LOCAL NEWS of interest to ; ALL OF OUR READERS. John D. Kenerly (be conferao tor, has began (he work of re modeling and improving the Wa chovia Bank bnildiuR. Tbe build ing will be ote of the handsomest in the oity when completed." The Masmic picnio at Mocks ville last Thursday was largely attended as usual Quite a num ber from Salisbury and Rowan County were preempt. ma I ine Handsome residence of Tbos. B. Crawford of Winaton- Salem, at one time a resident of Salisbury, -was damaged to the extent of $5 000 by fire last week. A Nrtjcro by the name of Isiah Rjudle was arrested last Thurs day morning charged with having broken into the Brown Drug store at Granite Quarry. He entered by breaking a rear window and atolo money from the caBh drawer H6 had hid some of it under a rock near the store and tffeer be ing arrested confessed his guilt ai d told where the money was He was given a hearing in the County court, and plead guilty and was put under a $500 bond to await the next season of the Row an Superior Court the lower court not having jurisdiction. Tbe Franklin Township Suuday Sohool Convention is being held at Gay's Chapel today, the Unity Convention will 1 e held Friday at Unity Presbyteriau Church, and the China Grove convention will be held at Mt. Zton Reformed Ohuroh, China Grove Sunday. Thu Unity Ttwusbip Sunday Sohool Contention will be held at Unity Presbyterian Church, Fri day, August 20tb. A basket pic ) ic will be held and an interest iug program has been arrauged. Wade Simmons, a Ngro, was caugbt stealing roasting ears from afield on Ed. Divi' farm just west of the city early one morn-i last week. He was given a hear ing in the county court and got tour months for larceny and two months for carrying a concealed weapon. The Confederate veterans of Cabarrua County held their ai nual re union Tuesday, August 10th. : Tri 4 h Co. Cast Artillfry Corps t; o Silislmry military or gni? t n, h'ch has been at Kori Caswell for several weeks for drill practice with big guns aud inspection, returned home Sunday night. The company is cffioered by W. S Blaokmer, captain; W. L. Ross, 1st lieuun ant; T. B. Marsh Jr . seoond lieutenant, and is largely com posed of new men, having been recently reorganized. The boys showed up well aud it is be lieved made high marks for effi ciency. E. Walter Tatum. who ha takeu much interest in the Baraca Philathea movement, was elected national reoretary by the conven tion recently held at Los Angeles, Cal. This makes Mr. Tatum a member of the executive commit tee of the world-wide Baraca- Philathea movement and is quite an honor deservedly imposed James Williams, aged tbout 80, an employee at tbe Salisbury gas plant of the N. C Public Service Company, died at his home on East Kerr Street Tuesday, Au gust 10ih, from the effects of ty phoid fever He oame here from Y, rkville, 8. C. V. Wallaee & Sons, who recent ly purchased the Wooley Gibson stock of clothiue in Caarlotte have decided to continue the bus iness there and have assigned the management of this new link in their ohange of stores to Wheeler Whitlook, an' industrious, enter prising and deserving native of Salisbury. The State Council of the Junior Order United Amerioan Mechan ics met in Charlotte yesterday evening.' 1 Salisbury and Rowan County is well represented there bbiug ovar 2C00 members in the county and atcut 40,000 in tbe State. Ihe response to the ad dress of welcome was made bv Rev. W. B. Duttera of Salisbury. Sunday night after Dr. J. D . Carlton had retired he heard a noise in bis hall and noticed a man pass his door and make his escape down the street. Dr. Carl ton has been keeping house alone during the temporary abecenoe of Mrs. Carlton but had the company of Staimey Carter for the night. After getting his pistol Dr. Carl ton and Mr. Carter quickly follow ed and fired upon the fleeing fug itive but without results. Noth in; was missing from the home. Despite Situation Indicated at Silfeston DiMas. Tx. Ac. 17 Wi re lies rr.pggaBPs from Gatvsston to night gave the nly direct newt from that storm striokeu city . No reports of lots of life oame through, but the desperate situa tion there was indicated vsgnely by a radiogram saying beats werp taking people from buildings oi the main streets to tbe United States transport Baford. The r pical hurricane whiob swept down upon the island city yesterday xtended its devastation inland today aud tonight wire communication was impssib'e beyond Waco, Beaumont, Hon t u, Taylor, Temple and other cities of southeast Texas were thought to have been hard hit, last reports fromtnoee plaots tell ing of unroofed buildings, uproot ed trees and ether damage. Be cause of the lack of wires, railroad traffio was at a standstill to the storm swept discriot. Although latest reports indicat ed that the storm was subsiding in Ga'veston, and that the water bad started to drain slowly from tbe streets, there was no prospect that wire communications might be restored for several days. The Western Union Telegraph Company is preparing to move to one of the Iunes Street rooms in the Grubb building, . probably about October 1st. Rev. M L Canup, now pastor of the Church of Epiphany New York oity, is at home on a visit to his brothers, making headquar ters at the old home plaoe near Sumner He preaohed at St. Paul's Lutheran Church Sunday morning. Mr. Caucp is one of the many young men irom Rowan who are shedding lustre ou the good old county in distant parts. G. W. Snider, a native of Rw-o an who was employed by the Southern Railway at a gravel pit uear Walnut Cove, Guilford Coun ty, was so badly burned and bruised by the explosion of some dynamite aud powder, Monday, August 9 h, that be 'died in a bos pital at Greensboro the following morning. Mr. Suidrs wife, two small ohildren, mother, four brothers and three sisters live at Spenoer aud his remains were brought to Spencer. The funeral took pi toe last Wednesday from Smith Grove Baptist Church, Davidson County. Sta:e Fireman Will Meet Next i Bale 5I1 The Nan': Carolina Firemen' Association which met at New Bern, last week re elected the old ffi:ers and decided to meet in Raleigh next year. In he horse hese wtgon contest Wednesday the winners were: Morehead City firBi and second, Lexington third, Kiuston fourth and Ashevil!e fifth Ou Thursday tbe hand-reel and grab-reel contest to)k place and s u9oal the Speucflrshop team showed the boys something. Chapel Hi'l won first aud second prizes in the hand reel contest and the Spencer shop team won am and second prizes in the grab-reel contest. There was an interesting boat race in tbe aftemcotf which was won by Ed Meadows. The twenty eighth ant ual tour nament of the State Foreman's Association came to a olose Friday with the interstate grab reel races the interstate hose wagon races and the interstate hand reel raoe. The first event of tbe day was the hand reel raoe. In this the East Spenoer team won the first prhz. the'r time being 24 4 5, Chapel Hill took tbe second priz making the run in 25, Conoord came third with 28, the Spencer shop team n xi 83 4-5 . In the grab reel races the Spen oer shop team took the first prize in 16 2-5 seconds, Winston-Salem ooming next with 19 4-5, while Conoord captured the third prize in 20 1-5 seconds, Chapel Hill and East Spencer failed to score. In the afternoon the interstate hose wagon races were held. Statesville won tbe first prizd making tbe run in 29 1 5 seconds, the other records being as follows: KinBtou, No 3, 30; Burlington, 80 15; Caswell, No. 1, of Kins- tou, 30 4-5; Lexington, 818-5; East Spencer, 30 1-5; Henderson, 32 2-5. Morehead City, No. 2, made the run in 29 and was at first awarded first prize, later it was contended they had sorewed the hose on to the hydrant after tbe time for such had elapsed and they were ruled out. Wzeloslo Fori Greet Caiet lb Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. Yon know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. Seimifls Claim Cspfuie of Foits in Tm East. Comparitna Qtiitt in Ibe West. Aug. 17. Eleutheories Veniz !os, who early in the year resign d the-Premiership of ' 3reece be isuse King Const ntiue did no hare his belief that Greece should Tjoin the Entente Powars in the - ar has, attrthe return to power of his party in the chamber of Deputies and resignation of the Cabinet of M Gounaris, been re quested by his monaroh to form a uew Ministry. Venizelos has asked four days in whioh to oonsider his reply. -Vhile it sterns apparent that the King and the former Premier have reached an understanding as to Greece's future politfy, what that policy is has not been made known. Tbe politioal situation, not alone as regards Greece, but in all the other Balkan States, apparent ly remains iu a chaotio state al though there are unofficial reports that the Teutonic Allies are mo bo lizing troops in the South in pre paration for eventualities and (bat the Italian Government has bean adviBed that Roumania, Bul garia and ureeoe are actively carrying on military preparations, Berlin annonnc-s the capture of important forts jost suth of Kovuc, Poland, -and Vienna as serts t b a t Austro-Hungarian troops hav advanced to Dobrynya 13 miles southwest of Brest Litovsk and that the Austrians Archduke Joseph Ferdinand is ad vancing on Jau' w, 20 miles north west of the fortress. The oapture of these two points seemingly would dangerously threaten the fortress, which it has baen assert ed Grand Duke Nicholas purposed to make one of the strong points of his new line t f defense . On the western front and iu the Austrc-Italian theater artillery engagements continue but no great victories are claimed. No fresh news aoncerning the warfare in the Dardanelles region has come through except the an nouncement of the sinking by a German submarine in the Aegean sea with the loss of many lives, of the .British transport Royal Edward. Tbe United States Government has consented to Germany's pro posal that two experts, one Irom each country, fix the value of the Piles Cured iia 6 to4 Days "soff crnrK"'"1: t ' refund jnoaey. if PAZO 'QI?er''i air- cam ".urease of Itching; 1nt -J&Joetl'i.iitti . rtrti'.lbgr Piles in6fol44av. tdfs- ifcw- .ijyive Base uui Rest lJa.- Tho county picuio and field day outing of tl pntnotio eocities fair j"sr!r "ill tafc p:a-.' it tho !; sot . Farms f . 3ala 1. lOOacres oi d f.rmii g land, seven miles from Salisbury. Good dwellings, gocd pasture, well watered, two wells, pleuty )f timber assd red soil. Will sell 4s a whole or in part One third ciash balance ou loner time v0. n " ' father infarmation. cull on am , - address, Wm. H. 8twabt. Salisbury, N. O. Ladies! Save Money and Keep hf . - Style by Reading McCaB' Magazine and Using McCall Patterns cCilftllafashiwlU- help you dress styl ishly at a moderate expense by keeping! you posted on the latest fashions in clothes and bats. 60 New Fashion Designs In each Issue. Also valuable "Information on all home and per sonal matters. Only 60c a year. Including free pattern. Sub scribe today or send for frftA ?'.!lr"Ienble you to make In your wnu your own hands, clothine for jMtoffl& ffinlu 16 Premium Catalogue and Cash Prile O ffli IHE HcCAll COMPANY. 239 it 249 Wt 374 St. NEW TORI MSQUtt iUaiZOS Established 1894 -J warn mwmmmsm 53 The Quinine drives out malaria, the tsp ftnilds up the system. 50 cents American ship William P. Frye ifr Q n !i ivmmm Facultv of 33: 427 SfnrlPTia frrkm Oft fi-f o an " v J tmtj KJbUbo Accredited by Virginia State Board of Educa tion. Hundreds of graduates now teaching. $160 per year in Academic Dept.; $200 per year in College Dept. The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia Where can parents find a College with as fine a record, with as experienced management, at such moderate cost ? For catalogue address G. P. ADAMS, Secretary, BLACKSTONE, VA BUY YOUR GROCERIES At Wholesale Prices From J.FRED WHITE & CO. And Save Monev. The only Cash Store in Salisbury, 25 r s. Sugar, 10 lb. Backet Flaked While Lard, 5 lb. Baoket Flaked White Lard, Loose Lard, per pound, 1 lb. Arbnckle Goffe, I lb. G od Loose Ccffee, 5 lb Baoket Caraja Ctftee, Half Gallon Fruit jars, per dozen, Qoart Friit jars, per dozen, Lemons, per dczen, Beat Grade Rice, We have reduced the pnoei on everything that is kept in store. Money saved in buying is that much money made. One price to all. Respectfully, J. Fred TJhita & Co., GASH STORE NEXT DOOR ABOVE IRIS, 108 N. MAIN SALISBURY, ft. C. $1.60 95o 50o 10c 17o 15o $1.10 75c 55o 15o Bo a greoery The Blfl Dvuncfl Bear a once SaBe otmtDoue The Seasons most awaited Out Prie Clothing sale has created great excitement among the buying public of Salisbury this last week. Why? Because V. Wallace & Sons have gone through their entire stock of fine High Grade Clothing and slashed one-third off. this offer will only last until Saturday, August 21st, after which time the stock will be paaced back at the regular price. Here we list our clothing at the third off price, also a few furnishing Goods at a sacrifice. Manhattan Shirts at REDUCTION One-Third aving on all Boys' Clothing 2.50 , Suit 1.67 4.00 Suits 2 67 5.00 Suits 3 33 6.00 Suits 3.98 Ono Lot of Eine 50c Underwear 33c One Lot of Fine 81.00 Shirts, Choice 69c One Lot ol Fine 25c Ties, 2 for 25c Men's Odd Pants Sold at Manufacturers' COST. Boys' Pants at Cost. 50c Pants 37c SI. 00 Pants 75c 1.50 Pants v Si. 15 2.00 Pants 1.37 SALE ON OXFORDS $6.00 OXFORDS $4.50 5.00 OXFORDS 3.85 4.00 OXFORDS 3.15 3 50 OXFORDS 2.25 STRAW HATS HALF PRICE 11 II BETTER " $30.00 27.50 25.00 22.50 20.00 $10.50 16.50 15.00 12.50 10.00 0.50 CLOTHES. Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits $20.00 18.35 16.65 15.00 13.35 $12.30 11.35 10.00 8.35 6.65 6.35 Palm Beach Genuine Suits $4.38

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