiseptic in the rowels. Your constipation and other ills disap pear over night because Po-Do-Lax Visa Hainan Natnra tn ram ova tSa cause. ue a bottle from your Druejiist today. Get rid of your Oonstipatlon over night. Jaoisr data 49 Mm CoDgressmai Burnett tbe Pregrtia Ut - jb Address. . A, - - r Muoh interest oeattra ia ,th meetinsi oflcTs State Council. Juo ior Orders Unittf ' Americana' If -: ebanlcB, that is fjSisbl tm3 The Selwyo will be heada;aarteti ana tne oaiiness meeting w,u I8 in th&lwyrAsseiobly; Halfi; It is expected that tbr : Will bel svt least BOO delegates preieD t f rom the i vsr ions lodges throghlsat the. state "lft&aiecpny these delegates - will be ; ita equal. number ofsitoismakinig l,0Ca7; in all. . . - f-i--.;v;n: Paul Jonee of Tarl(oro ia StatV Councilor and will have charge o7 the meeting. There1 are more than 85,000 Jupiors in the Sta with 400 in Charlotte. Thsre arV three lo-.al ..-douncils, namely : Dif- worth, No. 12; Park NoV 90, auct Empire, No. 425. In addition,' there are several in the county, including those at Hint Hill, Paw Greek and Oprhelias'. It (a ex- peoted that all of these councils will have adequate representation at the Charlotte meeting. Vv It is. stated that Charlotte his fewer Juniors thsn any other point in the State, considering the sifr of the cijyy High Point and a number ol: cities much smaller (n popuUtToihave larger. Junior Order presentation. A strong effort will,be put forth in the fa ture to increse the representa tion hereg-.This is one of tbe ob jeots of tbe oominx of the .State Oc uncil td.Chajlotts, to stimulate interest Urcaiiy. ; . An attractive program haa been arrangel'for this meeting... The looal committee in charge of the urrangements consists of liessra. ( Oharfeaiftl i WTWriar tresurer,r and MeisrsJO! I. Webb.' L.X-Hunter. I M 9 J. U. rfewell, M.-Jones, J. L. I Wilkerson. J. Lawrence Jonee and I representatives from the several j county Junior Urdsr councils. Of interest in tins connection also is the fact that 0. F. Alex- ander ia a oindidate for the office of State vice oouhoilor, the second highest office in the State. A tenative program has been arranged as follows : Tuesday. August 17. State Council will assemble. Parade will be formed for a march through the streets in the after poon after which tbe oounoil and invited friends will gather at the auditorium where the several ad dresses of welcome and the re sponses will be delivered. Address of welcome on behalf of the city by Mayor T. L. Kirk patriok. Response by National Councilor 0. B. Webb of Statesvilie. Address of welcome on behftlf of the local Junior Order Coun cils, by J. P. Newell. Response by Rev. W . B. Dut sera of Salisbury. Adjournment. Wednesday, August 10. 9 a. m. Business sesion at Sel- wyn Assembly Hall for the tram- action of routine work. 5 p. m. Street par ride to Lake- wood Park where a watermelon feast will be in waiting for the'1 visitors. Following the feast. there will be an address at the Lakewood pavilion by Congress- i man Burnett of Alabama, author of the Burnett immigration bill whioh ia said to be very near to the hearts of Juniors generally. This is an open meeting to which the public is cordially invited. An invitation has been extend ed to Governor Craig . to be pres ent at this time and deliver an address. Thursday. August 19, 9. a m. Belwyn assembly hall. noutme ousiness notn morning and afternoon with election of officers, appointment of commit- tnen hearinsr of Tonorta nnt nro. I . a - ir f v .i. viously submitted, etc - 1 AOiournment. Mayor Kirkpatrick has appoint the following, Committee in rais I ing f nods with whioh to entertain the convention ; ' Messrs. 0. O . I Knulir. Ahurmtn W H Tlri w. u, uavis. k. sg, aooggina. K. M. Porbia. W. H Hall and J. H. IHoneyoutt, Areft HelQS mi ttrJ.;:rC:r:. WIS Albemarle, YalyV td Hery 3hoe, who was shcj fron arabtah early Wednesaay i morning. iaear Bis Lick died last plghi aia re alt of iiW1 SVe)Jw; woo Jives nmr 8 pej tTouble, and.tf bfQf 9 and Luther, were arrsted;yest8r- Ibrought to Albemarjaili ? U hai been learnea tnatTjtne stEienjent of fihoe, just before Ihifteathwa'i folvtenditig to j Jmplfojte.:lhe iHeWW'" He iUted that they were the arst to rtion nim aiter he wajshot, aDd that -'both, of them; bad piitoU It is ; stated tbatr.Areh Helmstheir. fathers was ane next so reit a woumaea man . - Dan Hintpntr; iwho was plowing nearby, sajV that whs n he got to Shoe immfrd4aUly: after the shooting the twoAelbo'ys tact their f atheri.were - Vhe Search was made arouad the scene of the tragedy and two sheUit both emptT, were found! on thV place where ther man ' hadoronched bf an "Id stump, f rom which Jia" ihc was discovered froo Sorathes jn the leaves. The eyidently'i after he had emptied Dothsheltf, ou breached his gnu- and dropped the empt?'shells on the1. ground Farther search it Is stated , was made and buried an thV horse stable at the homapf Arch Helms.i was found ft ; dauble-barreled breach-loading -" ' shOtgun?v : Both barrels were empt Thai empty shells were plaesd in the gun and the imprint made by the plunger -xctly fitted the gun found in! the stable. The gon also showed that it had just been used, both A of the barrela presenting'a smoky; fcaetui ,Q.-D Blalock and DeputyJmake lift- worth, whihV! Qaorjre Poolin went to the aoene l ..j of the shooting toaay to maKe further investigation, aud to try to unoover additional evidence. it is said that in tne section wnere the suspected men live the peopleUhe boyoott with all the insenuitv generally are satisfied that Helms and his sous are the guilty parties, and that feeling is intense. Last night late the sheriff was warned to look out for a mob, and from indications of a lynching, through iness osncerns merely because precaution, Helms and his Sons they were "suspeoted of being un were removed to an adjoiniug friendly? oounty for safekeeping. No dem onstration, ao far has been made publicly, which would indicate that there is aanger. Ine limmary hearing will not take place before next week. Ttte dark Qaarautoed ltf "A oustomer came into my store the other day and aaid to one of my olerka, "have you any- thing that will cure diarrhoea? and,.m weu nd. f bottle of Uhamneriata'a uolio, choI and Diarrhoea Remedy, and said to him, if this doei not cure you, l will not charge you al cent ror it. do ne tooc it ana came raoa in a a ay or two said he was cured," writes J . H. Berry & Co., Salt Creek. Va. Ob tainable everywhere. Twa Blm Jackets Killed it Haiti. Washington, July 80. Two American butejecMts were killed last night in an attack by natives on Port au Prince, HaHi, held by Rear Admiral Caperton with 400 1UOU B.M.VMAM WM, " " (ha Afniaav Wa.hinivkAn The attacking party was beatenrl nff withnnt havinir annrnnnhAit a. :Li. - Closer tuiiu u uubia.trta oi tuej -u- uB.rf Nrt -or J woundedand the loss of the at- tacking foroe was not reported. The dead : William Gompers, seaman Brooklyn, Cafon 8. Whitehurst, ordinary seaman, of Norfolk, Va. Reinforcements had been order- d to Haiti before word of the I fitrhtinir was received. Tha bat " -o 9 . . " I . n ... v :n Philadelphip tomorrow with a raiment of mannea. numbering 500 men. The navy transport tt u ka; at Philadelphia, also wili go ' Haiti, ii is aaid, although it not' knowni watt fores she win carry. (llifl 1 tnfnnnnii THirtntir 1 Uft'lCUOUUillliwHUttJl wuwiin Li::rty Is i mU .fioad Proiiied wi I'lWti it f m pi tustrietion.-. - L .Some : perscn. has said that the greatest thing in the world iaJife. H la tra tha , life without liberty may beoo me an intolerable .The Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Atlantio .ooast in search of liberty: blood was shed, hard- tsbrpv ecnred "aDd lives given to sfloureliDerty. ; Men and Women have written, spoken and labored 10 defense of liherty. More psrsonshave been martyr ednthe catise of freedom than in ajjy other cause, and it is a not64pus? fact t hat the Roman Cath'plic church has taken by far tuejTisftyiest-toil. bhe has writ- ten the record of her hatred of liberty in ; the blood of men, wo men and.'-children fcr centarie and V&at hatred still exidts. KRomV is inst as arrogant in her assault!' upon human1 liberty she wai in the davs of the Inoui. aitWobut not so frequently ac tJvda the use of phvsioV torture. tbjoiigh her strong arm ocoasiu ally strikes dowa with deadly vk Jence and adds a new name to the list pf martyrs. .. ., The murder of Wm. Black dan j be recognised a nothing but the pin ui nit inquisition-m action. Rome has not-changed. She may be subdued, but the fire : of , her lury ourua m latent patience, waiting for new opporunitfer and new victims. -v. a- - But murderois attacks J upon human, beings sra not all of X?mPai8rost Ijherty. ttermimonsr ner nirelings, her dopes,ref'rpatrollinevetypath of human 'endeavor with theavow-' ed drtVtolnattOA to make Ai - Jaanifc rinntrina tha4 4ha mm " .wmmm-r WMV "VMM SV . ttfies the means" exouses oruelties oondbnes orimeand institutes boy Jootts. Can we doubt that Rome uses AQd conoented effort that she osn oommand when but reoentlv the Catholic press felt called noon to apologize for having "disorimi nated" against certain Jaree bns The Roman Catholic boyoott is iQ effective -operation all the time, lomewhexe and in lome manner. pre-lTtmav rot alwavi be viaibla; it may not always be active in any one locality, but is recognized and used whenever oooasion arises and conditions demand that an ob- staole be removed from the papal path to power. Libersv must be destroyed if Rnma tn rn,A. fft- ihAra ia i CL ki; r e v.rr"" r which the pope- demanda from Children of the one true church." Papal domination in any conn try, or in any community, has never resulted in the promotion of peace nor the establishment or perpetuation of freedom, the kind of fresdom that is supposed to exist nuder the stars and stripes, the kind of freedom that men will love, honor and fight to preserve. In spite of Catholio -protesta tions of loyalty, one has but to note. the meabsuied arid tjbe poii of attack to understand the intent 1 J 1U " "v I "fT' t American liberty rnuat go at . W - whatever post. So says Rome. .Jz assp pr ipme s American aymy of lntimidators to sound in their . afctnmnk to brins American inati. oil"; " . - v' u . T.: . tntions into aisrepnte. rolitioal intrigue, treachery and intimida tion mark the record of Rome in W6 d in confess - lwl,a rroBft"6 assumption, evasion 1 f . '.'" ' .'" "'Am'-"': ''-m- I lot oi auty ana souse oi privilege. UV i8muu(u? u emPls J.P?Hnd N. ..t--5tcertain misrepreaentatiyea into tornlTOMt before the pub ia I Ho. i ; We . cannot .baUave. other than tbaVthnP "good Oatholics were they made use of public'' position to betray the principles they were pledged to support. We cannot believe that a man can represent American people and American principles in congress or state legislature as they should be represented and remain true to the Oatholio church, and be obe dient as the pope demands obe dience.. Allegianoe and loyalty to the church is not - in harmony with allegiance and loyalty to the flag and country and no amount of protestation can make a "good'' Catholic a loyal and patriotic American. .learnt intrigue nas Known no 4 bounds and Catholic orcelty has shown no meroy. in hounding and harraising the .defenders of free dom. Romish rnffiaus have strewn our strdeia with wreck audjJ ;arusge to destroy the things that j . w i j t i ii uouiu ujBKtt America a neaven oi refuge for ihe hunted and deeuse ai fiiitift,b from the wrath of luaae. .Those who have escaped from; apal .prisons, giris wno : havt -.rvu4;.tn slavery to cruel ma6terh yearii'g a fjar ptimoniout , mask; oefore the puo.Uo, to.; irightfu .ruths concerning the neruicicu 40d inhuman practi of th holy" fathers and ,saiatly" sis- ters. wniy Rome Knows now mauyj nave suriered and died without; hope behind looked gates and barr ed doors whioh are guarded by Rome against inspection. viuiy noma Knows now man), ate still toiling in Catholic Sweati snopsj, .enatcped, from, paths. of freedon.by tVe .relentless and.tyl ranpciai 4ong arm oi tne. "one tru church. y- ViT" V - . -.jr :.g:iauchj Lorgmixaa Land of laorlt pervert And promoters of political perfidy bo;to!erased by patriotic, liberty loving Americans? The ballot t must be used swiftly aud oertaiolj against every oandidate and pos sibla candidate for public office if our blpod'bought aud time hen ored American institutions and and ideals are to be preserved for genertaions to come. Rome never sleeps. Americans must be more than equally alert if death and destruction are t6 be averted. The Menace. Your cough can b Stopped. Using care to avoid diaufchte I exposure, sudden changes, and taking a treatment of Dr. King's New D.sCovery, will positively re- lieve, aud in time will surely nd you, of your Cough. The firjt dose soothes the irritation, oheoks your Cough, whioh stops in a short time. "Dr. King's New Discovery has been used successfully for 45 years and is guaranteed to cure you. Money baok if it fails. (Jet a bottle from your Druggist : it costs only a little and will help you so muoh. Without Flinch Becker Met Death. Sing Sing Prison, Ossining, N. Y., July 80. Charlei Beoker paid the doath. penalty by electrocution here early today.for having insti- ing a 2,000 volt current. The gated the murder of Herman Rob terrifio shook paralyzed the vio enthal, gambler, tbre9 years ago. tim, his hold loosensd and h With wonderful oomposure and maintaining his innocenoe to the last former New York police lieu- teoantled the way to the execution chamber. A photopraph of his wife wsb pinned on his shirt over his heart. Three sohopks were given before the prison physician pro nounced life extinot at 5 :55 o'ciook. rue condemned man walked steadily to the death chair. He had sat up all night on the edge of his cot, talking to Deputy Warden, Charles H. Johnson. 4I have got to face it and I am going to meet it quietly and with out trouble to any one." Por a Sprained Ankla. If you will get a bottle of Cham berlain's Liniment aud observe the directions given therewith faithfully, you will recover in mach lets time than is usually required. Obtainable everywhere. '1 Vs 'cViNArltsl' tor tSslii tliitti - KBfiff tbirat Anal Affttrs. D. L. Capps, head of 'a largo plumbing establishment of Wil- , mington, , was shot andrmerially wounded in frpnt p bip plaoe Sat- urday afternoon by Melvin Horne, relative b marriage,vl?Mreiiru of bad feeling that has existed for ' a number of years,: arising f rem businesa transactions, in whioh Home claimed that Gappa, cunod him. Capps diedl ay$ p'clock.ia a hospital. Horne wa ,pap,ed a few minutes ftftertfiefhoptinjc bp chief of Police Wiiliamittand : two officers. Be had gone nearly " a mile before he was overhauled. . Capps was seated in his aitpmo. bile in front of his place when Home pumped into him five"vu7- letsfromft 88 caliber automatio Colt's revolver. ' He Waa leaning igamst a telephone pole only a. few f est away. The map. &a bfeh -' j in conversation .for a few.'jai1nuM- t before the.shootinir. .thonffh.tharVv appeared to have beejirig argn v mmt of any, kid, J Pf ?W?al Z cush to the hospital 7n Ssow t r, ' susyiuuuiie. dus ne was too naaiy- hurMor any meBigarteniibnTa be of anyaidHPTOe warjt 3ue time1 in yeryrgoPol Vifb'uri--nances. ;Hr wasfridd il&hiV ling whiskey soon' af terh'sl,, liibition liwent' in1fe affecir X - Xf4 1 tboughprofcbuhce by the conrt HMe wM ifc"- 4: mg of nis dowhja Higjfi ooo pssed4?;othlesr, ha AQWe has aCways acc,-sed,jC- Vs.: . pr naying. been reBppntit.i for X '9 vCS- mittee has beenprinted' tj iol-; 7; & lows: JPt.;yrnef; cfcitr -aiiiS;; PyL Peer-er, ieretafjr'T'red O. " Sink, J. B. Steele, Ray: McOrary, J. Fi-Bpruill, Zeb V. Walser, Dave Conrad, Adam Barrier, Sam Pinch, P. 0. Rob bins, Mrs. T. E. McCrary and Mrs. W. H. Menden hall. This committee will: plan the oounty campaign , agajnat adult illiteracy; and appoint Ipoal oommittees. The district com- mittee will be appointed and no tified at an early date and every man aud woman appointed on this oomm ttee is earnestly urged to hei ve iuq ap every suing in uia or her power to eliminate adult illiteracy in that district! A call has been issued for every man aQ woman in the county who ia interested in this great work to volunteer their services to help push the campaign. The contract of the Raleigh Iron Works Company, amounting to 1 95,000 forjiie manujaetftrftof shells for the ayy Department, was increased 20 per cept Qng with other contracts of a similar nature. 0. Ol.emena, a West Indian Ppr tugese in the employ of Jhe so- tnc Light & Power Co., of JUisa- beth Giy, was instantly killed Priday afternoon while sitting on I his perch onj the crossbar o i an pelectric wire pole. His hand came in contact with a wire carry dropped to the pavement below where his skull wae fraqtured in. striking the street curb, fr-inn f rom the back Porch of hfl- hftmfl. wharfl .hft hai ffona to get a drink of wateiu Bjeesle.' Peed, 11 years old, of Blhayen, Satur day afternoon suffered instant death, her neck bein broken by- the fall. The deceased was deceased was the dughter of Mra ftry pd, of I nftiu- Wn fort nnn'ntv. In an altercation between Jim Byrd and Jerry Inman, both ool- ored, three miles from .Fairmont, Robeson County, Friday nignt Wa ? W??0 neart, Kiiuug mm iuiisuij. trouble originated about a fcioyole, Coroner's jury held Byrd for ooura and he is ip jail. Piles Cured la 6 to 14 Days Vottg drurgfct will refund money if PAZO) UXflltEN laus to cure ' n? caso oi xirjiing ' Sli- fcleedine or Protruding Pile to 14dSVS 4 i-": ft. 3 ' - - -

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