-f J Tlie Carolina Watchman 7o. H. STEWART, Editor and Owner r IfcjfeQshed Every Wednesday, 123 West Innes Street - SUBSCRIPTION PRICE t Wttrtwrwn, 1 year, . 1 .75 Record, 1 year. JJ Th Progressive Farmer, 1 year, 1.00 AH 3 for m year each, only $1.50 Entered as second-class matter January 19th, 1905, at the post ofjtee at Salisbury, N. C, tmder the actol Congress ol March 2rd, 1879. - . ssBaaBaascaaBsssBaa Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 18, '15. CHRISTIANA. Aug. 16. We are haviug a fine season in this seotion at this time. Rev. N. D. Bodie preached a more praotioal and speotfio ser mon than common at his last ap pointment. All good people like to hear their faults apeoified aud what to do for improvement. Arthur Thomas is home from Washington, D. C , on a vaoatioa. M. R. D, Brown is also at home from Albemarle pn a vacation of a few weeks. Rev. R. L.Brown has a peaoh tree that is considered over bear ing. At this time it has a orop of well grown good size and nearly ripe fruit, and at tht same time has another orop ooming. on from the size of small marbles and larger. Venus if vou oan beat this trot out your tree. The Brown reunion association is growing in magnitude. Rev. John A. Koons is stili do ing a good work in his pastorate. Our young people are, as usual, still alert in their oonnubial man euveringe, eaoh viewing the other with a oritioal eye. Best wishes to the Watchman and its many readers. Viola, Leo M. Frank Linefeed. Marietta, Ga., Aug. 17. Leo M Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, was taken from the Ctate Prison Farm at Milledge villa last night by a small band of determined men, was brought to within a few miles of the Pbagan home in this oity at daylight to day and hanged to a tree only a short distance from the Marietta Milledgeville highway The body, found at 8o'olock this morning, dangled from the tree for several hours while a throng from the surrounding countryside gath ered about the soene. By a vote of the crowd, the body was out down without mutilation and taken by automobile to Atlanta, where an other throng congregated to view it. Officials of Cobb County in which the lynching occurred, im mediately instituted an investiga tion. Coroner Booth empannelled - jury and announoed the county commissioners had empowered him to employ additional coun sel . -Two witnesses appeared be fore the jury, which adjourned its sessions for a week while officials oolleot evidenoe. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC.drive, ouf 2ialaria,enriches the blood, builds up the system. A true Tonic. For adults and children. 60c Tie Brovn Re-Union The Brown Re-union and Asso ciation will meet a t Granite Quarry on Thursday, August 26th, at 10:80 a. m; I The morniDg session will be for business and afternoon session for speakers and a pleasant time for all. The old stone house built in 1766 is of interest and will be visited during the day . This meeting is not intended alone for the deoendants of Mi chael Braun, builder of the old stone house, but is for the pleasure of all. A Urge crowd is expeoted there fore all should oome with well fill ed baskets, that we may have a big dinner as well as other sooial pleasures. Ball game called at 4 o'clock. Remember the date, August 26. Secretary. Curat Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Curs. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing:, are cored by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porters Antiseptic Hes,in Oil. It relieves PaJsaad HetJa st the same time. 25c50cfLM Miss Carrie Jfi . Cook, a native of Jamestown, - died at her home on Chestnut Hill Friday after noon. The funeral took plaos Sunday afternoon and the inter ment was ia Chestnut Hill Ceme tery . She was nearly 26 years old and was highly spoken of by $hose who knew her, Rev Trader DM aifl Poiiei Congregations Join li'Showltf.Loit and Esteem for Pistffr. Oeatb of Mr. Welct; "Gold Kuob, Aug 16 The good BsaeoLS sti 1 1 bold ont and the promise of a tfood oorn orop is at hud. Mrs. Oil ie Baker cf Concord. and Miss Louis Tbomnson if Kaonapolis, who have been visit- iugJnoD. A. Gcodmau of th'u pUoe, returned home Sunday. Miss Daisy Ball Phillips cf Sal isbury, is visiting her ancle, P. M. Phillips, of this place. Arthur O Lyerly of Washington city, oame in Saturday nght to join his wife and little daughter, who sre here visiting Mr. Lyerly 'b mother. Miss Jersi) Proctor of Salisbury, is visiting friei.ds in our oommuui ty this week. H. F. and Lee Morgan of the "Knob," spent last week up near Mill Bridge visiting friends and relatives . Miss Rhea Ritchie of Ritchfield, visited Mollie Holshouser here. Miss Carrie Park spent last week with her sister, Mrs . B. A. Good man m Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert 0. Park of Concord, spent Saturday night with Mr. Pa'rk's father, Geo. W Park, of near here. E. H. Boob" Trexler is right sick at his homa near here. The children's annual mission ary service will be rendered on the fifth Sunday of August at St Peter's Chnroh, at 280 p. m. At 11 a. m., Rev. George H. 0 Park oi Kanuapolis, will preach. The general public is cordially invited to attend. Oa Thursday, August 12th, the members of St. Peter's and St Vtathew's E. L. Churohes assembl ed at the parsonage near St. Mat- caew sirrcne purpose oi giving the pastor, Rev. H A, Trez!r, A. 1. " f I I'M toe Barprise or ois ute, and, sure encugh they were successful with out a doubt. Que of Pastor Trex ler's members at St, Matthew's in formed him that he would spend the day with him and he was look ing forward to entertain the visit or, but about 10 o'clock he was sure enough, surprised to see a lo. g train of buggies and wagons com ing from in the direotion of of St Peter's and, when the dust had finally settled he was convinced that his table would have to be greatly enlarged to supply the wants of this hui gry people. Just at this time St. Matthew's coi gre gation began to pour iu until all told about 225 members of both ohurohes were shaking the hands of pastor and family. At exaotly noon Pastor R L Patterson, D. D., of Union, arrived and, after scripture reading and prayer and several addresses, we were called upon to perform an operation up on the long table of every good thing to eat. After the feistmg on good things on the over burden ed table the parishioners began to bring in coffee, baking powder, flour, peaches, apples, watermel ons, corn and oats until it looked like the people and pastor were expeotmg to abide together for a long time, but Dr. Patterson call ed upon Mr. and Mrs. Trexler to stand up and told them that thesfe thiDgs were only partial tokens oi love and esteem from these people to tbeir pastor The pastor re plied that the life of a minister was strewed with flowers and thorns and that this was one of the flowers, and an American Beauty Rose at that. -An organiza tion was perfected and the meeting together of the members of these two churohes, with their pastor and family, will be an annual af fair looked forward to with muob pleasure. James M. Trexler of St. Peter's was ohosen president with a committee of three from eaoh churoh. IraD. Welch, was born Septem ber 3, 1890, and departed this life August 15, 1915, aged 21 years, 11 months and 12 days. Mr. Welch, who was born in Yadkin County, while working at High Point he met Miss Carrie Misenheimer of this place, who was visiting her uncle at that plaoe. Just three years ago tbey were married resid ing at High Point for some time, then went to Mr. Welch's fathers at East Bend, N. 0., and last fall moved near here to farm. Mr Welch has always 'been in bad health. Just six weeks ago he had aD attack of typhoid fever and was thought to have been get ting along fine, but the disease be ing too much for him the Death Angel same into his horns Sunday State Hews Itms News Concentrated for Host ibo Want to Know abont Hons Affairs. Probably the most serious fire that has occurred in Concord since the Odell Kill was destroyed, oc curred Monday morniDg, when the Phifer building on Union 8 treat, in which is located the department Store of H L Parks & Co., caught fire. The blase started between the oeileng and the roof on the thiid floor and before it was ex tinguished a good section of tbf roof had fallen in and the gords in the wholesale, dry goods and olothing departments of the store were either burned or water-BOak- ed. Hugh Parks, manager cf the dry goods department of the firm, and G. Ed Eestler, seoretary and treasurer, estimate the damage to the stook at $30,000. The loss is covered by. insurance. The bnild ing is owned by Robert Phifer. It is also insured . The South Yadkin Baptist As sooiation will convene at Moores ville, on Thuriday, Septsmber 2ud. A number of delegates will go from Salisbury and Rowan Ccuuty and a great meeting is expeoted. The August term of Cabarrus Superior Court convened Monday morning. Judge Lane of Went worth, is presiding and Solicitor Hayden Clement, of Salisbury, is representing the State. The laying of the corner-stone of the Fries Reeves Institute at Newsom, Davidson County, will take plaoe under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity of North Carolina Friday. Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler of Winstou-Salem will be among the speakers for the oo oassion and the institute will be under the management of thd Blue Ridge Conference of the M E Churoh. SjsttE Tiu'siay rat There will . be an interesting and instructive aidrese de livered by Congressman Jobn H Burnett, of Alabama) in the old court house Thursda sinking, at 7:30 o Burnett is the author uett immigration bill ed the last Congress teed by President Wilson. Im migration will be bis subject aud th speakiug will be. under the aujpicies of the Jr. Q U. A. M. P O 9 of A , audthe D. ofL Everybody is invited to come md hi-ar this verr, important mpssffge concerting fear country's welfare.- J night, be- olock. Mr of the Bur- whioh pas- bot was ve- The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor tinging in bead. Remember the full name and took for tbt akmatnre cf R. w. gvqw. 35c afternoon and summoned him tc oome on high. He leaves to moan their loss a young widow, one littl boy, sixteen months old, a fath er, mother, oue sister and three brothers, Mr. Welch wti a mem. ber of High Point Council Jr. O. U. A. M , and will be Luried thie evening at St. Peter's Church with the honors of that society, the fun eral services will be oonduoted by Rojkwell Oounoil, No. 170, Jr. 0 U. A. M. We mourn but not as those who have no hope. Lek. rwaaied. To rent a em -h' rM farm Will furninh tfcck and impl inputs Addross, T L Ovprcath, rente 2. Oleeland. N. C. For Sale. 0:te two passenger auto mobile, first clans conditior. Woold trade for boro snd bu&gj Phone flC)5-L, Salisbury. 7-28 2t Miss Delia Crews, of Los An geles, Cel., who is riding over the oontinent on a motoroycle spent Monday in Salisbury while in route to New York oity. She travels alone and hss made some thing like 8,000 so far. Phillip W. Murray who lived a short while in Salisbury some time ago, has been nominated for a seat in the Virginia house of del egates, from the Newport News distriot. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives ont Malaria, Enriches the Blood and OnDda up the Whole System. 50 cents. Valuable Lands For Sale. Pursuant to the terms of two certain Mortgage Deeds of Trust, exeedted bv M. A. Lentz and wife. Maude M. Lentz. to the undersigned trustee on Oetober 11, J 813, which are recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Rowan county in Book of Mortgages No. 48 page 65, and Book 48, page 80, default having Dean made in the payment of i l . j . i . . tne inaeoieaneBS mere in secured, ana at the request of the holder of said notes, the onlersigned will exrose for sale at r ublio auction for eash at the court house door in Salisbury on Saturday, September 4th, 1015. at the hour of 12 m , the following de scriDea real estate : A certain tract of land lying on the northeast side or the lioid riill road about one and one-half miles southeast of Palisbury.N. C, beginning at a stake near a telephone pole in the center of the uold Hill road, August Legal rs corner; thenee with his line south 89 west 11.42 chains to a stone Leeall's corner; thence south 291-4 east 9 90 chains to a birch on the i orth bank of the creek on Legall's lice; thence a new line north 43 J east 14.32 chains to a Walnut ; thence north 21 f west 8 85 chains to a stone ; thence so th 31 west 24 chains to a stake in the center of the Gold Hill road ; therce with the said road south 7 east 5.63 cnains to the beginning corner, containing 25 acres, and being a part of the Jennie Orossett land and of the old L. W. Crawford home place. Reserving however out of the grant hereby made one-half interest in mines and minerals on the Crawford land for the heirs and assigns of the L W. Crawford as set forth fully in deed re corded in Rowan county record of Deed i Book 11, page 230. This the 8rd day of A ugust, 1915. JOHS L. RSBOLCMAK, '' " ; trustee. HOW WOMlN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. rWAlund, Ohio "Mv left side pained me so for several years that I expectea to nave to undergo an opera tion, but the nrst bottle I took of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound relieved me of the pains in my side and I continued its use until I became reerular and free from Dains. I had asked several doc tnra if there was anvthinff I could take to help me and they said there was nothing that they knew of. I am thankful for such a good medicine and will alwavs rive it the highest praise. " Mrs. C. H. Griffith, 1568 Constant St., Cleveland, Ohio. Hanover. Pa. "I suffered from fe male trouble and the pains were so bad at times that I could not sit down. The doctor advised a severe operation but my husband got me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I experienced moot relief in short, time. Now I feel like a new person and can do a hard J nTb- r-rA nt mini! it What cXT ( and happiness it is to be well once more. I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for -the Compound." Mrs. Ada Wilt, 303 WalnutSt., Hanover,Pa. If there are any complications you do not understand write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn,Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held iu strict confidence. Corset Department. We call special attention to our Corset stock, which in cludes such well known makes as Warner's "Rust Proot" "W. B. Nuform" Ferris Waist. We have a very complete stock of all these well known makes. ip 1 1 I if I $ i ! ijijl i i f ji Warner's Bust Proof and W.B. Corset at $-00 f .50 JJ.OO 48c and 75c .... 98c ... 39c and 48c Ferris Corset waist for Misses at Ferris Corset waist for Ladies at Extra nice Corset for Ladies at SALISBURY, CI. C. thai dollar in ihe tali Is YOU carit expect a crop of money at the end of your earnm? season if ybu dorft plant a, fetf dollars in tKe lank NOW. 4 IFE is jurt a matter of farming of finding La fertile soil in a tool field ot lrealcin $ loond i i f ...i:...i vcrt 1 1 i. c i , Ikit mem I r. and tcin patient. TRe KarvfotinJ come last? the main Work mask he done vthile ike least result are shoxJinQ." ferherfHaulmnn. WG PAY 4-PER CENT. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Suit boy, N. C. day wmsm V, 0 III Shareholders send your Contracts to Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich., properly endorsed, at once and by Aug 20th, you will receive rebate checks. Some of you have waited for the new price before buying your new Ford. The 1916 prices are as follows. OUPlflg Car $440.00 toaster $390.00 With full equipment F. O. B. ex cept speedometer. Get Catalog of the new machine and ask for a demonstration. you gain nothing. Don't delay Act now. THE ROUZER GARAGE CO., Salisbury, N. C. Telephone 224

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