r ' - The Carolina Watchman Wg H. STEWART, Editor and Owner Ft&iahed Every Wednesday, 120 West Innea Street SUBSCRIPTION PRICE t Wttchman, 1 year, . . . $ .75 Record, 1 year, . 75 The Progressiva Farmer, 1 year, 1.00 AH 3 for a year each, only $1.50 Entered aa second-class matter January 19th, 1905, at the post office at Salisbury, N. C, under the actoi Congress of March 3rd, 1879. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 8, '15. How come Salisbury gets only a seven months school term? How come? How come? By all means the Southern Power ComDany should be given an opportunity to bid on the additional lightiug necessary as a consequence of the additional territory acauired by extending the boundaries of the city. And to think that the "statesmanship" of the Mexi can fcreneral Urozco enas in his being shot as a cattle thiet. News and Observer. There are others who might reap similar rewards if jus tice was not so very blind. The schooling of childien is the- most imDortant work the State does for its people and too much attention can not be given to this gieat work. The citizens of Sal is bury are under the impres sion that we have a nine months school term, but in reality we are getting only seven. Where is the trouble? Salisbury is the place, biff, biff. Two black eyes, two days of frolic, two days of nonsensical rot, two days of exaggerated, highly colored (hie) hot air, two days of "boosting," enough and to spare to disgust every sober minded person in this section of the State. Get in your cyclone pits next Tuesday and .Wednesday.. Naturally enough the peo ple are getting sore on the continued increase of taxes. The assessors throughout the State were sent forth this year with instructions to in crease the assessments, the State Tax Commission, an institution not asked for nor authorized by the people, has notified the county commision ers in about ninety counties to increase the valuation and thus give the State more tax money to keep up a swarm of unnecessary officials and ex- pns3s. The Watchman has got to wondering where the people come in and has about decided they dou't come in. Better elect men td the next legislature who will serve the people. , The recent and steenth failure of the Gold Hill mine is just what every intelligent person in this section expected; Of course no one needed to loese anything in this scheme of brazen graft that desired to avoid a loss by making ordiuary examinations into its af fairs before making an investment It is not likely there have been any big losses connected with this matter, unles by creditors. The thing was not intended to be more than a stook jobbing affair and would have died in the homing if the proper publicity had been giv en it. But if Walter George lives we suppose the thing will be all done over again in a few years and the oroD of suckers will be as great as ever. Report of Salisbury Public Library for Ad gust 1915. No. of books issued 1533. No. of books issued out of town 91. No. of books donated 18. No. of books bought 36. No. of borrowers 1012. The-" following newspapers and periodicals are recrived and will be found in the reading room: Salisbury Evening Post, Spencer Crescent, Carolina Watchman The Menace, The Christian Science Senti nel, University News' Letter, The Lutheran, The Living Church, National Geographi cal Magazine and the Liter ary Digest, Mbs. M. O. Linton. Tha Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head nanwtf it tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- ftVK o&UMU uuir'iirvxi lts ucucr man orumaty I and aoc not uiu.c botuuibcu bui ia head. Kememuer tne ran name a no Quinuu sbsiV i tat ssnure m a " vaw Drops Roll of $1,300 Whils Begging Ains. Travelers euteriug the Pm i - aylvauia Railroad station yester day afternoon were attracted bv the tight of a forloru woman ii black, apparently seventy year? d, who wen from group c group importuuing tneni o pa hr way to Pittsburg, whro, sb said, a eon had been hurt in nm of -he mills and her husband wai dying. j ! due wai taken to Station tnastei Egan, who moved by hr tears, her story and her evident hunger. sent for coffee aud sandwiches foi her. He was trying to devise s plan to send ber to her loved ones when a handbag she had carried hidden in the folds of her dress fell to the floor, scattering bills oi all' denominations. Egan's as sistants helped gather up the money and fonnd it totaled $1, 300. The woman seised it, count ed it and then asserted it was $5 short. A reoennt assured her that nothing was missing. When Egan asked her why she had told a Btory of want, she told him it was none of his business, stamped oat of the offiee and die appeared. New York World. Health and Happiness Depends Upon Your Liver. That sluggish liver wiih its sing ieh flow of bile is whit makes she wi rid look b dark at times, Dr 'King's New Life Pill go stiaigbt to the root t f the d ffioul ty by waking up the action ol the 'iver and increasing the bile. Dr. King's New Lif9 Pills cause he bowels to act more freely and lnve away those ''moody dys." 25c. a b. ttle. - - - a - - FINANCIAL REPORT of Board of Education. Rowan County from July 1, 1914 10 Jane 80, 1915, Private donations not j:aid tc jreaf urer : r build d.b $1 888.84 Fjr, increasing school term 8(39,00 Social school tax, Spen cer 2 600.CC -jp-cil school tax East epeucer l.QO'l.OO Total $6 857.84 RECEIPTS AND 80URCK I Ba'auce June 30, 1914, brought forward $940.29 11 General County fands foi yta: Q"i erai property tax (20 ) $3i,S86,29 'ieueral State and Coun ty Pol! Tax Fine, forfeitures and penalties D g Tax Insuranoe public school 7,455.00 6,778.35 2,110.00 bouse Col. East Spen cer tfarritge license St ve Borrcw id money, Peoples' 300,00 55'l.Q0 7.50 hank 4,8.00.00 Total C)uhty fauds for year t54.337.84 ill Fa; ds from State: Special appropriation $250,000 4.084.05 St'tte equalizing school fund 9.172.21 Loan fund, Farm Life " School . 2.500 CO Public high schools. State J, COO 00 Libraries 85 00 Rowau Farn Life School 2,500.00 Total funds from State $19,841 26 IV L cal raxes: Rural, speoial local tax $4,220 76 City, special local tax. , 8.859 18 Tctal local taxs $13,u85 94 V Rowan Farm Life School i Appropriation, County $2,500 00 VI Private donations: For Libraries 95 00 Total funds from all sources $90,800 88 EXPENDITURES I Administration or gen eral expense $2,7:6 98 Buildings, repairs, sites 2,828 1 Farniture, desks, etc. 272.85 Borrowed money, repaid - Peoples' bank 5,000.00 Public high school fundi, paid principals 2,315.00 Paid teachers 853 75 Fuel 28.98 Totsl $14,019 12 II Rowan Farm Life Sohool $4 780.25 III Expenses white schools: Paid white teachers 134.866 28 Houses, repairs aud sites 782.26 Fnrniturer blackboards, desks, etc. 424 40 1,856.04 Fuel and janitor Supplies, stoves, brooms aud buoketB Libraries 91.81 195 00 37900 Iusurancs and rent Installment on loan fund 1,484 10 Paid to Salisbury put lie schools 28 424 23 Total $02,952 62 IV Expense colored sobools: Paid colored teachers , 6,695-57 Houses, repairs and sites 1,022.52 Furniture, blackboards, desks, etc. Fuel and janitor Supplies, stoves, brooms, etc. Insuranoe and rent 68 40 229 54 8.90 15 74 Total , $8,085 77 Total expenses $89,787.76 Balance on hand June 80. 19A5 $512 57 R. G. Kizeb, secretary County Board of Education m Popular ticirsiM to Ml am a. 6a. Wednesday, S ptember 22ud, iy 10, via oontheru itnlway spe cial tratu irom Charlotte. Speoial train consisting cf Standard Pullman Bleeping ouB aud first class day coaches win leave Charlotte at 11:00 p. ui Wednesday, September 22ud, ur riviug Atlanta 7:35 a. m. Ihnrs day, September 23rd. Passengers from all points uorth and west of Charlotte wtl use regular trains into Chstlotte Following low rouud trip lar will apply from stations tamd : Charlotte $4 00, U ckory 5. 0, Newton $4 90, T'mniasville $4,76, Winston-tialem $5 00, Statesviile $4.70, Mooresville $4.85, Asheboro $5 25, Reid&v lie $5.00, Rufher foruton $5 00. Gastouia $3 70, Salisbury $4 0 High Pciut $4 85 Albemarle $4 95. Lexington $4 60 Greensboro $5 00, Moksville $470, Barber $455, Norwood $5.00. Shelby $4 00, Blacksburg $3 50, Concord $4 35. Fares from all other points on same basis Returring tickets will be good on all regular trains except trail 88 leaving Atlanta up to aud in eluding Saturday, September 25th. Great opportunity to visit the Gat City at small cost, stn th- many attractions for which At- anta is notd, many parks Thea tres, ba e ball, rJederal Prison, Fort McPhsrson, ete. Pullman reservations must be made in advance. For reservations or othr infer mation see any agent outnarn Railwav, or write. R. H. DeBdtts, D. P A , Charlotte, N. C. Coach Excursion to Weshington, D. C. luesday, September 2 st. Southern Railway has arranged to operate low fare per capita ex oursiou trom hansburv, Ureem- boro, Reideville and iutermedihi.tr points to Washiugtc u, D 0., ruesday, September- 21st, arriv ing Washington Wedneiday morn ing, 22ud. Returning (beat tickets will be honored cn any regular train including day coach- sb up to and including train zv leaving, Washington at 4:30 p. m Friday, September 24th Following fares a ill apply frrm stations uamtd : Salisbury $5 00 Ugh Point $5 09, Reidsvilie $4 50. Hickon $5.50, Wilkeeboro $5 50. Albe marle $5 CO, Lnxinfctnii $5.00 Greensboro $5.00. ronton $5 50, Btattsville $5 50, Wi eton- Salem $5.00 Mount Airy $5.50. All intermediate points on same I as is. Under this arrangement paisun- gers can, u desired, nave tbno whole days and two nights in Washington, allowing amp'e time it make side trips to Baltimore, Philadelphia and other points. This is the last excursion of the season to Washington. The Southern serves the South. For farther information sen neatest agent rr write, R. H. DbButts, D P A . Charlotte, N. C. Pmina-Pacific Expositions, San Francisco : and Sin Diego, California. Very low round trip fares. Dates of sale March 1st to Nov ember 80th, 1915. Final return limit three mouths from date of sale, except that these tickets will not be good to return Jater than December 31st, 1915. Low round trip fares from principal points as follows: Pharlotto!84 15. Salisbury $84.15, High Point $8415, Greensboro $8416 Mount Airy $86 25. Gs tonia $88 15, North Wilksboro $87.5 Statesviile $84.15 Hiokory $83.25, Morgantou $82 20, Wius ston Salem $84.15. Shelby $82.60. Fares from other points on same basis Fares to Seattle or vn Portland and Seattle at higher rate. These tickets will permit of diverse routine and will allow step-over on both going and re turn trip within limit of ticket. Southern Railway offers choice of several routeB of historic inter est from wtch to select; goiug oneway and returning another. Through connection and good aervio via Memphis, St , Louis, Obioago or New Orleans Throuah cais dailv via New Orleans and Sunsnt Route. Spe cial car parties now being arrang ed, affording opportunity to make fip without change with select company on otrtgoit g trip; re turning at leisure via and route ycu may choose, stopping oft at your own pleasure, thereby avoid ing all the discomforts of going and returning with large tour par ties, being compelled to follow the crowd. In going individually or with special Pullman oar parties yen ppend your own money, stop where y u please and go aud come ur.iB i mil SCARCELY WALK And For Three Summers Mrs. Vin cent Was Unable to Attend to Any of Her Housework. Pleasant Hill, N. C "I suffered for three summers," writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, "and the third and last time, was my worst. I had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. I also had dreadful pains In my back and sides and when one of those weak, sinking spells would come on me, I would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of health, when I finally decided to try C&rdui. the woman's tonic, and I firmly THE T.AST f!AT.I. fnr this 8ILASTP 8 0 The r)al bargains and best values are now to be found here. aVSk -w r . . t we urge you aot to delay in coming tc the last call of this sale. There are bargains upon bargaius to be gotten here. Those who have been fortunate to attend our sale at the beginning will frankly admit thet there was never known in the history of merchandising such a real slaughter of prices. We heartily extend tu yoa a m'-st cordial welcome to our store. Come in and make yourself at home and share a portion of the bargains at The Last Gall of This Big Sale. Dear Friends and Ptrons. W" have hundreds aud hnndrnds of (food bargains to be found in onr or dnrin? VhtvJtlST CALL SALE. Come to this SALE NOW GOING ON and SAVE MONEY. LOOK FOR THE SIGN, LAST CALL Yours to Please JoMoMIIIILlLIBIB Next Doop to the Iris Theatre Corns and Bring Your Friends Along V Established 1894 Faculty of 33; 427 Students, from 20 States. Accredited by Virginia State Board of Educa tion. Hundreds of graduates now teaching. $160 per year in Academic Dept.; $200 per year in College Dept. The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia Where can parents find a College with as fine a record, with as experienced management, at such moderate cost? For catalogue address G. P. ADAMS, Secretary, JJIiACKSTONE, VA, JOHN R. BROWN, OPTOMKTEIST. - Fitting Glasses a Specialty Relief or no Pay, Examination Without Drug? or Drops China Grovb. N. O. b2-l No. 666 Thii it prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any cae, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c Wanted. To rent a one-horse farm. Will furnish stock and imple ments. Address, T L. Overcast, route 2, Cleveland, N. C. FOf Sale. One two passenger auto mobile, first class oonditior. Would trade for hone snd buggj Phone 665-L, Salisbury. 7-28 2t Do You Want a New Stomach? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N.C to suit your owu convenience and I save money paid tourist agents for escorting yu arouiid. For further information apply to Southern Rsilwav agents, or R H. DkButts, division passenger agent, Charlotte, N. C, believe 1 would have died if I hadn't taken it. Aften began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. I fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, I felt like an other person altogether." Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle- acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what it has j done for them. Try Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Ad visory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In Btnictions on your case and 64-page book. "Homo Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper. J-6S (DAILIL O-PITAT ClTCl A MTTfl ITTDB' G A I C Sale ol YaUle Real Estate. I Pursuant to the powera contained i" ' a certain Mortgage Deed of Trust, ex ecuted by John J. McUall aud wile, Alice C MeCall, to John L Rendle njan. Trustee, on the 22nd of Septem ber, 1912, ai d recoidtd in Book 48. pege 37, of Ki win County record ol Mortgages, default having been made iu the payment of tho indebtedness), which such mortgage was given to secure , and the holders of said indebt edness having demanded the fore cloa'ire of said mortgage, the under signed Tiustee will-sell to the highest bidder for c ash at she court house door in Salisbury, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, Septpmber 25sh, 1915 the following deaciibed prop rty, lying about two miles southeast of Salis bury, N. 'J . and one-fourth cf a m le west of the Bringle's Ferry road and being the west end of the nine and cue half acre tract ofJand bought by Mrs. Wade of M. V. Conner. Beginning at a dog wood and iron stakb -'Wade's old co ner," thence north 2 deg east 8.65 chains to a stake ; thence so ah 38 deg. east X 5 chain? .to a stake ; thence south 1 deg. wr sr. 6 65 chains to a stake ; thence we?t 38 deg. 1 5 chains to the beginning corner, con taining one acre, more 'or less. For back title see Book of Deeds No. 13t. page 3, in the office of the Register of Deeds pr Rowan County, for which Book references is hereby made. This the 17th day of August, 1915. John L. Rbndlkman, trustee. For Sale Several pair of good mules Goodrmn Lu&ber C . RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, -Tetter, Ring-Worm,-Ec-sema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used intern ally or externally. 25c, f ChErO'Cola) SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE. A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand. FOOT REST HOSIERY, whether it's appearance you wautiu hosiery or wtieather it wear yoa will get it if you get "Foot Rest " And this too is au euduce inenttomostof us. You'll SAVE MONEY. NEW SECURITY FRUIT J.RS, fresh lot just re ceived. Piuts, Quarts, aud half -gal Ions. Spring and Summer goods, light weight binder wear for men and womau, also Dress (roods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, teed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. - Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. . Very truly, W. W. .TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. ft fff1k f0I s Is t sHti r FF3 k r arms f If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If youhave a Fdrm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY RE ALT Y t And Insurance Company. j The rJachovia Bank & Trust Co. Is the,Strong8t Bauk in North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL, LARGEST ASSETS. This gives Safety and Protection to bur Depositors A percent, piid on Saving deposits. You can open an account with one dollar aud upwards. BUY YOUR GROCERIES At Wholesale Prices From J.FRED WHITE & CO. And Save Monev. The only Cash Store in Salisbury. 25 lbs. Sugar, $1.60 10 lb. Backet Flaked White Lard, 95o 5 lb. Backet Flaked White Lard, 50o Loose Lard, per pound, lOo 1 lb. Arbnckle Coflfe, 17c 1 lb. Good Loobb Ccffe, 15c 5 lb Bucket Caraja Oofiee, $1.10 Half Gallon Fruit j rs, per dozen, 75c Qnart Friit jars, per dozen, 55c Lemons, per dozen, , 15c Beat Grade Rice, 8c We have reduced the prices on everything that is kept in a grocery 9tore. Money saved in baying is that much money made. One price to all. Respeotfnlly, J. Fred ITJhita & Co., CASH STORE NEXT DOOR ABOVE IRIS, 108 N. MAIN SALISBURY, N. C. Tradw with C.P.SHUPING THE GROCER, He carries a full line of High Grade Groceries at very low prices. Kuys all kinds of Produce, Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, aud vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkins Medicine Co. 'Fhone 57. 119 VV. Inniss St. C.P.SIIUPIMG MR. FARMER: We have and will keep on hand a full line of all kinds of Clovers and grass seed. We are selling agents for the American Cream Separa tor Farmers' Seed House, 105 East Fisher Street, 7 2l.f Salisbury, N. C. Farms fo4 Sale 1 100 t.crfes of good farming land, seven miles from Salisbury. Good dwellings, gocd pasture, well watered, (wo wells, plenty of timber and red soil. Will sell as a whole or in part. Oue third 3Bsh balaoce on long tim'. Far futher infarmation, call on are address, Wm. II. 8twabt. tiAUABUBY, H. G. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. jr. n '1 Yor sa 71 Peoples' National Bank Does General Banking Business WE PAY FQURJPERiCENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 3 months Prompt attenion given to any busi ness entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples National Bank John 8. Henderson J. D. Norwood, president. cashier. I). L. Gaakill, W. T. Busby, V-e 'irjnt At. ahfF For Surveying. If arms and City Property, Plots, Deeds. Maps, etc, write A. Trexler- R. F. I). No. 6, SALISBURY, N. C, 'Phone: Liberty. TflE NORTH CAROLINA College ol Agriculture anfl Mechanic Arts Young men seeking to tqutp themselves for practical lift) ia Agriculture and all its allied branohes; iii Civil, EUctncal and Mechanical Engineering; in Ohemin-y snd Dyeing; in Textile Industry, uuri m Agricultural Teaching will fi id excellHnt pro vision for thwr ch phd careers at the State's ludmtnal Col leg. This College fit mou tor lifp. Faoulty for tbd coming year of 65 men ; 767 students ; 25 buildings. Admirably equipped laboratories in each department . County ex aminations at each ocunty-seat on July 8th ' For oatalogue, write K. B OWEN, Registrar, tVCOlOtpd. West Raleigh, NO, taatvsw