----- - -.- fc.. A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of file People and for Honesty in Governmental Afia. VOL. XL NO. 35. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N, C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 1915. Wm. H. STEWARD Ettr ipK6 IJae r? I S .3 1? V ' i :. Late War Hews Whit U Nog Across tneSeiiB tha Wiy of Oestroyiog Msa and Property August 15. All along the east era front the Germanic armies, aooording to Berlin, again are in fall awing against the Russians who every where have been driven back or repulsed in attempts at tortus. Little important figbtiug is in prog real except in the east, al though there has been a hand to hand engagement neat Bagatelle, France, a resumption of the bom bitdment of Belgrade, a counter artillery afctacd by the Serliai.s againil Semlin and Pinsoova, and battling on Gallipoli peninsula and in Asiatio Turkey with the Turks claiming the advantage in the forpser region against the al lies, ajid the Russians asaertirg that in the latter zolo the Oil man forces have been defeated. On the Auetro-Italian front no decided gains for either side are chronicled la the northwest region of Rub sia the Germans are declared to have resumed the offensive and forced' the Russians back to the northeast An attempt at a sortie from Kovuo failed. In Poland a fresh advance northeast of W&rtaw between tbe Narew and the Bug has been made by tbe Teutons according to Ber Lu. Novogeorvieak has been, more closely surrounded and ground hat been gained all along the fronts in the southeastern districts say these reports. Constantinople reports that attacks of the allies against their right wing. near Air Bnruu, on Aallipoli Peninsula were p u t down, and that the Turkish ar tillery shells dirseted against An aforte pjfiuw audJsdduicBahr, forced a retirement of the allies from the former place and de stroyed their bomb-throwing de vices on tbe latter sector. Fires were started by tbe shells of the Serbians in their bombard ment of Semlin and Panscova, aooording to Nish Aug. 16 With military op erations proceeding virtually as for days past, the political side of the war again has risen to the fore with announcements that the Quadruple Entente allies have decided to declare cotton contra band, and that tbe party of the former Greek Premier, M. Veni selcs, whose oabinet resigned last If arch when King Constantino disapproved of bis policy in favor of the Entente allies, again is in power. For weeks there has been a campaign in Great Britain to put octton on the contraband list and Washington learus authori tatively that Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Belgium have agreed to take that step. She declared the staple as con traband will, it is said, be defend ed by the allies as authorized by international law. The newly elected Greek Cham ber of Deputies has ohosen for its presiding officer, M. Zivitzanos, au adherent of M. Venlzelos, arid the oabinet of M. Gounaris baa resigned. The meager announce ment of the changed political con ditions in Greeoe contains no in timation as to how Veniselbs now stands with regard to this coun try's position in the war. The Athens correspondent of a Berlin newspaper asserts, however, that Veniielos still believes the intei- ests of Greece lie on the side of the Eutente allies but that it is not yet time for her to join them actively. Petrograd again asserts that the Russians in Cturland have driven back the GermaLS, and also re pulsed German counter offensive movements. In Poland, however, the reports of tbe Teutonic allies indicate that their forces almost everywhere still are advancing.. Artillery engagement are the rule gderally along the western s froniiand similar fighting inter JW&l'at various points with t --iv attacks, continues on the n front and Gallipoli ainsaUi, bUima tha Resolutions of Respect Whereas God i u his allwise providence has seen fit to take from our midst our esteemed friend and brother, W. A. Kerr, there fore be it Resolved: That we submit to the divine hand which bereaves us of one of our faithful members. Second. That in his death the P. 0 S. of A. No. 24 has sustain ed a aad Joss. Third. Tha,t we extend to the grief stricken wife and fatherless children cur heartfelt sympathy assuring them that the deceased held a proninent place in our es teem and that his memory will be tenderly cherished by the mem bers of the P. O. S. of A. No. 24 of North Carolina. Fourth. That a copy of these resolutions be placed on our min utes. A copy sent to the bereav ed widow and also a copy sent to The Carolina Watchman for pub ltcation. F. I Morgan, M. B. Seal, C. S. Sapp, Committee. A Medicine Chest for 35c. In this chest you 'have an excel lent remedy for toothaohe, bruises, sprains, stiff neck, baokaohe, nue raltfia, rheumatism and for most emergencies. One 253 bottle ot Sloan's Liniment does it all this becauae these ailmeuts are symp toms, not diseases, and are oaused by congestion and iLfidmation. If you doubt, ask those who use Sloan's Liniment, or better still, buy a 25s bottle and prove it. All Drnggiste. Three Murderers in Rowan Jail It is no'j oftenR.wan harbors three murderers at one time, but such is the oase at present. They 19 J a meg-Cooper, BosejM3ooka4- Charlie Caldwell, Negroes. Cook was tried at the May term of the Rowan Superior Court, oonvicted and seutenced to be electrocuted in June, but took an appeal. He shot his sweetheart, Luoinda Price, in the west end of Salisbury last May. Cook killed Game well Jeffries at Granite Quarry some time ago and Caldwell shot Robt Lewis at East Spencer re cently and wounded two other Negroes at the same time. Preparing for The Statt Sunday School Conuuioo. The N. 0. Sunday School Asso ciation wbioh will meet in the old court house in Salisbury Oc tober 12, 13 and 14bh,has through its lecal committee appointed committees to care for the various items on the program. The local committee is composed of Dr. C. M. Van Poole, chairman ; Hon . John S. Henderson, A. L. Smoot, E. W. Tatum, A. B Saleeby and Judge P. S. Carlton, who appoint ed the following : Committee on arrangements, E H, Bean, chairman. Committee on music, R. L. Reams, chairman. Committee on parade, A. T. Al len, chairman. Committee on finanoe, A. H Snider, chairman. Committee on exhibit, J. W. Booker, of Richmond, Va., chairman. Committee on reception, J. E . Hennessee, chairman. Committee on entertainment, F. R Brown, chairman. For a Sprained Ankle. If you will get a bottle of Cham berlain's Liniment and observe the directions given therewith faithfully, you will recover in much lees time than -is usually required. Obtainable every where. Frenoh batteries have inflicted some heavy loses on the Germans in France, and the Turks declare they have repulsed an- allied at tack on the Gallipoli Peninsula north of Ari-Brunu and reoaptur ed from the Russians in Asiatio Turkey the town of Van. An Austrian seaplane has at tacked the coast forts of Venice and daipite an attaok by Italian airmen retched iti b&ia in safety, MM Hilii Wateft lnmtlgttlons Being Made In all Parts of till U(iitn3taTls. Most of the people on the farms end in the villages and amaller cities of the. United States obtain their domestic water supplies from underground souroeB, Ground waters are also extensively rised throughout the ooounry for live stock, railroad, and other indus trial supplies and for irrigation . The United States Geological Sur vey early recognized the great importance of th4 groud waters and the numerous oomplex prob lems relating to their development for human use. Hence for many years it baB carried ou investiga tions and survey of these waters. Muoh more work has been done in certain States than in others but every state has received some attention. In so far as is practicable these reports give, for every , locality that is covered, the depths, char acter, and yields of the underly ing water-bearing beds, tbe height to which the water from eaoh bed will rise in wells and the prospeots of obtaining flaws, the quality of the water in eaob bd for domestic, industrial, or irrigation use, the best methods cf sinking wells, the oost of wells and of pumping, the d-pth below which drilling should not be carried, the precautions that should be taken to prevent pollution, and tbe total quantity that oan safel be pumped. The largest ground water de velopment in lae years have been those designed to provide water for irrigation, and oonseqaeutly most ot the Geological Survey's reont work has been done in tbe western part of the country. Ac cording to the Census report 4,520,000 acres. fere irrigated in ihAAiiii and samiarid Btaiinjmedidnea re rj&e1nflien 1009 with well water, more than twe-thirds of which was brought to the surface by pumping. At the present time the acreage is considerably larger. Most of the irrigation with ground water is done in California, but further developments are possible in every western State. Moreover, irri gation with ground water is not oonfiued to the arid regions. The census report shows that in 1909 more than 4.400 wells were pump ed in Louisiana, Texas and Arkan sis for the irrigation of 110,000 acres of rice, and pumping plants for irrigating fruit and vegetables are installed in several localities in the east . A f uuction of the Geological Survey is to show where further developments of grouud water for irrigation can profitably be made, aud what is till more important to warn bomeseekers against settling on arid land and then attempting developments that are nor prac ticable. Very brief reports have been published on eaoh of the States of the Mississippi, and more detailed reports on the Coastal Plain of Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia and eastern Tennessee, the reports on Alabama, Virginia, and North Carolina being published by the respective State Surveys. Dcafnese Cannot be Cured by locil applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of. the ear. There is only one way to oure deaf nesB, and that is by con stitutional remedial, Deafness is caused by an inffamed oondition of the muoous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. Whn this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirily closed, Deaf ness is tbe result,, and unless the inflamation cau he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever ; nine cases out of ten are oaused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed oondition of the macous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any esse of Deafness (oaused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Oure. Send for circulars, free. 5 F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, Too. Take Halt's Family Pills for I constipation. mi Pllbli6 HUM! ADBOBBCfl t ClOSI IBS Sflg- gijts a F?38df . Pellagra seems d.be on the in crease. This if t le not so muoh of North Carolina, perhaps, as else where. A very JrbbabJe answer to the why and; wJlarefore of vthe situation is c$e by Joseph Gofdberger, Sergeob in charge of PelUgra inTestigation for the Uni- ted States PubHaBalth Service. Dr. GbldbergerIaims that pel lagra is . not oon tsgSQus, iufectuous or eve q oommunicalfie, but is due to a faulty diet Tjie trouble with the' dists of oeonle .who .develop pellagfa, aeeofdiu to Surgeon Goidberger, is tha do not eat enough lein meat, beans, pea, milk and eggs, but fit despropor t on ately large amounts of such thiugs as grits, myiases flakes, oorn meal, or other starchy foods. As a general rule,y according o Dr. Goldberger's findings, pel lagra is particularly' a disease of the poor, or where, it. does strike an individval mem hereof a well-to-do family it is one that for some reason has not been Bating a well! batauced diet. Accordingly the apparent increase fu: pellagra is due to a more restricted diet ow lug. perhaps, to the recent slight ly depressed financial' conditions among our people. ,'v The daily diet recqmmended by Dr. Goldberger for ah adult pel lagrian should include a pint and a half to two pints of milkj At laat four eggs and a &alf pound of fresh, lean mat, together with a liberal allowance bf;peas and beans These art.reiff "diet should be varied someijjhat from time to time to suit) thV tst" of tbs patient. Very littlf. 1 if any. are found necessary, in this oon neotion Dr. Goldberger cites some oauses of more or less fraudu lent so-oalUd pellagra cures that are being heralded as sure cures for pellagra at good, stiff prices, and what's more, tbeir patrons a e getting cured. According to Dr. Goldberger, it matters little whether a person is given a solu tion of salt aud water, sugar and water or any other ohesp concoc tion at a dollar or two an ounoe for so long as the patient follows the instructions of eatii.g liberal ly of suoh things as meat, milk, eggs, beans and peas tbe cbanoes of his getting well are very strong ly in his favor, of course, he cred its the advertised pellagra remedy with the cure. Despondency Due to Indigestion. 'About three months ago when I was suffering from indigestion which caused headache and diizy spells and made me feel tired and despondent, I began taking Cham berlain's Tablets," writes Mrs. Geo. Hon, Macedon, N. Y. "This medioine proved to be the very thing I needed, at One day's treat ment relieved me greatly, I used two bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and they rid me of this trouble." Obtainable everywhere. Slirewalt-Pta Be-Unioi The fifth annual Re union of the St ire wait and Pleas., families is to be held at Ebeneser E. L Ohuroh, Tuesday, August 24th, and tbe following program has beexi arranged for the oooasion : 10 a. m. Devotional services, Rev, 0. R. Pless. Music by the choir. Welcome address, Rev. R. R. Sow erf. Response, Hampton Stirewalt. Duett, Miss Ada Stirewalt and Hampton Stirewalt. AddresB, Rev. C. W. Sifferd. Music Address, E H. Bean, Esq NOON. Music. Address, Benefit of Organisation, J. N, Maxwell. Music Basinesi segsion, including hand ing in old reoords. Rsv, 0. R. PLssa, Prei. M. A. Stduwalt, Sec. Mj-Seveitli Aiinal CoTention Rowii County Sindaj School Associate ft Meet Sepiember 7th aad 8!h. There may be other events in the oounty this fall that will draw larger crowds, but there will be none more important or more worthy, more uplifting, more in spiring and edifying tnan the c mmg session 01 tne no wan County Sunday Sohool Associa tion' which will be held at Baok Creek Presbyterian Ohnrob in Mt. Ulla Township, on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 7th and Uth. " The program just issued con tain! many items of interest. It is as follows : fUESDAY. 10:80 a. m. Song service. 10:4) a. m. Devotional, Rev. J. 0. Grier. 10:50 a. m. Words of Welcome, E. Scott Miller, Response, Rev. J), B. Heller.. 11 :00 a. m. Roll call of townships. 11:10 a. m. Remarks by the presi dent, A. B. Saleeby. 11:20 a. m. The Twentieth Cen tury Sunday School Workei. Rev, Harvey Welker. 11:50a.m. Secretary's reports. H. Bean. Conference on Methods of Work with Girls. Led by Mrs. E. M. Hoffman. Conference of Workers with Boys. Led by E. M. Hoffman. 12:10 Noon. Treasurer's report, W, L Klutta. 12:29 Appointment of commit tees, offering. Recess for dinner. 2 :00 p. m. Song serviae by South River ohuroh ohoir. 2 15 p. m.. Devotional. ;80 pf-m. Reports from the ya- 1 io'u.s township ecetries, Mdgeeee , . .Jk of the Sunday School, Rev. J. W. Long. 8:45 p. m. Song service by South River ohuroh ohoir. 8:55 p. m. How to reach and Hold Young Men. in Sunday School, Rev. 0. P. Fisher. 4:20 p. m. Miscellaneous business. 4:80 p. m. Assignment of homes, etc, song, adjournment. TUESDAY EVENING. 7:80 p.m. Inspirational Talks to Boys and Girls by Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hoffman. X 8.80 p. m. The S. S. Institution alised, Rev. W. L. Hatohini. WEDNESDAY. 9:80 a. m. Song service. j 9:45 a. m. Devotional. 10:00 a. m. The prepared Teach er, Dr. W. A. Harper. 10:40 a. m. The Depattment of Education in S. S. Work, Prof, A. T. Allen, 11:05 a.m. Reports of the vari ous departments. 11:25 a. m. Will Rowan Remain in the Front Rank? General discussion led by Ravs. W. B. Duttera and C. B. Heller. 12:10 Noon. Eleotion of officers 1 eleotion of delegates to the State Convention; offerings. Place for next meeting. Remarks, reoess for dinner. 2:00 p. m. Sang service. 2:10 p. m. Devotional. 2:20 p. m. Round table, Rev. J. W. Long. 2:40 p. m. General discussion of Sunday Sohool work, T. P. Johnson. Prof. L. H. Rothrock, A. B. Saleeby and others. 8:00 p. m. Miscellaneous and new business, installation of officers, dosing remarks by any One. Closing exercises . OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE 9 ! A, B. Saleeby, president; E. H. Bean, secretary; W. L. Kluttz, treasurer; W. Henry, Oanup, asst. seoretary. Executive Committee, Hon John S. Hendarson, A. B. Saleeby, C. M. 0. Barger, T. P. Johnson, W. F. Snider, Dr. C. M. Van Poole, P. S. Carlton, Rev. 0. B. Heller, W, L. Kluttz, E. H. Bean, T. R. Garner. Local Committee of Arrange ments: Rsv. J. 0. Grier, oh air man; J. A. Gilbert. J.;0. Wilkin son, E. 0. Barger, J. C. 8herrill, P. 0. Leflor, S. E. Sloop, B . mm heme and speatiBE The following ta tha nrnon m I for the great basket picmo to be held Saturday, August 21st, at the fair grounds by the Jr. O. U. A. M., P. O. S. of A. aud the D. of L., of Rowan County. 12 to 1 p. m. Band concert. 1 to2p. m. 8peaking by Hon. Lee S. Overman, Hon. Theo. F. Klutts and his Honor Mayor Walter H. Woodson. 2 to 8 p, m. Sports: Fat man's race, 25 yards ; 100 yards dash ; egg race for girls, 25 yards; 8 legged, 60 yards, open to all ; sack race, 50 yards, for ail. Eaoh winner $1. Prize 2d, 50c. 8 to 4 p. m. Base ball, Faith and China Groye. 4 tp 5 p. m. Supper. 5 p. m. Good social time . The Jr. 0. U. A. M., P. 0. S. of A. and D. of L have arranged for Congressman Burnett to speak in the old court house Thursday alight,,., August 19th at 8 o'clock, lles autb r cf tbe immigration tU wwio . bus passed both bouses f Ooi.gre s and these orders hav n advocates of the bill. - Your cough can be Stopped. Using care to av id diaufchte, iXjjo8ar, suddeu changes, and kiug a treatment of Dr. KiLg'ts N. w D soovery, will positively re U-rve, aud in time will sureiy rid y u, of your Cough The firit d ,se soothes the irritation, checks your Cough, wdicb stops in a shon time. Dr, K tig's New Disccvery has been used successfully for 45 years and is guaranteed to cure you. Mouey baok if. it fails. Get a luttle from your Druggist; it costs only a little and will help you so muoh. Weather Forecast For August. From 17 to 24 rains and if wind is southwest at from 8 to 10 p . m . ou the I7)h, look fjr wind aud rain storms and oool. From 21 to Sentember 1 ohanore able, cool rains and showers - . This m mth shows rains soatter Be on your guard from 17 to 24, if -M W wind should be as above stated. Henry Reid, B. No. 3, Salisbury, N. C. Constipation Caaaes Most Ills. Accumulated waBte in your thirty feet of bowels causes absorp tion of poisons, tends to produce fevers, upsets digestion. Youbeloh gas, feel stuffy, irritable, almost cranky. It isu't you it's your condition Elimiuate-this poison ous waste by taking one or two Dr. Ding's New Life Pills tonieht. Enjoy a full, free bowel move ment in the mornina von feel a) grateful Get an original bottle, containing 86 pills, from your Druggist today for 25a. Scott Miller, NOTES. Every Sunday School worker in the oounty is invited to be prea ent and take part in the conven tion. Be there for tlfe opening session and stay till the close Many of the subjects are intended for open discussion in which all are at liberty to take patt. Every Suuday Sohool is enti tled to as many delegates as will go. Mt Ulla folks are expecting a crowd, do not 1st them be dis appointed. Every township seoretart is urged to send reports as early as possible. Please see that your township has a oomplete report and then hurry it into the secre tly. All delegates, ministers .and visitors who will oome by rail to Mt Ulla, or who expect to remain over night, will please notify the oommittee of arrangements, Mt Ulla, N. C, as early as possible. E. H. Bean, Ssc, Salisbury, N. C. A. B. Salbeby, Pres., Salisbury, N. 0. la Slckooaa a Sin? If not, it's wicked to ueglect ill ubbb and means of relief. It'i wicked to endure Liver Ills Head ache. Indigestion. Gonstmation when one dose of Po-Do-Lax gives relief Po Do-Lax is Podophyl lin (May Apple), withont. the gripe. It arouses the Liver, in creases the flow of bile Nature's antiseptio in the bowels. Your constipation and other ills disap. pear over night because Po-Do-Lax has helped Nature to remove the cause. Get a bcttle from your Druggist today. Get rid of your Constipation over night. M0&1MfiNK&im I Thfttira's Historical Celtbratfoo ted rtost toiiigAug8St27tlli428tl. On Friday and Saturday, Au gust 27th and 28ith. Thyatira Presbyterian Church, one of the oldest, if not the oldest,' ohuroh of that denomination in the boun ty, will celebrate its one-hundred od sixty-second anniversary, covering a period, from 1758, dur ing which time muoh of American history was made. Rer. J. C. Grier, the present pastor of the church, the "mother ohuroh of modern Rowan Presbyterians, " baa prepared a very interesting1 program for the oooasion and a number of able ministers win be present, make addresses and assist in the exercises. The program is as follows. Friday, Augijbt27th, 10:80 a. m. Hymn No. 90 (Ohuroh Hymnal.) Address of welcome and devotion al exercises by the pastor Rev. J. 0. Grier. Address: "The Origin of Presby terianism and its Beginning in America," Rev. W. L. Lingle, D. D. Hymn 196 (Church Hymnal.) Address: "History of Thyatira Church from 1758 to 1855," Rev. Thomas W. Lingle, Ph. D. Hymn 491 (Church Hymnal.) Beuediction. INTERMISSION, 2:80 p.m. Hymn 112 (Assembly's Songs.) Greetings by reprentHtivet from churohes organiz ;d c tf of Thya tira. Hymn 57 (B9embly's Songs.) Informal addresses by sons in the ministry. Hymn 142 (Assembly's Songi.) Announcements Hymn 26 (Church Hymnal.) Batkftriiftfcinn 8attoday. August 28th, 10:80 . M. Hymn 825 (Church Hymnal,) Address. : 'History of the Presby terian Church in North Caro lina," Rev. W, L. Lingle, D. D. Hymn 143 (Ohuroh Hymnal.) Address: "History of Thyatira Cburoh from 1855 to 1915' Rev, Tfaos. W. Lingle, P. H.D. Hymn 357 (Church Hymnal). INTERMISSION. 2:30 p. m. Hymn 88 (Assembly's Songs.) Address: "Thyatira and Her Fu ture," Rev. W. M. Walsh. Hymn 4 (Assembly's Songs.) Short informal remarks by former pastors ana others. Hymn 56 (Assembly's Songs.) Announcements. Hymn 26 (Ohuroh Hymnal.) Prayer and benediotion. Tbe Clerk duarauUed It, "A customer came into my store the other day and said to one of my clerks "naVe y out any thing that will oure diarrhoea? and my olerk went and got him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic cholera and Diarrhoea Rented v. and said to him, 'if this does hot cure you, I will not charge you a oent for it.' So he took it and oame baok in a day or .two and. said he was cured." writes J. H. Berry & Co., Salt Creek, Va. Ob tainable everywhere. Mt Ulla and Steele to Hi Joint S S Coimnlion Mt. Ulla and Steele Townshipa will hold their annual jrint Sun day Sohool Oonvention at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, three miles east of Mt. Ulla, on the 25th of August, 1915. A splendid pro gram has been arranged for thie oonvention and a large number of people interested in the oause of the Sunday Sohool are expected to be present. Recoinmenda Chamberlain's colic, cholera and Oiarrbeea Remedy. "I never hesitate to reoommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy' writes Sol Williams, merchant, Jesse, Tenn. "I sell more of it than anjr other preparations of like character. I have used it myself and fouhdit gave me more relief than any thing else I have ever tried or the same purpose." Obtainable "everywhere. V . 1,